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Previous thread >>3328580 This thread is for the spir

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Previous thread >>3328580

This thread is for the spirited discussion of CRT displays - Televisions, monitors and projectors used for the playing of retro games!

>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Produce OC! Get out your real cameras and take beautiful pictures of your CRTs displaying recognizable characters with the kind of beautiful accuracy that brings tears to the eyes of young and old alike! If you take 100 photos, at least one of them will turn out alright! (maybe)
>Try to be as detailed as possible when asking info on a specific model. As always, google is your friend, and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either.
>Share appreciation for others choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. As always show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Discussion of video processing and scaling devices is okay, but try to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories

CRT Pastebin (WIP): http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
An Anon's Guide to CRT Hunting: http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
S-Video Pasta: http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Information: http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
Thread Survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PhdXJYwA8xModrTV1Yt-i1tvNgwiagpeBx0m_xNIVtc/viewform?edit_requested=true&fbzx=9009823977812318933
>no title
good job fucker
So I finally figured out what the fuck was wrong with my old TV. Turns out I was only able to see half the spectrum of blue shades. Went into the service menu and had to crank up the blue cutoff, then adjust the red and green to get the colors right again. Now my blacks look gray, though. How fucked am I?
Adjust the brightness?
Did that too. The settings actually look perfect on my PS2 through component, but on my NES the same settings look terrible. Do I need to adjust settings for each console?
I own a shitty Magnasonic CRT and want to upgrade to something nicer. Should I go full retard and hunt down/shell out for a Sony PVM or should I buy a consumer-grade TV of some type? I like the simplicity of consumer TVs and have a lot of nostalgia for the look of them, but part of me doesn't want to have an "inferior" TV.
If you can find a PVM for non-retard prices, otherwise just get whatever. If you're an americuck make sure it's got S-Video. If you're yuropoor check that the SCART does RGB.
get an s-video set with a wood case then post it here. I have a huge boner for old high end console tv's

The PVM meme is amazing.

What's your budget? What systems do you plan on using?
So American and Japanese have a different video standard for black levels.

North America is 7.5 IRE and Japan is 0 IRE.

What does this mean for black levels?

Do Japanese TVs have different black levels than north American TVs?

Do Japanese game ROMs/discs have different black levels compated to NTSC/UC ROMs/discs?

Do Japanese consoles have different black levels compared to Murkan consoles?
That can't be right unless you consider things like the PC-98 or other home computers that did composite video. Jap TV's were NTSC, the same as US TV's. Or are we talking about monitors here?
American should go component. Most likely will have Svideo too. But with the ability to use component for a majority of retro consoles.
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Amiga 1080 guy here. I'm still getting this annoying gradient on white text on the screen. Here's a good pic of it, random white text just gets gradients, specifically towards the top of the screen. It doesn't happen with textures as far as I can tell, just text. Any ideas as to fixing this? It's supper annoying not having a pure white font. I thought it was an artifact from composite, but lo and behold, pictured is S-Video.
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Scan lines aren't super dark. But it's a nice TV nonetheless.
You need to fix the convergence.

It's terribad.
Is it that noticeable ?
not that guy but, its not that bad

honestly if its your first crt or aren't into the RGB scart perfect monitor stuff, you'll be fine with how it is.
not that guy but
There's at least two pixels worth of offset in three of the four corners.

Call me autistic if you must but I couldn't live with that.
I get what you mean. I'm saying if he didnt notice it, and hes using composite it probably wont matter that much too him.
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Threadly reminder: Do not fall for the scart meme.

>use composite just like god intended

It's no use trying to convince retards to not be retarded. Let them have this containment thread.
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Anyone know the model number for this?

Sorry if the orientations fuckdd, posting from mobile.
Huh. Not sure if anyone here on /vr/ has heard of the youtube phenomenon "That Poppy", but in one her instagram videos she appears to have a PVM. How about that.
>not using rgb-scart for gaming on CRT
That's like buying a 4k OLED TV and then watching nothing but 360p Youtube videos on it
Especially since there are component cables for SNES and Genesis now.

Most people likely "fall for the SCART meme" because it is easier to buy a premade cable than getting the appropriate connectors for each console's output, the BNC connectors, and wiring up your own cables from scratch. A quality breakout cable can also make due as a poor-man's switcher since it is easier to plug/unplug SCART cables from that than it is to go behind your monitor and undo/plug-in BNC connectors each and every time.

If you are using a pro CRT, I wouldn't count on component compatibility.
They're professionally made marketing videos you dip, they had it laying around on the studio.
>scart is the only way to use rgb
You fell for the meme.
what 'pro CRT's don't support component?
Yeah, I know. Just interesting they wouldn't opt for a flat screen or something.
Older and lower end ones usually.
N-Series PVMs support RGB at most, no component
Bottom Tier ## models (1440QM)
NEC/Mitsubishi Presentation monitors with one exception.
>youtube phenomenon
Holy shit, fuck off back to w/e social media shit hole you came from.
thanks. i always assumed they all had the ability to at least plop a card in that allowed for component
None of those accept cards of any sort, with the possible exception of a basic SDI module which thinking again I don't believe any of those support(specifically the N-Series).

Most of the Profeel/Prosumer style sets(2030/1390/etc) also do not support Component; You've got the 2950Q and essentially nothing else.
Looks like a TM-A101 to me.

Composite only FYI.
>No real controls to speak of
>Sold as security monitors so high chance of burn-in

Worth a punt if it's free I guess
Which one of you faggots scooped up the 14L5s for sale in Chicago?
Good thing I didn't pick it up
Hi senpaitachi, what do you think of this deal?

ITT IDEAL COLOR 3838F ; 70 cm

for 30€

it says "perfect for retrogaming (NES, SNES, PlayStation, etc)"
hi crt thread. I have a trinitron consumer tv, and I just read about the HD retrovision cables for getting YPbPr out of 4th gen consoles. For me that sounds perfect, but I'm guessing you guys aren't interested because it's not quite as good as rgb. My TV can't do rgb.

Would you suggest waiting to buy these cables once more are made, or can I get a better signal from just getting a scart cable and an active converter box? That appears to be doable for around $60-70 usd. Has anyone in these threads bought the new component cables and done a review?
every crt sold on LBC get PERFECT FOR RETROGAMING mention

it should have scart / peritel, but for a non-brand 30€ is a bit high.
Yeah I kind of noticed, thats why I wanted to check here, I'm very new to CRT so I have no clue which one is good and which one is shit, I've seen a lot of Sony TRINITRON 70cm, but they usualy don't give the full model number, are these usualy good?
>YPbPr ... it's not quite as good as rgb.
It's exactly as good as RGB.

YPbPr is like ~99% as good. In an IDEAL world, the transformations from RGB -> YPbPr -> RGB would be lossless, the real world of analog circuitry is more complicated and devices aren't perfect.

The real difference is that you still need to calibrate the saturation manually when you are using component cables. This can be an advantage (allows you to de-saturate Gameboy Player games), or a 'disadvantage', as you'll need to perform an additional calibration as compared to RGB and you might get it "wrong"
I was under the impression that sending sync and luma on separate wires made for some marginal quality gain, but I don't really know anything. I'd also be surprised if the conversion done by the retrovision cables is perfect - as opposed to say Wii virtual console which encodes YPbPr instead of needing some kind of conversion.
So that's an advantage of these scart->YPbPr converter boxes on ebay, I guess? I don't think you can really modify anything with the retrovision cable, at least not as easily.

Sync only happens on the blanking intervals (places where no image is shown). I guess there could possibly be some interference from the circuitry that detects the sync tip, but I'm not convinced it'd be anything perceptible.

I did some research, and it looks like a main selling point of these is that it looks like a true transcoder, so it shouldn't add lag. Most of those boxes on ebay are converter/scalers, which have issues with full white screens and also add some lag. (There are a few ~$100 ish boxes on ebay that are true transcoders.)

I would definitely pick up the Genesis cable, as genesis are either RF/composite or RGB.

I would probably consider the SNES ones too. There's not too much of a difference between S-Video and YPbPr for SNES, but the only good S-Video cables are ~$35, which is most of the way toward the HD retro cables price. The S-Video cable will also work on an unmodified N64, whereas you will need to RGB mod the N64 for the cables to work on it though.
Component is better than RGB S. What retard are you kids parroting?
Multiple orders of magnitude difference in bandwidth between the standards.
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>video encoders that were cheap by 1989 standards
>output is 320 pixels wide maximum
Stop, child.
kind of a moot point for /vr/ since YPbPr on games consoles only really started becoming a thing during gen 6
for fuck sake OP
component is not better than rgbs in the context of games in the era that we're speaking of, and you know it
It's a mute point since nothing retro supported component. And for the mods it doesn't matter since it's 240p or 480i and the extra bandwidth component supports doesn't matter.

I'm not aware of any actually good RGB S to component transcoders. CSY 2100 or w/e it's called is meh. Clones are complete trash.
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r8 my setup? Still waiting on a cable to run from the receiver to the TV. And speakers will be next purchase.
What is that big N64 box next to the N64?
cartridge holder. how old are you?
26, thanks for asking. I never had nor saw one of those as a kid, despite N64 being my first console. I just put my cartridges on a shelf or something like that.
Must be young, it looks like the old Atari cartridge holders. I'm more confused as to why they have 2 N64's.
I'm 25 and had one of those as a kid. I'm sad that I got rid of it and all of my N64 games :(
Nvm, that's the 12 case version. I had the 24 case version.
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Widespread? Fuck no.
On Consumer goods? Not really
Was a thing even a few years before? Totally
Doesn't change the fact that nothing outside of possibly some video production or otherwise was actually making use of it, but still.

Pretty sure Key Digital and Audio Authority's offerings support RGBS in. Also Kramer's transcoders.
>Audio Authority
Nothing availbe I'm aware of.
I know they have some. But I've never seen Kramer anything in America in my life.
Sadly, all three that I listed/have in mind are out of production and have to be found on the second hand market. May take some work, but I believe the 9a60a would be usable for going from 240p/480i RGBS to YPbPr. Might require something to handle the sync.

Key Digital definitely has/had products that gave quality RGB->Component transcoding. I'd honestly like to get one for myself so I can go in both directions.
Specifically, the KD-VTCA3 explicitly supports "SCART decoding of composite sync on H input" i.e RGBS. With the exception of seeming to introduce some issues once you start to get up to 1080p Component->RGB, the CTCA3 is absolutely wonderful in picture quality.
>Key Digital

Not wasting money on that garbage even if it looks like it might not be complete trash.
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What reasoning do you have to call it garbage?
Poor quality. Assume it's made in China. Multiple langues on the inputs/outputs and controls which is always a bad sign.

They also have the hipster HDMI cables with buzzwords all over them.
>Assume it's made in China

Oh youre one of those tinfoil hatters
Wanting quality equipment is tinfoil hat these days?
Generalizing that everything made in china is bad is tinfoil hatting

i'm guessing you're like 40

as expected of /vr/
Name one quality piece of electronic equipment that comes out of China. I'll wait, I could use a laugh.

At best you got American/Japanese design/components and it's assembled in China.
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That convergence is appalling!
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Nice, the redundant n64's are weird though. I'd put 1 in storage, or sell it for more goodies.

Here's mine. just moved the console tv up to the loft, an plugged a few things in, still need to clean it all and organize. Now we have a 2 tv setup out of the way with headphone outputs and a sub. The Retron and I can play two different games and cuddle. or play either set with some more low end.Both sets rotate. New couch and some shelving is the next purchase.
nick nick nick nick nick nick nick
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So shit that's entirely in your head then.

>Multiple langues on the inputs/outputs
I don't know what equipment you're looking for, but going to their website and choosing different items at random, EVERYTHING is labeled in only English.

Looking at their HDMI offerings, all I see are a number of discontinued products that have a number of certifications listed on the side. You can call them on the whole "gold plated" shit, but that's about it.

Whatever lack in quality you're imagining simply isn't there. At the VERY least, the transcoders are solidly built and do their job well. Trying to judge a piece of equipment on the sum total of 5 minutes of google searching is incredibly silly.
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Trying to get a BKM-34-H for my BVM D24E1WU. Does anyone know where I could buy one of these so I can mount my control unit below the monitor?

If not, does anyone know of an eBay notification extension that would let me know as soon as one goes for sale on eBay?
>mute point
>mute me
good idea
heres what I got, its not all that special but does the job
Gen 6 controllers. What you play bro?

Gotcha force mostly.
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Not sure what site you're looking at but the garbage I see is in taco.

All I need to see to know it's worthless is shit like pic related.
>Super Sonic Speed!!!
Yep that's some Monster grade garbage.
You don't have to use it; You just asked for some quality transcoders and I gave you some options. If you want to ignore one of them out of a bit marketing talk, that'd fine.
(I don't believe) you can actually find the transcoder(s) I suggested on their site anymore anyway, since they're at the very least 10 years old at this point

I'm genuinely curious, which one?
Is it really that great? Been contemplating buying a copy.
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It's a blast with friends. Really goofy voice acting.
I use that exact transcoder and it works perfectly without any internal modifcation bullshit. I also own the monoprice transcoder and it works but has a bunch of OSD menu options which fuck with the picture. The Key digital one literally just transcodes from one signal type to another no menu options no other image modifications. Simple and just works.
This is pretty apparent if you look at any Japanese TV show. They all have this washed out look to it.
I ended up breaking down and buying a set of each when they went on sale. I really like the results but I'm not a CRT expert by any means and don't have anything besides composite and Wii emulation to compare it to. I'm running a mid-2000s 27" consumer Trinitron I picked up from a thrift store a few years back, and it seemed like the best option for my setup.
CRT Monitor vs CRT TV? I assume monitors (VGA) would be better as monitors are generally designed to give a clearer image however maybe games are designed for TVs?

There are tonnes of decent looking monitor CRTs around on classifieds but I'm not sure whether a TV would be better.

Most monitors don't support true 240p.
How would I test it? Can I just bring a laptop and chuck it into 240p over VGA and see if it works?
Just about any actual "PC CRT" isn't going to support 240p/480i(15khz) sync. The ones that do are quite old and aren't going to be amazing for a lot of modern PC related stuff.
If you're doing pc emulation, get a crt pc monitor.

If you're doing hardware, get a crt tv or video monitor.

There's ways to get hardware to hook up to pc crt monitors and ways do pc emulation on crt tvs, but its a hassle, and not worth it if you can have both.

Thanks for the help guys, appreciated.

It's a shame I can't use a PC CRT seeing as they're so much cheaper. I have VGA output on my emulation box so it looks like I'm gonna go VGA->RGB and hook it up to a CRT TV.

Maybe I'll just hold out a little longer and hope that I finally get a job, pull the trigger on one of those ebay P/BVMs.
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Just run a superwide 240p custom resolution to bump the hsync.

Pic related is 240x3840 into a 31khz crt monitor. Perfectly servicable to my eyes.
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>PVM's finally pop up locally within 5 minutes of closeby relatives house
>Three 19" PVMs
>This is my chance
>"Accepting Best Offer"
>Text lister
>"Got any offers yet? What range?"

Fuck you PVMeme.
Don't ever ask them a price of its not listed. Asking a seller for a range indicates you are interested but don't know the true value of the item or are a shitty haggler. By having them start off haggling you give them the initiative, you always want to take the max price you're willing to pay and pretty much start off at like 50-60% of that. They probably looked online and saw pvms going for stupid prices on ebay and think it's realistic to sell them for that amount elsewhere. It's very unlikely he got a $400 each offer (although that's a decent price for all 3).
Didn't think of it like that, thanks for the advice anon. Now that you mention it, the last thing he mentioned after I essentially said "no thanks" was "If you're serious we could work something out".

Either way I don't have the money to pay the average "decent" price for a PVM right now. I might hit him up later on if he still has one.
What are good Sony Trinitron models?
Hi, I'm very new to CRT, how are these models?

SONY KV 29CL11B for 30€
SONY KV-32FX68B for 20€
SONY KV-32FX65B for 50€
SONY KV-29SE10B for 30€
European TVs > Murrican TVs
Thanks for your help bro
I've got an old CRT PC monitor, an Iiyama vision master 450, and it's got an annoying issue.

Occasionally, the image will just shrink when I turn it on or start a program by a centimetre or so on both sides. I could go back into the options menu and adjust the image to properly cover the screen, but then it'll just re-grow back at a random time and fuck it all up again.

Any idea what the issue is, or should I just chuck it out and find another one?
KV-29CL11B should be good, FE-2 chassis has no picture processing. In good shape 30€ is reasonable, if a tiny bit high
32 models are 16/9 and are more likely to be 100hz
no idea about the 29SE10
CRTs need to warm up before they display correctly.
I guess I should go with a 4:3 instead of 16:9 if I wanna play from NES / SNES / Megadrive up to PSX / PS2?
yes, 16/9 content started appearing on PS2/GC/Xbox (and even there are relatively rare).
Thanks a lot, I think I'll go with the KV-29CL11B then, it has Scart and RGB
Living that consumer Trinitron life. Wii VC stuff looks too good for its own good. Don't think I can ever see myself using real hardware for NES.
what model? why do you prefer Wii VC to real NES?
Mostly because I already have a wii and if I wanted similar output on an actual NES I'd be paying upwards of 300 dollars after all is said and done.

My gf likes Poppy, should I break up with her?
are you trolling or is this possible? And how exactly?
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So as of today, I'm finally getting myself my first PVM. It's gonna be a PVM-14M4U, and I've already ordered cables for it. Gonna be using it for my PS2 and my SNES.

Anything I should know going in? Should I expect any issues while setting up? I get the sneaking suspicion that it's not just going to be something I can hook up and play. I've done a little research on my own, but only so far as the cables and shit. Any advice is appreciated.
It's tiny
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Would definitely recommend using a desk set up. I have a 13" Amiga monitor and it works beautifully on my desk next to my computer. Couldn't imagine sitting back on my couch and playing from even a moderate distance.
how much did you pay for it?
How do you configure contrast properly? Brightness is easy because I know when black looks black, but how white does white need to be before it's white?
get an adult to help
That's why I'm posting in this thread
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Bring up a gray ramp and increase contrast until the light end starts to bloom and looks physically larger than the dark end.

You'll also notice bright scanlines begin to blend together when you've gone too far. Keep 'em crisp.
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What's the PVM of CRT monitors?
Also, rate my shaders.
I hope those Q-Tips aren't used
Dirty screen/10
CRT monitors are by default already better than TV ones. There wouldn't be as big of a quality difference.
Probably a CRT monitor that was meant for CAD or some other kind of graphics work. Like >>3352543 said though, the gulf in quality between industrial and consumer VGA monitors is nowhere near as big as that of PVMs vs. consumer TVs.
Can anyone tell me where I should look to get a good quality, shielded s-video cable for snes and n64?

I bought this

and it gives me the same exact checkerboarding that my old INTEC 3-console 3rd party one (with composite wire included) did.
Official or make your own.
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I'm upgrading from a shitty old Emerson 13" and I could play just fine from my bed.

$50 plus the awful shipping that just about any CRT would entail. It was the best price I'd seen since starting my search for a PVM and it was affordable, so I went for it.
So in the S-Video pastebin, it mentions a checkerboard pattern.

I am seeing a similar checkerboard pattern, except it is stationary rather than moving unlike what is mentioned in the pastebin.

Is this caused by the same thing, or is this my TV? I can't really seem to take a picture of it, my camera is too low quality.

I'm using a Sony Trinitron KV-20EXR25. It's noticeable on my SNES 001 with S-Video, but the same pattern except worse shows up on my NES with composite.

The pattern I see is worst with blue colors.
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Sony-brand PS1 s-video cable is bretty good.
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I wish my PVM could display 480p but whatever.
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Any Commodore/Amiga monitors will probably give you the best composite video out of any TV. Sony did make RGB capable Trinitron monitors, so I guess those? My Amiga 1080 supports Composite, SVHS, and RGB so it works perfectly for me.

Also of course they aren't, they're on standby next to my rubbing alcohol.
For people unfamiliar with cable making, would it be possible to easily snip the end of a PS1 S-Video cable and repurpose it for SNES/N64?
>would it be possible to easily snip the end of a PS1 S-Video cable and repurpose it for SNES/N64?
You might as well use a regular s-video cable instead of one from a ps1.
Would be neat to have audio already in the wire, but this would work right?
Just solder the audio wires as well.
Why wouldn't you just get a 20inch consumer tv? 14 is seriously tiny. Even 20 is small.
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Because I want RGB and I literally just said I could see fine on a 13". I have my TVs set up right next to my bed so it's really not that much of a problem for me.

The TVs I have now are terrible. One's a 32" HDTV that can't handle 240p for shit and the other is the aforementioned 13" Emerson that has some kind of bend on the screen to begin with. I won't be able to afford a 20" PVM for a while and I'd really like to play my SNES and PS1 games with a decent picture sometime this year.
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Ok. I managed to get a picture. It's hard to make out on the picture but there are diagonal lines going from top right to bottom left.

It's less of a checkerboard and more of diagonal lines now that I take a look of it. This problem occurs on my S-Video's SNES, my NES, but not my S-Video'd PS2.

My attempts at research say that this can be caused by not everything being plugged into the same surge protector, but everything is.
Can't see what you're talking about but diagonal lines are almost always from shit power supply or failing input caps.

NESRGB? Did you do it?
How are you getting s video on the NES?

I'd assume it's the cable if both your NES and SNES share the same fault.
No NESRGB. Problem is also on my SNES. I'll check the input caps. Thanks.

Does that also mean I should check the insides of the power bricks that plug into the outlet?

Ah fug. I deleted my previous post to post another question.

I'm not. That's composite. The diagonal lines are just more apparent on my NES. That's why my attempted picture is with the NES.
If you're using original everything and it's happening on multiple consoles then I don't know.
Well googling and whatnot has made me come to the conclusion it could be a ground loop caused by my apartment being a piece of shit.

And you're saying it could be failing caps somewhere, which would make sense as in terms of severity NES > SNES > PS2, and each console is older than the next.

So do I check the power bricks too?
If multiple consoles have the problem I'd say it's the display or something in the chain between the console and display. Switchbox maybe?
I was using one, but I have unplugged my consoles from them and put the NES and SNES in Video 1 and Video 2. Still diagonal pattern.

I'll inspect the caps.
I discovered something recently, and was hoping /crt/ might have encountered it or know more than I do.

In short, when breadboarding out some sync combiners from VGA, I found that adding a resistor to each line (H 3k higher than V at about 1k, unless I have that backwards) would help stabilise a 480i image. Not only would it reduce flicker, it also stops my PVM's making the buzzing sound you get from old sets.

After this, I plugged in my Wii via RGB, and added a 1k resistor in the Composite Video line (being used as sync) and the same thing happens. The picture settles down, flicker becomes less, and the set goes quieter.

Why does this happen, specifically? What was making the noise? And is there any harm in doing it?
Hi guys, I'm looking for a good trinitron, if I have the choice between one with a FE-1 chassis and another with a FE-2 chassis, which should I pick?
Are Sony Trinitron XRB and XBR the same? I heard people saying XBR are very good, I found a KV27XRB, I was wondering if it was the same or totaly different
I'm looking at an s-video switch with BNC and block audio connectors. I'm know it will work with my old systems if I get 4 DIN to 2 BNC adapters and block to RCA adapters, but the switch also has ext. sync inputs and outputs. What are they used for? Also, is it possible to connect my composite only NES?
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Hey guys, how is this screen? commodore 1084S
pretty sure FE-1 are on curved and FE-2 are on flats.
I know that FE-2 have some long term issues (I've seen one die before my eyes).
They're great.
Ah I'm glad I'm not that retro. My tastes only extend as far as gen 5 and 6. So I can mostly get away with component and hdmi mods.
You aren't retro at all.
Shit, how much were they? Can't believe I missed that.
Tell me something I don't know. It's not my fault that the best possible picture for 5th and 6th gens happen to be on CRT's.
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Is that an LCD in the OP?

I had this Ikegami in my car trunk for 6 months because I didn't feel like carrying it inside. I finally did today. I used the power cord of a drill wrapped around the tube to get it degaussed. The degauss on it seems to work, but not all that well. Here it is with MK2.
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Dem controls, no stupid service menu to fuck with, just pots with labels. The little pop out knobs on the right let you make adjustments to get it just right, and then set them on the preset controls perfectly, using a screw driver. Shits so convenient.
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6th gen looks like shit regardless. What does look good is the 480p stuff and you're better off with a LCD.
Holy fuck it looks brand new anon

Better off with a widescreen VA panel
>6th gen looks like shit regardless
>playing 480p games designed around CRTs on a 720p or 1080p LCD, with shitty non-integer upscaling

Or better yet, a BVM.
>I used the power cord of a drill wrapped around the tube to get it degaussed.
Explain further.
Internet told me to do it. Screen freaked out the same way it does when I hit the degauss button.
Not to mention that a huge chunk of the PS2's library is 480i only.
>playing 480p games designed around CRTs
You'd be wrong there, kiddo.


The most expensive monitors in that video are LCDs not CRTs. Majority of the CRTs are just test consumer sets.
Spotted a few NEC LCDs.
If you're trying to play 480i trash in 2016 you're an idiot.
>Internet told me to do it.
Have a link?
Naa, I did it a long time ago, and just remembered.
Well I did it once before I meant, and again today.
You know, you're right, why play old games at all even.
The difference is retro games look very nice like they always have.

480i modern garbage has always been a blurry, and flickery mess.
It's not that bad on a CRT. You can even force 480p or 240p if it bugs you that much.
How long is your drill's power cord?
How many times did you wrap it around?
Not to mention that the output from some consoles (mostly just the PS2) looks noticeably worse than others (Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube) on any display.
>It's not that bad on a CRT.
I'm talking about on a CRT. On a LCD you just have 5mins of lag and blur with 480i. Or if you go with single field deinterlacing then it's just a complete lost cause of shit.
Well faggot, maybe you didn't notice, but this is the CRT thread, not the LCD thread.
On a retro board, kid. Not a place for the discussion of your 6th gen garbage.
Read the OP.
>Try to keep it /vr/-related: Nothing past 5th gen(+Dreamcast). Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs (E.G. 16:9 compatible models, flatscreens, etc.) Systems with backwards compatibility are also pretty safe territory, assuming you're focusing on the older games. PC CRTs are also a-ok.
>Slight OT might be okay if related to CRTs
6th gen garbage is not "slight OT".
You're not the arbiter of what gets discussed on these threads. 6th gen stuff gets discussed all the time.
>You're not the arbiter of what gets discussed on these threads.
There's a things called rules.

>6th gen stuff gets discussed all the time.
Not really. Sometimes vaguely.
Be an autist and report people for rulebreaking if you can't take them talking about "6th gen garbage" in these these threads then.
You seem to just want a hugbox. That's the problem. 6th gen isn't allowed and 480i looks like trash.
Okay, sure, you're bitching about people talking about things you don't like, but I'm the one who wants a hugbox.
>you're bitching about people talking about things you don't like
I didn't make the rules. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXQkXXBqj_U
And half the thread doesn't care about tiny infractions because most discussion is still focused on pre-6th gen and no one cares about the small amount there is except for autists like you.
Considering 3 people were bitching at the guy who originally posted the 6th gen shit and I was the 4th. I have to disagree.
People shat on him for saying he didn't like anything pre-5th gen.
Sounds like 6th gen garbage to me.
For that comment in particular, not for discussing 6th gen stuff. There's only one response to that comment anyway, not "3 people bitching at the guy".
Reading through the thread no.
Point me to the offending post then.
See the post chain you're in now.
I am, and oh look, you're the only one complaining about 480i/6th gen content.
You seem to not know how to read a post chain then.
Pretty long, twice, I unplugged everything, and discharged caps first. I wrapped it near where the degauss wire runs.
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forgot this one
Going up the posts and oh look, >>3353978 is the first post talking about 6th gen in this thread, and oh look, there's only one post taking issue with it. No one cares but you.
That post isn't mine either.
Oh, I see, you didn't come in until >>3354434, in which again you're the only one who responds and the only one who cares.
Didn't you just quote another post that cares?
He clearly took issue with "Ah I'm glad I'm not that retro. My tastes only extend as far as gen 5 and 6. So I can mostly get away with component and hdmi mods.", not discussion of 6th gen content in general like you.
Seems like 6th gen garbage to me.
Now you've realized what a gigantic faggot you are and are just trying to get the last word in.
You seem to really like the word fag. And 6th generation.
>I used the power cord of a drill wrapped around the tube to get it degaussed.
That crt doesn't have a built in degausser? How old is it?
Firstly, thank you to 20Lcuck for taking a break/going anon. This is sooooo much calmer.

It does have a degauss, but it seems weak, he said.

It bugs me the way some (all?) Ikegami sets of that vintage have RGB bias but only G/B gain. As the sets age you have to bias to the Red and turn up G/B gain. Or I've had to on my little unit, and your screen seems to have a red tint. Unless that's just MK.

Some arcade chassis are like that too.

Other than that mine is fantastic, the picture is nicer than on my PVMs of the same size.

See >>3353963

So.... no one has any idea, or has ever tried this?
I've got a PVM I use for myself, but want to have something for splitscreen. What's a good, larger, flatscreen consumer CRT with decent geometry?
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I've been thinking about picking up some Everdrives for some of my retro systems. I'm tired of scalpers inflating prices to ridiculous degrees, desu. I just want to like play game.
To clarify. I'm the guy who said I was glad not to be that retro. The statement was made because I'm happy I don't have to fiddle with scart and wire modding.

I will say that I am entertained by all of this.

I will also say that 5th and 6th gen gaming does belong on a CRT despite it looking 'horrible'.

I will also say that I have a BVM to play my horrible looking gamecube games through a Wii.
Except one is all 4:3 240p. (Retro games).
6th gen is 480i/480p or higher 4:3 and 16:9
One thing I would like to say

Go ahead.
Are you using the actual Virtual Console or an emulator? I'd highly suggest an emulator and turn on "double-strike", "Original", or 240p modes. The VC kinda has a dark colour to it and isn't as "faithful", imo.
They certainly are useful if you're into the original hardware kick like I am. I have some chink ones for the SNES and Genny and they work great. Other system ones I hear you shouldn't buy the chink shit, though. I've looked into the NES/Famicom one and hear like conflicting shit all over the place.
Does the SNES one have the Super FX chip? I know the SD2SNES doesn't have it.
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>I've looked into the NES/Famicom one and hear like conflicting shit all over the place.
Main reason I haven't bought one yet. Maybe if the "tiers" thing hits those as well as a black friday discount.

Super Everdrive/clones are at best going to support DSP games, and only if they've had a scavenged chip soldered in. SD2SNES is going to have the best compatibility unless something big happens.

Thanks for bringing up flashcarts and reminding me to check on the GBA Everdrive: Apparently, it's up for preorder.
Just wish I had an idea what the "X7" version might include.
Anyone know how to turn the 'INPUT' word off of my shitty slot mask 13 incher I dug out of the attic?
I don't have the remote.
You can (probably) use your smartphone to control your TV. But you didn't say what brand and model the TV is.

And usually INPUT goes away after some time when you give it video to display.
left is 13 inch composite slotmask
middle is 13 inch composite on a 700 line BVM
right is component on a 700 line BVM


Sharp 13vt-k100

Ive left it on for a while and it hasnt gone away.
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little question here, is it harmful for a normal CRT TV if i put it in tate position??
My phone doesnt support IR

man this is frustrating
I even got in the service menu without the remote!
Check the menu under general or display, but you probably need the remote.
Any of you guys try the HD retrovision cables?
What does this mean?
6th gen is widescreen
not good for 4:3 (in layman's term the 'square' shaped screens)
This is blatantly false, something like 80% of 6th gen games aren't widescreen, you have to remember that these consoles were released when the vast majority of people owned 4:3 CRTs. Widescreen TVs weren't really ubiquitous until around the time 7th gen systems were out. As a result even games that do have widescreen support run just fine or were even developed with 4:3 in mind.
>in layman's term the 'square' shaped screens

Buddy I'm in a CRT thread don't try to act like such an elitist when you're spewing such verbal diarrhea.

Looked it up. I was curious because I never even thought of widescreen GameCube games before. There are 68 widescreen compatible GCN games.
6th Gen is NOT widescreen. GameCube, DreamCast, PS2 and Wii all use anamorphic widescreen to display content in 16x9. This means that a game running in widescreen is still using a 4:3 resolution, which is achieved by stretching the pixels. You get more screen estate and field of view at the expense of sharpness.
SSX games are 16:9 among many others...
Anamorphic 16:9

The SSX games are still running at 640x480 in 16:9, which is a 4:3 resolution. The widescreen support just allows the game to output in 16:9 without the distortion of proportions and shapes that comes with horizontally stretching the image. Games that lack the option to display in widescreen such as most GameCube games, many Wii games and all retro games result in "fat" characters and oval circles, rectangular squares, etc.
They display 16:9.

Anamorphic widescreen still needs to be displayed on a 4:3 screen.
Are they exclusively widescreen as >>3355548
seemed to be implying though? Because if they are they must be the only exclusively-widescreen 6th gen games.
What is exclusive widescreen?

There's a ton of 16:9 games if that's what you're asking. Go google.
As in do the SSX games only run at a 16:9 aspect ratio, anamorphic or not? Do they lack an option to play them at a 4:3 aspect ratio?
They all have options. Same with the 480i/p options. Think on Xbox they may just start at 480p whenever component is connected though.
Then this idea that 4:3 is "bad for 6th gen" as >>3355639 was suggesting is laughable.
There's a lot of misinformation about 6th gen.
No real point to playong a CRT with it. Minus the few light gun games.
You want a 16:9 screen. Most of the good games support it.
I've tried playing 6th gen stuff on my HDTV, with good component cables and everything. The quality is okay on some but awful on others, seemingly regardless of whether or not it's 480i (Jet Set Radio on Dreamcast via S-Video looks fine, but Twilight Princess in 480p looks bad), meaning that it's not my TV's deinterlacer or scaler. Honestly, my 700 TVL JVC TV with component gives me more consistent quality so I just stick with that.
GC via component looked excellent on my Sony. Same with XBox. Before I got rid of them.

PS2 is the one that gives me the most problems.

Not retro though, for good reason.
See >>3355691
>68 widescreen compatible GCN games.

See above
Not sure what your point is.

Someone shouldn't play a game like Panzer Dragoon Orta on 16:9 screens even though it supports 16:9?
>no point to CRT
Yes there absolutely is a point. Widescreen isn't that important and with 6th gen 480i there's still going to be nasty upscaling and lag. Good luck superguarding in Paper Mario 2 with a modern TV.

Widescreen especially isn't all that important because games were designed for standard first. Fucking no one had a widescreen TV in 2003.

Widescreen back then meant choosing the widescreen option on DVDs and getting the top and bottom of the screen chopped off for that cinematic feel and horizontal black bars.

The games were designed for CRT sets and during the era of CRT sets, so I'm going to play them on CRT sets. LCD sets started 7th generation.
>I'm terrible and blame lag. I also have shit taste.

>Widescreen back then
Listen kid. Back then was probably longer than you've been alive. Talking under 10 years for some of the games.

These consoles in 6th gen supported 16:9. Not the gimped 16:9 on a 4:3 screen.
>These consoles in 6th gen supported 16:9
Yeah I know. I remember seeing the boxes of my games and thinking "I've never seen a widescreen TV before!" I didn't play any widescreen until I bought a Wii and a HDTV.

Also superguarding is a 3 frame (50ms) window. So yeah I think it's reasonable to blame lag when the lag is 4 times longer or more.

And thanks for ignoring the 480i upscaling bit. Oh and that LCD sets might as well have not existed during 6th gen. Oh, maybe you were one of the tards that bought a plasma house fire near the end of 6th gen.
They support it on a game by game basis. Most of the games that do are on Xbox, some on Gamecube, few on PS2 or Dreamcast.
>And thanks for ignoring the 480i upscaling bit
Because I wasn't talking about 480i, kiddo. Rest of your argument is nonsense.
Most good games support it.
Oh, well it's good to know that we can all safely disregard all the games that don't support 16:9 because you yourself don't like them.
Yes lets just not play games that support 16:9 or 480p because you said so!

This is exactly why 6th gen should never be allowed here. Complete fucking retards like you. The generation is littered with them.
>most good games supported it
So Wind Waker and MGS3 are shit? You don't know what you're talking about. Widescreen was rare.
No one said anything about not playing them you retard, the discussion was about what to play them on.
>Wind Waker

I said good games.

>Widescreen was rare.
See pretty much all the XBox top 20. Sans 3-5
480p looks excellent on modern displays. And you get the 16:9 support along with a large screen.

Or you could go with a shitty 16:9 CRT.
Top kek.
Where did I say that?
>Top kek.

Ah, you're underage. Well that explains the poor reading comprehension.
You said there's no real point to play 6th gen on a CRT because most "good" games support 16:9.

I was strictly speaking for GCN games where the majority don't support 16:9. You can find plenty of "good" games that don't support 16:9 mate
>You said there's no real point to play 6th gen on a CRT because most "good" games support 16:9.

Incorrect underageb&. I said that when talking about XBox. Please read the post chain.

And GC supports 480p on pretty much any game worth playing. So not much point playing on a CRT.
You said "most good games supported it (widescreen)." And surprise, the only way you're getting widescreen out of Wind Waker and MGS3 is with emulator hacks.

At first I thought you were an idiot for thinking 480p meant widescreen, but now I realize you were trying to subtly weasel your way to "victory."

In the end you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and just wanna be right and BTFO UNDERAGES. You're not doing a good job at fitting in. 4chan isn't what you think it is.
Don't bother, this is the same faggot who threw a bitch fit about people discussing 6th gen content earlier in the thread because no 6th gen on muh /vr/.
You're telling me 480p can't be widescreen?

Please tell me more kiddo.
Waiting kiddo2

oh and if you children would like to quote where I apparently said 480p is only widescreen. Feel free to.
Let's see, >>3355845, "Most good games support it. [widescreen]", then >>3355856 "So Wind Waker and MGS3 are shit? You don't know what you're talking about. Widescreen was rare.", to which you reply in >>3355859, blurting out 480p for no reason like a retard.

The irony is that you were bitching about 6th gen discussion in these threads hours ago and yet the thing that's kept it going is you.
See the posts above. As I said read the post chain, champ.
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Sup fgts best setup comin thru

Xrgb mini on fw900
>not OSSC
xrgb 3 is better than ossc and mini is better then the xrgb 3 if you can deal with a bit more lag.
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PVM newfag here. I just received my scart to BNC cable. Wondering if I should return it and buy one with a sync stripper built in.

I read PS2 doesn't support csync only after ordering the cables. How fucked am I? Can I at least use these cables to test the PVM when it arrives?
>How fucked am I?
You'll be fine. Generally speaking PVM's don't really care too much about the kind of sync you're sending out. What model is it?
Yeah you should be find feeding whatever sync you have with you into it.

Like I said PVM's don't really care what kind of sync you feed into them and accept many variations of it.
Should I still be connecting that little composite sync connector on the scart to BNC cable or what? I bought an inexpensive scart cable for my PS2, so I'm not sure what kind of sync it's built for. If that's even a thing.
Yes you should, otherwise you wouldn't have a picture displayed if you only had the RGB inputs connected.
Thanks, anon. I really appreciate this advice. And the peace of mind. I'm so nervous about this.

On a lighter note, know any good, inexpensive speakers to connect the audio inputs to? Got a temporary solution coming, but I don't wanna deal with mono forever.
I used to have some cheapo PC speakers with an RCA break out connected to the end. Worked pretty good until I was able to get a sound system.
>You want a 16:9 screen. Most of the good games support it.
You don't though because its not as sharp and clear as its 4:3 counterpart.
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Thanks again, anon. I'll get myself some cheap PC speakers.

...So, what are the chances fedex will damage my PVM in transit?
That all depends on how well the seller packaged it. I had my PVM shipped by FedEx when I first got mine, and thankfully the box was padded to hell because the guy who delivered it just dropped it over my fence and left.
I won't lie. That's a little scary.

I hope to god the seller packaged it well. Apparently it comes from an editing room, so fingers crossed.
>480p looks excellent on modern displays. And you get the 16:9 support along with a large screen.
It really doesn't.

>And GC supports 480p on pretty much any game worth playing. So not much point playing on a CRT.
CRT Monitors support 480p and above with a VGA output. HD CRTs also support 480p and above with YPbPr and HDMI, while usually having a 16:9 screen. There's also PVMs and BVMs too. Many CRTs can display 480p and up.

>the discussion was about what to play them on.
CRTs. 6th Gen still used analogue signals and analogue resolutions, and even the Wii in 7th Gen.

Paper Mario TTYD supports 480p, but is 4:3 only. Not sure what you're trying to say. It'll still look like shit though because of the poor non-integer scaling and analogue-to-digital conversion.

Technically every GameCube and Wii game outputs in 4:3. Some games though will present a 16:9 image in 4:3 using letterboxing. The only GameCube game I know that does this is Resident Evil 4.

For Wii games, its New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Skyward Sword and Xenoblade Chronicles.

>from an editing room
There's a good chance they packed it real good since they probably know how much the thing is worth as a piece of hardware.
Holy shit, just stop responding to him. Do you really want to have half the thread dominated by people arguing with one guy?
>...So, what are the chances fedex will damage my PVM in transit?

It will work fine, but i bet the convergence will be very fucked.
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Is that something I can adjust/fix? I know literally nothing about this.
>(16:9)not as sharp and clear as its 4:3
Tell me more children.
If you're buying a CRT for 480p monitor it's plain and simple garbage,
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>scart to BNC cable.
Do not fall for the scart meme.

>Wondering if I should return it
Yes you should.
>If you're buying a CRT for 480p monitor it's plain and simple garbage
the benefits are not as big, but no scaling and better black are a thing.
Most people likely "fall for the SCART meme" because it is easier to buy a premade cable than getting the appropriate connectors for each console's output, the BNC connectors, and wiring up your own cables from scratch. A quality breakout cable can also make due as a poor-man's switcher since it is easier to plug/unplug SCART cables from that than it is to go behind your monitor and undo/plug-in BNC connectors each and every time.
>but no scaling
There's scaling on those trash later CRT TVs.
>and better black are a thing.
Not really. Especially not now.

The only thing you could debate as better is maybe the lag. Pretty shit point to make when talking about 480p on a HD CRT.

make up your mind.
You kids are talking about both of them. If you're talking about monitor just fuck that. Pain in the ass for a tiny a screen.
HD CRT is pure fucking trash. Some of the worst contrast you'll ever find.
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>The only thing you could debate as better is maybe the lag.
Black levels, more accurate colors, no motion blur or ghosting, no native resolution

>Pretty shit point to make when talking about 480p on a HD CRT.
Why? There is no lag in 480p on an HD CRT.
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>Black levels, more accurate colors, no motion blur or ghosting, no native resolution
Show me a single test done with ANSI standards that proves any of that.

Dank meme reaction image though, kid.
I told you last night, the discussion would have long since been over if weren't for you. Don't complain about filthy 6th gen in muh /vr/ and then be the one who perpetuates it.
>I'm breaking rules
>it's that anon's fault
You seem pretty underage&. Different anon too.
>"Why do you make me hit you!?"
You first, kiddo.
Ok I left. Holding the door for you, slugger. Cmon.
Dreamcast is allowed despite being 6th Gen though you retarded piece of shit. Fuck off with your arbitrary rules, you complacent pussy.
>ANSI standards

ANSI is a shit standard
CRTs score lower than like fucking TN panels on there
>ANSI is shit
Ok 3rd world brown baby.
>ANSI standards
Maybe if you weren't underage, you'd know that LCDs have color and motion deficiencies compared to CRTs, kiddo.
Don't you call me a piece of shit you little nigger, I'm fine with people discussing it, what I'm not fine with is these retards shitting up the thread and then blaming "6th genners".

The shitposter cries out as he strikes you.
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>my source is calling people underage
>I'll also say ANSI is shit because clearly my opinion is the true standard
Oh so you think that TN panels are superior to CRT?
Ok then idk why youre here
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>my source is calling people underage
It's your specialty.

>I'll also say ANSI is shit because clearly my opinion is the true standard
see: >>3357325

Dank meme reaction image though, kid.
Youre fucking retarded
CRT bros, is there anything I can do about ghosting on my TV?

I haven't really noticed it before but now that I have noticed it, it's bugging the shit out of me. It's horizontal to the right from any bright spots; usually not noticeable but sometimes if there's like, rain effects or something going on, with a lot of brighter spots moving on a darker background, it really messes up the image quality and just generally bugs me.
TN panels have better contrast. Pretty much any LCD does. True fact.
Wow nice argument.
l o l

You could not be any more wrong. TN panels are bottom of the barrel trash when it comes to color and contrast. The worst type of LCD screen. VA and IPS are both miles better. Plasma and OLED are even better. CRTs are way fucking better.
What is the model of your TV?
Is what I said. And it's true. You're now saying color which tests show not true at least to a decent CRT.
>TN panels have better contrast.
99.99% TN are 6 bits
also, viewing angles.
I don't think you know what contrast is. Or you think measuring it at 180degrees is meaningful.
>no arguments
>time to exagerate
there's also clouding, bleeding, PWM shimmering, dead/stuck pixels
Just ignore him. He's a blatant troll who will keep shitposting as long as you reply.
Are you fucking retarded? All I'm saying is measured contrast.
Contrast is subjective
No it's not. It can be measured and compared.

Thanks for confirming you're a fucking idiot.
It has been thoroughly documented and tested that TN displays have the worst contrast out of all the types of LCD screens. And even IPS falls short to CRTs in contrast.

>No ANSI tests
Nice worthless test methodology.
>make ANSI great again
Sorry if I just didn't google this right, but I can't seem to find any proper answers.

I'm moving to a studio flat due university, so I'll have to get rid of most of my shit, including my consoles (I'm giving them to a friend that is also into /vr/). I've been looking into emulation and it seems to work well enough, though LCDs suck.

If I get one of those RCA converter boxes and output my computer's video to my CRT TV, will I get anything close to the image quality I get plugging the console directly to the TV?
It will give you 480i instead of the 240p that you want

just get a wii
>Everything has to by tested by ANSI or its worthless
Fuck off retard
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>grasping at straws
I'll take things I never said for 500, Alex.

CRTs are objectively superior to LCDs and Plasmas for pre-7th Gen games (excluding Wii).

It's too bad you aren't using a trip so we can filter your sorry ass.
>nothing to back up his claims
>thinks ANSI is shit
>thinks his opinion beats an an ANSI test
6th genners are their own kind of retarded. Can't make this shit up.
>nothing to back up his claims
I just posted several credible sources. Want me to post more?

>thinks ANSI is shit
If you're advocating ANSI so much, why don't you dig up an article about it? Surely you would know if such a test existed.

>thinks his opinion beats an an ANSI test
Its not my opinion. Its a fact backed up by various test comparisons, research and communities.

>6th genners are their own kind of retarded. Can't make this shit up.
You're in over your head. I suggest you fuck off back to /v/ where you belong.
>an an
>calls others retarded
>I just posted several credible sources.
Where's the one that measured contrast with a checkerboard per ANSI spec.
ANSI testing favors LCD technology

It cannot objectively test CRT, a complete different technology.
Also doing well on an ANSI test has no correlation to how much anyone would like the given display, no one exclusively views checkerboard patterns.
Why don't you show us, champ? Since you love ANSI so much.
it directly effects text on screen. Which is what the checkerboard was done for. To have black and white on the screen at the same time.
Show you what? Garbage "tests" that use non standard testing methodology?
Sorry I'm not a fucking retard.
Show us some ANSI tests, you fucking retard.
We don't use our CRTs for word documents.
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These results aren't worth a damn in real world situations.
This is the exclusive test that favors LCD.
Nice! I'll stick to objective fact.
this test is unfairly biased towards things with fixed pixels. whereas fixed pixels would be a downside in every other situation.
Have fun with your cherry picked unobjective biased test results.

just know there's something wrong with you.
Why are you here?
Get your scaler and get out.
>cherry picked
Screens with fixed pixels have the advantage of only being able to display 1 color in a very fine area.

With CRTs projecting on a grid and then onto glass, It's not really possible to contain the light into that small of an area AS WELL.

that being said, this holds no real salt when were simply looking at it from a few feet away.
Yes it is. You chose a test biased towards LCDs to test a completely different technology.
Confirmation bias!
Out of the thread you contrarian shitposting weapons grade sperg!
>I only play on bright white or black screens!
>checkerboard isn't relative to real world!
Were playing on glass screens, what did you expect?

It's not some new fact that high resolution LCDs are sharper

Are you the guy accusing people of strawman?
You have to be viewing a grid or text to notice the results of a high ansi scored display.

We play 240p retro games, we dont care about ANSI
>I avoid scenes with bright and dark elements!
>ANSI isn't relevant to real world
Stop spamming anime pictures

And its not just bright and dark elements
Im talking about fine text and skinny grids, those are the situations where a high ANSI score shows.

Not really present in retro games
This test favors LCD because of the pixel sharpness LCD has on a static checkboard pattern. The reality is though, CRTs in general still have deeper black levels and a higher contrast ratio. better color gamut.

Also because the PVM-20L5 actually has a pretty bad contrast ratio for CRT (especially a professional monitor).
It's fmv.

The test doesn't favor shit. It's how well a display can handle contrast.

Only a fucking retard would dismiss ANSI in a one sentence argument.
You obviously are suffering from confirmation bias so just leave.
Well supported argument.
You weren't ever arguing with anyone.
Can we please stop replying to 480p-kun? He's obviously just trolling if he came to a CRT thread as an LCD evangelist.

>CRT displays are pretty much the king of on/off contrast and give the best black levels, have great color reproduction, but lower ANSI contrast ratios

LCD (both flat panels and front/rear projection) offers the poorest contrast ratios (especially on/off); however, they can be among the brightest flat panels and that makes them great for bright rooms where it is difficult to perceive contrast ratio.
your camera makes it look pretty underwhelming
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If you're going to post anime grils, at least post anime grils ON CRTs.

Too much reflected light.
>on/off contrast
Great test methodology.
Will you admit that ANSI tests unfairly on CRTs?
Unless all you look at is pure white or black screens then no.
Its not an unfair test. CRTs just have lower ANSI contrast ratios than other display technology. That's just how it is. They do have the best on/off contrast ratios though.

On/Off contrast is the difference between the darkest dark and the whitest white that the display can produce.

ANSI contrast also expresses the difference between the darkest dark and the whitest white, but it is measured using a checkerboard pattern that shows black and white at the same time. It is sometimes referred to a simultaneous contrast.
It's important for dark scenes among other things.
>dark scenes
Unless it's a pitch black movie with just audio no.
Yes but is it applicable to 240p retro games?

I personally don't think its applicable outside of testing.

It's not like dark scenes are coupled with the brightest whites at the same time.
>He doesn't ANSI his scart meme with his retron 5 on his Chinese Everdrive.
>It's not like dark scenes are coupled with the brightest whites at the same time.
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>It's not like dark scenes are coupled with the brightest whites at the same time
It doesn't have to be pitch black or a movie. A display with poor on/off contrast will portray naturally dark scenes as though one is looking through a milky haze, which is the case on many LCDs. Especially TN panels

Yes but 240p games will still look far better on a CRT anyway.
I don't mean this in a smart-ass way, but why are you getting SCART over component? Arent they almost exactly the same for PS2? Or does your CRT not accept component?
Supposedly RGB is better on the PS2 than Component is.
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>It's not like dark scenes are coupled with the brightest whites at the same time.
So which is getting the short end of the stick here?
The black is still black?
You mean the white would appear unsaturated or something?
I fail to see how ANSI is applicable to retro games
The black levels go to shit. Those are captures not pictures of CRTs....
Man I watch letterboxed movies on my CRT all the time
The black levels don't go to shit
You got shit eyes then.
Looks like the Wii U VC version, which is garbage. Muted colors.
There is no short end of the stick. ANSI contrast is a thing, but isn't nearly as important as On/Off Contrast.

Thanks for confirming.
Fuck off you shitty troll.
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I just took this picture.
Interesting. I did a little bit of reading on it and on CRT, yeah, it seems like SCART is better than component using RGsB.
Beyond the initial glow (which is why im sure it scores low in ANSI testing)

theres no problem

I bet they test ANSI with an extremely fine graph yielding unfair results

What model CRT and signal type are you using?
really stupid question. do all PVMs support 480p? is there some type of "professional tv/monitor" term that refers to a CRT display that does?
No. Most PVMs only support 240p/480i. BVMs mostly support 480p and above. Some can even do 1080p.
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Shadow mask PC CRT over VGA

I can take some pictures of my BVM or composite shitter if you want.
thanks. guess I need to spend a bit more then. I want to murder ebay sellers with poor or brief product descriptions.
You can't notice that from a foot away, and my phone exaggerates it.

ANSI isnt applicable to every day viewing
Honestly you could just find a cheap PC monitor for 480p and use the PVM for 240p
I notice that shit no problem. The thread if full of hipsters jerking off to sub 20" PVMs where the problem is hugely exaggerated with how close you sit to those.
That's on you then

That was a 17 incher and i cant see it from a foot away.
I have a bunch of those actually. Would you mind holding my hand and telling me what I need to buy to get VGA from a 480p YPbPr signal? Part of the reason I want one is image quality, but more important to me is input lag over LCD. So if a component to vga converter adds lag that's kind of a deal breaker.
Like I said. Shit eyes.
Aside from the color bleed on the edges, it looks pretty good.
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So how else is someone with no electronics/wiring skills suppposed to connect their consoles to a PVM then?
>ANSI isnt applicable to every day viewing
Actually it is.

ANSI contrast is affected by the room. If the room has a lot of reflective surfaces, then the light from the bright part of the image will bounce off the walls and ceiling and reflect back onto the screen, washing out the dark areas.
Its generally less pronounced on smaller sets.
Do you guys have a recommended camera for CRTs?

Do /vr/ cameras do better than modern ones?
No fuck that. Especially when what you're reading is white text.
What white text?
Games have white text all the time.
Then go back to LCD? What matters for retro games is 240p support.
This shit started with 6thgen garbage. Not what to play retro games one. Retro games were original played on CRTs. 6thgen is when you had LCDs become a thing.
I would probably try and calibrate the PC CRT and use a Degaussing Coil.

I'd like to see pics of your BVM and SD CRT. Make sure the room is pitch black though.
It's just a little bit of glow. I think it looks nice though. I like that look. I really enjoy the appearance of white text with lots of glow on a black background.

I see it anyway even on my OELD phone screen because I have astigmatism wooo~

And I'm not the only one to think that glow looks nice because now that we've gotten rid of glow for television advertising, we've added it back in with bloom shaders.
6th Gen isn't even relevant to /vr/ aside from the DreamCast, so I have no idea why you keep bringing it up. Besides, the 6th Gen is best played on a CRT. 480p 16:9 looks like shit on an LCD.
yeah I've done what i can with it and convergence strips.
it's really low end, so difficult to calibrate

the corners are still kinda bad
>6th Gen isn't even relevant to /vr/
Been saying that all thread.

>6th Gen is best played on a CRT
Incorrect. Fuck HD CRTs and PC monitors are a pain in the ass.
Best display is objectivity a modern LCD when it comes to 480p.
Nope. Anything beneath the XBox360 and PS3 was designed to be played primarily on analog sets.
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Ok the glow is really bad on my Sharp 13 incher with composite only

I still like it tho ;)

Incorrect again. See the Bungie studio tour linked earlier in the thread.
scanlines arent a good thing anon
True on the TVs the devs intended for us to play on, the scanlines aren't apparent
Honestly guys i think the glow is worse on smaller screens.
Also my camera is utter shit.
You're the one who's wrong, kiddo. Thank for reinforcing my point here. Look at all of the CRTs in that office. There's barely any LCDs in there, and everyone is playing games ON A CRT. The test CRTs sets are what the game is designed for. Its what the consumers will play on. Do you see ANYBODY playing games on an LCD in that video? No.

Yes, a pointless video with a manchild prancing around an office filled with CRTs and a couple LCDs.

You're fucking retarded.
Now THAT looks absolutely amazing.
>The $4-5000+ LCDs are for emails
99% of the CRTs in that video are consumer sets like I said. The game itself was being made on LCDs.

You 6th genners are really fucking dumb. I mean really fucking dumb.
Made on an LCD != Meant to be played on an LCD

If it was meant to be played on an LCD like the developers intended, you would see the bug testers playing on LCDs, not CRTs.

Yes, you are fucking retarded.
Naw you're just grasping and being more delusional than normal.
The devs aren't retarded. They test the game on consumer sets because that what many people had.

Looks like they're using composite too. Guess that mean component can't be used either according to your logic.
You just proved yourself wrong kiddo.

All the LCDs in that video were for computers. So yep they are email machines or programming machines. All the animators had CRTs at their stations, and the QA team were playing on CRTs as well.
I like PVM's and playing GameCube games. Sue me.
Games are designed and made on PCs not consoles, champ.
Btw this is an 18+ site.
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>First half of thread:
>Second half of thread:

C-can we talk about CRT's again?

>>3357998 knows what's up.
I-I mean it's still of about CRTs. It's the entire thread versus one guy agressively advocating LCDs.
it all started with shitty op
What if the thread was made by him?
Maybe you're him?
Hey /vr/ I'd like to buy a small TV / monitor to sit on my desktop, I'm looking for something ~14" do you think I should go with a Commodore monitor or should I pick a small TV?
480p is supported on the PVMs 20L5 and 14L5, plus the BVMs with model names beginning with D like the D32E1WU or D20F1U. A-series BVMs also support multifunction, but their analogue cards are rare and expensive. All of these will support 240p/480i, 480p, 720p, or 1080i over component or RGB with no lag. Decent penis extensions to swing around these threads, and good to play on if you like the razor-sharp thick-scanline look. Hella expensive tho
You need the remote. "Display" button
Hey guys

I just found a guy thru some forums that has a Sony GDM fw-900 and hes willing to sell it to me for around 120 $ and says he used it very rarely. Im from south Europe

gonna go see it next week, what are some things I should deff look out for in one of these to make sure its all good ??
I'm having weird things happen on my CRT and I' not sure if they are normal or if I should be worried. It's second hand so I don't know if these problems are new or have been going on a while, but I hope some of the knowledgable guys here have some idea what's up.

Firstly, I'm noticing this occasional discolouration happening when it's on a bright screen, for example if there's a menu screen with a white background, like the Wii menu. Towards the left of the screen there's a big blue oval patch, which steadily gets more pronounced;then the left of the screen has a red patch which becomes more pronounced. Turning the TV on and off seems to get rid of it, but it usually comes back pretty quick whenever there's a bright screen.

It reminds me of like what happens when a TV gets magnetic interference but it seems to be more affected by the actual image being displayed. I'm also noticing the entire view area "bulges" slightly depending on the brightness of the image.

I don't know the exact model, it's long since been missing any of its stickers etc. But it seems to be in pretty good condition other than this issue.

If it looks like shit at first let it heat up for half an hour and run the image restoration thing

Just connect something to it and throw up a few patterns, if there is minor convergence or geometry issues it can be fixed

It looks really good irl but i need to mess around with it, bit small viewable area for me, not sure what the best way to adjust is without messing with the aspect ratio

if I plug it directly to a laptop it should work fine right ??
Yes if the laptop has vga

I also want to know the health of the tube, for instance how clear it is, is a good sign ,ghosting , colors and so on all the things that tell you the condition of the crt
A PVM would be good for what you described, but get a PC CRT if you can't get one.
>Turning the TV on and off seems to get rid of it, but it usually comes back pretty quick whenever there's a bright screen.
Then it's a magnetic issue that the degausser is fixing when you power cycle your TV. Are you running any other high power electronic devices? Do you have ghetto chinese shit with poor shielding?

>I'm also noticing the entire view area "bulges" slightly depending on the brightness of the image.
This is normal. See if you can adjust your TV's overscan if it bothers you.

Only way to really check the health of the actual tube is a special tool afaik

If its a bit blurry might be that it needs a focus adjust

Youre going about this the wrong way honestly

For $120 if it turns on you grab it no questions asked
I got 3 19" PVMs + a non-working 27" PVM + an old trinitron for $300 a few years ago

Still haven't gotten around to trying to get the 27" one working... when I try to turn it on it clicks (power supply issue?).
>Youre going about this the wrong way honestly
>For $120 if it turns on you grab it no questions asked
You're a spineless fag. There is nothing wrong with making sure it works nicely (within reason), even if anon is getting a good deal. That's anon's right as someone buying a secondhand product.
Eat a dick

I've gone over what this anon should check for

If the fucking thing is a parts unit its still worth 120

I suspected as much.

I've spent the last couple hours in the service menu fiddling around with the white balance, tube voltage, and then fine tuning the contrast/brightness so that it's only minimally noticeable, although I'm pretty sure it's still there.

If it is a persistent issue due to magnetisation, is there much I can do to help it? It's cheap Chinese shit yeah, but I've had it in several rooms and surrounded by various other things, and the issue has been fairly consistent, unless my mains supply itself is somehow causing it.

I've got it adjusted so that the overall brightness and intensity of the picture is lower, but it seems to have made everything more stable, including the bulging issue. I have a feeling that the settings it was on were just pretty unstable for whatever reason, as though the previous owner had been dicking around with it but actually had no idea what they were doing, nor any common sense.

from what I can take from my conversation with the seller it works OK

I already have a new-old stock electron 22 blue LACIE and that thing is gorgeous, so before I go see it im gonna fire the lacie up and see how it is to have something to compare it to
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Commodores are super convenient for desktop set ups, I'd go for that. If you don't wanna use anything past S-Video you'll be fine, and they're awesome at displaying composite/s-video content.
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Got the TV free from my Cousin. the other TV I had was a shitty thing I picked up from the curbside. had blurry as fuck picture and needed to warm up before it displayed right.

This isnt perfect, but it suits my needs just fine. Even hooked it up to an antenna to watch TV.

>tfw turn it on and a Johnny Carson rerun is on

>don't wanna use anything past S-Video
dude what are you talking about. You're correct in saying that these are great montitors and very convenient. What you forgot to say is that the monitors of the c64-area only had composite and s-video, yes, but nearly every monitor of the amiga-area has RGB (1084 etc.), some even came with a scart-connector!! These monitors are awesome with RGB; really great picture. The only problem is you have to make or get adapter-cables for these DIN- or DE-9-ports. or you are lucky and it has a scart-port. These monitors are super sexy because they look great, the picture quality is great, you can connect everything (composite, s-video, RGB) and some models even have stereo sound! It's also very convenient that you have rotary controls for image height, width and position..
do you think a product like this is good quality, or would it add more than a frame of latency? reviews are mixed.

anyone have a better solution for 480p on a PC CRT, from YPbPr sources?
Does CRT_emudriver work only with CRT TVs or does it give proper 240p to regular CRT PC monitors too?
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this works fine and can be found for pretty cheap. Doesn't do processing so no lag.
There's another version with VGA passthrough if you want to let it connected to another VGA source
hi again, im this guy from the previous thread >>3340449
i got the pics of the monitor and the 'leakage' around the high voltage connector
is this a bad thing? the monitor itself is clean, a little dusty but that shouldnt cause any overheating
however, there is a smell to it, it reminds me of burning capacitors, but all of them are in good visual shape, should i test them? i am planning to buy a soldering station, multimeter and ESR meter for capacitor testing in the following days, so i can diagnose (and hopefully fix) it and a lot of other hardware i have
i can post more pics of the monitor, its compaq model 472 SVGA 14" monitor, january 1993 manufacture date, sorry for the poor pic quality, phone is shitty
TVs only

just set the pc crt to 480p and use a scanline filter
looks exactly the same
Did you get your PS2 working with your PVM? I'm the guy asking earlier about RGB over component. I've got a PVM on the way, but was thinking of going the component route. Hows it look? Did it handle sync correctly? Are you playing PS1 games on it or PS2?
Not that guy, but Component from the PS2 on the PVM is pretty good. There's hardly a real noticeable difference between the two quality wise.
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It's for PS1, mainly. My HDTV for whatever reason won't display PS1 games when played from my PS2 via component.

As for why I'm not just tossing BNC adapters onto a component cable, it's because I'll be using the PVM for SNES as well anyways.

On top of all that my tastes in vidya tend to lean towards Japanese developed titles, the vast majority of which don't seem to support 480p to begin with.

TL;DR component is pointless to me.
I mean you could get component snes and component ps1 cables, but up2u

One good thing about scart is the whole not having to reach all the way behind to plug it up thing
How do you know it's overheating? Which particular part is faulty? I ask because it might be something completely different, like the old caps in the x-ray protection circuit changing value as they warm up. Less likely is the flyback doing the same.

The corona you can fix by discharging, removing the anode cap and cleaning everything with isopropyl - the lead, the cup, the tube over that red ring. Then make sure the shatter hook that connects to the tube under the rubber cup is rust-free. if not, get some fine grit sandpaper and clean it. Cut the paper into little strips to get into places if you have to. Then test the tube again. If you're still getting arcing, remove the cap again (discharge first!) and apply some dielectric/spark-plug grease around the rim of the cup. Don't use vaseline as it might liquefy when warm. You can use silicone sealant, but then you have to remove it to get the anode cap off again.

That second part isn't going to fix your original problem though.
Bumping again... no one has any thoughts?
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thanks for the reply, kind anon
well i guess its overheating because after a certain period of usage it starts shutting itself off, also its more frequent in the summer so it has to be related somehow
which parts of it are exactly dangerous? except for the high voltage discharge on the rubber thing
also, can i just short it somehow to discharge it and what kind of protection should i be using, if any?
also, before it shuts off for the first time, the image on the screen flickers/waves around for a bit and moves all the way to the right (as if someone turned the horizontal position wheel), maybe that can help in isolating the problem
heres another pic, can this part (at the end of the tube or whatever) be detached somehow? because if im going to test all the caps then i need to acces every part properly
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You mean from that one small website that only recently opened up and sold out within minutes? Those component cables that do nothing if your TV is still shit at taking 240p?
I thought you had a PVM

both of my PVMs support ypbpr
I didnt know they sold out
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Yeah, should be getting my PVM tomorrow.

But I wouldn't be getting a PVM if I could just use component cables for everything. That was the first thing I looked into. Been at this fucking wall for my old vidya for months now.
Fuck this entire thread. I hope none of you come back.
I can buy a Sony PVM-2130QM for like 50 euros.
I was wondering if there is a way I can connect my pc to it?
I agree.
But why?
depends on the graphics card you have

radeon HD 7000 series and before will do 240p
Got a GTX 780
But if there is a difference I want the better one.

Also gtfo 6th gennur :^)
As far as I know that wont into 240p
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Amiga 1080 here again. To solve my Component to RGB DE-9 issue, could I use >>3360000 ? I would then of course convert the VGA input to DE-9 which is simple enough. Way more affordable than the Key Digital one ($50 vs. $15), is it worth a try?
That should work sufficiently well; You just need to get your video into the RGB color space.
You MAY however need something to get you the composite sync required by the Commodore; That transcoder may only offer separate horizontal and vertical.
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On some sets the HV can affect a few things, like geometry and convergence, so it could still be that. You'll have to work out *why* the set is shutting off, which voltages are ok, etc. This may not be straightforward.

And while one day I plan to add a guide to discharging a tube to the pasta, today is not that day. Watch at least half a dozen youtube vids explaining how to do it, and make sure you understand what's going on. And don't use a screwdriver - http://www.therealbobroberts.net/sb.html, though desu that puts your hand too close for my liking. Maybe add the lead further down toward the tip.
>wont into 240p
...without Linux, CRU, Powerstrip or Soft15kHz, none of which are simple to use. Any old Radeon card will do, so think about buying like a 5450 second hand from ebay or something.
>Hi-Def NES possibly getting an analog output board in the future
Now that would be nice.
Good luck with that. It's already a mess.
Aside from GametechUS and Kevtris's videos on it, I haven't really looked into it on any other websites. He himself mentions there have been some real problems in getting everything handled properly, but nothing on the function of the board/mod itself.
The mod seems to function fine. I was talking about how it's installed and the board layout. That would have to change drastically to allow for RGB, S Video, or AV out.
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I'm just going off what the video said. I have no idea what sort of changes Kevtris would need to make in order to get it done properly, but it's still a nice thought.

Being able to update and presumably change palettes using a .nes file rather than having to directly flash the FPGA would be nice as well.
Was it displaying half the screen or not displaying anything at all when you used component?
Not like the NESRGB needs to be updated all that much. It's a better mod in my opinion.
I think that'll be over most of /vr/'s heads desu, but I'm also super interested in this. Try /g/? I'd like to know the answer.
Having an all in one thing for both SD and HD displays would be nice though, as well as some of the optional features that the Hi-Def adds would be neat(timer and the like).

Sending him to /g/ is like tossing him in a wolf's den. If it doesn't automatically lead to
and so on, it'll just fall off the board entirely due to Intel/AMD or AMD/Nvidia infighting and phone wars.
Finding an appropriate thread up on /diy/ would even be a better choice than heading to /g/.
Fine, go to /diy/ anon.
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Doesn't VGA carry RGBHV? Sorry, I'm more knowledgeable in the TV department than monitors. How would I get RGB out of my Wii? For my PS2 would I just be able to switch to RGB mode and use Component cables?
Wii outputs YPbPr; Horizontal and Vertical Sync are carried on Y
Transcoder takes that YPbPr and turns that into RGBHV: Horizontal and Vertical Sync are carried separately.
1080 wants Composite Sync(Analog): Horizontal and Vertical Sync are carried together.

Essentially, you'll just need something to combine H and V sync into a single line.
Is this the first thread ever without free 20l5 guy?
Honestly I'd try to hunt down an eletrical engineer or a knowledgable electrician specializing in televisions
Am I a bad guy for profiting off PVM's?
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It wouldn't display at all most of the time. One of the games I tried, Digimon World 2, would display the intro, then cut out at the title screen and never show shit ever again. I suspect it's one of those games that switches between 480i and 240p at certain points.

Every other game I tested besides DW3, which basically did the same shit, wouldn't display at all.
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Would my PS2 in RGB mode work then? If so I'll just settle for S-Video on Wii, getting Component into this TV isn't working out too well it seems.
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could it be that the flyback transformer is overheating/failing? i think the smell i mentioned comes from it, pic related is the transformer itself
i found the schematic for the exact model, so once when (if) i train myself well in using a multimeter&soldering iron ill try something
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tfw autismically obsessing over geometry and no matter how close you get to perfection there is always something off

It's also hard to tell if the issues can be fixed through the service menu and I'm just retarded, or if they're just issues inherent with the CRT that can't be fixed without tools.
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It's probably the latter anon. Unfortunately thats the price you pay with flat screen CRTs. Are you having problems with scrolling images looking distorted? If not, and the geometry is minor, it might be best to leave it
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PS2 in RGB mode outputs RGBS, so all you should need is a cable to properly connect it up to the monitor.

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