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Not limited to retro, but I thought it would fit best here.
So I played Quake, Jedi Knight: DF2 and Shadow Warrior recently. Also played a lot of shooters back in the day. All three of those games have amazing challenging gameplay and are fun to play. However, I found that the quicksave/save anytime you want feature somehow takes a bit of the fun away.

I also cant just play them without saving or limit myself to ten saves per level. I mean you can go for this artificial difficulty, but those games are obviously designed to have a quicksave feature.
It just feels like having unlimited lives, its what it is. Its actually pretty similar to playing roms with savestates. The accomplishment is much less. Just a matter of time when you will get through.
On the other hand, if there would be no such save feature, the games would be very different and we would miss out on a lot.
I like the challenge in some modern shooters with checkpoints, but I hate a lot other stuff about it(no health, ammo, item management, refilling health is just dumb).

I really like Turok on console. Challenging and very rewarding when you beat stuff. An extra-life feature to make up for the high difficulty.

what is your opinion on quicksave?
Can be great if you have the self control not to abuse them.

save states can improve a lot of retro games but can also really sap the fun out of them if you rely on them instead of gittin gud (in my experience).
They're 100% shit except for replacing a password feature

Even that's sometimes cheating since some passwords don't keep track of your current life and such

>Playing a game that has any sort of saving function.

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i like to play th' game with no saves.
Beating duke3d at hardest difficulty with no save state is rewarding.

i did pic related today (lole)
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SHOCKING! Whoever could have guessed that removing all the tension out of a game could make it less fun. It's almost like a game isn't fun if it's so easy you can't lose.
Depends entirely on the game and how I feel at the time. Sometimes I just want to breeze through it and can't be fucked replaying the same bits.

yeah Im just wondering, apparently enough People enjoy it since it was always standard in FPS for quite some time and nobody complained. I also had a lot of fun with Half Life(2) back in the day.
And I think the reason its not that present anymore in games, is not because people felt, it lacks a challenge.
I don't know how many fucking times I've died at the end of a Quake level just to realize I forgot to save at all and have to replay it all over again.

IMO at least the earlier shooters were difficult enough that even with saves they feel quite challenging.

Things like Bucky'O hare tho for some reason don't feel as satisfaying, even tho the screens on that are quite hard sometimes.
that was my point. NES games that you play with savestates are not made to be played that way, so there is almost no accomplishment in beating them with savestates. Those FPS games are made to be played with savestates. Maybe some shooters that have quicksave would be still easier to beat than something like Ninja Gaiden and Ghost n Goblins, but most of the time it would be hell.

I mean yeah, some things can still be hard in FPS - having a tough boss, or having that infamous "I saved with too low resources" saves. But you will progress over time no matter what, just feels too op.

Maybe respawining enemies was a way to balance that out, eventhough nobody likes those, lets be honest.

Having to collect a certain resource to be able to save would be a pretty neat idea imo.
HRP is gross dude
I recently played Half-Life with the save and reload functions unbinded. The extra level of challenge from having to empty the clip/magazine before reloading and remembering what guns were expended during a gunfight was fun, but I think the lack of quicksaves made it worse.

There's a fine line between making the player accomplish a challenge, and needlessly making the player redo parts of the game. Sometimes Half-Life's autosaves would send me back much too far after a death.

Compare and contrast with Castlevania on the NES. In Castlevania there are six levels separated by five or so "transitions", such as doors and stairs that extend to the top or bottom of the screen. If you die you start over from the last transition and if you game over your start from the start of the level. You can't just start over every two seconds but you also don't have to replay a ludicrous amount.

In Half-Life if you just rely on the autosaves you might, for example, die frequently in a room swarmed with enemies but every time you die you get taken back half a mile away through empty air ducts and rooms filled with boxes that take entirely too many hits to break and no visual indication of whether or not they contain supplies. Quicksaves offer the player the option to save a few seconds before the difficult room with enemies ambushing you so you don't have to crawl through the vents ten times.

I also like it because it gives you the ability to stupid little things you know are going to kill you, like jumping into a pit of radioactive waste with an active grenade in your hand, without consequence. Sometimes you just want to behave suicidally without ruining your progress. Also Xen and the Nihilanth. I gave up on the no quicksaves rule halfway through Xen.
>In Half-Life if you just rely on the autosaves
I think both Half-Life 1 and 2 play quite well with just the autosaves. They're clearly placed with the intention of being checkpoints (meaning, they're not random or restricted to breaks between maps). Yes, if you're not careful you can do something stupid and get stuck with an autosave close to death, but the game keeps the previous autosave as well as a failsafe.

I agree that I enjoy having the option to quicksave so I can jump down pits and try stupid things and mess around with the weapons just to see what happens, though.
First post best post
But Bucky'O Hare by default lets you continue from the screen you were on, even when you lose all your lives.

So in that case you'd have to save state earlier and give yourself an extra challenge.
> some people will say having to play Death's level in castlevania is much too far to backtrack and should start over at the floor that leads to death's room.
> it takes a long time to fight up that way against all those fleamen and then bust down those knights.

The jumping mechanics in Xen demand savegames, if anything id say thats how lambda lost most of the operatives they sent through.
I dont care how you play yours games. I save state myself often.

However, if you use savestates as a way to get fake accolades - 1cc/1 life playthroughs - then front like you 'mastered' it, your a liar and can EABOD.
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