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Alright /vr/, you can only own one Sega console for the rest

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Thread replies: 392
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Alright /vr/, you can only own one Sega console for the rest of your life, but you get it's entire library in physical form. Which do you pick and why? I'm leaning towards saying Saturn but Mega Drive is a close contender.
Saturn. Not even a question.
My gut says Saturn.
If we're also restricted from playing any other Sega console's games in any other form, I'd say genesis, otherwise I'd say Saturn
If the game is ported to the system you chose then it's fine.
Easy, Saturn
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Dreamcast > Mega Drive > Saturn > Master System
Any of you care to explain your reasoning?
Good number of very high quality games, plus because of Sonic Jam I can still play the original Sonic games.
Saturn's just got a great library of games.
It's got great fighting games, great shmups, great RPGs. The library is pretty large too, so you won't run out of anything to play.
I'd go for Saturn only for the god tier fighting and shoot em up games. Genesis and Master System are tied at second.
Saturn's library is fucking amazing, especially compared to every other Sega console which is just sports games, boring arcade ports, and platformers that weren't as good as Nintendo's.
>Awesome library
>The best Sonic games
>My favorite Shmups
>My favorite Beat 'em Ups
>Great Arcade ports
>Fun platform games
>FM Synthesis chip
>That beautiful design of Model 1

Mega Drive.
Saturn's controller felt cheap and about to break and made sounds when you shook it like there was debris bouncng around inside it.
My buttons rattle a bit, but other than that it's solid.
Its probably these little plastic prongs that hold the shoulder buttons in place that have broken, thats what happened to mine had to open it up and remove it.
Most Megadrive shmups were trash, though.

Saturn and DC are far superior.
Does Megadrive give you access to Master System, Mega CD and 32X too? If so, Megadrive.
I'll allow 32x and Mega CD just because there is no other way to use those, Master System is its own separate console so no
Saturn. I owned a Genesis and Dreamcast and love them dearly, but I've barely touched Saturn IRL. It would be great to have its library of forgotten gems and endless imports, plus playing a real Saturn is preferable to emulating, because even if SSF has good compatibility it still has noticeable problems like input lag and almost options to adjust the look of games.
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>especially compared to every other Sega console which is just sports games, boring arcade ports, and platformers that weren't as good as Nintendo's.

>posting an anime image instead of a counterexample

you memed yourself, friend
Saturn has a lot of ports from Genesis games like Sonic Jam, Thunder Force collection, castle of illusion/quackshot, etc.

But it doesn't have ports for games like Pulseman, Alien Soldier or Castlevania Bloodlines.

Very tough choice.

I'll go with Saturn because I feel it has more diversity and still some Genesis classics here and there, but I'd still miss many of the Genesis titles.
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There's not much to "counterpoint" when he's pretty much in the wrong anyways, but I'll throw a bone if it makes anything better for what it's worth. In honesty I think the Saturn's library (well, at least its JP library) is pretty good, but I don't think it's any better, nor any worse than other Sega console libraries.
Model 2 pad is literally perfect.

Master System's library is pretty small and limited compared to Genesis, Saturn and even DC, but it's still a good console, moreso if we count japanese releases from MarkIII.
Master System.
I forgot taking the MS into account when saying that, but I agree with you about it otherwise. It kinda sucks that the FM module wasn't released anywhere outside of Nipland though.
Are you forgetting all the Master System games released between 1989 and 1995?
Mega as the master plays on it
All you youngbloods not picking sega-cd. Fucking Working Designs in its prime. Every fucking game they made was golden.

All you faggots picking Saturn- Dragon Force is the only game worth playing on the Saturn.
bait or just really stupid?
Shit sandwich system, same with dreamcast. Reason Sega went bankrupt. Everything after CD was complete fucking shit sans one or two games.
Ooh, four whole games and a wall of dog crap. No really, we had Sega CD. It was dope but I wouldn't put it above the other consoles any higher than an ant could jump.
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WD titles is enough. On top of that, Shining Force, Dark Wizard, Dragon's Lair, Demo Man, Samurai Showdown, Space Ace, Wing Commander, Ranma, 3x3 eyes, and Record of Lodoss war.

Nice try kiddo, Cd hands down best Sega.
Did Mega Drive or Dreamcast have anywhere near the number of anime titles that Saturn did? No? Gotta go Saturn then
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Because "ten" whole games totally invalidates any other decisions. Besides Lunar is overrated and Vay was average. Sorry, you don't get a gold star just because you played Sega CD.

No, I'm not. It's still a small library and lacks 3rd party support.
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>vay was average

Pack it in boys, he was born in 89. No valid opinions about Sega.
Genesis, easily. DC comes in at a close second.
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Hey /vr/, recently picked up F15 Strike Eagle on Genesis and started thinking about joysticks to play it with, which I'll also be able to use for Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike.
How does pic-related fair? Anybody got a source to some fair reviews? I didn't even know the system had joysticks back then, the only peripherals I recall were guns.
>and lacks 3rd party support.
To be fair to that anon, that was mostly because of Nintendo's iron grip on them along with Tonka being a shitty marketer/distributor for the system's time in NA.
Is the Power Base Converter allowed?
This has been answered before but I'll say it again: No. Picking Mega Drive gets you 32x and CD since there is no other way to use those, however Master System games can just be played on the Master System.
You can stop being autistic now. SCD was a good add-on, but compared to Saturn and Dreamcast its library is lacking.

You also must be illiterate as OP stated Genesis can brought on the island with the add-on systems, so the only reason you'd want to bring the SCD is because you want to have Genesis games as well.
How does it lack third party games? It has plenty of games from Midway, Taito, Tecmo, Namco, and Williams.
You mean Master System Converter?
You mean bounce house?
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Saturn for life yo.

I'd just have to learn Japanese to appreciate the text based games and I'd have a long-ass list of stuff to play.
You mean jumping castle.
You mean elastic keep.
You mean stretchy stronghold.
It lacks in comparison to Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast. Very little, if any, support from companies like Capcom or Konami.

Still I'm not bashing the SMS, I like it, but if I have to choose, SMS would be my last choice out of all 4 main systems.
So two publishers who, overall, weren't prominent or important. Wow, really lacking. If you call the Mega Drive 'Genesis' I don't trust your opinion on the Master System.
>If you call the Mega Drive 'Genesis' I don't trust your opinion on the Master System.

Oh fuck off, Australia-kun. The SMS is old as fuck and easily emulatable on a toaster, I didn't miss on any game because of region (I'm not american, by the way). Yes, I played the SMS version of Ninja Gaiden.

Again, I like the Master System, but I won't choose it over any of the other 3 Sega systems.

>Konami and Capcom
>weren't prominent or important

Australia-kun, your baits got weaker and weaker as time went by. What happened to you?
They had a couple of Famicom games, so what? There wouldn't be a good arcade game between them, after 1981, until 1989 when the Mega Drive was out.

Your delusional version of the video game industry never ceases to amaze me.

Go play your busted Amiga and go to bed, it's late for an old schizo fuck like you.
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Lightening Force
Steel Empire
Air Buster

Weak bait. As much as I love all of Sega's consoles The Genesis is the obvious answer if you could choose only one.
Name some of their 'great' arcade games between 1981 and 1989, then. Go ahead.
not him but those are weak as fuck compared to the shmups on the Saturn, with the exception of TF4 which is better on Saturn anyway.

Just shut up australia, I'm not gonna start making a list, you will just dismiss all the games I mention as "not great" anyway, so what's the point? This thread is about Sega consoles, not arcades, and the SMS is the Sega system with the smallest and weakest library. Deal with it.
Okay, you can't name any. So why does it matter that only a couple of Capcom/Konami games were released on the MS?
No, I love Darius Gaiden on Saturn but during the 32 bit era it just became that bullet hell shit, there's no wiggle room to play the game it's just know exactly which pixel to be on at all times because everywhere else is bullets, it's boring rote memorization.
>you can't name any

Haha, I can, but you will dismiss them as "not great". Let's not play such an absurd game.
I mentioned Capcom and Konami just as examples. Also, Capcom and Konami did publish a few games on SMS, but not a lot.

Just deal with it, I know you're angry because people don't appreciate the Master System in general.
I do, man. I do appreciate the Master System, Zillion 4 lyfe! But overall it's the weakest Sega home system, face it.
So who else? All the decent Capcom games except Final Fight were on Master System. Konami doesn't really have any good arcade games, so they don't matter. How much more support do you want?

Well I don't remember a lot of Hudson, Sunsoft or Enix games on the Master System either.

But anyway, really, dont' get mad... it's not that I'm bashing the SMS, for the 4th or 5th time, I like it! Just not as much as the other systems.

I'm curious now, how would you rank all 4 Sega home systems?
Do you like the SMS more than the Exodus?

Not him but 1942 and Gradius, neither of them on Sega.
>hurr durr
The only bullet hell on the Saturn is Dodonpachi retard, and old shooters require just as much if not more memorization
>I do appreciate the Master System, Zillion 4 lyfe! But overall it's the weakest Sega home system, face it.

Sega Pico says hi. But no really you're right the SMS has lots of great games, I particularly enjoy its version of Ninja Gaiden over the NES ones but given the choice I'd rather play the Game Gear library because it has most of the great SMS games and more.
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Mega Drive, Mega CD, 32x and Power Base Converter.

Ultimate sega console.

Even though the 32x is only really good for Chaotix and space harrier REALLY. CD is for popful, but seriously, I can't pick saturn largely because Comix Zone never made it to it. Sorry Segata.
oh and MCD has fucking LORDS OF THUNDER.
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>The only bullet hell on Saturn is Dodonpachi
>I've never heard of Radiant Silvergun
First of all, let me welcome you to /vr/ are you enjoying your summer break?
>Hudson, Sunsoft or Enix games
Such as?
>I'm curious now, how would you rank all 4 Sega home systems?
Master System > Saturn > Mega Drive > Dreamcast.
>1942 and Gradius
Gradius is a slightly above average shooter and 1942 is not a fun game. No big loss, there are better shooter on the MS, like Transbot.
>Power Base Converter.
Master System Converter.
Are Dreamcast emus and sd card slot allowed? If so, Dreamcast,
otherwise Dreamcast too, I suppose.
>Such as?

I'm not your personal wiki.

>Master System > Saturn > Mega Drive > Dreamcast.

SMS first? Really? Woah, no wonder you're having such reaction, you're a hardcore SMS fanboy.

Well then, let's just agree to disagree, I'll never prefer the SMS over Saturn, Genesis or even the DC.

sasuga Sega 1st party. Master System has a lot of Sega games, but not a lot of third party, the other anon is right.
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>Power Base Converter.

Eh, potato potato potato.

Australia-kun gets triggered hard every time someone mentions the name of a system, game or even accessory that isn't the PAL variant.
Radiant Silvergun isn't really a bullet hell, actually it has a lot in common with oldies from Konami or Irem using environments as obstacles, not that a casual fuck like you would know though.
RSG is *NOT* a bullet hell. It is a methodical masterpiece, you cretin!
So you want Hudson, Sunsoft and Enix games but you don't want anything specific? You just want games with the names of those publishers on it?
>but not a lot of third party
I've already said this is wrong. Look it up for yourself. There are games from all the best arcade publishers.
honestly, I'm a britfag expat in north america so I intermingle all the terms. I have genesis' with a sega CD and a mega drive with a mega CD so it's all the same to me. I mean, we're all segafags who gives a shit what name we use.

Mega Drive will forever be the superior name to Genesis however.
>So you want Hudson, Sunsoft and Enix games but you don't want anything specific?

I could name games by them but you'd dismiss them as bad, lol.
Also, yeah it doesn't need to be anything specific, they could have made exclusive games for the SMS, why not? But they didn't. As didn't many other companies.

Overall most of the best games on SMS are by Sega.
Zillion is a Sega game and it's prob my favorite game on the console.
>I've already said this is wrong.

It's not wrong, 3rd party support on SMS is scarce and most of it just ports that aren't worth playing today.
>who gives a shit what name we use.

Australia-kun does.
is this nigger this delusional, master system was pretty mediocre

>Final Fight
>Ghouls 'n Ghosts and Ghosts 'n Goblins
>Gradius trilogy
>Tenchi wo Kurau
>Thunder Cross
>Black Tiger
>Super Contra
>Tiger's Road
>1942 and 1943
>Area 88
>Life Force
>Side Arms
>Forgotten Worlds
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are you having some service or the blind transcribe the thread for you or did you just not bother looking at the picture I included? I'll attach another just in case.

Now I'm not going to claim that I'm some super elite shmup player but I am entitled to my opinion that the genre reached its zenith in the 16-bit era because it eliminated most of the slowdown & flicker found previously but hadn't yet gone overboard with on screen obstacles.
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>implying any of those can stand up to the mighty power of the Dreamcast


Now, behold MY list of superior shmups:

Giga Wing 2
Trigger Heart Exelica
Psyvariar 2
Castle Shikigami 2
Border Down
Gunbird 2
Twinkle Star
>I could name games by them but you'd dismiss them as bad, lol.
Just name their best arcade games that you'd want on the MS.
>exclusive games for a console
That's generally not how Sega did business.
>most of it just ports
Yes, Sega will commission their competitors to make games that have no recognition, will take months to make from scratch, and no guarantee of being any good. Sega was a prominent arcade publisher, unlike Nintendo. Stop thinking that every console manufacturer is Nintendo.

But I never mentioned Nintendo.
What about the PC Engine? What about the very Mega Drive which had a lot of great exclusives?

Again, Zillion is my favorite Master System game. Is it bad that I like it because there's no arcade version? Do I live in an alternate universe than yours? Did you got Zillion arcade in your universe?
A few dense patterns don't make a bullet hell retard, Radiant Silvergun doesn't play like a Cave game at all. I'd argue V-V on the mega drive is closer to a bullet hell than RSG
>Final Fight
>Ghouls 'n Ghosts
On the Master System.
>Gradius trilogy
>Tenchi wo Kurau
Not missed
>Black Tiger
Wasn't ported to any home console.
>Super Contra
Only the Famicom version is any good.
>Tiger's Road
Why include this shit?
>1942 and 1943
Already mentioned
>Area 88
>Life Force
Spin off
>Side Arms
Forgettable horizontal shooter
>Forgotten Worlds
On the Master System.
>What about the PC Engine?
If you think the Master System had little third party support then you should think the same of the PC Engine. Besides Irem, and Taito they had nothing.

You said that we shouldn't forget about the Master System games that got released until 1995, so why suddenly anything after 1988 is a big no?
Seems like you change your criteria depending on if its helps your SMS fanboy agenda or not.

SMS has a small library with tons of outdated arcade ports that aren't worth playing anymore.
Lots of people say otherwise, including the Wikipedia entry on bullet hell games.


What makes your anonymous opinion any more credible on the definition?
>so why suddenly anything after 1988 is a big no?
Because most Japanese third parties moved to the Mega Drive. Do you not remember why the MS was supported for so long?
>SMS has a small library with tons of outdated arcade ports that aren't worth playing anymore.
Sounds like the PC Engine. But I like both consoles. You sound like an exclusively home console player.
>Do you not remember why the MS was supported for so long?

Brazil? Either way, you're moving goalposts depending on if it helps your agenda or not, it's hilarious.
the limit was 1989 so why so autistic about it, oh right you are australia-kun

>the defining horizontal shooters of the 80s along with R-Type
the definition of shit tastes

>on the master system
garbage ports don't count familia, ghouls 'n ghosts was fucking shit on the MS.
I'll take that as a no.
>you're moving goalposts
No, as you're referring to two totally separate posts and you don't even know why the Master System lasted so long. You have an axe to grind, obviously.
I said between, not within.
Defining a genre, if that were true, is not the same as being good.
Arcade ports on to 8 bit platforms were generally not very good. But the Master System arcade ports were some of the best among its contemporaries, such as the MSX, C64, Famicom and the like.
Try asking people that actually play the games, few would consider RSG a bullet hell, go play Mars Matrix or Daioujou and you will tell the difference.

Well, but you said that if we gotta talk about Master System, we should have into account games released until 1995. Then suddenly, when you asked for games from arcade publishers, you made it a condition that they must be until 1988. So what gives? That's goalpost moving in my book.

Anyway, if hues weren't the reason for the SMS lasting until the mid 90s, it was the europoors, same shit. Japan didn't give a fuck about the Mark III.
are you implying the Master System has better horizontal shooters than R-Type or Gradius? tip top kek, r-type port is decent though so i'll give you that

and those Capcom ports were garbage on the Master System, just like Strider
>Well, but you said that if we gotta talk about Master System, we should have into account games released until 1995.
>Then suddenly, when you asked for games from arcade publishers, you made it a condition that they must be until 1988.
Totally unrelated. I made the warning that Americans are largely unaware of the late Master System library. That has nothing to do with wanting arcade games from after 1989, as the arcade games on the Master System from after 1989 were on the Mega Drive first. The reason the Master System lasted so long was because it worked in tandem with the Mega Drive. It was a budget alternative. Budget alternatives have always been popular, like Amstrad electronics, Sinclair computers and the like.
>Anyway, if hues weren't the reason for the SMS lasting until the mid 90s, it was the europoors, same shit. Japan didn't give a fuck about the Mark III.
You're thinking of the who, not the why.
Transbot is better than Gradius.
>and those Capcom ports were garbage on the Master System
Similar situation on the Master System's Japanese competitor.
Well we don't know who wrote the article and it was most likely a shmup enthusiast but alright how about these people...




Just give it up, I know you've built your whole identity on twitch shooters hoping to be the Last Star Fighter but to bring it back to the original post, there is nothing weak about the 16-bit shooters by comparison, It's just the difference between liking a good 16-bit steak or whether you want to slather a bunch of 32-bit ketchup and salt over it.
>Americans are largely unaware of the late Master System library.

It's not the 80s/90s anymore, gramps. There's a little thing called internet that allows you to not only check out entire catalogues of older systems, but also play them for free.
>Transbot is better than Gradius.

Regardless of your personal opinion, Gradius is a 3rd party franchise, Transbot is 1st party. You're not helping your case here.
Yet they never seem to learn.
So an inferior shooter is better because a third party made it?
oh boy and all this time I've been missing out on bootleg Brazilian 8 bit ports of Mortal Kombat 3!
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>Master System is Sega's best system

Go to bed Australia-kun, you're drunk.
I guess you don't really know much about the library either.

Learn what? That the SMS's library is considerably smaller with less 3rd party support than that of the MD or the Saturn? or even the DC?

You're moving goalposts again. We were not talking about personal tastes or opinions, we were talking about 3rd party support on the Master System.
>That the SMS's library is considerably smaller with less 3rd party support than that of the MD or the Saturn? or even the DC?
>Transbot is better than Gradius.
a cookie cutter shooter by clueless devs vs the best shmup series of the 80s, nigga you want me to reply this seriously?

>Similar situation on the Master System's Japanese competitor.
Ghosts 'n Goblins while not a great port is still better than Ghouls on the MS, Ghouls is garbage because it has one enemy on screen and is too slow, shit tier port
Strider on the NES is a different game than the arcade, waaay better than the garbage Master System port of the game.

Hahaha, no what?
>You're moving goalposts again
>are you implying the Master System has better horizontal shooters than R-Type or Gradius?
No I am not, and I have not done that once, you were just mistaken. Ignoring the fact, of course, that R Type is on the Master System, which you can't seem to grasp despite mentioning it yourself.
>We were not talking about personal tastes or opinions, we were talking about 3rd party support on the Master System.
>are you implying the Master System has better horizontal shooters than R-Type or Gradius?
No that isn't what you should learn. Can you even read?
>Ghosts 'n Goblins while not a great port is still better than Ghouls on the MS
That is just wrong. GnG on Famicom is dreadful. One of the worst arcade conversions.
>Strider on the NES is a different game
That was frequently occurring, as the Famicom couldn't handle arcade games.
>No that isn't what you should learn. Can you even read?

I can, but what is there to learn anyway?
That Japan didn't got shitty ports of Mortal Kombat 3 for Mark III? But that's a good thing.
No I do, I just still think the REALLY worthwhile games for it are few by comparison. Alex Kidd in Shinobi World, The Wonder Boy trilogy, Ninja Gaiden, Land of Illusion, Phantasy Star, Sonic the Hedgehog, maybe some of the Asterix games if you're European, uhh a few Genesis/Arcade ports that are decent but not really worth playing over the Genesis versions and a few clones of NES games that aren't worth playing over their NES counterparts.
shitty sources that don't specialize on shmups, again, try asking people that actually play the games you newb

>there is nothing weak about the 16-bit shooters by comparison
Those shitty exclusives you named definitely are weaker than the great library of the Saturn (again, sans TF4), not to mention the Saturn has tons of oldies collections as well
Great, Australia-kun is now ruining Sega threads as well.

Fucking mentally handicapped people like him shouldn't have access to the internet.
sorry I can't hear you from where you are all the way back in 2007
You're forgetting all the Wonder Boy games, the superior version of Bonanza Bros, Golden Axe Warrior, Master of Darkness, the best versions of Fantasy Zone and Columns, Terminator, Spellcaster, Aladdin, Lord of the Sword, its great library of lightgun games, Bomber Raid, Dizzy games, Dracula, Battletoads in Battlemaniacs, Kenseiden, Psycho Fox, Golvellius and others.
It has a library at least equal to the Famicom.
>a few clones of NES games that aren't worth playing over their NES counterparts
Such as?
r-type on the MS is an alright port, nowhere near good as any of the Gradius arcades or FC games but still decent for someone who didn't know better and played inferior systems. The rest of shooters on the console however? pure garbage

>That was frequently occurring, as the Famicom couldn't handle arcade games.
neither the MS, but in the case of the MS they just went lazy and developed a shitty port instead of a great exclusive game :^)

I, too, love all these 1st party Sega games.
>nowhere near good as any of the Gradius arcades or FC games
This is ridiculous.
>neither the MS
It could do it much better than the Famicom, which couldn't even handle games designed for it, like Mega Man, without excessive slowdown and flickering.
>all that shovelware
>"It has a library at least equal to the Famicom."
What about the ones that aren't?

classic australia-kun.

Don't deny it, you were waiting for this, you WANTED to turn the whole conversation into a SMS vs Famicom flame war so you could shitpost your usual shit, completely ruining an otherwise fine Sega thread with your obsession with console wars.

Seriously man, fuck you. Not even mad, just can't believe someone like you actually exists.
How'd you like it if I called Mario and Zelda shovelware?
I'm not forgetting Golden Axe Warrior, Govellius or Master of Darkness, I just think they're weaker versions of Zelda & respectively and I'm saying this being someone who loves Legendary Axe II and Neutopia on TG-16
>a few clones of NES games that aren't worth playing over their NES counterparts

Columns, Terminator, Battletoads, Bonanza Bros, Fantasy Zone
>a few Genesis/Arcade ports that are decent but not really worth playing over the Genesis versions

And the others are ok I guess, not exactly system sellers over what the Genesis has to offer.
You're the one who brought the FC up.
>This is ridiculous
maybe if you have shit tastes

>It could do it much better than the Famicom
Too bad they didn't and ended developing shitty port after shitty port while the FC had better exclusives and better arcade ports sometimes even better than the arcades
of Castlevania & Zelda respectively sorry
>This is ridiculous.

Says the sperg who throws a tantrum if someone prefers Mega Drive or Saturn over the Master System.

>It could do it much better than the Famicom

"could" being the key here.
>I just think they're weaker versions of Zelda
They're hardly similar.
Columns, Bonanza Bros, and Fantasy Zone are better on Master System. Battletoads is different, and Terminator is better on Master System.
They aren't though, games like Mario, Zelda or Castlevania were the gold standard that inspired all the shovelware you named there.
How is Master of Darkness even that similar to Castlevania?

No, I wasn't the anon you replied to, I was just reading the thread. People were just talking Sega and you started going mad that people don't love the Master System as much as MD or Saturn, then you steered the conversation into console wars, that's what you do.

You're a fucked up person.
This is fanboyism. You just hear these games talked up as all time greats and assume it to be true. I don't know how this happens, youtube, I guess.
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how is Golden Axe Warrior not exactly like Zelda or Master of Darkness blatantly ripping off Castlevania?

And you're entitled to your opinion on the ports but I struggle to see how the Master System ports are better, especially Terminator of which the Sega CD version is one of my favourite for the system.

Nah, this is fanboyism:

>preferring Master System over Mega Drive or Saturn
>this is fanboyism
lol the irony you motherfucker, and i'm more of a Sega fan than Nintendo fan anyway, but not retarded enough to say the MS was better than the FC
>>preferring Master System over Mega Drive or Saturn
>liking what I don't like
I didn't mention the Famicom until it was brought up.
>how is Golden Axe Warrior not exactly like Zelda
Do you think they're the same because they have combat and a top down view?
>Master of Darkness blatantly ripping off Castlevania
How are they even similar? Master of Darkness is more similar to Shadow of the Beast than Castlevania.
>but not retarded enough to say the MS was better than the FC
>stop liking what I don't like
You're one of those retarded American Sega fans who hopped on the bandwagon in 1991.
>I didn't mention the Famicom until it was brought up.

Nice try, you were already trying to steer the thread into sega vs nintendo here:

Mentioning Nintendo out of the blue.

Just assume your condition, you are a mentally unstable person who loves to shitpost on 4chan. You may say "I'm not that different than anyone else here", but you are, which is why you earned your own name and everyone here can recognize you easily.
master system and amiga are the best platforms

suck it nintendildos
gee I dunno how anyone could confuse this game for looking like a blatant Casltevania rip off
nope looks nothing like Castlevania at all right?
He was comparing the MS and Sega's third party business practices to the FC.

but only if the master system is the PAL one.
So what are the similarities? Name them and why those properties belong to Castlevania exclusively.
>stop liking what i don't like
You are the autistic MS fanboy that got triggered because it's the least preferred console though

>You're one of those retarded American Sega fans who hopped on the bandwagon in 1991.
Not really but that doesn't sound too bad since the MS was pretty shit.
And go ahead and tell me again that Golden Axe Warrior is not a Zelda clone
>You are the autistic MS fanboy that got triggered because it's the least preferred console though
No, I'm just defending my choice when people like you get triggered.

Exactly, which was uncalled for, nobody was talking about Nintendo.

Same reason why he started saying "Americans".

it's all Australia-kun can do, honestly, call anyone who doesn't agree with him either a "nintendildo" or a "yank".

All because some folk here don't think the Master System is the best Sega console.
The horror theme, the art style, the level locations, the sub weapons, the stiff controls, do I need to keep going?
Hey look, another thread that turned into a name-calling argument.
How is it? Tell me why you think it is a clone.
>I'm just defending my choice

We all know you have the absolute shit taste, you like Amigavania, after all. No need to "defend" anything, my friend. Just b urself.
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just fucking look at it!

This reminds me... it's sad that Master System never got a Castlevania game. If even shit computers like Amiga got their own shit castlevania, the Master could have gotten a really good port of CV1, or maybe a whole new entry in the series, like Rondo on PC Engine.
>The horror theme
Is Splatterhouse a Castlevania ripoff? Castlevania is set in Romania, while MoD is in England. Totally different folklore.
>the art style
Not even similar.
>the level locations
Like the Thames and the wax musejum, those Castleevania staples.
>the sub weapons
Bombs and guns are from Castlevania?
>the stiff controls
MoD doesn't have stiff controls, it has manipulable jumping
>do I need to keep going?
You need to start.
Looks more similar to Chip's Challenge than Zelda.
No one could be a stupid as you are so I'm just going to stop replying to you.
>If even shit computers like Amiga got their own shit castlevania
How was the Amiga shit? It wasn't an original game, by the way, it was a port of the first game coded by a German team who had little experience. Sega didn't use bedroom coders.
You really make a compelling argument. You must be very intelligent. Just admit you're wrong and move on.
I've already made my argument and my position is overwhelmingly self evident from what I have presented, you're just trolling. good night summerfag.
>Looks more similar to Chip's Challenge than Zelda.

OK, I admit, that made me smirk.

You're arguing with the one and only Australia-kun.

Dude is like 50 and sadly has been a regular here for at least a year.
It's not self evident. Do you think every game with stairs is a ripoff of Castlevania? You're a fanboy.
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>mfw Australia-kun is winning the argument

Shit on him all you want, but I really admire his passion for his beliefs. Maybe he's not so bad after all.
>Dude is like 50
i always read this but doubt it's true

What argument is he winning?

>he's not so bad after all.

I never really felt he's a bad person, just not very sane.
He was trying to argue that Golden Axe Warrior isn't a knock off of The Legend of Zelda and Master of Darkness isn't a knock off of Castlevania.

He is having a heart attack because people don't like the Master System as much as he does, and evaded every argument with shitposting.

The Master System is still the least liked Sega console of the main four, and has the least 3rd party support. The argument was over from the beginning.

So you think he won by saying that Golden Axe Warrior is more similar to Chip's Challenge than Zelda?
None, im not a console fag.
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Sega did more than consoles, you know.

This thread is about Sega consoles.
So pick the console that was also an arcade board: Dreamcast.
Saturn had STV too
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>winning an argument

Dreamcast can suck-a-fuck
Dreamcast, no question whatsoever.
I think I'd have the most fun with Mega Drive.
>he likes the dreamcast
C'mon man, it gets its shit wrecked by the Saturn and arguably by the Mega Drive
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>Saturn has all the Thunder Force, 16-bit Sonic, and Phantasy Star games on it

Why is this even a question?
Considering Saturn has Sonic Jam, I wont miss Mega Drive too much...
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Having had all 3, I enjoy the Dreamcast far more. The Saturn has like 4 great games, and at this point in my life I am over the Genesis. I had my time with it, and that time is over.
SEGA MEGA DRIVE>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sega CD. If that includes Genesis, all the better.
Mega Drive: Platformers. Action games. OK Arcade ports. Fast and furious deliverance of fun and challenge makes it a tough one to pass for people that hit the arcades in the 80s-90s.

Saturn: I don't have a solid opinion because I've played very little of it (even though I have one), but I do know it does have a huge number of awesome JP games. If I knew japanese I'd be very tempted to choose it.

Dreamcast's very strong 1st party presence in so little time can make any other dev blush furiously. Tons of arcade/multiplayer games with infinite replayability, some RPGs here and there. Overall a great console, especially for being the first time many people tried online gaming (and it run damn fine even on those 56Kbit modems).

Having to choose one from the three without thinking much, I'd say the Mega Drive would be it. Master System had some great games, but it isn't on the same tiers of those three.
Saturn would be the obvious answer...but
>No Rocket Knight Adventures
>No Gunstar Heroes
>No Alien Soldiers
>No SoR
>No Shining Force 1 or 2

It was a tough choice
Dreamcast, dem emulators!
I might say Genesis Mega Drive since that was most of my childhood, but I'd actually take the Dreamcast in a heartbeat just for Skies of Arcadia.

Although, I can just play that on GC, right? So yeah, I guess Genesis.
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DC > *
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America sure did miss out on some good ones
This was like a good version of Metal Gear Solid. Fuck that overrated turd.
>not choosing Dreamcast even though you could emulate Genesis just fine in it and have all the nice homebrew that comes with it

Where the fuck would I play Half-Life too?
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Forgot image
I'd be torn between Saturn and Megadrive; the MD has some of my all-time favourites that I grew up with, but Saturn has just more games I play nowadays.

Plus a full Saturn library would be worth much more than a full Megadrive one, and a bunch of MD classics had Saturn ports in some form (Sonic Jam, Thunderforce Gold Pack, Quackshot, Columns, Mickey Mouse, Capcom Generations).

But I'd drop a tear for no Alisia Dragoon, Ranger X, Streets of Rage, and Super Hang-on.
Mega Drive. That feel of inserting cartridges. A bunch of addons and modifications I could accomplish almost anything with. I'd hack some of the games and write my own games, overwriting some of the less interesting games.
>'90s SMS
Surely you're not using all that Brazilian shovelware to defend the thing, are you?
If it was some kind of magic console that lasted forever and had no laser issues, then Dreamcast (for RE2, Jet Grind Shenmue and SFIII).

Otherwise Saturn. Lots of good games; Panzer Dragoon, Nights, SF Alpha 3, Sega Rally, some decent RPGs, shmups and fighting games. All the stuff I like.
Hard to pick, but Dreamcast.

Mostly cause of the multiplayer games on it, not that the others have bad multiplayer games.
Many Friday nights I stayed up with my friends playing soul calibur, marvel vs capcom, capcom vs snk and fur fighters.
Even more so if PSO still counts as an active game.
Sega has always been a big arcade port console, but i feel like dreamcast really caught that second gold era of arcades with some of those ports they had.

It had/has a pretty cool homebrew scene too.

That's also meaning the console will never die/break either.

Would be a tough call, I see them all as pretty good choices. Unless you pick the game gear or something.
Saturn for sure, it has a ton of great games I wouldn't be able to play otherwise. Everything else I'd want is ported and Sega Genesis emulation works on everything.
Saturn cause of its unique style of games both aestetically and mechanically. Is there an imaginary english patch for all of the japanese exclusives?
Why do Americans love this meme? The Master System was still supported by Sega in Japan primarily for the European market.
What are all the must-play essentials for the Master System? I really would like to understand why people love it so much.
Not so true. Sega dropped the MS support in Japan in 89 because they wanted to focus on the Mega Drive. Also with the PCE release it wouldn't be a high end console anymore.

The Master System was still consistently getting games because of the Game Gear ports and also many conversions of 16 bit games - like Ecco, SF2, Aladdin, SoR.

Brazilian shovelware like the amazing Dynamite Headdy port by Tectoy? lol
Penguin Land is my favorite game for the Massie.
Sega Genesis all the way.
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Dreamcast, if only for all the wicked Naomi ports.
Does Mega Drive include all Sega Mega CD and 32X games?

They're technically only add ons.

Either way better range than Saturn.

Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Wonder Boy
Rainbow Islands

And that's about it for me as essential Master System.
This guy gets it.
Mega Drive for most nostalgic, however Dreamcast is objectively the best.
Are you kidding?

Wonderboy III
Castle of Illusion
Pyscho Fox
Alex Kidd In Shinobi World
Sonic 1 & 2
Phantasy Star

And those are just off the top of my head while I'm drunk.
Damn. I meant Miracle World.
Do I get homebrew? Dreamcast. Because then I get Cave Story, as well as emulators so I can have the full libraries of the NES, SNES, Gameboy, Mega Drive, PS1, etc.
>Sega dropped the MS support in Japan
Not what I said. Sega was still supporting the Master System in Europe, they were Master System ports that were then ported to the Game Gear. The master System was still supported by Sega until 1994.
dreamcast. I would wander the highways until I was thae fastest. also a good assortment of lesser games
Lords of thunder was a downgraded port
Saturn cause I love the American long boxes.
>Lords of thunder was a downgraded port

>"While the PC Engine version has a fully narrated intro and a talkative shopkeeper, such voiceovers were omitted when the game was brought overseas to the TurboDuo. Nonetheless, these voices were reintegrated into the Sega CD release"

Also I prefer the MCD version of the LoT OST.
Saturn because ARCADE MASTER RACE.
1. Genesis
2. Master System
3. Saturn
Really close between MS and Saturn but I'm curious about the MS since it's the only Sega system I never heard of when I was a kid.
>Master System
not worth it honestly
it has some good games (alex kidd... probably some more) but over saturn or dc? nahh
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Even the Game Gear was better than the Master System.
are you stuck in the 90s
the sega nintendo wars are over
you can play both in peace now
But dawg how am I gonna play dat Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest on Sega systems?
You should be more concerned about your autism if you care about JRPGs.
>Even the Game Gear was better than the Master System.

I would personally still take the MS over the GG if only for the latter's crippling design flaws and the fact that GG > MS conversions are apparently a thing now. The GG library is kinda better in some ways I'd agree though.

You at it again?
>spends most of his time shitposting a dead board on 4chan
>calls other people autistic

Oh Australia-kun, you so crazy.

Does your body vibrates violently every time someone mentions they like Nintendo? Does your autism manifest itself that way?
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The point is Nintendo are unjustly given overwhelming praise when they haven't done a single original thing ever.

Nintendo have never had a single creative ounce in their bodies. And to think people actually credit them for "inventing" platformers or "inventing" metroidvania style gameplay.

What is Montezuma's Revenge, H.E.R.O., Pitfall II, etc.?

Oh, we're supposed to ignore the true creators of the industry, huh, Nintendo fanboy? We're supposed to shut up and act like Nintendo invented genre's and make the best games? Please, you're on a board for enthusiasts. This isn't reddit. Many people here know Nintendo created nothing but shit. There have been a million platformers, metroidvania-style games, 3d flight games, arcade racers, tactical rpg's, etc. that came before and after whatever Nintendo shitted out. Nintendo only has surface-level bullshit in their pantheon that appeals to normalshits such as yourself that wouldn't even know how to operate an Atari XE or Commodore 64.
You can play Ys, Phantasy Star, Exile, Langrisser, Shining, Landstalker, Shadowrun, Oasis, Lunar, etc. on Sega if that genre is your thing. Also, do not credit nintendo for SQUARE's output on their system. Nintendo simply monopolized Square. Nintendo themselves did not make the games and they thusly deserve none of the credit. Nintendo historically were always outclasses by third parties. Nothing Nintendo PERSONALLY ever made was noteworthy in any capacity. They were a business foremost, not a games company. They corralled and monopolized third parties when every other system was always superior technically.
My bad then.
But Yeah, The support in Europe ended in 94. Good year for the console: Road Rash and Legend of Illusion are amazing.
>Many people here know Nintendo created nothing but shit.

A true 'enthusiast' wouldn't even question Nintendo's legacy, let alone try to bait about it on a fucking message board like some kind of 14 year old troll.
>does THIS shit
>calls others fanboys
self-awareness level: 0.0000001%
Name five things Nintendo invented.
Who cares? They made good games. Who cares. No one fucking cares but you. Turn off your router. Go play a video game an have fun.
How about CONTROL PAD DESIGN for a start bub.

Take a step back and let the realisation sink in.
Be more specific.
So you can't name one thing?

- directional crosspad (NES)
- cartridge-based portable gaming systems (Game Boy)
- online gaming features (SNES Satellaview addon)
- the original Playstation
- dual-screen portable gaming systems (DS)

there you go
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Did Nintendo invent fire buttons? No.

Did Nintendo revolutionise video game controllers? Yes.

Nintendo's joypad design has become the defacto layout for controllers and the SNES pad in particular is a direct influence on EVERY SINGLE successful console for the past 25 years. Even today.

Nintendo were the ones who decided HOW we will interact with video games. And everyone has been riding their coattails since.

So how about you show the company a modicum of respect.
The first and last one both came from Game & Watch Donkey Kong, also from Nintendo.
You're just begging for someone to post that image.
>directional crosspad (NES)
Intellivision already had a dpad
> cartridge-based portable gaming systems (Game Boy)
Microvision was released in 1979
>online gaming features (SNES Satellaview addon)
First online console system was Sega Net Work System
>the original PlayStation
this is a useless answer used to pad your list
> dual-screen portable gaming systems (DS)
and NOBODY wanted this nor cared for it (useless gimmick)

Nintendo are not innovators. They are businessmen and most importantly con men first and foremost. They steal from the true creators of the industry and try to pass off these stolen ideas as original masked beneath their goofy saccharine lowest common denominator-appealing characters.
>So how about you show the company a modicum of respect.
No fuck you. All they did was simplify and streamline layouts for their simplified stolen dumbed down sidescrollers. Dpads existed before the NES. You shouldn't be on this board if you don't know your history, guy.
- directional crosspad (NES)
Intellivision had it first.
- cartridge-based portable gaming systems (Game Boy)
Microvision had it way before.
- online gaming features (SNES Satellaview addon)
Sega Network
- the original Playstation
Why not mention all their official consoles, then?
- dual-screen portable gaming systems (DS)
Tiger had these before the DS.
>Did Nintendo revolutionise video game controllers? Yes.
No, nothing on the SNES pad is original.
>Nintendo's joypad design has become the defacto layout for controllers and the SNES pad in particular is a direct influence on EVERY SINGLE successful console for the past 25 years. Even today.
Because the Playstation was designed after it and they haven't changed their design. Four face buttons sucks, by the way. You need six.
Ahhh it's the old "Nintendo didn't invent anything" reddit bullshit again.

This argument is fucking broken. It's like saying the ancient Egyptians invented flight because the had some dude dressed up with wings.

There's a difference between inventing something and inventing something which WORKS.
Keep telling yourself that.
>It's like saying the ancient Egyptians invented flight because the had some dude dressed up with wings.
Actually no, it is your argument that is broken. Try rephrasing that in english next time. The Intellivison controller is rather comfortable.
>Because the Playstation was designed after it and they haven't changed their design. Four face buttons sucks, by the way. You need six.

You mean how the PlayStation started off as a Nintendo venture?

Directional controls on the left - Fire Buttons on the right.

That's Nintendo's design. And EVERY console uses that.

And 4 buttons is more than enough if you also have shoulder buttons and indirect function buttons. Every other console design team seems to think so.
Notice how this doesn't include images of the non-Nintendo versions of each innovation. This is because if they did show it, in most cases you would immediately notice how poorly implemented/broken that innovation was until Nintendo came out with a more functional design.
That was used in arcades way before Nintendo.
You mean arcades like Donkey Kong?

Besides, thats different from joypads anyway.
You think Donkey Kong was the first arcade game?
t. Nintendrone who has never used any of those things, but will assume they're bad because they don't have Mario
this is correct
its called the power base converter officially
I have one, kid, it is officially called Master System Converter.
I have this one but its different colored and called the turbo stick. I used to play Toe Jam & Earl with it, funny enough. Its just OK. The suction cups prob need help, but you can hold the entire thing in your lap. Probably meant for Afterburner. It works as long as you arent playing MK or something.
They're talking about arcades which used a specific control scheme you moron.
Yes, and Donkey Kong wasn't the first to use its control layout.
Really? And can you point to any home consoles which used Nintendo's control design before the NES came along? No? Imagine that.
Yes, really.
Define Nintendo's NES controller design.
A pad with directional d-pad controls on the left, function buttons on the right.
Many Intellivision games required you to hold the controller like that. It depended on the overlay.
Coleco football also had the directions on the right and action on the left. But it was from the arcades originally, Defender had it in 1980.
Don't hurt yourself from all that stretching friend.
They fit the definition. Do you think they have to use controllers that look exactly like the Famicom?
Every controller since the Famicom has been some kind of variation if it. They're ALL based on Nintendo's design, especially the SNES design. Even today's consoles.
That's not the same as having a dedicated controller layout no matter how much you try to force it.
Not really, only the Snes, Playstation, and maybe Wii U.
>replying to Australia kun unironically

Why don't we go back to talk about Sega instead?

Australia kun hates Nintendo, but boy oh boy he can't stop talking about them, it's like a jilted woman.
They meet the definition. Nintendo were just trying to be similar to the arcade layout without spending too much on a joystick.
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Rethink your life.
What's wrong with the Snes colours? The Dreamcast is just the Mega Drive controller minus two buttons. It's not related to the Snes, so that takes the Xbox out too. Looks like I was right.
Let have a look at the X-Box One controller shall we?

Directional controls on the left? Check.
Fire buttons on the right? Check.
Dimond layout configuration for the four buttons? Check.
Shoulder buttons? Check.
Two indirect function buttons? Check.
Buttons labled ABXY? Check.
Buttons coloured Red/Yellow/Green/Blue? Check.

It absolutely influenced by the SNES pad.
>Directional controls on the left? Check.
>Fire buttons on the right? Check.
Not Nintendo, sorry.
>Dimond[sic] layout configuration for the four buttons? Check.
Not Nintendo. Derived from the MD 6 button that was inspired by the SF2 cabinet.
>Shoulder buttons? Check.
Not Nintendo. Intellivision.
>Two indirect function buttons? Check.
Not Nintendo. Atari 5200.
>Buttons labled ABXY? Check.
Comes from the Saturn that had ABC and XYZ
>Buttons coloured Red/Yellow/Green/Blue? Check.
Didn't Nintendo invent shoulder pads? I don't remember anything before SNES having them.

australia-kun, seek help
Total utter bullshit. You are beyond deluded.
>Buttons labled ABXY? Check.

SNES had BAYX not ABXY. The lines of buttons were in reverse order.

ABXY as we know today was first used on the Dreamcast pad, which was an evolution of the 6 button Megadrive pad.
Great argument, you sure convinced me. Try putting your fingers in your ears and screaming next time to make it even more convincing!

Not him but you're arguing that buttons ABxY (from SFC in 1990) come from Sega Saturn (released in 1995).

I mean....
Show me shoulder buttons on the Intellivision controller.

Also, is your only defense of the x-box controller the order that the letters are in? Really?
Go look at it, do you know what a search engine is? I can't believe Americans know so little about American game consoles.
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You mean those buttons along the side? They're not shoulder buttons. They're not even fire buttons. They're best considered as indirect functions buttons like Nintendo's Start/Select.

They were certainly never conceived as being shoulder buttons. The pad isn't designed to be held in that kind of orientation.

The fact is, the SNES pad has been a direct influence on every single successful console for the past 25 years. It's not even up for debate.
Nintendo Master Race wins again.
>They were certainly never conceived as being shoulder buttons. The pad isn't designed to be held in that kind of orientation
You seem to know everything about it now. But you're dead wrong. How do you think you'd hold that controller?
I think perhaps you think I'm some other anon. But mostly the controller is held like a phone. The orientation CAN change depending on the game. But like most controllers in the pre-Nintendo age, it was a fucking mess.
>But like most controllers in the pre-Nintendo age, it was a fucking mess
This is the thing with drones, everything that isn't Nintendo feels incomplete or inadequate to them. There must be something subliminal in Nintendo games that makes them addictive to children and manchildren. It's like you consider Nintendo to be synonymous with video games so everything feels wrong to you if it isn't Nintendo.
Pretty much. I've even seen a few Nintendildos complain about the Master System not having the pause button on the controller. If something doesn't fit to their Nintendo-warped paradigm, it must be shit by default.
commoner answer but Dreamcast
The damn thing had a very robust library fort such a short life and I'm a sucker for arcade style games
The master system is a shit console, even regardless of the pause button on the console.

The best game on it is a fucking Mickey Mouse platformer
What the fuck is going on?
Wonder Boy III is the best MS game, and one of the best games of all time.
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>best game on it is a kid's platformer

Spoken like a true Nintendo manchild.
Being a drone has nothing to do with it. I was more of a SEGA kid growing up. But my choice of gaming was due to money. I simply couldn't afford to have two consoles as a kid. It had nothing to do with fanboyism. If I could have afforded a Nintendo too, I would definitely have bought one.

But I'm also not blind to what Nintendo has brought to gaming. What annoys me is so called 'gaming enthusiasts' who feel the need to try and belittle Nintendo for whatever reason.

Seriously, what the fuck is that?

It's because of this kind of moronic childishness that video games will never be able to shake off it's juvenile image and be taken seriously.

You cannot seriously claim to be a fan of video games but try and tear down Nintendo's achievements at the same time.

Absolutely moronic.
You know nothing about the Master.
Hang On - a 1985 title alone is better than almost anything on the generation.
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>The master system is a shit console
Go fuck you're self.
It's never been at Nintendo's core, philosophically, to invent or innovate. They primarily use existing hardware that is easier to use for producers and consumers. Look at the specs for the SNES, simply woeful. But it was easy. They typically jump on things late, like motion controls, and mass market them.
MEGA DRIVE. Because A) the games rock and B) they will keep working when your optical media is long dead
Master System sucked even back in the day. Welcome to reality.
It was still the best 8bit home console.
He are self?
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That would be pic related actually.
Not released worldwide.
Considering that Nintendo had most devs quivering in fear to release games on any other console, the Master System did pretty good for itself.

It had plenty of great games. SEGA would often produce their own versions of NES game (ripoffs really) which were often much better.
If the master system was great, why it got replaced? I mean, you are treating it like a godsend
The same fucking reason the PS4 and X-Bone are getting replaced - PROGRESS.
I mean, i wanna hear from that guy why is the best console ever, and why it games are esential to everyone's collection

People are still making games for the Master, though.

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The Master System is still very popular in Brazil apparently.
>The Master System is still very popular in Brazil apparently.

So is rape and larceny.
It's been sold in Brazil with 132 games. 7 years before nintendo invented plug and play systems.
Why the 6-button controller? Were there newly developed games which used this?
>Were there newly developed games which used this?
No. The only game I know that have the 6button support is the Tectoy port of Street Fighter 2 which isn't on this console.

Don't know about this version, but the original 6 button is A = 1, B = 2, C = 1+2. X,Y and Z are rapid fire versions of A,B and C respectively.
Thanks for the info. Fascinating.
>implying that shit isn't popular everywhere
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I'm too lazy to get into this mess, but what wrong with loving the 8-bit system over everything? As for me, it's pretty solid choice. Some people may like pretty simple games, and I appreciate this point of view, especially when my GOAT system is NES.

You can play master system games with a Mega Drive controller (and vice versa). Sadly, the start button doesn't work.

You can even plug an Atari 2600 controller on the Mega drive. Sonic is perfectly playable with it as it only need one button for jumping.

the mickey mouse is harder and less repetitive than that turd
Castle Of Illusion on the Master System was far superior to the Megadrive version. Just my two cents.
>austalia-kun is still having seizures over people acknowledging Nintendo as an important part of video game history

Loving every second of it
Sweet, won it for $11 because I fucking love Jungle Strike and Battletech and feel either would be fun to try with the flight-stick. F15 Strike Eagle II also, but a joystick won't help that framerate.

Loving every second of it australia.
It's almost palpable how every muscle and fiber of your body twitches and revolves when people even talk about Nintendo in a positive light.

I'm pretty sure your last thought just before you die will be "CURSE YOU... NINTENDO!"
did you know Hiroshi Yamauchi wasn't actually a human being? He was a vessel that enclosed 7 yakuza oni spirits from 7 different regions in Japan. These oni monopolized the gambling in Japan with the hanafuda Nintendo cards and put a spell so that no other company could produce cards, truly evil.

Yamauchi, often referred to as "大魔王 ティラノ天堂" (Great Evil King Tyranotendo), tyranized the video games market with his monopolic practises, it is said that the Master System or the PC Engine didn't actually ever exist, and that they were invented time after so hide the fact that the Famicom was actually the one and only console existing in Japan.
>What were the best games on their systems?


don't use capslock, /v/

I really appreciate your outlook on things. Like, you seriously believe shit like >>3420851, for you, nintendo really is like some evil corporation that ruined video games forever, or something.

But in the real world, people aren't spergs like you. Video games are cool, be it Sega, Nintendo, Sony or PC.
You have some kind of trauma with Nintendo, but you should go see a psychologist about that, /vr/ isn't the place to be sperging 24/7 about your hatred for Nintendo.
Actually it is
>Release date JP: October 30, 1987
NA: August 29, 1989
EU: November 22, 1989
Oh please. You know nothing of other consoles that aren't Nintendo, let alone the Master System's diverse compelling library, drone.

What is Zillion? What is Choplifter? What is Impossible Mission? What is Summer Games? What is Rocky? What is Enduro Racer? What is Power Strike? What is Wonder Boy? What is Alexx Kidd? What is Fantasy Zone II, What is Ys? What is Phantasy Star? Every single game on the Master System far outclasses every proprietary Nintendo exclusive.
Nintendo didn't ruin games. They did initiate the ruins of arcade games, which is gameplay in its truest form and why I've always gravitated towards Sega consoles.

Nintendo simply have never been relevant when you're talking about the history of games and the best games of all time. They may have sold the most in a period of history, but that is not, I repeat, not indicative of quality nor innovation.
>You can only own one Sega console

Nobody said anything about not being able to own other non Sega console or not to be able to emulate on PC.

Therefore I'll take Saturn, because it's the one you can emulate the least.
>Master System's diverse compelling library

I like the master system, but come on. It got the worst library out of the main Sega home consoles.
Forgot pic-related
>sold the most
>not relevant
It may have one of the smallest, but the quality is certainly there hosting many of the greatest games of all time in a period that was the golden age of games (the 80's)

The ruin of arcade games was online gaming.

You're just having a twisted logic for your hatred on Nintendo. I get it, you have a personal vendetta against Nintendo, probably someone from your childhood whom you hated was a nintendo fanboy or something, I don't care. Seek help and stop shitposting all the time on /vr/

Yeah, nah. The library was small and it was mostly "budget" ports that aren't worth playing today anymore.

The quality was very far an between, out of the games you mentioned, only Zillion and PS are remarkable, the rest are shovelware or games that have better versions out there.
when talking about the history of games and the best games of all tie.

Once again, I repeat, sales are not indicative of quality or innovation. I do not get my recollection of the 80's from game journalists or youtube personalities that cultivate the perception that Nintendo were always first and supreme, nothing that came before or during elsewhere counts. I was there, and I can vouch that they most certainly were not the first nor were they supreme.
It had an extremely limited release in Europe, but, that being said, the world is more than America, Japan, and Europe.
>out of the games you mentioned, only Zillion and PS are remarkable, the rest are shovelware
Witness one of the greatest games of all time, drone.


In your case, australia-kun, "quality" or "innovation" should not be taken into account because you use those as buzzwords.

I mean, you defend Amigavania.

Deal with it, old chap, Nintendo are important and many people love their games and will continue to do so, more than your Amiga and other euro computer games that are already long forgotten and will continue to be.

You will die, and people will still be talking about the NES and the SNES. It's just how things are.

It's funny that you call me drone when you're droning for the Master System.

Impossible Mission is a multiplat and the SMS version is not the best. Also, you can't be serious about "one of the greatest games of all time".
>probably someone from your childhood whom you hated was a nintendo fanboy
No, I never associated with those that played with Nintendo. I deemed them casuals. Why I despise Nintendo and continue to spread the truth is because of just that. The truth. Nintendo have cultivated the masses with their saccharine characters and dumbed down, watered down stolen ideas to perpetuate lies that they are the forefathers of the medium, they were the masters, they reigned supreme, they made the best most groundbreaking games. But this is simply not the case, and they spread these lies through their fanbase and perpetuate this air of ignorance that should not be accommodated on an enthusiast site. You can't change history, drone, and I am helping you and others like you see the light.


anyway, stop wasting your time here, we're all laughing at your autism but deep down we don't care.

You should take care of your mental health.
>Also, you can't be serious about "one of the greatest games of all time".

"Impossible Mission is a video game for several home computers. The original version for the Commodore 64 was programmed by Dennis Caswell and published by Epyx in 1984. The game features a variety of gameplay mechanics, from platform, adventure and action games and boasted novel features for the time, such as digitized speech. Impossible Mission, which casts the player in the role of a secret agent infiltrating an enemy stronghold, is widely considered one of the best games for several platforms and inspired sequels, remakes and numerous ports."

Who are you quoting?
Genesis if you're a well-adjusted individual
Saturn if you're a weeb
Dreamcast if you're a youngster who needs primarily 3D games
Master System if you're a nostalgic eurocuck/brazilian
Holy fuck dude, you need serious help.

You're like one of those 9/11 truther "fucking aliens did it" morons.

Loving every second of it, australia. Keep going.

Why do you hate Nintendo again?
Saturn all the way.
And this is exactly what I was illustrating here >>3420972. You Nintendrones try to manipulate others into thinking they're "crazy" simply for stating the facts. Just look at prior in this thread. The mods deleted the image that exposes Nintendo for lying fraudulent con men they are. On fucking 4chan of all places. But no, you can't state the history, you can't state the facts, you have t obey the paradigm, and you have to bow down. Open your fucking eyes, drone! You're being had!

Mods delete your posts because you're Australia-kun.
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Not him but seriously dude, there is no conspiracy.

For what ever reason you hate Nintendo, there's no point in such feverish tantrums. You've already been BTFO multiple times in this thread.

There's two possibilities;

1) Nintendo were (and are) a forward thinking company who revolutionsed the video game industry through a combination of shrewd business practices, brilliant hardware innovation and peerless software design. They're a company who continue to push the envelope of what interactive can be.

2) They conned the whole world.

Whats the most likely scenario here?
>replying to australia-kun unronically
Name some of their 'brilliant hardware innovations'.
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Another anon already pointed how Nintendo's joypad design is a direct on influence on every single console for the past 25 years.

Nintendo decided HOW games would played and everyone followed suit.

Even people who don't play video games, who know nothing about video games, if you asked them to draw a joypad they would instinctively draw something resembling Nintendo's classic design.

THAT's how ingrained it is into public consciousness and you can't even concede that.
I'm pretty sure arcade games were using that basic design. Unless you mean the plastic case, which differs from controller to controller.
Honestly, Nintendo is pretty cool, I was always more of a Sega guy myself, still am, but Nintendo is a-ok in my book.
Name a good game game by Nintendo, and I can name a better original alternative.
Dreamcast. I can easily emulate everything else, and Dreamcast has enough great party games (Power Stone 2 anyone?) that I would rather have it and be able to play with three other people.

Everything else can be emulated well enough on other platforms.
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>I can easily emulate everything else
You can easily emulate Saturn but not Dreamcast?
Oh, right. Nintenyearolds don't know anything about arcades.


There is something that doesn't quite come together when you post...

You claim to be an old fag who was there in the 80s and you claim that Nintendo never were really big and that it's all lies by Youtubers, etc, etc.

But on the other hand, you use idle /v/-tier insults like "nintenyearold".

I'm still not sure if you're a teenager shitposting ironically, or an actual mentally handicapped old guy who still can't get over the fact Nintendo is liked and remembered by people all around the world.
There are 79 unique IP's ITT.

Keep up.

Not everyone is a drone drinking the Nintendo-made Kool-Aid.

Great skills australia, do you have a major in visual designs?
Really digging that black background and these red underlines.

I don't even care about Nintendo, I'm here to laugh at you.
Uuuhhhh.... your definition of 'quintessential proof' is worrying.

What does that prove? Someone somewhere said that SEGA were dedicated to providing unique gaming experiences and advancing technology?

Well fuck me.

Better hope Nintendo, NEC, Atari, SONY and Microsoft didn't catch wind of such a forward-thinking initiative.

Listen, I love SEGA. Their arcades during the 80' and early 90's were fucking amazing. But they were always 2nd fiddle to Nintendo in the home market.

I love them both and their hardware and games. But if you were to ask me which company I thought was the most innovative and developed the best software, I'd have to go with Nintendo.
Look here. >>3421030

You're being had, nintendrone. I'm teaching you the real history. Not the one that was advertised to you and served in a cereal box.
>australia-kun is still trying to rewrite history and minimizing Nintendo's importance

Poor guy, he's fighting an immortal dragon with his tiny flaccid sword.
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>I'm teaching you the real history.
What the fuck is that? The ramblings of a SEGA fanboi?

You might as well be talking about Blast Processing(!!!) while you're at it.

You don't need to fight SEGA's corner dude. It's not 1992 anymore.

Australia-kun is not a Sega fanboy, he just takes Sega's side in this case because it's against Nintendo.

He's actually a european computer fanboy, especially Amiga, and he has some kind of trauma with Nintendo.
I grew up with both the Genesis and a PC. While I like a lot of what the NES had to offer, the Genesis just has more of it in spades

I'd have a tough time deciding between the Genesis and the Gameboy though
I've had some posts deleted because someone accused me of being Australia-kun. The janny on /vr/ is pretty retarded tbqh.
>he world is more than America, Japan, and Europe.
Not according to WWII
Wait a sec, the Turbografx was released in Europe? I'm an oldschool britbong myself, I never saw one of these fucking things on the high street ever. I've certainly never met someone who owned one, and I know people who owned an Amstrad GX4000 for fuck's sake.
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