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/3.14/ RaspberryPi Thread

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Thread replies: 136
Thread images: 19

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Why haven't you built your own, /g/? It's quite a fun project. Many people consider it work but really, I find building it is almost as fun as using it. Good experience to have, for sure, especially soldering if you end up having to do any.

>retropie wiki

A few examples for some good ideas:
Lakka > RetroPie at this point

I appreciate RP for kicking off the whole "pi as an emulation box" setup by making it simpler, but Lakka is easily better now.
i enjoy it alot except that those lazy turds were too cheap to put a fugging power button on the thing so i have to bumble around like a monkey unplugging and replugging the fugging thing, like wow what does a power switch cost them like 2 cents? they had power buttons on electric shit back in like 1915!!!!!

Lakka, I've heard of this before. A stripped down Linux distro geared towards gaming. Is it as good as I'm hoping?
>why haven't you built one?
Input lag
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Use a power strip with a switch on it.

fuck your stupid input lag myth

Input lag us real, stop your fucking myth myth.
There are ways to add a on/off buttom. It seems like turning off and on the system with a power buttom does not corrupts the SD Card.
Tutorial video to add a power buttom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nTuzIY0i3k&list=WL&index=15
Literally the only way to not have a completely unacceptable amount of input lag is to enable "hard gpu sync" in retroarch. I doubt that option is even available for the puny mobile gpu the pi has.
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I am currently compiling a shopping list and pre-planning to make my own pi3 handheld. I have been researching these guides, which I think are great:


I am currently thinking of doing something more like the pigrrl-zero, but with a bigger screen and using the raspberry pi 3 instead.

However that is a long term plan, I have a short plan in the meantime. With some of my christmas money I will be buying a a raspberry pi 3 and just stick it in a case to be an tv emulation machine. But I would like to add a simple power switch to it.

How would you suggest I do something like that without splicing the power cord with a switch. Would i need to add a control board to it and hook a power switch to that? Would it need to be something like this? https://www.adafruit.com/products/2465 That part is for using it with a rechargeable battery, but is there something I could use that's cheaper and simpler? I appreciate any help with this, as this will really be my first time building electronics.
>>3691358 here, I just got done watching >>3691314 and that's perfect! Way better than a simple power switch, which is not healthy for the machine. I will be implementing this, for sure.
I'm currently messing around with a few ideas for one including replacing the VCR system in my little CRT (pic related, not mine but same model) with a PI so I'm researching what I would need to do to make it work.
The Pi is a fun little hobby I guess, but as a time pressed adult I win big with the Retron V every time.

-works out the box
-superior hardware to the NES (and obviously all models of the Pi)
-play all your original games just like how you remembered

The Pi is kinda like Ham radio, I guess. Pretty lame, adds needless cost and has a dire userbase.

Time to fire up the RetroN V!
Cool. So, why are you in this thread?
I built one, installed RetroPie a while back, and then Lakka. Both had a fairly hefty slowdown in NES games (I was using a original Raspberry Pi from 2012, model B with either 256 or 512 MB of RAM.). Not sure if I needed to further tune the board (I overclocked it with a factory script to 900MHz) or if there was something wrong with mine, but I couldn't get the slowdown to go away at all. Even tried using a different power cable that provided 3A and set up bluetooth so my controller wouldn't draw power from the USB socket.

I'm going to try again with a model 3 and see if it runs any better, I was hoping to either just use it for simple gaming in my living room or maybe build a case for it and build it up as a handheld.
If there is any input lag, I can't really see it. And I think that's enough.
Gotta love the autistic fags yellin "But muh input lags" so mad about us who got the pi runnin on a hdtv.
lots of nes games have slowdown.
Even my nes classic mini has slowdown when the screen gets populated, but I hear that's been emulated on purpose to recreate the whole classic experience. Don't know if that's bullshit, but whatever.
im interested in lakka. whys it better
You need to go back. On 4chan you have to let boogiemen dictate your decisions and thinking.
Does any one here use recalbox?
>reddit pi
Fuck off
Input lag only affects really shitty TVs. Get a better TV set or the official 7" touchscreen and you will never have any input lag at all.
Rpi3 is a major difference in speed. Get one.
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I was wondering if anyone could help me out, I am planning to build a retropie console within a larger case which could contain a Pi, Hard Drive etc and have an on off switch. I was looking at this https://www.scan.co.uk/products/silverstone-pt13b-petit-thin-mini-itx-computer-chassis-black-with-vertical-holder-vesa
but im unsure whether I could use the usbs, and button with the GPIO pins.

Has anyone built anything like this? Any Advice?
Yeah it's great. It's easy to install and get everything running. Waiting for them to finish 4.1 is hell. I decided to install an unstable version to try out Dreamcast emulation and it works alright. Planning to get an Odroid XU4 to get it and N64 fully playable
Serious question: what benefit does a Pi serve over emulating on a computer or another console other than it's small?
>m-muh subpar emulator in an ugly box

but y tho
Speaking of usb joypads that this guy has. I've ordered 3 chinese pads for 10 bucks for my emulation station. Will I regret not getting something like Buffalo or it's alright?
Is there something decent for SEGA?
It's bullshit. The slowdown can't be removed without rewriting the games code for better hardware. It's just a fact of emulation.
None, It's a mini console that can play the majority of older games. I have one under my TV. Looks good and can take the Pi to a friends if we wanna vidya. Don't even have to worry about cables because only takes HDMI and USB which everyone has
Is this a fucking joke?

He's testing it compared to a slower official system? The fuck sort of comparison is this?
Easy setup

I bought an anker power pack to charge my phone or tablet. It can also run my pi in the car or anywhere an outlet would normally be needed.
The idea is does it emulate the experience of the NES? If the NES had imput lag, the original NES, and the retropi emulator has the same, then why the hell are we whining about it?
i saw a guy build a pretty good looking wooden laptop out of a RPI once

i wish i had either that or one of those chink handhelds, the only reason i didn't buy one of those is because i can't install whatever ARM OS i want on them
Because it's a meme and I'm too cool for memes.
Missed hummingboard.

Only opengl ES. No source ports. Lame.
But I did build one. When you were still suckling your moms teats. I found it was shit and moved on. When will you raspbabies do the same?
How's gba on the pi 3?
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Who cares? It powers off USB, so it turns on and off with the monitor anyway if it has a hub built in.

Which I actually find quite terrible because I have a habit of turning the screen off if I'll be stepping away from the computer!
Standalone mGBA won't even compile. Their egl/gles codes are no longer maintained.
Libretro core mGBA is smooth in general, but there are fps drops sometimes.
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I have RetroArch and EmulationStation setup on my main rpi3, which I also use for many other things. I was thinking of building a standalone retro box using my spare PIs this Christmas, but looks like I'll be spending it playing games instead. I'll do it next year Anon.
The problem with a lot of usb controllers is that they don't feel like the originals. Also you'll be lucky if the dary grey circle around the buttons on the SNES pad isn't just a sticker. Buffalo are really well built and you can pick them up for less than $10 per pad
I really wish they made decent project boxes for Pis to avoid having something like this sitting on my desk
I see. Well, I'll use them as backup controllers then, thanks. Ordered official NES pad from NESmini (don't think I'll need turbo buttons anyway and my friend will give me a usb adapter for it), gonna order Buffalo pad now too.

By the way, does anybody make good SEGA-like pads that don't feel like cheap chinese crap? Because even my (now dead) sega clone had horrible pads, I've no idea how originals should feel.
Just looked online and the hyperkin mega drive controller looks pretty good.


Here's a video looking at some decent usb controllers
Name a better option then
What would YOU recommend then? Retrolink?
There are several, none suited my needs. I could've made one myself, just don't have the time lately.
this was an awful video. "i emulate because consoles are too big to travel with".
Original hardware kids
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So? That's a very valid reason to emulate. I don't want to pack a whole console when I'm staying in a hotel room where I can easily just plug in a little emulation machine.
>mfw penn plays on original hardware
>mfw you're too new to memepost correctly
>mfw it doesnt fucking matter, your opinion is still trash
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top kek kid
Nice meme. Doesn't refute anything.

>i'm not where i am supposed to be, and people don't care about my asinine opinion. I know! I'll call them kids! That will show them!
>I believe that it's a great idea to call people kids in the Emulation box thread because they don't use original hardware with their emulation box.
>It'll sure show these kids that I'm older than them!

Anyone used one of these?
I had an odroid xu4 that I used as an emulation machine with Lakka installed. It ran everything up and including PS1, PSP, and some N64 fairly well. Only problem is no wifi or Bluetooth out of the box, and the Bluetooth module I bought didn't end up working with Lakka.
I eventually replaced it with a Chromebox I installed GalliumOS on to use as an emulation box/media PC.
Two of these things do not belong here. They should fuck off back to /v/
Keep shitposting, because it's pretty apparent that's all you got.

Trying not to sound too much like a noob when it comes to this stuff, but that allows your rasbpi to hook up to a CRT?
I am guessing this is the same thing. That would solve my travel questions. Not every hotel has a TV with hdmi. All I would need to do is pack this cable with my little pi-station.
That sounds pretty good. Product description says it's "2 to 4 times faster than the pi 3".
>not sanding your 3D prints

Jesus Christ
Speaking of which, how would you recommend doing that? I tried sanding one once and all it did was give the print a fuzzy texture. I've heard coating it with something like a mod podge gloss coat does good.
Yeah I'd say it's worth it if you want something more powerful than a pi.
So, I want to build an emulation box with a Pi. Is lakka a good platform for emulating games up to the N64, or am I going to run into problems? Anyone have a good resource guide or advice for starting out with it?
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>got one for my wife as a Christmas present
>loaded retro pie and a shit load of emulators on it
>tested it out before I give it to her
>horrible lag on a bunch of games I tested such as yoshi island
>sound is absolute trash for a lot of games such as ALTTP
>input lag is absolutely horrendous in games such as super Mario world

I'm going to get a refund and buy the original hardware and just get everdrives for everything. I can't even play this shit on a CRT.
Interesting. I've seen reports of the opposite. I will be buying a pi3 with some of my christmas money, and will give it a go then.

To me, input lag wont be that much of a problem because I will be primarily playing games where reaction time isn't as much of an issue, like RPGs. We'll see though. If it just turns out to be a terrible emulation machine, I will definitely have other uses for a pi3
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Hmmm, how good are these distros for emulating pre-nes systems? Pidora could be fine too.
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Do any of these distros include, say, Tyrian, Rise of the Triad, Corridor 7, or other source ports that could be played with simple gamepads?

That could be awesome.
>i've read plogs by kids on the internet who either never tried or have incredibly low standards.
>if it's shit i'll take comfort in using my overpriced underpowered meme device for something else.
>my overpriced underpowered meme device
Haha, yeah sure kid. Whatever.
>assmad memberry fanboi who shitposts in every thread detected
I'm really interested in getting a pi3 for everything snes/genesis and earlier and can't find definitive results with how well it runs. Most reviews just just say "yeah I loved this game when I was a kid! its great now that I can play it again."

Anyone have videos or anything with actual numbers or measurements of slowdown or lag. I planned on using Lakka over Retropie if that matters.
Thinking about putting together a RetroPie thing for the living room - I just discovered that whole 'ROMsets' exist the other day, and the convenience of that is blowing my mind.

Right now I'm downloading whole sets, but when it actually comes to putting things on the Pi I want to minimise 'duplicate' games.

Do any of you guys know of online databases which would help me weed out things such as:

>ignore downgraded ports to handheld systems (eg. I don't want to bother putting the Game Gear version of Sonic 2 on there, just games only released for the Game Gear)
>determine the superior version of multiplatform releases (eg. I've heard the Genesis/Mega Drive version of Earthworm Jim is superior to the SNES one)
>determine which region version to use when regional diferences exist (eg. I found out Dynamite Headdy's JAP version is easier, and I'd go with that as the 'original' version with it being a Japanese game

I'd appreciate any advice you've got regarding this.
I have been using it for about 2 months and I do say it runs nes snes and Genesis just fine. Someone mentioned Yoshi island had lag and yes it does.... for the default emulator. You just need to switch emulators for that game and your good. As for input lag I had some with certain cheap ass USB controllers. PS4 controller with USB works great though. Also might be TV settings as well. Just don't expect n64 games to work. Simple as that
Thanks for the reply. Not being able to play some of the games like yoshi island is fine as I had considered getting a SD2SNES which is incompatible with some games anyway. I figured it would be more cost effective to get a rpi3 and be able to emulate genesis and nes too. I have an everdrive 64 so I'm good there and plan to use my ps3 controllers with the rpi3.
My dad got me one for Christmas.

We'll see where it goes.
Acetone bath smooths it out .

Don't leave it in for long or it will just dissolve.
>definitive results
What are you expecting? A comprehensive list of all the types of lag with every possible setting on every possible display for every game?
No one is going to do that shit. People have tested plenty of games and measured the lag precisely. It's shit. There's no need to do more.
If you're actually looking for facts instead of people to circle jerk you into getting a memeberry have a look at one of those videos where someone hooks up one controller to both a console and a pi and records the screens side by side.
What other oneboard option do you recommend that's not the dirty dirty memeberry? You just say it's shit to shitpost?
I wasn't asking for a comprehensive list, I was asking for a video or link to read about these "people who have tested plenty of games and measured the lag precisely." You got a link?
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It's size is the number one benefit

I'm not hauling my comp downstairs every time I want to play my favs on a TV

I mean look at specs.

All said and done you're probably better off getting a cheapish x86 box like a zotac or one of the many integrated (CPU attached) ATX boards for <$100.

I mean take the rpi, you need a microsd card, a fairly decent USB PSU, a case, maybe a DAC since the rpi kinda blows for sound.

Rpi is cool and all but a traditional x86 is not much more and going to be less hassle. All those meme distos will work on x86 hardware.

Only thing the rpi has over x86 is power efficiency and size ( which I still argue is gross with wires sticking out of every side)
I like resin/epoxy better

but I work with resin a lot already so I have it laying around and don't need to dish out $30+ just to finish one project
You are backtracking now.

The "only thing the rpi has over x86" isn't just power efficiency and size, but cost, which you seem to be trying to inflate.

I would happily buy a little x86 box if they were even close to being as cheap as an rpi. And as far as hassle, Lakka is brain dead easy. But calling the memeberry with meme distros does make it shit.
Really for me at this point, I am getting a rp3 because I like the system a lot. It's cheap, compact, and useful. I will first be trying it out using retropi. If I find the lag too much or emulation bad, then I will wipe it and try lakka.

What retropi has over lakka is the amount of documentation and support. It's the more popular one, whether it deserves it or not, so I can easily find documentation and options for customizing, and for a guy like me who isn't that familiar with modding electronics and linux, that is very important. This will be my first foray into that stuff, a learning tool for me. The fact that something like this video >>3691314 is around, and I can't find an easy instructional guide for doing the same in lakka, puts retropi at the top for me.
I want to play nes/snes/genesis/pc engine/maybe saturn or arcade games on a crt.
Is raspberry pi 3 the best machine for that? If possible, no converter boxes. Don't care much for input lag, but slowdowns in framerate are awful. I'm not that interested in original hardware.

tl;dr: recommend me a computer that has relatively good specs and can output composite/s-video/scart. Is pi3 the best one on the market for that purpose?
Literally anything other than a memeberry is better and most are cheaper. Learn to google and check specs.

Sure. google.com

lrn2google kids.
Nothing to see here, just a shitposter.
>won't do my homework for me, must be a shit poster.
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>Can't provide any links to backup these claims.
The burden of proof rests on the one making the claim. Why are you even posting if it's not to convince someone here that whatever you're claiming is true? If you're "doing it for the lulz" or to aggravate people, then you're shitposting. If you're doing it because you truly know the pi is trash which no one should waste time on and you want people who don't know any better to understand that, then you're just incompetent. Either support your claims or get out. No normal person will sit down to find evidence that proves what you're saying is true. That's how people work in general. If your posts aren't meant to serve any purpose at all then it's shitposting again. Don't talk about doing someone else's homework for him either, this is a hobby discussion, if you came here to post because of your vast superiority to the people in this thread, why not inform us?
The memeberry poster is trying to make a new meme. He post the same shit whenever the raspberry is mentioned.he don't have anything to add to the forum. But hey let me do the lil fucker's job for him

Check out ameridroid website. They are one boards like the raspberry, American made. The oudroid (the 74 dollar one with the fan) apparently does what the pi does but it plays n64 waaaaayy better. On YouTube ETA PRIME tries different boards and how well they work.
Thanks for the info. The Odroid XU4 is definitely more powerful while still being in a similar price range. For my personal needs, I'm not looking to emulate n64 and would probably prefer the cheaper rpi3 but I probably would pay a bit more if I needed to emulate n64. The ETA PRIME videos do give a pretty good sense of how well things run.
how so?
but does your wife love it?
I just recently discovered ETAprimes videos and they are super informative. I just barely watched the one where he used Lanka on the rpi3 to play PlayStation 1 games. I am quite impressed. But yeah his sentiments on n64 emulation I've seen repeated a lot. The rpi3 just can't do n64 at this time. So if you're riding on doing that, then seek elsewhere. But if not then the rpi3 is a good choice. It has popularity which means more articles and support guides, and a bigger community.
Yes, ES (or whatever frontend you use) will look like shit because of the high res, but the games themselves look proper. You can probably get around the resolution thing if you do your homework, but that would involve having to mess with it again when you do want to use HDMI, so I just run it with the default settings and deal with the blurry menus.

If you do get one, bear in mind some of them don't work and will only give you a distorted display, while others require you to reverse the cables (like plugging the red one in the video jack). I had a bad one at first and while googling it found a guide that went in detail about what cable to get, I ended up getting the one that is used for iPods because it works and the plugs match.

The price difference is pretty damn small. I mean I'm not trying to dissuade you from rpi3, but the x86 route isnt much more when you factor in everything you need.

The 'raw' price of a x86 machine is going to be high, but when you factor in that your probably have most of the parts....
are we talking input lag or FPS lag?
for Yoshi's Island, does it happen in a specific level? Because I played the 1st one and didn't notice anything.
How much are we talking here, and what parts do we need? I mean the convenience of the rpi3 is all you really need are the peripherals BC and common cables, which everyone has. What more do you need for the x86? And is there are full title for it, because googling 'x86' gets me nowhere
In fact the more I watch his videos, the more I want to run Lakka instead of Retropi. I emailed him asking if he knew of a guide for adding a power button on Lakka, like he did for Retropi and recalbox.
There are simple power switches that connect between the power cord from the wall and the rpi for about $6 which should work fine. You can shutdown the system from the menu then just press the power button to turn it back on.
Oh I know. However the convenience is what I am hoping to find, like his video here >>3691314

It's a simple button you press that begins the proper shut down and start up processes. This way instead of shutting down the OS in the menu, then cutting power, it's a button that does both with 1 press.
Orange Pi delivers similar performance for 6 to 9 bucks shipped, depending on how much RAM and IO you want.

Considering you use a shitberry pi, you'd be okay with the 6 dollar variant.

If you want actual performance and IO, you buy an Odroid C2 for slightly cheaper than a Shitberry Pi.
You'll need a PSU and RAM. If you have an HDD laying around, that's a bonus. Otherwise you can just use a thumb drive, which should give you similar performance to an SD card.

Just go to your favorite electronics store something and search for motherboards with embedded CPUs.
I guess everyone is leaning towards the raspberry pi (or memeberry or shitberry) cause these peeps just want their version of the NES mini. Now these peeps prob have no clue with Linux or anything of that regard and just want game box. Raspberry is gearing towards people new to programming and kids of the same caliber. So it's the one that these peeps are gonna gravitate towards. And there is nothing wrong. I've been using a raspberry 3 for two months with no issues.... down the road imma find a more powerful board like the oudroid. But I'm glad I got to learn some Linux basics from the shitberry
Where I can buy that case?
that'd be fucking sick,
you should see if you could do anything in the way of controller storage too,
with a small enough crt you could have a pretty cozy and portable set up
Just found this basic chart that gives and idea on how well emulators run on some boards along with a description and pros and cons of each board.

That's a pretty fucking awesome chart. Seems pretty generous on the pi3 rating on PSP on n64. then again I do use retropie instead of Lakka. Is lakka better than retropie?
I've been seeing reports that it is, but they generally also say RetroPie is much more customizable. I will be experimenting with both when I get my system, find what works best for me
You see this is why I am leaning toward the raspberry. I am not afraid to say I am new to this stuff and having never touched linux before. With this Its a learning tool, and it looks really easy to work with, that's important for me. Like I said, it's the most popular so it will be the easiest to find guides and support for.
Is there a faster way to scrape art/meta data than through the pi. It was working pretty slow, maybe if I connect directly to the Internet with an ethernet cable? Is it possible to use a scraper on my computer and than transfer the data to the Pi?
Aren't RPis sold out at the moment due to so many people trying to do this?
universal xml scraper
Look it up. It's a way to do on the puter
The smartphone/ipad generation, ladies and gentlemen.
It's 3d printed. I got a case design that I like from thingiverse.com

There's lots of good user submitted cases people have made for the various boards, most of them for the raspberry pi variants. Pic related is one I downloaded that I plan on using.
I got mine from canakit, which priced it at only $36. Don't know why amazon is pricing it at $40
I was born in '82, but whatever. I am openly admitting I am not as knowledgeable about these things, but I am trying to learn. You are just being a douche.
I'd love to have one of those.
I'm getting a little tired of using my PSP for PS1 games. The D-pad is getting pretty worn out.
I'd spend years emulating the hell out of games from my teenage years.
This thread is discussing making something like that (barring a few who seem to have a personal vendetta against the raspberry pi as though it killed their families). We are talking about getting at least a raspberry pi 3, sticking an OS on it like lakka or retropi, and 3d printing a case for it. Then you just need a USB gamepad, some cables, and your roms from a roms site like emuparadise.

I have found several how-to videos for getting something like that. My favorite so far is a youtube channel ETAPrime
Not to dissuade you from a rpi, but there isn't really any difference to using that over a traditional PC.
Size and portability. I want a small little emulation box that I can pack around and plug into a TV for emulation.
I am running retropie/emulation station and I just got a hyperkin six button genesis controller that I would like to use but it seems like you can only configure the controller for a snes layout.

Is there another way to map buttons for certain systems?
It's actually assuming something like an Xbox controller. You will notice it's asking for a lot more buttons then even a SNES controller has. When configuring your controller, you can skip buttons that you don't have. However in the system it's labeled the buttons different than your controller, so the best you can do is assume which buttons it's asking for corresponds to which buttons are on your controller. There are some YouTube videos showing setting up RetroPie, although not for a Genesis style controller, but it gives you an idea how the interface works
I really hate to ask it here but is there any way I can just purchase a ready-done Pi-whatever the hell with emulators already set up and all the component cables supplied?
I'm quite ham-handed when it comes to fiddling with stuff and I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable just buying it ready. With composite cables, preferably.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Ebay. You'll be paying a lot more than what you would buying and putting it together yourself.
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