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Is this the first universally despised Pokemon game?

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Thread replies: 118
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Is this the first universally despised Pokemon game?
tumblr loves it, that tells you something
>This thread again, 3 times a day

Stop this meme
Yup. That SuMo is only loved by women and SJW cucks. The free thinking man instead opts to reject this travesty and decides to discuss it's boundless flaws with other 4chan users.
It's not a meme, the vast majority of this board hates SuMo.
no, gen 5 exists

Fucking reddit
They only hate it because they don't want to appear to like it. This is best gen since Gen 3.
>This is best gen since Gen 3

How do you live with such horrendous taste, you Game Freak apologist cuck?
Gen 5 hype season was really nice. I liked it.
>vast majority
Nope, just you making this thread all the time
>same pic
>same OP
>same thread

I see. I can predict this thread will go
>bump limit
>one retard samefagging calling everyone who expresses a positive or neutral opinion a random buzzword selected from /v/ such as cuck, shill and such
>samefagging OP spouting his version of "facts" that people will deny because they're usually wrong, such as the game being a "sales failure" despite selling a ton
>OP not addressing any arguments and instead opting to simply insult people, denies samefagging and professes that this is his first post on 4chan
>50% chance of deletion because of flamewars
Nope i love them.

What, do you need a safe space to keep away anything remotaly progressive? Grow the fuck up and look past it if it bothers you. Christ, you are alost as bad as SJW's when they have to deal with things they don't like too...
>it's a thinly veiled SuMo shill post

Ahahah, got em there.

Fuck off shill this was my first thread.

See >>31168681
Now fuck off >>>/tumblr/
>calls us shills
>LITERALLY shilling your dumb acronym by saying "everybody says it"
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>this was my first thread
Every single strawpoll created on this subject proves that you're just spouting bullshit. Also, no (You) for you.
And you posted exactly what I said you would.
>OP not addressing any arguments and instead opting to simply insult people, denies samefagging and professes that this is his first post on 4chan
>Fuck off shill this was my first thread.
Wow Anon you're really good at this

That's where you fucked up. How can we trust you shills not to IP spoof it? Cucks.
t. tumblrina

>things that never happened for $400
I wonder how quick this person would have put a hole in their head if there wasn't an internet

I doubt they have much going for them outside of getting elation from the thought of anonymous people getting angry, so I'd imagine it would be a short life
>this faggot again

Why couldn't you be autistic about something useful?
Trips of truth
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>Fuck off shill this was my first thread.
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Seriously OP, how long are you going to try to force this meme?
dude get the fuck over the fact that alot of ppl do not like this game. fuck me, how fucking stuck up your ass are you people? every diss you guys see a fucking meme or joke, no this game as a pokemon game LEGIT SUCKS!
>G-Guys, am I f-fitting in yet?
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>Being this autistic

You are amusing, please continue doing this.
There's been at least 4 strawpolls in which the opposite happened. Cry moar, faggot.
This anon speaks the truth. SuMo is genuinely the worst game of 2016 and we have a ton of people on /v/ who agree with that statement.

They're still true though.

It's not a meme, shill.
Opinion discarded.
This. SuMo shills are just mad nobody wants to talk about their favorite """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''"""""""game"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''"""""""
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>"This anon speaks the truth."
>it's himself
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Cry moar faggot shill.
reminder that if you post in pokebarneyfag threads, you're just as bad as him

including myself

You really need to fucking stop dude it's getting pathetic. I mean at the very least change the OP image if you're going to continue the same exact threads.
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The issue isn't with people not letting you dislike the game, it's with you constantly making threads that contains no other content besides "THIS GAME SUCKS" and every post agreeing with you is obvious samefagging.

If everyone supposedly shares your opinion that Sun/Moon sucks dick, then what's the point of making these threads all the fucking time?
Are you unaware of your surroundings
Do you call Gold Silver and Crystal GoSiCr? And Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald RuSaEm? Of course not you fucking nigger, only the avatars of absolute retardation do that
>what's the point of making these threads all the fucking time?
To counter all the shilling for this obvious blunder. The honeymoon phase is over faggot, deal with it.
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Nah, I'm enjoying the game. You can stay mad, though.
Tell me /vp/, why's OP so autistic?
I don't despise it.
The pokemon ride system is great.
No, because that sounds absolutely fucking retarded, dumbass. SuMo is modeled after an actual word (sumo, as in sumo wrestler) which flows easier than saying SM. Git gud at phonetics, nigger.
I guess the ppl who lurk like it and the losers who actually post dont
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holy shit.

/v/ hates video games, most of them are colossal retarded normies. At least /b/ is better in shitposting than them or you for the matter, OP.

Dude the game has been out for nearly two months. It's not fucking shilling because the game doesn't need to be shilled as it's already sold millions.

The word you're looking for is praise. God damn it you fucking morbidly obese prick.
/v/ merely adopted the shitpost. /b/ was born in it, molded by it.
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Shitposting every day isn't universally anon

The majority consider it great

The game isn't perfect, there is flaws just like every gen

But your being a little bitch and letting the otherwise moderate to small flaws pretend they are massively impacting the game when they aren't

The major additions, specifically the Island trial has been positively received which is the main gist of the adventure and formula
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>sh-sh-shill! cu-cuck! reddit! t-t-t-t-tumblr!
>Tumblr and NOA employees consider it great
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>Fuck off shill this was my first thread.

Yeah, I'm sure it's just a coincidence threads with that exact same image with a similar message come up fives times a day, you desperate faggot.
The vast majority of this board hates pokemon past numbers 152.
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I want OP to make a post without the words, 'cuck', 'GF apologist', 'shill', or 'SuMo'.

Oh wait he fucking can't.
Post them, faggot.

I agree with you. I have my problems and dissappointment with SM, but I wouldn't say it's hated, I still really enjoyed it
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There's 2 probelms with these threads lately.

First, OP hasn't killed himself despite beong told over and over to do so. Waste of air and energy on his very existence.

Second, you guys actually bothering to reply in this thread.

There's there's OP samefaggin with the strengh of a million armies attempting to diss the best games of the series so far (not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but better than the rest).

Just sage, ignore and move on.

Ah yeah, reminder, Kill Yourself OP.
anons should just image spam this thread to bump limit then jump ship.
But seriously, is OP Barneyfag or is he just a Pokemon-themed imitator?
Wew, you have absolutely atrocious taste to believe SM are the best. Perhaps you should end your life as well.
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>calling it "soomoh" is objectively better than "essem"

Uh huh. The SuMo abbreviation is the only thing "universally hated" about gen 7, OP. Well, aside from the barrage of dialogue in the beginning.

>naming it after the fat fucks who slam into each other

>not naming it after "S and M", because of all the new sexy waifus

Like, seriously?
Then what do you call HGSS you stupid concrete block? Is it something else contrarian and convoluted?
eh, betterthan6thgen/10
There is no such thing as a universally despised pokemon game if you don't count the chink bootleg shit. A whole bunch of people who aren't /vp/ love every main series game no matter what. We're talking about system sellers!
That E4 ost tho
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Holy shit! Wat
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>those quotes
most ive seen. made me kek.
I get the sense that people don't know how to sage, otherwise this thread would be dead.
I don't because I like drawing out shit threads and watching the faggots argue.
Add that to the fact that it's too easy to bait /vp/ in general. Most people here don't know how to fucking ignore obvious bait threads
same lol
>barrage of dialogue in the beginning
>in the beginning
its throughout the fucking game
shill cuck tumbrl tranny SuMo
Please give me (You)s.
You're the only one to ever say SuMo.
I disagree with OP. In my opinion, Pokemon Sunâ„¢ and Pokemon Moonâ„¢ are the best games up to date and I really reccomend buying it.

>Shilling a game on a board dedicated to it
Yeah but it's closer to the normal amount. The beginning is just where it's at it's worst.
if you have to ask, then its not universal.
Sun and Moon sucks. I went back and got a refund.
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Can I join that list and become a massively hated forced meme? I've posted my opinions in about four of these threads.
#6 really is a shit opinion though.
It isn't universally despised if even 1 person likes it. I happen to like it and also believe you should off yourself ASAP

>First thread
Fuck off
>Sun and Moon sucks. I went back and got a refund.

Then I went and got on /vp/ and talked about it. Further cementing my retardation.
the only problem with it is that destiny knot is locked behind BP
other than that, complaining that the battle tree starts off hard is casual as fuck
You know that stupid graphic will all the lines of text why SM sucks?

Yeah, I'm extremely tempted to take 30 minutes out of my life tomorrow and make a chart about all the positives about SM just to piss SM haters off.
do it dude
not to spite them but to spread the love
What ARE its basic formats like compared to those of the Maison and Subway? I've heard that opponents can use Megas and Z-Moves.
When did this board get a rule that you aren't allowed to talk about a game you don't have? Oh wait, it doesn't, now kill yourself.
There's the standard 20 battle run where you fight against Red or Blue at the end. This is the "easy" mode, aka everyone is fully evolved and EV trained with max IVs. But tbqh you can solo most of it with Kartana.
Then there's the "Super" mode which is limitless and every 10 trainers you fight against an important named characters who may or may not use megas and Z-moves. I don't know if the filler battles with random trainers have megas or Z-moves because I lost to Colress on battle 30

Oh and there's Singles, Doubles, and Multi which is where you fight with an important named character.
So only the super formats have opponents that use Megas and Z-Moves?
I only went through the regular once and didn't remember any. Red/Blue might have a Z-move though.
Neogaf love the game
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Don't you have anything better to do than making the same thread daily with your stupid opinion, OP?
Dunno about megas but even in non-super runs there's a guy who uses a Z-status move with Toxapex
>The game was praised for a while then everyone started to hate it

Sounds like what happens on this board every time a new game comes out, next thing you know they'll be praising gen 6 like they do gen 5
How long was that praise. though? From what I remember /vp/oreons were shitting on SM since the second week.
Can we get a strawpoll thread or something for this shit already? Tired of seeing the same threads with the OP samefagging every time
You mean vocal majority? Because I remember the strawpoll thread and the support for SM was about 80%
>pulling shit out of your ass
I like it. Then again, I like a lot of things people don't like.
Shit, I bumped it.

Do you like Sun and Moon?
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But how can Sun and Moon be bad when it made one of the cutest couples ever?

>universally hated
>92% of voters like it as of writing
Which story do I believe?
I don't think you understand what "universally" means. That means people you hate also hate it, which doesn't appear to be the case.
>it's a SM boxes episode
>the episode where everyone btfo'd OP
This really should make you think before you make yet another one.
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