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Super Mario Land

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I know everyone talks about SMB 2 on NES when it comes to the odd one in this series (which is true of course), but I've alway felt like Super Mario Land on GB wasn't really a "real" or "true" entry in the Super Mario series as well.
Like SMB 2 it feels like a different game, where they quickly had to slap SM sprites on top.
Things that lead me to this conclusion:
- Koopa Troopas are totally different, they turn into bombs when you jump on them;
- Enemies overall seem completely different and weren't picked up on in later entries;
- Tatanga instead of Bowser as the final boss;
- When you get a star the Can Can song plays instead of the standard SMB invincibility music;
- The levels are not at all reminiscent of other Mario parts, instead they are real life places: Easter Island, China, Egypt;
- Levels where Mario flies in a plane or submarine, shooting enemies;
- Fire Mario is way different.

Was all of this only because Miyamoto wasn't involved?

The game was great btw, it just seems so weird to me now, like it's a great platformer, but not a Mario game.
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The thing is Gumpei Yokoi and the people at R&D1 wanted to create a solid game, but people used to look at GBC games as minor NES ports. So they tried to make the game feel unique. They literally designed the game to be different to NES Marios. I even remember some document about how they kept the coin pick up sound for most of the developement, but Yokoi hismelf tought that sound could create some kind of conditioning on players, so they even changed that. They also wanted to trick classic players because they felt veterans expected something more. You are used to jump over Koopas and use the Shell as a weapon? ok, now the shell explodes in your face!
Then they came with the Bizarro Mario idea of using a doppelganger as the final boss. When Nintendo bosses saw what R&D1 where doing they didn't get the thing because it wasn't the Mario port they expected, so the team went full crazy and made Wario the main character.
Also, they saw most players had problem with the "keep b to run+press a to jump" on the tiny GBC buttons, so they designed Wario to be playable in a whole different fashion, with B being the dash charge so your finger is free to press jump at any time
tl;dr: It is different because back in the time companies were interested in creating well designed games that take advantage of the platform.
It's basically Super Mario /x/ edition
I found the article pal
Gunpei Yokoi (rip) had just as much right to Mario as Miyamoto and he was definitely the right person to develop SML considering nobody else knew basically anything about Game Boy and probably thought of it as a glorified Game & Watch at the time. You can feel it and the Donkey Kong flavor, too. It wasn't long before the style for Game Boy games changed to full-resolution sprites and console style physics while sacrificing the field of view but those early games like this one and Castlevania Adventure show that the original philosophy was to shrink everything and modify the gameplay as necessary.
thx, this is interesting!
you're welcome!
Perhaps now you see SML as a proper Mario game, and start to think about other sequels as lazy sequels, who knows.
To some extent I think that a lot of the earlier Mario games were all weird and different from each other, but yeah, even then SML has a really different feel; its differences are often more "dark" while a lot of other Marios feel more "whimsical".
It actually does help me see this as a "regular" Mario game. It explains why it was so different.

The article is also interesting because it sort of implies that isn't so much a regular Mario game as it is a "prequel" to the Wario games that followed.

I was never so much into the Wario games however.
Agreed as well, I considered this point too, wether the "proper" Mario formula was already established or not, but SMB3 was already out on the NES, and if anything, I felt that that game really did set up a standard or a formula for the following Mario games.
And then SML came along and went in a totally different direction.
The article above was really helpful though.
It's the game that got me into spaceship shooters


Ik ik but you have to admit as a kid those segments were fun. When I saw Raiden and R-Type and Gradius later on I was instantly hooked because it was like those segments on roids.
I think SMB is speedy game. SML are grate speed because graphic are very low detail ,but in SML2 they can't make hispeed game with SMB3's graphic.
They must change SML in to some game lookgood in lowspeed graphic. that become SWL.
I always preferred Mario land 1 over 2
Different director, that's why.
Great game though.
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this game is so good

why do you guys think that nintendo never took mario on their handhelds as seriously as on consoles? they're not like sony who treated their handhelds like second class systems. they have lots of great franchises for handhels, but when it comes to actual mario platformers, i always felt like they never tried.
on gameboy we had land and land 2, land 2 being one of the good ones imo
gba had nothing but ports
ds had new which had the most boring levels and aesthetics, even tho the wii and wii u nsmb games had good levels.
it also had 64 which is a port and gave us the pleasure of controlling 3d mario with a dpad
3ds had nsmb2 which had the most wtf gimmick ever in a mario platformer, the coins coins coins
and 3d land, which is the one great platformer on a nintendo handheld
and it wasn't like they couldn't hande mario games. there could have been an amazing original 2d mario game on gba or ds
I think you need to look into yourself. Yes, New SMB 2 had the coin gimmick, but you don't seem to look past that and realize it's also the best, most fun Mario game in about 15 years.
Honestly SMB1-3, USA, and Land 1&2 are all pretty different and unique. Even lost levels which often gets flack for just being a romhack of 1, actually has a pretty unique vibe to it that not a lot of games back then had. I actually think it was sort of ahead of its time. What I loved about all of the early Mario games was that they were each so unique and weird in their own ways. That's why no matter how weird one of them might seem, it still fits into the series because each game was really different anyway.

Land 2 is probably the one that feels weirdest to me though, just the sounds and enemy designs and everything is so strange. Walking pig cannons and hippo bubbles to fly in. The sound effects are all really weird too.
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Some pages from a Nintendo sticker album featuring SML.
I really like SML1, but it's got a few dumb things I can't stand too (falling off a ledge instead of jumping off makes you drop down at top speed, superball gets stuck bouncing back and forth sometimes, that sort of thing).
The differences gave it character, although one could also say it made it feel like a bootleg version of Mario, too.

The tiny sprites really did help with view-area though.
The big sprites used in the rest look nicer, but I really, really miss the sheer viewing area SML1 has.

despite being super basic, the shooting sections in SML are pretty damn fun
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