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DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>3541050

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/vr/image/1467/42/1467421002740.png
Doom download: https://yadi.
Quake: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/vr/image/1405/27/1405272990521.png
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Duke: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/vr/image/1403/19/1403195896088.jpg
Thief: https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/vr/image/1456/09/1456095399293.jpg



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/
BT (2016-02-01): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13513277/idgames.torrent



irc.zandronum.com #vr (key in faq)



=== NEWS ===

[10-06] TNT:Evilution full run in Nightmare skill, by Zero-Master

[10-05] Doom With Midi-Converted Sound Effects

[10-04] Romero plays his recent E1M8b [third repost]

[10-04] No End In Sight -- Beta 3.0

[10-03] Doom: The Devil's Tattoo - author requests feedback >>3539350

[10-03] Space Pirate Mk2 Monday Punchday

[10-03] Doom Horror Mods - 7 spooky wads for Hallowe'en

[10-01] Hard Doom update

[10-01] Spellcross - Custom Monster pack for OBLIGE released

[10-01] Anon map release: GreenSwitch (V2, requires cc4-tex)

[10-01] Duke Dead Quick

[09-30] Hexen Souls update

[09-30] Angst Rahz TC update

[09-29] OBLIGE 7.50 released

[09-28] Trump Doom

[09-25] Wolfenstein starter pack

[09-25] Rekkr wants mappers, help out your local /vr/ian

[09-24] At Jazz's Gate

[09-23] Anon map release: Fanta Base (for vinesauce contest)

[09-21] Final versions of Anon's DUMP 3 weapons


To submit news, reply/backlink to this post.
Ring of Favour and Protection would be doable - Havels however, wont be. as I doubt I'll be adding equip load. I feel as if equip load wouldn't mesh well with Hexen.
I read that as "Ring of Flavor"
I like Doom
it am good gam
5th for nudoom is painfully average
Are there female demons?
Are there male demons?
>never played any doom game
>played brutal when it came out and found it boring as shit
>downloaded zdoom this morning after playing doomrl for months
>loving every second
holy fucking shit is this amazing and all the mods I cant stop playing its already the middle of the night aaaah

btw ultraviolence on first playthroughs yay or nay?
Everything by default is assumed male unless otherwise specified.
>ultraviolence on first playthroughs yay or nay?

For DOOM 1? Yeah. It's a cakewalk*.

*Ep. 4 need not apply.
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save me
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Lucky for you, my name IS Doom. Victor von Doom. Now that the introductory pleasantries have concluded, I'd like to establish one thing clearly: This thread belong to DOOM. Fall at my feet on your own free will, or be forced to your knees through mine.
oh fuck off mr. "screw up every single result when I search for 'doom' on google"
it looks like the last map of sf2012
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Doom can't help it if his glory spreads into the farthest corners of the technological wonder CERN bestowed upon the world. Doom only regrets that it wasn't his hand that created it, but he is pleased to know that it wasn't that irritating third-rate-scientist Reed Richards.
Also, to you it is Doctor Doom. I didn't study at the most renowned sites of knowledge around the globe just so no-one would acknowledge my achievements.
I made it, but god damn that took a few tries and some luck.
It's stardate 20x6 btw, MAP06
oh right thanks. i should have got that, but didn't see any purple
there you go, no wonder - same author
oh well la dee da mr fake fictional doctor guy
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>la dee da
I believe you wanted to say Latveria, the jewel of the Balkans, of which Doom is king. What a pathetic attempt. Of course, the intricacies of the native pronunciation are lost upon the uncultured ear of the average American, but this is just insulting. I am owed penance for this indulgence.
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Searching for this yellow key better be worth it too
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Impostor! You dare deface the visage of Doom? I will make short work of you. An example shall be made as a reminder not to impersonate my magnificence.
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Fuck you.
Fuck. I need a break. Time well spent.
Is that an actual thing or is that map just named after the carnival ride dragon thingy from Streets of Rage 2?
Rings are now obtainable and equippable. Rings so far are Cloranthy, Darkwood Grain and Favor & Protection. I realised I've hit a bit of a wall because the ring effects are actually just one item - the quantity defines the effect, 1 ring_effect for Cloranthy, 2 for Darkwood Grain etc. etc. Now I've just come to realise that SBARINFO doesn't have an "exact" parameter, so if I had the Favour and Protection ring equipped it would draw all icon effects before it, so there would be a yellow arrow, and the green arrows together (which is strange)

what I need is separate dummy inventory items for each effect (which is stupid because now i'm gonna need another item for each ring...) so SBARINFO only draws one icon at a time.
>Darkwood Grain
Do you actually cartwheel around or is it just a "+5 to dodging" ring?
It increases your i-frames and decreases the amount of time before you start regenerating stamina after performing s dodge. Actual cartwheels would be nauseating as hell
InInventory RingEffect, 2
InInventory Not RingEffect, 3
Darkwood Grain stuff;

oh joy looking forward to it permanently occupying 1/2 ring slots on every single playthrough
What is this mod supposed to be?
Someone some time jokingly pointed out dark souls ripped off hexen

Now some absolute madman is making hexen souls because hey, beats another 2D souls demake, right
Dark souls Hexen mod.
I never played a souls game before. How's the gameplay gonna be like?
>another 2D souls demake

You mean this is not only a thing, but there's lots of DS demakes?
What's the best one?
not true

bellowing dragoncrest and dusk crown ring is another possibility
Yes, there have been at least 5 in recent years

No idea which is the best cause I never played any of them

Souls games are known for spaghetti level (think symphony of the night but 3D) design and killing the player in a variety of amusing ways. So, something similar?

Fucking casters reeee
It's like Hideous Destructor with swords.
I may nerf the RoFAP, perhaps decrease the buff from 20% to 10% of something.

Non-linear dark fantasy with tough enemies and rewarding combat.
Or you can double the ring slots DS2 style, or remove FAP altogether

It is generally the best fucking ring, hence why it self destructs, so you are COMMITTED to wearing it
Realistically speaking, how would the military powers of the world actually fare against an invasion from DOOM's hell?
Anon? You don't need separate dummy items, just use Not.
Depends on the durability of the monsters. Is it like in the fame? Or real life?
I meant game
If their own personnel got possessed by demons a-la zombieman/shotgun guy, probably extremely badly
Oh right. Duh. It's been a long day and I've been working on this non stop for about 8 hours. I'm a little frazzled
Complete massacre in favor of humanity. Look at what Hideous Destructor has to do to the monsters to make them pose a threat against realistic firearms.
But I imagine they wouldn't have dooms simple AI but instead proper strategy and their numbers would be endless.

I imagine a shotgun one-shotting a cyberdemon, so.
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>someone making a Dark Souls gameplay mod

>someone making a Dark Souls map mod
Summoners in D4D are the bane of my life.

Literally worse than Cyberdemons.

Maybe not as bad as Spoidah Masterminds.
Gauss or SSGs are your friend.
Scythe never gives me enough fucking plasma.

Why do the bullet drops only work for shotguns?
Actually, am I mistaken, and is it for the weapon you currently have out?
You are mistaken.

Also use a chainsaw to get more paslma to fire at them.
Speaking of the chainsaw, is anyone else bothered slightly that you can't just hold it out and have it stun mid-charge pinkies and lost souls?
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Is there any need for something like this? I just made it to make creating shortcuts to all my doom wads easier. I'm thinking of expanding this into a whole portable-doom launcher with a batch-file interface to play a curated list of doom WADs.
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Added more engines and savegame relocation (to separate your saves from the engines and from each other).

I'm not sure if I should allow customisation of wad/ports path or just assume this is purely a launcher for a portable doom collection.
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So is the Epic2 menu skull a guy with a ballgag on or
I'm currently picturing how would have they gone about making the SM turn on its back as it fires at the player like it did in nudoom

also glory kills fucking when

>also glory kills fucking when

In D4D? Doesn't the FAQ say he doesn't want to do them?
it was actually namblaco's d4 mod, my b

still im itching to see that in action goddamn
Is the laser wall on MAP15 of Epic2 bugged in (G)ZDoom? It still kills me after I disable it, and without any mods running.
I'm really bad at finding secrets at Doom. It's not uncommon for me to go the whole level without finding a single secret.

Anybody have any tips? Patterns to watch for?
it really varies,but there's a few things that often stand out:
>light level (heretic's first map)
>wall texture (oddities or decorations)
>rails around a wall
>sound clues
play trough doom's first episode of doom and try not only to find the secrets, but to find the clues that leads to them
the most obvious secrets are walls with an odd texture inbetween all the others.

also listen closely if you ever hear an elevator/door sound trigger without you having done anything.

shoot things that look suspicious, like unactivated switch textures that are unreachable by foot.
Different colors/textures or offset alignment of walls, or just looking at some spot and think to yourself "Would I put a secret here if I was making a level?"

Sometimes you might walk down a path and hear a door opening in the distance, maybe that's a secret door that's triggered by a linedef you passed, try going back and forth a little bit and see if you hear it open again, then try to move towards the direction of the noise and see if you can get there.

Many secrets in the original game are visible, but the entrance or path to them isn't outright obvious, you might have to go a long way around to get there.
what's with the bluescreen palette? it triggers me a bit
>first-person executions in the doom engine
sounds like a lot of effort for something that'd look terrible
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Actually that's just that for some reason a COLOR command became permanent on my system. Here's a trigger-free update!
Hey wait, where are the other two news reposts?

Doom General loses it's charm when the infinite news presence doesn't exist anymore.
There's metadoom.

That doesn't have Glory Kills though, just a punch that makes enemies drop health.
D4D looks awkward enough as is
Speaking of D44M mods, when is Zion gonna update?
Last I heard was this

And it got me hyped, because the rips don't look as shitty anymore.
I found the blue easier on my eyes
so you just gonna post the ants version or what
Please don't tell me this is gonna be another Regular Day.

Please no...
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That's horrifying
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>people jerk off to this
You should see the version with a dick.

I think I'll make it shoot jizz-rockets at you.

Cyberdemon replacement.
our resident barneyfan is going to freak
stop giving it attention you fucking ree-rees.
We already got Doom 4 Doom so it doesn't really matter.
>plausible MSX-inspired mod with high res nudoom weapons
>'doesn't really matter'
>pony bullshit is doom-related
>Pony shit outside of /mlp/
According to rules that poster should be straight banned.
this looks just weird ingame
needs pixels
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>because the rips don't look as shitty anymore.

Don't 'as' shitty.

But they're still shitty.

If people are going to use 3D models for weapon sprites, they should at least palette them or try to get them looking like they belong in doom.

Honestly though, manually drawn sprites are king. Just look at these.
man, D4D's final version rocket launcher lost a LOT of detail from this incarnation. the barrels on the chaingun are missing a lot of details from the nudoom version, and that SSG is, well, it's got two barrels. hope necronixis releases the new set for it sometime soon.

the gauss cannon, nudoom, doom 4 doom, I don't care where it's from, is my absolute definitive gunfu.
I like the heat wave modified plasma gun the most of the D44M weapons, with the gauss cannon coming in second.
I just love the meaty sound it makes when you shoot it.
well, to be perfectly fair, he did trace over the original weapons

still, got a point
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That too. I'm so glad they nailed the feel of the plasma rifle in the mod.
That SSG is trash though.

Everything else is good.
>not centered
also, is it justme or is there really too little difference betweeen the shotgun(?), the sniper rifle and the other three tech rifles?
>Script error, ":actors/doomrl/powerups.txt" line 37:
>Unexpected '255' in definition of 'RLInvulnerabilitySpherePickupGiver2'

Did the latest DoomRPG update fuck up DoomRL Arsenal?
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This is the sort of thing I'm going for. A simple batch-file menu-driven collection of WADs and stuff. Anybody interested in helping curate a list?

This would be awesome. What would you need?
Man, after that wave of barons, revenants and chaingunners the arachnotrons were a piece of cake. Same for the final revenant wave. I was worrkied about the archvile, but luckily it was so restricted it couldn't do anything.
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truly we live in a golden age of doom
what's with those numbers. how much health is hyphen facepalm zero? how much armour is hyphen lambda zero?
it appears to be the japanese HUD font
They are Japanese numbers. The hyphen is a 1, dunno the rest. I need to brush up on my Japanese digits.
ooh, i see. so the wad is jpcp? or zdoom has a jp translation?
The HUD comes with the WAD, yes.
looks like 140 life, 180 armor
I'm going to build a few pages to work out a format to copy and put the code online. I imagine people can contribute directly via pull requests, but we could have a discussion on how to organise the collection, what needs to be there and how to present it to the user.

I'm aiming for a replacement for the DOOM starter pack currently here; it's good, but requires config & setup. I want to make something totally portable and pre-configured requiring nothing more than a double-click to run and play.
in that case I wouldn't use batch scripting, because mac and linux machines exist
They can load the WADs into their preferred launcher; this is going to include windows ports in the box. That said, with something in place I'm considering writing a DOS-like UI in QB64, which would work on Mac & Linux.
>hyphen facepalm zero?
You fooled me, I thought it was gonna be a snow map before I scrolled down.
are you being sarcastic?
>remake of doom 2's maps using GZDoom that set all sector lights to be as dark as possible and relied on GZDoom's dynamic lighting
I forgot what this was called, can anyone remind me?
i did some searching and i think you might be thinking of HontE: Remastered

Any good suggestions for map packs or megawads for use with Demonsteele?
hello i made some changes to the samsaras today

i fixed the bug with weapon stay and (i think) with unique items deciding to not be a thing

i also fixed duke talking over himself in pistol start mode

what else should i try and fix while i'm braving this codebase
at the moment, it's possible for chexguy to die

you may want to fix that
Right, that's the one
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Gave me a good spook.

Bolted to the exit console as soon as I saw the cages lowering.

Then suddenly massive slowdown to 1 FPS. I wonder why? And now I find out that there was some optional sections that I missed by going back to find the yellow keycard.
>Then suddenly massive slowdown to 1 FPS
did they all get crushed and spray blood everywhere?
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fix the lack of Caleb !

note to moderators: this post is a joke.
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gzdoom 2016-10-05 21-33-06-81.png
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Nerf Ronald
That's make sense with Smooth Doom, but I have that option turned off unless it's the Super Shotgun doing it.

They also teleport away.
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this map sucks
It's kind of an extended boss map really, but I still like it. Speed of Doom is pretty much my favourite megawad bar none to be desu. There's just something about the layouts and flow that resonates with me on a basic level. Kind of hard to explain
I don't understand this meme. Why is this guy guarding some bed room.
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It's supposed to be a bouncer.
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Hey man, are you possibly finnish? Thought because of your youtube name.
Maybe we can work together at some point :) I'd love to make a souls style esigned level for that style of gameplay.
At least it means that Bethesda didn't succeed in overwriting every google Doom reference with NuDoom.
Put the Descent games in there.
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I dunno if this is considered a meme WAD or something, but is there anything else like it? I liked the variety
It's not a "meme" wad, it's just a "What if Doom was a Mario game" wad. There's a sequel to it being done by the same guy right now but progression is pretty slow. It's more like Super Mario World instead of Mario 64 as well.
Where do I get Blood 1?
>meme wad
Hocus Pocus Doom.
>meme WAD
I could probably kick that guy's ass. But what business would anyone have in some bed room
It's quite a nice GZDoom mod for what it is, albeit let down by its shitty weapons.

>meme wad
Piratebay. Don't give them any money.
he might have turned it into a roller disco
this would be hilarious
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Eccentricity of the creator aside, this looks like a really well thought out mod, for me it was worth watching the video for design study, as he goes quite in depth about what was changed and the reasoning behind some of these changes.
What are some hidden gem megawads?
sorely tempted, but doing it RIGHT would probably necessitate losing zandro 3 compat and that ain't happening

which sucks, because all the post-zandro3 toys i've been playing with in other mods has spoiled me :(
>he might have turned it into a roller disco
They don't do it anymore. Casualty of cool.
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this is great
where can i get it?
what are some lesser known megawads
fuckin gotem dude
Scythe 2.
Term did so much testing for Demonsteele with it it's pretty much THE Demonsteele mapset.

IMO, better than the C*1024 series.

That's kind of an arbitrary size, isn't it? 512 would have been the next step. Then 256.
Okay, it seems that MAP09 has a glitch where the blue skullkey is straight up removed from its niche.
Poll with arbitrary answers apropos of nothing.

Indifferent, because I don't play multiplayer.
a classic symptom of computer nerds everywhere, assuming everything must be a power of two. http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=14018 is effectively a "congestion 666" with a weird palette.
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works for me, in doom2 complevel

demo: http://temp-host.com/download.php?file=sh25jd
Maybe it doesn't appear on some difficulty levels by accident?

Zandronum as a whole is pretty awful except for one single instance.
The port is lagging so far behind, almost all the good and cool mods aren't supported.
The community is a joke. Nothing more needs to be said. I'd rather go on DeviantArt than Zandronum.

The only thing it's good for is playing multiplayer with mates, by virtue of Z/GZDoom's multiplayer being fucking nonexistent now.
>except for one single instance
What instance is that?

Playing multiplayer with mates, as I said.
Start up a server, lock it off to the public, and have fun.
i assume it's the last paragraph of his post
>what do you think of zandro
Literally the only functioning multiplayer doom community has these days

Also kek'd at the unanimous results so far
Being a Zandronum 3.0 modder is a hell of a drug because you get to compare the mostly bro-tier devs with the positively autistic community. Even if it's sort of critically outdated compared to ZDoom, some of the features it adds are extremely neat from a netplay perspective outside of the fact that netplay works at all :^), and yet it feels like most of the interesting stuff added gets used for moronic shit like Bagel Horde and MM8BDM RP servers. That or the 50 Complex/Brutal servers running at any given time, I mean fuck, what do I have to do to play a round of AOW2 with more than the same three players?

Oh well, maybe I'll eventually manage to hit single digit players during peak hours when 3.0 stable is released in 2027, bringing several minutes of entertainment before the Brutal Doom + Complex/LCA compatibility patches hit.
you would've eaten so much shit had that chaingunguy not died in one trigger pull.
I'm just saying it makes the most sense if an idea is based off the1024x1024 concept.
zandronum is cool, if you don't go on the forums and play on private servers
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seems to be correct
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i think any multiple of 64 or 128 would work, due to those being the common texture sizes.

perhaps. i was a bit lucky getting the one-hit kill, although shooting while right up in his face helped of course.

but the shotgun reload animation isn't that much longer than chaingunner pain animation. he mightve got a few bullets off if he reacted quickly enough after flinching.

my experience suggests i would still have survived him with a decent likelihood had the first shot done insufficient damage, but, needs more research, clearly.
Testing it without Smooth Doom leads to the same. I have to noclip to see where it went.
haha wow. it's not a comp_floors bug, it works in boom complevel. i'll try zdoom 281
Monster Hunter Doom Ultimate when
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okay it's fucked up in zdoom
>my planet needs me
>But what business would anyone have in some bed room

There's sex, then there's slumber parties, and there's also snuff filmmaking.
>That or the 50 Complex/Brutal servers running at any given time
This. And none are populated.

Please make it so BJ's Spear of Destiny doesn't fizzle out after a set distance, it's an impossibly shit ultimate weapon when you can't control whether it will do anything good nor shoot from a safe distance.
Awesome port. Say what you will about it being light years behind ZDoom, but atleast the multiplayer works.
The community is the most cancerous and, for lack of a better word, toxic portion of the doom community. In Zandronum, everyone has either autism, a stick up their ass, or both. And there's more drama surrounding the regulars than a fucking mexican soap opera.

This guy knows what's up though. But if you don't have friends to play with, you're basically up shit creek without a paddle.
What brought on the question?
I love how everytime I come back there are newer and better options to play vanilla ass doom.

Doom Complete, Smooth Doom, and pk sfx being my new default zdl configuration.

wow, someone else who turns off player bobbing

It's not fully off, I think it's at .01 or something. Full head bob gives me a headache, but I still want a little bit of weapon sway.
still watching. it keeps pausing because pomf.cat can't serve fast enough.

shame you can't select individual master levels - i don't think they're meant to have an order.
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>not loving the woobly
yeah it seems i subconsciously use the gun barrel sprite to aim, and having it wave around hurt my accuracy. so i turned off player bobbing.

also what is that wad?

The only real official order they were ever given were the console ports of the master levels which seems to group them by difficulty. There'll never be a good order to them other than difficulty since they were made standalone by a ton of people.

I guess you could always use console to skip around or just use run master levels as intended standalone and pick maps that way.
e1m4b one of romeros recent maps
oh, i'm embarrassed i haven't played it yet.
You could use the crosshair to completely get around that.
i play the old way (no freelook, vertical mouse axis is movement, automatic aim at monsters at different heights) in a source port that doesn't have crosshairs.
>Smooth Doom
It's neat, but sadly it overrides lots of voxels from
use the weapons only version
>disables basic visual features because it makes the game hard for him
>not just keeping them an having an unobtrusive dot at the center of the screen for point-shooting

The GZDoom Wolf3d Total Conversion is also pretty great. Spot on from what I can tell.

Fair enough.

Which one of these ports supports turning off weapon bobbing and view bobbing in that case?
>>disables basic visual features because it makes the game hard for him
that's the pettiest shit I've read today.
As opposed to "casualhair" ?

ZDoom and GZDoom

console -> movebob 0 (or .01 to make it incredibly reduced)
it's nearing it, but at least that makes sense to a far extent.
ZDoom and GZDoom have crosshairs though, comes with a bunch of basic ones.

I like the dot one the best because it doesn't block my view and helps for longer distance shooting (for closer distances it's not as important)
In mods that have multiple playable characters, is it possible for people to have different characters in multiplayer?
boom introduced a player_bobbing option which could be turned off. pr+ has crosshairs now i believe, but i preferred to keep my existing choices, rather than switch to using them. i use crosshairs with freelook on the very rare occasions i try zdoom gameplay mods, but crosshair without freelook feels wrong to me.
Where would I get that from?
You don't really need crosshairs in Doom though unless it's a gameplay mod that fuddles with the gun models. All of them are pretty easy to aim already.

That's why people call it casualhair.
I need help finding a WAD.

>Bright visuals
>Upbeat music (optional)
>Good architecture

Long story short, I want to make my own WAD with these elements but I want to know what exists out there first. Googling doesn't do jack shit for finding WADs, and the ol' Doomworld or IDgames archives are failing me.

I've played some Skillsaw stuff, and it's close to what I want, just not quite there.
i know, see my original post >>3546872 . i feel like we're going round in circles.

>That's why people call it casualhair.
But it's only you who say that.
it's not like he doesn't have a valid point, you know
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Here's a mock up of a portable doom launcher and WAD compilation in QB64. This'll be more work than just using batch files, but will allow me to make this more of a "disk mag" type of presentation.
How do you feel about putting ridiculous easter eggs in your wad no one but people who or who look in the editor will find? There's a legit way to get it too but it's real obscure.
I can see why you feel your own point is valid.
>oh no they're agreeing with each other
>t-this must mean they're the same poster!
i know of several, and i enjoy finding them. when i do, i wonder if there is anyone else who knows about them. for example, did you know there is a picture of Helen Hunt in Cyberdreams?
a "huge dump" of "buttock-clenching" action? do you have some kind of arse fixation?
It's called PortaDOOM. The icon will be a portable loo with the doom logo on it or something.

I love it and I love doing it.
I've started with Doom Builder some hours ago, how hard would be to add an "experience points" value to the HUD that add's up everytime I kill an enemy ?
Please just scrap the whole QB64/BAT thing. They're terrible to work in and better alternatives exist. Please consider Perl or Python, for instance -- both are portable, easy to work in, and both have easy ways to make decisions based on the detected OS. You're also likely to get more contributors that way.
>BAT: literally the lowest common denominator ever. Windows 95+, will even work on the most virus-ridden wreck of a machine. Absolutely rock-solid reliable
>QB64: BASIC with cross-platform compiling. Self-contained EXEs, reliable

Also, I'm specifically going after the DOS look of the time. I get that for free with BAT/QB64. I'd have to waste a ton of time emulating the look in other languages.

Perl & Python are massively over-complicated tools for a simple task and just creates programming for programming's sake.
I believe you would need to modify enemy data if you wanted to make enemies give unique points each.
if only view bobbing and weapon bobbing were seperate
i think his program's more likely to get done if he writes it in a language he knows, rather than catering to contributors who only exist in potentia
Actually, the content will be text files anybody can create. The engine just renders them and it won't need every contributor to hack on.
nah I'm british - I'd love to collab some time, though. I'm not exactly good at making maps, I'm more of a decorate/acs wizard.
Are there any other good WADs out there that follow HontE's rules for lighting?
Add Noah from Super 3D Noah's Ark
add garret from thief. keep him the same as in thief, but make sure he's balanced.
Curious, are you gonna be posting this to github or someplace?
What is the best quake 2 source port?
I legitimately never heard of that one. I'll go check it out with my gog q2.
>garret is completely invisible in slightest shadow
>his footsteps are extremely loud and alert everyone on the map
>blackjack is OHKO from behind on ANYONE
>the sword does 1 damage
>fire arrows don't exist
>broadhead arrows do exist, but you can't afford them until you pickpocket a cyberdemon
It's the only port i've seen that does antialiasing
Can good maps be made with startan only?

Right here

I like the 'dot' crosshair too. I tried changing he color to red, but it's still green. Am I missing something really basic here? I'm running ZDOOM through ZDOOM Executor.
Made it to map 9 on plutonia on ultra violence using the plutonia simulator mod and Might I say that Archviles are Fuckin Everywhere .
if the fifty shades of graytall wad is anything to go by, I'd say yes.
maybe you have it indicating your health?
Well, it violated board rules, so it was purged. I like hdoom like any other autist but i think you're overreacting.

Also american censorship, nudity/violence double standard etc etc
Tsk, it doesn't support the high poly weapon pack it seems. Oh well, the original wobbly SSG has its own charm.
>play mods for 30 mins
>go back to chocolate doom for hours
Who /chocolate doom/ here
I /gldoom/ here

tried going back to /zdoom/ but it hurt my gentle HD spoiled eyes after a while
How do you make an instant-death pitfall in the Boom format?
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Post cute stuff
The classic teleport to black room/telefrag the player
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>friend sends me a gzdoom pack
>play this
>this happens
fucking lol
I don't understand the whole "don't pet the caco" meme

He can easily be punched to death with berserker fists, especially if you soften him up with 2-3 shotgun shots

Yes, his melee hurts (he's 70% mouth after all) but it's easily sidestepped

...I'm pretty sure it's just a meme because the idea of petting a cacodemon is funny.
Dont you like nudoom? There must be something very wrong with you

>monster the size of a weather balloon
>maintains flight through not quite clear means
>belches ball lightning as a projectile attack
>mouth full of a row of big sharp teeth
>exterior body covered in large spines/spikes
I'm thinking it's more of a harzard warning.
You can even fisticuff a revenant (motherfucker has been lifting weights his whole life, and somehow even his skeleton is buff) if you're completely mad

>>maintains flight through not quite clear means
Clearly he's filled with gas because of an extremely unhealthy diet

He gains/loses altitude by sucking air through his sphincter, and propulsion through farting
Got a tutorial or something?
Nope, sorry.

But there should be a teleporting mesh somewhere, and instakill teleporters are achieved through the voodoo doll (dummy player spawn)
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If this was Doom 4 those would have had a long visual tell before firing, then just miss the player entirely.
Revenants in Doom 4 are a joke, that doesn't make this not bullshit though
What's a good skin pack for multiplayer? My buddies would love some variety, ideally something that fits thematically.
I hate insta death pitfalls, any reason you can't make it a damaging floor with an escape route?
I wanted the room to have a skyyfloor many, many feet below. Decided to change the floor to blood with 20% damage instead.
jesus fuck.
Are there any wads that are like black and white horror films in their style?

multiplayer only, but cybercrime might be what you're looking for.
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What did the UAC mean by this?
Wouldn't it be difficult to recreate its monsters into Doom though? Unless you go for something like hot monkey dick
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>People keep updating their DUMP3 maps

Can someone running Windows do me a huge favor and unpack this soundfont with the provided SFPack utility in the description and then upload it somewhere? For some reason, people still insist on compressing soundfonts with an archaic, proprietary format that has no cross-platform tools available.
There's a lot of skin packs and a lot of them have a bunch of characters from various doom related games. There's one on the zandronum forums, the ancient skins.wad, vrskins from a year ago, just make sure your friends also have them loaded up too
Just run wine lad, everyone does it
Hey I posted my final version of fort stimpack ages ago, mine is done. Don't make me add in a hidden Waifu Window secret just to spite you all
I remember when the release was scheduled for July. How naive I was for actually believing that.

It's making my job easier, so.
Hopefully I can get a release out before the 13th.
Is that a promise?
What defines a speedmap? Like, how long can I work on one until it isn't considered a speedmap anymore?
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Here it is in SF2 format.
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Thanks dude!
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>people actually make finished games out of their 7dayfps/ludum dare projects
Crazy, I know

Nope. I dunno entirely if it's even that realistic or feasible.
But I fully expect all y'all to blast my ass to keep me going and hopefully I can make it.

If I can't, then FUCK
don't worry, you can count on me to call you a faggot as hard as i can

Thanks, anon. I knew I could count on you.
it's quite arbitrary but I think it's safe to say not longer than a day.
>What's a deadline
A couple hours to a day I think.
Okay cool, I just wanted to know before I started on stuff. It's about time I started making some maps and shit.
I might host this. I host unreal almost all the time, so it should make it a little more interesting.
Meee. Love dat pixelated grittiness. The game just feels less sinister in higher resolutions.
What difficulty do you play DOOM on?

I play Ultra-Violence with Fast Monsters enabled and all forms of autoaim disabled.
Always UV
UV on iwads
Generally HMP in mapsets.

Freelook, no auto-aim (I hate auto-aim)
plz help /vr/. I can't get wads to load with gzdoom. Every time I drag and drop a wad into gzdoom and start a new game, it just loads doom. Am I retarded for not knowing what's going on?

What wads are you trying to load?
Is there a wad selection menu pop-up?
Usually Hurt Me Plenty for vanilla stuff/IWADs, but I go to Ultra-Violence for most gameplay mods because of the increased enemy amount balancing out most overpowered stuff. I don't play custom WADs that much, but I usually play them on Hurt Me Plenty.
I use mouse freelook, no crosshair and autoaim off for my aim settings.
>their numbers would be endless
well maybe you should have said that right off the bat because that kind of makes it an inevitable win for the demons
Are you using the correct IWad (doom, doom2, plutonia, tnt)? Are you loading the right map (map e2m3 or map02 as examples?)
I'm trying to play momento mori, and when I drag it into gzdoom, the iwad selection window pops up, I select doom 2, and it loads up doom 2. I'll start a new game, and I'll be in doom 2, as opposed to the wad I want to play.
Well, now it's working. I don't know what the hell's going on. Thanks for your concern.
I've been living a nightmare for well over a year now and today was one of the worst days of that stretch, but was also the day that I learned there's an eternal Doom thread and that has made me feel happiness through a great deal of physical and emotional pain.

I love all of you very much.
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No worries, I found that I was on the outdated 1.9 soundfont so I might as well
We love you too Anon. <gives Cyber-Hug>
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Hope whatever you're going through gets better soon, bro.

You got a corrupted download of Memento Mori, then. Redownload it.
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love you too anon
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Things will get better, anon. We'll be here, think of us as megasphere for morale support.
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It's another weekend, another iteration, y'all know the drill.
Post your fuckin' screenshots of what you're fuckin' working on.

What's your WIPs? You got any maps, sprites, weapons, codestuff, etc?
Ask yourself, what would doomguy do? That's right, get a big fuck off shotgun and solve all problems through gratuitous violence
but that's illegal anon
love you too bubalub (:
some screenies from my first "big" levelset i'm working on.
another one
I haven't mapped before, so how do maps normally handle spawning enemies out of nowhere?
obviously WIP because the default textures are bleh
depends on the engine you're building for. ZDoom would do it differently than let's say, vanilla doom. I would look into it for the engine you're making your map for.
Hey, that's how most my maps start, too!
Without scripts: Enemies off the map that get alerted and walk or get pushed into telepoorters after a trigger. Normally they're alerted earlier in the map and a trigger just opens a door that lets them into the teleporter.
With scripts: Thing_Spawn(destination thing id, spawn number, angle, new thing id)
So the player crosses a line def and it pushes the monster into a teleporter? Seems kinda hacky tbqh
you can also have them in instant raising pits, requires at least boom format.
be sure to have no lower textures on the walls of the pit so it's invisible and then have it raise instantly by making an action like:
>direction: down
>target: highest adjacent floor
for some reason when you tell the floor to go down when the target is higher than it it moves to the target instantly.
Most doombuilder tricks that are now commonly used are hacky, it's part of the fun imo.
In full vanilla, you just raise a door and they walk into it. There's no pushing, and generally you have to make sure the trigger is on all sides of them or at least between them and the player. In Boom I think you can shove them in a scrolling sector.
you don't need boom format for instant raising pits, you do 19 W1 lower to highest adjacent floor on a sector whose floor height is lower than all its surroundings
>In Boom I think you can shove them in a scrolling sector.
i advise against this, let them walk into teleporter lines by themselves, avoid loops where they get stuck walking in the opposite direction to the conveyor.
study E1M9 for a general idea of how they work.
romero's e1m4
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>You can use the Holy Water Pistol in MetaDoom to extinguish Lost Souls in one shot

Holy shit this is great
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Does anyone have the up-to-date assembly list for DRLA? Thanks in advance.
Here you go

Are you a Techy main
love it
No, i'm a coward.
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>Look at nowthatswhaticallmidi's acs code to see if I could borrow from it
This isn't as simple as I thought it'd be..

you don't have to change the acs at all to borrow from it

just edit the language lump
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please forgive my shitty way of uploading game videos, i'm total shit at making webm's

i've been tweaking my gun that builds walls, but it's not quite ready for release yet

i thought they were loaves of bread at first
It won't break if I lower the amount of songs, then? Alright.

i just cropped a single brick out of a doom2 wall texture and used that


it's very flexible

if you want to lower the amount of songs, just lower the number of entries in language and remove that number of sounds
Technician is incredibly flexible, though you'll wince when you find an orange or green drop you can barely do shit with.
>Curious, are you gonna be posting this to github or someplace?
Once I've got it working. At the moment this is just a bunch of print statements, I want to load everything from txt files so players can contribute pages without having to edit the code.
I remember legitimately believing Johnny Test had some correlation to Duke Nukem when I was younger.[\spoiler]
I thought Johnny Bravo was Duke Nukem for kids.
I thought Doom had something to do with duck dodgers.

just... no fucking idea, dude.
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who the fuck is johnny test
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My pistol being based on the Automag (and Mag 60) has a limited magazine, which the player can not manually reload, besides switching away from the pistol and back again, like in Unreal. After a while I found this too clunky and neglected using the pistol as it wasn't good for extended fights, running out of ammo at bad times or requiring a long reload due to weapon switching times. This relegated the weapon to a "fallback" role that doesn't exist because none of the other weapons need to pause fighting to reload.
Playing Combined Arms I saw the pistol in it forgoes a manual reload as well, however it has a mechanic where after not shooting for 2 seconds it will automatically reload. I found this feature cool, but it would often screw me over as 2 seconds is just a bit too short in practice.
I took the idea into my mod (do you need credit Kegan?) and found 3 seconds to be quite comfortably outside the "I'm still shooting at things" range, the pistol now feels more enjoyable to use as you don't have to worry about weapon juggling or being low when going into a fight.
Seriously, how is anyone supposed to figure these out on their own?
By having played DoomRL, duh
>I took the idea into my mod (do you need credit Kegan?)

Don't be silly, I'm just glad you could use that idea and put it to good use. Keep up the good work.
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i did the following to samsars for a patch i'll prob. kick out... next week?

- Reverted the console spam fix from 0.355, since it's not an issue anymore, which also simultaneously caused the following to happen...
- Fixed Weapon Stay being busted!
- Fixed unique powerups sometimes just not happening when picked up!

- Merged in Popsoap10's fix for non-bleeding enemies not creating puffs
- Added greatly-improved widescreen-friendly Duke RPG and Freezethrower sprites from the cancelled HTTKC
- Fixed Duke talking over himself at the start of a map in Pistol Start mode
- Pistol Start mode now resets your health appropriately
- Added proper weapon bob settings to the Marathon 1 Alien Weapon
- New secret sound effect for Doomguy
Have you played the mod? Though you do not require them to assemble, the automaps will add 1-3 assembly combinations to your list each. I ran the test map it comes with and collected a shitload of them to get them all.

The Technician is probably the only class who can afford to be choosy, and even then exotic modpacks for the most absurd ones aren't easy to get.

When you create a Master Assembly, the Snake Eater theme plays.
I'd much rather be fucked over by autoreload as an encounter starts than be fucked over 4 shots later because I had low ammo.

The thing about automatic reload is that it doesn't make sense from a design perspective when it comes to guns.

Manual reloading is the only acceptable way.
If you want people to pause their shooting without a reload button then use a cooling system or force a reload on 0 bullets.

Don't make it automatically reload during a pause of shooting.
Why not just shoot four times and reload automatically that way?

Why are we so against the reload button?
Do you want people to not reload often? Put in a magazine system
i'm getting pretty lazy, but hopefully I can pick it back up in a few days.
Does DRLA work with DRPG again or is it still fucked?
>Don't make it automatically reload during a pause of shooting.
I gave my reasoning for why the auto reload was put in, the pistol just felt too unwieldy without it, besides there's no point using up keybind real estate for just a single weapon.

>Why not just shoot four times and reload automatically that way?
Because the gun only makes warning clicks when you're at 3 ammo or lower and you can't see how much ammo you currently have in your magazine
>Why are we so against the reload button?
>Do you want people to not reload often? Put in a magazine system
Because the games the mod's a tribute to do not have a reload button, and I want to use the button for an inventory related function.
Yeah, the automap. The rarest powerup you'll encounter in any map.
I've played through 15 levels of a megawad with the technician, and i didn't discover a single assembly i didn't know before. The system is retarded and unintuitive, and i can't wrap my head around anyone thinking it's a good idea.
I don't use DRPG.
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Well people don't tend to use items like automaps and blurspheres often in their megawads do they? That's part of the fault right there. Assembled weapons can also be found lying around dead marines and some enemies, but they're still rare occurrences, and Technician still starts with knowing the basic assemblies most players will already know.

Another means of slowly filling out the list wouldn't be an overall bad idea, though.
kill monster = assembly pinata
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>people don't tend to use items like automaps and blurspheres often in their megawads do they

from what i remember, id barely used automaps themselves

honestly i frequently forget that they even exist as items because of how scarce they are
computer maps in doomu.wad





computer maps in doom2.wad

so i counted 23 maps with automaps in them

how many maps are in all four episodes of doom and all of doom 2, and how many of those automaps are in secrets areas?

Ultimate Doom uses them a bit, the others not so much. TNT strangely gets one more in UV/NM than in HMP and below.


Blursphere count doesn't go any higher than 26, which is an improvement but still.

Also in DRLA: the Scout starts all maps with knowledge of the layout. Which might help get more maps for assemblies, but yeah doesn't change that the system isn't the most intuitive and relies more on past knowledge.

I could see some types of enemies maybe dropping blueprints or parts of them or something, that could work.
36 maps for Doom 1
Looks like it's actually most Doom 1 maps that have an automap.
so 15 out of 26 maps in Doom 1 have an automap, with an undetermined amount of those being hidden in secret

not exactly a pickup you're likely to trip over
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15 out of 36, ugh

time for sleep now
15 out of 36 is something that cannot be described as ''scarce'' like >>3548158 claimed.
You don't know Doom 1's secrets by heart?
14 out of 27
let's not count E4
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if you compare the amount of times the automap makes an appearance as compared to any other pickup (possibly excluding night-vision or the BFG) then 15 spawns in 36 maps is /assuredly/ scarce; we're talking about 15 actors in the entirety of Doom 1.


I have to admit that I am a heretic that has never even completed all 4 episodes of Doom.
>if you compare the amount of times the automap makes an appearance as compared to any other pickup
We're not doing that though, the post said that the automap is scarce, period, which is very wrong.
Think of it like this
>23 of 36 levels have automaps
>Averages out to less than 1
>Meanwhile 300+ Medkits throughout all of Ultimate Doom
>I could see some types of enemies maybe dropping blueprints or parts of them or something, that could work.
Or enemies have a rare chance of dropping maps.
Depending on the difficulty of said enemies.
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>never even completed all 4 episodes of Doom
I've been playing the original Doom Rpg recently on my pos go phone and it's great. Really fun time killer. Anybody play the Wolfenstein Rpg? I heard it was meh.
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behind a secret door halfway through the map
in a semi-hidden room, not marked secret but looks like one (arrow on floor made of helmets, different texture)
not secret, can be glimpsed from side, but requires awkward jump off moving floor to reach
not secret, it's right there in front of you at the start of the map
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in a secret room, requires finding a hidden key to get in
well hidden in a chain of secrets off a side area
secret, easy to find, not hard to get into, not actually in secret area but sector behind it is
not secret, guarded by two barons, easily found
secret, but if you fall for the fake exit you're going to find it
secret but not hard to find, near blue key, easy to open (huge button on wall)
not secret, out in the open, but you have to dodge a bunch of barons
Well yeah, higher tier enemies would be a good cut-off.

LegenDoom for DRLA when? Legendary monsters could drop off some weapons, useful modpacks, and other items in place of weapon with X gimmick.
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not secret, behind a hidden wall behind the blue key, but the switch to open is hard to miss
secret area near exit, you need to run onto a pad to open it
not secret, but in lava, trap opens when you teleport into the key building
so, can you tell oblige to put a (or at least one) minimap per level or not?
people are complaining about an automatic reload breaking combat, but there's a simple solution to this that I used in dakka

when you're in the idle reload state, use A_WeaponReady to allow the player to interrupt the reload state with firing, switching out the weapon, etc

bam, done

works perfectly in dakka
Someone would probably have to make a plugin for it.
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not secret but requires jump into nukage pool with no obvious way out, also pain elementals
secret area but quite easy to find
not secret but at end of long lava tunnel, still fairly easy to reach
secret on ledge. teleporter to ledge is not obvious.
secret outside northwest building with teleporters
not secret, practically a gift if you survive the explosion
two copies of the same area, both in secret sectors, although button to open secret is not hidden, so a likely find

This looks like Doom64, but that already exists as Doom 64 EX; what actually is it you're building?
Presumably a custom map for Doom 64 EX.
He could just be making a custom DOOM 64 map set
There are a couple of mappers making new maps for Doom64EX here. He must be one of them
The Freedoom nukeptyle now just looks like a nerd with a shirt and orthodontic headgear
Hey, guys, I want to get into map making.
Should I use Doom Builder or GZDoom builder?
Can someone give me a head to head comparison?
Keep in mind I want to also make my own textures and models and monsters. Which one would be better and why?
Somebody's going to make porn of this right?
Doom/GZDoom Builder are basically the same program. GZDoom Builder just has some more added features and more user friendly additions.
GZDoom Builder is a continuation of Doom Builder development, with more features. So many more features.

Use SLADE3 for adding new art, monsters etc.
GZDoom Builder is a continuation with a name not really reflecting that well
Thanks, alright, so GZDoom and SLADE3. What about DECORATE? I am reading about it on the ZDoom Wiki. Is it still viable for object placement, or is there anything better out there?
I was going to do that if worst comes to worst, (at hopefully some point) in the future when it's not just placeholder sprites the player character would be doing a reload with retention instead of a tactical reload, so the animation starts with the magazine being ejected, meaning if the gun was fired it could only fire the one shot that was chambered, so if I to interrupt the reload I'd probably end up with a "oh shit better cram that mag back in" animation.
Yeah I know, gameplay over realism and all that. Other mods just bother me when you shoot one bullet from an assault rifle or whatever, reload, and the entire magazine just gets discarded as the unused bullets from it magically teleport into the next one.

Also, I didn't realise Dakka had idle reloading, huh.
so if I were to*
DECORATE is the "programming" for actors (enemies, props, weapons...). You write it or place it into a project with SLADE3, and then GZDoom Builder can detect it and let you place your new actors into your maps.
I just pre-ordered Duke Nukem 3D.

It's 2016.
>Buying World 3D Tour
You are not a real NESfag, he would write an essay about this, not two sentences.
Still a retarded decision.
> you associate with millennials talking about how great shotty Xbox fps were
we talk mostly about new mods using modern source ports though, hell we make fun of the old official games a lot, especially Doom 2.
>Giving him attention
>I thought Johnny Bravo was Duke Nukem for kids.
Damn, you made me re-watch that video!

Someone needs to make a Johnny Bravo mod.
>Blow up Pig Cop
>Go up to stripper
>Shakes his arms up and down instead of handing some cash over
>stuck walking in the opposite direction to the conveyor
Wouldn't that be fixed by really high conveyor speed? Hell, just soundproof shit so they don't know, the door just opens and they're shoved into the teleporter, no fuss.
just got finished with the japanese collab mappack and man, are these levels awesome
played it together with LegenDoom and had a blast
So I finally got together with a ton of friends and we had a blast playing Doom Complete with the random map playlist feature for Zandronum. Is there anything like for GZDoom singleplayer? Having all the official maps to go through in a random order is a refreshing change of pace.

Also, I want to get into mapmaking again with the idea that I could later my my maps with friends in Zandronum. Do GZDoomBuilder maps work in Zandronum? Asking because I know Zandronum is a little behind technically.
hello VR, ask where best teaching of DOOM build for porting console systems of new generation like NINTENDO 3DS and PLAYSTATION VITA for DOOM to play
this is not your first post in this thread.
>Do GZDoomBuilder maps work in Zandronum?

everything below UDMF format is 100% supported

UDMF itself is mostly supported, with some exceptions I can't name off the top of my head (besides the lock properties), but it shouldn't be too hard to find out what works and what doesn't
>Wouldn't that be fixed by really high conveyor speed?
if you speed it up a lot the monsters end up skipping the teleporter lines, and are just as stuck.

>Hell, just soundproof shit so they don't know, the door just opens and they're shoved into the teleporter, no fuss.
what happens when the destination point is already occupied? they don't teleport, and get stuck.

you end up having to build failsafes - extra teleporters to reset the monster and have it retry the main teleport. but then they skip those too, for the same reasons (moving too fast / occupied destination)

so many things can go wrong with conveyor teleporters. they need too much engineering to be made foolproof and guaranteed not to fail.

keep it simple.
Just making a small map set for Doom 64EX.
Anyone have the Samsara comic where Chex Warrior zorches an enemy away and then the rest of the cast just blows away an unlucky demon with all their weapons?
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where can i find this work of art
the fan-made Plutonia sequel that is better than Plutonia 2.

it's only on the super shotgun, because only the super shotgun reloads, and the idle reload does cut straight to firing if you decide to fire during it

punishing the player with a fire delay for something they didn't do themselves is lame
Usually UV. HMP if the wad is by Dannebubinga and/or Ribbiks.

>someone finally did it
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This is a good screenshot.
why is that zombieman corpse filtered whereas the fists are just OpenGL?
>whereas the fists as just bilinear
I just woke up. sorry.
I dunno about better. PRCP is more consistently good than PL2, but PL2 has better highs for me.
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those two SHAWN1s right next to each other look tacky, especially with a third in the background.

i mean, obviously, along with everything else. but that just stood out for me.
This would be a better picture if you didn't have the text on the upper right image and having doom guy hold the card on the bottom right
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but then we'd miss on the ludicrousness of being able to pass through the door simply by holding the correct color keycard in your hand.
Why are so many HD texture packs for games so fucking bad and visually inconsistent?
last time i tried enb with doom, it didn't even work
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picture may look like a HOM, but it is in fact an actual level.

yesterday some posts raised the question of oneshotting chaingunners with the shotgun, so i made a level as an experiment.

20 chaingunners one after the other. open each door in turn, see how many go down in one shot. for those that don't, see how much damage they do. often it is not much. i have yet to fail to reach the end in UV, i seem to lose about 50-70 health in total. (-fast and NM are a different matter.)

if you have a few minutes, please try it yourself.



Thanks, just using stock Doom format for now.

Where can I find midis that sound like Goblin?
I think this facility is owned by UAC.

Really? I thought AGM owned it.

The shotgun does 5-15 damage per pellet, times seven pellets, for a range of 35-105 damage if all 7 pellets hit. The heavy weapons guy has 70 health, so at best you can kill one and wound another.
What does Afterglow's mom have to do with this?

AGM's the UAC replacement in Freedoom.
What does that stand for?
Advanced Guided Missiles?
American Gehennom Murderers?
Amazing Gonorrhea Mate?

>Subtle inside jokes are not compatible with the tenets of Free Software. Change this immediately or I *WILL* be contacting the Free Software Foundation.
>Acronyms Gone Mad
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>Just pretend it's Apple-Google-Microsoft.
What's a scary doom wad for halloween
1001 revenants
City of the Damned: Apocolpyse

Two off of the top of my head.

Not 100,000 Revenants.
I dowloaded the Blade of Agony repo on github and packed it into a pk3 but it doesn't work.
What should I do?
I said scary, not a cyanide pill.


Did you type it like that on purpose or did you monumentally fuck up by accident?
Happy Time Circus 2
>Hey kid, you want your abstract level design look realistic and even less sense making?
hellcore 2
This is a weird request but what are the best maps with animated or otherwise moving skyboxes?
For some reason I find them a bit spooky, especially if its red or black and white

I too would love to know this. The only one that comes to mind are the shooting stars on the last episode of Chex Quest 3.
Its not animated but I thought the skybox in the later TNT maps was spooky.
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that's a good question because i can't think of any. the sky in rush.wad map06 moves very slowly, it's very subtle and i didn't notice it at first. probably not what you're looking for though

Only ones I can think of right now
>final level of Trump Doom
>City of The Damned 1
how are the community chest things?
Are there similar things like them
yeah there's millions of community projects. ndcp, nova, pc_cp
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now with links

newdoom community project


pcorf community project

doomworld mega project

Its a Spoopy skeleton
I'm playing through Maps of Chaos because I thought it was a neat idea to take existing maps and expand them with new pathways and such. I just got through Tricks and Traps, and the maps seems mostly unchanged aside from enemy placement. Does it ever go back to how it was in the earlier maps? If not, are there any other map packs that do this?
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Are there any mods/addons that give nightvision, flashlights or any other light to help me see in dark levels?
Yeah, Dark Doom.
so I want to play Blood but I don't know where to find a download for it. i just want to throw it into my zdoom directory and get going. anyone got a site for it?
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I followed a twitter bot that posts random Doom map screenshots, but more often than not he posts terrible maps like this.

Could try Blood CM.

>The worst case scenario has happened
When Space Harrier meets Doom.
How do we teach this advanced AI to be a racist shityposter?
For a price of mcdonalds cheeseburger you can be the proud owner of One Unit Whole Blood on gog.com in glorious DOSbox eye-strain-o-vision

It's not as bad as NESfag says, I played it to completion and it plays quite well, but the devil is in the details
>Enjoying Scythe 2 map pack
>Keep falling into holes
I colored a thing.
>Using steam
What's your hours at?
Steam doesn't count gametime in non-steam games.
well stop sequence breaking ya mong
Oh, you didn't buy it on Steam (i totally 100% understand, not trying to shittalk)

I bought it cause im autistic and like knowing how many hours

Only 110 hours
Oh I think I get it. The holes are caused by the enemies rising up so they don't get crushed. So skipping triggers causes me falling into the holes?

If I were to estimate... probably several hundred hours.
I got Lubuntu on a netbook to make it productive at all. It's my first venture into Linux ever and I learnt a lot, but I still don't quite understand how to set up a Doom/Duke sourceport, seeing as how there doesn't seem to be a Linux installer.
you can either compile ZDoom yourself or install it following the directions here:
Thank you
Chocolate Doom and PrBoom+ are both available in the Ubuntu software repositories, which are shared by all Ubuntu derived distros, such as Lubuntu. You should be able to get them through the Software Center or Synaptic.

If you want ZDoom or GZDoom, there are step by step compilation instructions on the wiki.


I'm not sure how well they would perform on a netbook though.
as long as you aren't running nuts.wad with brutal doom you should be fine.
you failed
Stop jumping around and sequence breaking.
Demonsteele may have been designed with Scythe 2 in mind, but the opposite is most certainly not true.
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I tried getting ChocDoom through repos using the Lubuntu terminal, but I failed. I think I might be retarded though. I might try PrBoom+ too.

Thanks, guys.

Is there a version of this that won't override pallets when playing mods like Ancient Aliens?

I've already tried converting all the sprites to PNGs, but , but I get missing frames and garbage on the edges of certain weapons. I don't know how to sledge properly.
I compiled zdoom for a netbook once

it struggled to keep 35fps on e1m1, no mods

Turns out 90% of the randomly-submitted maps are terrible.
What's a good non doomrl mod i can play with oblige maps?
Did you try lowering the resolution and filters? I got 30 fps before on an old emachine, the I got 120 or 130 on it on lowest res.
it was software mode at 1024x600
Russian Overkill
What's your twitter? I'd love to follow more Doom anons. Most of the other people I've found are a special brand of autism.
anyone got the "that's what i call midi" wad?
nvr mind found it

Did it jump into a terry wad by mistake or something?
>punishing the player with a fire delay for something they didn't do themselves is lame
Imagine a plasmagun that does the cooldown thing 3 seconds after firing instead of immediately, that's pretty much what it is.
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>TFW doubt is setting in when working on a mod
>TFW I don't have an artistic bone in my body and the most I can pixel out is some effects and tweaks
It really hit me just how much other people's shit my new mod comprises of, and if any one person on the list says no, it'll all crumble.
Release it anonymously on 4chan, nobody will know or be able to complain, that's my plan.
Yeah. If the worst happens, maybe I'll just let it out into the wild with all the credits and see what people think. I have no doubt it'll please at least a few people, since I quite enjoy what's been done so far. I'm currently at a crossroads where I'm thinking of making it full-on gameplay mod with monsters rather than just a weapon set. Probably both, with two versions.
If someone complains, work on an updated version with replacement material.
I get the feeling someone else used that chainsaw.
Well Patchouli is a bookworm magician so I'd say it is not really her weapon of choice
BTSX seems to mess with custom weapon mods. Weapons that replace the doom originals makes them look like said originals when not firing.
yeah, i think it has to do with the custom palette
Have you tried loading BTSX first? Does that do anything?
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I've never really made any maps before and have been working on a couple since I decided to fuck around in gzdoom builder a few months ago.

Does anyone wanna test it out and give me some feedback? I just finished making some major changes and I'm happy with how it's turning out.
Yeah I was looking at the mod's forum thread and noticed that the guy mentioned that the map wad should be loaded before the weapon mod to avoid issues. That fixed it.
thanks for reminding me that kitty0706 is dead
New LCA update.

Honestly I just assumed that would work only on the basis that it works similar to load orders in Bethesda games.
Is there anything out there to play maps in a wad out of order outside of multiplayer playlists? I was playing Doom Complete with all the maps chosen at random when you complete a stage, and it was pretty fun. I'd love to do something like that in GZDoom singleplayer.
>multiplayer playlists
What do you mean by this?

It's a feature of Zandronum.
God I wish GZDoom had Z&'s netcode and MP features
Man, how I wish I were my current age when these games were fresh on the market. I would've played the absolute bejeezus out of them. It's a shame that they will only get more and more obscure as time passes.

I really wish that since now Bethesda has the intellectual property to the Doom franchise that they remake all of the existing games (without Doom 4'ing them) in current-gen. In addition, it would be fucking dope if they did the same thing to the Heretic and Hexen series and expansions. I mean, I don't mind them as they are as it only adds to the feeling of "discovering the past", but it would draw a lot of positive attention to this entire era of video gaming.
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So I played couple hours of yamagi quake2

It works well enough, but I have this strange music playback issue. Dumped the ogg soundtrack into baseq2/music, but music won't actually start playing until I fillde with audio options. And it stops playing at level change or quickload.

DOOM is hardly in danger of becoming obscure any time soon. 20 years on and the community is absolutely thriving. Like with literature, I think certain games will always be timeless classics. Video games as a medium are just starting to become old enough to see their emergence.
I've never thought of it in the same way as books or TV/movies. I guess I never thought we'd be around long enough to enjoy the things of days gone by
UV or fuck off 2bh fAmm

hang difficulty babbies
Everyone talks about mods that make the game faster-paced, but are there any that make it a bit slower and more "realistic"? I know HD, but there has to be another one, surely.
Psychic is more or less the same because you start off pretty weak even by Doom standards.

DRLA can be a weird one because you do kind of have to make stops and check out what equipment and modpacks you have and what you can do with them, so it has plenty of moments where the action is effectively halted. Powerful weapons chew through monsters like butter but sometimes there are monsters who pose a significantly greater threat than its vanilla counterpart.
>i always assumed there were automaps in all the bigger d1/d2 maps and i was just too stupid to ever find them
yeah sure. post a link
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here's a WIP of the first map I've ever made (unfinished). got the first section done, ends when you get the yellow key. 8 secrets, tell me what you dudes think of it?

post a link friend
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Just looking at this picture, I think it could use overhangs and wall indentations in places. Allows you to add geometric and texture variety.
whats the default difficulty for shadow warrior and duke?
The architecture in my map is pretty inorganic, but I'll see what I can do
SUAB but it's incomplete and kinda stinks.
Hideous Destructor is the definitive one, that shit is golden and I love it.

DRLA has pauses but in actual fights depending on your luck you will probably tear through everything. Especially as the mapset goes along.

Another slow one would be Diaz due to relatively weak firepower.
TSP's earlier versions were kinda slow since obviously it's incomplete but also the weapons so far aren't really made for hordes of enemies.
It's not realistic at all though, but it's definitely slower. Not sure if the later version will fix it but judging by the gauntlets I'd say yes.

Just lamps or lights bulbs would go a long way. The ceiling for instance looks very bleh.
actually that bring me an important question

how do you shift ceiling and floor textures to align them better?

Press q to go into 3d mode. hover over a wall or ceiling and use the mouse wheel.
i know how to go into 3d mode, i can only adjust the position of wall textures with the mouse, not floor or ceiling

Oops misread your question. I don't think there's a way to offset horizontal textures (ceiling and floor) without making a new texture since I don't think the engine was built with that in mind. You may just have to move your level around so ceiling texture or whatever lines up where you want.
Ceiling and floor textures are called "flats" just so you know. You can't move them in vanilla format. in UDMF format you can, but then your map won't work in anything but a few engines.
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shit, IDK how to fix that, I'm running this in gzdoom so I dont get any of those issues

also how'd you get the chaingun? i tried to wall off that bit to make it impossible to get
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>download unloved
>"I bet it's not scary at all"
>start playing
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cant get the chainguns
good, you shouldnt be using jump, crouch, or mouse look anyways. this map is RAW CLASSIC DOOM
I found it pretty cozy to be honest
>any game in which you have a yuge gun
It's like saying system shock 2 was scary when you go around meleeing rumblers to death with the power of your MIND

Ok, found a few issues. Played in Zdoom.

#1 - The grate here is clipping into the floor

#2 - You forgot to tag the sides of this door with lower unpegged

#3 - This entire area is untextured

...and that's all I found. I like a lot of the architecture so far, but it could use some variety in terms of textures and lighting.
untextured bit is because in gzdoom, marking the ceiling as f_sky and just untexturing the walls works for a skybox, didnt know it broke in other engines

what do you mean the grate is clipping into the floor?

i knew about that lower unpegged issue, i remembered it several dimes going back into doombuilder but always got preoccupied with other stuff lmao, still havent fixed it. it needs door tracks as well

how does it feel to play though? how's the gameplay?
>what do you mean the grate is clipping into the floor?

pic related

>how does it feel to play though? how's the gameplay?

pretty good, reminds me of early Doom 1 levels

could maybe use a bit more enemy variety
Things are a lot less scary when you can pitch and bounce fragmenting hand grenades around corners.
Any mods with a leaning mechanic like Thief and Dude Sex?
>brutal doom
stop i'm not gay anon
Immoral Conduct tho.

I didn't even know BD added grenades
Dude Sex?
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Come on, man.
Dude Sex: Man Lion


No, Savage.


Go in and go in and go in livake the U.S. marshals and his 3 daughters
It's like FEAR, ooh, spooky jumpscares, yaaaawn. Yes yes japanese horror is alright I guess, get on with it.

But what you really fear are the clone soldiers because their AI is legendary
yes, idgames/themes/terrywads/tmplodth
Anyone has an uncensored Doom IWAD with E1M4 swastika still intact?
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i hope not.
which maps would go well with project msx
Well alright then

Shouldn't that be Freedoomguy in the background
Why can't I pick up medkits/stimpacks in DRPG?
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I'll do you one better and give you a WAD I made from extracting the map from a downgraded IWAD.


Just pop it into your autoload or something.

doom2 complevel demo, 6.5 minutes long, i got stuck at some door that didn't respond to pressing

nice texturing but visual bugs, already mentioned by others
Not better. I want the old IWAD for collecting/historical/archive purposes. A mod doesen't help in that regard, sorry.
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Oh, my apologies. Well, I don't see any patches for 1.4, so unless 1.1 works for you I don't think I can help.
always make your shit modular if you can

same thing happens in boom compatibility

there is a walk trigger in front of the door, which blocks keypresses

please test your maps in a non-zdoom-based engine
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>Only 110 hours

Not the same guy but Me toooooo
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Here you go

I have added secrets and what not, so do give a look for them I guess. One of the biggest things I'm trying to figure out is item placement, particularly health and ammo. And enemy placement.
I forgot to mention it's for doom 2
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This is my playtime since setting up ZDL in Steam in early 2014

>frank poster

You're alright, I played through your two stages and only found the soul sphere and berserk secrets on the second level.

The first stage felt like I was pretty starved for supplies, but I really enjoyed that encounter after picking up the chainsaw, you seem to be fond of putting monsters in blind spots past doors, you cheeky bastard. Your chaingunner door surprise would have gotten me had I not backed off into the other room, I wound up making the chaingunner do a bit of infighting.

The room with the imps and the baron of hell could be rough for some people, your soul sphere trap might also catch some other people off guard, but thank god for that chainsaw.

I mostly enjoyed the flow of your levels as I felt like I was going through a facility of some kind, then some underground caverns, and then back into another facility, though that vent maze kinda sucked.

Overall I enjoyed it though, I loved fighting those two revenants with the berserk pack after picking up the blue key
Was it ever explained why the Freedoom guy looks exactly like Chris Chan?
>the Freedoom guy looks exactly like Chris Chan

He is based on Karl Urban
not him but i think it's because of his cheeks. he does look a lot like chris chan to me too
Heh, yeah. The flow and aesthetic mostly comes from me not being able to comprehend the abstract design of doom, so I need to give my rooms some vague sense of purpose. I think I'm getting better at that though. Apologies for the vent maze, I know people don't like them, but I felt it was pretty necessary. It's pretty short and easy, plus I think all the cool lighting and peering into rooms makes up for it. **I'm considering getting rid of the light goggles in the caves because of this, but I can't think of anything to replace them with**

I'm surprised you didn't find any of the secrets in the first level. I would much sooner expect people to find those or the Easter egg than the **hidden berserk pack.** I think there's also one really obvious secret after the dropdown on level 2. **There's also a hidden rocket launcher before the baron fight. It's pretty easy to find, so I think that helps balance it out. I haven't fucked around with it too much, but on lower difficulties the baron is just a hell knight**

The chaingunner door is mostly meant to light a fire under a player's ass to deter sitting back in the hallway and popping dudes who run around corners. As for monsters in blind spots, yeah. My room design is kind of basic, so there aren't many places to put them where you can't see them from the entrance. The easiest solution is just pop a dude in the corner now and again. It keeps people on their toes, and in some cases, I try to use it to make sure somebody will keep mobile, like in the pit room on level 2.

Overall, I'm glad to hear you liked it. Just wondering though, could you tell me where in particular you did well/poor on health and ammo?

use ctrl+s to spoiler your posts here, friend. And I was mainly hurting on weapons in the first stage as I only had a pistol and a chainsaw, I never dipped too low in health, I think the lowest I hit was shortly after the chainsaw trap I hit 30 hp but you had some stimpacks and shit laying around to help

your second map was pretty well paced with ammuniton and medikits, I never ran out of ammo for my chaingun or shotgun, and I used both frequently.

You must frequent the other chan, I need to post there again and check up on the doom thread over there
Alright then. One more thing, did you pick up the chaingun in the caves or off the dude in the supply closet. At first he was an ordinary shotgun guy, but I thought a chaingunner might actually cause some damage before getting blown to bits. I don't know if just handing players a chaingun right then and there makes the level too easy.

Yeah. There wasn't one up at the moment. I came over here because I know /vr/ has nonstop active doom threads and I just finished this version of the map and was very eager to have somebody test it

first attempt of map01, in 8:07, doom2 complevel. 100% kills, missed one secret. i think some troopers were stuck together in the last room. heavy on the chainsaw usage, could do with more cells, didn't find chaingun until very end.
sorry, that should say shells. my hands are cold.
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Guys was Ketchup ever update to run on newer GZdomm? Are there any alternatives to add some extra gore?
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What kinda first map you want, senpai?
as i understand it, the author does not want to do a whole new release just to fix a few typos.

Just fuck my shit up
Right now, if I want to play Doom as a Alien, which TC mod should I pick?
>Aliens: The Ultimate Doom
>Aliens: Colonial Marines TC 2014
I got you covered.

The archvile respawns if you kill it.
On a more serious note though, what mod is that? Aside from the Archvile in the deadcenter of the map, It looks pretty damn nice
Oh snap.
That's me fucking with cc4tex right this second. Rebooting an old project that got corrupted last year.
Looks nice! Kinda reminds me of Sunder in a way.

And it's always a bummer if a project gets corrupted. I applaud you for finding the will to reboot it. I normally just trash the entire idea and give up on mapping for three months straight if a project gets corrupt.

oh the enemies are the gimmick, trying to see how threatening i can make a level using only hitscanners

other sections probably wont have that limitation though
I am a retard and do not know what to do with this. This is a demo file, yeah? What engine is this for

every mod in this video is shit dont waste your time
so's your taste

Please do. This looks dope. I need something like this because I'm REALLY autistic about my organization
/doom 4/ here

The arachnotron didnt flip onto its back, its top half flipped over to shoot the turret at you. either way it looked fucking dope
Holy shit, that's crazy that it's the exact same

but ya, we're lightweights compared to other people in this thread
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