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/vp/ Montype Tournament

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Thread replies: 141
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Welcome to the /vp/ Monotype Threads!

Here we hold a Monotype tournament where you compete to be a gym leader and represent your favourite type in Pokemon Sun and Moon!

We are in the early stages of development for the upcoming tournament that will be held into the new year, starting on the 7th of January.
Rules and format are open to discussion at this point but the general rule set is 3v3 best 2 out of 3 using flat rules. More specifics can be found here: http://pastebin.com/8eAQufm5 (subject to change)

Plenty of people will be breeding or injecting, so don't be afraid to ask for help with your team building!
Here is a list of Pokemon available pre bank for your teams: http://pastebin.com/6SmkqdQQ

Registration Form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdT0klSCrDU-1Mu7f4xQ-dH_zAddN4FCMOjknhGJc-ZuoQIWQ/viewform
Team Submission Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVEfC1if-lbwoNNx_fF0ztwZTbNRd1Pfjyood3EdRE38pLLQ/viewform
Sorry about the delay, Aniny, if you are still here. Got caught up in something.
Oooh, Daniel is doing Poison, too?
Was it decided if aegislash was banned? Ghostfag here so it's pretty important to me.
It hasn't been.

For those that want to see what other people have signed up as:
Pika Daniel is doing electric or grass
Thanks for always being so helpful
Is there a particular reason Speed Boost Scolipede isn't allowed?
Can't get hidden abilities on island scan pokemon until after bank opens.

Nice numerals.
Hidden ability isn't found on scan Pokémon

Same with Reckless Staraptor
Make sure I have your FC by posting it, my N3DS is an upgrade from years past but it still can't fully load Google Docs.

I have some HA Geodudes now. Get online, Luna and Callum, and they are yours. Also female Salandit. I'm breeding Vulpix next, then Marinie.
It's not in the games yet, and the tourney will take place before bank.
It is allowed, assuming you can get it pre bank.

4098-2678-4492 is my FC
>want to play electric but afraid to get ass kicked
I'm on, just send the invite when you're ready.
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Interesting to see so many bug users, though the new bugs are pretty great.

I'm surprised only two people did ghost, thought there would be more of us. Can't wait, sounds real fun.
after mono type tournament, will the pokemon league challenge start right after?

also, will there be an elite four setup for after the 8 gym leaders?
Oh, I didn't know that.
Good to know.
No. It's just one champ that takes challenges after someone beats the gyms. I personally don't like this setup, but it's what we are stuck with since they are so dead set on holding it this way every year.
Still super early for signups, there are lots of people that wait till closer to deadline before submitting everything.

It likely will, doubt there will be an E4 though. It's pretty slow with just 8.
>another IGN Luna
Get the fuck out of here.
>will the pokemon league challenge start right after?
Probably, but it depends on interest levels. I'd almost want more tournaments instead of gym challenges.
no u
Thanks a bunch.
ok, thanks for the info, havent been here for a while, so i didnt know if anything changed.

also, fire seems to be a little meh, i might go water, idk yet, or i may not even enter. havent decided.
Is Silvally good for anything?
Sure it can be put on any team, but I don't know what role it can fill.
Which is what I would say if it actually had its hidden ability, but whatever.
Thanks man, no worries about the first one.

Passive aggression is a beautiful thing.
You're welcome. Gimme a bit on Vulpix.
You are quite welcome. Need a ditto? I feel bad giving you a male HA one.
Already have one, but thanks for the offer. The Geodude's enough.
What's the deal with Megas in SuMo, btw?
Are they all available? Are they allowed?
Only some of them.
Which is why Megas are banned for this tourney, not every type has one.
Are the rest available after bank?
electric is fine anon geeze
Poison is pretty limited...
There are a lot of types that are pretty limited pre bank. Time to get creative.
I'm thinking something like this:

What set would Haunter be running?
oh you're that guy from a couple weeks ago

I wish I could see the look on your face when this burns out when /vp/ loses interest
It's been going pretty reasonably the last three years. First thread i posted was yesterday, too.

my mistake then, I thought you were some other anon. carry on.
night bump
Normal 1
Fire 0
Fighting 0
Water 0
Flying 0
Grass 0
Poison 2
Electric 1
Ground 0
Psychic 0
Rock 2
Ice 1
Bug 4
Dragon 0
Ghost 2
Dark 1
Steel 2
Fairy 1

Pretty good numbers considering how long it is until the deadline.
I really need to start planning my team.
So, no legendaries means Zygarde 10% is banned too, right?

Are UB's considered legendaries?
debatable. still banned though.
steel electric and psychic are the most OP types this gen
> No UBs
> No Sylvally

You are shit, and so is your "tournament"
Welcome back. Cheers for the bump.
everyone is counting on you to participate.
don't disappoint us anon.
go play ubers on SD then fammo
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>want to enter with monofite
>only 12 lines are even available
>most of them are either terrible or are just blatantly outclassed in every way by another fighting type

well this explains the lack of fighting entrants
no die pls
>No Sylvally
News to me
honestly, making a decent team is hard for most types, especially when you find out some of their most useful moves cannot be used yet
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I was thinking Eviolite, but he doesn't have the bulk to justify it, so I'm thinking maybe Timid with a Sash and a WoW/Hex set.
Destiny bond + 3 attacks
Use that speed
Destiny bond fails after consecutive use now, so specs would be a terrible choice for that.
Z-DB then?
that's pretty much useless for singles the way i understand it.
It just forces the opponent to target your mon if possible. seems like a doubles thing.
Scarf + Trick isn't half bad
ded thred
it's early in the day still.
I'm monitoring.
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please include /mono/ or another acronym (/mgc/ - mono/gym challenge is fine too) as well as a link back to the previous thread ( >>30579659 ) with the next OP!
There is no need to fret if the challenge keeps getting bumped past page 10.

The start date is a month away. A lot of people have access to injections.

Things will pick up post Christmas
Sylvally is allowed at the current moment, actually, unless I missed something.

Hey Callum, I fell asleep last night, but not before breeding a bunch of HA Vulpix. Just got off work. Lemme know when you want to trade because I'm not idling on Festival Plaza.

If anyone else wants a Timid HA Vulpix with 4 egg moves, just let me know. I'll probably do a big giveaway around Christmastime with all the good stuff I'm trying to collect and breed.

My next breeding projects are Beware, Drampa, and Oranguru, I think. Getting my 5-6IV stuff from Bank will help a lot with those.
Good call.

Just woke up. Pretty much free all day, so i'll be lurking for whenever you are ready.
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OK my dude, I will head online. Good morning to you in down under ville.
Cheers boss!
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Hey, it just feels nice to reunite with some nice people from /vp/.

If nothing else, maybe we could do some fun battles for practice, closer to january.
I'm looking forward to having a bunch of comp mons up and running again.
I'd be down.
I'm about halfway completed with breeding my team, working on #4 now. I'll be ready to battle here in a few days, hopefully.
Anyone know how balls pass down in this game?
from my understanding, the mother passes down the ball and the father can as well as long as both pokemon are the same species. idk if this means fathers can pass down balls when breeding with a ditto or not. sorry.
male and female can pass down the ball if bred with ditto. genderless mons can also pass down the ball if bred with ditto.
What a time to be alive!
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I guess you still can't have fossil mons in anything other than a pokeball.
Unless you happen to have something from the Entree Forest days.
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Just realised that Gigalith now brings sand.
Is it possible to knock off Silvally's item?
As it so just happens, I got a Male DB Cradily on AS Wonder Trade some months ago.
I had a shiny net ball Anorith a while back but thought it might have been hacked, so I traded it off.
If it's holding a type item, no.
Adamant or Jolly Mimikyu? I'm working on a Fairy team.
Good to know. Thanks
I feel like jolly, probably.
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Fffffffuuuuuck the new Monster Hunter XX stuff in Famitsu is HYPE. New Deviants look great, Alchemy Style looks really fun, they brought back the beautiful Jungle map, and the new Beast Mode cats look really fun as well. I love Monster Hunter so much. Unlike Game Freak, Capcom tries to stuff their MH titles with content, and it shows.
remove silvally
Anyone got any advice for someone that hasn't done this monotype stuff before?
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Hit me.
I guess I assumed you had specific questions.
Rereading that, it looked weird.

Any idea what type you're looking to do?
Have an answer on your team for every type that you're weak to.
Coverage is especially important since you can encounter an entire team that is weak to one move.
Because this is 3v3, surprise moves or items on pokemon are more likely to be blowouts and decide games. Remember that all replays are public, and that formats are best of 3, so surprises might not stay secret for long.
wait a sec I I'm a monkey and didn't know megas were banned can I swap types

I'm Sandy signed up as bug I'll reregister
Callum will fix your shit don't worry
What would you like to swap too? I can adjust it.

is it gonna be a problem if i decide to sign up within a few days of the beginning of the tourney? i've never done one of these and im moving on the 2nd, and cant connect with my 3ds till i move (if at all) but im thinking of making a team and playing then, if i can.
I'd like to enter as water

and while we're on that, is Battle Bond Greninja banned as well?
flat rules doesn't allow it.
most people leave it that late to sign up so it wouldnt be a problem
It's no problem at all to do it around then.

Flat rules restricts it. Still happy to change it to water?
Thank fuck desu
By the by. Tournament format is going to be slightly different. Like Melee tournaments, for anyone familiar.

Pools into double elim brackets. Is reflected in the OP pastebin.
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nice dubs
oooo another league to lose
Just think of it like a test run before bank comes out.
can't wait for this tourney so i can lose almost immediately and go back into obscurity until I'm summoned again

Who else got their teams completely ready?
>Last mono did Psychic team. Did decent.
>Did not buy latest poke game
>Doubt if i bought it right now I would have a team ready in a month

Have fun lads. I was Andriuxito last tourney or the one before. I havent been around since..
There are injectors lurking and people often will give away breeding leftovers and such if you needed it.
There's also the post bank tourney that would likely happen.

Starting to put together a basic team in the SD teambuilder. Haven't started breeding anything though.
is /vp/ exclusively shitposting?
i'd say 20% shitposting, 20% ironic shitposting, 25% pokephile posting, 10% animeposting, 10% bitching-about-formats posting, 5% showdown posting (which is truly its own kind of shitposting), and 10% friendly vidya posting.

So yes.
Where do this thread, /wfg/, and /ekx/ fall under?
Hurts to live
Bitching about formats/Friendly Vidya
what he said. also i fucked up, showdown posting was supposed to be showderp posting. although that's probably not too far off the mark either
hey yo, z moves are cool though, right?
Yeah, they are fine.
when bank is out i wanna do a Mono grass with Torterra as my main
exactly what would i have to do to make that work?
Hard to say. Here was a grass team that made finals in the last season. (ORAS). Kind of a weird allowance that season.

"Venusaur @ Venusaurite
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Sleep Powder
- Synthesis"

"Virizion @ Life Orb
- Leaf Blade
- Close Combat
- Zen Headbutt
- Swords Dance"

Cradily @ Rocky Helmet
- Rock Slide
- Giga Drain
- Toxic
- Recover"

"Ludicolo @ Focus Sash
- Rain Dance
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Giga Drain"

"Torterra @ Choice Scarf
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Outrage" "

Serperior @ Leftovers
- Leaf Storm
- Substitute
- Glare
- Hidden Power"
Only grass team that i can remember with Torterra in in.
>inb4 hurt virizion
legends were allowed only last season because it was ORAS final tourney, so don't get your hopes up about legends.
*gen 6 final tourney
Late night bump
Callum pls it's early morning
I'm from the future.
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