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I've never really been able to see why people make such

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I've never really been able to see why people make such a huge fuss over certain JRPG's and hate on others so harshly. To me most of them don't even seem that different, honestly.

Like take FF6 against FF9. People regularly praise FF6, but hate on FF9... but they both seem pretty equal to me. The gameplay is very similar all considering, the characters are about the same level of depth and writing quality, the story as well, etc.

Very, very few JRPG's tend to stand out to me in any substantial way. I honestly can't see a single thing about one that makes it so "amazing" while others are so "terrible".

About the only except to this is FF7 ironically, which I still think is fine but I really see NOTHING special about it even compared to others, and found it kind of boring. Heard it was incomplete, too, but wouldn't know much about that.

I might just have shit taste, but I just don't really get why people get so passionate over these things. They're all pretty much the same, really, when you get right down to it.

...or am I just missing something monumental?
Eh it's like saying you don't get why some platformers get praised while others are hated. Yes the concepts of the games are similar but they haves differences.
If you don't get that with jrpg's then they're probably just not for you and that's ok. There are plenty more games/genres luckily
I guess, but like... I'm genuinely interested in hearing what about them makes people THAT passionate.

What about things like FF2, FF9, FF13, BoF5, Chrono Cross, etc is SO terrible? When I've played them they were pretty enjoyable and were easily on par with praised games like FF6, FF7, Chrono Trigger, BoF3, etc.
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>"whaaat, is up, with JRPGs?"

don't you ever get tired of making these threads?
Never have before.
Well I'm not gonna review all those games because I've not played em all but FFIX is a great game imo.
This thread is now going to be anons shitflinging opinions to eachother
>>4163162 (OP)
>People regularly praise FF6, but hate on FF9
Those are my two favorite entries of the series.
>People regularly praise FF6 but hate on FF9
Disclaimer, FF9 is one of my favorite games ever. I've always thought that it was generally under appreciated, and it does have some people who really hate it and won't even give it a chance because of the art style or whatever, but the game also has a lot of fans, and I think opinion of it has been generally increasing over the years.

>The gameplay is very similar all considering
Well, one of the most notable differences is that FF9 is more linear and gives you less control over who's in your party. FF9 has no equivalent to FF6's World of Ruin where you can just go wherever you want and do things in any order.

>the characters are about the same level of depth and writing quality, the story as well, etc.
As an FF9 fan, I disagree, but whatever.

>Very, very few JRPG's tend to stand out to me in any substantial way. I honestly can't see a single thing about one that makes it so "amazing" while others are so "terrible".
idk, what makes ANY game good or bad? Take your favorite game ever, and take a really bad game in the same genre, and ask yourself what makes them different. It's the same sort of thing with JRPGs. Honestly I'm kind of surprised that you could ask this question. Anyone who's played a lot of games knows how much relatively small and subtle differences can impact the final product.

>About the only except to this is FF7 ironically, which I still think is fine but I really see NOTHING special about it even compared to others, and found it kind of boring.
No argument from me there. I think FF7 is very overrated.

>I might just have shit taste, but I just don't really get why people get so passionate over these things.
Like I said, think of a game or a genre that you really like.
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Games you played as a kid leave a lasting impression. It's called an "impressionable age", after all.

Then again, JRPG target audience used to be kids/teens. It's no wonder you can't make them stand out for yourself as an adult.
90% of all games used to be targeted towards teens and kids.
But hey, you got to be belittling and that's what matters right
Ok, leaving the other games aside, have you ever even PLAYED FF13? It's obviously an extremely mediocre game. The maps have no variety and you have almost no choice in what to do or where to go, you just walk forward for 40 hours. For all the shit people give the game about "omg story is confusing omg so many special words" the story is actually almost nonexistent, even something as old as FF4 has more and more interesting plot twists. For the first 3/4ths of the game you have no choice in how your characters develop their stats/abilities, the "Crystarium" where you power up your characters is just a straight line, almost as if to mock you. Thanks to the "Auto-battle" command and the fact that your party is fully healed after every battle, most battles are nothing more than you mindlessly mashing the X button while you wait for them to finish, with no sense of risk or investment whatsoever. I will admit that the high point of the game was some of the later boss battles, where you had to quickly change paradigms in response to their attacks, but even then I felt like I was playing something more like a rhythm game than a JRPG. All of this in the name of developing a "story-focused" game, but they couldn't even write a halfway decent story to focus on. FFX is an example of how to do a linear, story-heavy JRPG very well, FFXIII is an example of how to do one very poorly.

If you can't see any differences between FFXIII and other JRPGs then you must have brain damage.
>For all the shit people give the game about "omg story is confusing omg so many special words"
Do people really throw that criticism towards XIII? The only FF game that fits that bill is the horrible shitfest that is Type-0 but everyone seems to ignore that game.
I don't know what you're saying, FF9 and FF6 are the most well loved games by non die-hard fans of the series. FF13 was just a bad game and not a bad JRPG or FF game.
When you play a series like FF, you have to checkout the following:
-Combat mechanics

There are many differences from these points of view. Compare the characters in III with the ones in VI, or the plo in II with V. If you spent many hours playing the game (which is common for jrpgs) you will begin to realize these differences, and contrast them. The rest is circlejercking.
So, you're implying that "die hard" FF fans prefer something other than 6 and 9?
Yes, it's almost all people wanted to talk about when the game first came out, they wouldn't shut up about it. I couldn't believe how retarded everyone was being.
>What about things like FF2, FF9, FF13, BoF5, Chrono Cross

I'll take a crack at this.

FF2 is sometimes considered the blacksheep of FF series due to its leveling system being a departure from the typical jrpg formula.

FF9 gets some hate because it was presented as a return to classic FF after FF7 and FF8, however I suspect that because they didn't return to the pixilated art style of the first six games, some people took issue with it.

FF13 gets hate because the first game is very linear, not just in terms of story, but also the maps. The second game turned the maps into a convoluted mess due to player backlash over the first game, and by the third game I think most people were just disgusted. It also didn't help, that someone involved with the game said in an interview, something to the effect of, that this was the story they wanted to tell and the players be damned.

BoF 5 was a departure from the what players had seen in previous titles in the series. Also the saving system was one thing that got a lot of complaints.

Chrono Cross got hate because fans of Chrono Trigger had been clamoring for a squeal for years (still are actually). Chrono Cross is often said to be the spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger. The problem is it's based on a side project called Radical Dreamers, with was supposedly based in the Chrono Trigger universe. The problem with that is, it actually had very little to do with Chrono Trigger. Square has been adamant for a long time that this is the squeal to Chrono Trigger, and a lot of fans are not satisfied with that answer.
It's a good thing when someone says "this is MY project fuck you if you don't like it". Focus groups and fan feedback just leads to a wreck. Better to let an idea stand on it's own 2 feet both good or bad.
>It's a good thing when someone says "this is MY project fuck you if you don't like it"

I agree, I'm merely pointing out why FF13 may have gotten hate from some of the fan base, theses are the complaints I hear the most.
Anyone can enjoy good gameplay - adults can have fun playing a good mario game or doom or whatever.
It takes a kid's mind to enjoy a story aimed at kids, though. Try playing a P&P DM'd by a 11 year old.

Many of my friends who hasn't played a lot of the Final Fantasy games also prefer FFIX. I've just played through it once, but it really didn't make an impression on me. But then again I'd played FFIV to FFVIII multiple times before I played it, and also a lot of the other jRPGs. Now I can hardly play jRPGs, they're too stale for me.
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OP you're onto something. Most jRPGs are mechanically interchangeable. But why do you and so many other people ignore the MONUMENTAL truth? That people like the fantasy, the emotions, the atmosphere, the dreams and the adventure? RPG players really like to live a fantasy, a fairy tale with magical beasts, ancient technologies, heroic quests and even romance. Does no one want to say it because it's "faggy"? Bullshit. Fags have no discernible emotions other than madness. This is reality. People trudge through shit gameplay in RPGs for the fantasy.

Rather than being excited for how many coins they can gather or how high their score gets, RPG fans want to experience an incredible adventure that would otherwise be impossible in real life.
>good game
Opinion disregarded
I made that mistake with Planescape:Torment. An absolute shithouse game in regards to gameplay and combat. The story was just overtly verbose garbage, like the writer was stuck way to far up his own ass.
That's why jRPGs are superior. Their fantasy is powerful and their bland gameplay doesn't get in the way of that. If only they weren't formulaic cash grabs nowadays.

Babbies who never read a book will forever sing the praises of P:T even though its fantasy gets tiring after 2 hours. I guess at least it shows you CAN pull off a deeper story in a game, if you have/are a passable writer. It still doesn't change that RPG players as a whole want a stark adventure, which is what makes reprehensible games like Skyrim objectively better. Just because they're more immediate in satisfying the players' needs.

Dude what are you even on about?
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All JRPGs are similar, why are people passionate about them?

People are passionate about them because they don't care for the gameplay as much as the "fantasy story" they get out of it.

"Planescape:Torment has shit gameplay and story"

You and mainstream having that opinion explains why people are passionate abour JRPGs and games like Skyrim. Because these games are MUCH more immediate in conveying a "sense of adventure" and "fantasy story" to the player, which is what RPG players want. No one plays RPGs for the gameplay, but everyone wants the gameplay to NOT get in the way of the nice fantasy story they're trying to get out of the game.

Hence JRPGs and pathetic games like Skyrim are superior to something more elaborate like P:T. By no means the story is actually bad, it's just much harder for a token player to enjoy something more elaborate than something simpler and more immediate.
Yeah I never understood why FF6 is constantly dickridden even by hardcore RPG elitists while everything after is treated like an irredeemable pile of shit. From my experience 9 had a much better story and cast, and while the battle system was slow at least it wasn't broken as shit.
PS:T's gameplay is bland and boring, not shit - it's also very easy to avoid having to deal with much of it. Now Arcanum, THAT'S a game that deserves to have its combat called shit. It was so fucking bad it ruined the game for me.
>9 had a much better story and cast
Thank you.
I certainly don't dislike 6, I just think 9 is way better. 9 was also the first real JRPG I played though, so I'm very biased.
>I never understood why FF6 is constantly dickridden
Because it was fashionable to do so after the release of FF7, to show you had street cred and didn't start playing FF with FF7.
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wow, its like people like different things

>FF6, but hate on FF9... but they both seem pretty equal to me
I highly doubt you really payed attention to either games if you actually think they're very similar in terms of story writing. Based on your posts, I don't think you even know how to construct coherent opinions and their reasoning on games you play.

I don't even consider older FF games to be that great, but these autistic "i just dun get it" threads, when you don't actually enjoy JRPGs in general, might as well be bait threads. But keep shitposting buddy.
>gif of BoFIV
My absolute favorite, Ursula was THE powerhouse of the game for me whenever Ryu wasn't a dragon, and I love that the game made me realize the depths to which I can hate someone. I hope so hard that IV is the prequel and Yuna gets fucked to death after making Myria.
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