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pokemon go general /pgg/

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Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 75

Comfy pre-raid Edition

>official Pokémon Go Updates

>Latest APK Update


>Pokéstop & Gym Maps

>Evolution Calculator

>Nest Atlas

>Battle Advisor

>Combat Simulator

>Best Moves & Movesets

>Best Attackers

>Nest Migration Countdown Clocks

>IV Checker Websites

>IV Checker Apps

>Trainer Level Speed Calculator

>Pokédex Progress Chart Template

>General Map Scanner

>City Map Scanners

>Spoofing Guide

>Master Decoding
first for dubs

>gyms will now give items like pokestops
>gym stops will give potions/revives more frequently, whilst regular stops will give balls/berries more frequently

>CP no longer determines the order of battle - you now fight the gym pokemon in the order they were placed in it (placed first = battled first)
>New system: 'Motivation'
>This will decay over time, and is reduced every time it is defeated. When it is reduced, the CP will be lowered so it is easier to defeat. When it reaches zero, it "faints" and returns to the player.
>You can treat Pokemon of your team with berries to recover the motivation - not only yours.
>Gyms now give Gym Badges, unique per gym. You level this by battling, feeding, or spinning in the gym. Higher gym badge level will give you increased items and rewards at said gym.

Raid battles [NEW]:
>You need a Raid Pass to participate. You can get one a day (non-cumulative) in gyms, or buy a pack of premium raid passes.
>These involve battling "raid bosses", powerful (AI) Pokemon in gyms, with up to 20 players. If you can defeat it within 5 minutes, you’ll have the chance to catch an extra powerful Pokémon of your own!

Items [NEW]:
>Rare Candies. See this as a "wildcard" candy - can be changed to any Pokemon's.
>Golden Razz Berries. Like Razz Berries, but better.
>Technical Machines (Fast/Charged): Permanently teach a Pokemon a new Fast/Charged attack
xth for yellow devil
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How cucked did I get moveset wise?
>all those parasects, flareons, jolteons and vaporeons who used to help me prestige gyms
>just gone....

this is truly demotivating
One year later and they make all these new changes ... yet they can't make your phone vibrate when your egg hatches

>niantic reps on reddit repeatedly say they're working to 'rebalance' gyms
>prestigers now have no use at all and every gym will be Snorlax Dragonite Blissey Tyranitar Rhydon Gyarados with no exceptions ever

great fucking job hanke
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I wish previous threads would auto-sage/auto-archive after migrating to a new thread
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Want a berry?
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thank you berry much
>first point
Who gives a fuck? Prestiging was pants on head retarded
Yea that is unfortunate
what comes after ampharos but before marril
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It will be:
Rhydon and Gyarados are now trash seeing as CP doesn't matter much and it's how good the Pokemon is at battling, which those two suck at due to double weaknesses

Exeggutor will probably still show up too
I got tickets for Chicago, who else got some?
Mons won't be sorted by CP anymore, so you can leave whatever you want in a gym.

>tyranitar is x4 weak to the ever common fighting
>dragonite is x4 weak to ice

i guess they'll be useless too huh

great double weakness meme

Probably your friend's mother, too

>not gyarados or rhydon
Dragonite andT-Tar have 4X weakness too(they cant hide at the top anymore.
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>Psuedo's ever being shit
They make up for it by still being an attacking force (and their double-weaknesses not being covered by Eeveelutions which literally everyone has).
Gyarados and Rhydon have always been trash but sit in the meta because of CP.
Exeggutor is gone too with its double weakness to bug types
>bug types

no, rhydon is up there by virtue of its elite stats and great offensive move sets (ground/rock or ground/ground are both great for coverage)
Everyone has rhydon and a ice mon because of recent events now though
Have you never used a Scizor with Fury Cutter and X Scissor on an Exeggutor? Takes no time to kill them
rhydon has rocksmash
No, but I'm going with your mother
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>people bitching about rhydon tyranitar and blissey
>vaporeon has been consistently s-tier since launch, easily obtained, never nerfed

literally why
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So let me get this straight

All of my good-moveset pokemon are now worthless trash that everyone will have access to?
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Recently caught this bad boy, 15/15/14.

Do I walk him to evolve into Espeon or roll the dice for a Vaporeon...? I already have a 100% IV Flareon so I don't want that.
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Let's see...
Double weak to Fighting, which not everyone has thanks to Hanke'd movesets
Double weak to Ice, most people have a Lapras by now
Still sitting strong
Snorlax but stronger
Pic related
lol Vaporeon
Still as tanky as ever with few weaknesses it can't overpower
It's only real threat is Bug/Bug Scizor, which really not many people have
Genuinely could find it's way back into the meta due to few weaknesses and being a tank
Too weak to defend, still a great attacker
Kinda the same as above
>other shit
Donphan, Espeon/Umbreon, Slowbro/king and fuck, even shit like Steelix could find their way into the meta

You go for Umbreon instead. The way the new gym system works is a big buff for tanky Pokemon with moderate damage like it.
show a tell
bros in new gyms edition
>Porygon 2
oh look, it's a MissingNo###
Because Vaporeon gets cucked by Exeggutor who a majority got earlier and we've had three events on...
You're kidding, right?

Every time I see a Rhydon in a gym, I'm like "get in, hydro pump right up ye".

As an attacker its quick attacks have too much cooldown to dodge anything, and when it's defending you can water pulse it and still dodge its quick attack.

I'm trying hard to think of a pokemon more nooby and useless, and it's really quite hard.

Gyarados at least has some quick quick attacks.
So will these new spoofer checks mentioned in the silphroad datamine not actually stop spoofers?
Wait, so after people clear a raid it becomes a Gym and another raid will only happen there if the Gym is defeated?
>I'm like "get in, hydro pump right up ye"
Why the fuck am I laughing so hard at this
Porygon 2 wont be there, at least not yet - they'll continue to promote the evolutionary items until Gen 3.
Rhydon will be useless until Gen IV

no i'm not kidding at all. as a defender you could point out its type weakness but you could cherry pick any other top tier mon's weakness(es) too.

as an attacker. its slow moves are offset by its ridiculous damage and tankiness. you can rip through shit like vaporeon providing you dodge the charge moves (aqua tail is hard to dodge but hydro/pulse are easy).

rhydon is good and not just for its cp stat. it could get nerfed and it's still be great because it is the premier ground attacker in the game and ground is a great offensive type.
I've been walking a 88.9% IV Porygon for 50km and counting. I've sunk countless stardust into him until he becomes maxed out before I evolve. I could care less about movesets now. I want to gamble it all on this seizure inducer.
When he'll be shortly useful until the game is shut down as people will stop playing around Gen 3 like the main games.


>> 88.9%
>> Sunk countless stardust into him

Why though? the amount of stardust you wasted on that Porygon is almost certainly not worth it as Porygon will become common when Porygon Z is introduced in Gen 3/4
>Double weak to Fighting, which not everyone has thanks to Hanke'd movesets
You can pull ursaring, rhydon and any mon with a fighting quickmove out of your ass to kill T-tar ez with just counter and cunt smash.Fighting moves are pretty common now
Leave it, you should have enough Cyndaquil by now given the event and if you dont you'll probably find a Cydndaquil nest nearby after event is over.

Though if you do have to go out, go in blackface so you blend in.
>no stab
Nah Ursaring is pretty good, but fighting Rhydon is sub par
I guess it's fine with Earthquake though to also counter the rock
thank god i dusted only one
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>finally evolve my charmeleon
>air slash/dragon claw

Time to get a dragon tail/dragon claw Dragonite
This ^

Level 2300 Exeguttor and it manages to beat level 2900+ Gyarados and Vaporeon without breaking a sweat.
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*Actives my trap card*

>Not expecting Hanke to cuck you during an event where the flee rate has seemingly been increased...


bullet seed/solar beam is so fucking underrated. charges up solar beam in like 2 seconds which destroys just about anything.
1300 you mean
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>1 Day left for event
>This happens

True, but wanted to give Vaporfags a chance to pretend they were strong
>Check local area
>New Poké Stop next to a local gym
>One Poké Stop has now become a gym

Neat, they're actually adding more landmarks.
>not dragon breath/outrage
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>my main bro will finally get a chance to shine

If TMs allow you to access legacy moves though I will be fucking mad

SC/SB Gengar is one of the few cool things I have
What sorts of locations do you anons live? Not seen a single update to anything on either time they added gyms and stops...
Assuming that move is on a tm
Good luck getting it though
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>Speculations that Rhydon will be useless
>char and a defender ever
please sudowoodo can kill him,
fucking sudowoodo.
Damn, are you telling me this CP cap is that low?
Also, help me name him Something you'd name a human.
Char is for attack

you don't understand nigger

there are two types of TM:
>Quick TM
>Charge TM

each use rerolls the quick, or charge, move into something else it has access to (but it can't roll the same one). so let's say you have steel wing/hurricane dragonite. you use a quick tm, you will get dragon tail. you use a charge tm, you will get hyper beak OR outrage at random.
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>hyper beak
I want both t bh
Can we expect another CP rebalance like when Arcanine/Lapras got nerfed?
>TM's so I can re-roll my 100% Dragonite/Vaporeon
It has begun
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New images from Famitsu
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Reminder to refrain from sticking your highest DPS Pokemon in gyms
When a raid happens, you wanna be the one doing the damage
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Private raid code creator
>TMs are blueprints instead of discs
10/10 design
Ching chong nig nog chan
I can't read moonrunes, give us actual text.
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>CP no longer matters
>my 13/15/15 shuckle can finally shine


You have any text that was next to that image? I speak nip, maybe I could translate
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Weak gym

this is the map feature showing where people you've raided with are from
>no furret
wtf hanke ?
>you have to try 1000 combinations just to get in the private raid
cant argue with a get

Hope so
PTC dead for anyone else?
>invite /vp/ bros to raid with me
>risk town getting overrun by spoofers
tough call desu
> Not naming Chansey

fucking casual...
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Battling is still the exact same, so in terms of 'best defenders', it's just the Pokemon you find the most challenging to defeat.
Exeggutor is back for sure, Lapras too.

Also the way motivation works, perhaps it's harder to maintain higher CP Pokemon.
We could legit see shit like Dewgong become a top Pokemon due to it's high stats for a low CP if this turns out to be the case.
Can spoofers fight gyms if they are too far from their home?
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>couldnt get tickets to the event even though I live near Chicago because of scalpers
>they're selling tickets on eBay for $300 each

I wish every single scalper would just drop dead. Seriously fuck em
I'm using Google and I've been unable to get in for the last 30 minutes or so.

So you can raid with people who are from other locations to you by trying to raid a local gym? =s
So with the species cap can we expect to see Chansey AND Blissey in gyms

>inb4 same species

confirmed that it's worked off dex # so this would be allowed
Can someone explain the logic behind clusters? How the fuck did I got all this next to my house out of the sudden? Before this all I had were 2 spawns.
GPS drift you casual.
So does CP matter much anymore now we dont use it to get on top?

yes, raids have global matchmaking and anybody can join if they have the code

tfw excited for /pgg/ does raids
Who cares, it's crap
>Implying I'd want to TM my Dragonbreath/Dragon Pule Gyarados
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Damn it. Wrong pic
>yes, raids have global matchmaking and anybody can join if they have the code

Guess that explains the Legendaries then.

Legendary event in New York, can be accessed anywhere in the world by going to a local gym and selecting to join the raid using a specific 'public code' by Niantic.
I think they fucked with the spawns a bit. This morning I noticed 2 pokemon next to a church sign near my house that I've literally never seen anything spawn from before.
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>Pokemon are being returned from Gyms

Just got my Rhydon back
>doxxing yourself
I noticed a lot Pokemon spawn from new places and more frequently, this makes actually walking with this game much more enjoyable.
>Treeman is back
Who ready?
So what's to stop you from soloing raids

It's already confirmed that you can exit/enter raid battles during the 5 minute window, so by proxy you can leave/heal up/enter again and repeat. No pokemon will take more than 5 minutes to beat down with proper type coverage so why the whole 'not on your own' thing?
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>still have my 97% Treeman
>he'll be back from his gym any minute now
>>This adds more tedious time wasting trying to pinpoint where they spawn so you can check for rare spawns near you and results in more people using trackers given the unreliable nature of spawning.
>wow i can't believe you enjoy doing something different than spoofing you fucking idiot
Jep just lost 3 mons too. Fully healed at least so that's nice.

What does GPS drifting have to do with the event selling out?

I suppose I could still go outside Grant Park and drift for nearby pokestops or something.
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So what's to stop me from spoofing to Chicago and attending the event from my bed
There is a difference between being a smart walkfag who identifies where the Pokemon spawn and checks those spots - and a dumb walkfag who thinks its a good thing that the spots are now randomised.
Pretty cucked, but it probably isn't hopeless now that tms are coming.
2 Mons out, one remaining.
special codes that nintendo hands out to people who actually attend it?
any other walkgfgs like to imagine the battle playing out in real life and visualising it or am I just autistic
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I just walk. Fuck cheating, play legit or go home.
If they do this, but its Nintendo/Niantic so i doubt they'll think of it.

Plus there wont be an exact number and you can still join via random luck of trying the codes.
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>tfw no Pokemon GO girl to ballbust me.
You cant be this dumb can you?

You can be a walkfag also and not want the things randomised you dumb bitch.
Jesus Christ.
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What could go wrong
They will never exist... only Moons...
polibro might be back
>Playing this game
> Organise a big event in Chicago with tons of kids during a time where most the world has terrorist attacks...

What could possibly go wrong...
Will Nick get phonenucked?
>Level 25
>never seen a Bellsprout, Spearow, Wooper or Krabby
common shitmon
I've been noticing the 3 I lost so far were outside of the top 6 within their gyms. What if, once they completed the update, our remaining gymmons within the top 6 are actually already in the new gyms?
Probably by a Moon.

Btw, is he back with her yet, he's totally going to go back with her and get cucked even harder...
>you can't want some variety can you?
We just had a rock event...
More like "I don't have a fucking life and just spoof all day everyday for weeks on end."
They updated some Pokestop pictures so it wouldn't surprise me that they updated spawn points too.

We'll see... it may be based on the most recent additions to the gym as per the new rule with gyms. If so i placed my last Pokemon in about 30 mins before gyms closed with nobody else placing - so we'll see if it stays.
We literally just had a rock event, faggot.

Rhydon only takes 50 to evolve.
Variety is nice, such as the idea of an occasional random spawn outside of the normal trail.

Having the pokemon RNG, the location spawning RNG, the time RNG and the likelyhood of you finding them all RNG is going to be frustrating... especially considering RNG spawns do not appear on the near map.
It's Rhydon, not a fucking Dragonite/Tyranitar
>That really older trainer with a concealed carry
I wonder too
So... how many casualties should we estimate for the PoGo attack in Chicago? and do we count Nuck given how hard he got cucked?
I went pretty hard in the rock event
They are uncommon here, but not rare, I still had about 15 Rhyhorns before the event
Is there still any bot working for this game?

My young cousin really loves Pokemon and I thought I could gift him a boosted Pokemon Go account.
tons, learn to google. have 5 accounts running right now. and have been off and on for months. Learn to do it safe and its easy to evade ban waves.
But finding high enough IV Rhydon?
The rock event yielded me a total of two Rhydons, not fucking 23.
Rhyhorn takes 50 candies to evolve so even if you used a pinap berry every time that's nearly 200 Rhyhorns. But most of them are fully powered up so you can add a shitload more Rhyhorns to the count.
How do you know if they have high IVs?
Anyone else not able to load the game right now or is it just my phone being shitty?
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Guess it was just me. Nvm
What's going on here?
Everyone's slowly being returned to me with full health.... not all at once but one by one. it's almost as if they have devs spoofing around taking them down manually one by one while regular players only see disabled gyms. Pretty funny.
>pokemon coming back one by one
>new gyms popping up one by one in my local area
>those two suck at due to double weaknesses

You obviously don't understand the concept of type strategy.
There's this thing called a shell script and knowing Niantic who can't write efficient code it'll probably be running through all the gyms applying a set of commands at each one at a snail's pace for hours

They've increased the level of RNG and some walkfags are calling other walkfags, spoofers, for not liking it.
>Pokemon Go

>Pokemon go
>no strategy


Take on a stacked Blissey gym with a team of stage 1 starters and see how that goes buddy
What do you mean by "new gyms"?
They keep adding new gyms in your area, or are the new gyms available right now in your area?
They are changing Pokestops into gyms
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Squirtle used Bubble Beam!~
Kek I wouldn't past them, how many times did they fail to root out bottling?
thats impossible. no strategy to it.
When will these features be live? This shit actually sounds like fun and the weather here is good right now.
Will they change every stop into gym?
knowing niantic probably summer 2018
Im clearly asking about the webm
ffs furfags, kys

I highly doubt it. I can imagine that the player bases would drop highly
Now there is. Since placement is based on when it was put down, you can put direct counters after the one before you forcing a switch and causing damage to both the weakened fighter and the switch in due to how damage is applied to a switch out. Say for instance, someone puts a blissey down, a direct counter to the predicted attacker (machamp or dragonite) would be espeon or another dragonite, and thus would be the smarter thing to put after a blissey. That's the only strategy, once you know optimal attacks you just mash to the rhythm of dodging and enemy attacks.

I don't see any fur niggers around here... Where?
Why would they drop?
DESU I miss those early days when there was variety. A Taurus here, a magmar there, a poliwrath over there. I always tried to keep it that way. Shit I remember the arcanine/exxegutor take over but I didn't give a fuck it was still fun. Hell I even look forward to gyarados, dragonite, tyranitar.Then fucking blissey came along and I completely quit gyms shit was just not fun.
where the hell did machamp and dragonite come into play? Anon said to do the challenge using only base starters. Implied that with strategy you could beat a decked out gym with shitmons.
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Won't this update make Wobbuffet top tier?

If we assume that low-CP-high-stat Pokemon will be valuable in the upcoming meta then it basically has like 70% of Blissey's stats at about a third of the total CP. I only have one and it has shit stats but it'll be interesting to see what becomes meta.
No competition. There'd be tens of thousands of new places to put your mons and you wouldn't have to kick anyone out, there'd be room for everyone.
It was really cool seeing Tentacruel, Vileplume, Arcanine, Victreebell and Golduck in the same gym.
Will Steelix finally stay on a gym?
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>have a 100% Wobbuffet
I wish. I've got three and they just sit on their metallic asses
Why? Gyms give you items now, so basically they've added gyms and taken nothing away.
I'm saying strategy exists in Pokémon placement, I was ignoring the stupid hypothetical someone posted.
>43 minutes left until one last possible collection
>5 mons still "technically" in gyms
Will I make it in time to get my last Hanke coins?
No, because it has NO DEFENSE.
Shuckle has ultimate defense, no HP, thus not a tank.
Wobbuffet has a fucktonne HP and weak defenses.
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>XL weight
>XL height
>15 HP 13 Att 15 Def 96%

She's a big girl
my gyms went from 3 to 6 from my house view
Ditto becomes top tier XDDD
>> Organise a big event in Chicago with tons of kids during a time where most the world has terrorist attacks...

Lets be honest here, it's gonna be all people in their 20s. There will hardly be any actual children there.

Good point on the terrorist thing but if we're always gonna live in fear of getting terrorized, they have already won anon.
returning summerfag here:

Did they fix the three step footprint tracker?

Did they fix egg distance being fucked and not logging?

Did they nerf Vaporeon or Lapras?

Who are the current top gym threats?
>they have added only two gyms in my town, none of them are anywhere near my home
I hope they will keep adding more
I understoood that reference
>Who are the current top gym threats?

This wont even matter once the update hits.
I'd watch out for right wing Murican gun-tards with a John Wayne/Charles Bronson complex than any Muslim
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>Mfw on my last 10km egg spin and going to go for another all night walk just like last night

I was out till like 3 AM/3:30 AM last night. It was a nice and great night. I cracked 1111 CP Mantine last night and it squeezed 5K XP for me from the hatch
>Did they fix the three step footprint tracker?
Nope and never ever.
>Did they fix egg distance being fucked and not logging?
Yes, but there's a speed cap. So you have to walk, running is faster than the speed cap.
>Did they nerf Vaporeon or Lapras?
Vaporeon got a small nerf, still very good. Lapras got cucked hardcore when Gen 2 came out.
>Who are the current top gym threats?
kinda irrelevant now because of the impending gym rework. All you have to know is Blissey is OP.
haha, just blame DRUMPF, amiright?
>muh religion of peace

In the Pokemon GO live event page they have already laid out the rules of what you can bring inside the park. Obviously firearms or even fucking opened sun screen is not allowed.. they are aware of what could happen and taking measures to stop it. It'll be safe inside the park. Now, right outside of it it's where it might get dangerous if there's no check-ups.

Lets keep the /pol/ crap out of here.
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Will my nigger shuckle ever be useful
I hope so, cause I've got a 100% one sitting there
>take gym
>valor fags logs onto his level 5 account and puts a 10 cp pikachu first
>now the pikachu is at the top until the gym is kill

isnt this great?
That's good bait, but shouldn't you be picking up your wife from her daily cultural enrichment sessions with Ahmed?
Tbh you are more likely to get gunned down by a crazy white dude than die in a aloha snackbar event.
>find pokegirl online
>she spoofs
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>Double weak to Fighting, which not everyone has thanks to Hanke'd movesets
Uh... have you been paying attention at all? This handsome blue fellow of mine I evolved two days ago will probably be my premier T-tar rapist. That's besides the Ursarings and Azumarils I have which have perfect offense and defense. Gotta play with more than the big seven, man.

Since prestige won't be a thing any more I hope they level out all of the prestige class mons to keep on par with the ones that can hit 3k cp. I want my Pidgeot Air Force to fucking mean something. Or at least see Skarmory become a badass again.

It is.

Now everyone can play, not just tryhards with 3000CP Tyranitars that will stay on top of the gym for months.

Classic Amerifat

>i want equal things but I dont want to bother working hard to to get them, pander to me or i will throw a tantrum

Why the fuck does this thing learn solarbeam? I was so fucking mad when I evolved it. Is the tm thing really true? I want to believe so my bro can be saved
Especially in Texas, where rednecks in the latest Walmart fashion will shoot you over an ARGUEMENT as soon as look at you. That's why I Pokédrive
>he couldn't be 3k Tyranitars
Did you ever consider YOU were the shitter?
But you aren't. At all.
>Fire type

I think your brain hamster fell off the wheel
Better than Fire Blast Slowking. I have that meme shit and was thoroughly annoyed.
It was rhetorical braniac. Of course I know fire types can learn it. But why the hell would they make it possible in Pokémon go
Pokémon games would be cool if they introduced some dual type moves (e.g. solar beam would be grass/fire)
They did you fucking normie
Who else /tooalphatospoofbuttoobetatowalk/ here ?
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Is it useable now /pgg/
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Have you met my friend? With cps getting as high as 2500, this here is your worst nightmare.
Certainly more than it used to be.
So is the new gyms update out yet? I thought they said it was only a matter of a few hours like 8 hours ago.
Google translate is pretty easy to use friendo
They made 1 and it's exclusive to 1 Pokémon. Hardly worth jizzing over.
>tfw no gym/pokestop in my house

He's always been useful. He's one of my go-to Blissey killers
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Nice Poliwrath. Wish I could say the same for both of my 100 FUCKING IV POLIWRATHS

Also rate my 100 IV mons and post yours
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>left the grocery store and ran two blocks to catch it

I don't even give a FUCK that its Water Gun/Hydro Pump
Nor do I care that it has awful stats
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>live in a swamp
>bugs take up about 10% of all space
>no Pinecos to be found
Well yeah

Its a pinecone
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C-cool man...
You forget Pineco is a pinecone as much as Sudowoodoo is a tree. It's a bagworm. Even so if you were to say expect somewhere like Canada, I have plenty of conifers and pines in my area.
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Pretty good, my dude

I just need 20 more candies
My bad, I legit thought you lived in a swamp for a moment
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As if the content of your post didn't make you out to be enough of a faggot. Let me break it down for you in an easy to read format so even your handicapped mind can understand

1) It's a fucking videogame, not a job. Gyms are introduced at a low level, you needed to reach near endgame to even have a chance at interacting with them in the old system, which could take months depending on the population density of your hometown.

2)Spouting buzzwords you read here only makes people write your posts off as the babbling of a childish retard. The more you try to fit in like that, the more of a dipshit you come across as

tl;dr: you're wrong, lurk moar faggot
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Firs grow all over the place, friend. That's me on the EC between yellow and orange.
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>running low on balls
>go out on a Pokestop run
>hit near 30 stops in an hour
>kept catching Pokemon
>come home
>only have about 10/10/3 balls
Fucking hell, this is rough.
I have 0 Pokéballs and 0 berries
Fuck me
Ultras/Berries in the shop when?
Not that I'll be able to afford them soon with the new Hankegyms completely obliterating my income
>raining every day i have off in Florida
>used to have 100/60/30 balls
>was down to 8/0/17 balls
>spend the morning at the park before fucking thunderstorms came back
>now only have 100/20/25 balls

wow hanke, like I really need 3 regular potions.
This is false. The new gym system allows you to grind for 100 MAX coins, but does not allow for sitting.
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I want to go on a Pokestop run for the last day tomorrow but it looks like it might rain.
>This is false
No it isn't
>implying I have the time to grind every day
If I spoofed then maybe, but my lifestyle is more accommodated to sitting.
I guess I can get 200 coins on the weekend.
Yes it is. You get 10 coins minimum from a mon being returned from a gym, do this ten times and you'll hit the max. Use an alt account and throw pidgeys in, kill with another, grind 100 for two accounts in a small amount of time.
Is PTC kill?
>Use an alt account
Stopped reading there

And no, I'm not going to have 10 Pokemon returning everyday for 100 coins, doesn't quite work like that
That's a really retarded system anyway
>want coins?
>better hope your Pokemon are bad rather than good
Nice, I might be going to school near there next year.
I'm in the blue on the WC, so you may as well be living in a swamp compared to me
Imagine having a gym right in your fucking house.

You are pretty much rich because you can keep feeding that nigga while you sleep.
So, how long have you stayed up walking around around playing GO since the event, /pgg/? Well, nighttime rather
>you can feed a spoofer's Pokemon infinitely to keep their Pokemon in a gym/stop them from getting coins
Day of the Walkcucks has arrived
Stop bitching god damn. Get a friend from another team for your 100 coins and then play the game like they want you to, a competition for territory instead of a fight with your teammates for coins. Idk what to say you could start spoofing if your lifestyle really doesn't accommodate having friends to play with.
>you will never be this autistic
You can only feed your own Pokémon. They can also just alt account themselves out. Good try though.
>You can only feed your own Pokémon.

Fake news.
B-but how else am I going to keep my battery from dying?
Okay? All I said is that the new system will completely kneecap my income (10 coins a day), and you tried to tell me I was wrong when it's entirely correct.

My friends stopped playing this shit back last September, they were all the same team as me anyway
Post yfw your very first raid boss is a 40k Blissey
You supposedly get more coins the longer your Pokemon stays in the Gym. Also they'll return naturally if you don't feed them. So just let them drop back from hunger and immediately shove them back in.
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>none of the pokemon that got kicked out of gyms need to be healed
>but still have 4 pokemon left in gyms

I'll take 40 hankebux I guess
No one has ever dared told me anything.
Than again I look like a big scary brown man and I would rape a scrawny cuck like Nick in front of my boyfriend if he ever tried this shit on me.

I don't get it?
Make one when they are running luring the pokestops
Oh wait now it's down to 3 pokemon in gyms. They must be doing this pretty slowly
And I was saying it's easy to sit at a gym for 40 minutes with another account throwing pidgeys back and forth, whether or not it's your account remains to be seen, but if you wanted 100 coins they're sitting right in front of you, you just won't take 'em, that's why I called it bitching.

he walks like the autistic walk meme lmao

Holy shit
100* coins

>alt account again
Oh yeah, that's a fantastic way of playing under the new system, literally cheating and sitting on a street corner on my own for an hour, every day
I think I'll pass thanks
Is that reversal?
>tfw 26 mons finally came home

Should I power them up?

Yes. He's living with Nick for a week or so. Expect more autistic adventures.
He a QT

Evening lads.
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Not yet.
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Wait for the update.
Wonder if TMs will give legacy moves...
I have around 50 mons i can evolve, should i wait in case of a double xp event in the coming weeks?

Don't take it personal, kid.
CIA get out
Got my Chicago tickets.

Respond you fat fucks
What's happening here?
here been dead for 3 hours
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This please
happened to me when I was in high school
you lucky trainer
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