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MEAN&NASTY for all the banana smugglers out there.

Previous Thread is here:>>3507610
Romancing SaGa 3 Patch FAQ
FAQ for people new to the series
SaGa Scarlet Grace confirmed for coming out on 15/12/2016 for Vita, no news for a western localization yet.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4uRGEJsb9Y [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCrH1_x1bLk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pc_2fLdAXw [Embed]
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>for all the banana smugglers out there.
Seriously, though, bananas? I get Nintendo wouldn't want to mention opium but bananas?

They could've retooled it into smuggling something like explosives or weapons.
it's an adult joke that kids won't get
I'm almost 30 and I don't get it either
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Speaking of... I T ' S T I M E
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Bananas are too delicious for their own good Anon, and considering you can get bazookas and all kinds of weapons of mass destruction in town shops for three fiddies, smuggling weapons doesn't really seem all that serious.

Look at all dem fucking bananas instead, potassium overdose is the cancer that killed the Giant World.

I'm still surprised they kept the porn mags in Frontier, then again, that wasn't on a Nintendo platform.
Good, now go teach Bokuohn the meaning of pain.
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>want to do cool commander things
>everyone wants money i don't have
>if i tax the people they get mad, despite the alternative being losing every battle ever
>turns out the first two battles were super important and i shoulda perfected them
>your troops are hilariously underpowered
>training wasn't even training, you can fail at training and i totally did
>the best tactic is blowing your team up
>my sister is useless
>i just wanna go adventuring while my imposter handles everything

being a leader is hard
Man, forging in Unlimited is such a pain in the ass, especially on your first file.

And I also have to pump up Sapphire's spell list, can't blend a damn thing right now, if only Grace or Kong Ming got that panel, I could make good use of that Thunderbringer I taught Grace.
But gee Mikhail, how come Nora lets you have TWO items?
A banana smuggler is a euphemism for a transvestite.
I heard that "Unlimited Saga basically plays like a mobage" Is that true?
whats a mobage?
Some sort of phone game, I'm not really sure. It was compared to granblue fantasy, specifically.
Well i've played neither. Unlimited plays more like classic western rpgs, imo. Its battle system is a fun take on the usual SaGa style
Honestly I'd say it's more the other way around - modern mobile games in the Granblue style derive a lot of mechanics from classic JRPGs, just monetized with extra transaction mechanics.
>This is not true in the slightest, Harid is arguably much more well rounded than Katarina except for his DEX and Thomas is statistically the strongest mage in the game bar none
I disagree, yes harid can get more strength but kat's does not "blow", if you make her a fighter/spear user, she gets type 10, and stat wise still ends up giving her 20 strength and 24 speed as well as 17 dex and 17 con, making her super well rounded. While you can argue this vs harid for sure, shes still ultimately better than every other protag in the game physically speaking, and its not much of an argument.

Like why bother with julian for example when katrina has either the same stats or higher stats than him in every category except int, and still uses swords really well, as well as spears/epees and big swords? The only thing julian has on her is his faster skill ups, which plateaus after awhile anyway, so its irrelevant.

I agree that she is a shitty magic user but that making or breaking the character would only depend on you wanting to use magic for your protag as opposed to just using someone else for it.
>SJW special snowflake
why'd you have to go there?

Anyway, I don't care if they are equal, but in a game where the protag choice is basically irrelevant it boils down to stats, and its not so much about the inequality of the characters so much as it is about how everyone in the game blows ass compared to harid and kat.

Oh man julian is so appealing with his 16-17 in everything and absolutely dog shit stats, including his great ability to get charmed 100% of the time with his almost single digit charisma.

Or ellen being great with her ok strength and garbage everything else

meanwhile harid and kat have good everything basically making it so there is no real reason to play anyone else outside of town music or liking their sprites more on the field
ahh it wouldn't be a SaGa general without autism and projection
I liked it for being kind of outlandish.
>suddenly we are reduced to this level of shit posting

I was just thinking the other day how nice these threads have been, oh well.
>A person has the freedom to decide whether the constructs of their mind control their perception of reality
I'd like to introduce you to a couple of schizophrenics.
Finally finished SaGa Frontier after 90 hours. What a wacky ride.
all characters?
who was your favorite?
Yeah. Probably Asellus or Red. T260 was also pretty fun to play as.
I've known a few. They're pretty frustrating people. They can have full and coherent revelations and seem to come to a rational acceptance and transcendence of their problems or the trauma or paranoia, then snap right back to the way they were before a week later.

It's like trying to ween a heroin addict or something.
>Is that true?
>It was compared to granblue fantasy, specifically.
Definitely not
Which MMO has the best SaGa feel?
Now that's a new one.
Maybe you've misheard and heard about either Imperial or Scarlet Grace, the former is a web browser game so it's basically a mobage, and the latter got called like that because people are morons, though the actual mobage is Emperors SaGa.
But no, Unlimited is far from it, though it did use some design element which got overly simplified in many mobage, like the map progression, other than that it is way more reminiscent of old CRPGs than anything.
I still don't get why you're arguing about minmaxing and who's statistically better than who, who cares about your MC type when there's the mastering system? Who cares about statistical advantage when the fun is going beyond that? And why should people bother with statistically superior characters if they don't like them?
Look at all the popular characters of each game, RomaSaGa 2 has fucking Bear as an almost living meme when he's one of the shittiest characters and he's much more popular than the other meme character, Hannibal, who's statistically superior, same about other games, people don't care about characters having inferior stats, if anything they make gags about it, like that short manga about Aisha bullying and blackmailing Neidhart.
And why the hell should some villagers, a sheltered princess and a duke have the same stats as a bodyguard and a legendary wandering mercenary, also considering both of which are older than them? This isn't Final Fantasy.
Just have fun man, minmaxing can be fun and all, but this is borderline autism, do you think I cared when I gave Anzam a Slime Phobia panel yesterday for boosting his Earth stat? I could have waited for a high level Fortuneteller but who cares? And the Phobia panel even makes more sense considering the character.
Nice, did you beat the developer's room as well?
What do you think of the game now that you've seen every story?
Granted that I don't play many MMOs, Granado Espada has Tomomi's designs, so characters are vaguely SaGaish, can't tell you anything about gameplay except that it's Korean, so good luck with that.

PSO2 had a short fanmade video of characters sparking new Photon Arts among other things.
And PSO2 does allow you to make some SaGaish characters thanks to its race system, you have Humans, Newmans which are your Esper stand in, Casts if you want robots and Mountain Dewmen if you want to be edgy, but the only real difference is basically cosmetic, as the stat difference between races isn't really that relevant, I've seen great FO/Casts players.
It has the best character creator that has ever graced this world though, and this is a huge plus for some people, me included.

But I don't think there's anything really like SaGa when it comes to MMOs.
>Granado Espada
Good game, bogged down with insufferable pay to win mechanics and an awful population (like all MMORPGS)

When it was still fresh it was fun to play, even though it was awfully grindy it had a huge amount of variety in your tactics and overall strategy, since you would have a "Family" of adventurers (like 9 or so if you wanted) who would be pioneering in some sort of monster infested sorcery version of the new world as seen by koreans who know nothing about the new world as it was, and you'd pick 3 jobs to fill out a team of characters to actually control, and it was a lot like playing a sort of Ragnarok or Diablo type game with an added layer of complexity. It had some pretty good trance music and a good pace to the waves of deadly monsters that would come at you, and the quests were strange enough to be intriguing. The highlight for me was delving into uncharted territory, trying to hold ground against rivers of beasties, getting huge gains when you had a good enough set up to hunt above your level range, holding a pretty decent tension. The other highlight was the cluster-fuck PvP system which had two people micromanaging 3 characters at once in duels, and basically everything you would expect from a normal MMO only TIMES THREE. Which was good when it was good and oh god make it stop I'm having a seizure when it was bad.
You have a problem with satire friend?

>like that short manga about Aisha bullying and blackmailing Neidhart.

I need this.
It's a small manga on Pixiv, it's a parody of Aisha's quest, what's funny is that Neidhart uses is Minstrel Song design while Aisha uses her SFC design, it's also implied that it's based on the SFC version as Aisha uses the Iron Sword's Kamaitachi and the monsters are from the SFC version too.

Chapter one:

Chapter Two:

Chapter Three:
>It has the best character creator that has ever graced this world though,
When I reviewed games, I had an undisclosed list of "gold standards" which I personally experienced and considered a 10/10. To get a 10/10, you had to meet or exceed the current gold standard.

PSO2's character creator has been my gold standard of chargens since it came out and has not been dethroned. Another on the list was DmC's PC version which I considered to be a gold standard of controller/keyboard integration. Why? Because it seamlessly and instantly changes all button/key prompts based on the last one you touched. Can't do mice with 4+ buttons or numbered PC controllers? Points lost mother fucker.
>PSO2's character creator has been my gold standard of chargens since it came out and has not been dethroned
I know right?
That thing is seriously amazing, I've seen many games that tried to compete with it like Freedom Wars but nothing, absolutely nothing gets even close to the sheer volume of options and depth of that thing, even PS NOVA's "simplified" CC is way ahead of everything else, it is an absolute masterpiece of design.

A shame they're not using it as a standard for games with CC, PSO2 was leagues ahead of every other CC when it came out and it still is now, it is safe to say that it was a major factor of PSO2's success.
Phantasy Star Online has always been ahead of the curve for one major reason: Simplicity. You could legibly fit a class strategy on a playing card. Meanwhile in WOWshit you need to hotkey 20-30 abilities for regular fights.

At that point you're playing DDR
>Phantasy Star Online has always been ahead of the curve for one major reason: Simplicity
I'd say the difference is more that PSO focuses on passive skills more than active ones, and it's still an action game at its core, whereas WoW-likes are glorified real time turn based games, even in PSO2 there's only so many active skills you can use and you also can't have many of them actives at the same time unlike other MMO, attacks have actual hitboxes and there's no Hit or Miss factor included, if it's in range you will hit that.
>At that point you're playing DDR
Pretty much that, even more so in games like FFXIV since you have to go through fixed pattern phase shifts on bosses, that shit even let you see the enemy's AoE before attacking, what's even the point of such a thing? most special attacks can be evaded by getting out of the way, then there's full field AoE and if you telegraph even that what's the fucking point of playing at all since I know what to prepare beforehand and hard counter everything?

Anyway, it's neither retro nor SaGa related so I'll stop bitching right here.
>Nice, did you beat the developer's room as well?
I messed around in there a bit but didn't finish it. Gonna come back to it a little later.
>What do you think of the game now that you've seen every story?
I love it. I wish the world and character stories were a little more fleshed out, but I like that kind of throws you into the world and expects you to figure it out on your own. I thought having to build up the same characters over and over again would get boring, but it ended up being my favorite part of the game. Kind of became a challenge to see how fast I could get my party built up to where I wanted it.
Man, I'm really enjoying RS2. I feel like I've "broken into it." Though I haven't tried any of the heroes other than Bokhohn yet, but I'm starting to get a rhythm for it. My only real problem is that it gets a little tiring having to fully remake my party every generation shift, including digging through storage for equipment. Still, other than that, this is probably the most fun I've had with a SaGa title.
So I guess this would be the place to start.

Pic related was one of my favorite game boy games back in the day and I've enjoyed playing through it dozens of times, but only recently bothered to look up anything about it.
It's apparently not really a Final Fantasy game, which makes sense, but actually a SaGa game?

Are the others anything like it? Worth getting into if I enjoyed this one?


This is a pretty good read on the series as a whole. FFL3 is actually the black sheep of the series, and has less in common with the rest of the games than any other game in it.

Long story short, look into this game if you like:
>ruthless difficulty
>huge variety
>very low focus on story
>unconventional character progression
>unusual mechanics
>very open world

Look into these games* rather.
>>very low focus on story
clearly you've never played SF2

That's the exception to the rule, don't you think?
Hardly. Perhaps if you think "story" is a series of expository text boxes and dialogue scenes rather than narrative motivations for the events as they play out on screen, including those events in the structure of the telling.

Listen, when people think of "story" in a JRPG what they immediately think of is FF: long cutscenes, shitloads of melodrama, a linear "walk from cutscene to cutscene" mode with a small bit of exploration peppered in. If you take a "story-focused" game like Kiseki and compare it to literally any SaGa title, c'mon dude. I'm not saying they don't have a story or that what's there isn't good, I'm saying that you have to go looking for it whereas other JRPGs like to shove it in your face.
Just because the majority is wrong doesn't mean I have to acknowledge them.
I think you're confusing shitty design with lack of presence.You don't have to go looking for it, it's all there to see, it's just not explicitly sounded out like the way you have to read a picture book to an autistic child and tell him what's happening on each page.
You might want to try the DS remake and see how differently it plays with some actual SaGa mechanics.
>I thought having to build up the same characters over and over again would get boring, but it ended up being my favorite part of the game.
That's the sign of a SaGa man if I ever saw one!
Isn't it fun to see how much you can do with the characters and the system?
That's great Anon, it can be a bit tiring having to recreate your party from scratch every time but I think it's also a part of the charm of RomaSaGa 2, the fact that you have to focus on both long and short term character building so much is great, and the fact that the game doesn't send you to a gameover screen for most party wipes and still punishes you consistently, unless you know how to exploit it, is something unusual for the time.
And I just can't help to love the characters and setting, all the sprites are so charming, and it's the only game that has three poses instead of two.
>Are the others anything like it
Not quite, SaGa 3 was the black sheep of the series until the DS remake came along and made it play like an actual SaGa game, I'd suggest you to play the second one or Frontier and see if they click with you, because while they do have some similarities with GB SaGa 3 they also have a very different system, playing the DS remake is also a good idea since you're more or less familiar with the game but be advised that the game system is 90% different from the original.
He might have explained himself a bit awkwardly but he's right, SaGa isn't as story "focused" as other RPGs, even Frontier 2 is pretty dry when it comes to narrative. It's not like there's no story, it's just that the narrative style is not the usual walls of exposition/cutscenes straight to your face.

It's pretty apt that he chose the Kiseki games, I agree they're the radical opposite of SaGa, even back to most early LoH games you'd have to wade through text and cutscenes for every little thing, compare it to Frontier 2 and it's a staggering difference in style.
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>Doing the third Mural quest
>Well alright, I've fought enough
>I even got two magic tablets from a mimic and mural monsters
>time to go to the boss
>Aquans gangbang around the corner
>Low on LP
>no bows
I think I'm gonna give up on bows in rs2. It's getting to the point where I'm running out of ways to put off fighting the seven heroes, and encounters are becoming more about one big enemy than a bunch of small ones to aoe down. Not only that, but my bowmen never spark shit and still miss frequently, even with around 20 proficiency. They miss more than my axe user, even! Am I fucking up somehow? I'm using the guys you get for killing the termites and saving the Savannah.
Gonna play the Saga 2 and Saga 3 remakes for DS. What's the best party setup? I know they changed a lot from the OP setups of the originals.
Odd: Minstrel Song
Even: Unlimited
Even Dubs: Frontier
Odd Dubs: Last Remnant
one day I'll finish Last Remnant

by which I mean the stupid optional bosses
I got kind of a bad taste from TLR by its first few hours. I haven't given up on it but since i have other options, i'd rather play a SaGa game. For all the flaws of Minstrel Song and Unlimited, at least I can use the blacksmith right away, can immediately go explore where I want or do sidequests, and recruit and use as many characters as I can get with no arbitrary limit to it. That last detail is probably what really soured my opinion more than anything. I can afford to hire a 4th character but i am not allowed to use him for some reason? Why even let me hire him. Im sure the game gets better but that really annoyed me.
It almost gets worse when you can hire like 50 characters, but only use 18, and only put 5 per union.

18 does not divide by 5, and most formations won't give full bonuses unless you use 5 characters that satisfy specific requirements, which in the PC version means you have to use THE SEVEN to get the most out of pretty much all the best formations there are.

It's honestly complete bullshit.
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It seems like i've spent nearly an hour just fussing over my party's gear and classes in Minstrel Song, tweaking equipment at the Blacksmith and checking different mentors and trying to decide on the right classes to invest into for this playthrough (since i'm near the start). This is why my playtime bloats up to 45-60 hours each playthrough, moments like this. I find this happens to a lesser extent in Unlimited as well. Am I crazy if I this is one of my favorite parts of the game? Its weirdly compelling for me to just plan things out and do the menu managing busywork, while anyone watching would be bored to tears.
Same except for it somehow taking hours.

Maybe like an hour or two at most from finishing the starting quest to locking in the plan for the party I'll use.
my only issue right now is that I want to use farah but i cant get her until i start the Assassin guild quest. So i guess I'll jut have to use Jamil...
Im also trying to decide if i want to push barbera into being a high level martial Artist, or build up to a legendary class like Master for reduced dp/lp
Legendary classes are worthless.
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You're not wrong but i dont completely agree. i find having a that benefit can work depending on your strategy.

On another note, here's one of meme strategies for herman I'm considering. He's generally terrible except he has okay VIT and COM so I'm either gonna make him a Castle Knight and push his compassion so he can deflect attacks more often OR I could make him an Imperial scholar/rosalian mage and give him Rain of Life hydrology spell. Usually, it costs 5 LP to cast but it heals the entire party and he has among the highest LP counts in the game, so i can using him a tank that just heals the whole party.

The only time I use legendary is when starting a new character as a rogue or warrior, specifically because of the extra proficiency talents.
Isn't Rain of Life too slow to combat Animate Dead? I can't say I ever really found a use for the spell.

Why not make him a Rosalian Officer to face-tank everything?
Im looking specifically for the increased chance to deflect attacks aimed at allies
Then 5 castle knights, all using Halberds.
I find Legendary classes have more meaning during early playthroughs where Jewels are still somewhat scarce and all you care about is DP/LP preservation - you go up to Level 3 in a Legendary and you're generally set in that department.

While it's nowhere near top-tier (which would be basically some combination Rosalian Mage, Castle Knights and Rosalian Officers), there's a whole bunch of classes with worse abilities and less skills than Legendaries.

That being said, if you don't know how to take advantage of the flexibility, just stick with the Martial Artist. It's not a "straight upgrade" going from that to Master.
>I find Legendary classes have more meaning during early playthroughs where Jewels are still somewhat scarce and all you care about is DP/LP preservation
I feel like the same number of jewels could get a pirate or a swordsman up to level 4.

Honestly; Pirate, Swordsman, Craftsman, Geckling Knight, Entertainer, there are a lot of great basic classes.
I actually stopped using Castle Knights in favor of Martial Artists recently, for a while I went max defense with garal armor and all, but I kinda like trying lightweight builds instead. You can still effectively reduce the damage you take with stat crippling, then you maul faces with Surge/Reverse auto-combos. 5x Martial Artist might be what I use to do my next 10FS Saruin fight.
Do Pole Arms have a better chance at deflection? I thought that was mostly determined by Compassion and weapon mode
Incidentally, I seem to recall that Legendary classes had some synergy if you want to play with Summons, but I can't remember exactly what the specifics are.

>Do Pole Arms have a better chance at deflection?
I was under the impression you want to use Long Swords instead, because they can deflect for both other people and the user (whereas Pole Arms can only do the former)
No, polearms are just really great weapons in general. They don't do it any better than long swords or great swords.

also I really like polearms in this game
>I was under the impression you want to use Long Swords instead, because they can deflect for both other people and the user (whereas Pole Arms can only do the former)
There are weapons that can only deflect for the user, but there aren't any weapons that can only deflect for allies.

Long Sword is just the only weapon that can deflect for allies while also letting you use a shield.
I am using a Long Sword for precisely that reason

I got a wizard (advanced class that "Cast Spells more effectively") )up to lvl 4 near the end and i was able to cast Bird of Fire without it costing any LP. It felt pretty strong. I dont know if that was actually better than a Sorcerer using the same spell (Legendary)
The Wizard version would have been more powerful while having the same cost of zero LP and whatever BP
Then why would you ever become a sorcerer? So you could have access to more spell schools?
There is no reason to ever become a sorcerer. Legendary classes are bad.
What a letdown
Especially after those stupid kids are all hyping it up and going all "people who try out a lot of different classes can get amazing rewards ;)"
You get to pick any class you unlock when you start a new game with another character.

Rogue is actually a pretty strong starting class because it starts with useful proficiencies, and it has 3 desirable field skills flagged for discount. Warrior also has 3 but the proficiencies it starts with aren't as helpful. Bizarrely, the field skills that get the discount are not the same ones that the class itself actually trains.

Unless you're going to pick an advanced class to stay in for the rest of the game, it's always best to pick one of Rogue, Warrior, or Imperial Marine as a starting class. It might also be that the class you want overlaps with one of those classes, so that you get more than the 5 or 6 in-class skills discounted if you pick one of the classes that also has 3 field skills.
That's a good point, i didn't think of that. I guess it would still be worth it to unlock some of those for future playthroughs. I've gotten Rogue and bard at least so far, as well as a handful of other classes
Come to think of it, Bard would have been a fantastic starting choice for Albert. Dang, i wish i had it.
Remember that you also need to check your enemies' spark grade, you won't be able to get much more than starter waza with normal enemies, better go fight a giant or something if you want to spark good waza fast. Also, Bows aren't really that useful until you get that one bow from the frozen ruins and even so axes can do mass instant death better with Dimension Cut. My rule of thumb for bows revolves around the possibility of getting Barrage Shot with Therese early on, if I do then Bows keep being important until the mid game, if I don't into the trash they go.
They're mostly the same as the originals actually, though SaGa 3 makes monsters work like SaGa 2 instead of having level based forms.
Honestly, with being able to get shit like a Red Mage class but not having access to Necromancy as a magic school I have the feeling Legendary Classes have been cut during development, it seems to strange that they all get the same DP/LP cost reduction but nothing else.
Herman is only useful as a tank unless you grind, I don't have much experience in setting up Rain of Life, I don't think it's that worthwhile with that LP cost, at that point I'd rather use Overdrive as an emergency measure, but on paper it sounds a good strategy.
Sorcerer is kind of the odd one out because it's pretty bad, but it has some sort of niche usage in being able to discount every single Elemental Lord summon or something - not really a top tier strategy any how but it's there.

>Unless you're going to pick an advanced class to stay in for the rest of the game
Weird, people don't do that?

Rogue is pretty nice as far as legendaries go - Bow (for Phoenix Arrow) + Phantom Warrior (through Scimitar illusion channeling) abuse, access to Fire/Water channel through Foil and Short Sword respectively.

I honestly consider it the best out of the legendaries, but I haven't really experimented with a lot of them. Theorycrafting wise, the other I might go for is Shaman
In Minstrel Song, does increasing the level of the Trader class get you better items from monsters?

The default number of trading monsters when highlighting the trade skill in dungeons is 5%, and each level of trader increases that by 5%, so at level 5 trader 30% of the monsters will trade, and by extension will become green non-hostile icons when using the trade skill. Therefor, you will have more chances to see a good item with high Trader level. You can increase the odds of a successful trade by carrying better items in your trade window, and more items that the monster type desires (i.e. birds really like shiny things and wood materials for nests, reptiles really like metal equipment, undeads like clothing to cover their body, unknowns like anything they can eat by dissolving), as well as building up a lot of trade experience by trading with lots of monsters.

The actual items generated are based on a table that checks monster type and battle rank, with crowned monsters having a pool of rare items that only they can generate.
>You can increase the odds of a successful trade by carrying better items in your trade window, and more items that the monster type desires (i.e. birds really like shiny things and wood materials for nests, reptiles really like metal equipment, undeads like clothing to cover their body, unknowns like anything they can eat by dissolving), as well as building up a lot of trade experience by trading with lots of monsters.
Holy shit! 3rd playthrough and im still learning new systems.
Just beat Rocbouquet with an all male party and having forgotten to equip the Somon Ring because my badass emperor is literally so gay he saw through her temptation skill and finished her off before the rest of the team could kill him for her, AMA.

Hurr durr forgot pic because I was too hype
Seems Cattle Call and FuRyu are at it again, will it be a good game this time?

Nice, now go see Noel.

>6280 yen for a 3ds game

Is this standard or are these guys just fucking insane?
>Is this standard
Japanese prices are high/inflated as well since they need to sell more to a smaller population
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I'm not sure if this is his strongest form, but down it went. In Dantarg's defense, his ai went full retard, I knocked him out without him ever using an aoe skill.

That having been said, I recruited a new imperial guard and then after that, Hannibal appeared. I would hate to miss out on using the meme man himself, so what should I do? If I go without a guardsman for this generation, will be be available in the next? I'm pretty sure that's how this works.
>If I go without a guardsman for this generation, will be be available in the next? I'm pretty sure that's how this works.
I'm fairly certain they cycle when a proper time skip occurs
Meant to move on to Unlimited Saga and Minstrel Song but decided to try Final Fantasy Legend and got distracted. Beat it in a couple of days and now I'm on to the second one.
Final Fantasy 11.

The game was setup with exploring, adventuring, and discovering the world of Vana'diel over everything else. The only linear thing about it is leveling up.

The game begins with you being dropped into one of three towns, as one of five races, based on one of five jobs. This is all based on your selection. From that point on, you're left on your own. You can progress the main story missions, explore the quests littered around your town, or just jump into the grinding world and ignore all of that forever.

Quite a few pre-requisites for tons of the storyline and lore missions/quests. Large tales of a world coming under siege by ancient threats, to individual tales of worry and woe.

Beyond that, the gameplay is your standard Everquest fare. It's ATB-style turn based combat applied in real time. You spark skills and improve with a weapon the more you use it, albeit in a more linear way than typical SaGa.

But I can't recommend it to anyone who wants to play today. What I described is dead, and has long since been eliminated by FFXIV and the people who ended up working on FFXIV who produced some of the post-FFXIV release content for FFXI.

The community's pretty much dead, with a populated server numbering in the 500~1000s of users at peak. They introduced item levels to equipment, which threw everything off balance, and made a lot of the old content super obsolete and not something you want to bother with.

Incidentally, a lot of the FFXI staff also worked on Romancing Saga Minstrel Song, as many of the assets in RSMS were from FFXI. This includes interface and icons. Rumor always had it that Kenji Ito was to do an OST for one of the expansions, but it was just a rumor.
aren't there any ways of playing FFXI on private server or something
There are, but they peak out at 15 to 20 users, once a week, and they feature some very odd design changes on the part of the people running/maintaining the server.
>Is this standard
It is, for what they're selling it's a pretty standard, if not decent deal, many generic dungeon crawlers with little to no animations and shallow gameplay go for more or less the same price, if not usually more. Scarlet Grace itself costs 6800 Yen after all.
That's his second form, so no, you haven't witnessed full power Dantarg, it also has very low HP, more or less 22000 iirc, good job on beating him all the same.
Regarding Hannibal, any character class goes through a cycle, every time a shift happens or one of the characters of that class gets recruited and dies the game cycles forward to the next character in the list, so eventually you'll get Hannibal again if you kill enough Imperial Guards, that's how you can get the original characters again as well, like Cat, Bear, Karl and so on.
One other thing you should know is that characters can be made emperors one time only, you can't make the same character an emperor twice, though they can be party members as many times as you want, this is also another instance of forced countdown in the game and it's used to do a forced Last Emperor vs All run, which can be quite fun if you're in for a challenge and don't mind killing off Gerald and missing on the Mermaid quest.
I'd suggest you do pick up The Legend™ to kill off some of the remaining heroes, his monstruous 25 STR will serve you good, especially if you give him the Amethyst Axe and buff him up, alternatively, Gustaf is fine too as he's just one point below Hannibal in STR rating.
The GB SaGa are pretty short, they won't take much of your time, hope you manage to enjoy 3 though.
>Incidentally, a lot of the FFXI staff also worked on Romancing Saga Minstrel Song
That's because to this day SaGa doesn't have a dedicated team unlike FF, so they've always swapped most of the staff around, which is unfortunately one of the many factors of SaGa games frequently getting cuts.
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>Got magic blender on Anzan but no forbidden magic for blending Stone Rain
>Can blend Holy Thunder on Grace but no magic blender on her
You should look up Nasomi. It's based around CoP with some Aht Urgan sprinkled in, has a peak of only 500 granted but everyone who joins the server is part of the same Linkshell which functions as a kind of global chat.

As a result everyone eventually meets everyone and you're able to start a party up really quickly. If you shout for a party, chances are x amount of people will change jobs just to party and it breeds a really nice atmosphere. I honestly waited longer for a party back on Odin with 3~4k peak.

As a sidenote it's also been running for like 3 years without major issues and the man who runs\codes it all himself is very dedicated and deserved of respect.
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>tfw you make a four part retrospective about the SaGa games and whine and nitpick about every little detail

I was able to make it to Wagnas, and just HAPPENED to have a great setup for him and whomped him on my first try (everyone was wearing straw hats and i had physic water on everyone so his fireballs didn't hurt and I could cure blind). I've got the final emperor now, pretty nervous because I'm realizing I haven't done any fusion magic and now I can't get it period. But I've heard the game is beatable without it, so h-here I go!
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You guys aren't tired of these yet right
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Starring Elsa from the Frozen series (TM)
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Man, thanks for the answer.
I actually quit the game back in April for good. Did everything one could do, had 2 Mythics, a few relics and stuff like that. The only way my equipment could be better was farming voidwalker NMs for some very rare items to craft stuff with a 0,00000000000000000001% success chance.
I just couldn't justify spending my time for this.

They should release an offline version. But if I remember right, they said it's "too hard" to do or something like that.
Also lol @ squares video for the "new loading times" it still (at least while looking at it) looks pretty slow.
Too busy looking at the Asurana section of the page to notice the top right corner.

What a lovely lady.

>They should release an offline version. But if I remember right, they said it's "too hard" to do or something like that.

You can always look forward to the FFXI Mobile


Which they haven't talked about in ages.
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>final emperor now
>pretty nervous because I'm realizing I haven't done any fusion magic and now I can't get it period.
oh shit nigga what are you doing
Jesus I hate this fucking guy, I'm quite a bit autistic myself but this guy takes the cake holy shit.
And he's fucking everywhere on top of that, Gamefaqs, youtube, you name it.
You're doing God's work Anon.

So, mechanics time:

The weapon types are more or less Romancing SaGa's types, Sword, Great Sword, Rapier, Spear, Axe, Hammer, Bow, Wands and Martial Arts.


You can rank up waza, making them more powerful and also reducing the BP cost.

Character Roles from SaGa Frontier 2 are back!

This time characters only have one weapon slot.

Counter, Defense and the new Interrupt waza types are now called "Reserve" waza.

Monsters from Minstrel Song have been recycl- will make a cameo, there will be more than 100 monsters in the game.

Regarding characters:

The young guy with the hat is called Arthur, he joins Balmaint at the beginning of his quest, he's a ladies' man and seems to have a business of his own with Siegfrey.

The old man is called Mondo, or maybe Mond, after all Frontier's Mondo was actually called Mond. He's Urpina's loyal bodyguard and is proficient with swords, spears and axes.

The edgy guy with the lipstick and ahoge has quite a troublesome name to translate, I suppose his name is Chago/Tiago-Lisboa/Liesbois, but it's a bit hard to infer, he's the lord of castle Palum.

The girl with the tophat is called Asrana, she's a sculptress of sorts and has her own atelier(does that mean we'll get a Tecmo-Koei Atelier Asrana?), though it seems she's actually a bit crazy and obsessed with statues, and not in a good way.
Yeah, it's still pretty slow, but it's on Vita, you can't expect good loading times for games like these unless you're making glorified PSP games.

These threads really die on EU time, might as well bump for safety.
Gonna spend the day doing carrier quests with Ventus until I feel comfortable with how panels work. I'm terrified of moving on to a different character with less freedom.
First time posting here, forgive me if this is a commonly asked question.
I've been meaning to play Romancing SaGa 2 now that it was translated so I downloaded an Android emulator and tried my best to get it to work. I installed the apk and put the obb file in the folder I was supposed to but no matter what I do when I start it up it only shows this even after it says it finished downloading. Is there a way I could fix it?
The solution is to learn Japanese

Get Bluestacks, make playstore Account and buy it. Thats how I've done it, there is no way I'm going to play games on my Phone.
Man, Unlimited is somehow even more confusing than I remembered it being, I'm still gonna at least try to play through it without using guides but I doubt I'll get very far.
There are uncracked and cracked versions of the game floating around and you need to make sure you have the correct one.

It shouldn't be downloading shit if you have the OBB - at the black screen at the start, just wait a while WITHOUT pressing the "Cancel" button at the bottom and it'll eventually start if you have the correct cracked version
There's a lot of information if you look through the last thread.

Feel free to ask questions here as well, there's at least a handful of experienced players itt.
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>spark great wheel on sharl way earlier than expected
>give it to everyone on the team
>shit stomp every basic encounter effortlessly for the rest of the game
is there a better feel?
bluestacks is shit and full of ads, gimped functionality for the free version, constant goading to get the paid version, and it forces you to download f2p games

get droid4x
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I'd argue you should ditch Ventus asap because Carrier quests spoil you with the unlimited panel growth, and in some cases like Ruby's quest you have a shitload of tetraforces to powerlevel which make you stronger even faster than using Carrier quests, in some places like the Deities' Table you can also grind magic tablets pretty fast if you want to. Carrier quests are mostly a crutch, you shouldn't depend on them, it's a bad habit.

For instance I have mostly L5 panels on my Ruby team and I still need to go to the Undercity Pharos and the Deities' table, at this point I'm not even going to do most of the other adventures beside a few high tier ones, there's no point at all unless I want to raise my market level further, but having already forged a few Black and Platinum weapons I don't really need to.

Also, didn't you already get the Dragonheart? At that point you shouldn't be worried about getting more panels, Kalandorn isn't going to be stronger than the Round Table+Phantom and I don't think Chaos Ruler will be much worse than fighting the Round Table, just forge some good weapons and kick Kalandorn's ass.
Whenever you need help just ask.
I too had a slow start after so many years but after a few quests I warmed up just fine.
Still got BTFO by Tagut a few times, but Tagut's admittedly pretty tough compared to most bosses and I went in underpowered as fuck.
What worries me is that now I'm getting liches and shit on my normal encounters so maybe I've been abusing Tetraforces a bit too much.

Next quest will be Kurt's so I'll need to put some effort, though Laura's tempting too, I'd like to build Michelle and Musol Yanii again, without Axes this time,
who is that picture of??
some tranny skank
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>mfw don't remember a damn thing about Undercity Pharos

I've been wandering around since an hour or so and I still don't remember where the fuck I'm supposed to go, all this random fighting is beginning to wear down my team.
Which games would you guys recommend actually playing, and in which order?

I did enjoy FF2, and I like the SaGa's series unique approach to leveling and mechanics, so I thought I'd start to play through a few of them in the near future.

General answer is to choose between Frontier 1, Romancing 3, or the non retro Minstrel Song. You could also try the DS remake of saga 2, because it would still feel familiar to you while also introducing you to the series' main mechanics.
At some point you need to backtrack iirc
SaGa Frontier 2

There is one thing I've been wondering, how much should I be worried about weapon durability?
Well for whatever reason the save counter rolling back on Final Fantasy Legend 2 fucked with my save and whenever I load it it goes back to the fourth time I saved instead of the 104th.
Not even Chaos Ruler could stop the Age of Fatso, Roy and Anzan almost solo'd the fight with Iskandar hogging some spotlight with Reverse Delta.

Now, onto Kurt's quest!
I'd say release order if you're a purist and want to see how the series changed, but it's not necessary, since you liked FFII it could be nice for you to do so, but that's up to you.
I do not suggest you to play GB SaGa 3 and SNES Romancing SaGa, the former isn't even a true SaGa game and the latter is way too clunky and buggy to be enjoyable, both have superb remakes.
Anyway, as long as you don't start with Unlimited or Romancing SaGa 2 you're more or less fine, those are for more seasoned players, the general consensus is to start with Frontier or Romancing SaGa 3 and then play the other titles.
Yeah, I had to, luckily I bangend my head on so many walls I managed to complete it, took 400 or so turns though.
Weapon durability(EN) works similarly to Frontier 2, except for one weapon line of attacks you consume one point per command, once the EN value reaches zero the weapon is unusable and you need to go to a blacksmith to restore it, however, if one of your characters has a Quick Fix panel or has learned the Recycle spell and can cast it you can restore EN a bit as long as the weapon isn't broken, though you should always do so before the weapon's EN dips under 10 points, as you'll have to use reels and there's a chance you might mess up and break the weapon/accessory.
Keep in mind that Blacksmiths can upgrade EN a lot and as you get stronger you'll be using your weapons less times, especially spears if you have Acupuncture, so it's only a problem in the very early game, or if you don't keep an eye on it like you should.
Forging multiple reserve weapons is also a thing, and costs basically nothing if you keep opening treasure chests like you should.

What I've been doing so far is using weapons until they have fairly low durability then switching to other ones I've bought, I've been hoarding all my materials so far, is it a better idea to repair my older weapons? I sparked Reaper at some point and I've been using that a lot since it's the only waza I have that can hit multiple enemies. How does Quick Fix work? I used it a bunch on one weapon in a quest, and it wouldn't let me use it again in the next quest I did.

I've actually been having a lot of fun playing it this time around even though I still have barely any idea what I'm doing.
Thanks guys, I'll give Romancing 3 a go soon.

I still like the look of GB SaGa 3, so I'll probably give it a go sometime anyway, but I'll try and complete the main SaGa games before that.
>I've been hoarding all my materials so far, is it a better idea to repair my older weapons?
For the early game, yes, unless you manage to get your hand on Copper/Iron/Silver it's best to repair old weapons, also because you'll likely have awakened the latent attack lines whereas new weapons usually have to be used a few times before unlocking all the attack lines.
If you do get something like the aforementioned materials it's best to forge a weapon with those as they're by far better, keep in mind that forging has some RNG involved in how the weapon turns out, certain materials allow the weapon to either inherit or create different attack lines, certain material combinations sometimes give you stronger weapons made of a better alloy such as Steel, Fairy Silver and so on.
Generally, you'd want to get a Steel weapon asap, as long as you have something with Iron and wooden material like Oak you can forge those to create a Steel weapon.
You also have to consider that material also modify the weight of the equipment, Fairy Silver is very light for instance while Lead is the heaviest material there is, that changes your character weight, which in turn leads to different martial art lines and less speed.

One last thing I'd recommend you to do is equipping every character with a weapon that can block, either a Sword, Dagger or Staff will be fine as they all can have commands like Deflect that allow to block attacks, even at 0 EN you can still trigger defensive commands so don't worry about your blocking weapon being out of EN, I usually give everyone a wood knife with a defensive slot, they're light and easy to get.
>How does Quick Fix work?
Quick fix restores EN up to a certain amount, usually 20 EN I think, the bare minimum you need to keep on fighting, it's an emergency measure that can't compare to Blacksmiths, but it's pretty useful if you don't have people with familiars and you use weapons a lot, especially during long adventures.

Pretty sure I have a copper spear and sword, don't think I've seen Iron or Silver anything so far. By attack lines do you mean the 4 different abilities a weapon can have? I've got a fuckload of extra daggers so equipping everyone with one would be no problem. I'm still confused about Quick Fix, does it recharge or is it basically you have a certain amount of points to use, then you can't use it anymore?

For now I'm thinking I'll just keep swapping out for new weapons until I get copper or better then forge the older weapons into them to repair, unless there's any reason I should hang onto them?
>don't think I've seen Iron or Silver anything so far
They only appear in the shops as you get a higher market rank, but you can find them in treasure chests during tougher adventures, Silver will take a while to show up though, it's a pretty valuable material.
>By attack lines do you mean the 4 different abilities a weapon can have?
Exactly, attack lines change depending on the weapon's material and how the weapon is forged, weapons, shields and accessories forged with beastial stones(Lazuli, Ravenite, Carnelian or Topaz) get a elemental Art line in the second slot which allows you to channel elemental spells, Demonite, a high rank material allows you to cast Forbidden spells, other materials such as Bone, silver or Damascus all lead to different attack lines and properties.
>I'm still confused about Quick Fix, does it recharge or is it basically you have a certain amount of points to use, then you can't use it anymore?
It simply recharges a weapon/accessory, you can use it as much as you want.
>unless there's any reason I should hang onto them?
As I said before, if you have access to a certain weapon line in a old weapon and forging it makes it lose access to it, you might want to keep the old weapon instead, but that's up to you, you can still spark new stuff in new lines anyway, usually, I tend to keep weapons that have Aim or Slash unless they're made of wood or some low tier material, mostly because they're good lines for LP damage, Aim especially is probably what you'll want on your spears most of time because it leads to superb LP damage waza like Acupuncture.

Ah, cool, I just loaded my file up to test Quick Fix, must have been trying to use it on stuff with maxed durability before, it worked fine this time. Thanks for all the help.
>I sparked Reaper at some point and I've been using that a lot since it's the only waza I have that can hit multiple enemies.
Reaper is GOAT, only Bows, Spears, and Staves have weapon techniques that hit hit all.
No problem, we're here to help each other out.
You might be able to get Ironstone items; which are weaker than Iron items but will forge into Steel all the same.
To add on this Anon's post, certain combinations of materials are not explicitly shown, or rather they are but at the same time they're not.

For instance, if you try to forge Silver with a beastial stone like Lazuli, try to push left or right on the while highlighting the second component, sometimes you'll notice that the result changes from Silver to Platinum, that's because forging has in general a random chance of getting certain combinations, I believe it's usually 15% chances of getting the right combinations for special material.

Special materials you can get from forging are Platinum(Fairy Silver), Black(Damascus) and more importantly Type 01/02 Steel and Type 01/02 Mullock.
Platinum has a low chance of success during forging, so you might want to save and reload before forging, Fairy Silver is a very light material and leads to decent attacks and interesting properties for accessories or attack lines for weapons but most importantly it sells for a shitload of money you can use to get ingredients for Damascus, Damascus needs Type 02 Steel and Type 02 Mullock, it's by far he best material for equipment unless you want a lightweight character, in which case Fairy Silver is your choice.
The trick with Damascus is that you need the right type of two ingredients, the right steel type can be noticed by a factor, it has one point less in Attack values, let's say from 58(01) to 57(02), sometimes you might get the right Steel weapon in the shop, sometimes not, you can however reforge Steel with some Wooden material until you get the second type, again, save+soft reset or savestates are your friend.
Mullock type however can't be inferred from anything, the type is completely hidden, but you can forge two Mullock pieces together, that will ALWAYS lead you to the right type of Mullock you'll need for damascus, get dem mullock in the shops when you see it.

Attack/Abilities lines also depend on your material and inheritance percentages.

Not sure if I've seen Ironstone anywhere yet, unless I ended up passing it up in a shop without noticing. I actually got an Iron Axe at some point, and forged that into a Steel Axe, I've got at least two pieces of Mullock too and plenty of wood stuff, so if I've read this right I can make the best axe out of those if I do the forging right?

I think I've got a lot of resetting ahead of me.
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>so if I've read this right I can make the best axe out of those if I do the forging right?
Try it out, it's worth it.
This is incorrect in the sense that Mullock(1)+Mullock(2)=Mullock(1)


All give out Mullock(2) at 100% chance

Steel(2)+Mullock(2)=100% Damascus

Iron can make both Steel(1) and Steel(2), while Ironstone can only make Steel(2), at the same probability.

Another useful combination is Corundum(Sapphire)+Corundum(Ruby) making Queen Shiva(15%), a material that is very good for shields and accessories.

One thing to keep in mind is that your attack settings are determined when initially forging the item into the final type, that is, the moment it becomes a dagger it's abilities are locked until you forge it into something that isn't a dagger and then back again. Daggers seem to be the only item that can forge into any other kind of item as a material, so usually you want to make your weapon type initially at the weight you want it, then use Daggers for forging all other Mullock materials and whatnot. There are 8 weight ranks, and because order of materials is important Damascus items can only go as low as 3 (Iron and Steel are weight 5, so even if you combine them with Feather when making a Sword, the weight will end up as 3 or 4).

This only applies to slots, all forged equipment is weightless.


You want your Black/Dragonscale sword to have Weight 8, so you take your Steel(2)/Dragonscale Dagger and combine it with Lead(weight 8) to produce a weight 8 Sword with Multi-Blade/Cross-Slash/Stardust/Blast.

Example 2:

You want a Black/Dragonscale sword to be Weight 3 for Rear blade and Deflect, so you get a Steel(2) or Dragonscale Dagger with 4 slots showing, and combine with Feather, when it comes out there's a 50/50 chance of getting set 3; M.Blade/Deflect/R.Blade/C.Slash and set 4; M.Blade/Deflect/Slash/C.Slash. You need slots showing so you can tell which one you got.

Then make into Damascus while retaining abilities.
Gimme your sickest unofficial remixes.
Thanks for the correction on the Mullock part.
I thought Queen Shiva had lower success than that, wasn't there also a Diamond+Diamond combination? I swear there's so much stuff you can do with forging, it kind of makes you feel bad to keep on playing on new game+ as you can abuse blacksmiths pretty easily if you have the patience to do so.

Still looking for Levo Lution's Extile album

I'm dying every time I remember and still can't find it anywhere
>wasn't there also a Diamond+Diamond combination?
Yeah, it makes Roadster, a material comparable to Queen Shiva, that makes a shield of about equivalent usefulness as well.

Both Queen Shiva and Roadster make shields that block all physical attributes, but QS also blocks Heat, and Roadster blocks Lightning.

Both are somewhat inferior to DragonScale Shields which block Slash/Pierce/HIL (Heat-Ice-Lightning)

As accessories both block stat downs and have high defense, but I tend to put a higher value on status blockers and life point protection.

Diamond=Null Para
Obsidian=Null Petri
Faerie Silver=Null Blackout
Damascus=Life Protection

All those statuses are basically devastating and can completely destroy your groove and ruin a boss fight, so I'll use up all those diamonds making status rings instead of roadster shields.

Element support and Life Protections also stack from different gears, so it's typical to have say, Michelle, with her 6 LP, wearing Life Protection gear in every single slot, or Judy with nothing but element support everywhere.
>Yeah, it makes Roadster
Just when I typed that I found diamonds in the shops and tried it out, not a bad combination, made a decent sword with it, after doing an adventure I found some dragon scale in the shops so I think I'll turn that sword roadster into a shield or an accessory,
Ten hours in and I've beaten all the Gauntlet bosses thanks to Poker Wild, I'm tempted to finish Kurt's quest's early, but I need stronger party members, Edel and Mordeus are far too weak to be of any use against Chaos, and I need Joseph to master its tablets and maybe get a magic blender too.

If only I found some good armor with Life Protection.
So, I've been thinking, I have two pieces of demonite sitting around, would it be possible to get an accessory with both Forbidden arts and Support?

iirc forging with demonite can apply those two but is i possible to have them both on the same accessory? Arts go in the second slot but support also goes in the second or third slot, so in theory, if I get lucky I could have Forbidden art in the second slot and Forbidden support in the third.
Not like I'll learn Forbidden magic anytime soon but I've been wondering how much I could boost it.
What is bad about the legend of legacy?

Is the game just dull or are the mechanics bad? It looks nice and seems to have pretty gud music

I ask because it has mediocre reviews, but that's pretty par for the course for saga-type games, if I recall minstrel song was given like fucking 4s and 5s from some publications
I like it but
1) The soundtrack feels limited. There's like 18 songs but, you know
2) The gameplay isn't all that deep
3) Requires more grinding than I've typically ever given
Oh and the social elements, while nifty, aren't all that cool or useful.
Not much of a story really, at the end of the day, as well.
The mechanics are overall too simplistic so it gets grindy and repetitive rather quickly and there isn't much of a narrative either so this game can't lean on that to make you want to continue playing.
I think it's a very polished game that falls to the trap of simple gameplay and a simple setting/story that doesn't really draw the player into its charms.

I found playing it best in small bursts, instead of one long session. Do a little bit, clear some maps, spark some techniques, and move on.

Try to burn through it as you would a more story or gameplay heavy game and you'll end up feeling a little tired of the game.
On the subject of Legend of Legacy, someone just linked me this.


>Scenario – Yoshitaka Murayama (the creator of Suikoden)


I made a Black Axe, Sword and Spear earlier, took ages to actually forge them all so haven't tried them out yet.

The more I play this the more I like it, wish I'd given it a proper try earlier.
LoL isn't that bad of a game but it has its problems.

-Character designs by Kobayashi
-Music by Hamauzu
-It's pretty much a SaGa clone
-looks and sounds good enough
-multiple MC as per the Romancing formula
-Little to no narrative, gameplay focused

-It's an extremely shallow SaGa clone which is borderline archaic if you're used to SaGa standards
-There's no characters besides the MCs, making the game lose most of its replay value
-There's basically no narrative or story at all, making multiple MCs even more pointless
-there's actually very little content
-It gets repetitive and grindy really fast and there's not much depth so you can't even do as many cool exploits as you can do with SaGa games

What personally irks me is that the devs made such a big fuss about it being a SaGa successor and then they delivered this half baked game, it's good for casuals who can't stomach actual SaGa games, but for veterans or enthusiasts it's a cheap knock-off, made it even worse by the fact that they got both Kobayashi and Hamauzu working on it, it feels almost offensive.

Let's hope they won't mess up the next game, though honestly, all that talk about making a game like the old "classics" isn't a good sign, they completely missed the design philosophy of SaGa with LoL and this kind of pandering is exactly what made Square's Setsuna bomb hard.

Besides, Scarlet is coming out in a month or so, they better do a decent clone this time if they want to catch up with the series they're trying to rip off.
>The more I play this the more I like it, wish I'd given it a proper try earlier.
Better late than never.
If you want to squeeze everything out of the shops I'd suggest you to give someone an Artiste panel, you can get more items in the shops this way, I've been blitzing through Kurt's story thanks to Platy digging up good stuff in the shops with Artiste early on, having someone with Merchant also helps reducing the price for rare materials.
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>Ventus gets a Magic Blender panel because
>Josef can't event get some high level familiar
>Running out of high level quests

Don't think I've seen a single Artiste panel so far, are they rare?
Alright, Kurt's done, Armand is a hilariously broken character as always, but Kurt needs him considering Mordeus and Josef have so little LP.
Still have no idea why they changed his name, same with Mordeus and Kurt.

Just speeding through Laura's quest now, made a heavyweight Dragonscale sword and going to Escata with Based Francis, with some luck I'll be able to get him a Dragonscale spear after I'm done with this, maxed market rank is great for quick plays.
Kind of.
As long as you spam Quick Fix or shop related abilities you should be able to get an Artiste panel relatively fast.

Huh, I've actually used Quick Fix a lot but still never seen one. I usually end up seeing the same martial art, weapon, familiar, map and chest related panels over and over, and rarely stuff like iron body.
>I've actually used Quick Fix a lot but still never seen one.
Guess you're out of luck, I've used nothing but magic on Josef during my Kurt playthrough and he never got even one L4 familiar panel, nor a magic blender, which Ventus got randomly during a quest in which he did absolutely nothing at all, sometimes the game hates you and there's nothing you can do but deal with it.
are monsters really that awful in saga frontier

They're the weakest race, except for maybe Mystics and the hardest to plan out but they're not really awful.

SaGa Frontier is fairly easy overall anyway, so it's easier to just go with whatever party and setup you want without screwing yourself over like some of the other SaGa games.
Monsters are gr8 m8

Except for maybe mecs they power up faster than any other race, and they have a lot of utility. Monsters are better than every mystic that isn't Nusakan, Mesarthim or Time Lord, and generally carry the rest of your party in the early game and make a really useful tank/healer later on, with powerful multi-target spells and rechargable WP.

Actually if you can somehow manage to get LifeRain on a monster they beat out mystics (except time lord) completely and occupy a support role that mecs and humans can't. (Unless you're playing Red or Blue)
on the subject of saga frontier, can asellus absorb enemies without affecting her ending?

IIRC you can use her MysticGlove as much as you want because of a bug, but I could be wrong about that. At the very least one of her Mystic weapons doesn't affect her endings.
You can't absorb without triggering the transformation, so I wouldn't think so.

The way her endings actually work is different from how they're supposed to work, there's a section on it in that mechanics guide on GameFAQs.
Well that isnt very surprising.
In Red's story, i feel like I spoiled the game for myself by transforming Cotton into the Gryphon monsters you fight at the end of that part of the game. The multi-target spell nearly trivialized most random encounters
If you think that trivializes the game then you should try maxing out a mech and using Shock Soldier/Tiger Rampage, that's what I call humiliating and trivializing the game.
SaGa Frontier is def a good choice for beginners because its pretty easy compared to lot fo them. I absolutely found it easier than minstrel Song

SaGa Frontier is far too easy to break, humans with DSC can destroy anything that isn't immune to it, or use LifeSprinkler, RosarioImpale, RisingNova or TresFlores for a shitload of damage, Mecs have ShockSoldier, PluralSlash, PopKnight, TigerRampage and Magnify, and although Mystics and Monsters can't reach the same kind of damage they still have plenty of decent options.

And then there's all the bugs like Overdrive/StasisRune, Takonomics and Junk Shop trick that let you break the game even more.

Whenever I replay it now I just do challenge runs to make the game more fun.
Wait until you pull off Overdrive/Stasis with Blue or Rouge.
It is way easier than Minstrel Song, it's a very easy game that's best suited for beginners because it gives you a lot of space and freedom to fuck around, adjust difficulty and study the system, which other games in the series do not.

I don't want to imagine all the poor souls which started Unlimited with Armic's quest or those who played RomaSaGa 2 without using magic, those are almost guaranteed one way tickets to New Game on the starting screen.
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Robots are OP af
Bad Dragon pirates.

To be fair even SaGa Frontier can be unforgiving to beginners, choosing Lute's story first could easily screw you over if you didn't know what you were doing, and there's plenty of situations where you could save in a dungeon you can't leave while being unprepared for it.
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I wasn't aware terrorists existed before 9/11

They didn't, those are Terorists.
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Oh man, if this doesn't scream SaGa machine I don't know what does.

Damn, is SaGa really that big still in Japan, or does Square have that much marketing money to throw around? This is something I'd expect out of a franchise like Monster Hunter.
SaGa has a dedicated fanbase
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Francis Torrens, a flashy man immersed in his research living in a hut in a forest in the region of Gradion.
He was once the third secretary of the Imperial Library, meaning he must have some kind of special knowledge, he was also considered a child prodigy when he was younger.
It also seems he has some kind of hidden agenda that drives his research.
So yeah, basically Roufas 2.0, he also seems to never take off his sunglasses.
SaGa has a very dedicated fanbase in Japan and it's one of the oldest and most respected RPG series, no wonder they're doing a special Vita edition, Scarlet is a big event, a new mainline game in more than a decade coming out during the 25th anniversary of the series.
>does Square have that much marketing money to throw around?
You're surprised for a special Vita edition but not for a limited edition whiskey, trains, handmade pottery and museum exhibitions?
DSC is a pain to learn for anyone except maybe Liza and Emelia in her fighter costume?

The sword techs are good but not as broken as TwoGun with Boundshot imo.

Mecs are overpowered in early game but fun things are fun! Customisable robots, damnit.

Unless youtried to cast every single spell in Blue's Quest, you probably won't find it out on your own.

Goldshop trick and Junkshop is sort of justified since your starting equipment is shit and grinding for credits is impractical in this game.
And Time magic's turn ending spell is probably more abusable than the overdrive stasis trick. Make Timelord absorb high speed monsters and you can stop every boss from doing anything on his/her turn.
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Serhahn, a noble from the Niyu tribe from the eastern regions of the empire, when he was a child he was discriminated due to her mother's low status as a member of the weaker Ashina tribe.
He has quite a long sob story about his mother dying in misery, but more importantly he was entrusted with a scarlet stone, the same stone Sascha has, which is quite obviously a fragment of Firebringer.

He looks more like a DQ MC with that tiara and hairdo.
>Goldshop trick and Junkshop is sort of justified since your starting equipment is shit and grinding for credits is impractical in this game.
I always had the feeling they did that on purpose, RomaSaGa 3 has the Holy Ring bug which gives you literally infinite money, SaGa Frontier has the Laubholz exploit, Unlimited lets you keep your market grade, so you just have to buy a piece of silver and a bestial stone or Ironstone and wood to get a ton of money effortlessly in new game+, it's too fishy to be just a series of bugs or oversights, many SaGa games give you a lot of ways to break the economy.
At least Unlimited balances it out by still making you want to open up chests during quests as they contribute to your panel pool.
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wait which part of her body did I just

Emelia in her own quest is the character who can have the talent for all 4 moves you need, I think there's at least a few characters who have talent in 3 of them, like Liza.

Dunno how I forgot about BoundShot, it can combo with itself too so it's doubly broken.

Mecs are overpowered the whole game, but yeah, they're fun, almost every time I've done T260G's quest it's been with an all Mec party.

Yeah, you probably wouldn't figure out how to abuse Overdrive and StasisRune by yourself, same with the junk shop and takonomics really. There's plenty of decent equipment you can get for free early on just by running around opening chests, I prefer just doing that and buying better equipment later.


I forgot about that too, easily the most broken thing in the game.
that's her head so i guess she vored you
Her head.
You're basically reenacting JoJo part 3 where Hierophant Green and Silver Chariot get inside Joseph's head,
Are any of the SNES SaGa games translated yet or do I have to go back to Frontier like the EOP pleb that I am?
Both Romancing SaGa and Romancing SaGa 3 have ENG patches, but RomaSaGa 3's translation is absolute garbage.

RomaSaGa 2 for iOS/Android has been localized officially but the localization is garbage.
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kill me.
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midway through apollo's world

is this about normal for right now
>RomaSaGa 2 for iOS/Android has been localized officially but the localization is garbage.

how bad are we talking?
If you know what you're doing, you can grab a ZeroWorm extremely early with common skills from common enemies, then you go grab the Magatama from Sei's tomb and you basically trivialized 2/3 of any given playthrough right there.

They sorta fall off in late game unless you take the time to go grab them MightyCyclone or LifeRain, both of which unfortunately aren't common.

Monsters are nowhere near the worse - I would honestly place them pretty high on a "race tier list" if the assumption is no Gold Ingot trick (which makes Mecs shoot up a lot but I don't rank them too highly otherwise).

The "average" gimmickless Mystic (meaning Shadow/Ildon and not Time Lord) probably take the spot of worst race no matter what criteria you use.

>how bad are we talking?
Very slightly better than RS3's English fantranslation
Yeah I am playing right now and the localization is total shit. It's functional, enough to play it if you can't play it in Japanese, but it has no flair, lots of errors...quite terrible. Better than nothing, I guess.

Talking RomaSaGa2, just to be sure. I got a bunch of skills sparked with my current party (third generation) I only get access to them in the trainers if I get a generation shift, right?
I've seen people saying yes, people saying no, and given the lack of organized info about this game, it's kinda hard to know for sure. I got no way to restore LP and the sparked skills are fucking great, so I don't know if I should savescum until a generation shift happens naturally, or just carry on with a new party until I can get access to those skills later.

Is there no way to restore LP normally? I had a single LP restoring potion in the treasury (which I already used in my thief that is stocked up the ass with valuable skills). Will they become available later? Is there any other method available this early on?

Also is there any wiki or something with detailed info about equipment? Due to the way the interface is organized, it's hard to know what does what in terms of equipment, what gives bonuses or elemental resists and such.
>I got a bunch of skills sparked with my current party (third generation) I only get access to them in the trainers if I get a generation shift, right?

>Is there no way to restore LP normally?
You will eventually unlock a Witch hut which sells multiple kind of potions, one of them being the LP restoring potion.

The bad news is that she charges Money for it and very specifically it's the maximum amount your wallet can hold and she doesn't accept credit cards, so if you want to build up a supply of LP potions, you're going to have to make multiple treks back and forth to your castle to the cave which is meh.
So 10000 gold a pop? Hm, better than nothing I guess.
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You still have my patience Kawazu.
Odds - SaGa 2 DS
Evens - SaGa 3 DS
So how's a Human/Human/Mutant/Whatever party in DS?
I easily turned most of my monsters into Dullahans(those headless knight things) by midgame. They're pretty good that way. But for monsters, it's really Kylin Jr. versus everything else. Every monster you could use is just shit compared to Kylin and his/its space magic and superior stats.

Silence is pretty bad as a character and mystic. Ildon seems to be more suitable for physical attacks, but mystics are easier to train as magic users since they can't learn sword techs and stuff. Zozma is actually pretty good but you get him too late. Whiterose is also a good mage after some absorption and training, but heck, she disappears for the endgame in Asellus' quest. The doctor is awesome if only because if his free healing Mysticwear. Mersathim is probably even better than the Doctor because Liferain AND Maelstorm. Of cose, Timelord is cheesecake. So there's really only 2 bad mystics in the game, unfortunately only Silence is easily available to everyone except T260G.
>Every monster you could use is just shit compared to Kylin and his/its space magic and superior stats.
Technically true, but I feel like availability counts for something - Cotton and Thunder are easy to acquire and can be built quickly while Kylin is like end game material so you get more out of the former.

The Doctor is good because starting with a shirt means he doesn't have forced Mystic Armor, which is really shit and one of the reasons why "generic" Mystics are terrible.

Honestly, can't see a niche for mystics that aren't named Nusukan/Mesarthim/Time Lord that Magic-using humans can't do better - use them for variety if you feel but that's it.
Damn, I didn't remember Basil Galeos being so strong, I went in expecting him to be a pushover like Leon or Kalandorn, he KO'd both Judy and Musol Yanii before I made him flee.
I guess you've been grinding a bit, do you have Giant equipment? That will make you basically immortal until the end of Venus' world. Get it if you haven't already.
>but it has no flair, lots of errors...quite terrible
It's not just that, they also arbitrarily changed names, they renamed the town of Mermaid to Atlanticus, which is stupid not only because there's no reason to do so, but also because there's a quest there dedicated to a mermaid and the townsfolk literally tell you the town is called Mermaid due to the presence of merfolk in the sea. Some parts are actually translated decently, but 80% of that is basically, Manasword quality, which means garbage full of basic errors and omissions.
>Is there no way to restore LP normally
You get a Life Potion for each generation shift in your treasury, additionally, you can ask the witch of Sout Rongit to brew you a LP potion.
There's an additional catch to what Anon told you, eventually the witch will run out of potions, I don't remember the exact amount but I believe it's around 20-25 potions, you should be careful about this because one of those potion slots is supposed to be used on the fishman potion to complete the Mermaid quest, so if you buy a shitload of potions without having her brew you the fishman potion you're locked out of the Mermaid quest and subsequently you can't add that portion of South Rongit to your empire, meaning less tax income, no direct fast travel and locking yourself out of the sunken ship quest and another way to fight Subier.
Bretty gud, but honestly, both remakes are so versatile any party is good if you know how to build it.
>use them for variety
Technically speaking, anything other than a two mech party outside of fighting Abyssbat is used for variety.

I just maxed out my money in Unlimited thanks to platinum, now I dunno what to buy with it, I've already made black equipment for everyone.
>now I dunno what to buy with it
Corundum pieces, Diamond, Dragon Scales, Black Armors, Obsidian, these are all good investments, Corundum pieces of opposite variety let you create Bilqs accessories and shields which have quite a good set of abilities, same with Diamond, you can create Roadster items which are pretty much like Bilqs albeit with a different element resistance in the case of shields.
Black Armors are great although a bit rare, Obsidian lets you forge nice accessories, and Dragon Scales lead to the best swords and spears in the game, even superior to black ones, they also make the best shields.
Then there's Demonite and Angelite for your mages, Demonite especially is a must if you want to use Forbidden spells.

Honestly, unless you're Armic, as long as you have access to that stuff all you need is the eventual pieces of lead and feathers to forge the weapons you like, feathers for the light lines, so weapons with Deflect or Rear Blade and lead for the heavy lines like Dice, Coma Dose, Charge and Blast.

Cool, I'll start stocking up on those whenever I see them and use other stuff for getting durability back, thanks for the tips. I already made heavy and light Black weapons for my Sword and Dagger users, and gave everyone else a Black Dagger or Sword for their second weapon so they'd be able to deflect/parry. Would it be better to give them a light and heavy version of their main weapon instead, or keep deflect/parry?
>Would it be better to give them a light and heavy version of their main weapon instead, or keep deflect/parry?
Well, the truly Heavy lines lose defensive abilities by default, so it's up to you, you can still slap a shield on your characters, though it might not be as good as having a weapon with a defensive slot unless you have good Shield Arts panels.

Generally, you can make a compromise with sword and the likes with Deflect having also access to the Slash line for instance, which leads to Multiway/Doppelganger, but iirc there's no way to have access to something like Blast or Dice without losing your Deflect slot as they are abilities that can only apply to heavy the heaviest weapons, same with stuff like Grasshopper or Random Arrow, if you want access to Charge or Power shot you have to give up those.

I suppose the other Anon who previously corrected me about the Mullock forging can tell you more about that, admittedly I'm not super knowledgeable about in depth forging.

I guess I can tell you some cheap trick about changing weight in an already forged weapon but you probably have figured it out already, it's not even hard to do.
Can someone give me a rundown of the races in SaGa 2?

I see, thanks again for the advice, it's amazing how much depth there is to this game, it's a shame so few people could get into it.
>I guess you've been grinding a bit
The sad thing is that I've only grinded enough that the mutant doesn't die in one hit most of the time
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I actually never made it this far before
Human - standard SaGa style humans where you gain stats depending on what you do during battle.

Esper - Humans with shittier stat growth but the ability to randomly learn certain magic spells instead

Mec - like Frontier's, you slam equipment on them and they gain stats that way.

Monster - Enemy monsters can drop meat, if you eat them you can change to a new form based on your current "Family" and the meat's Family. Hope you got an FAQ!
On the note of the last two, which one performs better?
Probably Mecs.

If you're powergaming FAQs, I suppose you could achieve the same "blows past the early game" effect with a monster except cheaper since you don't have to spend money
Oh that's useful advice. Thanks Anon!
I took a monster in FFL2 and to be honest I wish I hadn't. Humans and mutants are best but you need a robot to sweep random battles.
robots break the game. AGI is op.
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NP, though I need to make a correction to my post, I said the Slash line leads to Doppelganger but I had a brain fart for a moment, Cross Slash leads to Doppelganger, Slash gives you Dragon Tail.
Monsters can get broken forms early on if you get high level meat that leads to the best forms, especially from bosses, mechs have the undisputed statistical superiority as long as you have money to buy the necessary equipment, mechs can also use the martial art trick in the original GB version, so that you equip and unequip martial arts on them until the durability reaches 1, equip them again and one shot bosses or tough monsters for a while.
I'd say mechs are better because they are less dependent on RNG and can equip stuff leading to maxed AGI easily, but certain high tier monster forms are no joke either, and mechs need money, not like it's a problem but monster forms are free.
Would I be able to use an english patch on Romance Saga 3 after I patch in bokuno?
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>RS3 was full translated into Spanish before English

I have no hope for man.
Just translate spanish from english.

We have to have a spic translator or two on this board right?
Don't think so.
>Just translate spanish from english.
Terrible idea.
Don't do what European localizations did and to an extent still do.
I was planning on running two humans and an esper with my party so I was worried about money management.

DS Version if that helps.
La traducion española no esta tan mal, es la unica opcion viable por ahora, se tiene que agradecer que no esta en italiano o en frances, eso dos idiomas si son un dolor de cabeza
Italian ain't that bad but fuck french.
You'll be drowning in money by the time you get to the Giant World, so I don't think you'll have too many problems outfitting a mech, you'll also find a few pieces of Giant equipment around, though having four party members needing Giant equipment can get costly.
Monsters are also much easier to manage in the DS version so there's that, if I were you I'd buy a Giant chestplate and gauntlets/boots for everybody, they're more than enough to make you hella strong for a while, after that you'll have so much money you'll probably run out only if you want to buy everyone a piece of every armor or weapon.
>eso dos idiomas si son un dolor de cabeza
As an italian who also studied French, I have to agree on that.
So what about Espers? I heard that they were annoying to use.
>I heard that they were annoying to use.
They're more or less like human, but they get three slots for extra abilities, either active or passive, they're good, think of them as humans more suited for spellcasting, with less physical capabilities and three extra moves.
As I said, the DS remakes make all races very worth playing, actually, humans might have got the short end of the stick this time as they're mostly beatsticks without anything special, but they can do anything well enough to warrant their use anyway and require less care than other races.
Is SaGa Frontier a good representation of what the rest of the series is like? I've been playing it for a while and it basically just plays like any other jrpg. Should I start with a different game? It's kinda boring desu
>Would I be able to use an english patch on Romance Saga 3 after I patch in bokuno?
Considering the RS3 hacks add in a whole bunch of new quests, how would that even work?
naw it breaks everything
Alright, so who do I have to pay to get bokuno translated?
I'm sure there's some patreon out there that'll take your money to get it translated just don't expect them to finish it.
Anybody who would be interested and has the ability to do it also has better things to do with their time.
A good bookstore with some nice Japanese grammar books is a good start.
SaGa Frontier is SaGa lite. its still one of the best in the series
>SaGa Frontier is SaGa lite.
If anything it's one of the most SaGa games in terms of formula, it's just that it has terrible balance.
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>Barely more than a month to Scarlet Grace
In japan and we dont even know if it'll get an english translation
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we all know it won't
>Will probably be 3.61
can't we get /jp/ to do it?

If RS2 of all things can make it, scarlet graces can too. Hopefully they would put more work into an actual release, though.
RS2 still hasn't come out for a real gaming device in the west. Let's see how that one does here before we start wishing for Scarlet.
Well fuck. From what the FAQ said, I was expecting SaGa to be more like a CRPG than a JRPG. Guess SaGa's not the game I was looking for
/jp/ would only translate a PC98 game that had a limited run of 500 copies during an out-of-season convention held on an island and refuse to release the patch.
Try Unlimited and Minstrel Song
>more like a CRPG than a JRPG
Play Unlimited
>One nice thing about SaGa is that you can usually see the world taking shape instead of reading walls of text and loredump like games such as the Kiseki series or ES.

What is the Kiseki series?
What is ES? Elder Scrolls?
Scarlet will bomb in the west as usual, hell, it doesn't even have dungeons, it's much more likely people will play the Fu-Ryu ripoff instead because it's more traditionally designed.
You mean like Might and Magic, Baldur's Gate and the likes?
Nah, SaGa doesn't really play like a CRPG in that way, Unlimited kind of does but it's still a far cry from a CRPG, you might want to look at the Lunatic Dawn games, though they're japan only, those are actual japanese CRPGs and play very much like western ones.
>What is the Kiseki series?
Falcom's Legend of Heroes series.
>Elder Scrolls?
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>it doesn't even have dungeons
How can that be?
>How can that be?
Typical SaGa.

>Hey dawg, how about a RPG without levels?
>Impossible, it will never work!
>Hey dawg, how about a RPG without an overworld?
>Impossible, it will never work!
>Hey dawg, how about a RPG without neither an overworld nor a world map?
>Impossible, it will never work!
>Hey dawg, how about a RPG without dungeons?
>Impossible, it will never work!

So, it happened that Kawazu, the absolute madman, digged up the overworld from the GB games and said "fuck dungeons, we /tg/ now".

Imagine the overworld as being the "dungeon" this time, shit happens on the overworld and you have to go around and sort it out, monsters appear, events happen that can change the overworld as making a volcano erupt, there's traps and all sorts of things, coupled with the usual freedom and nonlinearity of SaGa.

The dungeons are actually there, much like cities and other places, but they are locations you explore and interact with through menus, so you can fight the monsters that dwell there, talk to characters that might appear there, trigger events and more.

Imagine it as playing a tabletop game in which a master gives you various options to interact with something, as in go down a dungeon, open this door, talk with this NPC, fight this enemy etc., it goes directly to the meat of the game.

One thing I'm really looking forward to is that you can fight against people who might be party members in another playthrough due to the story changing, this is not entirely new to the series but it seems to be a major feature of the story this time, as you can apparently recruit every named character in the game, and the cast is really huge this time too.
>Hey dawg, how about a RPG without story?
>Impossible, it will never work!

>doesnt work because casuals dont buy it
I think saga has had about the same actual people market share buying their games for about 15 years now
That maybe true but the big wigs always go after the casual market cuz it's bigger. Just look the western release of RS2, it was released for fucking phones the biggest casual market there is.
For some reason I was just fighting some Medusas in FFL2 and I suddenly got warped to a battle against Arsenal. What the fuck is going on?
i have no idea
Oh come off it, a platform is a platform. Unless it starts deleting your contacts or mailing porn to your mother every time you die the games are as difficult as they're intended to be

Fucking console war baby.

Signed - A guy who used an LG GD510 for 7 years before it broke
That's strange, I remember the OP would usually paste translations for Romancing Saga 2 on here.

Did you guys find any new ones?
Yeah, it's in the Android version everyone is playing now.
I cant imagine a phone version of the game being at all playable
Phones have come a looooong way in the past few years, anon
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>That maybe true but the big wigs always go after the casual market cuz it's bigger.
Must be why Kawazu made the long awaited next mainline game for the Vita eh?
Also, do not judge a game based on the platform it's released on, every platform known to man had its share of bad and good games, phones are no different.
Sounds crazy, are you emulating?
>I cant imagine a phone version of the game being at all playable
It's a turn based game Anon, avoiding encounters might take a while to get used to, but you get used to that, japanese girls on youtube got used to that and so can you.
It is showing, you probably can't see the panel because it's golden and it's quite hard to distinguish, but it is there.
>tfw colour blind and have to rely on pure sound and pattern timing to get lvl 4 and 5 waza in Unlimited
Shit's invisible to me, if I didn't memorize the panel location in the reel pattern I'd never get that shit, the biggest problem is that I can't use the heavy line martial arts because it's impossible for me to reliably land on a Raksha panel.
At least weapons get thos panels inbetween white ones so I can still get them easily, but heavy lines martial arts are a no no.
>Sounds crazy, are you emulating?
Yeah. During the battle it kind of crashed and I was suddenly in the final battle. Died in one turn and got sent to Odin and ended up in a loop dying against Arsenal and had to reload.
>Died in one turn and got sent to Odin and ended up in a loop dying against Arsenal and had to reload.
Man, this sounds genuinely horrifying.

It was just me being a dumbass, I was using Aim instead of Double Stab.
I see.
Still on Ventus' quest?

I'm actually not the other guy in this thread, but I'm also doing Ventus. I picked him first mainly because I knew he was able to do carrier quests, so I could try out different stuff and work out how things work without worrying about screwing myself over too much.
Ah, I see.
Kinda forgot there's many of us who're playing through Unlimited, I've been on a break due to work and other stuff, I should be able to finish my Laura playthrough in the weekend, I'm a bit worried about a few characters who're not growing as I would and the shops aren't really bringing in good stuff, doesn't help that Laura can only visit a few cities, most of which have bad shops.

I'm kind of changing my opinion of her too, I thought she was pretty boring, mostly because Henri does most of the narration, but I kind of like her better now that I'm replaying her story after a decade or so, she's pretty cool, not Sif or Katarina cool but we're kinda there when it comes to older women MCs.

Yeah, all the people talking about it in here made me finally try playing it again, I think my first playthrough I used Kurt and got stuck at some point, and didn't go back to it until now.

I was having trouble getting any use out of Vearst, but I got two level 4 magic tablets recently and he's finally got some decent spells.

Now he's my best character, being able to do over 1000 damage to every enemy is delicious.
>I think my first playthrough I used Kurt and got stuck at some point
Yeah, Kurt's really not a good option for starting the game, he's pretty terrible as a MC gameplay wise and if you want to to get his other boss and story branch you have quite a challenge ahead, especially with his party members, he's definitely designed for more experienced players, I like him as a character in terms of personality though, I like easy going older guys in general.
>but I got two level 4 magic tablets recently and he's finally got some decent spells.
Lucky you, have fun grinding those things though, it's a pain in the ass, though I suppose Ventus' Carrier quests make it relatively faster than most characters.

Also, today's Famitsu has a new article on Scarlet Grace's system, they introduce one of the gods, talk about formations and more, hopefully Anon will post scans.
Now you can also preorder it on PSN so you receive a few extras like an early Minstrel Song's Ice Sword and a pack with some basic accessories, not really anything special but I suppose it will make the early game easier for those who aren't patient enough.
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Well, looks like I got the scans before the other Anon. Buckle up.
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Guess they weren't joking about having a ton of playable characters, iirc Kawazu said something like 70 playable characters.
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Here's one of the Star Gods too.
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And last some formation stuff, I'll look at them and post some translation tomorrow, I'm kinda tired today and I need some sleep.
is it gay to fuck asellus

>having any relevance past 2012

/vr/ is way more PC-98 centric than /jp/ ever was. Maybe the VN Generals might there might care, but it's debatable.
There's removed content where Asellus supposedly goes to Dr Nusakan's clinic to ask if she'll grow a dick, and the canon answer is that being a mystic doesn't make you grow a dick, but if you're a mystic it'll be there when you need it to.

I ended up just doing a carrier quests that took me through Forest's Eye, and grinding them out there, took ages.
So, info time:

The girl dressed similarly to Urpina is called Elised, she's a woman from the Gwieneuse family and as such she's trained as a magic user, like the Uranius family members are trained to be proficient swordsmen. She is Antonius' betrothed, Antonius is Urpina's older brother in case you forgot, it seems she's quite a capable magician with an allure and grace that can charm men and women alike.
A little extra about the Gwieneuse family, they're apparently quite fond of fashionable things like robes, they say they are quite the "fashion leaders".

The granny doesn't have a proper name, she goes by the title of Taihuang Taihou(太皇太后), as her title implies she was a former grand empress dowager, and this wiki article explains her character better than I can possibly do:
Looks like she is very proud of her title too, she's currently a supporting and prominent political figure in the eastern regions of the empire.

The young guy dressed kind of like Blue is called Eidil, he's the lord of the nomadic horsemen tribe called Walomir.
He practiced an aggressive policy, he seized the Megdasse province defeating one tribe after another and expanding his tribe's influence further into the Gradion Province, defeating its four general alliance.
He's a man rather fond of his tribe's culture, and his quest for power is also fueled by this.

The gramps is called Rhoson(?),I don't really know if that's the right way to write his name, He's a warrior serving as feudal lord of the Shuut territory in the Termina province. Although Shuut is an ally of the east empire it is considered as an independent territory.
Together with his son Rhokai, Rhoson protects his land, though there were no hostile states near their territory, the advent of Eidil appears to change that.
The goddess in the picture on the third page is Vach/Vac, I believe she's a reference to the hindu goddess of Speech of the same name, she's the guardian deity of the Gwieneuse family, the goddess of magic and technology and also the twin sister of another deity called Marigan(Morrigan?).
The Gwieneuse family's appellative in the world of Scarlet Grace is Teanavach, which in their langauge means "Family/People of Vach"
There are twelve Star Gods you can fight against, interact and ally with, during battles you can receive a favour from one of them, much like Minstrel Song or the SaGa 2 remake, the favours have a variety of effect from mass healing to BP restoration.
The gods are also described as whimsical, so they're probably going to be similar to the Muses from the SaGa 2 remake.

About Formations, you can have multiple groups of characters like Frontier.
Formations have four effects mentioned besides the basic logic of positioning characters, reducing a weapon's BP usage, enhancing stats, altering BP restoration rate or pacing, as in getting more BP from the start for instance, and boosting the damage from a specific weapon, I guess they'll also have some other effects like the classic ones as drawing aggro on one position or something, they seem pretty much like the Romancing formations. You learn formations from different characters, the brown girl called Giselle in the screenshot with Balmaint for instance teaches you the Katarina Wish formation.

About Roles, this is pretty interesting because it seems roles are now a mixture of panels and SF2 Roles, the article mentions Antonius as an example, he can dual wield due to having a "Master of Dual Swords" Role, Roles are learned by upping either your stats, meaning the game uses a variable stat system like Frontier/Minstrel Song, your waza ranks or your proficiencies, by changing your Role settings the character can do different things such as Dual Wielding or having specific resistances/talents.
Also, throughout the world, you'll come across various monuments or places that tell the story of the empire, like the Starbeast Sculpture in the screenshot, so there will be quite the lore hunting too, the empire has been divided into 20 provinces and each of these will have some sort of monuments that tell a part of the empire's story, the war against Firebringer and the collapse of the empire.

Hope I didn't make any mistake, I had to look up quite a few things as I'm not well versed in all those political terms, wish my japanese was better than this.

If anyone would like to correct me it would be much appreciated.
>About Roles, this is pretty interesting because it seems roles are now a mixture of panels and SF2 Roles, the article mentions Antonius as an example, he can dual wield due to having a "Master of Dual Swords" Role, Roles are learned by upping either your stats, meaning the game uses a variable stat system like Frontier/Minstrel Song, your waza ranks or your proficiencies, by changing your Role settings the character can do different things such as Dual Wielding or having specific resistances/talents.

That actually sounds really funky and cool, especially considering it's a Kawazu helmed mechanic which usually means it's going to be very wide in scope.
>That actually sounds really funky and cool
Yeah, it seems pretty cool on paper, though we need to see how good it translates on gameplay.
The article doesn't obviously explain the system in depth but I imagine that there will be a lot of Roles which are just resistances or boosts of some kind, considering you can set only two that's going to be an interesting mechanic, I hope Dual Wielding doesn't end up being too OP and is more focused on utilities rather than sheer power.

I also hope it won't be too grindy, like, L4 Tablet learning grindy.
I went back to playing Frontier on my Vita inbetween breaks, Blue is slow as shit, I had to give up trying to fight the skellies in Sei's Tomb and do something else, they're too fast to solo right now.
The region map is convenient as always though, ain't nothing like warping out of a dungeon after getting the loot, shame they didn't implement it on the other characters' routes, it makes you save a lot of time.
Oh come off it, a post is a post. Unless there's any reason why the big wigs won't go after the smartphone market because of how many people play games on their phone.

Fucking illiterate manchild

Signed - A guy who thinks you're a moron

Signed- A guy who thinks you're a moron

Kawazu says he's planning to make some livestream event for showing some more Scarlet Grace gameplay.
I guess it'll be on NicoNico judging by the retweets.
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Also, the game has night and day cicles!
But what do those even add
Ask Kawazu.
I like the starry night background they've got in there.

In fact, I like a lot of aspects of the art style in this.

It really feels like an "adventure" in every aspect, from the character designs to the interface.
>It really feels like an "adventure" in every aspect, from the character designs to the interface.
But it has no dungeons lmao! If its like any SaGa it won't have a good story with cute waifus!
Actually I think Casuals will not be playing because it's not in English.

That is probably going to be a bigger deterrence, right now, than the lack of dungeons.

But let's not focus on the negative stuff. This is one of the few things I've got to look forward to.
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No cute waifus in SaGa? I beg to differ.
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It really has a feel of those early CRPGs but with some console RPGs bits like the overworld map.

Some other images on his twitter profile also show that you can meet other NPCs on the world map and interact with them so it's like one of those tabletop campaigns using dioramas with character models, I think it's charming in its own special "Kawazu" kind of way, LoL had a good idea with the pop-ups but at the end of the day it was still an overworld like many others where you had to walk around and reach some destination, here stuff actually happens, it really gives you the feel of an old school RPG campaign.

And considering Kawazu already implemented a primitive night/day cycle in RomaSaGa 3 I guess this time it won't be just limited to a few events and will have some major impact on the game as a whole, like changing enemies, having different events and altering the map in some way.

Let's hope he can arrange that streaming so we can see more of it.
>If its like any SaGa it won't have a good story with cute waifus!
>No good stories
>No cute waifus
>His franchise doesn't have handmade pottery with his waifu/husbando on it
Casual Audience indeed.
Hate to be the nay-sayer but Breath of Fire 3 felt like an adventure and still had dungeons. No dungeons is a pretty hard pill to down.
>Feeling sad
>Having dinner
>Still feeling sad, food isn't helping me feel better.
>Finish dinner
>Look down
>It's my waifu!
>Sadly, I'm happy again!

Kawazu does it again.
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>No dungeons is a pretty hard pill to down.
You have a great overworld that works like a dungeon though, and we didn't have an overworld since SaGa 3, it's basically the opposite that Unlimited did, you didn't have an overworld there and the only places where you could move around were dungeons, this time you have a huge overworld you can explore in a more orthodox way but the dungeons are reduced to menus.

It would have been cool to have an overworld like that and Unlimited like dungeons, but I guess we'll have to pass this time, I'd say let's see how the new gimmick turns out and decide if the lack of normal dungeons is that bad, after all we don't even know how the dungeons work in the game besides being menu based.

And to be quite honest, maybe it's because I'm getting older and I don't have that much free time anymore to play games, but I like the idea of skipping dungeons, SaGa always had short ones outside of Unlimited and outside of a few titles like RS3 or Frontier 2 the dungeons in the series weren't really all that cool design wise, remember the whole Hell section in Minstrel Song? It was basically a longass corridor with a few elevators and nothing else outside Death's chamber and the Purgatory and let's not forget how infuriating were the SNES RomaSaGa dungeons, especially the sewers in Estamir or the caves in Ligau Island.
He made quite a lot of cute photos during the anniversary events, look them up, they're on his Twitter profile, you can really see how happy he his at seeing his brainchild's exposition and all the stuff made for the occasion, there's also a few pics of Itoken too.
>You'll never go at a SaGa pub and drink SaGa cocktails with Kawazu and Itoken
They seem both so chill too.
Take all my fucking LPs.
>You have a great overworld that works like a dungeon though, and we didn't have an overworld since SaGa 3, it's basically the opposite that Unlimited did
But why not both. I'm not thinking of it from a gameplay perspective, I'm viewing it from an atmosphere perspective

While Unlimited didn't have an overworld you had periods of transitions where you brave'd the world to get from town to town. On top of this you still had dungeons. But the main thing is really just atmosphere.

That and music I feel depend on varied locations to spice things up. That's all. I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean they wouldn't make a decision they wouldn't be sure fans wouldn't appreciate, i'm sure.
>I'd say let's see how the new gimmick turns out and decide if the lack of normal dungeons is that bad
I second this stance on the subject.

We're seeing bits and pieces right now as they speed up towards a release, but we have no idea how it all comes together.

I'm hoping that Kawazu will be able to do a stream that'll show off like the first 30 minutes of gameplay. I think that'd probably get the idea across of what this dungeonless RPG will end up being.
>But why not both.
I guess Kawazu wanted do to yet another different thing, as usual, consider the cast is fucking huge this time, he said there's around 70 playable characters iirc, add 100 and more monsters, nine weapon types, magic that seems to be similar to the Unlimited model, a huge overworld with dynamic events and all the other mechanics like formations, roles and so on.
I guess he had to cut corners somewhere since this is on Vita and all, he probably didn't even had a great budget to begin with so this time he went for a huge cast and an overworld.

I don't think this game will lack in atmosphere, Itoken also said that since he didn't have to compose music for dungeons he concentrated on giving each MC their own different music, I think we're in for a treat.

You're right on Unlimited, it handled exploration really well in its own special way, the same can be said of Frontier 2 and its beautiful artwork, but you know how Kawazu is, he doesn't like to do the same thing twice, especially not in SaGa, I guess this time he's making another bet with his design choice, he's probably not going to win it with the general audience, just like they messed up with Unlimited, but hell, at least he does what he wants to do instead of pandering or being forced to pander to the bigger audience in order to sell, I can respect that.
>but hell, at least he does what he wants to do instead of pandering or being forced to pander to the bigger audience in order to sell, I can respect that.
Yeah I like somebody who has the balls to try something out. Like I said I'm sure it'll end up great. These are just me musing concerns I'm sure aren't too founded. A shame I haven't ascended to upper weebdom so I could buy this game on release.
>These are just me musing concerns I'm sure aren't too founded.
Who knows, it also depends on your expectations and what you want from the game after all. You can be legit disappointed even if the game is good after all, if it doesn't deliver to you there's nothing you can do.

I personally like just to see how far Kawazu and his teams go, so far SaGa didn't really disappoint on that.
There are games that do certain things better, Metal Max for instance has consistently better and richer open worlds than SaGa imho, which is also why I'm excited for Scarlet this time since it seems it will deliver on richer world exploration, Zill O'll had far better nonlinearity and plot handling than SaGa, and a far bigger cast, and again, Scarlet seems to take a few moves from Zill O'll too in terms of cast size and events this time, so more hype for me.

What I like about SaGa is that while it might not be the best at everything it does(though the battle system and character building is unrivalled for me), it does give you a consistent plateau of general quality, MM lacks the finesse of SaGa's battle system and so does Zill O'll and other games, some MM titles fall short in terms of music, most tracks are also the same compositions since MM1 but slightly rearranged for each title, SaGa has consistently 10/10 rich soundtracks with lots of variations, and so on.

And honestly, I just love the madman himself, there's not nearly as many devs capable of coming out with those kind of ideas or even coordinating a team to realize that kind of vision, even if they don't always deliver what they want to, there's not many people so focused on pure gameplay first of all, even if they fuck it all up gloriously with gross oversights and tons of glitches, Kawazu games always have this kind of raw charm to them, with their flaws and all, but they exude a certain kind of personality few games have to this day.
Thinking about playing Unlimited, which stories are good for a first run?
The region map works for others if you gameshark it at least, which is nice

I've been doing Ventus' story first and it seems like a good way to get used to the game, IIRC he's the only character who can do quests endlessly so you don't have to worry as much about fucking yourself over. I've also heard Laura is also a good starting character, but I'm still on Ventus so can't confirm that.
Only semi-related, but I've been playing Vagrant Story recently and I kind of wonder if there's a system designer at Square that has a boner for metallurgy - right down to Iron + Bronze = Steel.
I'd say Ventus, Judy and Ruby are best.
Ventus gives you unlimited quests which means you can grind and rearrange your panels as much as you like, Ruby is a close second because she can abuse Tetraforces, which is even faster than doing carrier quests as Ventus though there is a limit, although large, to how many times you can use a tetraforce to get panels, Judy is also good because her quest is rather short and you get a pretty good cast too.

I wouldn't suggest doing the other characters first, Laura has less adventures and access to less places than most protagonists, her personal boss is also more troublesome than most others, Mythe isn't a great character, he has the toughest personal boss and while he has a few decent characters most of those are a bit hard to build, Kurt is the worse protagonist in terms of potential, his cast requires care in building and one his quests can be very frustrating due to Kurt's gimmick of being forced into timed boss battles, in real time, finally, Armic's quest is the worst because it's centered on commerce, you have to go around forging, buying or trading specific items which requires extra care on a first playthrough as market rank is more important on his quest and you can't grind it there, moreover he has a puzzle boss and a bizzarre cast, so definitely leave him last, he's not that great of a character either gameplay wise.
In order from easy to hard I'd say:
Yeah, it's the same as gamesharking things such as the Raysword, problem is you normally don't have access to it, even though in the early development phase it was supposed to be an item everyone could have, same reason why Rouge comes with the Gate spell even though he can't use it.
Considering VS also has Damascus as the strongest material kinda like Unlimited, it's possible.
Good god I have forgotten almost everything about this game but I remember Mythe.
Knights of the Round
Their Leader
All forms of Chaos

And they don't even play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e74h3taAPpU
which is nice to listen to
They play

And you're going to listen to it a lot. Holy fuckity fucking shit.
Are Guns, Bows, Staffs or Martial Arts any good in Unlimited? I haven't really used them at all on my first playthrough.

Come to think of it I'm pretty sure I've only seen one Gun so far, are they super rare or something?
I have a hard time deciding so I'll let the rng pick for me.

1-3 Ventus
4-6 Ruby
7-9 Judy
ruby is long and spoils some of the best areas to play as side-quests with other characters

it might be better to play in the middle
I doubt I'm going to be playing this thing more than 3 times tops. Definitely not going to pick Kurt or Armic for sure so those two are out and I'm on the fence about Mythe's game.
Laura is alright.
Has a lot of introductory style quests.

She also gets a few powerful items to help with the midgame
Well, Ventus has all of that, but he has a better cast and unlimited adventures to build them however you want, Mythe doesn't, that's the big difference.
Though I love the KoTR' battle theme, it's so fucking groovy.
Guns are worth the effort but are a bit hard to actually use since only Thomas, Mythe and Michelle have guns and finding them in chests is next to impossible, can't forge them either, plus they are extremely dependent on Gun panels as they don't have lines or waza and they have a Miss panel which is actually negative unlike all other waepons, so you have to be extra careful, absolutely devastating during combos though.
Bows are great, kinda like Spears but with better mass attacks from the Random Arrow line and more statuses like Blackout, they are the only thing that can compete with Magic when it comes to attacking groups of enemies, Spears have Reaper from the Grasshopper line but it's nowhere near as good as magic or bows to actually kill things, though it can mass stun.
Staves are great for status effects, they can mass stun, blackout, inflict debuffs and all that jazz, just don't use them as a mean to damage HP or LP and you're fine, they can also block, which is a nice plus.
Martial arts are great, heavy line requires more precise timing but has Raksha which can instakill, medium line has Brute Force which can decrease END and Sinker which can decrease STR and light line has Bodhisattva, Sinker and stuff like Triangle Kick which are great on both HP and LP damage, and you don't have to worry about EN either.
Martial Arts are dependent on character weight though, some character like Anzan or Musol Yanii can't access the light line due to their high weight and most others require either light or almost no equipment to get access to it and Martial Arts panels, unless you're Roy.
>Well, Ventus has all of that, but he has a better cast and unlimited adventures to build them however you want, Mythe doesn't, that's the big difference.
My memories are a bit fractured for the game in general. But these memories stick out really far in my mind for some reason I can't explain

Cool, thanks for all the info, I'll give at least Bows and Martial Arts a try on whichever character I do next, and Guns if I have access to one. Might try giving my mage Staves too.

Speaking of mages Vearst is ridiculous, I gave him as much water support stuff as I could, and stuck water arts on his weapons and accessories, now he can spam Thunderclap hundreds of times per adventure for huge damage to everything.
>But these memories stick out really far in my mind for some reason I can't explain
Oh, I sure can explain my reasons.

Getting raped by Phantom after the marathon against the knights, wondering how many fucking knights are there and then realizing I still had to go through the four phases of Chaos Ruler, and he would have access to Phantom's signature move too.
Now that I know how to play the game it isn't so hard, but back then it was pretty terrifying, especially since I picked Ventus last before Armic so I didn't know about the Knights at all if not by Leon mentioning them during Kurt's story.
It's the longest boss rush in SaGa too, and if you're even slightly unprepared it's going to be one hell of a ride.
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>Might try giving my mage Staves too.
Give them one L4 or L5 panel, that's all you need, Stave panels aren't even that good and mages should focus on panels that can raise elemental values more than anything, so pretty much Fortuneteller on their best elements or some joint mastered magic tablets, and if you're daring enough, Phobia Panels.
>Speaking of mages Vearst is ridiculous
Vearst is one of the best potential water mages due to his panel layout and water related Ability score, though you still have to see how ridiculous Judy, Rebecca and Josef are, Josef and Judy are pretty much insane if you get Magic Blender on them, especially due to Josef starting with three magic tablets, one of which is Fire Artist Amati's tablet and Judy staring with a L2 Forbidden Tablet, you haven't seen true mages if you didn't play with Judy's family.

Pic related is a mid tier Judy Panel set, there's not even a L5 panel in there and she can cover basically all elements decently.

Also, remember that what influences damage the most is actually elemental score, not INT value, so always raise Elements before INT.

Magic Blender seems completely broken, I was lucky enough to get a level 4 one on Vearst and he's been by far my best character ever since. I actually got two level 5 Magic Blenders too, except they were both on characters I'm not actually using in battle. I got an Artiste panel at last earlier, hopefully I can finally get some of the higher level materials in shops now.
Magic Blender is terribly strong but the catch is that it's not easy to get and you have to learn the necessary spells to get the magic you want, which means grinding magic tablets, and in the case of Forbidden Magic, hunting down Rainbow Guckies, then you have to build your mages' panels as to give them good elemental values, give them equipment that gives them access to elements and possibly slap some elemental support on them too, I wouldn't say it's broken since you have to earn it and work on it, but it's pretty damn powerful.

Yeah, I can see how it'd be a lot harder to both get in the first place, and to actually learn all the spells you need when you're not on Ventus' quest.
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>All of your affection makes me extremely happy. However, even if it was just one person's love, I think I would still be extremely happy. It is because of your feelings that I can't help but keep on going, all of us at Squenix feel so, but I feel I need to say this to you in person.

Fucking hell, old man.
I checked to see if you managed to get that stream going, I didn't ask for this feel.
Anything I need to know about Ruby's quest before I start? I've experimented with the game before but I didn't get very far.
>Anything I need to know about Ruby's quest before I start?
Ruby's quest is pretty long, and consists of a kind of prologue made up by the Travelling with Iskandar questline, which consists of five quests, after that it opens up quite a bit and you can go visit six of the seven wonders, for each of the wonders except the Deities' Table you'll meet a new party member, Mythe will be at the Undercity Pharos, Kong Ming for the Twin Moon Temple, Grace for the Starship Anchor, Anzan for the Nakle Lines and Roy for Avalon.
Ruby has access to a Tetraforce in each of the Seven Wonders and she's the only one who has unlimited turns on all the Seven Wonders quest, the Tetraforce allows you to restore all HP and LP and give you a special session in which you can level up and get new panels, you can use each Tetraforce up to 10 times, for a technical total of 60 level ups added to the other quests in the game, the catch is you can only use a Tetraforce if you're low on LP, the more times you use the Tetraforce the lower the LP requirement for you to use it the next time.

What I personally suggest you to do is doing all the Travelling with Iskandar quests without doing any subquest, then do at least three of the the Seven Wonders that give you a party member so you can build a party in order to maximize the other quests' yields asap.
All characters you get but Mythe and maybe Grace are top tier characters, Anzam is arguably the best tank in the game and potentially the best Earth Mage, Kong Ming is good at anything really ad Roy is Roy, that leaves you with Mythe being mediocre but not garbage and Grace being potentially very good but hard to build properly unless you go on very simple universal builds, which is a bit of a shame considering her potential.

Be aware that Nakle Lines has the toughest boss of all Seven Wonders, Starship Anchor has a pretty tough boss too so unless you feel brave I wouldn't suggest to do those immediately.
One other thing you need to know, is that some of the Seven Wonders are perfect spots to grind Magic Tablets, The Starship Anchor has a few sections in which you'll fight demons in a timed map related event involving a comet, those can drop Tablets, the Deities' Table has a unique event involving enemies in Mirror Shards that can drop Tablets pretty easily too, the Twin Moon Temple has two fixed chests with Magic Tablets, but you'll need to fight two Elder Dragon to get them, and of course, defuse and unlock them.

I almost forgot, you need to do at least one free adventure after you reach Torle in order to open up the next part of the story, after that go visit Leith Torles' birthplace and you'll trigger a cutscene, remember that you can't go back after selecting one of the wonders so choose wisely and save often.

Telling you more than this would be playing the game for you, so I'll leave the rest up to you.
Slight correction to my post though, I said you technically have 60 level ups from Tetraforces but I forgot you have also a Tetraforce in the last story quest of the games, so you can actually have 70 level ups from tetraforces, though I doubt you'll be grinding in the last dungeon.
Thanks a lot anon, I'll give it a try and see how things turn out. One last thing, how am I supposed to read panels properly for stat growth?
>how am I supposed to read panels properly for stat growth?
This is a bit of a complex matter and you should really read a in depth mechanics FAQ for that, but I'll try to summarize basic panel building as best as I can.

First of all, all characters have innate growth rates, much like games like Frontier.

Those growth rates are divided into two main sections, Ability potential and Elemental Potential.

Ability potential is basic raw stat growth, this section lets you know more or less what a character is good at on a really basic stat level, the Stats are Strength(Punch symbol), Skill(Sword Symbol), Endurance(Biceps Symbol), Magic(Staff Symbol) and Spirit(Heart Symbol), the minimum potential value is 1 while the maximum is 5.

Strength influences damage for Martial Arts/Swords/Spears/Staves/Axes.
Skill influnces damage for Knives, Bows and Guns, it also influences accuracy, LP damage potential, LP defense potential and character speed.
Magic influences damage with spells.
Endurance gives you resistance to Physical statuses.
Spirit gives you resistance to Mental Statuses.

The second section is elements, the higher the base elemental value the higher the damage/HP restoration from the associated elemental spell.

However, characters all have a different layout when it comes to these two layers, some characters will also start with cursed panels that cannot be removed, with the exception of Michelle on Mythe's story, due to the different position layout of both potential layers each character requires different building design depending on both their nature and the role you want them to have.
A classic example of this kind of panel building design is Anzan, Anzan has superb Earth potential and both END and SPR potential, however, his panel layout is made so that you have to decide whether you want to maximize his amazing spell potential or making him STR focused(His STR and SKL scores suck by the way).
Now, the third part is knowing what panel does what and which panel has the best stat growth you need.

I won't go in depth with the growth value of every panel because I'd need to check a wiki or a FAQ for that and copypasting many sheets of info, generally, the panels have two main growth bonuses, Stat and Element growth, keep in mind that even in the same panel categories each different panel gives you specific stat bonuses, Dagger panels give more SKL points than Sword Panels for instance.
Category wise, panels work more or less like this:

-Weapon Panels: These panels make it easy for you to learn waza and modify your attack reel so you can get more waza slots in the reel, high Stat growth, low Element Growth.
-Key Panels: These panels grant you thieving related utilities such as defusing traps, picking locks, listening to your surroundings and so on, they mainly raise SKL, good Stat growth, low Element Growth.
-Magic Tablets: These panels let you equip a tablet and learn spells from it, you can only learn spells this way, these panels are good for mages because they raise elemental value and MAG, when mastered they also give a slight element bonus depending on the panel, good elemental growth, low Stat growth.
-Defense Panels: these panels give you more resistance to statuses or more defense, some are exclusives to certain characters, Great Stat growth, bad Element growth
-Familiar Panels: Gives you a Familiar of a different element, Familiars let you cast spells based on their levels or use a Field skill related to their nature, a must for mages, good element growth, terrible stat growth.
-Exploration panels: These let you explore your surroundings and also perform actions such as swimming, a must for certain quests, they're geared toward Stat growth more than elemental growth.
-Expert Panels: these panels decrease the HP cost of magic or waza or might even nullify EN cost, depending on their types they're geared on either Stat or elemental growth.
-Meister Panels: Like having multiple weapons/ Martial Arts panels in one, with the associated effects too, great Stat growth, meh elemental growth
-Magic Blender: Allows you to fuse spells if you have learned them through a magic tablet, contrary to what you might think, they're actually geared towards Stat growth rather than elemental growth.
-Negotiation panels: These panels have a variety of effects, they can drive away monsters and give you a variety of shop related effects, like giving you better deals or more items in the shops, they GENERALLY give you good Elemental growth and poor stat growth.
-Fortuneteller: Fortuneteller is a fun panel, it lets you alter the content of a chest if you win at the reel by increasing the chests' level, the higher the level of the chest the more difficult the reel. The best Elemental growth panel bar none, terrible stat growth.
Item/Smith panel: These panels are Artiste, Quick Fix and Smith(Mythe Only), Artiste lets you see special items in the shops and makes the character better at awakening lines on his/her equipped items, Quick Fix restores weapons' or accessories' EN on the field up to 20 EN, while Smith panels let Mythe have access to different smithing options in his workshop, good Stat Growth(Mythe's smith panels kinda suck tho), bad Elemental growth.
-Gauntlet: Kurt and Michelle only, in Kurt's case the Gauntlet panel will force you in a special battle each 15 IRL minutes(the clock keeps on going even on menus or if you're idling), Michelle doesn't have such effect. Moreover, Kurt CANNOT remove his gauntlet panel but he can level it up as long as you win the Gauntlet battles, Michelle can remove hers during Mythe's story. Best Stat growth in the game, but oh wait, it's in the central panel slot anyway HAHAHAHAHAH IT FUCKING SUCKS.
-Pacifist Panels: These panels forbid you from attacking a species, if you do you receive LP damage, pretty good growth all around
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-Phobia Panel: These panels severely gimp your attack towards a race, but they make up by having great Elemental growth.
Seal Panels: These panels seal access to a certain weapon, so you cannot use any line's waza, pretty good growth and bonuses all around.

Do note that Gauntlet/Phobia/Seal and Pacifist panels CANNOT be removed once placed on the panel layout and they can only be overwritten by panels of the same type.

Lastly, panels of the same type put in a certain set of position give you stat bonuses too.
The position bonuses are:

Joint:Two adjacent panels of the same type.
Line:Three of the same type forming a straight line
Triangle:Three panels in a triangular position.

In this>>3604015 pic you can see Judy has two triangle bonuses made up by a Magic Tablet and Familiar combination, you get a better bonus for each kind of combo by having panels of the same level.

Wew, I guess that's all, nevertheless, do check an indepth FAQ as this is a basic summary of panels, as long as it might seem, it's a supercondensed explanation, and I might also have messed up something.
How the fuck do I into Mikhail's war game in RS3?

Jesus Christ I've tried everything already
Gush Wind + Spd Atk Fwd sometimes work, but its basically suicide
Backwater is strong but slow as fuck, I always get pushed back
Defense oriented tactics suck dick

The most I got is timing Explode Team right to take out a good chunk, but it seems all my niggas suck at attacking and if they even touch my leader he dies.
Is grinding discouraged? I skimmed through the FAQ and have decided to start with The Final Fantasy Legend. I think I need to get some potions and better gear. Getting to the town southeast of Base Town made me feel unprepared but I don't know if that's just the game
Thanks, panels sound kind of complicated but I figure that this is something that I'll learn as the game goes along.
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Where the fuck is my english RS2 vita port god damn it?!
the war game and economy game are 2 of the things that i despise most about romasaga 3, fuck that shit I'll never play mikhail or harid because of it, and just outright say no to fullbright
A couple more questions about Unlimited, is it worth keeping a Quick Fix panel on someone?

Also what's the deal with Martial Arts? Ruby's basic punch attack changed to Hummingbird while the others are using Uppercut.
you should have quick fix at all times, it can repair any item with less than 20 EN up to 20. It's pretty important when you get stranded.

Martial arts classes go like this:

Have Panel/Lightweight: Lightweight Punch/Kick/Throw
No Panel/Lightweight OR Have Panel/Heavyweight: MiddleWeight punch/kick/throw
No Panel/Heavyweight: Heavyweight Punck/Kick, Middleweight Throw

If you have the Punch Panel, having the Kick and Throw panels makes it easier to qualify for lightweight.

All forged equipment has no weight. Found equipment and bought equipment has weight. If your hands and accessory slots are forged, then your weight is (Char.Wgt.+BootsWgt.+ArmorWgt.+HatWgt). Every character has a different unchangable weight stat. Anzam is the heaviest and Roy is the lightest.

Being a lighter weight makes you act sooner and has effects similar to skill, being heavy makes you hit harder and has effects similar to strength.
Mikhail's war minigame seems good on paper, but just like the Market minigame it's actually terrible if you think there's any deep strategy to it.
Basically, it all revolves around momentum, formations might help you out during some particular battles but the truth is, you win through momentum, that is timing your limited commands to up your army's morale to crush the enemy.
To this day, the best tactic I've found is baiting the enemy going forward then immediately switching to full defense as soon as the enemy begins attacking, that will make the enemy morale drop faster than yours, after it reaches zero make some offensive order to further bait the AI to use their own Explode commands then switch immediately back to defending, after the AI wastes their command use yours to crush them.
It doesn't always work but it's far more reliable than trying to use any sort of different tactic.
Also, iirc soldier types follow a rule similar to the weapon triangle of FE, though I don't remember exactly how the triangle works.
The market minigame is the same, it revolves around three commands, making gifts, throwing a party and halting the rivals' communications, though at least there you have some more depth since you should prepare for the second phase by buying all the smaller firms orderly in the first one, then crushing everything with sheer capital.
You can grind in the GB games as they don't have BR.
Stuck in localization limbo, hammer.
>is it worth keeping a Quick Fix panel on someone?
Yep, at least until you have access to a Blacksmith and have a good amount of resources to not need it.
>Ruby's basic punch attack changed to Hummingbird
Hummingbird is the light line basic punch, it means that Ruby's weight is in the Light line range and you have a Punch panel, if you want to keep using Hummingbird don't put any more weight on her and/or remove the punch panel, otherwise you'll go back to the medium line.
Grind all you want. It'll make most of it feel like a cakewalk, but later in the game the difficulty ramps up quite a bit. You'll be glad you overprepared.
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Where should I go from here with Ruby? I've pretty much just dumped things where they looked like they were giving the best bonuses.
she's real good at magic and fire, so having Martial arts on the left and botttom left and fortune teller on the right and bottom right is a good place to start

I think I might play ventus next just so I can use ruby with two triangle formations using martial arts and fortunetelling.using the center panel as a dump
Consider Ruby's talents and think about what you want to do with her.

Ruby's growth is:
She has decent STR which works well with Axes, Spears, Swords or Staves, her terrible SKL means Daggers or Bows aren't gonna be all that good on her unless you put a load of panels to compensate it, she has very good END and SPR, meaning she'll resist status easily, which is good, her MAG score is a nice bonus, though elements are far more important it's not a bad idea to use that too.

Her elemental value is:
So as long as you don't want to use offensive spells other than fire ones you can make a very good offensive spellcaster, Fire is focused on strong offensive spells like Holy Seal, Corona and Crimson Flare, and Fire Arrows is great as a basic spell due to its piercing properties.

You can use Martial Art or Axe panels to raise her stats and then focus on magic tablets/familiar/fortuneteller panels to raise her arsenal as a spellcaster.
You can make a double L5+L4 triangle joint bonus with Martial Art panels for a kung Fu Ruby so she can be a good HP attacker, not to mention the light weight and skill bonus relative to lighter weight with all those martial art panels will counterbalance her terrible SKL while allowing you to put some better armor.

You can make her a Fire Knight by using swords or axes and fire magic, her STR makes her decent with swords or axes as they're HP focused weapons in terms of damage, her high fire score will also grant her a good spellcasting power even without joint bonuses on her Fire Panels, though characters like Armand or Laura are much better suited for this kind of build.

Or you can go for a raw, generic axe/spear build, anyone can use those and become a good character, even Kurt and Pharr, though it makes the game hella boring, I consider those kind of layout a last resort for weak characters that I'm too lazy to build properly more than anything.
All I really do with Ruby so far is just spam Light Martial so I'll double up on that and have some magic on the side for slimes. I did some questing a couple times (couldn't finish the Mural sidequest) so I have a Fire Tablet Level 1 lying around to go on Ruby.

For my other members, Hiro and Iskandar are physical and Sapphire's a fire mage. I'll probably have member 5 be a thief and the 6th character be an extra mage.
Get Anzam for an anchor.
>(couldn't finish the Mural sidequest)
Lucky Gliphs? You need Swimming panels for that, you can't complete it otherwise.
If you mean the Cave Murals one, that's a pretty tough one to do early on, the Mural monsters, like mimics, can drop magic tablets, if you have Detect Gold you can use it on those to up your chances of getting a tablet.

If I can make a suggestion, imo Hiroyuki is perfect for a dagger/spear thief build, I'm telling you this because all the other characters but Sapphire and to an extent Grace/Kong Ming are generally much better off doing something else with their layouts. Hiro has great potential with SKL builds because he has a 3 in SKL and 4 in STR, which allow him to be great with both daggers and spears

Broskandar is awesome on basically anything no matter how you build him, unless you make him a wood or metal mage for some reason, and he'd still make a good hybrid anyway considering wood and metal have great utilities. Though it's very easy to make him a powerful physical attacker, give him a martial art and a spear/axe triangle and watch him wreck shit, and he can even tank well.
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Ruby had swimming but I kept running out of time. Judging by what you're saying though, it sounds like putting a fire tablet on Ruby and a metal on Sapphire sounds like the best choices.

Shifting Hiro over to a thief isn't a problem and it frees up some of my later joiners to do other things. I'll probably go for Grace, Kong Ming and probably Anzam as my early joiners out of the 7 Wonders quests.
Sapphire has just a 2 in metal, so she won't be a good metal mage unless you use only support, Grace has a 3 and comes with most water spells prelearned, including the awesome Ice Needle, so if you want, she can be your Metal/Water mage, she also has the best Metal score in Ruby's quest, consider that if you manage to find some high level Metal tablets. A L3 Metal Familiar comes with Detect Gold, so you can just give one to Sapphire and keep her as another fire mage or a thief with magic support for tablet drops.

If you want to get Anzan soon by doing the Nakle Lines quest early make sure you have equipment with Life Protection and possibly resistance to Paralysis, because the Nakle Lines boss, is extremely tough and can likely walk all over you if you're even slightly underpowered. It's worth it to do so because Anzan is a great character, but it's pretty hard, and the mandatory minibosses in the Nakle Lines can eat your LP pretty fast, getting Roy, Kong Ming or Grace first would be a wiser plan, but it's up to you.
Keep in mind you cannot access the Nakle Lines' tetraforce until you beat all 5 minibosses, so you have no easy mean to heal you LP, unlike other Wonders.
In that case, then I should be covered if Sapphire/Grace/Kong Ming handle all of my magic duties.

I'll push Anzam down then since his dungeon sounds pretty hard.
As long as you get two other party members you should be more or less fine for the Nakle Lines, Roy and Kong Ming are pretty good candidates as Avalon is super easy except for the boss and the Twin Moon Temple is more or less the same, but with optional bosses.

I did get Anzan as soon as I got Grace on my recent Ruby run, but Tagut steamrolled me three times before I killed him, and it was all thanks to Anzan's superb tanking that I even stood a chance, if I did a better market rank and better panels it would have probably been easier, but I carelessly speedran because I wanted to get Anzan early, and I got what I deserved.
So basically, get Grace/Roy/Kong Ming in whatever order and then go for Anzam? Sounds fine to me.

Planning on getting the most out of those Tetraforces.
That's the plan if you want a smooth playthrough.
The bosses in the other Wonders will also help you sparking better techs to use against Tagut, so it's a net gain unless you really, really want Anzan early on, which is hardly viable without a good market rank and panels.
This >>3575236 anon here, finally got around to starting Romancing Saga 3 a few days ago.

Goddamn this game is fantastic. I love the freedom in this game compared to most RPGs, it reminds me a lot of a late 80s CRPG in that way. It's also extremely addictive for some reason, I just have to pry myself away from playing it after a while. Can't think of many RPGs where I've actually wanted to fight every single battle I've come across. That stat increasing system is so rewarding, and you never know what you'll get after each battle so it's pretty exciting to fight everything you come across. I also like how scarce gold is, makes the various quests so much more rewarding. Getting new techniques to trigger is the only slight issue I have with the game, and even that's not a huge deal.
Glad you enjoy it brother, welcome to SaGa.
Modern SaGa games are like that, the fact that you like the basic system means you'll probably enjoy the series as a whole, while the ruleset changes a lot and there's unique features to each game, the spirit is the same, freedom, gameplay that rewards knowledge of the system, mystery and adventures.
You should give Frontier a whirl after you're done with RomaSaGa 3.
>I also like how scarce gold is
Ah, to be new to SaGa again...
Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to get gold easily, not like gold is that important in the first place.
>You should give Frontier a whirl after you're done with RomaSaGa 3.
Will do, that seems to be the other introductory game people recommend. Afterwards I'll probably work out an order for myself to play the games through, but leave RomaSaGa 2 for last.

>Ah, to be new to SaGa again...
Maybe I shouldn't tell you how to get gold easily, not like gold is that important in the first place.
It's an aspect I'm enjoying, particularly in such a free RPG as this. I gathered that, like most RPGs, money becomes no object after a while, but at least this game does it in an entertaining way at first.
>I gathered that, like most RPGs, money becomes no object after a while

It's not that really, it's just that with a few exceptions money isn't really that important in SaGa games and there's tons of exploits, glitches or legit shop loops, that can net you more money than you'll ever know what to do with it.

In RomaSaGa 3 you really don't need money at all outside of one quest and buying spells, which are mostly cheap anyway, the equipment you can forge at Nora's smithy is free of charge and you hardly need multiple pieces because there's tons of equipment in chests that you can find, so that Nora's smithy becomes more of a place you go to after finishing a quest or a dungeon to pick up some extra free item or an upgrade, Mikhail gets two items of the same kind and you don't even need to fetch the necessary ingredients.

Generally speaking, money is hardly a problem in SaGa, only RomaSaGa 2, Unlimited and to a degree Minstrel Song need you to be careful with your money, and even then Unlimited lets you carry Market Rank in NG+ so you can completely break the economy as soon as you find a piece of silver or Iron in a shop and Minstrel Song has a lot of ways to make easy money, although they're not as stupid or broken as Unlimited and the previous games, Minstrel Song mostly requires you to know what to spend your money on and how to get money fast enough, which is a rather important layer of game planning in itself for a good number of reasons.

As you get better and understand the system a bit more you'll see that SaGa is generally more about knowing how and when to loot dungeons proficiently than making and spending money, it also helps that you don't need to spend money on potions, some games don't even have potions in the first place and if they do they're nothing more than a crutch for the first minutes of gameplay when you don't have access to magic or other healing abilities.
>Iskandar gets a level 4 waza before Hiro can spark a single spear waza or for Ruby to get anything above a level 2 martial

Why is this guy so based?
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>Why is this guy so based?
He's motherfucking Iskandar and that Weapon Meister panel helps quite a bit, I guess.
You'll learn more about him as you conquer the Seven Wonders, though the game doesn't directly tell you how absurdly broken he is lore wise you'll get a vague idea when Ruby will see the past and the future in a dream near the end of her quest.

I wonder how they'll justify him being not a gamebreaker in Imperial SaGa, because that will take either some serious retcon or mental gymnastic.
Then again, they came up with ridiculous bullshit such as the Demon King piloting the Egg to assimilate Saruin and Mech God somehow destroying undeads on the surface of the planet from the fucking moon, they'll probably pull off something even crazier.
He's pretty cool and based, lost a lot of lp to the midboss dragon but i'm not too hung up about it as yet. Tetraforce grinding doesn't really matter so much until when I have everyone.

>That last part
What's going on in US?
>What's going on in US?

I stopped playing about two months ago because I've been too busy to bother, but main plot wise they've brought in Fuse's questline from his short novel and the various bosses from Frontier, the weekly event quests were mostly comedic filler outside of RomaSaGa 2 ones which I suppose picked up parts of the manga and adapted them to the game with some minor adjustments.

Generally, event quests give more space to NPCs and classic enemies, the last Valentine's day quest for instance involved Vergil being bored and teleporting Claudia, Ellen, Asellus, Ginny and Rocbouquet to his castle to do some dressup dance battle contest, fun thing is the battle worked more or less like Frontier so you'd receive more evaluation points if you made a 5 man combo successfully, and you could buy some event related items with those points such as a limited edition Rocbouquet. Then again, I don't know how much they added to the game since two/three months, I'll check it out when I'll have some time.
The other purpose of event quests is introducing characters, all the new characters are introduced through quests instead of just being added like they did in the past, that also ties Imperial to the other games' lore as it explains that Disnomia opens portals to various timelines or hypothetical continuities of other SaGa titles, Labelle for instance comes from the SaGa Frontier 2 novel instead of the game like most of the other cast, that is why she can't understand why Wil is with Cody, because in the novel Cody dies and Wil marries her, same with Rich being alive and being finally happy with Ginny and Diana, Viktor not getting killed by Kujinshi, the Seven Heroes existing as both corrupted and normal and Sargon not turning into the Fire Lord.

It's more or less the SaGa Valhalla.

Which makes me wonder how the hell could they put Iskandar in there, since being a parallel dimension prompts Iskandar's major plot point.
Starship Anchor wasn't too bad, got a lot of good things out of it like Reverse Delta and quite a few Level 4 panels. Don't know why Ruby doesn't want to spark anything even with Level 4 Punch and Kick on her board.
>As you get better and understand the system a bit more you'll see that SaGa is generally more about knowing how and when to loot dungeons proficiently than making and spending money, it also helps that you don't need to spend money on potions, some games don't even have potions in the first place and if they do they're nothing more than a crutch for the first minutes of gameplay when you don't have access to magic or other healing abilities.
Huh, good to know, thanks.

Yeah, I am starting to get the impression that this game is about being quite self-reliant. The fact that you can go into one area, go around it for a while, and ultimately end up significantly more powerful when you leave just from all the battles fought did give me the impression that it's less about individual items and currency and more about leveling up your characters the correct way, getting those skill levels and new moves in particular. Probably the most satisfying system I've ever seen in an RPG.

I still really haven't seen anything about smithing in this game yet, so I may come back to ask about that in a few days if I really just don't find out much about it.
Great, good job defeating the lich/cosmic sage.
Give Ruby some time, she'll eventually learn stuff, you can do the Amulet Tower quest in Escata or once you get access to Vaftom, the Knight's Mausoleum quest, the Giants in there are perfect for sparking waza, just use up all your turns and repeat them as much as you like.
>it's less about individual items and currency and more about leveling up your characters the correct way
Yeah, you got that right.
It's really evident the moment you realize that the stark differences in RPG design between SaGa and most other games are actually extremely basic yet game changing.
Potions items being almost non existent or having no dedicated revival item or spell already infringes the common design based around resource management of most RPGs, SaGa's resource management is actually that, not just buying up fuel and gear for characters, it's far more focused on your general gameplay tools, as in a character's potential role and how to build it around what you need or what you find, how to properly equip and most importantly, nurture it in the way you need or want, all with a great amount of freedom and depth in actual customization, the characters gtow according to how you use them, it's a great blend of Nurture VS Nature and Nurture & Nature.
You can use a character according to its natural talents or try something completely different and try to make up for its weakness in a certain area, the more you understand how the game works the more the game opens up in terms of possibilities, given that you like how the game is structured of course, not many can stomach SaGa's open and seemingly RNG driven gameplay.
As you'll play other titles and learn to use different systems such as more complex smithing, the Chip system, monster ecology, treasure hunting, combos and other stuff you'll get a clearer idea of the general philosophy of SaGa games.
I'm stuck between deciding whether to go after Kong Ming or Roy next. I'm leaning more on the former so I can get all of the mages out of the way before I start tablet hunting.

Having access to Tetraforces is pretty useful when you want to put down a panel somewhere temporarily for grinding and then take it off when you're ready to build someone properly. I did that with Sapphire when I needed to move Fortuneteller 4 to the correct spot.
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>there is a character limit in Romancing SaGa 3 that I have never encountered before
what the fuck? How have I not run into this before over the 10 times I've played this game?

SaGa games always find ways to astound me with each playthrough, for better or for worse
Try not to play for 40 hours like I did, the end-game isn't that hard.
Kong Ming starts with two magic tablets and has quite the selection of spells you can grind out of those, Twin Moon Temple also has two fixed tablets in the chest guarded by the sub bosses, so you can handily master the L2 tablet and move on putting the other two you get from the chests in a formation for joint bonuses.
Roy is Roy, there's not much I can't tell you about him besides that he's basically reverse Anzan in a way and he's very easy to build, especially if you make him a martial artist.
Overall, Ruby has a really strong cast, the only weak link is Mythe, but at least you can completely forget about his Smith panels and simbly build him as a water mage, even Grace is a pretty good character, although kind of hard to build properly.
What are the best SaGa games? I remember beating RS3 in 2012 and i felt fucking great. I used walkthroughs and cheated to get infinite money and to learn the abilities but beating an unknown game was very cool. I bought the three SFC games, tried playing the first one but there is no walkthrough.
Why does nobody like the first game? And how is Unlimited SaGa so highly ranked?
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>Find a SaGa general
>My favourite SaGa games are S3, SF2, FF2 and Last Remnant
>Find out I'm considered a pleb

Feels bad.
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Just checked Kawazu's twitter, there's some good news and some bad news.

Bad news is that Scarlet won't have the usual soft reset feature, that sucks, you have to go back to the main screen from the menu, Kawazu didn't say why he let go of soft reset this time so don't ask me.

Good news is that he arranged the Nico stream and seems he'll play for six hours, he warns that there will be spoilers and says to prepare chips and think of it as watching a friend play through it, he will also start from the beginning of one character's quest instead of the usual random playthrough like other videos, so again, don't watch it if you don't want spoilers.

Stream will be on 11/12, nice birthday present for me, thanks old man.
Link to the stream is:
You can also adjust the JP time to your own but you'll have to login to do so.
>What are the best SaGa games?
I don't think there's really a list of the best games, SaGa games are all different, it's not like FF that has a pretty uniform design throughout the series, spin offs excluded.
I can tell you which are my favorites.
I like RomaSaGa 2, both Frontier titles and Unlimited the best, Minstrel Song is up there but even though it has great gameplay it didn't manage to catch me as much as the other games, mostly because of the cast I guess, I only really like a few characters, and being redirected to Saruin all the time doesn't help, even though for me it is an objectively better game in terms of design than the first Frontier, which is hella broken.
If you want the last Japan popularity poll here it is, Minstrel Song isn't counted as it's not mainline.
Shamefur dispray, what are you even playing SaGa games for?
>Why does nobody like the first game
I like it, it's just that it's too old, broken and archaic by now, but it's a great game.
>And how is Unlimited SaGa so highly ranked?
Unlimited is SaGa going even further beyond. Play that shit.
US is a nice game although its covered by some really unintuitive mechanics for most people which is why it gets a bad rap.
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>Being forced to level down because you can't discard shitty hexes
One thing i can't understand is how the GB games are more playable than the first one? That just seems oddly bizarre. And yeah, it was my first SaGa game, I played before even accessing /vr/ and shit, it was hard as fuck. I cheated to make Julian learn that golden dragon technique because no matter what I did the fucker just wasn't learning. I also used the infinite money glitch because I got stucked at some city and I had no money to take the boat to the next city. Some anon said that money isn't an issue but that was from the truth in my experience. Everything else was legit tho, recruiting characters, raising my team and stuff, I loved that powerful Crab guy, that guy with the broken arm from the nightmare was based, I loved Julian's theme too, the game has a great soundtrack.
>infinite money cheat*
>Not having a dump panel
Seems to me like you just need to explore more and get better, the ships from Pidona don't even cost much unless you want to go to places like Vanguard, and there's tons of loot you can get around the northern regions, let alone use the Holy Ring trick which you can get going barely more than a hour into the game, so yeah, money shouldn't be a problem at all unless you're spending it unwisely on trivial things.
I'm also surprised you didn't use it considering most FAQs mention it.

Of course it's not like you can magically know all these things, but that's why you keep playing SaGa games, the learning curve is quite high in most titles.

I also don't see why you needed Golden Dragon Sword of all things, it's not even the most powerful sword waza by far, I hope you didn't think that last in the list=strongest, because that's not how it works at all, nobody gives a shit about learning Golden Dragon Sword if not for "completionist" purposes, 分身剣(Splitting image in the translation) is far superior to any other sword waza in terms of damage.
Well, i don't remember anymore, it still got me through the final boss and it looked cool as fuck so what the hell. It's been 4 years, maybe I should replay it again, I don't know.
i like it too
Maybe you should, now that you have more experience you'll probably see it in a different light, the first playthroughs are always rough, you just need to know too many things and in my case I tend to get carried away and excited very easily, so I just wander and do whatever, and I'm pretty sure I'll fuck up big time in Scarlet too once it comes out.
Not many people around today.
Mayor bump.
Well, seems like the Nico stream has been postponed to tomorrow for some reason.
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Wew lad, we're really dead.

Anyway I don't know if any of you are interested but there's a anniversary sale on JP PSN, Romancing SaGa 2 is one of those few titles at 999Y.
Wonder if they'll release it in a bundle with Scarlet Grace in the west, if they even localize it that is.

I was browsing Pixiv today and I found this guy who made some really cute badges with some characters from Unlimited.
Never posted in these threads before but am hoping some of you could give me some advice.

I've started playing Romancing SaGa recently and am playing as Claudia. I'm not too far into it yet, but I just found Miriam and added her to my party, which now consists of Claudia, Grey, Miriam, and those two animals I got at the beginning of the game. I'm wondering when I should ditch the animals, as I can't imagine they'll be useful in the long run but they are still somewhat helpful now.

Never played this game before and my japanese isn't very good so I only understand about half of what people are saying. Any general tips would also be appreciated. Thanks!

Scarlet Grace stream has started.


2 dudes in paper masks
1 chick in an invisible? mask
Muscle Hustle
Big Tie presenter
Some lady who was introduced before I turned on the stream

and of course

the master
I haven't played any SaGa games and would like to start. However the games appear to be quite complex. I'd like to know whether it's best to jump into the game and figure out game mechanics through trial and error or if it's better to read some sort of guide before starting.

If I start playing now, I wouldn't know what skills do, how to obtain skills, what sort of things I should focus on when building my party, how damage is calculated, etc. As a result I won't be able to put a lot of thought into my decision making. I know that in a tactics-focused game like Fire Emblem I prefer to know how the game mechanics work before playing, but I don't know what sort of appeal the series is supposed to have or what sort of experience the games are supposed to provide. So please tell me if I should start playing now or if I should read up beforehand.
The only one I would suggest an FAQ read before playthrough is Unlimited using JoeWoof's.

The others really aren't that hard so "feeling" through is a better experience... except for RS2, but reading FAQs for that game kinda makes it simple IMO.
>Lunch break
>Get on Scarlet Stream
>People fighting a Dragon already

Holy shit, Kawazu didn't fuck around.
>I'm wondering when I should ditch the animals
You'll ditch them automatically if you keep on completing Claudia's quest, you'll get a small quest with Eule, I won't spoil it for you because it's pretty major.
I'd second>>3614772
Only Unlimited is truly hard to figure out on your own, all the rest is fairly easy, and if you read a FAQ you kinda lose on discovering things on your own by exploring, but it's up to you anyway.
Try SaGa Frontier or Romancing SaGa 3, those are pretty good for beginners.
Well now, this character creation/choice mechanic is really something.
>Lightning Kick is a 1:1 Rider Kick from Kamen Rider

Well, you know how games like Ogre Battle make you answer some questions to determine your stats/alignment/abilities and so on, Scarlet does the same, you have to answer questions made by some falling stars, but that also determines which MC you're gonna get, it's unlike all SaGa games before.

The question tree also seems pretty elaborate, and you can also alter the LP value of the MCs depending on the answers.

They're now playing through Balmaint's quest and there's quite a lot of choices and subquests/events in most locations they've visited, which I suppose are also altered by the order in which you play through the game.

This game is really gonna be something, even the Rengeki feature is interesting enough to make me not care about combos, and the new BP system seems pretty balanced as well so you can't just abuse combos, it's kind of a retake on the classic Romancing formula.
>abuse combos
*Abuse rengeki, my bad

Also, Party members who have been incapacitated still get stat ups, just like Frontier 2.
I like this game more and more, Kawazu made some damn good cocktail this time too
Damn, Balmaint's battle theme is truly god tier.
You can also listen to it on the Scarlet Grace website, the title is 罪を背負う者(Those who bear sin).

Another new feature in the battle system is that magic now has casting time, pretty interesting, I suppose ranking up magic will eventually reduce casting time too.

Talking about the world map, there's quite a lot of events that can occur, from traps to hot springs that can restore a few LPs, they've also shown that events occur in semi real time, I guess that they're influenced by the number of battles you get into and not by actual game time, the Prayer Tower got higher as they fought battles in the overworld.

Shit, who knows how much there is to do and learn in this game, and there's still one month before it comes out in Japan.
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So, the stream's over.

I think they did a good work, the loading times were even slightly better from the updated ones they've shown, which is good, though of course it's still hard to think about SaGa having loading times for battles.
The game feels a lot like the classic romancing trilogy on many things, they've brought back wrestling moves, Lightning/Inazuma Kick and even those quirky waza like Mind Stare, the new rengeki feature is pretty nice and though I'll miss combos it's still a good system from what I've seen.
The Flux system seems interesting though I guess it's one of those things that become noticeable later on in the game, magic having casting time is a nice change of pace too.
There's really a shitload of characters to choose from and tons of events with routes and choices, which is great, the world map is full of different random events on the fields too, the mandragora event was pretty fun too.
The new Creation/Choice system is nice and might lead to some serious customization without being too stale.

I don't think I'm gonna miss dungeons one bit, as I thought, the game is much more focused on events than ever, it is fast and battles seem pretty engaging to, the battle system seems to have some truly impressive depth as always.
The japs seemed pretty impressed too, there were some funny comments as well, people seem to have enjoyed the stream quite a bit.
Shame I can't go the the SaGa Cafe and drink these radical cocktails.
Good thing I preordered this. Seriously can't wait anymore.
The one question I had about the stream was

Who were the presenters?

I had to head out before I got a chance to do anything, but the trio wearing "masks" were pretty bizarre. Almost seemed like fans who were chosen for the event.
>Who were the presenters?
I believe they're some of those people NicoNico has for streaming events, kinda like those guys who make the Famitsu streams for SRW, I believe Dengeki also has some employees who do this sort of things, I don't really know if there's even a title for that kind of stuff, mostly because afaik most of those work in magazines as writers too. Like, take Shoko-tan for instance, she's one of those portmanteau idols who do all kind of things, from playing games during these events to make comments about anime and such.

I don't really follow Nico streams but judging by the comments of the japs there it seems those guys are regulars and kinda well known.

The part with the Mandragora cracked me up though, birth of a new meme for sure.
What happened with the Mandragora?

I had to leave shortly after Muscles took over and was doing the old man voice for Mondo.
>What happened with the Mandragora?
You saw the event with the hot springs when they were near the Prayer Tower right?
It's another one of those random events that can occur on the fields.

When they got back to Cohan Castle after killing the reincarnated Sigfrey, three small bushes sprouted near the castle so they went to see what those were, when they inspected one of those the information bubble said "Wild strawberries...?", then gave you the choice to pick them, so they picked them up and it turned out it was a mandragora, which reduced the party's LPs by 1 point and the stream so everyone kind of freaked out, then they got to the second bush, same thing, they picked them up and it was another mandragora and another round of -1 LPs for everyone, then the stream went batshit with people laughing and typing "マンドラゴラだ!"(It's a Mandragora!), then the last one was an actual bush of strawberries that healed some LPs, to everyone's dismay.

Which actually brings up another interesting point, as the mandragora they picked up appeared as usable key items in the menu together with the Phoenix's feather and the pendant found on a corpse during a quest, and since the Phoenix's feather showed some kind of flashback or future vision of the Phoenix I guess you can get some special key items and related questlines through these random events on the field too.

You know, it's kind of like Unlimited's trap system, but more complex, I wonder if some role can act like a panel and tell you which one of those events are traps and which aren't, but I'm probably asking too much.

Which, I learned today, is clapping in text form in Japanese net slang.

I feel bad for not being able to watch the rest of the stream now. I hope they'll upload it to youtube or something.

Overall, the stream has shown me that the game works without the dungeons and it was an early decision to go ahead with it and not a matter of budget/time constraints forcing them to axe it out.

There's a lot of cool stuff in there and lots of quick paced and short adventures for a player to go through. It's both super exciting an interesting way to speed up the gameplay and allow the player to dig into exploring the world at their own pace.

I've been super excited for Scarlet all this time, but now I can admit that I've hit new levels of hype for it.
Who should I watch to teach the mechanics and tips for Romancing Saga Menstrual Song?


Biggys Lets Plays?
Minstrel Song is pretty easy to get into without the need of a video guiding you on stuff.

It explains everything you need to know, and anything that isn't explained will be something you'll pick up instantly through playing the game.

Just play it, you'll be fine.
Farel has a few comprehensive videos that aren't that bad. But that requires having to listen to him talk.

>I feel bad for not being able to watch the rest of the stream now. I hope they'll upload it to youtube or something.

Fucking this, I was busy and didn't even get to see any of it.

It's up on Square Enix's youtube in full.

>You'll ditch them automatically if you keep on completing Claudia's quest, you'll get a small quest with Eule
I reached this point and one of the animals left but the other one stayed. I'm a little confused since it sounded like she was saying goodbye to both of them. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
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I suppose I should also mention that the one who won't leave picked up this ability at some point earlier. What's strange about it is that no matter how many times I use it the number stays at 99. Seems a little odd to me.
I loaded up an earlier save from before I got that ability, then went and did the event again - still the dog doesn't leave. I guess I should just drop it off at a pub?
Great, I lost the first three hours because I was at work, I'll watch it again when I have six hours to waste. Thanks Afendi.
That's weird, I never played through Claudia's quest in the original so I don't know if that's some kind of glitch, I only played Hawke's quest and then gave up because the game is just too clunky for me to bother.

I don't think neither Brau nor Silver can level up their waza as they're the same enemies use, as in attacks that aren't tied to a weapon, so in theory they should be locked abilities that don't level up.
Try dropping Silver at a pub and see how it goes.
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>Desert Megalith quest
>Going around the desert in Vogelang hunting beetles for dem high spark rates
>cross the oasis
>Griffin appears
>forced Griffin fight
>forgot to save during the last 30 minutes

Oh man it looks amazing, also Mondo is the best.

The soundtrack sound amazing too, might be the first soundtrack I buy since NIER.
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>The soundtrack sound amazing too
Always bet on Itoken.
To that Anon who liked Emilia's Last Battle theme.

I find this sort of thing really inappropriate. The original composition wasn't made for an orchestra, stretching it across the template just grosses me out.
I don't know about that, I like to hear different arrangements of the same piece and see how they turn out, and it takes some talent to adapt something for an orchestra.

That said, some arrangements were a bit of a hit or miss this time, they've also fucked the piano during Unlimited's Battle Theme 1, which is unforgiveable, especially because all of the rest sounds great.

I rewatched the stream and I looked at the new Rengeki feature more carefully and listened to the various comments, it's quite interesting and made me actually understand better why they pulled off the new visible turn mechanic.

Basically, Rengeki happens when 3 or more actor icons get chained together once an icon disappers, that activates a Rengeki, which of course works for the enemy side as well. Fun thing is that apparently, there's no limits to how many Rengeki you can chain, so lets say you weaken four enemies to the point that they can be killed by a Rengeki, then you kill one, in theory you activate something like a Puyo Puyo chain in which you get three Rengeki for free since each rengeki kills one unit and makes you combo Rengeki further.
Moreover, the units who participate in a Rengeki get something that is comparable to SMT3 Half Press Turn since the BP cost for the next turn is reduced.
This is very interesting considering some enemies have been shown to summon minions even in the early game, and since this game doesn't have combos that means you have another layer of tactics, it's also interesting to notice that you can plan Rengeki further by using moves that need more or less time to be executed, so that you can place characters in a good spot on the timeline.
I must say I wasn't really happy with being able to see when an enemy gets its turn and which move it uses, it generally makes games too easy, but now I see the mechanic's purposes are a bit different than what I'd thought.
>I must say I wasn't really happy with being able to see when an enemy gets its turn and which move it uses, it generally makes games too easy
I think memorizing what attacks an enemy uses on what turn is something that counts as artificial difficulty. If you were playing the other SaGa games with an idea of "hopefully the boss doesn't do X cause I'll die" it seems like you were doing it wrong, it's not really about taking gambles and risks, rather, the random mechanics are meant to change how the situation develops and keep you reforming your tactics. With the turn order exposed, what it removes is the element of having to randomly select what abilities the enemy uses, rather, an intelligent enemy can be safely made to never use probabilities.

Take the example of that blue dragon, you hit that last command thinking oh man if it keeps breathing lightning on me I'm toast, I hope it doesn't, but in this system instead, that blue dragon is going to use that lightning breath specifically on purpose, exactly when you don't want it to, and instead you've got to adapt and prevent it from doing that or take measures to survive. Instead of gutsy gambles it's about confident gambits.
>it seems like you were doing it wrong,
No, it's not really that, I guess I used the wrong words, the majority of SaGa bosses have patterns anyway, so once you fight them a few times you should be able to infer the patter structure and formulate a general strategy, Berva uses patterns, Mech God or Time Lord do, the Sentinel uses patterns and so on.
And even in the case the enemies don't use patterns, like Unlimited, the important thing isn't seeing through the pattern but keeping up your own, the important thing in fighting bosses like Noel is keeping up your barriers while also attacking safely, that isn't something dependant on patterns because even if Noel did use patterns some attacks are inescapable by nature, I can't have the protection for both Red Dragon Wave, Kamaitachi and Moonshade at the same time, I must decide which one of those three I can avoid feasibly and which one I'll have to tank, and so on.

What I don't like about being able to see turns is that it generally takes away a certain element of analysis and planning in terms of turns, as in " will this character be fast enough to use this command?", "Should I use this better, but riskier strategy or should I go with the inferior but safer one?", turn order is something I've always thought should be a non visible factor, but this game is a bit different from other ones I played since it shifts the tactics to something else, now that you have Interrupt waza, Rengeki and all that stuff it seems the battle design has simply a different but still engaging focus, as you explained.

I also stupidly forgot to mention that you can't even always see the enemy attacks, some of those were marked by a "???" icon, and even if you could see them they made sure that everything now hits much harder than usual, coupled with the really low LP, the game will still be fun.
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>Frontier Blue solo run
>Get to Timelord
>Have to put Psychic Prison on him all the time to not get oneshotted by his Mystic Spells
>Poison Blow almost oneshots me
>Can't keep up with the JP cost before he begins to use Overdrive
>He always gets a Turn Delay in before I can use Psychic Prison making my strategy worthless
>Uhhh, let's try Kirin and see if it's easier
>Regens 1000 HP every turn
>Not fast enough to put Psychic Prison on him
>Reverse Gravity oneshots me
>Only 4 WP for gun skills

Shit, I don't want to grind stats with Blue, maybe I should have done the Tarot questline instead of the Rune one, but without Runes I can't heal feasibly.

Any suggestion? I'm seriously at a loss here, do you think the Magician Card would help me somehow or do I have to give up? I don't see any chance of victory except maybe grinding for hours and fighting Kirin.

I didn't even recruit anyone besides Annie and the Slime, which are forced characters.
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Page 9 again?
Looks like everybody died in here last week.

Well, don't mind me if I dump some more Famitsu scans.
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We have another Paul, now where is Nina...
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Some freaky old man there, even for SaGa standards.
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And here's the last page.
The muscular dude in here is Marigan, he's Vach's brother.

Translation will come tomorrow.
List stats/gears/skills and I will tell you the answer

Equipment is:
Excel Guard
Lethal GunX2
Powered Suit
Magician's Robe
Steel Amulet/Free slot

I have all Gun waza, all Rune/Real/Shadow magic.

I gave up fighting either TimeLord or Kirin and I'm currently doing the Tarot questline because I need to get stronger and maybe change my Rune magic for Tarot magic so I can get Tower and possibly nuke Kirin with it.
For Romancing SaGa on the super famicom, how do I unlock Izmus on the map? I've heard some villagers mention it and Death told me that I need to go there to fight Saruin, but the location still hasn't shown up on the map. I'm having a hard time figuring out exactly what the trigger is.
Swap Excel Guard for Mizukagami/Dragon/Durahan Shield

Change your armor to either of:
>Powered Suit, Defend Wear, KrisKnife, WindShell
>Pluto/Warlord/GoldenFleece, DefendWear, Harmonium Bangle, KrisKnife/WindShell/SeaStone
If you have a SeaStone, you could also probably get away with using the Stardust robe in combination with it.

Your stats would be higher if you weren't wearing stat boosting gear, because the level of encounter difficulty you need to increase a stat is relative to it's current value. i.e., without using ashura and powered suit , your quickness might have raised to about 48~50, and you Intelligence would have been closer to 66.

Try changing your armor to increase defense first and see if that helps, if not, grind quickness (Guns, Fighting) until you can always go first and shut them out with psychic prison
I figured out I could unlock it by recruiting Albert, but this poses a problem - in order to recruit him I need to give up one of my characters to make room. I'd rather not do this since my characters are at endgame stats now and I can't figure out if I can re-recruit them somehow (they don't seem to show up where I originally recruited them).

Is my only option really just to ditch a character and grind Albert up to snuff?
I heard the saga games aren't very good. I'm afraid to try them.

It's like marmite, you love it or hate it, and the majority of haters did it wrong. Playing SaGa like Final Fantasy gets you assfucked.

Iirc you can get to Isthmus from Valhalland, try talking with people in the Crystal City too, usually some NPC has the flag to unlock a location in the SNES games.
>Dragon/Durahan Shield
Eh, I'll have to grind the BR first to get those, I'm just now getting Unicorns, I haven't really fought all that much it seems.
>Your stats would be higher if you weren't wearing stat boosting gear
I only really use those for bosses, usually I go around with a warlord armor and the two Lethal Guns.
The problem is that monsters are still too weak, I also have the problem of being too vulnerable to solo certain monsters, Blue isn't a mech.
>Try changing your armor to increase defense first and see if that helps
I did do that, I have quite a few pieces of armors I swap around frequently, but again, Blue is pretty frail, I guess that I just need to build my HP and deal with it.
Anyway, I'll try to get a Pluto Armor, hoping Durahans don't kill me too much.

And another problem is that even if I shut down Kirin or Timelord with Psychic Prison Kirin gets 1000 HP for free anyway while I get a step back in my DPS race, Timelord can still use Delay Turn on the next turn and make me go slower, the only safe spot I have is when he switches to Poison Blow, but that nearly kills me and Psychic Prison burns through my JP too fast.

I'll grind and tell you how it goes.
I ain't even opening the umpteenth video of someone who didn't even bother understanding how to play the game.
The vast majority of complaints from people who don't like SaGa is that they can't understand how to play the game and expect it to play itself like an average Final Fantasy.
Ad for god's sake, you should know better than trusting random youtube "personalities".
>Let me spend the beginning of my video hitting myself, on the head, with the game case.

What a proper review.

Clearly this person gave this game a fair shot and was more than willing to try and step out of his comfort zone to check out this game that is well known for its complex systems.
Even as someone who loves Unlimited I can't blame people for not liking it, almost everything about it is complicated and hard to understand without either looking up a ton of information or investing dozens of hours to work it out.
Alright then, translation time.
There's not really much to talk about this time, I guess that's because we're reaching the release date, most of the text is just flavour stuff so I'll condense the mechanics parts.

First of all, the game uses a new system call Free World System, which is similar to the Free Scenario System from the previous games but a bit more expanded upon. As you explore the world you'll come across various objects and locations which you can analyze and interact with, many locations will also include battles and events, depending on how you complete certain events the world map itself might change, as with Mount Plinio(nice reference there).

HP and LP work in the usual way, HP can be restored through either spells or favors from some of the Star Gods, it's important to notice that this game has Life Rain, which restores HPs for all party members.
LPs are like Frontier, once LPs are depleted the character won't disappear but it won't be able to participate in battles, you can cure LP through the use of elemental crystals, which also seem to act as general currency in this game, you obtain elemental crystals by fighting battles, if you achieve all bonus conditions you might get more crystals and also other goodies.

There's a small section about Axe, Epee and Bow waza, but it's nothing new really, Axes are powerful weapons that can also inflict debuffs, Bows will be focused on mass attacks and so on, just apply the new Interrupt and Counter system to those.

Forging is back, however, this time there is a Forge Rank, increasing the rank lets you forge more items, items necessary for forging are obtained mainly through battles, so be sure to check the battle preview to see if there's some material you want.
About the new characters:

Paul: A man who sells Churos(Churros?) in front of the shrine of the Star God Shams(Shams/شمس/ is the arabic word for sun), he begins to build a tower to get closer to the star god, he also has a shop that sells Churros in that tower too, how convenient, do note that in Balmaint's story he gets killed as Sigfrey possesses him, so no Paul for Balmaint.

Ogniana: She's one of the seven princesses of the Queendom of Grumor. Even though she's possibly the most suitable candidate she's not interested in leading the Queendom and would rather travel around the world, it is interesting to note that Grumor seems to be some kind of bandit society as they sustain themselves through looting, Ogniana herself doesn't like that kind of living.

Griffin: Griffin, the so called "martial artist fairy". Indeed, with his bizzarre, fairylike appearances and the way he fights it's hard to believe the being in front of your eyes is even human, Despite being in his elderly years, Griffin is still training in martial arts.

Stormieknen: A man from the Norm tribe who works as a mercenary for various kingdoms, it is said that the people from the Norm tribe aren't actually human beings, but rather human-like beings.

Marigan: The God of waza, weapons and battle, he's also the guardian god of the Uranius family, who refer to him as the "God who wields two swords", warriors and martial artists are often seen in his shrines.
He was one of the gods in the frontlines during the battle against Firebringer, and according to some people, he may or may not be the leader of the twelve star gods.

And that's all, I may have made a few mistakes here and there, if anyone wants to correct me they're very much welcome.
A little personal thought:

It might be just me but with all these characters it seems that Kawazu is going for something like the Five Star Stories, as in a vast universe full of many different characters with their own backstories that kind of appear here and there as you explore the world, with a handful of protagonists that serve as a tool the explore the game's universe.

It's not like it's a novelty as most SaGa games are like that in my opinion, but the cast's really huge this time and some of those characters really seem vaguely FSS-ish to me, like Ogniana, Francis, Elised and Antonius, even the Gods.

If only he went back to the Frontier model of actual different worlds and used Scarlet's huge cast, now that would be a FSS in RPG form.
>Star God Shams(Shams/شمس/ is the arabic word for sun),
Yep, that's what it means.

Unless "Shams" is a word that's used in another language.

But a "star god" named after another language's word for a type of star makes sense to me.
I struggled a bit in the beginning as シャムス seemed like a bad transliteration of Seamus, so I tried every possible spelling and I came across Shams in arabic, seeing the correlation and the fact that the Prayer Tower was built to get closer to the Star God it makes sense for the god to be a sun god or a reference to the sun.
Vach is the goddess of magic and the hindu goddess Vach is also tied to magic, Marigan seems similar to Morrigan, which is also a deity tied to warfare, but Morrigan is a female spirit, and the spelling in japanese is モリガン, so I don't know if there's another Marigan/Maligan out there, judging by the possible spelling I suppose it could be one of those obscure gods from some tropical archipelago or something, or maybe I'm just looking too much into it.

Many thanks Afendi.
probably derivative of "Mars" if anything and just bastardized based on the Japanese ear that hears western sounding words without needing to apply any etymological context or coherency.
I'd honestly go with what's obvious, since that's probably it, but at the same time I understand the nagging feeling of wondering if the obvious choice was the right one.
Yeah, it's probably like that.
Now that I think about it, iirc one latin variant of Mars is Mavors, maybe this Marigan is a mixture of Mavors and Morrigan in a way, or maybe I'm still looking too much into things, but it's strange that two gods have a distinct cultural equivalent so far and another one doesn't.
Well, there's still nine of them anyway, we'll see if there's still a pattern.
Yeah, that's a terrible feeling.
Most names are pretty strange, even Stormieknen is really just a guess, it could Stolmiknen, Stormikunen and so on, at least there's normal names like Paul, Patricia or Robert, but some are really hard to infer, and Kawazu loves his epic fantasy with tons of references to different cultures or things, RomaSaGa 2 was particularly rich on that, but at least it was easier to understand as all classes reference some general categories, East Guards are all named after famous Sengoku era samurai, Heavy infantries are armored or heavy animals, Tacticians are references from the RoTK, there's a lot of patterns there, but here in Scarlet it's like shooting in the dark for some names.
Started FL3. Is it really as bad as people say it is? I need some words of encouragement to get through this.
It's just basically a grindy Final Fantasy game more than a real SaGa game. It's not even a particularly good one actually, the dungeons are kind of badly designed and annoying because of the large number of random battles, the pacing is bad, the game just kind of drags on for a long time, etc.

FFL/SaGa 1 and 2 are designed around the random battles, you can crunch through them way faster, there's an actual strategy to grinding and progressing. The plot in SaGa 1 is kind of amazing as well.
*ffl3 obviously
>FFL/SaGa 1 and 2 are designed around the random battles, you can crunch through them way faster, there's an actual strategy to grinding and progressing. The plot in SaGa 1 is kind of amazing as well.
Yeah I just finished them and I enjoyed them quite a bit. I'm starting to see what you mean about the random battles in this. A couple hours in and its already a slog.
I don't really like GB SaGa 3, mostly because of what>>3630123 says, I also didn't like the characters and plot, though I must admit the pseudo time travel was pretty dope for its time.

Luckily the DS remake fixes everything wrong with game and even adds some nice extras and a few unique mechanics you won't find in other SaGa games, as per the series' tradition, you might want to give that a try, especially if you can't manage to push through the GB original.
I must say that it's still my least favorite SaGa game to this day, even the remake didn't change my opinion that much, I guess I just don't like the cast, world and story, not a fan of time travel either, guess I was spoiled by the other GB SaGa games having a crazier scenario overall, I don't know.
Basically just skip SaGa 3 and RS, just go straight to RS3, then go back and play RS2 if you're man enough.
Play the remake instead
I might go back and play the remake someday. It looks nice, but I don't feel like going through the trouble of figuring out DS emulation just yet. I'm about halfway through it anyway. Just gotta push through a little longer.
RS3 is next on the list. I was planning on saving RS2 for last, but I may just go ahead and play through it early.
Yeah, pretty much.
I'd say only play those two if you're a purist or for historical purposes, the remakes are better in almost every possible way, pixel art and chiptunes have their undeniable charm compared to 3D and arranged music but the remakes are still the better games by far when it comes to gameplay.
DS emulation is piss easy to set up, just ticking a few settings in Desmume makes 90% of the games work perfectly, it doesn't even require much power in terms of hardware.
Be careful about RomaSaGa 2 though, that's not a game you'd play casually through, it can be pretty frustrating, I'd say play through Frontier 2 so you get a vague idea of how a SaGa game with generation shifts and points of no return plays like, then take a stab at RomaSaGa 2, people here can help you getting through it but it's better to have at least a general idea of your own of what you're getting into.
IDK man SF2 lets you do infinite grinding
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H-here I go!
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yer damn right I did
0: Judy
Finished FFL3. Dog shit. Started RS3, and so far it's really great.
I just started babys first saga game with RS1 on snes and I'm very disappointed. The game feels unfinished which makes it no fun to play. Did I pick the wrong game to start with?
Yes, RS1 is very much a beta of the next two games and has a lot of issues. Try RS3 or SaGa Frontier.
I find it difficult to recommend RS3.

It plays well, but the fan translation we got it is pretty terrible.

Did someone go back and update it?
I guess I'll give rs3 a shot. If it doesn't work out I'll give it one last try with one of the gb or ps1 games.
its not great but its not hard to understand either. Maybe the game has a little more detailed dialogue in japanese, I'm not sure, but something tells me the story isn't all that complex or nuanced, so I'd guess we aren't missing much, and translators have more important things to work on than an update to RS3
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As long as you know when to do that yeah, and it also lacks orthodox BR, but in structure they're the only two titles that are vaguely similar, Frontier 2 has the same concept of letting you play through different generations of characters and giving you various points of no return, there's even some light plot similarities like Nina basically pulling Leon during the fight in the mines. I don't know which other SaGa game could give you an idea of how RomaSaGa 2 plays like.
The looting and long term planning element is also as strong as RomaSaGa 2.


Nice job and good luck with Kurt's quest!
Be careful on his story adventure with Edel if you still have the Gauntlet active, it can be impossible to clear if you don't plan your positioning, Gauntlet battle timing and act quickly, have someone with a black bow with Random Arrow clear up things quickly otherwise you'll be stuck in an endless loop, I used Platy for that but Ventus can be good too.
It's a fun game with beautiful art and sound, have a go at Commander Mode, it's pretty great early on, especially for a couple of bosses.
If you're playing as Harid try to be a nice guy and don't ask people for money until you get to do Ward's quest, otherwise you'll be locked out of a really good quest chain.
>so I'd guess we aren't missing much
Well, you are missing quite a lot actually, especially since the translation is simply wrong in certain parts like calling the two rulers kings, which makes it seem like they're both male when the Demon Ruler is male and the Holy Ruler is female, then there's effectively all the differences between characters in their dialogues being gutted, and the translation being garbage in general.
It's more or less the same as the Frontier localization which also skipped a lot of text for god knows what reason and is full of errors.
From what I understand, mostly from fans who do understand the native language of the game, we sorta missed out on a lot with it.

They mess up quite a few things and it has garbage grammar and sentence structure.

It's definitely something that deserves a visit by a better equipped translator, especially since it's on the SNES and there are tons of tools that would allow and facilitate easier hacking now than when it first got translated.

Only issue is finding someone who would bother to do it.
>Only issue is finding someone who would bother to do it.
That's the main problem, especially since the game is already translated, its not really a valuable target, and just like at romancing saga 2, that shit has been in the middle of a translation for like 30 years. A RS3 re-translation is like a NEVER EVER pipe dream
>that shit has been in the middle of a translation for like 30 years.
Go complain to Gideon and see if he cares.
SRW@ is in the same boat.

What's worse is that the official localization of RomaSaGa 2 is not good either, so even if a second miracle happen and a eventual 3 remaster or remake gets localized it probably won't be all that good either.

Even SaGa Frontier 2, which is one of the better titles when it comes to localization is still too dry and inaccurate and also changed some characters' names for no reason at all, like Neuvieme being called Nicolette and Premiere being called Primiera, which is puzzling since they did get Cielmer and Ventarbre right on the other hand.
Finished my Blue Solo run.
Time Lord is just too hard to solo, and Kirin isn't that easier, had to grind my QUI to 55 before I even stood a chance and he'd still manage to pull Vapor Blast and Reverse Gravity before I could act, but at least I had more than 600 HP to withstand both and slowly chip away his health with TrickShot/Psychic Prison/Power Snatch.
Bright side is that once I beat Rouge I had legit base 99 in INT and PSY, which made every possible spell hit like a motherfucker, not that it was important with Overdrive+Stasis Rune, but still, the game went on autopilot since I beat Rouge.

Currently doing Emilia's quest Solo and holy shit Despair was literally despair to complete with Emilia alone, this has been the single most frustrating part so far, worse than the Cygnus segment with Red, at least you get some tools you can use, this was grinding and hoping you wouldn't get killed by whatever. I'm truly learning to appreciate all those needles you get from random encounters, they're useless in a normal run but during solo runs they are a life saver early on, unless you run into a mech.
we warned you bro
>Nice job and good luck with Kurt's quest!
but I rolled Ventus
>Currently doing Emilia's quest Solo and holy shit Despair was literally despair to complete with Emilia alone, this has been the single most frustrating part so far, worse than the Cygnus segment with Red, at least you get some tools you can use, this was grinding and hoping you wouldn't get killed by whatever. I'm truly learning to appreciate all those needles you get from random encounters, they're useless in a normal run but during solo runs they are a life saver early on, unless you run into a mech.

Did you get the LightBazooka from the locker and drop TwiggyRods to FinalStrike the centipede?

Cause I would have done that.
I know, but it had to be done. Is there any way to remove characters in RS3? I don't want to end up collecting a bunch of people I don't want if I can't get rid of them later.
Nevermind. Never thought to go to the pub.
The Light Bazooka was literally the only thing that could make me survive anything for a long time, Annie's Laser Knife couldn't even kill slimes reliably, Emilia starts with like, 5 STR and more importantly 50 meager HP, she's frail as fuck for that part of the game and her high WIL and decent QUIC mean next to nothing unless you painfully farmed mechs and the BR for a handgun like I did.
I did try to get a TwiggyRods in the sewer but had no such luck for an hour or so, and Spartoi always came in groups anyway, often with a platypus that would combo me to death on the first turn, so it was incredibly frustrating just surviving in the first place.
In the end I just had to grind my HP to 190, Nidhogg doesn't really hit hard except for his sonic attack, but you'll need potions and mor or less 160 or so HP to stay in the clear, and there's nothing you can do about it but grinding, good thing is that it's pretty strong at that point in the game so you can spark and get strong attacks in for free, coupled with Light Bazooka and some patience I got through it, I've had enough of dying to everything so often, it was pure masochism.

I'm currently in Shingrow now, looting the ship so I can sell the Duel Gun in Scrap for some money, but I'm taking a break because I've had enough of Emilia dying to everything, and soloing always ends up maxing Gun potential and getting runes for support anyway, so it's not like I have something to look forward to, Emilia's not even going to exploit her costume gimmick for soloing.
At least Diva won't be too hard, most of her attacks can be blocked or evaded.
>Spartoi always came in groups anyway, often with a platypus that would combo me to death on the first turn
You get TwiggyRods from FatDevils anon
Also Spartoi is a Wild Arms monster newb.

Actually I'm starting to find that FatDevils are a higher rank than I remember, it was probably a fixed battle on the Cygnus or T260G's intro and stuff where I managed to get one early.


All of this.
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Where did this meme start?

She's decidedly female.
not genetically

She shoves shit up her pussy on cam like every single day m8
Ah, my mistake, I confused Twiggyrods with Fiendrods, it's the same weapon except attack power anyway.
>Also Spartoi is a Wild Arms monster newb.
Skeletons are called Spartoi in the JP game, not my fault the localizer fucked it up, just like the Mystic monster is actually called Einherjahr and has nothing to do with Mystics/Youma like Orlouge, the localized version is full of made up shit.
>Page 8
Polite bump.
that's saga
It's kind of a banana smuggler business.
Now that I think about it Fat Devils aren't called Fat Devils either and they also did cut out Mech God's name, even references in items got lost, Lethal Guns are called Lethal Dragoons in the JP version, which is possibly a reference to Captain Harlock's Cosmo Dragoon, the whole Aguni line which is actually Agony and so on. But they did leave the Mizukagami/Kusanagi/Magatama reference for some reason. It's a terrible localization, what's sad is that we didn't really get all that better in 20 years.

I remember when I got Soul Sacrifice almost four years ago now and talked about it with some friends, turned out they completely butchered the game's characters as they changed all of the names from reference to the arturian cycle to silly pseudolatin names, so Merlin became Magusar, Morgan Le Fay became Illecebra or something and so on, needless to say the characters are all named according to a certain logic and most of them have similar stories to their arturian cycle ones, yet this whole part of the plot and narrative got completely obliterated because apparently some mong thought it would be offensive to the western sensibility in a way.
I just don't know anymore really, I don't even know how people can possibly defend this practice, localizations are one of the many cancers killing videogames.
>Only issue is finding someone who would bother to do it.
I remember there was someone on romhacking that was willing to re-translate the spanish version of RS3 into english but no one ever gave him the script.
Retranslating a translation is a terrible idea, if you want to translate something you need to translate the original text not playing a game of telephone, you'll just get a bigger mess that way.

Scarlet Grace's website added the main theme(スカーレットグレイス序曲) and the Star God theme they played on the Nico stream(武術を守護する者).
Not a fun of orchestra, though I can recognize Itoken's style it's a bit strange to hear something like this in SaGa, I'm more used to synths and shit when it comes to this series.
>Not a fun
I need some sleep today.
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Is anyone else having fun today?

I have no idea how to build Mordeus.

I actually got Francis really late and sort of missed part of Ventus' recruitment chain, and I'm going to replace him with Ruby anyway since his voice clips are terribad.

How can you not love I MUST FIND STRONGER ENEMIES?
it just doesn't do it for me.
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>I have no idea how to build Mordeus.
Mordeus is a hassle to build, you can slap spears or axes on him and he gets decent enough, in theory he can make a good tank but his LP is still too low compared to most other characters which makes him pretty risky to use and on top of that he's nowhere near as good as Michelle in terms of stats, he has a magic score of 4 but none of his elements are exactly good, I guess his HP regen score does help in not making him a complete waste of time like Pharr.

If you feel groovy you can make him a tank mage or a earth mage knight hybrid if you find a tablet that can teach you Aegis Shield, Build Up is also a good spell to use on him
>I'm going to replace him with Ruby anyway since his voice clips are terribad.
Dude, Francis is one of the strongest characters in the game together with Armand, his voice clips are terribad but he's a top tier shitwrecker, give him a knife with Dice on a Skill panel setup and watch him do double digit LP damage alone with ease, you just can't go wrong with Francis.
Vent gets quite a few nice physically geared characters like Nuage or Thomas so you can use them instead of Francis anyway as they cover that role pretty decently, unless you want to minmax, in that case Francis is the better character.
I like his event speech bubbles a lot, much like Armand's they're pretty exploitable.
I also really like his animations, they have a lot of momentum compared to other characters, his stab and martial arts animations are really cool. He's also the only playable ninja character in SaGa, unless you count the Ninja class that was added later in RomaSaGa 2.
Uh, Nidhogg actually has some lines of dialogue if the battle drags long enough during the Rune quest in Despair.
Never knew that, though he doesn't have any lines if you play as Emilia, guess because it's not the same Nidhogg.
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Someone post Christian Weston Chandler's "pussy"
trannies are subhuman filth
>this thread has been up for nearly a month and a half
Could anyone tell me where to get the ultimate elemental spells in RS3 (Super Gravity, Quicktime, etc.)? I've been looking through guides and FAQs and no one seems to think it is important enough information to list.
Defeat the appropriate Noble Devil and you have to go to IIRC the astrologer's house in Lance.
Oh awesome thanks!
>He's also the only playable ninja character in SaGa
Francis is not literally a ninja though, he's no more an actual ninja than Johan or Darque.

If you want to get right down to it almost every character in the series is some sort of scientific martial arts wizard ninja.
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