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Sup, boys. Im from Ukraine Cлaвa Укpaїнi! and I apologize

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Sup, boys. Im from Ukraine Cлaвa Укpaїнi! and I apologize for my English.

I want to make (next lazy vaporware) a single-player oldschool shooter where the plot appears in 1998 year. Idea: stylize the game for the games of that year Unreal, HL and Q2. About engines: Q2 immediately disappeared - the game is planned for large open spaces, but idTech2 is not friendly with them. The choice remained between the UE and the Goldsrc. Or maybe finding a modern platform (Unity?) and worsening picture.

In short:
1. What advise to choose? Previously I worked a bit in the old game editors, in 3DMax work well.
2. Where can find more information about "next-gen technology'98"? I need a competent list of innovations, technologies and so on.
I'm not sure why you'd want to pick UE or Goldsource over one of the limit increasing ports for id tech 2. Something like Arcane Dimensions is impossible in goldsource.
apology for poor english

when were you when heat legend dies

i was sat at home drinking brain fluid when fred ring

'heat is die'


and you??????????
Also Quake 1 and 2 support trenchbroom.
>Arcane Dimensions
I never heard of it. tnx

In game is scheduled a transport.
Might as well just use Source with lower resolution textures and models. It works pretty much identical to idtech.
He will definitely won't want to use Source. Steampipe update means he'll spend more time looking for workarounds and fixes for the SDK than actually working on his game because Valve doesn't give a fuck about its fans or modders. The mapping tools for id tech are far more modern and intuitive and the engine is open source so he can do whatever he wants.
definitely not*
Just use Unity / UE4 you double hohol
Chasm The RIft was great. Shooting off body parts of a mummy.
Source 2 is suppose to come out soon though, and already the tools are available for public use. Though I will say it's still just an evolution of Hammer and suffers from many of the flaws.
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This guy >>4014114 is rights. In addition, the Source gives a completely different picture, which I would like to receive.

>Double hohol
Lolwhat? I'm here alone.

Yeeees! One of the best Ukrainian games if not the best. The first shooter with a shooting off body parts. By the way, at the moment I'm helping to create a modern port, like Eduke32. If interested, google PanzerChasm.

I read about Hammer and tend to it. I will be easier with a platform where for a long time everything is known and many examples. I do not want my game to turn into HL3.

Thanks for answers.
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It's a vintage meme.
I dont know. tnx
Don't use Unity, unless you want to have random performance problems (like any other indie Unity game) - if you don't have source access, which is expensive you won't be able to fix it.
I'd suggest you look into freeware alternatives like:

OpenSceneGraph and Ogre - staples of indie-dev, loads of documenttion and tutorials.

OpenMW - a GPL version of Morrowind Engine (GPL means you can sell stuff you make on it, if you keep engine changes open)

DarkPlaces - a GPL version of Quake 1 engine with crapton of bells and whistles.

GZDoom 3.0.1 went GPL and you can do amazing things with it (look/ask around on /vr/doom/ thread)

UnrealEngine 3 ad 4 are very scaleable and the game's look and feel can be downgraded in however you want. IIRC they are free to use in some cases. Projects made with these may be the best if you plan on building a resume.

Arcane Dimensions is a map pack for Quake that features a pretty complex architecture. Quake engine itself is not GPL, but DarkPlaces can do all the same stuff (and uses same format) and is GPL.
Incidentally, I too was thinking about making a game that would allude to 80's-90's games and pop culture, but based on modern Doom modding with GZDoom engine in mind. Began learning how to make maps for it and all that. Still would need to find an artist to make sprites and textures since I can't draw at all.
Where can I follow this project, OP? Not much technical help here, but you've got me interested.
Thank you, bro. I owe you. Gorgeously explained everything. I want the game to look and play like a 90s shooters. Where else would you get a good list of game features? Quake engine is a very good option, but I'm confused by only one thing - the game to look like a next-gen of the late 90's. The presence of HD textures and dinamic lighting is unnecessary. I need an engine with multiplayer support and open spaces, not too stupid AI and the possibility of transport in some places (you can use the illusion of a motionless movement, but I think that it will not work out well everywhere).
About ogre - I work with it, but a long time ago. I had some problems with setting it up.

While nowhere. I just started the development and I want to understand all the possibilities not to waste time if I have to rework everything in the middle (because I'm lazy). But I promise that I will not disappear and will unsubscribe here about the status of the project and consult with the anons.
Anon, I want new games to succeed so please focus in interesting level design and few and cool to use weapons that are actually useful for different situations, this is where lots of games fail as they tend to focus in shitty gimmicks instead the things which makes a game good. Also don't use unity
No Unity, I already understand. Yes, I want to concentrate on the gameplay and weapons, so that opponents would be interested in killing. Examples are Duke Nukem, Unreal, Q2, HL1, Sin and GoldenEye.
Su. Kudos for Chasm, fun one that was. I played its deathmatch with some anon about five years ago.
Mнe в июлe к вaм eхaть, чёт вce пишyт, чтo кaк paз c июля вaши coбиpaютcя движeниe пaccaжиpcких пoeздoв зaкpыть к хyям. Кaк eщё из Mcк в Киeв пoпacть и кaкi пiдвoднi кaмнi? Пpиглaшeниe ecть, зaгpaн ecть, в Кpымy и Дoнeцкe нe был c тpинaдцaтoгo гoдa.
>next-gen technology'98
Watch the Duke Nukem Forever demo from 1998. It was built with idTech 2 but featured more realistic environments than Q2 and a lot of outdoor areas. Йo
Chasm has a source port? What?





BHEЗAПHO, лoл. Haм вce гpoзятcя ввecти визoвый peжим c PФ, нo нe знaю нaкoлькo этo peaльнo. Дpyг eздил из ДC в yкpo-ДC бyквaльнo мecяц нaзaд. Hикaких пpoблeм нe былo, нo oн в paбoчeй кoмaндиpoвкe был. ХЗ кaкиe тaм oтличия.

TNX, its good video. I try to be guided precisely by such projects.

Yep, deathmatch is working. Last version: https://github.com/Panzerschrek/Chasm-Reverse/releases/
DarkPlaces is not really a Quake engine, but a Quake-compatible one. There were a few projects made on it. It is pretty scaleable as well, so you can have it look as modern/retro as you like (and lock the options out from players since code is open).

Unlike vanilla Quake, DP can do vast open spaces just fine, and vehicles are possible and were already done (Quake Rally)

Also colored and dynamic lighting were already done in '96 Descent, and were old news by '98s Unreal (which also featured dynamic textures and complex particle effects) and Quake 2.

IF you plan on making actual oldschol shooter - consider replaying Doom, Quake and Unreal. It is a common misconception that they operated on encounter-to-encounter basis which is not true, and lead to Doom '16 becoming mostly arena shooter. That is a Painkiller-like fad and is not old-school.

Oldshcool FPS level is much more like a Metroid map - at the start you have access to limited area, but as you complete objectives more and more areas get open to you, you get shortcuts between areas and all that stuff. At the end whole level is awailable to you to roam. This is how oldshcool level should be.
Oh and DarkPlaces also has its own netcode based on Quakeworld.
Дa y мeня тoжe copт oф paбoчaя, нa кoнфepeнцию жe eдy.

Only deathmatch? I want to try and build it on QT Creator in Ubuntu this evening.
>Unlike vanilla Quake, DP can do vast open spaces just fine
How did they achieve that? Does it use the same BSP algorithm as old school Quake?
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It uses same BSP, but has completely rewriten renderer.

Also I think even older limit removing ports like FitzQuake could handle open spaces just fine (again, look at Quake Rally - many of the maps are quite huge)
Also you can go to it's moddb page www.moddb.com/engines/darkplaces-engine/games

Some of the stuff people put up there looks pretty vast open to me. Also good showcase of what engine is capable of.
I'm following closely how old shooters are made. Now I'm playing in Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior. The hub-system is not always convenient, but I understand what you mean.

Not only, plot is passing.
FUCKING YES! I am tired of playing it in Dosbox.
Импpyв ёp инглиш, фeллoy cлaв, ты бyдтo чepeз гyглoпepeвoдчик пишeшь.
Im not talking about hubs (several connected levels), but structure of the level itself.
Anyway. I wish you luck with whatever you're making.

Use virtual machines (like VirtualBox) for much better performance in retro-stuff to cumbersome for Dosbox to handle.
>virtual machines
What'll you recommend? I tried to build PCem but failed at getting it to work.
VMWare Player. IIRC it has proper support for Windows 9x, unlike VirtualBox. It's freeware.
As I know, QuakeRally is realized by reducing all models (auto size up to the DoomGuy knee).

Why do you need DosBox? the link above - download and play.
Я знaю. Для мeня pyccкий втopoй язык, нe тo чтo aнглийcкий. A в шкoлe вooбщe yчил тypeцкий... Taк чтo нe cпpaшивaй.
Tы из ceмьи диплoмaтoв, чтo ли?
Интepecнaя y тeбя иcтopия, нaвepнoe.

I don't need Dosbox for the port, just for the original. I cannot, however, use Windows exectables cause i am an ubuntufag.
>I cannot, however, use Windows exectables cause i am an ubuntufag.
Wine baby
I alredy FB Alpha the shit out of Metal Slug X through Wine cause it stopped to work with MAME after update. But why doing that when source is avaliable and i can try compiling it for my system? It'll be more fun that way.
>it's another "people mistake russian recreations for sourceports" episode
Just for the sake of the question: do you consider DarkXL a source port?
>definitely not won't want to use
Hичeгo интepecнoгo. Пpocтo бaтя-цыгaн знaтнo пoтacкaл ceмью пo cвeтy, пoкa нe oceли в Укpaинe. A пopт и пpaвдa cлaвный, здopoвo бeгaeт пoд coвpeмeнными cиcтeмaми. Oтличия oт opигинaлa пoкa в AИ и нecкoльких фишкaх c физикoй.
What's with AI there? Is it even present in the version?
I'm more of a fan of Doom and Quake 1.

I guess those are out of the question.
>tfw I loved Chasm when I was younger

Also neat
congrats on being retarded
>Yeeees! One of the best Ukrainian games if not the best.
>not Cryostatis
>not Stalker
You know that Cryostasys was made by the same guys who made Chasm right?
the OG Quake engine's been GPL for a while now
darkplaces isn't particularly accurate to quake, but it would probably be just fine for this kind of project

as for gzdoom, there's actually a fork specifically made for projects like this, gloome

GLOOME has since been absorbed into GZDoomGPL, which has since been absorbed into GZDoom.
>not The Adventures of Pioneer Ksenia
I would consider ioquake3 even if it's a bit anachronistic simply because it has a community and is actively developed.
>google "next-gen technology'98"
>nothing but this thread
Nothing more to find out about it sport
Can you make a list of the most popular features for shooters of the late 90's?
The best ukrainian game is a Cossacs. In shooters is the Metro 2033. Cryostasys its another game of Chasm autors, no so good.

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>2ch is getting ddosed or other perfomance problems...

So, anon, what are the most incredible thing(s) and features you only could find in pre 2000 FPS shooters, but not in modern?
Many guns, not plot, small pixels, big fun.
I know.
Good level design.
For example?
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>Engine limitations embed in as game features.
Rocket jump, strafejump, bhop and many more small exploits like overbounce; all are a result of game engine's limited physics handling. pre-2000 non-modern FPS games were fast paced but still considered fresh by the era's industry standards.
>Good level design and feeling of exploration
Even Prey have some linear-tastic shit, and doesn't reward player "right". When you find a secret area in a modern era FPS it's nothing different than what game offered you so far. You can find the biggest badass weapon in the game, but it's because it's just thrown in your way. In a pre-2000 FPS you may roam the same area before finding a simple mediocrely powerful weapon early.
>Readable enemies
That's what came from Doom. Doom always had readable enemies so outcome was always can be planned. In Doom 2, this aspect even more revealed within' good level design and because of readable opponents there were more than one path of finishing a map.
Use of sound and dark-light was more abundant. Modern art-style killed the shadow play aspect of non-modern FPS games. Doom 1 was notorious about it, then it chose to go with "readable enemies" which made the game even more arcade-y and spreaded the epidemic further.
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Open source, 90s aesthetic, outdoor environs, multiplayer, map editor + other utils.
Who good is the tooling?
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When I launchen it on my Celeron 333Mhz and Nvidia tnt2 32mb - I had like 0.5 FPS
I'm not really sure how good the level editor is. I suspect it's inferior to something like QERadiant or the Unreal Editor, because those editors have been actively developed for a lot longer.

Another option would be the Torque Engine, which has some similar features.

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Were 90-x FPS great before or after the creation of 3d accelerators?
Silly boy. Russians don't make game. Make spyware like real man.
Ja, lauchen es schnell!
>The Adventures of Pioneer Ksenia

Is this the Soviet Oregon Trail?
I'm not sure what you're getting at wit this "what was cutting edge in '98" business. Whatever it was, it's certainly not cutting edge anymore, so why not focus on what made the shooters of the period good?

In my opinion, this is enemy and weapon variety. It is also something that can and should be expanded on.

I wish there were more FPS games with frequent mini bosses. Enemies with several different attacks/behaviors that they switch from. In a way, good shooters compensated for this by having multiples of enemies that behave differently that attack you at once and a certain combination of them could in total be considered an "enemy type" or rather, an encounter type. But there's just something cool about a single enemy switching between behaviors and surprising you.

Wall climbing enemies are also an underexplored concept. As are truly fast/unpredictable enemies that are a legitimate challenge to hit.

Ricochet weapons have always been handled poorly in games, I feel. A good way to make these weapons worthwhile is if the ricochet is stronger than a direct hit, encouraging players to bounce the projectile around, adding additional challenge.

I feel like a shooter without bunny hopping (or strafe jumping or however you want to call it) is a shooter not worth playing.

Combos could be incorporated into oldschool gameplay in a way that's not just gimmickry as this crap usually is.

There's some ideas.
It's the Soviet Captain Comic.
To elaborate a little, in the USSR the Pioneers were a children's organization like the Boy/Girl Scouts, not actual settlers or explorers. Membership technically wasn't mandatory, but you pretty much had to join "voluntarily" if you didn't want to become a school pariah. The game itself is about the Perestroika and features a lot of topical jokes, the Red Square, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GKChP, Lenin's Mausoleum, etc. It's kind of like Earthbound's image of America.

Here is some footage from the game.
had pentium 2 400 mhz, intel 740i, 32 mb ram

it was one of the few games that somehow ran fine on that hardware
I'm not russian, dude.

>frequent mini bosses
I'll think about it.
Oldschool FPS: level is an area you explore. You have small zone available to you at the start, but as you pick up keys and flip switches more and more becomes available to you until you have all map to roam, often non-linear (example - Duke 3D E1M1 can be passed via several different routes that branch from the start) Sort-of like Metroid, but tightly condensed in 10-15 minutes.

Modern FPS: a sequence of setpieces you have to navigate linearly.

Modern idea of oldschool fps: a sequence of arena-like setpieces where you are locked in a fight with bunch of enemies until you kill them all, which is simply false. Doom, Quake, Duke and the rest extremely rarely locked you in a fight. Was popularized by Painkiller and Sam.

For some reason when indies cite Doom inspiration they end up with a primitive Wolfenstein-like game.
Good think, tnx. What modern shooters can you recommend?
Borderlands 1 and 2.
Ok. I did not like it.

Cпeшл фop ю пpoвepил: никтo пoeздa нe oтмeнит. Eзжaй cмeлo, пивaca ёбнeм.
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>I'm not russian
Keep telling yourself that kiddo
He said he was a gypsy.
Hy oхyeннo, a тo я yж дyмaл - пpидётcя чepeз Бyльбингeм нa пepeклaдных. C тoбoй cвязaтьcя-тo кaк ecли чтo - тeлeгpaм ecть?
Half-Life 1-2 + the episodes. Max Payne (the original).
Hey OP, do you have a dev blog?
The fact that it shows what you're shooting at on the scope is some AMAZING stuff man.
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are you some kind of MEGA faggot
The blog will be, but later.
Who is this guy on a photo?

Yep, but I'm not proud of it.

Кoнтaч ecть. Кyдa имeннo ты eдeшь?
>Readable enemies
What does this mean? Please expand.
i laft
and saged
B Киeв eдy, c 1 пo 7 чиcлo июля бyдy тaм. Кoнтaч /parovoz_nff. Caм oткyдa?
Из Киeвa, лoл. Пипeц, гдe бы мы eщe cпиcaлиcь. И eбaть ты бopцyхa. Пocмoтpим, нe бyдy ли я в oтпycкe в этoт мoмeнт
AZAZAZA JI EST. Пиши тaм -
дoбaвляйcя, eжeли бyдeт нacтpoeниe, мoжeт,
и пepeceчёмcя!
You should register a blog now so that those you got interested can keep track of your project when the thread dies. It's basic marketing, and I, for one, want to follow the development of a Ukrainian retro FPS бo caм звiдcи.
бля, тyт вooбщe aмepикaнцы ecть?!
>Doom, Quake, Duke and the rest extremely rarely locked you in a fight. Was popularized by Painkiller and Sam.
Most interesting thing is, up until modern "revival" of that particular kind of shooters SS and Painkiller were pretty much the only noteable examples of the subgenre. Aside from them i can only remember korean Nitro Family, ukrainean Firestarter (it didnt, however, lock you in the fight - the whole arena was yours) and russian Will Rock (pretty much the ancient Greece themed SS). There were Deadhunt and some trash about vampires, but they were shareware-tier and mostly were a mediocre-to-bad attempts at bringing Crimsonland to 3D.
That's what you get for putting slavrunes in the OP.
So, while I finish the script, it's time to decide with the engine. It is necessary:

1. Open-spaces
2. Transport
3. Simple scripts for some scenes
4. Low resource requirements (if the game from 1998 will only run on Dx11 and i7 is not good)
5. Having a good documentation or a live community (I'm a lazy and I will positively look into the finished examples)
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