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/vpmd/- /VP/ mystery dungeon

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Thread replies: 202
Thread images: 39

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Digital Overlord Pig Edition

Prev thread: >>32215484
Screencaps of previous threads(thanks to sceencap anon!): https://imgur.com/a/7TfUl

Story so far: You are Ron, a human who one day turned into a Tepig. Along with your friend Oshawott, you started an exploration team, investigating a mystery of a captured Shaymin, a rogue Tapu Koko, and a dying world. Check the screencaps to catch up!
After finding a missing Buizel and finishing an arduous adventure through a haunted mansion, you and your team are finally spending some time in the city to rest and restock before your next adventure.
Rules: Periodically I'll ask for input on what you, Ron (and ONLY Ron), should do with # posts. Other characters will move autonomously, acting of their own will. Only posts made AFTER the post asking for a # will count. Up to 5 mins after the ask post, you can override the get with dubs. Trips can overide dubs, etc. etc. Only the first of each type of get will be accepted.
In order to give people a chance to have their suggestions accepted after get posts, dubs, trips, etc can now be overwritten with dubs of opposite evens/odd, i.e. a post that gets dubs of 22 could be countered with an 11, 33, 55, 77, or 99.

Keep note that actions can only be performed within the realm of plausibility. You can't pull out items you don't have, you can't use moves you don't know, you can't willingly try to kill yourself etc. etc.

Info sheet (inc. Moves, Abilities, and inventory): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FMmY3bDYUhif0da--HXa6SZxSC6TxiyV0tEWXC8Eo-k/edit?usp=sharing
Reminder to be nice to VPMD, as they're one of the few good things left on /vp/ these days.
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>Shops visited. There's still a few places left to visit in the city if you want. You should probably visit the bank at some point to check on your house loan at least. You also promised to return to Palderville and search for signs of the mayor when you can.

>What will you do? 6 first action
Time to make a deposit at the bank, I suppose.
See if we can sell the giant sableye gem,and then go to the bank.
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>You try to sell the Sableye Gem to Shinx, but he tells you he can't accept it. Instead, he tells you to find someone into gems and valuables. Well then, there's definitely someone you have in mind for that.

>You head up to the North Part end of town and enter the bank

Probopass: Welcome, welcome, young ones! Is there something I can be helping you with today?

Druddigon: Or are you here to check the current job requests?

Osha: In a sec, Druddigon. Probopass, we found this giant gem on an adventure. Any chance we could sell it to you?
Guys, help me. I'm the anon that started the /vp/ memes thread and I want to be on this thread but the pace of the memes is too fast for me to keep up with. It's only been 20 minutes! HELP!!!
Rape this anon
Your fault for asking for memes.
Hope you liked the Ron x Osha pic I posted.
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>Probopass rushes out in front of the counter.

Osha: Er- are you okay, Probopass? You're looking real... sweaty...

Probopass: Yes, yesss, what a specimen this is! Mega Sableye, yes? Of course, it's their trademark gem! Such clarity! It's so perfect, it almost looks like it's made of a perfectly translucent plastic! Hm... for this, I could part with... 300g. You won't find a better price in this city, I guarantee you!

Probopass: Ahem, with your loan, you still owe me 200g for your home. After that, you'll have 100 left over. Would you like to deposit some maybe? Or should we put that right into your next home upgrade?

Druddigon: If you upgrade your home to a guildhouse, you'll be able to send out one team of your fellow guildmates to work on jobs for you!

Probopass: Don't forget, money deposited earns interest too!

>Thoughts, actions? 3 decides
bite the gem to ensure it's perfect
Haggle for 400g before putting it into upgrades
Seduce probopass to get a better deal
Get the upgrades
(a probopass can sweat?)
Re rolling for this>>32231706

Re. I feel like we're about to get jewed out of a lot of money if we sell for only 300g
Also, >>32231706
Alright, I can't be raped anymore because the meme thread died down a bit. We good. Please don't bump it.
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I'm honored to be included as a /vp/ meme

I am, however, also bound by dubs for this >>32231755
roll for rape
that better not be doubling as a censor bar
I don't think Ron can ever have a healthy relationship with the otter if so
Ironically, I was the one who rolled for and got the dubs just because I wanted to see how you would do it. I was not disappointed :^)
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>With your charisma level and this roll, you attempt to haggle with Probopass
>"Hey, we're talking about a MEGA pokemon gem. These things don't fall out of trees, you know! We had a tough fight to get this! 400g or we walk.

Probopass: Ah... okay, listen, kiddo, I can go as high as, I'd say 350g. What do you say?

>5 next
THI- er, higher.
That's good enough. Ask how much for a home upgrade. If it's over 150g, just deposit 100g and keep the rest.
Where is the Pawn Stars reference?
Call one of your friends that is an expert on gems to know the real value of this gem.
Higher or we call our friends from /pol/
you know, i bet our drillbur pal knows how much this actually can be sell for....
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>"C'mon man, you can do better"
Probopass: 400! 400 and that's it! not a cent more! Call whoever you want, that's the best you'll get!

>4 next
call drillbur and ask him how much this shit is worth
try and suck off oshawot
He's hiding something, lets call a friend and see how much its worth.
I think that is enough,lets get the upgrades and leave the rest in the bank
Checked. Pay off the loan and ask for the price of the upgrade.
You said last thread you were watching the new Rick and Morty. My cousin and I watched it last night and holy fuck IT WAS GREAT. They even got Daddy Fillion to guest star!
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>"Hang on a sec"
>You call in an expert friend of yours

Bob: Alright, Mr Probopass, you get many Mega Sableye gems in here?

Probopass: I've seen my fair share. And I've had years of experience with gems and jewels. 400g is my offer. Take it or leave it.

Bob, Bud, you ain't gettin a gem nicer than this. Look at this thing! The aging alone, you'll never find something out there like this again. 500g.

Probopass: 410

Bob: 450

Probopass: 420

Bob: 425 and you give these guys 1.25x your normal interest through their next adventure.

Probopass: Done!

>Well, what are you going to do with your money? 1 next
take the otter out on a fancy date

or at least try
Upgrade that house! Deposit the rest.
Confess to everyone that we are actually a plastic toy living on a white board and being controlled by an entity named OP who receives commands by other entities named Anons and they communicate con technological devices
house upgrade to the guild thing
It was a pretty great episode. Still mildly pissed about samurai jack though
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>You pay the 200g to pay off your loan, plus another 100g to upgrade your place to a small guildhouse. The rest is deposited into your account

Druddigon: Great! Now you can set up one sub team to go on missions while you guys are out. And we'll send job listings right to your place so you don't have to come here to check!

Osha: Oh! Speaking of which, got anything for the Daisan Knoll area while we're here?

Druddigon: Ah, sure let's see. Daisan Knoll... we have a missing item belonging to Hopip. Job listing says it'll be in a chest.
Looks like Darumaka has wandered off up that way, his friend caterpie is looking for him.
And a mystery pokemon is looking for someone to find and deliver one sleep seed to his lake-side base.

Osha: Alright we'll take em.

>What's next? 7 decides
They're okay. Just believe in them.
Go through bob's tunnel to get the bed from the mansion so we can put it in our base
let's check our new guildhouse and send someone on a mission
Check out our new home
send croagunk and noibat on that second mission
Lets visit xatu
Do this
Its a namefag, ignore it.
Fucking student-kun...
>our house will be a mattress store by then end of this
Does that count as the button press?
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Holy fuck, OP is mad.
Holy shit Op please calm down. We're stopping...
Rolling to use Osha's armor on Op so we're on his good side.
This is a good idea
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rolling to get a smaller bed so Ron and Osha can cuddle closely

Op, please accept these dubs as an offering for mercy...
Presenting them now.
Please accept this offering oh vengeful god
roll for destroying the bed
Maybe another would be good?
Rolling to end all rolling.
Okay, in all seriousness, we need to stop. From now on, no more rolls, no more trying to placate the god. We're just going to sit tight because that's what's gonna piss them off the least.
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I fully agree.

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OP is dead, i'm your god now
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Osha: Hey! Not too shabby. It's almost as big as my old house! And separate rooms for beds, nice!

Bob: Heya, welcome home guys!

>Plum waves cheerfully

Nidorina: Oh hey, you're finally here! I was waiting all through the construction even! Am I joining your little club or what, boys?

>8 next

lol guys, I'm not THAT pissed
dab lol
high-five Plum
Recluit Nidorina, send bob and plum in a mission, take a break for today
"Sorry, no girls allowed."
Oh thank god
Tell Nidorina of course as flirtatiously as possible and place the bed in the room so we can get all this furniture bullshit don at last.
Lick plum
secure this
also, where are the rest of our possible recluits?
Let's not.
This anon a bro.
They've been around town
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No, I am.
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No, I am.
All hail
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>"Well of course you're in! Our team wouldn't be complete without you ;)"

>Nidorina officially joins Team Regicide

>"And now, for the MOST IMPORTANT THING this guild needs!
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I thought we killed those candle ghosts for good.
what's up with the lights?, are we becoming gods now?
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>It's here! It's perfect! It's everything you wanted and more! There's applause all around. Arceus itself is here to bestow its blessings upon it. Truly this is magical.

Nidorina: Is... is that it?

>Anything else you want to do before ending? 9
Burn the bed
Start a pillow fight.
Jump on it
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Cum on the bed, we need to mark our territory
Tell Nidorina "Oh, you know what happens next ;)" and ask for some privacy from everyone else
Sleep in the bed.
>Anything else you want to do before ending?
Yeah, let's end with a bang
See you space cowboy...
jump on the bed
Op, please don't let this happen after all we've gone through with all this bed shit. These fuckers are just gonna try to get another one.
inb4 Arceus himself prevents us from burning the bed
There's no better way to celebrate our new bed than to do a sleepover!
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>Past time limit
ok I'm glad OP has his button now
I forgot about the button, pray OP uses now
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Yeah, same here. Although I'd rather not they use it for such a lame thing as this.
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Nidorina: Uh...

Osha: I'm going to sleep

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now hold up
roll for sleeping in same room with Osha
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Fuck. Night VPMD, thanks for the quality thread as usual.
Guys, don't worry. It was just the sheets. We can get more of those.
Shouldn't we be worried about the entire building catching fire?
You really think he'd let us after just burned the bed?
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Thanks, OP
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Love you OP! Thanks for the thread!
Only a half
An OPFO press is an OPFO press, you can't say it's only a half.
shit, I forgot, the 100g for the upgrade was just the initial payment for the next loan. It's 500g total to pay it off and upgrade to next level
Nice try, """"""""Henry""""""""
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The problem with making these live is that I have to edit all the (You)s out afterwards.
I came too late to join this time but looks like everything went as I would hope. Shame Osha didn't say anything about Arceus giving Ron a bed.
>digimon in Mystery Dungeon
Did you miss the april fools thread?
Or really any thread. They come up sometimes. I made us fuck with Chansey and we became a damn Yokai, too.
It was just an exaggeration on Ron's part, arceus wasn't really there. Like one of those 'told someone off, the whole room erupted in applause, this totally happened" tumblr posts
Not to mention that one time we suffered from the Franchise Displacement Curse. Now that was one heck of a thread.
That thread was a great time
bumpan just cause I like the post thread discussions
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A fitting reaction image for this thread.
Someone name a non-legendary pokemon they like that has a figure
No go :(
Tyrunt or Amaura?
Well... I can do either, but they don't have evolutions

No fig v_v
What about Koffing, then?
>No fig v_v
Darn. I'm putting my vote towards Amaura then.
THAT I can do
but do we want even more poison types on the team?

Maybe then. I still have to check around and see if there's anywhere that has good pokemon models I could print and use for any missing evolutions
What other full families can you do?
Better to provide than watch us list and hope
what's this for anyway?
we'll become poison type specialists

This too though, it'd be nice to know.
I can do anything from gen 1 or 2. Gen 3 onwards is pretty spotty, and I don't have my checklist handy just now. Gen 4 might be a decent bet. 5 they barely made anything from. Same for 6, it was like, pokemon that were on ashs team and a small handful of randos. I do know I have all the early route birds except pidove and pikipek

something that probably won't pay off for many many threads
>I can do anything from gen 1 or 2.
electabuzz would be cool
and then i fucking remembered the mayor is an electivire

do this
Alright, doable.

Well... we could do it. If it ever evolves, they'd just need to not be in the same scene at the same time, which I mean, Mayor electivire isn't really a main character

Pic unrelated
How about Slowbro? That'll be fun to deal with.
both good. I'll hang onto these suggestions for future stuff... it just might take a couple chapters to get to them all
Slowpoke family
Also nice quads
Proof that /vpmd/ gets all the gets.
Also, would it irritate you if we loot the mansion? You can just cut the part out where we raid and, hell, Maybe we could get rotom to join our team. We NEED a fucking electric type and ghost type and we could also get the stuff from the game room and put it into the base! It would be cool af to have game nights with rotom and buddy in the base!!!

Keep an eye out for the upcoming Palderville stuff
Here, let me say it in a non-autistic way so I don't sound like fucking Student-kun: It's kinda depressing to live in this bland-ass base, even if we aren't in it sometimes. Will there be an opportunity to get some furniture to decorate our house? Also, we should really recruit rotom since he seemed to like us and he needs a home since the mansion imploded.
What do you want to put there exactly? The guildhouse is really more or less just a place to have Osha and Ron go to to stay and sleep if the plot calls for a day change or something (and now to send out sub teams)
The following:
>A couch for us to chill on
>A tv for us to watch yo-kai watch on
>I'm over getting a bed as to what happened this thread, but it would be nice to have. Oh well.
>The arcade machines are done for, but they would have been nice
>A carpet so we can rub our piggy feet on it and shock people
That's all I can think of for now. Sorry if the furniture requests get annoying. I understand
Is there gonna be a new ep tonite?
Asking early to be a dick
It's here!
Thread posts: 202
Thread images: 39

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