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General Question Thread

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Thread replies: 306
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How do I raise my eevee's affection? I maxed out its fullness and enjoyment but affection is still at 1 heart
Two rainbow beans and one pattern bean
How does my starter evolved
turn your 3DS upside down
Does synchronize work if the pokemon's fainted?
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give it one (1) rainbow bean

getting a sylveon is stupid retarded compared to gen 6
Thanks will do that
It works for legendaries/single encounter mons but doesnt work for SOS chains
I mated my hidden ability Ditto with my Toxapex to try and get Mareanies hidden ability. I'm already 20 Mareanies in, am i doing something wrong?
If I leave my level 1 pokemon on the evelup island to xp, does it learn new moves and forget the old ones ?
Yes, Mareanie is the one who should have its hidden ability not ditto
So what's the absolute best way to get a pokemons hidden ability without getting it from someone else?
You'd have to sos chain a corsola, it'll eventually call a Mareanie but it doesn't mean it'll have its hidden ability. I recommend bringing a pokemon with skill swap to check the mareanie's ability if it does appear ( Its hidden one should be regenerator )
So the best way for any Pokemons hidden ability is all random encounter?
By sos chaining, yes.
Do free battles and friendly competitions record wins and losses?
Issue is that mareani may or may not peck at your corsola, ending your chain if you use false swipe. Heal pulse or some way to divert attention is advised.
Does alternating which pokemon you kill in SOS battles break the chain?

I'm afraid the pokemon I'm chaining is going to run out of moves and struggle. It's okay if I false swipe the one next to the original and continue on with the chain that way, right?
Does Infiltrator pass through Misty Terrain?

Cuz it fuckin' should.
Yeah man you're straight

Though I think it's worth mentioning;
Once I was chaining Pancham, and Pancham summon Pangoro 50% of the time. Every time I killed the seed Pancham and left a Pangoro, my chain would immediately stop. Like, I spammed Adrenaline Orbs with him at 1HP for literally an hour and he never called for help again. This happened to me every time I left a Pangoro. BUT, if I simply kept the chain going with a new Pancham, no worries.

I've seen countless anons assert that, as long as the new 'mon is in the same evolution family, you're good. Maybe it's just a Pangoro thing, I don't know. Just thought I should mention it.
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Males will be able to pass down their HA if bred with a Ditto, yeah?
I there a trick in finding Necrozma? I've roamed ten carrot hill for a while now and haven encountered it.
Remember catching roaming legendaries back in gen 3? Same shit here, just use a Repel and lead with a Pokemon that's stronger than the level 15 shits in the field, but weaker than the level 75 Necrozma. Run around in circles for a bit and it will spawn.
What happens when you beat all the champion challengers in the Pokemon League?

Does it start from the first one again in order?
That's really good to know, thank you!
I tried for a bit, but I'll keep going. Thank you
Should I run Recover/Substitute on Conversion-Z Porygon Z or should I go for a third attacking move? I'm running Conversion/Tbolt/Ice Beam right now.
If an Eevee has max friendship and affection, does it evolve into Espeon/Umbreon or Sylveon?
affection is sylveon, as long as eevee knows a fairy type move.

friendship is umbreon/espeon
I just realized you meant that both were maxed out. If eevee knows a fairy type move, I have a feeling Sylveon would happen, but I don't actually know.
Is Pangoro less likely to call for help than Pancham? I'm chaining for Scrappy Pancham, Pancham called Pangoro for help and I'm unsure who I should kill.
Is there any strategy to the haunted house in festival plaza? Not really interested in spending 10 coins for a Hard Stone every time.
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I'm IV training some Pokemon right now.
It's impractical to try and get 6IV, so how do I know which IV should be left out?
For example, I have a bunch of 5IV Metagross, but which IV should be left as decent/pretty good/etc?
Yeah, replacing it with a Treasure Hunt lottery is the best strategy..
Depends on Pokemon.

If it's Trick Room set, Speed should be as low as possible. For non-mixed attackers the other stat doesn't matter (and for special attackers it's preferrable to have bad Attack to reduce confusion damage)
This is the movest I'm going for:

Metagross @ Leftovers
Clear Body

Meteor Mash
Zen Headbutt
Bullet Punch

It's 5IV except for Sp. Atk, is that alright?

Suggestions for a different moveset are welcome
I really want to breed a Burn Up Arcanine but I don't know how to use him.

STAB-less Burn Up is about as strong as STAB Flamethrower, so Special Attacker?

Having no type is probably pretty good for a defensive mon (no weaknesses) and Arcanine is already a pretty solid defensive mon (Intimidate, Morning Sun, Will-o-Wisp). My Gen VI Arcanine was defensive so that's kind of boring but if that's the best use of Burn Up then so be it.

Are there other options I'm missing? I've seen elsewhere that he could be good in doubles with Spinda + Skill Swap + Contrary but I'm not sure how that works.
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1) When/where do I battle/capture Solgaleo?
2) Can I Synchronize it?
3) What are good options for nature?
4) Do I have to deal with cutscenes before fighting it?
If you are in Sun, you will battle him as part of the story near the end of the 4th island.

You can Synchronize it

You get a chance to save/go to a Pokecenter or whatever before the battle, so you can prepare. No cutscenes to repeat.

Not sure what a good nature is, Moon version here.
I think I heard that if the Pokemon isn't Fire-type, Burn Up will fail. So you get one shot with it.
I hope someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong.
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Thank you very much, anon. Can hardly wait for him!
What exactly is there left to do after the elite 4?
I already did the UB missions.
Got necrozma.
Got all the tapus.
Battle tree is a thing.
I fought faba, guzma, morimoto, and the school principal.
I got type null.

What else is there besides pokedex, breeding, and comp?

Did I miss anything?
What >>30750047 says, and it's a physical attacker so go with Adamant or Jolly if you get it from evolving Cosmog in the post-game. Don't overwrite Splash, though, with Normalium Z it becomes a superpowered Swords Dance.
Does mareani not call for help?
The following pokemon will never call for help:
Butterfree, Sudowoodo, Happiny, Chansey, Snorlax, Gengar, Crobat, Sableye, Mareanie, Salamence, Espeon, Umbreon, Poliwrath, Politoed, Goomy, Sliggoo, Castform, Wimpod, Starmie, Minior, Pangoro, Komala, Gabite, Vanillite, Vanillish, Exeggutor, Kommo-o, Lucario, Dragonite, any legendary or ultra beast
why keep the Pangoro? it should be stronger and make it harder to keep the chain painlessly
SOS Pokémon only call for help if they are of the same species than the Pokémon who called them.
So no
Zygarde cells, Eevium-Z quest
Is there a way to show you want to battle in the Plaza besides requesting one from everyone only for them to inevitably reject it?
I've seen that as well but haven't seen it confirmed in any sort of authoritative sense.

Cyndaquil learns this shit in the high 50s so I'm leveling one up now, I will test it then.
you can set your message to be like "I accept all battle requests"
Is there anywhere that has double battles available at all times aside from battle tree? I need a place for Smeargle to sketch new moves...
you do only get one shot
Arcanine becomes typeless after burn up and the move fails if the user doesn't have fire type, so after one successful use it becomes unusable
Putting cosmog aside, does gamefreak ever give people the opportunity to actually rise legendaries/pseudo legendaries from level 1/5?
depending on the move, you can fight Smeargles to do it
use the move the first turn, the wild Smeargle copies it, switch to your own Smeargle, wild Smeargle uses the move you gave it, then you copy it, finally

or have friends
Literally your only place to learn Smeagle moves is by teaching them to wild smeargle then bringing in your own to be taught by it
Yes. If you used Dream Radar early on in your BW game, the legendaries would be set to lower levels when transferred to it. I think some special events also gave low-level legendaries.
how do i beat the water totem
Where do you start the evveez quest?
I gotta ask because I'm freaking out
There isn't like an unspoken kind of rule that says that if I have already hatched a shiny Pokemon I can't hatch another?
Cause I've been grinding for Shiny Alolan Vulpix, and I got a shiny within the first 30 Eggs, but it was absolute garbage, now like 3 more boxes later I haven't gotten another one
Any list of Battle Tree version exclusive trainers?

I know Dexio and Guzma is exclusive to Moon but how about the others? Haven't seen Anabel and I've been doing the tree for a week now
1 in 4000 chance or so. Better if you get the Shiny Charm.

Good luck, broski.
That's the thing, I'm hatching eggs with the Shiny Charm AND Masuda Method
Maybe I'm just fucking unlucky
supermarket outside battle royal, first cashier
>Guzma exclusive to moon
This isn't true
Well yeah, there aren't any factors besides luck. My advice is putting eggs up in the hot springs and do something else for a while.
What's the best ball to use on Togekiss?
I'm thinking Heal Ball but I'm not sure. Maybe Premier?
I would also like to know this. I'm playing Sun, and I heard that either Sina or Mallow isn't available? What kind of bullshit is that? I was looking forward to both...
what? why? great balls are so basic
I'd go Heal, personally, but Premier is a fine choice as well.
maybe you're right, it's got the whole red, blue, and white thing going on
For breeding, I know you get an egg with a higher liklihood if one parent is from another person's game and one is from your game, but does the same effect apply if both parents are from two different games?
ie. Breeding a Japanese Ditto with a Chinese Abra in my English game.

Also, does that cause the Masuda Method to take effect, too?
Or does one parent HAVE to be from my own game?
just because it's basic doesn't mean you don't use them. Like obviously you use Pokeball for Voltorb.
the move relearner at the pokemon league PC can teach Burn up to an underleveled cyndaquil, you don't need to get it all the way to 54.
what does the passionate battle pose look like? serebii doesn't have a pic and I can't find one
Is there anything I have to do to face the Masked Royal, or does he just randomly appear in Master Rank Battle Royals?
I use Pokeballs for low level, starter Pokemon
Great balls for intermediate, regular Pokemon
and Ultra Balls for pseudos and Legendaries

Special balls for whatever suits it, like dive balls for things like Mareanie (Pokemon that live underwater), Dusk balls for ghosts and night Pokemon

etc, etc

Togekiss was different from other intermediate Pokemon imo, so I din't know what to use. I ended up using a Healing ball though because it fits with its theme. A Love ball would've worked too.
it's nicer to fit them by theme/color.

You might want to redirect your question to the balltism thread.
God you're full of yourself. Did you just ask so you could give us your whole life story?
yeah, I should've went there instead but I was in a hurry
go fuck yourself
Oh shit, for real? Since when was this a thing? Does that work for any Pokemon?
I had a Charjabug that was roughly the same level as the Totem. That beat it pretty handily for me with no trouble.
What nature for magearna? I'm soft resetting now.
Can I catch Totem Pokemon? I want a big Lurantis.
no, because it's Mallow's.
try it
Does putting Pokebeans in Isle Avue make eggs hatch faster?
How fast do they hatch with/without beans?
Been hatching Abra eggs for over an hour now looking for good Synchro natures. Parents are Adamant Ditto and Adamant Abra, no Everstone.
Current tally:
Quiet x 6 (WTF?)
Calm x 3
Careful x 1
Rash x 2
Hasty x 2
Impish x 1
Naughty x 1
Bold x 1
Lax x 1
Adamant x 1
Lonely x3
Hardy x 3
Docile x 3
Bashful x 1
Quirky x 2

Is it really random? Because holy fuck that's a lot of goddamn Quiets without a single Timid, Modest, or Jolly, not to mention a number of others.
Does the Masked Royal appear in Master Rank Battle Royals?
Is focus sash not reusable in these games? Mine has disappeared

Is there an equivalent that doesn't disappear now?

Maybe I'm getting confused with focus band idk
Are you able to change the battle music of online matches like you could in XY/Oras or does it just switch between trainer and wild battle?
>You can Synchronize it

Bullshit, I had a fainted Adamant Abra up front and tried catching Solgaleo like 15 times, and it never had the right nature. Are you telling me I was doing something wrong, and that I settled with a Lonely one for nothing?
You can go around and fight all the trial captains to get their battle styles, too.
I dont think you need a simulator to experience autism anon
Focus Sash, Power Herbs, and other such items that are consumed during the battle are exhausted permanently in-game. Your team's state only gets reset after a facility or multiplayer battle.
At least that's how I remember it being, anyway. Sorry if I'm off.
Considering how the handle getting those items, they should put them in the bag afterwards
What's the fastest way to grind bp in SM?
What the fuck anon it took me like 35 hours to beat the story and I thought I was going pretty slow.
anyone here wanna trade a slowbro for a slowbro to get slowking? Kings rock required.
What are some good pokemon to put up in the GTS?
Thinking of stuff like Vanillite, Carvanha, Gible and so on.
fastest way for leveling a pokemon? is it still grinding e4?
If you're trying to fill your Pokedex, then Vanilluxe, Goodra, and Garchomp work great for getting you what you want. Use those to break into the circuit of held item trade evos. You can even get UBs and legendaries for them.

Generally, it depends on what you're asking for, though. If you want some first stage Pokemon, give Vanillite/Goomy/Gible, for a second stage Pokemon, give Vanillish/Sliggoo/Gabite, etc. You get the idea.
All I need are the trade evos, Solgaleo, Buzzwole and Kartara.
Going go try my luck with what you said.
only males?
>Get 10 FC from random request in the plaza
>Rank goes up
>I'll check Sopochelos later, it's not like I can get another rank from guests alone
>Next request gives me 3 FC
>Rank up
>Lose the chance to get a new facility
>But I can rename my plaza, woo!
How the fuck did this happen? How did it rank up from 3 points?

Also I got 6 Berry Juices from my 4 lottery shops.
Fuck this place.
In gen 6, only females could pass down HA no matter what, but in gen 7, males can now pass their HA down if bred with a Ditto.
Did you cash out the FC from the global mission today?
If you did, that way you can get many ranks up continuously.
i know everything about the first 3 generation pokemon. all the moves, unique pokemon etc. now i just started with sun and moon, a lot has changed.
>terrain abilities
>pokemon like zygarde
>weird shit is going on with something called rotom
is there a comprehensive list or video with all the new pokemon explained?
Level 1 Dialga/Palkia/Giratina in HGSS, level 5 Jirachi from the colosseum bonus disc, and Keldeo given away early in BW2's lifetime was only 15, RBY Mew giveaways were level 10... I forget anything?
>went to cash in
>Says I didn't participate
>I signed up on day 1

What the fuck
How does Pokerus work in sun/moon? I've heard from some people that its x4 now?
I found a wild Pokemon I really wanted at Poke Pelago this morning.
I made sure to interact with it every time I was at the Pelago.
I had at least a day's worth of Poke Beans out for the Pokemon.
I came back this afternoon and the Pokemon was gone.

Was there something I should've done or is it complete chance? How do I stop them from leaving?
I did, but it leveled up right after.
I thought it skipped several levels at once.
You think it gave me one rank up, then each time I got some more coins it added another rank?
Is Modest Mega Alakazam viable now?

Beans only raise the odds of it staying. It's still up to chance.
That's how it works, yes.
When I did it earlier, getting the coins gave me a rank. As soon as I talked with someone else, I got another rank.
I assume if you were close enough to a rank before getting the coins, you could get like 3 in a row from talking to people.
I'm sure now that I'll get Sun for christmas, this will be my first actual pokemon game ever, what are some tips or advice you would give me?
serious answers pls
grenigger is shiny locked, right?
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What's a good nature and moveset for Gastrodon?
I was thinking Timid, but I'd like to take advantage of its dual nature, so maybe not.
ditch your starter, theres better alternatives
use the pokemon you like tho
battle mode set makes it so that you dont get free switches after a kill, i find it more fun, its slightly more challenging
use the exp share in this game

most important of all, have fun and dont listen to /vp/
>I was thinking Timid, but I'd like to take advantage of its dual nature, so maybe not.
I'm not baiting, I'm new to the whole nature, IV, EV training thing.
alright m8
basically, natures boost a stat and nerf another, right?
gastrodon's bulky. a tank. it takes more hits than it deals
so you want a defensive nature; +speed isnt going to allow it to be fast all of a sudden, its only a 10% boost
ohh, shit, I just realized why you thought I was baiting. I confused timid with brave somehow.
Would relaxed be a good nature then?
or maybe modest?
whats the best pokemon to put up on GTS for filling up my dex?
read the thread, shitlord
How does Poképelago work?
Sometimes I find Pokémon visiting and Noah says that they like it there and I should check it again next day, but they are always gone.
I'm a massive faggot and I didn't let my Incineroar learn Darkest Lariant accidentally.
Where's the Move Reminder? Does he still takes Heart Scales?
Poni Island, Mount Lanakila's Poké Center.
No, she asks for specific Malasadas.
I never understood since xy, but on rating battles, you start at 1500, why are you aiming to go up instead of going down (to number 1)?
I'm sorry I'm a baka
It's random. Checking on the pokemon repeatedly supposedly ups the chances, as does having beans, but in the end it's up to chance.
Out of curiosity, what language are you playing in?
Chinese, why?
What are good Pokemon that work well with Golisopod? Obviously a Defogger or Rapid Spinner if I have my own rocks, but what other Pokemon benefit from his moves and bulk?
The way the system works is that it's meant to be a predictor of who will win. You might be rated #1 in the world, but you won't always win vs #2 and #3. Performance can't be measured absolutely, because sometimes people make mistakes, but if you're a better player, you'll win more often than you lose.

The way the system works is that someone at 1500 points has a 50% chance of beating someone who is also 1500, because they're equal in skill level. If someone instead has 1600 points, then (random example) they'll maybe win 65% of their games vs someone who is 1500, and lose 65% of their games vs someone who is 1700. If you keep losing games vs someone who is supposed to be equal to you in rating, the system will lower your rating until you have a 50% winrate (which is when the system believes you've reached your "true" rating), and if you win games it'll do the opposite.

Of course the system they use can be completely different from this example, but this is the theory behind it.
Fuuuck, I'm just starting on Ula'ula.
And Kukui just gave the crystal for it, reeeee.
mount lanakila
heart scales yes
bold or calm is best
I playing sun and have sina scouted
Just to make sure i got the breeding steps right (i never messed with this but i been prepping.

step one: get a ditto with the nature you want, and a pokemon you want to breed. breed ditto with everstone

step two: use the new baby pokemon that now has the nature you want, equip with everstone. Use a 4-6IV ditto with destiny knot

step three: keep hatching eggs till you get what you want

Are those steps right?
Pretty much
You will be getting ofsprings that have better IVs than the parent, so switch them off to increase the odds.
oh right missed that, thanks. i've been lurking and reading all sorts of guides and been trying to piece up the steps. I read something about abras with synchronize and with good natures. What exactly is that useful for? And something about Pangoro with entrainment?
Was wondering what language called the guy 'Noah'. English version he's called Mohn, not sure about other languages.
Shouldn't Ultra Beasts always have 100% nature chance if I'm using a pokemon with Synchronize?
Sorry for the big ass wall.
Having a Pokemon with Synchronize at the front of your party makes it so that Pokemon, including legendaries like the Tapus and UBs, have the same nature, at a 50% chance (not exactly sure). For example, if one were to have a Jolly Abra at the front of the party and you encounter a Pheromosa, that Pheromosa has a 50% chance of being Jolly instead of a random nature. It's useful for legendaries, obviously, and getting Dittos with desired natures helps in breeding by a fuckton.
Pangoro is a very good utility mon in general as it has access to both Thief and False Swipe, which lets it farm for items and have long ass SOS chains. Entrainment lets it check whether a Pokemon has a desired Ability or not, which helps people get Hidden Abilities that aren't immediately noticeable without a very specific move for that desired HA, like Overcoat Jangmo-o/Hakamo-o.
So as long as the first pokemon on my party is a synchronize abra the 50% chance is locked in, it doesn't matter if i swap my abra for the false swipe user? and thanks alot for the explanations i appreciate it.
The abra can even be fainted and it will work as long as its leading the party
From what I remember hearing, there's some wonkery with synchronize and SoS chaining and it not working for the called pokemon unless it's actually out or...something, due to how the game handles SoS calls.
Different anon, I've heard that the Abra needs to be healthy as of Gen 7.
I've used fainted Abras at the front and it's worked. 50/50 on whether it works or not, though, if my Quirky Lele is anything to go by.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up.
Do I have to do anything specific to breed for a riolu?
Get a Lucario and a Ditto.
I left something in isle evelup, doing 64 sessions with an HP drink, but it's ev's dont appear to be full on the check screen, and when i gave it an HP vitamin it still took it- did i fuck up?
so the abra will have to be out when the sos pokemon gets called out? I suppose i will probably have to keep it at a good level and with good attacks then? Might have to test it out
What's the fastest way to level up apart from Morimoto, Buffet and Poke League?
Best way to get Homebrew with a 11.2.0-35 old 3DS?
I'm about to start X/Y, if I pick Braixen, what Kanto starter should I pick?
What are ghost types for nowadays? Fighting and psychic, the two main types ghost was supposed to deal with always come packing with strong dark type moves and ghosts tend to be pretty frail.

Is your Island max level?

At level 1 drinks give only 1 EV
At level 2 drinks give 2EVs
And at level 3 drinks give 4EV

In maths it would be

Island level 1 - 252 sessions
Island level 2 - 126 sessions
Island level 3 - 63 sessions
For maximum EVs that is
Done finishing dex. Should I breed for perfect IV bullshit for Battle Tree?
Or will my story team be good? (Inceneroar, Tsareena, Mudsdale, Magnezone, Metagross, Goodra)
the battle tree can have some pretty BS moments.

its up to you, but that's what I did. gives my pokemon a slight advantage.
I need a good special attacker to even out my team. Whats a solid addition?
Anyone discover the odds on getting a gold bottle cap from the final path in Isle Aphun.
Salazzle is a top cunt.
Magnezone WILL kill for you. Even Magneton is a god.
A kind person offsite taught my Trumbeak Rock Blast at the relearner for me when I realized it didn't try to learn it at evolution.
Maybe try asking someone to help you? I can't because I'm not there yet myself.
Magmar/Magmortar is pretty stronk. If you don't evolve it it's pretty damn fast for Alola, too.
pick a Tapu or UB.

If it's story, then Ribombee, Salazzle, and A-Raichu are on the first two islands and are Alolan.
When do I get more than 8 boxes?

Knock both those numbers down by 1.
When you get more Pokkens

Fill at least each one of yours boxes with at least 1 pokemon and more boxes should appear next time.
I'm at 30 something right now dunno if it's the max
How does acrobatics perform on a technician scyther or scizor? Does the no item boost raise the power thereby negating the technician boost? Or does Technician apply first then the no item boost?
Super late on this, but the Liberty Island Victini event distributed near the beginning of BW's lifespan, and the Mystery Gift Genesect at the beginning of BW2's, were both level 15.
Does Lillie say anything if you catch Tapu Koko the first time you fight him?
Do wild pokemon have the same PP on their moves as trained pokemon?

Chaining atm and keep getting paranoid it'll struggle and die
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Have this handy little guide I made for someone in one of these threads. Also posting for anyone else who may want it.
bump? I really need PKHeX
Also, I heard something about Soundhax, will it work for 11.2?
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Switching into Normal and Fighting type attacks.

Also for switching out, since they can't be trapped into battle as of gen 6. And for those curious, even if the Pokemon does something that would normally lock it into battle (such as Ingrain), if the user is a ghost type, it's still capable of switching out. I learned this when using Trevenant in the Battle Maison.

They're also for having some of the best overall designs in the series.
You made that guide for me, anon, and I'd like to thank you again because it's been very useful.
Can you buy Elixir or Ethers in stores anywhere? I keep running out of PP when chaining
Awesome, I'm really glad it's helping people.

If you have Lotteries in your Festival Plaza, you can sometimes win them.
farm leppa berries.
upgrade your Poke Pelago and farm Leppa berries

Leppa berries restore 10pp to a move.

You can't
But you can farm an infinite amount of Leppa Berries which is an ether basically
I've been breeding shelder and skill link hasn't appeared in any of the 30 eggs. Natures, iv, and moves are all perfect, but i keep getting shell armor. Does everstone force the ability to be passed down, or is it just bad luck?
All my Pokes are in their mid 50s
Am I ready for the Elite Four?
I tried to challenge it at early 50s and got destroyed by Hala
Aside from probably 60, where do I need to be realistically?
At what level did type null evolve for you guys? Every other friendship pokemon was super to evolve by just running around on tauros (hatching eggs) and giving it the soothe bell. Mine's at 52 and nothing yet. Just wanna hear how it went for you
if you couldn't beat it at late 40s/early 50s there's probably a problem with your team composition or strategy.

Most average players can beat it by 55 though.
How long will completing my pokedex take? I'm at 73% at 73:06. I don't know why there so close.
I have Primarium, Magnezone, Hariyama, F-Oricoro, Exegguctor, and Drampa.
I'm at 95% at 89:48, right at the start of the 4th island. Just abuse GTS to fill it in.
There's still a lot of people who still have trouble in their 60s+. You will almost definitely have to lose/sacrifice some mons.

Just blow all of your money on revives/potions and you should be okay.
I waited until most of my party reached 60. However, I did this because I don't like my Pokemon fainting. They still did, so don't worry too much.
any chance you could make an EV training guide?
I could say as much as I know about it in gen 7, but I'm not an expert on that yet. I'll do what I can.
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EVs no longer go over 252 ever.
SOS chaining doubles EV gain for each called pokemon.
The above includes power items.
EXP share shares EVs too, but only the pokemon holding the power item gains its benefit.

Pelago training is 63 rounds for 252 EV. IIRC.
>63 rounds
Is that like just leaving them there 63 times or? I haven't used that island at all yet so that's why I'm asking. I plan on using it soon
You'll see, you'll tell them to stay for a certain amount of time. I think it's called 'rounds.' It's 63 of them.
That image is comfey as fuck
Can Hakamo-o call for Kommo-o. The Jangmo-o that I initially encountered is fainted already. Is it impossible, or just really rare?
How big of a difference are IVs? This seems too autistic for me.

31 points of diference.

In normal play it's just autism
In competitive those 31 points can be the difference between an outspeed or not
IVs add up to 31 in each stat. Competitive is at level 50, so only 15.
EVs are more important. Natures are more important, depending on the base stat.
A 0 IV Bewear tackle vs an Abra does 196 damage at best. That same tackle at 31 IVs does 220 damage at best.

If you want to play Battle Tree, all the CPUs have 31 IVs, so you might want to consider it.
Let me clarify.
At level 100, a 31 in IVs gives you 31 extra stat points.
At level 50, you get half your IV, rounded down. So 31 and 30 are both perfect if you're concerned with online.
impossible. SOS mons only call for help if they're the same species as the original.
I got a relaxed Necrozoma. Is that good or should I try something else? How do I play Necro? Should i play it?
I have a shiny Marowak that has a Lonely nature. I am going for a build that usually requires Adamant. He doesn't have lightning rod and I want to buy an ability capsule to change it to that. Is it worth it? Should I just try for a shiny marowak that is the perfect ability and nature through breeding, or is lonely fine?
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Thank you guys.
But the Jangmo-o that I initially encountered is gone, but the Hakamo-o are still calling more Hakamo-o. By your logic, they shouldn't be able to even call more of themselves.
masturbate it several times a day using the hidden dick in its collar

Lonely is okay because it gives attack which is what Marowak needs but it's not ideal
Lightning rod is the go to ability.
You should ask yourself:
Do I want a shiny with 10% less defense than a perfect nature marowak? And go from there.
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Fucking lightweight, I've clocked 85:26 and I've barely even left the seafolk village.

I think I'm too afraid of actually beating the game, because it's going to become another XY where I just run around in circles breeding and spend the rest of the time jacking cutemons off in Animal Rubbing Simulator 2016 for the next year or two until the next game comes out.
Best way to catch a Castform in Moon?
Use Hail or Sandstorm. Wait.
go to po town because it's always raining and chain things.
I'm trying to breed a Persian with Fur Coat.
Is it completely up to chance that my Meowth will evolve and gain that ability?
Also, that seems like a pain in the ass, having to evolve all these Meowths in the hope that one of them gets that ability.

Is there an easier way?
Anyone that beat Master Battle Royale mind posting their teams?

This is fucking IMPOSSIBLE.
Find a shiny pelipper and have a castform kill it with hail, then revenge capture it.
10 minutes nothing but Gumshoos
Is there any point to using more than 12 hours' worth of Pokebeans for cave exploration? It only doubles the speed right? So cutting it in half is the most you can do.
Unless more beans makes it go even faster?
If you look up Meowth and Persian, they have two possible normal abilities and a hidden ability.
Meowth has Pickup and Technician.
Persian has Fur Coat and Technician.
Meowth's first ability will turn into Persian's first ability upon evolution. This is true of all pokemon.
thank you, I didn't know that
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Took way longer than I thought it would, but here. I hope this dumb shit helps someone.
Thanks, anon! I appreciate it
Would I get banned if a traded a hacked Zygarde complete through a link trade?
I've been playing comp since 2007 and godjesus is Isle Evelup convenient as fucking hell. I have pretty tough work hours so being able to EV train a team in a fucking day is glorious. Not to mention how easy IV breeding is now. I already have 12 pokemon with great IVs EV trained. Feels so damn good.
Keep trying, man.
Trust me, I cried for hours over trying to catch this bitch for days.

Just catch an absol, teach it false swipe, use an adrenaline orb, and keep slaughtering Pokes and having them call for help. I farmed leppa berries to get a fucking Castform since I kept my double team and swords dance on Abby.
I'm glad you made this because I didn't understand that EV island at all.
I finally beat the game and am on my way to get a Type:Null

Can it breed with ditto?
Is Type: Null any good as a tank? It has a pretty limited moveset but with its stats and Eviolite it gets absurd defenses and base 95 HP is nothing to sneeze at either. I'm thinking Toxic, Infestation, Sleep Talk, Rest.

Cannot breed I am afraid.
Where can I find some kings rocks?
Why is Celesteela so praised? How is it built competitively? I hear about it being used as a wall, but it doesn't get reliable recovery.
Can you get the Shiny charm before the E4? Because I'm at 97% complete and I've only just started the fourth island. Would be great if I could get it early.
If you can get someone to trade you Type: Null, the UBs, and Cosmog, then I think so.
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yes, as soon as you have access to game freak building feel free to complete the dex to get the charm.
Are Thrifty Megamart Repels the most efficient money-wise because of the 50% coupon?
celesteela heals with leech seed. You can build her in a ton of different ways because she's so versatile with great bulk and damage, and you can even run her fast or slow.
I've already got Silvally, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Lunala, Celesteela, Pheromosa, Necrozma, and Guzzlord.

Just need Solgaleo, Xurkitree, Buzzwole, Kartana, Nihilego, Type: Null, and Raichu.
Wait, scratch that - just got a Xurkitree for my Metagross. 98% now.

Where do you go to pick it up?
Hey anon I noticed you said you're almost done with your dex. Do you think you could help me finish mine? I'm looking to register 5 more
It's not a living dex. I've mostly just been cycling mons through GTS, trading upwards and downwards in value.
Trade-evo Pokemon 'sell' for quite a lot (even legendaries!), and you can get those from final-evo pokes like Krookodile and pseudo legends, which I got for things like weather-mons and egg-move Passimians.

GTS is seven kinds of fucked up, so I'm having no difficulty getting what I need. Oh hey, someone offered a Buzzwole for a Golisopod. Snatched that up.

I wonder if I'd be good at stock trading...?
If my compound eyes butterfree is fainted but in the first slot of my party it'll still work right?
How technician works in MD sky? I cant find the maximum damage it stops boosting attacks.
That's what I've done as well but I figured I'd ask just in case you had any that I need. I'll probably just go back to gts though
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With the Pokedex side quests for earning money, guessing the "re-battle" random trainers isn't present? Haven't played the previous entries so no idea if they were there either.
need an answer please
Best poke-catcher Pokemon?
Is it still Smeargle with Spore, Gastro Acid, Soak, and False Swipe?
There we go, completed the Alolan Pokedex at the start of the fourth island! Got my Shiny Charm.
So...this thing should make the odds of finding a shiny roughly 1 in 2000 or so, right? And how much does Masuda breeding increase that?
It's not an ideal nature but it could be worse, most people have a -attack nature on it.
A lot of Bold natured support sets since it can set up rocks, t-wave and recover with Moonlight or alternatively boost up with Rock Polish, Calm Mind or Iron Defence and Stored Power things.
what should I ev train my celesteela in? It's impish nature.

Is impish nature even good for her?
I can't seem to find the answer to this, what is probably a simple question. If I'm supposed to be EV training a pokemon and the recommended spread is EVs: 248 HP / 16 Atk / 112 SpD / 132 Spe.
How do I get those specific values. For instance if I used pokerus, a power item and SOS I'd get 252 HP EVs after killing 7 pokemon, so how do I get 248 HP EVs? So on and so forth, thank you guys.
Just measure it out. The best way to get a specific spread is probably with Isle Evelup, since you can choose exactly the length of the training increment.
How the fuck do I get to Poke Pelago? People have told me that you can fly there once an NPC mentions it but I still can't fly there even after the Ghost trial. What am I missing?
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Have you tried flipping the page of your pause menu?
No, because I am a fucking retard. Thanks, anon.
What happens if you use Burn Up and Protean?

Does Protean give you a Fire type for you to lose every time you use Burn Up?
Why the fuck can't Decidueye learn Hyper Beam? I thought every single fully evolved pokemon could learn Hyper Beam and Giga Impact.
I don't want to use it or anything, but holy fuck that seems like an oversight to me. Can't even learn Fly or Aerial Ace. What is up with this thing's shitty TM movepool?
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Primarina doesn't learn it either. What the fuck is the reasoning behind this?

LITERALLY What did Gamefreak mean by this?
Where can you see Anabel and Looker after the UB mission? Can you even see them?
So i've been breeding Pokemon, aslong as you don't have an everstone on one of them they get any nature right?
If I have 50 cells or more in the Zygarde cube can I make a Zygarde 10%
Yes the natures are generated randomly
Anabel I don't think you can see only at the Battle Tree but Looker is in the hotel on Melemele
What's the fastest way to get to max level poke finder? I'm lv 4 and 1 million is a long ways away.
I didn't test this but probably after you use burn up protean you become typeless but after using another move protenan will trigger again. There is no reason not to
Is it possible to get another ash greninja if you delete the wonder card and and re install the demo?
I want a timid nature since I fucked up and got sassy.
I lost a ton of times if you're fine with knowing that. Started with Silvally lead w/ impish nature +Explosion, Swords Dance, that physical normal move, and Crunch w/ Normal Gem. If there are no fighting type pokemon on the field, swords dance.

Usually they Ai will like to fuck you over and start with at least 1 ghost type, so swords dance to setup then crunch if you have to. You'll want to take at least 2 of them out with an explosion. The other one I used to win with afterwards was a physical tapu koko w/ wild charge, although i'm sure a special one could do the work just as well. When I had more points than everyone, I just made sure to focus the person with the least amount of pokemon so that when they lost, the match would automatically end.
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is gen VII is set hundreds of years after gen I then how can I have an "ash greninja"?
What's the fastest way to get BP? Having to farm the Power and other held items again is cancaids.
I want to use Belly Drum. Do I need to allocate any attack evs at all? I don't know how stage increases work. I want the maximum damage possible, but does the move negate attack evs?
It takes your attack stat and multiplies it by 4, that's what "+6 stages" means. So 252 attack would be optimal.

+1 = x1.5
+2 = x2
+3 = x2.5
+4 = x3
+5 = x3.5
+6 = x 4

where x equals your original attack stat.
Actually, Belly Drum caps the stages.

I can confirm it goes beyond +6.
literally only 10-20 years after, Red and Blue are adults travelling the world now.
quick question guys, cant seem to find the answer and this seems a better place to post rather than a new thread.

Havent played since Red. My party is generally all around lvl 50+ now and i was looking into joining in the online competition in a few days. The game says to set up a battle team, but i cant put my party pokemon in the team. Is that correct? they must be in a box? Im still playing the story just got to Poni so dont want to put my good Pokemon away while this competition is going on as i cant do the story that way.

Thanks in advance
Why is Golisopod so fun and why couldn't he get U-Turn?

Right. So if I was to use Snorlax I should put 252 EV points into attack to maximise the damage, and spread the remaining amongst defences and HP correct?
I wish golisopod's ability let you get a hit in first. Quite often he's wasted because he loses the chance to 1hko because of his own ability.
You would need to delete your save too. Even if you delete the wondercard, there is still data attached to your savegame that says "this save has received Ash-Greninja"
Normally 1/1365 instead of 1/4096

And with the Masuda Method, 1/512 instead of 1/683
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What's the quickest way to evolve Pichu to Pikachu?
Happiness Berries boost those fuckers to evolution very fucking fast. Give them 6-7 berries, level up two or three times, you're done.
Looks like Pangoro isn't on this list

So ot has a call rate of 0. Which is strange, because other evolved forms will call for help. Just not Pangoro
Nice, breeding some HA Pichu with Encore, Wish, Fake Out, Electric Terrain and baby pokemon are the worst thing in the world.
Is it possible to check my own records in-game (how many Pokemon caught/evolved/hatched etc)?
Xurkitree, Celesteela, and Buzzwole.
Does the Masked Royal ever show up here, or was that just the tutorial match?
If you trade or release a pokemon holding a lucky egg will the lucky egg still remain on them or will it return to your bag
it's gone.
If you have 60 or more cells, you can create Zygarde 50%, then create Zygarde 10%, then dismantle Zygarde 10%. I have no idea what happens if you have all 100 cells.
Do z-crystals actually count as held items and effect fling/acrobatics?
To get the shiny charm do I have to have caught all 300 or just seen them?
is Alolan Exeggutor a good Trick Room setter in doubles/vgc?
I have 80 something zygarde cells. Where do I get 50% zygarde at
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Any recommended natures for the Tapu's?
Koko- Timid / Jolly / Naive
Bulu- Adamant / Brave(?)
Lele- Timid / Modest

idk about Fini
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