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Leave OU to me

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Leave OU to me
Nice metagame you've got there. Shame if anything happened to it... hehehe...
Banned day one.
>nice meta
Gen 7 OU is already shit
Garchomp is totally gonna be NU, look at that 4x weakness
UU is basically OU now
hopefully he is the hero we need to fuck dug stall
you all severely under estimate power creep
marshadow will start in OU and will move down to UU then possibly be banned to BL hell
cap this
Wait it's already out?
No Pokemon deserves the fate of being BL
>Poses a threat to Landorous
>Immediately gets dumps in ubers
What does it threaten Landorus with, Technician HP ice?
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really make you think
Actually yes.
20 SpA Technician Marshadow Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 292-348 (91.5 - 109%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
This. If Gengar became OU again despite losing levitate just because there's little to none ghost resists in the meta, then imagine a faster and physical gengar with unresisted STABs and Technician Shadow Sneak & Hidden Power.


>4 SpA Technician Marshadow Hidden Power Ice vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Landorus-Therian: 288-340 (90.2 - 106.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

It dies after SR, and only defensive variants can boast to take a hit.
Clearly the superior set is swagger into thief
>Gengar falls to UU again because it can't compete with Marshadow
>shadow sneak
>rolling kick
>shadow punch
>force palm
>rock tomb

It has ALL those moves at its disposal that make use of technician alone on top of moves like close combat and spectral thief, and you bitch about it having technician?
>when your memes become reality
Hp ice is the better less fun option though
It's the whole "Greninja outclasses Starmie" all over again,
Sadly this is the most likely scenario
Out today in Japan after last night's premiere of the movie
No, the most likely scenario is that it lasts for a whole year in OU before the suspect test happens, then the community decides it's so used to a broken meta that he stays OU. The same thing will happen with Greninja.
Oh yeah the movie retelling of the beginning of Ash's journey right?
And the same thing has happened to Landorus, so its not like it doesn't have precedence.
These don't even have LO, which would be clear item of choice for Marshadow. Landorus isn't even remotely a counter to this thing.
>good ability
Landorus isn't really a counter for many things, Landorus is just really good at checking, as well as maintaining momentum.
>4 SpA Life Orb Technician Marshadow Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Landorus-Therian: 364-432 (95.2 - 113%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

Holy moly you're right. Marshadow's doomed.
I give it 2 weeks before it's Ubers
PSA: Marshadow's legal on showdown and Battle Spot free battles right now.

Proof: https://twitter.com/PokemonLegality/status/881769081044688896

Hop to it before he gets banned boys.
it's a meme, some tard anon months ago complained it should've had adaptability instead
i want to fuck marshadow
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>he doesnt know
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>people actually think he's going to get banned
This guy >>32924177 gets it. Smogon's past the point where they think bans will do anything to improve the meta. If they thought otherwise, at least one of Greninja, Magearna and Zygarde would've been tested and banned months ago before their tourney started.

More likely that he'll last long enough that people will get used to his brokenness so when the suspect test finally happens during Gen 8 hype season, he stays OU. I mean it's not like the OU meta can get any worse, so even they figure, why try? It's already happening with Greninja and Landorus-T. Besides, there are still things that can switch into it at +2, like M-Venusaur, Toxapex, Celesteela, and Tangrowth.
Force palm around your neck and shadow sneak blah blah blah
>the Greninja bros
>Tapu Lele
>Besides, there are still things that can switch into it at +2, like M-Venusaur, Toxapex, Celesteela, and Tangrowth.

Not if it's running 7-Star Strike.
Bulk Up + 7-Star Strike is the same idea as the Quiver Dance + Z-Hyper Beam set that got Pheromosa banned.
>people still complaining about Lele
fuck this bitch
Well, people sit their toxapex in front of it and wonder how I one-shot it with Lele, so it does not surprise me people think it should be banned.
It's still broke as shit, the only reason it's not Uber is because Magearna, Greninja and Marshadow are more broken.
>rejoicing because my bro Clefable is in OU where it belongs
>now in order to use Clef I'll be dealing with this bullshit along with Magearna and the best Ice-type in the game
We should just bring in Mega meta, Mega kangaskhan, Gaygislash, Lando-i, blaziken, phero and Deoxys N and call it a day.
fuck off
Keep talking like that and we'l have Mega lucario too.
It's not like OU can get good anytime soon, so why not just let the meta go balls out crazy and chaos reign supreme? It'll be more funny anyway.
Still salt about Greninja being put in ubers

The people of smogon are a bunch of pussy bitches they turned Greninja into a suicide stealth rocks lead because everything else in Ubers totally fucking bodies him
That premere is on the 6th
worse than duggy
I miss early S/M already, at least that was trash with some fun pokemon.
Ubers is a banlist before being a tier of itself.
Greninja and Marshadow lose to Scarf Lele so I don't what the fuck you're talking about but Lele wouldn't be broken even if all three of them left the tier.

Lele's overrated as fuck and it's like /vp/ hasn't paid any attention or adapted to the meta in six months.
And lele loses to pretty much every 101 base speed scarfer, so that's not really something cool.
Probably OU. He's like latios tier has the decent speed and attack but fair bulkness. Plus you can't really abuse technician with this guy.
scissor only abuses BP and this nigga has even more stuff to make him broken even if you only use shadow sneak
Yup you guys basically hit the nail on the head as to what smogon does.
Technician allows him to run 4 EV Special Attack HP Ice and still murder Landorus, according to calcs done above. Not to mention Spectral Thief shits on set-up mons
not really i say that because shadow sneak isn't that power with technician the power comes to 60 dmg plus stab. But the main reason he wont get ban and stay in OU is because smogon already knows the meta can't be anymore broken then now and Mars wont really make a difference. Plus becuase he's fighting and we see how popular the tapus are or landours-T they easily count him
Screenshot those posts. He's going to stay in OU and you'll like it
Also I am talking about choice scarf landours. Not defensive because for Mars you wont really run choice scarf on him. This is previous Anon
Someone screen cap this thread to BTFO of existence all those tards when Marshadow gets banned.
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>giving lolsmogon that much credit
Say it with me

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We just have to see Smogon is unpredictable at times. I mean people expected protean greninja to be re-ban once more but that didn't happen.
Monotype fag here. I've never seen dug stall. Could some one explain this meme to me?
dugtrio comes in and traps things that threaten stall, not much to explain
Stall only true weakness is stallbreakers and hyper agressive teams with Spikes Greninja, SR Lando and such. Duggy helps destroying everything else and keeps stall on the top, to the point one dude in a tournament pretty much never lost by just using a "Stall Dugtrio" team.
Usually carries sash and is used to trap and remove the one thing that could threaten your team
>Besides, there are still things that can switch into it at +2, like M-Venusaur, Toxapex, Celesteela, and Tangrowth

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 248 HP / 88 Def Venusaur-Mega: 289-341 (79.6 - 93.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Technician Marshadow Force Palm vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Celesteela: 263-309 (66 - 77.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 252 HP / 192+ Def Toxapex: 207-243 (68 - 79.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 248 HP / 212+ Def Tangrowth: 235-278 (58.3 - 68.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
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>I'm still relevant guys.
So she's basically Pheromosa II?
I like AV phys set but no.
He's going to drop to UU
Nah. You could Quiver Dance and then Z-Hyper Beam everything with that thing.

It is pretty much everywhere (right now on the ladder) and there's no reason to not use it, so it's more like M-Metagross in that regard.
What am I missing?
Its almost UU/BL because nobody uses it, despite being banworthy a gen ago.
helps that he was playing against literally the dumbest motherfucker ever
>forgot his gengar was sashed
>solar beam against zapdos
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>dat design
>dat typing
>dat ability
>dat stat distribution
>dat movepool

And that kids, is how Malshadow becamd my favorite chibi legendary.
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It has begun.
Hoopa should have never gotten banned, that was one of the biggest mistakes in Gen 6 OU
>Nah. You could Quiver Dance and then Z-Hyper Beam everything with that thing.
see >>32924430
That's because Hoopa is dead weight against offense. And it's pretty bad against stall this gen because of Dugtrio.
Hoopa is only good against balance teams which are nearly non existent on the ladder, compared to gen 6 where balance teams were the most popular team archtype
Poe's Law strikes again, spaz.
Wouldn't Marshadium Z be a viable choice as well?
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>that gay webs team except with mimikyu on roids
>sticky web meme team but with le ghost of healthy meta
OU is dead
Imagine of memekyu got spectral thief
OU is dead
so much for muh 1500
Wow silver has shit taste in his team
>Darkrai stats with a better typing
>Magearna tier movepool for diversity
>Hard hitting exclusive Z move
>Signature move is one of the best Ghost attacks in the game and steals your stats
>Barely any Ghost resists in OU
>Technician Force Palm, Hidden Power, and Priority
>"new ghost type? that doesn't sound like something that TTar can't remove"
>Technician Force Palm
It has Close Combat, it doesn't need this meme.
Marshadow could have all of those things plus a Mega with Adaptability and Smogon wouldn't do anything about it because it's a dying artifact of Gen 3 Pokemon that can't function in its one purpose of providing a playable singles meta, and its members are well aware of it. That's why they're not suspecting anything that direly needs suspecting. They gave up.
Can he be traded yet on cart though?
>Barely any Ghost resists in OU
Cofagrigus to the rescue!
It can easily use both depending on the set. It is pretty diverse like I said.
But this lame ass meta isn't really smogons fault. Gamefreak doensn't understand the concept of balance. With over 800 Pokemon and thousand's of moves, some mons are bound to be better than others, aka, legendaries with high bst's and decent typings. On the other hand, some mons are only meta because they wall certian threats (tangrowth). I prefer RU and NU; you actually have to think when building a team. Lower tier mons have real flaws which requires one to work around.
>>Barely any Ghost resists in OU
fighting/ghost is completely unresisted anyway
That's the point though. The meta's so broken that even Smogon sees no point anymore in trying to fix it. If they did, Greninja would've been already banned.

This cavalier sort of apathy mostly applies to OU. Lower tiers ate different because they're run and played by niche enthusiasts with far more autism to spare.
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>mfw just learned that Spectral Thief first steals all of the opponents stat buffs THEN performs a damage calculation
Rip all relevant Swords Dance sweepers
How does it work with Speed boosts? Will it go first against a +1 Charizard X?
Zard X will go first. It's not good vs DD or QD users but great against Swords Dance and Bulk Up users.
It still has to get the attack off before it gets the boosts, so no it isn't going to out speed it on the turn you use thief. It will the next turn, of course. (Assuming it survives whatever Charizard has in store.)
And that's why RU and NU are the tiers I call home. Powercreep has gotten so bad even UU became a stall filled cancerfest (albiet to a lesser degree than OU). With thay said, FREE MEGA RAY
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>scarf marshadow
>revenge kill a mon that just SD'd up with spectral thief
>sweep rest of team because almost every common RK scarfer is below 125
Please don't - you'll get her banned.
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If it stay, can we unban darkrai pls?
honestly darkrai is less broken than marshmellow
With Dark Void being nerfed, it should.
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You know, I was one of those people that were saying that it will be quickbanned the moment it gets relased considering just how good it looks on paper. But that was me 6 months ago and with ORAS OU still fresh in mind. Now considering the current meta trends, all the changes that happened and just the state of the meta itself (and just how shittier it became somehow, I've been having more fun in RU and beta NU so far then in diet Ubers), I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to not be as broken as so many scream to the heavans that it is. People still sewar the Lele is the most broken mon in the tier and it, Gren and Lando should be kicked out, but the more I see these people the more I realise they are the same people that let there Clefable take a Gunk Shot from Greninja cause "it's bulky" or Toxapex eat a Zen Headbutt from Megacham and wonder why people call it a good mon. It WILL most likely get a suspect later on and get banned all things considered, but for now everything is up in the air.

Pic related because I have no idea what reaction image to use.
Anyone have a good team built around this thing yet? Or are people spamming that Sticky Web team but replacing Mimikyu with Marshadow?
pokeaim on twitch is using Marshadow on teams
>Midget Weavile on cocane and steroids
/vp/ continues to show their ineptitude.

Aren't M-Lopunny and M-Altaria being released soon? Fake Out + STAB from M-Lop does serious damage to it, and it's faster than Marshadow. M-Altaria can get off a DR, outspeed and not have to worry about Spectral Thief, and OHKO with Return. Maybe it won't be that broken when the new Megas are released.
So? Smogon will have already banned her by then.
That's because Magearna and Koko didn't exist in Gen 6, dummy.
That's assuming you have them out. Lopunny cannot switch into Close Combat and only defensive Malt can live an attack and that is only if there's no hazards.
I'm saying maybe their rationale for not quickbanning it the day it's released is because they want to see how the meta looks with the Mega Stones that are scheduled to be released soon.

I think overall it's going to get a suspect, they'll go over the versatility and no counters arguments, and find some way to paint it as the most broken mon ever. If it stays long enough to settle into OU, I guarantee you'll start seeing more versatile sets like bulky Spin blocker. It's resistant to Rocks, untrappable, and has a great offensive typing.
Lopunny will give it trouble as long as Scarf Marshadow doesn't become a thing (which it probably will in this clusterfuck of a meta)

Mega Altaria's going straight to UU so it's not going to matter.
>spin blocker
Why though? It's not like there are any good spinners in OU
Considering shit like Iron Defense/CM/Pain Split Mage is becoming a thing, Scarf Marshadow sounds very tame in comparison
> as Scarf Marshadow doesn't become a thing
I guarantee that it will. That allows it to outspeed Koko, one of the few things that can revenge Marshadow.
If Marshadow miraculously lasts for even a month, I'm gonna advocate the nomination of Arceus-Bug moving down to OU.
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>I was sent here to destroy you
M-Altaria was OU throughout ORAS and Lando-T was just as prevalent then. Pair it with a Magnezone and you've basically gotten rid of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Skarmory, and Celesteela. So what's left?

>Outspeeds Protean Gren after a DD, straight up walls Ash-Greninja
>the Tapus
Bulu doesn't have Fairy STAB and basically gets walled, defensive Fini is a problem but still susceptible to chip damage, Koko rarely runs Fairy STAB and HP Ice doesn't KO it and it's frail, Lele (especially Scarf) is a problem but Specs gets bopped: +1 252 Atk Pixilate Altaria-Mega Return vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Lele: 337-397 (119.9 - 141.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Opposing Magnezone go down to EQ, M-Metagross chipped as well with EQ, Nihilego revenge kills but can't switch into a predicted EQ, Magearna same thing chipped by EQ, it always has and always will struggle with Lando-T. I'm just not seeing how it isn't a great mon for the current state of OU.

>Beats Zygarde
>Doesn't have to worry about Levitate Gengar anymore
>Beats Marshadow after a DD
>Beats M-Lopunny after a DD
>Beats Keldeo, Heatran, Bisharp, etc.

It threatens almost every top tier threat in some way with just Pixilate Return/EQ paired with a Magnet Pull Magnezone.
*unsheathes marshadium*
heh,,,,, nice try
>252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Tapu Fini: 165-195 (48.1 - 56.8%) -- 40.2% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Good luck with that, worst Tapu.
>straight up walls Ash-Greninja
Greninja carries Ice Beam.
>Beats Marshadow after a DD
>+1 252+ Atk Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Altaria-Mega: 216-255 (74.2 - 87.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
scarf Marshadow with spectral thief can fuck Mega Altaria if not invested in defense; it just needs the sneaky pebbles damage and it's done
Can scarf Marshadow beat +1 Volcarona?
Doesn't Scarf Marshadow shit on every boosting sweeper in this meta bar Mimikyu or something

Both sets struggle against maximal defense Fini and Clefable
Marshadow shits on Mimikyu anyway because he'll still steal the boosts
It obviously can with Rock Tomb, so let's look instead at Spectral Thief.
>252 SpA Volcarona Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Marshadow: 202-238 (62.9 - 74.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
>252 Atk Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Volcarona: 204-240 (65.5 - 77.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Yes, it can!
mimikyu can use shadow sneak first so it's a suicide
Shadow Sneak. And I don't expect Scarfed variants bringing their own sneak either
You forgot to calc Marshadow at +1 SDef.
I don't think you had much experience with the gen VI meta, because Hoopa-U absolutely had to go.
whats the best ice type?
You're right.
>252 SpA Volcarona Fire Blast vs. +1 0 HP / 0 SpD Marshadow: 135-160 (42 - 49.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Not even a Z-Crystal set can save Volcarona in that case.
>252 SpA Volcarona Inferno Overdrive (185 BP) vs. +1 0 HP / 0 SpD Marshadow: 226-267 (70.4 - 83.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It's that fucking frog.
It's more like a midget physical Darkrai but instead of Dark Void he has Swagger.
>M-Altaria was OU throughout ORAS and Lando-T was just as prevalent then.
Altaria was irrelevant by the end of ORAS and was on the verge of falling out of the tier right before Sun and Moon came out.

| 72 | Altaria-Mega | 1.71567% | 111122 | 1.965% | 77487 | 1.859% |

>Pair it with a Magnezone and you've basically gotten rid of Ferrothorn, Scizor, Skarmory, and Celesteela. So what's left?
Magearna, best mon in the tier, the one who Shift Gears in Altaria's face? The one who beats Magnezone 1v1 with Aura Sphere/Z-Fighting or can just Volt Switch to Duggy?
Dugtrio is A+ rank and everywhere right now. Needing Magnezone's help just to FUNCTION in this meta isn't a good thing at all, especially with Dugtrio around.

>beats zygarde, marshadow, lopunny, blah blah blah
I see all this and think that Magearna could all that with the Shift Gear, the right coverage moves, and without needing Magnezone or a mega slot.
Really, Fini is worst Tapu?, I always thought that
nowadays it's more like
bulu >= koko > lele > fini, but marshadow might bump down bulu and bump up lele until it gets the boot
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I just developed a strategy for marshadow, and I can't stop winning. I won't tell you guys though
Now it's Bulu > Koko=Lele > Fini

Yes, Bulu's the best one right now.
What changed?, my 3DS is kill and meanwhile I'm temporaly outdated.
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January was 5 months ago.
It cock blocks Zygarde and it doesn't have Mega Metagross threatening it anymore so now it can actually wallbreak shit.
Yes, at that ime I was full MHGen then it died on march.
magearna is everywhere now, and it stops lele cold
bulu is great because of the fairly recently discovered SD z wood hammer sets, which can do shit like this
+2 252+ Atk Tapu Bulu Bloom Doom (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tangrowth in Grassy Terrain: 420-495 (103.9 - 122.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
and this
+2 252+ Atk Tapu Bulu Bloom Doom (190 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Magearna in Grassy Terrain: 453-533 (124.7 - 146.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
fini dropped because it's super easy to wear down, and tends to just defog once and die, letting the opp set rocks up again. Hazard control is real shitty rn.
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>+2 252+ Atk Tapu Bulu Bloom Doom (190 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Tangrowth in Grassy Terrain: 420-495 (103.9 - 122.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
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I already use scarf Marshadow
>magearna is everywhere now, and it stops lele cold
It's much more than just Magearna, I wish people would stop boiling it down to just that. Lele has a bunch of metagame trends going against it right now.

101+ scarfers are everywhere thanks to Volcarona which makes the scarf set shit.
Tyranitar and Weavile are coming back into the meta so Choice locking into Psychic moves just makes it Pursuit bait.

It NEEDS both Psychic and Psyshock on the same set to actually do its job: beating defensive teams. The most common set is Psychic/Psyshock/Moonblast/HP Fire, which leaves it walled by Heatran, AV Magearna, SpDef Celesteela, and Mew. People can use Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, and their respective Z-moves all they want but when that big bad stall team comes around you're fucked.

But, oh wait, it doesn't even fucking matter what it uses vs stall because they all have Dugtrio to immediately put the kibosh on that shit.

The fact that people here still think Lele is broken is mind boggling.
I was just touching on the biggest point, but thanks for fleshing lele's fall out. 'Member shed shell lele?
>'Member shed shell lele?
You're joking, right?
I actually used that bullshit for a while but it took me forever to realize that it was trash.
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>used the project pokemon .wc7 file to inject the japanese marshadow into moon
>open up battlespot to try a free battle
>battlespot say it has "a banned move"
>can't use it

What do?
It was a big thing back when Dugtrio got suspect tested
One: what's the move set?
Two: it's still not released officially yet. july 15th
Spectral Thief, Drain Punch, Rock Tomb and Ice Punch. But ah, the fact it's still unreleased will be why. Thanks, Anon.
You mean BL, UU is too faggy to allow something cool like that.
ALMOST all of them :)
There's a reason why every mon ever has that move in Balanced Hackmons.
252 Atk Choice Band Technician Marshadow Shadow Sneak vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Pinsir-Mega: 123-145 (45.3 - 53.5%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
There's a chance!
not to mention the all out pummeling set beats the cookie cutter stall team if it hits skarm right
If you've already mega evolved Pinsir and the rocks are up on your side, you've fucked up hard enough that you kinda deserve it. 90% of the time if Pinsir comes in on Stealth Rocks it's in base form, not already evolved.
Is Magearna the new Lando? I swear that if you're not using it right now you're in a disadvantage, considering only stall and other Marshadows can give it a good fight.
>focus sash
>destiny bond
No since that's never been the case with Lando
literally fresh account on the bottom of ladder.
You never know what to expect from those guys.
Yeah, except Magearna is cute.
How do you use Wc7 files.
Drag and drop into an empty slot in pkhex
>implying Lando isn't cute
>swagger with prankster + spectral thief in doubles
seems unstoppable
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I don't know what it is about her that makes me fucking diamonds.
Muscle loli
I never thought about that combination. That definitely looks dangerous.
It might be the eyes.
Hey there, Marshadow. It would be a shame if I removed your boosts.
the only problem is that it's not bulky enough and its attacks are all one target only
>being this new
OU is irrelevant. Will it be good in VGC?
new meta: use debuff moves so Marshadow can only steal negative changes
It doesn't steal stat decreases, though. Only increases, unless I'm mistaken.
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>on a fast pokemon
>not bulky enough
ITT: 1 hour post release theorymon

Pair it with Swagger Prankster and watch while the world collapse before your own eyes
>will this pokemon banned from VGC be good in VGC?
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>get on ladder at ~1500-1600
>every single team is running marshadow
>myself included
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No one's running Stall? Or are they packing Marshadow, too?
Your meme format bans it so no.
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well yes, it's new, we all want to try it
wow nice
congratulations on the borderline elo hell rank
They certainly are pretty.
ayy http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7doublesuu-599116372
>what is shadow sneak?
>smogon unbanning anything after the beginning of a gen
>reading comprehension
I been using and facing marshadow, not having a hard time against it except the webs teams which got way more cancerous with it, been watching a few 1800 and up matches and like 8 out 10 are webs with smeargle/galvantula with marshadow. Are they gonna pull a baton and nerf or ban webs because marshadow and m-pinsir wreck everything slower than them ?
I want to pat Marshadow's head
someone post a wc7 file
How in the name of the fuck do you deal with something like that?
They better not because if they ban webs but not stealth rock, the amount of bitching from the people will be enough to put any SJW to shame.
Have more than 4 pokemon.
Don't set up on his face.
By getting it quickbanned. :^)
So is this thing released or what?
Yes, and it's as bad as people predicted. it's for all intents and purposes the new Mega Metagross.
what is supposed to check marshadow, gross at least had scizor
M-Pinsir and most scarfers, only if they're healthy. And that's assuming the Marshadow you're fighting against isn't scarfed.
all this thread has told me is that Marshadow is really good
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Is Marshadow the first pokemon broken enough to force the mods to lock a thread just so they can stop asking for its ban?
The same thing was happening with Pheromosa at the beginning of SM. Eventually people found ways to check it.
Too early to tell, Marshadow just got released so people are still testing it to see what it can do, people are still adaptating to it so give it a week if not quickbanned its either suspected or here to stay.
And it still got banned with high majority
That was after people started to play aroud with quiver dance which made the bug broken since stuff which used to handle it not named A-Marowak and Mimikyu falled flat to Z-Hyper Beam, Focus Blast, Bug Buzz, you had to guess with set it was and after that which Z-move it got, before that it was considered good but not broken.
Is Spectral Thief even that useful? Seems so situational.
It's the most spammable ghost type move
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Hey there Skarmory, it would be a shame if I Close Combatted your ass to death before you could even blink

>+2 252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Close Combat vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 282-333 (84.6 - 100%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
>/vp/ unironically thinks this won't be banned

This board is on par with Verlisify when it comes to understanding competitive.
>90BP ghost attack in a tier with non-existent ghost resists
>one of the most broken secondary effects in the game

what did he mean by this
Predict Toxapex or Tangrowth is going to switch into you? Swagger on them, steal the boost and kill them the next turn.

Z-Fly Lando just used Swords Dance! Steal that shit and kill him.

Oh no, Clefable just Calm Minded up to +6! Steal it, now you have +6 Sp.Def and it can't touch you.

It has plenty of applications as long as you don't do dumb shit like letting Volcanora/random Dragon Dance users set up on you.
He only did this so he could shit up the ladders with his new toy.
This is why Suspects are taking so damn long to start up, and that we had an entire month wasted on Dugtrio, cause all the big wigs are playing around with the busted mons.
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I love watching Smogon crash and burn. Can't wait to watch either every Pokemon get banned or the floodgates opened from UBER. Those faggots deserve it.
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Yea I'm quiverin in my boots yah fuckin lil biitch. I have ur number one paralyze and u get fuct.

Too much bronze in Smogon, watch ur ass get ccked.
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Theres only one thing left to do...

>random Dragon Dance users set up on you
but I run sash to steal them boosts
>azumarill use belly drum
>marshadow use spectral thief
>marshadow use shadow sneak

aw shit
>normal types would be safe from spectral thief
>give it fighting type
thanks game freak
How long till the trading flag is up?
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>blocks your path
Anon, do you have an aneurism? the consensus is that it will be banned on sight, Spectral thief is too fucking broken
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0 Atk Sableye-Mega Knock Off vs. +1 0 HP / 0 Def Marshadow: 51-60 (15.8 - 18.6%) -- possible 6HKO
+1 252 Atk Marshadow Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike vs. 248 HP / 116 Def Sableye-Mega: 348-409 (114.8 - 134.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Marshadow subs to block will-o-wisp, bulks up once while sableye can't break the sub, and OHKOs.
not even DD users are safe, if marshadow is scarfed game over
I would really like to run scarf, but those nice OHKOs on Landorus are too nice not to have.
Shit like this makes me miss Blaziken.
>being Smogon drones
Defensive Mandibuzz with Foul Play

You're welcome.
So what kind of dumb excuse are they giving for not quick-banning this thing?
We want the meta to settle down and see checks surface :)
It's the Aegislash meta 2.0

I love that Mandibuzz only ever comes back when there's a Ghost type that's getting out of control.
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I was there for that one.

Good shit.
Heads up fags

The mega stones for Lopunny, Gardevoir, and Gallade are legal now. Expect them to be up on showdown later today.
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Same here my man. And I hate legends
2hko'd by technician rock tomb
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will my favourite mega be good this gen or will it still just be overshadowed by medicham
Lynch yourself you filthy [s4s] faggot
honest question, how do you like gallade? Always thought the oval hips and the mega's flesh cape were really off-putting. It'll actually be ok this gen, though. The immediate 110 speed is huge. Probably still worse than lop and medi, but considerably better than it was in ORAS.
Marshadow both shits on it and does its job better. Gallade got cucked again.
as usual, there is no reason to pick it over medicham/lopunny
cucked again lmao
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Finally, the return of the bird of healthy meta.
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*unzips stone edge*
*outspeeds you*
*knocks off your item*
*reveals godly physical bulk*
*unzips foul play*
mandibuzz probably wouldn't even bother with knock off, just ohko with foul play
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leave mandibuzz to us.jpg
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she will be well received
m-maybe it wont get banned from UU this time...
The cookie cutter Sticky Web team with Marshadow on it is OD good. If nothing outspeeds it, nothing beats it.
Not quite, it tells an original plot that happens to begin with Ash meeting Pikachu.
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*blocks your path*
*switches to any pokemon above PU*
Unless Marshadow is sashed Z-Belly Drum Azumarill beats it one vs one
>Marshadow will make worst mega go up to OU because it's the only thing that counters him
Is there anything he can't do?
Seeing quite a bit of ghostspam. Mostly Marshadow with Mimikyu, in and out of the sticky webs team.
Better send in your dark types to wall them haha.
That's what happens when there are practically no ghost resists in the tier.
>he really thinks the higher ups aren't abusing their power to put off banning it to get cheap wins for as long as possible
We just want to let the meta settle for a (((few months))) to let checks surface, preezu undastando ;)
It's not even the ghost resists. It's the fact that they can hit hard anything that resists ghost too. Weavile Bisharp and TTar are all weak to fairy or x4 weak to fighting. Mega Lopunny is also weak to both of them, Chansey can't do jackshit to either of them and Diggersby has a hard time fitting in the meta despite hitting pretty hard.
What's the sets like on these web teams?
Both of their STAB combinations are (mostly) unresisted by the entire Pokedex, and both can hit sorta hard.
rocky helmet ferro and lando sort of worked from some games I played. Ferro on the shadow sneak/spectral thief as they take 30% if they're LO, then double to lando to eat the CC, then double again to something that can eat a -1 hit and ko back
Scarf Lando? Because just 4 EVs and a neutral nature in SpAtk OHKO's Landorus with HP Ice.
>Leave No You to me
I actually was running scarf, but either way you can just hard double after getting the intimidate off. Granted this goes out the window if the marshadow predicts right and HP ices on the switch instead of clicking anything else
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This anon has a point. I can't really see what marshadow can do to mega sableye.
Ban when?
This faggot thread was the only one to survive the purge? Fucking lame.
Mega Sableye user here. I've survived bulk up+SSSSS, with a well timed protect, he got burnt, bulked up to +6 and still couldn't break past Sableye. In general Sableye is a pretty safe switch into it, however Choice Band can deal 50% on the switch, if they somehow got some chip damage on you before that you're pretty much toast and if he Swaggers on the switch and gets lucky with confusion he'll deal a ton of damage, you may burn him, absolutely, but Sableye will definitely faint if he doesn't hit himself in confusion. And if Misty Terrain is up he gets the boosts for free without risking confusion or burn.
>252 Atk Life Orb Marshadow Spectral Thief vs. 248 HP / 116 Def Sableye-Mega: 140-165 (46.2 - 54.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
>116 def
>after stealth rock
The pikachu thread survived too
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What elo is this
90 bp thief becomes a 195 bp nuke

tapu fini btfo
/me tips
i don't get it
Even P-Don can't switch in on Marshadow. He'll last a week.
>it just got banned from UU doubles
rip, at least it was fun for a night
Not sure, I found it on this tweet and had a good laugh
>make the only gen 5 mega
>it's fucking audino with 50 extra points in defense and a shitty ability forced upon you once you mega evolve
for what pvrpose
>300+ replies
>We will still be on page 1 for a while thanks to the raid nuke
This nigga just transcended bump limit, can he be stopped at all?
I fought this guy. He was fucking terrible.
>dual STABs give perfect coverage leaving it free to run whatever the hell it wants in the last two slots
>Technician STAB priority
>decent special attack and Technician allow it to use HP to fill any gaps in it's set
>sets that would be perfectly viable in Ubers due to it's combination of speed, power, and bulk
>outspeeds Greninja along with most other "fast" pokemon
>can boost with impunity due to how easily it can force switches and beat past any supposed "counters" with it's Z-move
>stops the opponent from setting up until they can take it out
>he has no counters
>he has no checks
>this healthy ghost sweeps the pokedex
>>he has no counters
>>he has no checks
>>this healthy ghost sweeps the pokedex
*unsheathes Poison Jab*
heh,,, nothin personell.. fairies....
Also if you're gonna use Marshadow on stall you should relinquish Duggy and just use Scarf with Pursuit.
>Marshadow has Pursuit
TTar might finally drop
That explains why I saw this shitty set being used today.

Lmao not even close
>immune to psychic
>weak to psychic
pick one
>tfw no Mega Golurk
I'm still mad.
*unzips Mandibuzz*
+1 252 Atk Marshadow Close Combat vs. 240 HP / 252+ Def Mandibuzz: 199-235 (47.2 - 55.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
+1 0 Atk Mandibuzz Foul Play vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Marshadow: 271-319 (84.4 - 99.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
thats not a shitty set its actually very good
Still alive
How does Technician work with Pursuit? The 40 BP becomes 60, but what happens when the BP doubles on the switch? Does the 60 BP become 120, or does it become 80 because it loses Technician once it gets over 60 BP?
It just becomes 80.
It's okay, anon. We sleep now.
Bisharp isn't weak to Fairy.
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