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How come no one gives a shit? I see no one talking about it on

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How come no one gives a shit? I see no one talking about it on the internet when last year people were giddy as all hell even when we just had logos to talk about.
No new info.
All we know is that the cover legends get some shiny looking Necrozma fusions. Give me post game that isn't recatching the same legendaries I have 5 of then I'll give a damn.
It's on 3DS and not Switch. Nobody wants to play on that ancient machine.
No fucking generation last year.

It's always exciting for new gen.

We know what to expect in these games.

So much unknown when it comes to a new generation we can talk about

They announce breath of the wind dlc. Cod DLC.

It's 40 dollar dlc
It's a 3rd version so there's less to speculate about compared to the first game of a generation.
Huh? Most people here don't have a switch
It's hard to get exited over a logo. You just wait a bit
Well then, buy one you poorfag.
There are no games I want for switch

Buying a 300 dollar system with no games doesn't mean you're poor dude...
It's getting Pokemon next year.
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Because SuMo were the worst of Pokemon since XY and ORAS. Even the hardcore Pokemon autists know there's no saving this franchise.

You can already see the effects in Japan where Yokai Watch is outselling this casualized trash.
Who the fuck is stupid enough to buy a console for one game?
>How come no one gives a shit?
No info.
lmao not a chance

They need at least 3 years inbetween gens. 2019 at earliest.
Because it's not the game the tranny kept telling them about so all the starfags fucked off
Not him but I buy Nintendo for Pokemon all the time. I don't play their games besides Animal Crossing.
Yo kai watch 3 got destroyed by sun and moon in japan last year
Because people got sick of the beating a dead horse to mush with the fake leaks with S/M.

Plus they don't look very different and anyone with half a brain can assume that they won't be much past regular S/M plus some new legendary formes.
Cucks who still think Nu-Pokemon games are good. How about get some better games that don't make your 3DS explode like a Samsung Galaxy 7.
Dumbass, they confirmed it for 2018
Youre a retard if youre surprised that theres less hype for a game sequel than there was for a new gen. Simple as that.
this image is shit
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I still don't know why anyone believes that fag.
It's not even a sequal. It's the same game with new features until we know what the features are. There is nothing to talk about
To me it feels like we'll just be playing through Sun & Moon again.
I wanted them to skip this year and just release the next games on Switch next year.
If I didn't need it to play VGC, I would just skip them entirely

Obviously there could still be some interesting additions that make me actually want it, but right now I would rather they just cancelled it.
There's very little mystery to it.
It's gonna just be SM with some new stuff added in, like every 3rd version.

Sure we'll have some legendaries evolve into Mega Aerodactyl; and maybe some extra locations will be added, but there's nothing to get excited about with USUM.
Me. I'm a PC-Sony who only buys Nintendo's shitware because of Pokemon.
They did nothing but give us logos and an extremely short teaser with Necro-mascot formes.

I'll be excited when we see more, faggot.
What was Team Rocket's actual goal? Tell me.
But the Switch is a great piece if tech. Not shitware like the 3DS or Wii U.
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Get fucked, sonygger
You have don't switch right now. If you wanna play Pokemon. 2019 sure but not now.

Not wanting a switch doesn't mean your a poor fad
it's hard to be excited for a shitty rehashed game.
Not him and don't even agree on that bait pic. TR's goal was money, as simple as that.
This place really has gone down the shitter, huh?
Wait until the first actual trailer is shown before getting in line to ride the hype train. As of now we know that it exists and that there will be new shit in it. You cant build hype off of that.

I know that I will be buying these games and am excited that they are on the horizon. I've played SM 6 times already so any new content in Alola is enough for me to shell out a few bucks.

I actually laughed out loud at 'an objective analysis' and stopped reading there. ty anon.
How do you play sun and moon 6 times ffs
Beyond the first 30 mins of tutorial nonsense its been fun every time.
That's nice, Pokebarneyfag. Try playing a non-pokemon game sometime.
Except they have no events for next year's movie.

Since it's highly unlikely new species of Pokémon will appear in US/UM a new Gen has to be next year to give them one because they've crossed events into the movies for most of the series life.
No, they said it "may be more than a year".

My post above mentions why it has to be next year assuming no new species in US/UM, but they did not set even a halfway specific date.
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But I already am :^')
>Yu-Gi-Oh lmao
I don't get this meme. Yu-Gi-Oh tends to use humans/demons or animals, nothing coming close to Pokémon.
So I'll buy it next year then :^)
>Aha, I'll make a logical decision that the majority would suggest and agree with, that will truly ruse them!
So you're still handing over your shekels?
SMT is way better than this shitty ass franchise.
because we want dp remakes (well most of us do i think)
GF must have gotten caught off guard having to reveal all this shit so fast. We know barely anything about what sets USM apart from SM besides the new Necrozma armor things and new outfit options. And the revealed switch game doesn't even have a title. How often does that happen? An actual announcement of a Nintendo game (not a rumor/leak) that has no screenshots, no title, nothing. GF must be under serious pressure to make all this shit happen.
They've been using the same archaic gameplay with no new mechanics added for decades except for the smirk shit and it was fucking terrible.
Moves are a basic as they come and RNG plays an even bigger factor.
In the past a 3rd version meant:
* You got the features and Pokémon of 2 games at once, which is exciting because most people only get 1 game. In the case of B2W2 there was a new story, which we don't have this time, so those benefits is lost.

* A story that was more complete and fleshed out the 3rd legendary. However there's not really much to add at this point, and people have lost faith in Game Freak for not doing Zygarde justice. The Sun & Moon story was overly intrusive the first time round and people aren't excited to see it again (although I bet they'll add a way to skip because they know we'll have seen it before).

* New features such as the Battle Frontier and other basic improvements. Sun & Moon were so featureless and unfinished that at most they will meet the level people expected in the first place.
Not him but in Gen 1, one of Team Rocket's plan is to catch Mewtwo. You can see the proofs:
- Stole the Silph Scope to catch a Ghost-type.
- Tried to also stole the Master Ball in case a Gengar didn't work.
I've been buying Playstations just to play Gran Turismo for a decade now
Because SM was a new generation.

Like 80% of the discussion before actual info came was about starters and legendaries, neither of which is a question right now.
sure buddy
>when your franchise is so fucked that what once originally was a spinoff series about being a horny kid in high school becomes the main lead
I literally bought a 3DS just so I can play X
Get the fuck off my board, shitmouth.
Get the fuck out, filthy nigger.
>mom doesn't understand me :'(
>dad doesn't understand me :'(

really makes you think
Psychic types were immune to ghost type attacks in gen 1
That was an unintentional glitch
Giovanni being Silver's father was tacked on in the newer games, it wasn't in the original GSC
I highly doubt that, given the theory existed long before HGSS was even announced.
Killed my hype when they announced new games for Switch. Just being perfectly honest.
> No new updates
> Third versions never get as much attention as the original dual release (I mean not even B2/W2 got a whole lot of hype when it was announced)
But given that there's almost 5 months left till release you can bet that something is going to drop each month and we'll talk about it then.
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Nice B8 M8, now get out before I seal your F8
>People fed up after 3 shit mainline games in a row
>USUM reveal gets completely shit on by switchfags and nintendrones whining
>GO hype is over so normies don't care

Calling it now. These will be the worst selling mainline games.

It's embarrassing that someone spent 30mins making this. It's even more embarrassing that they actually believe what they wrote.
Just want to set dificulty to easy | normal |hard | GOD in settings
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A shame cause there's like a 60% chance of these games actually being the ones we've been asking for and nobody will buy them

If there's no NatDex I'm dropping this series. Fuck Game Freak cutting corners
>chance these games are actually the ones we've been asking for and nobody will buy them

so B2W2 all over again.

There was enough context to get a theory going and Fr/Lg all but outright said it with the fame checker.
Is Prism even good, though?
Fame Checker was a neat concept that shouldn't have been as clunky and shitty as it was presented
>Koga's daughter got mistranslated
If the Fame Checker was in HGSS it would've been absolutely adored
How is that a hard concept to understand? They are a mafia, a gang, they do illegal shit for money.
I think you mean best pokemans ever

Kalos is a super comfy region with the goat ost, some killer designs, and a fashionable, fem (canon) MC

Hoenn is Hoenn, the ideal diverse-yet-tropical-centered setting with the pinnacle of designs and a spunky, loveable femMC

Alola is where things fell apart with Kanto shite, Unova's level system, awful horrendous designs, backwards QoL, and a cringy story guest starring team wigger on the stone-age pretense of no gyms
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Now that's what I call bait. Saved
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>Alola is where things fell apart with Kanto shite
>Praises Kalos as a comfy region even though it literally gives you Kanto starters and ripped off Viridian Forest
Nice, only reddit would disagree with that image.
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Should I sell my copy of Sun for 25 bucks?
I didn't even finish it and this looks like it's just a definitive version ala Crystal/Emerald/Platinum.
I could get Ultra Sun for 32 bucks with my Best Buy discount if I really wanted to.
Pretty much this.

Remember when the first ORAS trailer came out? Other than Hoenn confirmed, Wingull, and trumpet memes here was no hype. Because the video just showed the legendaries in water.

But when Mega Sableye was revealed, the hype began.
Bunch of bulshit. Hoenn hype was huge from day one and M-Sableye was revealed after the mega starters, Aqua/Magma and Steven redesigns so stop lying
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>SJWs ruined Pokémon
This has to be bait, no one can be this stupid
Switch hype killed it
I was most hyped about oras than any game ever. since ruby was my first game. thats nostalgia. Ultra sun and moon there is nothing to compare to. The board did not exist when platinum released
>overshadowed by Persona
>even worse gameplay than Pokemon
>the handful of good demon designs pales in comparison to the number of "guy on technicolor horse" and "purple guy with helmet" designs
>can't take your bros to the endgame
no thanks
>he doesn't think Laverre (and surrounding routes, Anistar, and Snowbelle aren't the comfiest places in the franchise
Get out and take your shit taste with you
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Maybe you forgot.
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Don't know why but this image fucking pissed me off.
I personally want remakes of 4th gen, but i'd rather wait until they can make it with a more powerful engine and wouldn't need to cut corners to make it fit the 3ds.
Waiting for this and Marshadow.
Hoping for new megas, too.
I just don't care. This will be the last mainline Pokemon game on the 3DS and it feels phoned in as fuck.
I dunno, I'm probably just salty. I just don't see why they didn't just make SuMo this. It's starting to feel like a Capcom fighting game, at least Capcom realized they were in a rut and started doing their games in Seasons instead of SUPER ULTRA $40 DLC EDITION.
The only thing that makes me look forward to these games is the possibility of a Battle Frontier. It's a third version(s) and they pretty much teased it with Anabel showing up in SM. If there's no post-game again, i'm just going to pirate it because i'm tired of giving Nintendo money for half-assed games.
I see you're back to this strategy until more info comes and you can shill properly, Pokebarneygirl.

But remember, you tried this with ORAS and it failed hard, it's your weakest b9. It's only a matter of time until they fire you at this rate.

>samefagging to keep your shill thread alive

Post your tits and pussy pics and I help your astroturfing, barneyfag, you won't have to be this obvious
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