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Is our guy Shofu right or wrong about Pokemon company

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>62 tabs
I agree with him. I'm not looking for random cursing or edge in the main games, but being able to at least include some adult themes (like more dangerous implications, darker subthemes, maybe a little adult humor, etc) would be great.

That's what OP wanted you to do
>following an unfunny nigger
>trash ketchum
>stops this pg shit
Holy fucking cringe
For their twitch? Yes, kids see shitposting on every other channel, it shouldn't make a difference. Maybe they have other reasons to blocking chat though.
You don't the different between trap and trash that's only cringe dude
I don't think a darker more mature story = good, though in the last few games we've already see them go for more darker themes, such as az's story, Lusamine being ok with killing cosmog for her ultra beast, the fling tm story and the eevee quest to name a few.
Though i'm all out for some adult humor even though i think we already have something close to it, like the girls drooling over the machamp who really was a guy in a suit trying to get some girls
Faggots think pokemon is starcraft or something
>wahhh I want Pokemon to stop being family-friendly and accessible to everyone so they can pander to manchildren like me
Also, what is he expecting from an adult pokemon game? "PG" stuff can already tackle 'mature' themes like abuse, death, tragedy, etc., just not in a graphic manner. Does he want gore? Swearing? Sex? For what purpose?
>I'm older and I play pokemon so everyone who plays pokemon is 26+
What a stupid logic. Who do you think buys all these toys, watches the show and goes to see the movies? Adults? As much as I want pokemon to be mature it's not going to happen because the core audience is still children. It's not like PG rating is that limiting anyway. GF could easily do a decent story like in most Disney movies but they just don't give a fuck
It has to maintain branding for children. This shit isn't Transformers where you can drop swears and dick jokes then walk out unscathed.
>This shit isn't Transformers where you can drop swears and dick jokes then walk out unscathed
Have you never watched Bayformers?
I don't think he talking about the games.

He talking about how pc the Pokemon company is
Pokémon has more adult themes and mature humour than a lot of games around. For example read the sea mauville letters etc is so satisfing, heck even japan hate this things because are too "mature".
He sounds like me when i was in the high school.
This. Trust veepee to be retarded though.
Fuck you. He isn't /our/ guy.

If he was he'd either post his "inside info" on USM or shut the fuck up about having any.
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>muh twitch cancer
>Company based on a children's brand playing it safe
Well who would've fucking thunk they wouldn't let you say NIGGERS
god forbid children don't turn into little hoodrats who have to use slurs in every single sentence at the age of 7
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>Pokemon, an entertainment medium marketed towards kids
>Caring for anyone older than 10

See, the problem is that Transformers had dormant periods for the US and not a lot of it blew up the way it did since the 80s cartoon for a while. Brand identity was specifically for the 80s cartoon, even though stuff like Beast Wars and the stuff Saban made did show up out of all the Transformers stuff we DIDN'T get in the West. Bayformers brought in that old audience and some new ones like it was forging a new identity based on what the old fans grew up with to a point where the movies became their own thing, kinda like the MCU (which also sells toys and somehow manages to be fun for the whole family despite all the lewds and swears)

You can't pull that shit with Pokemon. Pokemon had highs and lows but has NEVER SLEPT like Transformers did, so it never flew off the face of the West so much as it was available and fans either grew out of it or just stopped but it remained relevant. You can't put brand identity on something that isn't the same every 3-4 years and always has a new audience every 3-4 years who sees Pokemon differently than the current audience. You might have people who say Gen 1 or Gen 2 was what Pokemon was to them but you now have people old enough to be nostalgic about Hoenn or Sinnoh the same way. 4-5 years, Unova's next. Not to mention fans in Japan are far more quicker to embrace change to the series than the rest of us, so they also have a say on the brand identity if not The Pokemon Company themselves with their stipulations.

It only looks like similar scenarios from a distance.
Sort of. I don't want the games to have edgy swearing and shit and I don't care about the twitch channel but I wish they would remove the stupid word filters when naming your pokemon since everyone finds ways around them anyway and they make perfectly harmless names illegal (for instance I couldn't name one of my pokemon "Pine" in bw and someone couldn't name their magikarp Cheddar in jump) and also add a hard mode for older players.
You know that GF put a lot of "black humour" in it's games right. The west softens it but still.
what info?
wtf how did the filters get even worse?! I couldn't name my Sigilyph, Sobek, in Sun, which still pisses me off.

He says something about knowing things that we don't, that he knows about some crazy shit that's coming, etc.

Was never a huge fan to begin with, but saying shit like that (whether true or not), really made me dislike him.
Pokemon is not Digimon
Digimon has literally cussing in the game and Bandai does not give a single shit
he litteraly said what most people are saying

Sun and moon were boring but usm might be better. that's all
>Bandai does not give a single shit
That's why digimon is dying.
I have to agree with you on that too
"It's gonna be something they've never done before. It's gonna be something completely out of left field. You guys are not gonna be ready for what's coming up. I'm telling you right now, I can't say anything else..."

Sounds like he's trying to play it like he knows something, whether or not he does.
That's a weird way to express drastically improving games that are getting western releases
digimon has not been consistently "alive" since like 2003
Digimon actually made a smooth rebranding in the US with CyberSleuth and.
For Switch I'd like to see an Open World Pokemon Game similiar to Next Order

Good lord. Just be happy about the Kanto pandering you get almost every gen and shit the fuck up.
this game looks horrible. ps2 trash level
>Next Order
>Open world
Also the gameplay in Next Order is pretty shit.
That's a pretty broad statement. Game Freak are idiots so everything they do is out of left field
Pretty much these

If you want adult Pokémon that badly just play the SMT games
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Can't say I agree with Shofu here. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with Pokemon being PG. All that rating means is that you won't be seeing more graphic things in Pokemon, like blood and tits. Those were never the appeal of Pokemon, if you want those, you're in the wrong franchise.
What Pokemon was, is and always will is a fun RPG where you catch and train tiny, cute little animals into monsters capable of beating anything, as you travel through new places, see new things, meet new characters, take down evil and ultimately become the strongest Trainer. All of that is achievable with a PG rating. There's no need to alienate some younger fans just to have some blood in your game.
>PS2 "trash" level
M8 have you seen a Pokémon game?
When we developed Red and Blue we weren't explicitly targeting children. If you look at the animation, for instance, that was meant to appeal to kids with cute designs and so on. But if you look at the game and that design, even from Red and Blue it was intended to be a game that adults could also enjoy. In that regard, there's not been any change in how we design the games.

Just like how children and adults both like playing soccer -- children might like it at first because the ball is round and colourful but adults put far more thought into it.

- Masuda
In "soccer" the ball is not round and colorful. Also citation needed.
adults play meta and breeding. kids play story i get it now masuda
>cute designs
Can be liked by adults too.
I prefer cute designs (thing that japan loves) than edgy try hard shit. Cute isn't the same as kiddie.
Cute as in "dumbed down". He can't very well say that for the advertisement of his games, but everyone being nice, the evil guys being a joke, Pokemon all saying their names and being really friendly, even the meanest looking ones having a golden heart. It was dumbed down. So that kids can find it cute.
This is why I like coming to /vp/ actually. I can curse at will or say the most retarded shit ever and it's okay. We're all anons.
>Pokemon all saying their names
You played some pokemon game in your life anon?
They already pander to older audience with attractive pokegirls, some jokes with mild implications, some grim pokedex entries, stories getting pretty dark and dramatic at times - just last 2 gens you had mentions of ancient wars, AZ's weapon of mass destruction, his eternal grief; in gen7 Lusamine the absolute madwoman, Type:Null backstory (even if this was, sadly, barely touched upon).

I don't think you need much more from a series about cute pocket monsters and their trainers who want to be the very best.
Some fans still want a game and an anime the way Generations was shown off. Showing off how powerful Pokemon can be and probably the players looking older but you can't tell their age
Yeah, definitely a game like this would be nice. Why can't we play as like a 14/15 year old instead of a kid? That kind of design appeals to both younger and older audiences.
>Why can't we play as like a 14/15 year old instead of a kid?
>what is every mainline Pokemon game starting from BW1
I both agree and disagree.

I think mainline should remain aimed at children, but they have a perfectly good concept sitting around that they could release as a T Rated game for the older audience; Orre.
Not in SM.
>27 mainline games (including remakes)
>6 of them you're slightly older

He's right. We need mature Pokémon stuff.

What exactly is the complaint?

The games or Twitch
I wouldn't call going from 11 to 16-18 "slightly"

Unless you were expecting a 30 year old protagonist for whatever reason.
It seems people mistaken what exactly Shofu is complaining about

It's not the PG of the actual games

He's talking about the Pokémon streaming Twitch chat
>they could release as a T Rated game
>expecting anything above E10
Is like the rates were something important.
The Esbr is full of morons.
Also RB and GS are rated +12 in Europe becuase the game corner.
I said could not would.

I know its confusing for a shitposter to tell the difference, but please try.
>muh youtube nigger
he's not completely wrong though
i don't expect edgy pokemon with tits, i just want actual normal online interaction with text
for fuck's sake gamefreak nerfed online communication in gen 7 since gen 6 and you can't even type in your own messages anywhere anymore
>talks about being an adult
>whines like a 12 year old
What did he mean by this?
You do know that the context around this tweet is mainly based on the censorship of nicknaming Pokemon, right?
I never noticed the restriction of nicknaming pokemon until someone told me
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>why arent my children games more mature for my very mature self?

Fucking retarded.
Sometimes it feels that people want a fucking kamen rider amazons disguised as a pokemon game
But only XY are 16-18 during their games. BW, you're 14, and BW2, you're 12-14.
I was pretty sure it was agreed BW was 16, B2W2 was 14, and XY was 18
really I just want Game Freak to stop phoning it in, go back to the quality gens 1-5 had
BW protagonists and rivals are 14. Masuda confirmed it at a Japanese event. Even before that Corocoro called them middle school age, which in Japan is 13 to 15
That's not what he's saying.
He wants to spam in a chatroom and is getting mad because of censorship. It's our god given right to spam. Europe spammed their way across Africa and took over the entire continent for hundreds of years!
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gorgeus, perfect to keep us safe from the normies
this is how you protect a game form being popular
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Fight me!
Yeah, i know, bad joke.
If you want a darker story, go read Pokemon Special.
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>wanting to talk in a pokemon stream on twitch where thousands of people are watching and spamming to the point where you can't have a proper conversation

He's retarded.
There were dark themes in BW, XY's plot about AZ is kind of bleak until the end, SM alludes to Pokémon killing each other a lot and does have quite a few innuendos and dark jokes strewn throughout, for example the fucker that asks whether Pokémon are conscious in the PC or if living a dream in the PC is actually living at all.
They showed a frozen pikachu and slowpoke at team aether place
I mean, I was 8 when Spongebob came out, I don't really want Spongebob to start being used as a sex sponge.

Actually I take that back.
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