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This is what you'll be playing Stars, Gen 8, and the DP

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This is what you'll be playing Stars, Gen 8, and the DP remakes on.

Are you satisfied?
Considering the Switch has a immensely better resolution, isn't weaker than my phone, and can play my games on my TV. Yes
yeah, looks pretty comfy to me
nice try but I'm gonna play pokemon and mon hun on the TV
How does this fucker work, can play it on the handheld or on the TV?

As long as the hardware is so ridiculously outdated for the [current year] like the 3DS was the day it was launched, it might be aight.
>no dual screens
It's shit but at least it's HD and will be more powerful
It's been a long decade. I'm ready for the dual screen gimmick to end.
It's basically a tablet that you can put in a dock that is plugged into the TV. And supposedly, it's close to the Xbone in power, take that with a grain of salt though
Hell yeah.
Pokemon was made for dual screens though
you do know they have "normal" console controllers for this too right?
>jimmy neutron
>pokemon made for dual screens

Nice b8
>he will never know the fun of dexnav
>he will never know the appeal of having a map at the bottom screen to help finding roaming pokemon
>he will never play cute minigames like the poffin mixer
Kinda sad desu
Pokemon's coming out for the PSP?!
Pokemon Stars is supposedly going to be the third installment for Sun and Moon. But honestly, I cannot see how a 3rd installment for a generation is going to be on an entirely different console. Gen 8 for sure, but not Stars
TPC has made a pokemon game for almost every nintendo console, doesn't mean it will be an rpg like on their handhelds.

it's not happening bois
>still in denial

Box management without a touch screen is a nightmare I never wish to relive.
Well they announced they were gonna make pokemon games for wii and the wii u, please show me those versions of the classic jrpg this series is famous for.
It'll still be manageable. Imagine that tablet but with the PC box in full screen. Unless your fingers are mega fat fuck mode, it'll be doable.

>inb4 replies of denial
Nah, the hardware is actually up to date.
No, it's got integrated Nvidia Tegra chips, it's closer to the ps4 pro in power. The "xbone" sucks, and always will, even with all the gimmicky non- backwards compatibility bs Sony is doing.
>buying a Switch

Ahaha, no. Nintendo gets no more chances.
confirmed not happening
if they release a third game, it will be on 3ds
I think will be another 3DS title, considering how well SM sold. Probably the DP remakes.
Virtual Boy all over again.
this, I'd image Gen 8 will be on switch but I fail to see why people think a Gen 7 game will be on an entirely new counsel
Zelda looks super underwhelming. Mario kart and Pokemon games I care about on it so yeah its comfy. It's super thin>>30612685
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If Stars is the 20th Anniversary Pokemon game we truly deserve, then yes.

If it's just Sun/Moon in HD with a regional Dex, triple, horde and rotation battles making a comeback and 5 more old game cameos it'll be acceptable but not quite what I had in mind.
In what way?
No its comparable to the ps4 barely
Too make people buy the Nintendo switch. 95% of Pokemon fans have a 3ds. So it's just a 40 dollar game. But you want to play the next Pokemon game... stars for switch people have to buy a 199 or 249 console (if that's the rumored price) and buy a 40 dollar game. Nintendo makes much more money and game freak don't care they already gave assets in play for hd game in sun and moon

It's likely about 750gflops

Maybe 1000-1200tflops if Nvidia add another GPU core.

It's still more than twice the WiiU though

Xbone is 1.3tflops and PS4 is 1.8

PS4 Pro was 3.8tflops I believe.
Humans were made for two genders though
You know.
3DS is dead, they haven't been announcing shit for it.
Look at the design of the bottom screen for battle on the 3ds for sumo. The switch has a larger screen so you can easily see them smacking the bottom screen design onto the top screen.
there's no touch screen, camera, gyro or microphone. it's a portable console, not a handheld. idiots can't seem to grasp the difference between the two. the switch has literally nothing going for it but great graphics, something the incredible 3rd party support the DS and 3DS have had have no interest in or the manpower to make any use of it. handheld games thrive on these so called "gimmicks" and the sales of that hardware is proof of that.
>Going off of FLOPS

The real measure of the system's performance is more of what the CPU and memory can handle. Wii U actually had an okay GPU but it had an ass amount of RAM and the CPU was terribly gimped .

The Switch supposedly has an okay amount of RAM for a Tablet but it's anyone's guess about the extent NVidia's SoC can handle. It uses ARM64 chips but no one knows if the A53s in the dev kits are reflective of the actual hardware or were just placeholders for something better like some Denver cores from NVidia's end or at least some A72s.

That said, it might be considered powerful as an NVidia Shield at least which still blows a lot of devices out of the water and is still miles ahead of both 3DS and Wii U. Whether or not it's viable compared to PC, PS4 or XB1 remains to be seen but it's likely graphics will port over reasonably easy at least.
And having a third version be the intended system seller is a poor way to push units. A new generation or even Kanto remakes would be a far better way to entice people into buying a new system than "the game you just bought on 3DS but better.
Well I look forward to the Switch getting VR goggles, then.
All evidence points to it being X2 based, it's gonna be a bit below Xbone but nothing too big.

It's gonna be a comfy system with far more than enough power for anything game not going for MUH PHOTOREALISM.
Yes, though I will miss the bottom screen
It looks like the GBA++++ so yeah. It looks great.
The screen is capacitive a Foxconn employee leaked this.

Also maybe Nintendo realized cameras on a handheld are a dumb gimmick.
GTA 5 did that with ps4/Xbox one. If the game is popular enough which sun and moon are and is will double dip for better graphics and more content. Pokemon on switch isn't for 1 but 5 and 6 years.
>DP remakes on Switch
>One single screen
>No Pokétch
Man, if Stars on Switch turns out to be true, QR codes are gonna be the gimmick GF dropped the fastest
You can make the poketch work on a single screen easy.
>All evidence points to it being X2 based
It would be silly if it wasn't.

I just want games to run stable regardless of art direction or what effects are being thrown at it.

If the rumor is true about some developers cancelling PS4 games because they can easily run them on the Switch, then that would be good news if were true.
Of course it has gyro as Just Dance will be released for it. And it has a multitouch screen. And nobody cares about the camera or mic.
>What is a Heads-Up Display?
>This is what you'll be playing Stars, Gen 8, and the DP remakes on.
Source? If they actually announce that this garbage will be the future pokemon console only then I'll consider getting one. How the fuck is that supposed to be portable? It doesn't fit in my fucking pocket.
>He doesn't have a messenger bag
Who puts their consoles in their actual pockets, anyway, Kids are now used to carrying around tablets, GF doesn't care about you
Nice meme.

I'm serious too.

We almost didn't get the smaller N3DS because the XLs are more popular.

Look at phones, only the iPhone is sub 5.5 inches

Also its appropriate for men to carry bags now.
>I'll just carry a bag with me all the time
Yeah, fuck off.

But they still haven't actually said anything that would confirm what the OP and everyone else in this thread is taking for granted, have they?
>Are you satisfied?
Yeah. I loved playing pokemon on my TV with the GBA player on the GameCube.
>only the iPhone is sub 5.5 inches
Which is why I have one, sadly. I want this transition meme phase with gigantic smart phones to fucking end already.

>Also its appropriate for men to carry bags now.
Kill yourself.
actually, yes.
Nintendo merged their handheld and console divisions in preparation for this.

It's fucking obvious, there is no true 3ds successor because they merged the divisions.

It's a single hybrid platform now.
Okay. What if you're wrong?
It's a rumor, though even if Stars turns out to not be a thing, it's very likely next pokemon games are gonna be on the Switch
You are the meme with your baby hands and pockets.
What if I'm wrong about the sun rising tomorrow?

Cause it's the sake odds.
We all die because the stakes are SO high?
>It's a rumor
Yeah I know it is. And Nintendo kids are the most infamous for getting too caught up in rumors that ultimately prove to be false in the lasts 2 decades. So excuse me.
Pretty satisfied,I hope it will finally have pokemon at scale like in Colosseum.
wasn't it eurogamer? the rumor is incredibly reliable, i'd call it fact
Think whatever you want, there's not gonna be a portable console announced unless the Switch turns out to be a total commercial failure, which given the WiiUs track record would mean 4 years of wait
I want GameFreak to be helped by one of Nintendo's other divisions if true.

Their transition of uber hardware (compared to 3DS) needs to make a Z-Splash.
as long as i can take it with me and play pokemans with my....few friends i have then im happy.
>5 more old game cameos
turns out they're all kanto characters.

>incredibly reliable
It's Virtual Boy all over again.
Do we know if it can work without a TV? Because no fucking way I'm getting one just for pokemon games.
yes, that's part of the gimmick
>Pokemon was made for dual screens
>Dual screens were implemented 10 years after pokemon first came out
Stars should honestly be called Rainbow because of Necrozma.
>not Prism
Prism sounds odd.
>DP remakes on.
Dude, DP was made at the height of the touch gimmick.
90% of the elements in it require a second screen.
The lack of a lot of touch screen functionality, and what little there is can be achieved with button presses too, is one of those small things that makes me lean towards some kind of SM game being on the Switch.

The same thing happened when they first showed off Breath of the Wild gameplay this Summer. It was all on Wii U units, yet there was no functionality for the Wii U pad's screen. Lo and behold, the switch has a single screen and that screen is replaced by the TV when docked.

That said, the UI of SM as is is heavily reliant on that second screen, visuals-wise. They'd have to have an entirely different design if it ended up on the Switch. I dunno, I guess we'll see. You could probably finagle some kind of Poketch system on a single screen, but it'd be awkward.

There is literally no advantage to having all our menus relagated to one screen
There will likely be a dedicated handheld Switch that is cheaper than the docabke one for people who can only afford handlehlds. They'd be losing out on a tonne of customers without making something like that
Pokémon Yellow says "Hi" though.
Was it ever confirmed if the tablet was going to have a touch screen or not though? And there could maybe be a way to play on the TV and using the tablet as a complement, for example.
It has touch screen though
3 hour battery life means I'll be playing with it hooked up to the TV while only taking it to play while taking a shit
Yellow was playable on normal gameboy
Heck even gold and silver were playable on a normal gameboy (not advised tho)
Only crystal worked only on gbc
Has that been confirmed yet? Anyway, it'd have to be nonessential, because of how the Switch docks. Perhaps the Switch controller has some sort of pad that could work?
What are the chances N3DS will be discounted? I might finally buy a 3DS.
Go fuck yourself. Utilizing the touch screen for menus and miscellaneous stuff like the map is one of the greatest decisions in this franchise's life. Enjoy your PSP-living room console trash.
It won't be a third version like Platinum or Emerald. It's going to be the same game as Sun and Moon with graphical improvements and redesigned UI to fit the Switch. That's the only thing I can see actually happening.
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>mainline Pokemon on the TV
not gonna happen
Are you retarded?
Yeah that's what I wanted from my pokemon games. Forcing me to sit in the living room. Oh, fuck. If I do that, might as well sit on my PC. Rip pomemon.

Can't wait for Nintendo to boast it's unhackable. The news Verlis and the other breedfags rejoic. But PKHex, homebrew, and JKSaves available day fucking one and those btfo fags all finally kill themselves.
I don't know why you're talking about Breath of the Wild when the anon's you're replying to were talking about DP. A game that not only had heavy touch screen implementation but utilized the dual screen aspect too.
That's like expecting Sonic Rush on the Switch.
The games they are developing for switch are pokemon snap, a pokemon stadium clone and pokepark crap and not pokemon stars (which also will never be released)

screencap this, can't wait to bathe in /vp/s salty tears
>he never owned a super game boy
Or a Gameboy player for that matter.
>The news Verlis and the other breedfags rejoic.

Goddamnit it, this faggot is the reason this board is now split into "BREED ONLY! IF YOU HAD A HACKED/ACTION REPLAY PARENT AT ANY STAGE YOU NEED TO REPORT THIS!" and "JUST INJECT AUTIST. LMAO HE BREEDS. HAHAHAHAHA" right?

Fuck me, I just like breeding Pokemon. Holy shit. Why is this such a fucking crime? Why is it considered bad when you play the game, instead of using hacks 'n shit? Goddamnit.
It's been like that before Verlis came into the picture.
Pokemon is pretty much the only series where you're looked down upon for not cheating.
The switch has a touch screen. Yesterday Reggie when undocked the console, used the screen.
GSC had a single screen and yet they made it dual screen in HGSS.

The same can be done the other way around. If the Switch is the next pokemon home, they will clearly redesign the basic dual screen UI from the past 3 gens to a single screen UI. menus can always pop-up.
There's no way they could make the portable mode match up to the console mode.

Still I'll be playing it as a console so there won't be many problems for me.
I will don't worry
They did it before with Crystal (GS was playable on the GB)
>GSC had a single screen and yet they made it dual screen in HGSS.
Have you always been this retarded?
anyone else gonna miss the stylus?
It's again over Virtual all Boy.
fuck off.
I don't like the idea of playing Pokémon on a single screen console, but maybe GF will surprise me.
No because now Etrian is now dead and we wont see EO6 unless they keep publishing them on 3ds
>the only way we could have EO6 is if it's played entirely on the tablet screen
Sucks man.
They'll just go mobile, anon.
Stars will be two "third versions" that are actually a sequel like BW2.

One version is for the 3DS and the other is for the Switch. They're basically the same game except for some version exclusives. The Switch game will also have a new mythical pokémon (#803) not found in SM and Stars 3DS.
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Well, I prefer injecting but I'm not going to fault people who don't because they have their preferences, whether it be they can't or just don't want to.

I just can't stand people like Verlisify who can't shut up and try to get people banned for opinions. This goes for people who do injecting too.

I just value player skill over the methods of obtaining because you can gen an entire team or spend hours breeding and you can still play like a shitter, so I don't see a point to getting worked up over either side.
get out
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