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What's the point of this?

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What's the point of this?
To play video games.
It's completely pointless. Either emulate on PC or use everdrives on original hardware.
Running a flashcart through an emulator box is pants on head retarded, you'd be better off just getting a raspberry pi.
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This has to be a trigger image. Either use a shitty system-on-chip if you have real games to play but no hardware, or use ROM carts if you have real hardware but no games. Using both is just a needlessly expensive poor imitation all around and can be done better and cheaper.
>every console clone is an emulator box like the Retron

Sounds like you're retarded.
Or I guess, you buy a multi system for the convenience and then you also buy a multi cart for convenience because you want to play some rare games you can't afford.

Personally though I don't get why you can't just emulate at that point. If you're not a purist about these things why not?
i refuse to believe someone can be this stupid
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At least on the Genesis side: ezmode S-Video without modding anything. I hope they enjoy that shitty audio though. Might as well get a god damn Wii and softmod it.
The fact that it has an NES/SNES/GEN slider indicates it's likely not an emulator box.
The fool bought an emulation box so he has to use carts. Flash carts are the most cost effective way to do this. He fell for a meme within a meme within a meme. Tardception.
Morons don't know flash carts don't work on emulation boxes, but just keep spewing bullshit guys.
How the fuck are flash carts a meme?
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I have been getting cheap Chinese bootlegs for the clone console pictured for my dungeon/sexnasium. Recently got a bootleg Chinese flash drive called the Mega Driver, and it works on the machine. I have had fun with this setup, especially since I can afford it, but OP's pic has expensive everdrives out of my pay grade.
Once you've been here a few days you'll understand how.
I use an sd2snes and it works great aside for the few games that it can't run. What am I missing?
what is unfunny peoples obsession with the phrase "pants on head retarded"?
>What am I missing?
The few games that it can't run
They aren't. He's just butthurt about his input lag is all.
To save space. My wife really hated how much my gaming collection cluttered up the living room and she wouldn't let me get a mancave so I had to sell it and settle with this. It's actually really great despite all the contrarian shitheads here who will claim otherwise.
I don't get it either. I especially don't get why people play real carts of clone hardware. Whats the point? It's not original hardware so you can't use the not liking how emulators feel excuse and you're not supporting the original devs either, only reseller scum get to profit off you. I actually think that using flashcarts on OG hardware makes way more sense than using real carts on clone hardware.
It's a hardware clone, not an emulator box.
My room is my man cave. Comfy af playing vidya from my bed on a crt
It is useful if you have multiple setups.

Original hardware in your game room, clone hardware in your bedroom.

SRT has great SNES good quality thru S-video, Jailbars through its Genesis S-video, and weird but playable checkerboard pattern through NES S-video.

Hardware clones are nice because they feel like you are still playing on an actual console. You have original controllers, the feel of putting a cart into the slot, and the click of the power button.

Computer emulators feel terrible because it is the soulless feel of computer use. Computers are for work and porn. Not games.
>My room is my man cave
Why not just call it your wanking lair?
>What am I missing?
That how many games you can run doesn't determine whether something is a meme
I find your last paragraph interesting, do you feel this way because you grew up without a computer? Me, I grew up playing 99% computer games and occasionally I'd play consoles at friends houses. So I still have nostalgia for retro consoles but I happily play them on computers, feels no different to me. If anything, clone hardware feels like cheap chinese soulless electronics to me. At least my PC and Pi have uses other than retro gaming.

That isn't to say I wouldn't love a real retro man cave with the original consoles, but a retropie with some quality usb controllers feels like perfect nostalgia to me. No flame, just curious.
I grew up with computers and video games in the house.

Got an NES at 3, and my family got a home family PC at about 8. I dabbled in computer games a little bit (Doom, Decent, Heretic, RollerCoaster Tycoon), and of course flash games (Candystand.com & Newgrounds) but for the most part video game entertainment came from consoles while computers were used for work. I feel like the amount of work-work and school-work helps to taint computer. They aren't comfy.

I'm not familiar with the front end of a retropie, but I can see it being OK, but not great.

I've got a MAME'd Xbox with joysticks set up to it and it feels like a proper arcade. But even on that- it is hard for me to play non arcade games on the arcade setup. Something just feels off with console games on it. Where as Arcade games feel fine on it.

Getting away from computers feel great it is freedom from the burden and thought of work. Thats part of the reason emulators suck. If you go to a strip club, do you want a picture of your wife on the stage as well? Hell no.

I can understand a PC connected to a TV/monitor for gaming- but then you still need a mouse to navigate stuff...and at that point you are halfway to your work computer.
That's not an emulator.
Collectorcucks are the meme.
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I pretty much only use a computer for games for the first 15 years or so, never did any school stuff or work on them until many years later. This was many years before the internet, so selection was limited to what I could find on BBS's and trade with friends. Sitting in front of a computer all day feels comfortable to me, but I can understand why some people don't like it.

The nice thing about the RetroPie interface is it doesn't require a mouse or keyboard. You navigate around the games using just the controller. Definitely not for everyone though, hell if I had unlimited money I'd just buy all the old consoles.
That's actually pretty cool.

Retro Trio is a hardware clone, not an emulation box like Retron 5. It has its flaws (like only having S-Video output), but with a flashcart it should in theory be just like playing on a clone Famicom/SFC/MD.
>It has its flaws (like only having S-Video output)

There's a HD version of the Super Retro Trio coming in May:

Most clones don't use original controllers and you can buy adapters for computers. The "feel of putting a cart into the slot" is pure autism. I play on original hardware but I don't do that shit. There are plenty of legit reasons not to emulate. Not sure why you chose the worst possible ones.
It has composite out. Apparently the s-video is fucked up. I considered getting one but already had a Sega and kinda prefer emulating SNES and NES on my 3DS.

>input lag

Wii emulation with ANY wired controller has zero (0) input lag
Almost every major clone has ports allowing you to use the original controllers...you don't need an adapter. WTF are you talking about?

You still get the fun of sorting through your collection of games, picking one up, admiring the box/label art, putting it in your console and clicking that on button. The small emotional pick me up of seeing all those games and picking out that exact one that you want.

Also there is something enjoyable of the few seconds of getting up from your couch. Swapping to the controllers of the specific console you want to play and going back over to your couch to sit down.

The physical interactivity of the process is part of the fun. Its part of the same reason that people enjoy record players.

Having sex with a 10/10 woman you love, care for and would do anything for= Original Hardware

Having sex with a 6/10 who you get along with and can share some laughs with= Clone

FLESHLIGHT= PC emulation
Nice. I don't have any knowledge of it, but on paper it looks good. The rest comes down to how the hardware holds up.

I have an idea though, what if they simply made a console with a built-in flashcart solution. Probably would cost a pretty penny though. And anyway, it's not like you can't buy a 150-in-1 for NES for example.
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Don't wanna make s new thread so I'll just ask here

My ED 64 plus recently hasnt been loading the os, anybody ever had a similar problem?
You've never had sex with either a 6/10 or a 10/10.
College sex with 10/10
Engaged & living with 6/10
5 Onaholes & 4 Fleshlights

Owner of All nintendo & sega consoles from NES to Wii U

Owner of 1 Super Retro Trio and 2 Retron 3s

Come at me bro
I have a huge collection of clones sport. Most don't let you use original controllers. Just because you only know of a few clones that doesn't change the facts.

>more autism
Whatever floats your boat sport.
I bet you don't even own a dragon dildo pleb.
Old clone systems made by weird companies from 3rd world countries? Sure...they dont let you use your original controllers.

The newer (see last 5-10 years) popular wide spread clones that you can find in almost every western retro game stores: Your hyperkins, your yobos, your retrobits...all have original controller ports. The good clones- the one of acceptable and tolerable quality all have original controller ports.

No I don't own a dragon dildo. I own 3. Bad Dragon (for as creepy as animal parts seems) is low key one of the best sex toy companies out there. I didn't buy em because OMG its a dragon. But because they use the highest grade material and the specs & info available on each one are second to none. Plus their customer service standards are incredibly high.
were you a bad enough dude to order a XL Rex?
Nah dog. I've got em, but they arent "my thing"- I'm still mostly a normie.

I have a 2 Nox'es 1 small & 1 medium, and 1 small Crackers.
>only things available my local retro store since i jumped on the bandwagon count
Top kek kid. That accounts for maybe 1% of the clones in the world. And you don't even know how shit they are compared to old clones. There's a reason people pay $100 for a IQ-501 and a hyperkin famiclone can be had for a few bucks. BTW. The latter can't use original controllers. That's some epic ignorance you've got there sport.
>wouldn't let me
>had to

Fuck, dude, pull up your pants and man up a bit
Because it implies that the person is retarded enough to put pants on their head and think it's a hat.

I also believe it was a VG Cats joke at first. Something about the licenses in FF12, I think? It's been a long time.
Fucking epic.

>Man up
>Old video games
I'm no old geezer, 12 years with clone consoles is nothing to sneeze at.

Also, you think that those old clones were produced at the mass quantities that the newer companies were producing at with the automation, the love that china has to make knock off.

Clones are exactly that...cheap replicas. Why would they recreate the wheel when they can just steal what has already been proven. I'll admit a small defeat thinking back to some older clones but even still if they weren't using the NES ports then they were using the Sega/Atari 9-pin standard where a Sega Genesis controller will plug right in.

But seriously, if I'm going to put my chips all on one spot, I'd bet that FC/Yobo/Hyperkin/Retrobit/Messiah/Gamerz Tek (plus all of their Chinese knock offs of their knockoffs) all together over the last 15 or so years have out produced the clones that came before it.

Damn near all of them have ports where you could plug in a major console first party controller. At the very worst you are playing Mario with a Sega Genesis controller. But you dont need an adapter because that goddamn timeless 9pin port.

Go onto ebay and search "game console". Search around at all of those clones. Firstly, you'll see the majority were produced sometime in the last 15 or so years. Secondly you'll see that they either have NES or Sega Genesis compatible controller ports at bare minimum.

The times, they are a changin, and that there world wide web sure has sped things up a whole lot.
The microgenius cant use first party, but which hyperkin famiclone cant use first party controllers? If you just google image search "hyperkin famiclone" almost all of them have NES 9pins, and if they dont, they have 9pins that will accept Genesis
What the fuck are you on about? Flashcarts + real hardware is clearly the best option.
Yeah, thinking back to shit that never happened you plugged a genesis controller into a 9 pin famiclone you never had and it worked in your imagination. You'd know if you'd ever tried. It doesn't work sport. But you wouldn't know if you just googled some pictures and said "hur dur looks like genesis let me pretend shit". What a tool.

Well since we're pulling numbers out of our ass how about we make it 15 months instead of 15 years? Seriously Did you pick that random number because it's your age or something. The vast majority of clones sold today still don't use original controllers. Do you really think a handful of new age retro hipsters outnumber all the poorfags in the world? Damn. You really are that naive aren't you?

>9pins that will accept Genesis
Recipe for genius:
Take one underage retard. Add google.
See above sport. It don't work.
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You like?


From what I gather it's a particularly well engineered emulator box that has particularly fast i/o read times to better emulate running a cartridge. It might be good, but I'd still prefer original hardware.

Still, compared to current emulator boxes it looks to be much higher quality, it will be a good to have an entrypoint system that isn't complete garbage.
>You like?
No. But it will allow fucktards to enjoy a wider range of games with their wife and her son. This should free up actual consoles for people who really deserve it. Collectors.
This board is about retro gaming not retro game collecting, but it's always amusing to see how flustered you collectors get when people here talk about emulators and clone consoles.

Aren't there specialist forums out there for you autismal faggots?
Hardware clones > emulators
>>every console clone is an emulator box like the Retron

Day1 console or emulator. Thats how it works
Yes but you are asking how flashcarts are a meme, not whether they are good. A meme, in the cultural sense, is an image, phrase, idea, etc... that gets repeated until original context is lost or changed. The discourse over emulation vs original hardware is a meme.
This is why it doesn't make sense for "hardcore" retro gamers to crap on clone console.

By crapping on hardware clones people are just going to believe that only original hardware is legit. Making the group of people who want original hardware bigger, increasing the demand and thus increasing the price.

Its your own fault for resellers, ebayers and scummy craigslisters jacking up the price on retro games. You did this to yourselves.
But only original hardware is legit
I only emulate and don't have any old games or consoles. And I don't give a fuuuuck
Your game console knockoffs do not have souls either. I mean what the fuck - something like Kega Fusion gives a -measurably- more authentic experience than a clone md would.
No it isn't. An emulator is software that runs programs made for one system on a completely incompatible system (i.e. running Nintendo games on a PC). A hardware clone instead functions exactly as the original system did.

Additionally, flash carts don't run in emulators but they run fine on (most) hardware clones.
You dense motherfucker.

You upsell the cheap shit, so that by virtue of competition, it keeps down the price of original hardware.

Being an elitist only drives the cost of real hardware up in comparison to clones, while if you make everyone think that clones are fine and dandy, then prices stay down.
Cool story kid. How does it feel to be right when the rest of the world is wrong?
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