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This is Ash now

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This is Ash now
I like how expressive he is now.
So proud of him. The robot finally became a real boy.
>inb4 muh merely different artstyle argument and muh pokemon should focus more on contests and idols
I hope they keep this animation and artstyle for gen 8. I love it
Reminder that pulling stupid faces every 5 seconds isn't a personality.
Hahaha iwane a best
I hate people who keep saying this

There's a difference between being expressive and being exaggerated. A lot of those faces you can't even tell what the expression is trying to convey. It's a bunch of nonsense.
hahaha, well meme'd my friend:

Bless iwane
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It's not a personality, but it conveys how the character is feeling in a much stronger way rather than if the faces had not been exaggerated. It's more visually engaging and really drives home the tone of the scene. It's goofy, but it serves its purpose amazingly.

It's both. Plus you CAN tell what the faces mean even without context. What's shown is just not as simple as "happy" or "angry". It's a lot more enjoyable to see in motion though, where the context gives the face a deeper meaning.

You can prefer the old art style, but trying to argue that the expressiveness and exaggeration of the current style is a bad thing is kind of silly. "Muh memefaces" may not be gut-busting hilarious, but giving me a small chuckle is more than any of the previous seasons I watched were capable of doing. If it's not for you, then you're not forced to watch it. Just don't complain when you can't get your weekly Pokemon fix.
>Can't distinguish expression
>actual autism

>exaggerated expressions
>isn't One Piece

Obligatory image attached when one of these threads show up.
>ITT: autistic Kalosfag crying because Ash is well liked more then his shitty robot "edgy" attitude Ash

Cry more and kill youirself
Doing exaggerated gag faces is a really shitty way to convey feelings. It panders to the lowest demeanor, people that need to get everything explained to them and needs something to happen on the screen all the time. This is perfect for kids of course but above a certain age it's just becomes really bad. It doesn't make the scene engaging, what it does is making it feel cheap and extremely immature since the lack of showing expression and personality in a more realistic way is taken away and left is only empty, exaggerated expressions. This really tells what the audience of SM looks like. People that can be entertained by expression alone with absolute no deeper thoughts or build up behind it. Even if this is a fucking board for kids they are way more immature than the average poster which is quite sad really.

The pokemon anime has never been mature but with SM everything feels empty and a lot less serious. It just can't be taken seriously and every character feels like a comedic relief. Especially Ash that now is either there to make funny faces or battle, but now his battles are uninteresting because for some reason they chose not to keep his creative way of thinking and all the battles have been way to straight forward.
>ashnime defense squad

Show was dead after the VAs left and it wasn't that good to begin with.
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>my pile of shit smells better than your pile of shit!
throw some googly eyes and glitter on that squat patty im not lookin' at it for any deep reason

if a pile of shit is a pile of shit it might as well make me laugh
>Plus you CAN tell what the faces mean even without context

Then explain to me what the middle face, the stone face, and the literal ash is trying to convey?

No one was trying to argue that the current style is bad, that's just what you immediately jump to because you have some weird complex. What I'm saying is that just because it is, doesn't make it good because you can barely understand what these faces are trying to convey with or without context.

And the show isn't supposed to get a chuckle out of you, it's about action and fighting, it's supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat with anticipation rather than hilarity. It's only this season in particular that is trying to make you laugh, but the previous seasons that wasn't the point. You were watching Pokémon to see battles and bonding, not retarded meme faces. That's why we SM barely has any battles in the first place. You can't compare two different seasons that have different two different themes and genres. That's both unfair and even more retarded.
The vast majority of the Pokémon community and even the anime community dislike Ash's SM characterization
Holy fuck.
The anime is supposed to be an ad for the games first and foremost. And what the fuck is this nonsense about it supposed to have been some intense battling anime? Do you have any idea how many episodes were Ash and co. deal with some rando and their rando Pokemon of the day, get some item or some shit, then TR appears and Pikachu uses thunderbolt to send them flying, cut to credits?
You sound like a person who has selectively forgotten how shit and forgettable a good 70% of the entire anime actually is so you can make some sort of case against SM for daring to be different.
I like SM Ash because he's an actual character now vs something like Gen 3's Ash who was the epitome of a blank slate.
Middle face is a facade, a nervous face that's pretending everything is ok.
I honestly don't know what to say if you never saw the "character turns to stone" meme in anime before. It usually depicts a feeling of absolute defeat leaving the person speechless and without expression. The pile of dust is what happens after the stone character crumbles and erodes/blows away with a gust of wind.

You're the one passing off a weird complex. Getting incredibly defensive when all I did was explain how the art style works well for what they're doing with it and people are free to not like it.

I also don't understand why you're comparing the two when you said yourself that you can't compare the two.
>Do you have any idea how many episodes were Ash and co. deal with some rando and their rando Pokemon of the day, get some item or some shit, then TR appears and Pikachu uses thunderbolt to send them flying, cut to credits?

Name all of those times that's happened in SM

Name all of the times those sequences weren't heavily action-oriented
Oh shit you can't because they always were

And your beginning statement about how the anime is supposed to be a promo for the games, when Sun and Moon never had any of this wacky bullshit that made things feel stale or boring. Hell the player always has the same expression while SM is all about "muh meme faces"

The games aren't about school, comedy, and being stationary, they are about battling, trading, bonding, and traveling the Pokémon world. Faggot
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