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Wifi General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 31

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Trade - Battle - Breed

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: http://pastebin.com/8ZKVZfFf

Old: >>30739883
first for quiet suffering
xth for stank butt
LF Slush Rush Sandshew, have:
HA Vulpix with Encore, Moonblast, and Freeze Dry, Timid, Moon Ball
Oblivious Adamant Bounsweet with Play Rough
Jolly Bagon with Dragon Dance and Hydro Pump

IVs aren't too important. Thanks!
Fast Ball
Heavy Ball
Lure Ball
Moon Ball
1500 BP

Level Balls
Would anyone be willing to trade me a Drampa that I can keep, and touch trade me a Celesteela? They're the only Moon exclusive Pokemon I'm missing.
Looking for Jolly Kartana. Offering Careful Celesteela. Nicknameable as well.
I can help you out, wouldn't mind a bagon
Adding, bruh. Online in a sec.
who are you

Looking for either stuff in beast balls I don't have or really any good breedjects
Have- Beast Ball and Love Ball Eevee

Want- Eevee in other Apricorn Balls
i'm you, but stronger
Thanks, dude. I really appreciate it!
Scratch that, GTS people are desperate for Castform. Glad I bred like 9 of them earlier.
oh shit
I only have moonball eevees right now but I'd love your beast and love ball ones, Mine are HA if that matters any to you. I do plan on growing my eevee collection soon so it could be an investment perhaps?
Could anyone trade me a Thick Club?
HA doesn't matter to me, I can breed that on.
Adding you now.
Might as well post my list. Not looking for anything in particular
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What are you offering
Looking for a Hidden Ability Mudkip Family member.
nice, how I need to go catch more eevees for collections sake
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>spend a significant portion of my day filling out my dex
>still a long ways away from a complete Alola dex
Fun story: the first batch of eggs I hatched yielded a 6IV HA Sandshrew. Thank god.
Cool, the Vulpix doesn't suck either.

I also just got a Beast Ball Gible and Marill through WT, so those are getting bred soon.
I don't really know what's valuable to you guys, i don't frequent the board
A Turtonator?
Mfw I still haven't gotten my own 6iv sandshrew

yee boi, i think i have a beastball garchomp but idk if i have a marill like that, might hit you up again
Do you have a number of stock or amounts pf each pokemon, I don't have much to offer than a quick ball Beldum.

Most interested in HA Geodude and Gible.
>search for Jangmo-O to chain
>go to Canyon
>fucking 5% encounter rate
I've been searching for three fucking hours at this point and have yet to encounter one. ONE. Yes, I'm in the spot they appear - in the grass past the tree to the left of the path to the shrine. But they just don't. Fucking. SHOW. LYCANROC AND MACHOKE GET OUT REEEEEE
I got adamant scythers in beast balls
Want a Jangmo-o? I bred some in Premier Balls.
No, not unless it's shiny. And besides, I have literally nothing to offer. I'm mostly just griping, but seriously - Game Freak, why is every Alola Pokémon so rate compared to random older Pokèmon? It's Vulpix all over again!
Not really, I breed them when asked for and the leftovers are freed unless they have at least 5IVs. Not really interested in Quick Beldum but I have nothing else to do besides leveling my Incineroar so I can breed some Geo and Gible.

Do you want something?
Those mimikyu in beast balls will be awesome.
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Currently working on my dex.

UFT mons: Mimikyu, Cutiefly, Wimpod, Stufful, Mudbray, Salandit.
Do you have the actual items?
I wouldn't mind trading a level for a lure ball.
K, I'll start breeding one now.
i have some spare 4-5iv HA A-Geodes, i would like a female mareanie if thats ok.
I added you.
Ready, I'll add you and go online.

Yes I do have the listed items.
Can trade you in a minute, Chicken Chan.
What's the best way to ensure that a summoned Pokemon has its HA? I want a Rock Head Cubone.
Catch Castform and breed it and put it up on GTS for the big stuff. Shit works like a charm, I just got a Celesteela and Necrozma for basically free doing that
Chain, there's no guarantee but your chances go up the higher it goes
How many KOs would you suggest?
Use entrainment between knock outs
Send me a trade request if you see me, I'm waiting on plaza.
At least 10
Anyone got a breedjects/ cutiefly breeject?

I got the following



Steel pikachu

-close combat
-morning sun
-body slam

Jangmo -HA

-dragon breath
Lf: level pinsir, lure staryu, moon gothita, level timburr, good nature celestella (i can catch a jolly kartana)

Have http://pastebin.com/EUXSy0Aq
Cheers, gonna get myself a Lure Bounsweet.

What would you want for your dancing birds?

I'll give you both if you fix your heavy shellos. Nature/egg moves, I'd prefer storm drain
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Are there any Fast Ball Fletchling/Talonflame in circulation? Should I use my Fast Ball on one?

Also what is best ball for Tapu Koko? Please don't say Fast Ball
Nah I have them
Would you trade one for any of these? (Breedjects)
Archen (Naive) - 4 EM
Axew (Jolly / Level Ball) - 4 EM
Gible (Jolly / Beast Ball / HA) - 4 EM

If you're interested in any/all of those could I trade for Love Cutiefly and/or Heavy Sandshrew?
I would go Quiet - Clear Smog/Fissure/Mirror Coat/Yawn if i were to complete it.
I guess the archen, although I've never used a naieve one

It doesn't have to be today. Will you do it?
I'll think about it.
Should I add you or do this by GTS? Archen for Fletchling would get sniped faster Fletchling asking for 1-10 Archen.

It's Naive as it has workable SpAtk and Earth Power. Head Smash also gives it a 200 BP Z-Move.
You'll think about a 2 for 1 after wanting them. Explain?
Sure I'll add you
Alright, added you. I'll be in the Plaza.
Yo, so I've been trying to breed a female HA Carvahna (Moon Ball) that I got in a trade and a male Sharpedo (Lure Ball) that I just caught.
I'm trying to breed a Carvahna that's in a Dive Ball, It's been over like 20 eggs now, I still haven't seen A SINGLE ONE in a fucking dive ball! Does breeding with a traded mon make it so it's only in their ball? the fuck is going on?!

Try breeding Carvanha with Carvanha?
Sharpedo is in a Dive Ball, not a lure. but yeah, same fucking issue.
Maybe, I'll try it.
Need a Weavile for my dex. Anyone looking for something in exchange of one? I have the fossils if you're still looking for those.
>level ball pinsir

i caught a pinsir in a level ball after seeing that literally no one had one. i've wonder traded some of them, so you might want to look on the GTS. can't trade because i'm busy atm.
Alright, what the fuck.

Trying to synchronize a Pheromosa, abra alive in the lead, 15 tries in a row and no luck.

Are UB's immune to this or something?
I'll wait
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>cubone can have the abilities rock head and lightning rod
>alolan marowak can have the same abilities
>a rock head cubone will evolve into a cursed body alolan marowak
No, you have shit luck
Keep trying and double check that abra is a synchro
Quick question can you use a sync Abra to force nature on the cosmog you get and/or event Magearna?
I've read on here that you can for Magearna, I'm not sure about Cosmog
Jesus, for real?

It has synchro, it's not fainted and it's in front. I have it equipped with a Smoke Ball if that does anything weird, just so I can flee from regular mons.
Does Ditto pass down balltism now? I'm breeding a male scyther in an ultra ball with a ditto and my eggs are hatching in ultra balls
It's ok if it's fainted anon
Ditto can't pass balls, but males can pass balls now.

Any ball that the non ditto pokemon you're breeding is in will be the ball that every egg will have 100%
Yeah, I thought I knew how it worked but after like 12 failed coinflips I just started trying alternatives to see if I was messing up or if I was just plain unlucky.

So riddle me this: if Synchro Abra is in 2nd with a different nature in first, wild mons will be synchro'd to the fainted mon in 1st, right?
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Once bank is released for SM it'll be possible to breed Apricorn/other balls onto stuff like the HA Starters.
That's only on horde battles IIRC.
Synchro is same old synchro, first slot, can be fainted, 50^ chance.
Okay, good. So I'm not working with bad info, that was just a genuinely terrible bout of bad luck.
So can males pass down HA abilities too? Like breeding HA Rufflet?

Yes. Welcome to Gen VI
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Will suck dick for that beldum
HA Males bred with Ditto that is. Couldn't females only pass down HA last gen when bred with a ditto?
Eevee 5iv moonball for a Mimikyu ?

Nickname suggestions for a male Leavanny and female Incineroar?
tfw hatching Cyndaquil to wondertrade and get the IV Checker and you get a shiny on your sixth one
Cutter and Hot Pussy
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>battle tree
>bright power, double team, thunder wave mimikyu
Anyone have a hidden ability Jangmo-o? any would do
Can you breed cosmog or null?
No, your living dex will forever be an unattainable dream.
pls, i'll give someone a bottle cap for one
null doesnt breed with ditto either?
if UBs cant i dont see why null could
It's supposed to be a synthetic Pokémon, so no.
Porygon is synthetic and can still breed.
nice quads

reply if you're still here. i'm going to check if i have any HA level ball pinsir breedjects left.
Is null considered ub or legendary?
Does anyone have a Jolly Type:Null they're willing to trade?

I didn't realize it wasn't breedable and accepted it after hours of playing without saving. Really fucked myself.
Anyone else a lazy fug and only catching alola mons/waiting for January to finally get the shiny charm? Make me not hate myself pls
no idea, but he's unique

It's only 300 of them.
With GTS access it's so easy, it's not even funny anymore.
I mean if you're not gonna shiny hunt it's not like you actually need the charm.
If he comes with 3 guaranteed IV he a legendary
Replacing my already existing living dex bros aint cool senpai
Not wanting max completion makes me feel weird inside. Above statement is my only reason for not doing it.

Keep you living dex where it is and build a new one!
good news

i got a level ball beldum off the gts

maybe i can get kaiette to breed it up to 5IV
I got two chained dittos that will cover 5IV. Will breed it for ya in exchange for a breedject senpai
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>GF changes it so you need the entire pokedex including national dex filled to get the charm once bank is out
At this point I'll give basically anything, just want to start masuda wild ride on this little dude.
Already have a gen1-6 living dex and am catching all the alola exclusives. Once bank comes out I can transfer them into my moon and have the completed dex???
you're playing on a non-eng game right?

i can breed you up a 5iv level ball beldum if you promise to give back one 5IV level ball beldum of your own.
Missed the part about you wanting it foreign mate. English game unfortunately champ.
oh well

might as well trade some breedjects soon
Dullys lazy ass goal to obtain breeding fodder without catching HA or rare mons continues
Anyone got a Celesteelea they're willing to part with? Will trade for Kartana or maybe one of the held item trade evos. Going for dex completion and it's the only one I'm missing!
You get 2 Celeestelas on moon, probably gonna get better results asking for touch trade or trading for a buzzsole
Ok didn't know that. That seems unfair since you get 4 Kartana in sun!
I'm totally up for doing a touch trade though.
You get 2 buzzswoles and 4 kartanas in sun
4 pheromosas and 2 celeestelas on moon.

It's actually sun the one that gets shafted,
Oh right. Damn I already traded one of my buzzwole for pheremosa.
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jesus christ breeding perfect salandit is hell on earth

Fuck those gender ratios
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>Just hatched a batch of A-Vulpix
>All of them are female.
>None of 'em have Snow Warning due not using a HA female.

Why did this have to happen?
Breed for HA!
Is it necessary to just start carrying taunt into battle tree? I can't go two battles without getting some evasion abuse bullshit.
Drizzle Pelliper with Life Orb. Hurricane, Surf/Pump, Ice Beam, Roost.

ur welcum

On a scale of 0 to Dragonite, how well does that perform?
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Looking for:
Premier Ball HA Sandsrew
Heavy Ball Mudbray
Heavy Ball Dhelmise
Love Ball Oricorio
Moon Ball Morelull
Doesn't miss, decently bulky if it's outsped, and the coverage is good. Better than Dragonite since you can nuke with something that isn't Draco and it hits harder because of the rain.
please bro can I get anyone of those pokemon? All I have is Nest ball Snivy, Dive Ball Oshawot and beast ball mimikyu
Dunno if anyone is still playing oras, but does anyone have a HA bullet seed shroomish? My original OR save file got corrupted for some reason and it took me nearly 3 hours to get one the first time and I really can't be bothered looking for one again. Don't have anything major to offer except the few ha shroomish's i have found on this file that don't have bullet seed

This statement is so false, it's Outrageous.
Eh, sure, got plenty of 4IV leftovers. Which one do you want?
a vulpix please
I'm online, just put up a shitmon on the GTS asking for a female Vulpix of level 1–10 (and hope it doesn't get sniped)
gastly up
thanks bro
For someone who has never bred before. How do I go about getting Freeze-Dry, Moonblast, Hypno and Encore with Snow Warning on an Aolan Vulpix?

What do I need and how long will it take?
I saw it but it was already traded by the time I'd picked a Vulpix to send ;_;

Easiest to have Smeargle sketch it from something like Glalie (in a double battle, or in a battle with two wild Smeargle).
For the rest, just look around Serebii's Pokédex to see which Pokémon learn those moves, then catch them and use Heart Scales to teach them those moves immediately.

>What do I need and how long will it take?
An hour maybe.

Or you put up a shitmon and I sent you one ready-bred.
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FT & LF for pic related
what's the best way to EV train a level 1 Pokemon? Pelago?
>Or you put up a shitmon and I sent you one ready-bred.
Thanks, I would def take the offer but I dont have my DS for a week. Just planning ahead.

Thanks for the info also.
Chaining will be the fastest. If you turn Exp Share on, all pokemon in your party will get the EV
damn can I get a eevee instead?
zubat up
Make sure you get the necessary Power items first. EV training without them is just tedious
thanks man
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I have fast ball slakoth, anyone interested?
LF female HA alolan vulpix in a loveball or premier ball
If you put up a shitmon on the GTS I can send you one.
I am stuck trying to trade my Kartana for the dex entries i need.
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Evening dead hours. Updated my list with wants.

I can give you a HA female Eevee with EMs but the wrong nature in about 2 hours if you want.
>2 hours
Well. I got nothing better to do. I'll be here, just give me that sweet sweet (You) when you're ready.
>If you put up a shitmon on the GTS I can send you one

put up a lv 1 female dratini for vulpix thanks

Taking off the kids gloves, are we?
Your list is so badly designed, I don't even know where to start and half the horriblness can't be blamed on paint.
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put up a lv 1 dewpider
does anyone have a chimchar they can trade me in SM?
Can anyone hook me up with a HA maraenie? IVs and nature don't matter, just need it to be HA.

I can offer Vulpix with egg moves, or 4-5 IV Scyther

It also says that you made it yourself.
This means you meant to put effort in it but cheaped out on the actual execution.
Given that the list is how you present yourself, it tells something about your character.
Maybe if you weren't so mean you'd have more friends. And having friends are COOOOOL!
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My list!

Looking for any breedjects in Apricorn balls.
Anything on my list interest you for those Boo boo Keys? >>30748789
Maybe the love ball Cutiefly?
>tfw want to start breeding but not sure where to start
Is there any Pokes that people are looking for that I could start on? Everything else isn't a problem just unsure of what to even breed.
I'll take the lux ball Spookysand. Hatching a batch of keys now

Roll a number between 1 and 800.
Reroll until you get something breedable and available to you.


None of your friends tell you when you can improve yourself?
Hi,I have a 5iv (No SpA) female Marill with those eggmoves. I'd love that Mimikyu please and I would really appreciate it if it's female.
Woops, my info disappeared.

Hatched and done. Adding you now, let me know when you're ready
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I have four boxes if 5IV perfect Adamant Miniors (Missing IV in SpAtk), and 17 6IV Miniors, the result of my as of yet fruitless attempt to get a single shiny.

I'm at 450 eggs and counting.

The reason I'm telling you this is that I need leftovers and black sludge, so if anyone is interested in a 6IV minior and could send one of those my way it'd be great.
Sandude on standby. Will add you and trade you in a second.

Sounds perfect. 5IV missing Atk sound good? I don't have any penta perfects on standby.
Sure, I have a spare leftovers.
Hmm,I guess I can breed for that missing attack.Aight,deal.Adding you right now.

Are you there?
My trade request has timed out twice now
Adding now.
I'll trade you the Black Sludge if I could get one of those 6IV ones.
Sorry, was completing another trade.

Thanks and enjoy!

Adding you now
Thanks,enjoy your Marill!
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Thanks, I'll be in the plaza.
Thanks my dude.
Please accept the trade request
Resend it, we tried trading each other at same time and it bugged/timed out.
Does anyone have a spare 4-5iv Ditto I can have? I don't have anything to offer sorry
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So I'm trying to level up multiple teams to take on the battle tree but getting to 100 is a pain in the ass in comparison to my experience in pokemon x/y.

I know stacking eggs in beneficial. So my question if I give all my party a lucky egg. Do those that don't participate all get 75% more exp or are there diminishing returns for stacking so many eggs?
Anyone have that drawn gif of Chicken Chan riding Tauros in the egg hatching box while the nursery aide watches? Figured you guys would be the ones to ask. I can't find with Google.
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Thanks man.
What nature should I get for Silvally and Dhelmise?
Anyone intrested in some Ditto trades? Looking for non-japanese 4IV Dittos only.


Battle tree is capped to 50..?
Put something on the GTS for a Female eevee.

Anon probably meant for hyper training.

I can chain for some, if luck strikes would you be up for a 5IV for 5IV?
Morning, WFG ~

Does anyone have some spare eggs for an egglocke that I can take?
>Battle tree is capped to 50..?

essentially what he said

>Anon probably meant for hyper training.

As much as I wanna do breeding for IVs I suck at it. I can guarantee myself shards.
>I can chain for some, if luck strikes would you be up for a 5IV for 5IV?
Sure but I don't have any IVs
No 5IVs I meant. Unless you count the one with 30 Attack

Cutiefly (male)
Wanted Eevee (Female) level 1-10 "Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance
Good morning WFG. Anyone else need a Slowking for their pokedex? I have a Slowpoke with King's Rock, just need someone to trade with.

I can get you 1-2 eggs if you can wait a couple of hours.

Sadly that doesn't count.
I have 21 5IV Bold, Regenerator Mareanies in Premier Balls.
Anyone want one?
Fo free? Can I just GTS something?
I'll be here for a while until my next class arrives.
Sure, what should I look for?
Female or male one?
Do SOS Shiny Pokemon sparkle upon entry?
Thanks a bunch man
Well, the new animation is just one big cartoon star, but same idea.
Ign: Cory
Female finneon, level 17
Message:I want to fill my pokedex
Done, I've send You the best one.
Great now I can hunt for Vulpix without too much worry.

Looking for love balls, love ball mons i dont have and interesting balltism i dont have

Anyone have a slush rush sandshrew they'd be willing to trade?

I have some low encounter rate mons to offer such as passimian, dhelmise, bruxish, ect.
Are you still here. I need that klefki http://pastebin.com/EUXSy0Aq
Can someone trade a Honchkrow with me?

I need him to complete the pokédex
>no /wfg/
>outdated pastebin
>Wifi not WiFi
>meme autism rules banning fun
fuck off sarah
Does anyone have a Hondew Berry?

I need a couple, but if you only have one it'd be cool too. I have a near-complete living dex if you need anything to touch trade.
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Have plenty of this shit to go around. Looking for other 4IVs for new breeding projects.

Also have two 31/31/31/xx/31/31 male Gibles with sand veil.
I have
Cool! It says your friend code is not valid though. Did you enter it in right?
Yes the FC is right.
Alright, I got it! Thanks.

Anything you want in return? I'm JUST starting to breed so I don't have much.
Oh hey, I'm back.

I'm interested in your lure ball Tynamo.
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I'm looking for a friend ball and level ball eevee's
I'd love one, if you're still here. The only thing I've got is some non-HA Shellder but I've barely bred them so not even perfect yet (beast ball and premier ball).
Whats your IGN?
Mine's Kaiman
Do you mind if it's a touch trade? I don't have an extra dusk stone, and I keep my Honchkrow for the living dex.

IGN is Max.
>30 eggs in
>Still no Jolly Gible
Can't see you online, i was thinking you sent the Honchkrow and i could put another berry on him and sent you back
Sounds good. I'll get on now.
>25 natures exist
I have an extra. Put something on GTS for a level 1 female gible
anyone got a spare ditto with 0 Speed IV?
You can keep the Feebas, just send me something so i can give your pokémon back
Does anyone have a porygon z to trade me? Literally the only pokemon i need to complete my dex
You sure? I have another Feebas that I caught myself, if you want to save it for someone else. I do appreciate it though.
I'm looking for HA Slowpoke and HA Mareanie

Can offer:

-Heavy Ball Adamant Mudbray w/ Close Combat, Body Slam
-Love Ball Timid HA Vulpix w/ Hypnosis, Freeze Dry, Moonblast & Extrasensory
-Luxury Ball Timid Salandit
-Quiet Honedge

These are also free, so feel free to request whatever.
I have a bunch of Feebas.
yeah I got one! put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto :3
I have an extra HA slowpoke. put one of the mudbray on GTS for a level 1 female
You had another Hondew Berry for me? I'm sorry I closed out on you lol.
Sorry I don't have anything good to offer.
I put up a level 1 Dhelmise with the message: This is a Pokemon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully. IGN is Brandon.
Thank you. Just put it up.
IGN: Ricardo
No problem, odo you still want more berrys?
Looking for adamant/brave nature buzzwole, willing to trade any other ultra beast which the nature of your choice (Moon verison only)
Yes, this is Kari. Meet me behind the gym after school tomorrow and I'll suck on your balls.
I'm looking for an Ice Stone, been trying pelago and the haunted houses for like two weeks and no luck, can anyone spare one?

If you want a Stone in return this is what I have:
Moon Stone x2
Shiny Stone x2
Oval Stone x4
Everstone x5
Hard Stone x15
Float Stone x4
Dusk Stone x3

Have you tried to not suck in completely luck based situations?
Upload a random trashmon for a lv.1 male Salandit and report back with your IGN.
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I have beast ball, love ball, and moon ball eevee's.

Looking for friend ball, level ball, or other apricot ball eevee's!
It was sniped. Can you put the Slowpoke up requesting a lv1 Mudbray?
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I'll trade you a Level Ball Cyndaquil for a HA Alomomola.

I recognize that Friend Code!
I'll trade you a Level Ball Axew for an Alomomola. I can add you if you don't want to GTS.

I gotta gitgud, rng is fickle :^(

Deposited a Wingull, lvl 10 message is "I want to trade for a treasured..."

Bless you anon
Added you as well, are you ready to trade now?
Either is fine for me.

Yes I'm in FP now.
Thanks for the trade.
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First chain got me this, guess i can trade for the 30 att one after all.
I have added you. I'll be in the plaza and send the trade request when I see you.
Of course.


Stuff happened and I didn't even get to start yet.
Are you still here?


I can breed you 100% terrible Totodiles, Smugleafs and Wotters.
I can also waste today's island scan on something of your choice.
Lure wotter for love allomola

Check yout GTS!
Thanks! Have a good day my dude
Thanks a bunch, needed it for my dex as well. Not sure what was happening initially, tried trading each other at same time?

I'd love some terrible mons, and have no preference with what you catch today.

Yeah probably. Enjoy.
So what could I breed my grimer with to get pursuit? I got it shadow sneak via mimikyu but now I want pursuit for chasing out faggot topu lele
duskull dusclops dusknoir spiritomb
I'm online. I'll wait for your trade request
Sweet thanks
are any of these obtainable without hax? I should have clarified. Seeing as how I don't think I can get any of those
Currently, nothing. You're going to have to wait for that particular egg move until bank releases.

serebii has egg move listings for everything, you know.

you're right, i didn't bother to check. Didn't want to spoonfeed too much
Anyone know if Comfey can target itself when using floral healing?
Does anyone have a spare Adamant Celesteela for trade? Offering: 5 IV HA Timid Vulpix (-ATK so it's ready for battle), HA Mareanie and Jolly Kartana
Have the nips found some kind of patch to get higher scores in the "(Inverse) Type Matchup" missions?
I'm wondering how the hell they're consistently scoring 20+ when I can't even hardly get around the track in the time allotted (and yet to get 16 or better for the 5-star personal ranking).

Anyone have any insights?
>Can't test Salamence on Showdown without going to Ubers
git gud

Git gud or host yourself.
22 is very possible in both kind of type matchups
ur lack of exploration is sad
talk to the lady after ur done with everyone and she refreshes for more people
I miss O powers and lumiose circle

I have 3 things for you
1693 5594 5084
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Me too
too early retard
go kys
Literally about to hit limit and have to avoid sarah making the thread or it's gonna change the op and cue shitposting again

Better safe than sorry retard
>sarah triggered because he can't change the op again
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I'm looking for Eevee's in Apricorn balls

I have: Love ball, moon ball, beast ball, lure ball, and level ball eevee's .

I'm looking for: FRIEND ball and heavy ball eevee's.
It's not about running out of people.
It's about the time it takes in stupid animations and bouts of "..." "..." "..." "...""..." "..." that eat up the clock and prevent me from going all the way around while hitting every person that spawns in. And trust me, I'm running the top of my fingernail over A and B as fast as possible to get through the dialogue, so it's not that either.

What is happening?
My wifi is being retarded. Working on it, sorry.
anyone have a spare timid ditto for trade? doesnt need perfect ivs or anything.

This is just like BW trading!
Better than HGSS at least

Thank you!
I have to get ready for work now, but I have something for you another time.
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