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9999 in 1 brick game

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Did any of you ever have or played with pic related as kids? can it be emulated or modded?
Lol how the fuck are you going to mod it?
> amazing stereo sound!
> now with 2 action buttons for maximum control!
> 4 color screen with super realistic grafx!
> 7688 more racing games!
> state of the art ic555 processor!
maybe by adding 1 more game? or a faster speed for tetris?
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>be me, 12 years old & living in a 3rd world country
>mom buys me brick game
>play tetris & snake all the time
>bitch granny (not real granny) see me play all the time
>bitch granny begins punching me in the back of the head every time she sees me play
>says i look like an idiot whilst i play with the device
>finally dies 3 months later
>play it during her funeral with no fucks given
>good times
toppest of keks.

Brazil I'm guessing? this piece of shit is still sold everywhere in the 3rd world. Now they sell it as an iphone ripoff.
i bet mame/mess actually has a driver for this
post like this remind me to be grateful to be first world scum
Mexico actually. I forgot what happened to it. It was red instead of green. Cost 200 pesos (20 bucks) at the time, 2002 ? Thankfully i only spent a year over there. I went back to the good ol US of A later that year.
I live in the first world cuck. Doesn't mean that I haven't been exposed to the third world.
did you have any other gaming systems besides it?
Yeah at the time (2001/2002) i had a Sega Genesis, which i had not got shipped to me yet., hence why i was playing that brick game shit in the 1st place. My mom later sold the SEGA because i called her a puta. Also a PS1 which i had left in the USA. That Brick Game was a godsend at the time because it was boring as fuck over there.
>20 bucks
Holy fucking shit.
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yea it was fucking ridiculous. That's why i got my old sega shipped to me in the 1st place. People over there were selling used SNES & older consoles for like 200 bucks or more. Fuck that shit. Bootleg cds for ps1 were like 2 bucks a pop but getting the chip in it was risky due to drunk spics putting the chip in it. They charged about 50 bucks.
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I always wonder how these came about. What kind of chinese kike comes up with the idea to make and sell this shit? why would you go through all trouble?
My mum would play tetris on these things at like Super Saiyan speeds. It was amazing.
this desu sempai

not sure how old are you but 12 years ago here in mootxico they cost 50 pesos at most
>i bet mame/mess actually has a driver for this

If they do, then it probably has broken sound, inaccurate colours, timing problems, and a note in the driver saying that they cannot implement improvements until some chip gets decapped and photographed. And ten versions back they removed any credits for the drivers original author.
hey, the tamagotchi driver works incredibly for how new it is
They're cheap and easy to make, and you probably make a pretty decent profit off of them. They also look like a Game Boy, so I'm thinking the "X in 1!" tag often led them to believe that it was like a Game Boy but better because it had all the games already on it.

Anyways I had one and it was great. The racing game was my favorite.
They have (or had) a market on third world countries. They're a lot cheaper than the real deal and some ignorant parents would buy those thinking they were gameboys or something like that.

Where I live (Chile) they were mostly known as "Tetris" and costed like 1000 or 2000 Chilean Pesos (something like 2 or 3 bucks). Almost everybody had one and a PolyStation when I was a child, but I guess they kinda died due to piracy (this made legit consoles more affordable in the long run) and economic growth

Ecuador is similar, but you still see the polystations and all kinds of other knock-off brands everywhere as piracy was legalized here.
I had one.

Don't expect to be blown away by nostalgia or get really addicted to it when you get your hands on one. You'll likely just get tired of it after a few minutes. They were great fun back in the day, but there's a lot more options now.
Take innards out
Bung Pi0 inside
Put a LCD inside
Wire up

Would need more than one button unless all your gonna do is play Atari on it
Same thing with my mother. She bought it for me after I had my first shots at the doctor, then kept it for herself when my Dad got me a Genesis. She broke the thing after reaching the highest score possible in Tetris.
>as kids?
No. but I wrote games for similar things as an adult. I used an emulator to test my code so I'm sure it could be emulated. It's a single chip system so there's not much to mod However I'd sometimes put more than one system on a chip, especially when there were free io lines such as that. So with one pin set it would be a game, with another it would be a thermometer. The unused pins usually weren't exposed though.
this is awesome m8. What made you decide to start messing with these things? How did you get a hold of these?
I wrote code for calculators and these use the same chip. Apparently there aren't a lot of people who are in to 4 bit shit so I worked on a lot of different projects. Probably half were brick games.
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I had this as a kid.

and just how did you sleep at night? that thing is so hideous it deserves it's own thread. lol
would you be open to outlining the process of programming for brick games? Or even calculators, I've seen you post about this before but I never saw any further development other than responses ranging from 'neat' to 'prove it'

there's this here for android...

or this flash game here

Undoubtedly all assembly. Probably each dot on the screen represents a specific bit 1 or 0. Lots of fun, until something goes horribly wrong...
>However I'd sometimes put more than one system on a chip, especially when there were free io lines such as that. So with one pin set it would be a game, with another it would be a thermometer.
That's a really cool and non-obvious cost-saving technique. You can order one bigger batch of preprogrammed chips instead of two smaller ones, at lower cost per chip. Any every penny counts with this kind of product.
It's hard to describe the process in terms a normal human would understand. You have 1 maybe 2k of code space to work with. A fraction of that in RAM. All assembly as the other anon surmised. It's pretty much shoot from the hip. Write the code. Run out of space. Reuse every single bit you can. I can go into more detail but take no responsibility for exploding brains.

>press joystick left then right to confirm you are legally permitted to play this shitty tetris clone
>not modifying the code to remove that
thanks open source software
>being the dlidosauris who put the code in there to begin with.
thanks analyretentive faggot
Used to play tetris/snake and some racing game on this while on the shitter as a kid for so long that my arse had toilet seat marks on my bum. Great time in soviet era. Speaking of which it was my only "handheld console" up until the psp.

You can still buy these in fleemarkets for 5bux.
Your grandmother sounds like a twat. Sorry bro. I was poor as hell and had one of these when I was a kid, too. Mine didn't have Snake, though. Just a Tetris clone, Pong clone and some other ones I don't remember.
i aint even a mame programmer, i just figured that shit out on my own

shame i forgot to diff it, and now they also switched to C++ files and that fucked my shit up quite a bit so i'd have to relearn it
Ayyy, I remember this! I had one of these when I was a kid growing up in Russia during the 90's, except mine somehow came with an honest amount of games (8 iirc instead of pretending to have 9999). It ended up going missing during the confusion that was going on when I was moving to the states, but when I went back to visit in 2006 I tried buying one of these again, but the build quality on modern ones is abysmal; the battery compartment couldn't even hold the batteries right.

>Great time in soviet era.
This is probably a stupid question, but did they ever make these within the USSR, or did everyone sneak in Chinese bootlegs even back then?
>getting the chip in it was risky
Why did you even need a chip in the first place? Does spinning a black disc then putting in your bootleg disc not work on all PS1's?
No, it doesn't.
Try doing http://www.wikihow.com/Play-Copied-PlayStation-Games-Without-a-Modchip, though I guess this info is too little too late
i asked mi mum and she said it was maybe 100 pesos, i might've remembered wrong. It was in a rural area maybe thats why they sold it for so high ?

yeah she was, thankfully i aint related to her by blood, that's why she treated me so bad, the bitch would also sell my bikes to other people

They're still worth getting if your a huge Tetris fan. There's some interesting variants of the game, like one with blocks that break apart when they hit the ground. Or one that sometimes drops bombs instead of blocks.
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Bitch deleted her files and bricked her system and died.
It's ok, you're in a better place now Anon.
>20 bux
>has a few games on it
Better than a real one you can't afford. It's these games or no games at all.

Hell, Sega Genesis is still sold in Brazil because it's very cheap.
>did they ever make these within the USSR, or did everyone sneak in Chinese bootlegs even back then?
Probably both.
Say, you grew up in the Soviet bloc, did you ever see those Dendy things?
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My grandpa bought me one of these in 1999 christmas when he had cancer. He got 8 for all his male grandchildren. And we all played them.

He passed away months later. I still have it, its a shitty Pro 200 games thing, but I can't bring myself to part with it. Really missed my grandpa
Damn, this thread still going? I made it like 3 days ago.
Oh shit, I remember TV ads for those... the bottom half is a calculator right?
Los Tetris y el juego de la serpiente en los celulares culiaos.
I had that, it was shit
dendy was made in taiwan m8
I just used my gameshark cd for burnt games.
yup, its literalla a copy and paste of another calculator design.

Sometimes if you pressed the wrong calculator button, the main game would turn on all full speaker volume

Dead people 500 miles away would rise from their graves that fucking thing was so loud
Yes but after the collapse of the Soviet Union they went and pushed it all over the eastern states.
I never owned one since I already played it on Game Boy. Still I was often playing with other people's Brick Game to pass time. There are some emulators of Brick Game on Google Play, so I'm pretty sure there are on PC as well.

In my country it was also semi-popular to middle age and old people that don't play video games.
I had one that looked very like this called the Pop In One. It had eight games: a shooting game, a vertical dodging game, Snake, Tetris and a few others. There were 32 variations of Tetris, including one where you were able to shoot blocks from the falling block.
I had this one as well
They have these things everywhere in Mexico, but I'm not sure I want to get one next time I go down. I'm just worried about potential bugs, I guess. What should I expect from one of these if I decide to get one?
I have two, both somewhat broken.
The more operable one is fine, if you play it without sound. The moment you turn sound on, everything glitches out and you need to reset.
No idea whats the problem, maybe speaker is short-circuiting, dunno.

Second one was stepped on way back, and al that could be saved are the innards, outer casing completely broken except the screen part. It works alright, but I need to move it all to the new pcb, solder some buttons and stuff to make it all be in one piece again.

I remember having yet another one, but its gone now.
>potential bugs
>What should I expect
It has like a dozen of games top.
Most of them are tetris, snake, some kind of racer, I had even tanks once.
Its something inbetween a game boy and those lcd games with two buttons.
Poor mans handheld.
They are cheap, or at least should be.
Fun to play if/when you have no other option.
Dont expect much, its not game boy.
Still neat for what it is tho.
Dont worry about bugs.
If there are any, which I doubt, just buy another one.

https://youtu.be/-kGFfykHFRc?t=699 (this PlayStation commercial also deserves recognition for being so goofy)
The thing this thing did better than the Game Boy, was having a lot of games built in and ready to play without relying on several cartridges.
Cartridges allow you an unrestricted library though.
>i never heard of a flash cart
Exactly how new are you?
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what's a flash cart?
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I found a brick game clone recently at the local thriftshop. It's complete in box.
Heh, bought one for my son years ago..he can't give it all the attention it deserves..tsktsk
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>tfw you do it with a gril duty style
Not him, but heard flashcarts are emulation.

Do they give the original experience or not? I think having one for N64 would be great for when I take it to multiplayer gatherings so I don't need to haul cartridges, but not if it'll be an emulation.
I had a clear blue one that looked like a rocket. I thought that you had to unlock the other games.
There where no flashcarts back in the day, the closest thing where those bootleg multigame carts.
>flashcarts are emulation
Not quite.
A game cartridge contains the ROM of the game, you can make a dump of the ROM and have an emulating program read and play it on a computer. You can also put that dumped ROM on a flashcart, a larger storage memory designed so that the console in question can read from it.

The console is real, and the ROM data is real, it's just on a different format. Flashcarts typically have a front-end when you start it up, in case you have multiple different ROMs on it, allowing you to select between them.
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Found a few in boxes a few years ago
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OP, the technology to fit 9999 in 1 was lost millennia ago. Everything in this age of high-technology that we take for granted has been excavated from ancient factory ruins in china. What I'm trying to say is that we don't make 9999 in 1 Brick Games, we find them already grown. Yes. Grown.
you can still get these things in most bric-a-brac shops for a $/£/€ or whatever. Even had one in the shape of a playstation controller up to about 5yrs ago
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>poorfags detected
all of the things you just mentioned, faggot
I asked exactly how new you are not to just provide another example of your youthful ignorance. Flash carts are ancient Chinese technology that has recently been reverse engineered by round eyes to take advantage of underage hipsters. They existed long before you watched your first LP. Before that we had RAM carts
30 year old technology isn't ancient.
It is compared to you kiddo
Wow anon, you must really feel threatened by youth.
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I've got mine right here...
>gf thought it would be funny to add this shit to my collection...
>The racing game was my favorite
I now finally realise that the wall that occupied the whole width of the screen wasn't a wall but the finish line.
>trying to come off as hot shit because your an old man on a viddy game board
>implying the general public had anywhere to purchase flash carts, ROM dumpers or had even heard of such things
nothin personnel, kid
>this thing did better than the Game Boy
Source for that? And by source I don't mean "all my poorfag friends owned one instead of Game Boy".
>this thing did better than the Game Boy
By what measure?

I mean they were cheap as fuck and poor quality so probably treated as disposable by kids in western markets, and I would assume it sold well in poorer markets where kids couldn't afford a gameboy. So I can believe that maybe it outsold the game boy, though it's a pretty big maybe and I'm gonna second that request for a source,

But given the very different nature of the product I'm not sure sales alone can be used as an accurate measure of success, I would find it much harder to believe it was as profitable. And I wouldn't consider it as popular.
>I would assume it sold well in poorer markets where kids couldn't afford a gameboy.
So you're saying that USA is a poor market? Cuz Tiger Electronic LCD games were incredibly popular there. Besides Tiger is an american company.
>The thing this thing did better than the Game Boy
I should have said feature.
>So you're saying that USA is a poor market?
No, I've no idea where you got that from.

Lol there are still entire factories making bad copies of old black and white LCD games.

Had one. Was 12 and my "real" console was a SNES. I think this one was a freebie from a book club.
Or just ignored the retarded autists who couldn't figure out what you meant.
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Interesting, could be some kind of CHIP-8 device or variant? If so, there's lots of emulators. Anyone with average programming skills should be able to knock out an implementation.
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I used to download the source, comment out the checks, and compile my own binaries, but I also got fed up of constantly updating roms because of checksum differences or whatever.
Now I haven't touched MAME in ages, just run stuff in dosbox or other emulator instead. There's enough good arcade ports to satisfy me. Heck, it doesn't even have to be perfect. My favorite tetris is the one from bsdgames. Plays fine at the text console even.
I would rather have a range of games on cartridges than being limited to a few re-hashes of the same game.
you can also modify the checksums in the source code, as long as the files remain the same

that's what i did to get tamagotchi emulation
Not even the other guy, but fuck you for making me laugh. Holy shit my sides
I suddenly want to backlight mod my old Tiger handhelds
Oh yes, it was a decent source of fun, but only because of how cheap it was back then in my country. You could buy one of those on a flea market with electronics by saving up lunch money three to four times as a kid. I still have one of them, it was one of the last models that had as much variety as extremely limited technology allowed. Very similiar to this one:
It has a tank game (on later levels, there are destroyable walls and sometimes a boss that is half screen huge pops out), Racing game with variable "terrain", so there was more in it than just swerving left and right from other cars, Arkanoid game with variable stages and possibility of having paddles on both sides of the screen, Frogger game, Simon Says game, Game in which you have to shoot at arrays of "armies" coming down, so something like Space Invaders I guess, and several Tetris variants (those were actually different, had stuff like blocks consisting of 5 squares, 4x4 bombs, shooting blocks that can send bullets that remove or add squares from the well, etc). Main drawback of this thing is on/off sound, mine model either plays very loud and obnoxious music all the time or had no sounds at all. Best thing about it are the fact that it pretty much never breaks on its own and on two AA batteries it works almost as long as a watch (I remember how dissapointed I was when I bought Gameboy and figured out it works "only" 10 - 12 hours on a pair). Certainly recommend anyone who never had one to grab it with some pocket change if you'll ever see it in some shop with old and cheap trinkets, it is really more fun than those Tiger games.
Nothing to fear from youth. A fool who thinks him self wise can be very dangerous though.
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