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Pokemon sun and moon sell 3.7 million in less than 2 weeks in America

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85% percent increase over X and Y holy shit
best games in the series

Inb4: SuMo sucks, they won't even outsell XY!!
Almost certainly the Pokémon GO effect.

And imagine how much more it could have been if they'd handled GO competently (keeping interest up until November, maybe adding a couple of SM Pokémon to pique people's interest...).
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>not knowing how to inb4

hello newfriend, can you please lurk a little bit more before you start posting?
The best selling Nintendo game of all time in the UK too. In Japan it's weaker than XY but I imagine GO wasn't really popular there either and pokemon games always sell about the same there
Hi, newfriend can you not fall for bait? Thanks :-)
Get counterbaited nerd, thanks for the you (0:>>30386082
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>i-i was just p-pretending to be retarded!

When will Reddit go away

>The power of normies is amazing!
Think it's more due to the Japanese gaming industry being in the shitter. Things rarely do well there anymore
Sametime /vp/ gets deleted
It would've been impressive...

...if it wasnt for Pokemon GO
Week 2 Japan sales:1.9 million
Week 2 US sales:3.7 million
Week 1 EU sales: 1.5 million

That's 7.1 million in 2 weeks

XY two week sales: 5.3 million
So where's the 85% increase?
That's us sales
3.7 million in less than 2 weeks is a 85% increase over X/Y? Didn't they say that X/Y sold 4 million in 2 DAYS?
this article is about america. thats where the 85% increase came from. also japan is 2.1 million with the dual packs
4 million worldwide.
Shouldn't you be getting your posts edited or something?
it says 85% increase in america
Still 2 more days to go and a week to go for the UK. Then it'll be officially 2 weeks. This shit sells like crazy
Pokemon Go didn't do well in Japan. Not because Japanese fans weren't interested, but because there was a server error a week after the game released and they were forced to completely wipe everyone's progress. A LOT of people quit after that.
>a far bigger audience than for gen 6 is going to experience a far better game. arguably one of the best in the series.
feels good
they've got to wring out one more game of the 3ds now
Yeah specially the handholding
>Sales always = Quality

sasuga, anon-kun

Game was hyped beyond belief, game is really just the same it's always been with every gen

One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards: The Game, regarding certain mechanics.
to put things in perspective WII u sold 12 million in 4 years and pokemon sun and moon sold 7.3 million in last 2 weeks without counting digital
The problem is GF still is lazy as fuck.

They've spend longer than usual on making SM and the post game is still as short and empty as 6 gen.

Battle Tree roster is a joke

The game doessnt even have decent caves this time around which even XY had

Handholding and cutscenes went beyond anything we saw so far in Pokemon games

The only positive thing is there's more characterization for Alola people and the region but even that isnt as charming as Unova or interesting as Sinnoh

But m-muh pachinko!
That's happeing there?
>unova and sinnoh
>charming and interesting
Maybe they were because you were younger.
Imagine how much better it would be doing if Go was in the hands of competent devs.
>SM are moving huge numbers
>release HD third version/sequel on Switch
>everyone buys it for Portable/HD Pokemon
>huge Switch installbase
>devs flock to Switch seeing these numbers
>Nintendo's new Golden Age
Is it finally happening?
Nah, Sinnoh's really comfy for exploration and one of the only regions that makes me feel like I'm actually on an adventure rather than a theme park ride.

Unova's a pile of shit though.
Nintendo is also doing some stuff on the side like looking into movies and there's that Universal theme park partnership going on.
Combine that with more mobile games like Super Mario Run as well. Yeah, Nintendo is gonna be on a roll
this is basically GBA and gamecube all over again. top 3 highest selling gba games are pokemon just like the 3ds and gamecube flopped just like wii u flopped. switch confirmed DS and wii success
but why?
The region was comfy as fuck and you always found something going everywhere.

Not the guy you're responding to, but I thought that both regions (particularly Unova) were quite charming and interesting, and I wasn't particularly young for either one.
kill yourself delusional faggot
Sun and Moon could literally become the second best selling pokemon games, it be tough, but that 23mil mark can be broken and take gold and silver spot.
No wonder all these third party developers are so rosey about the Switch. It's got the pokemon audience locked in.
While the overhealing left and right early game was bad, the totem pokemon made X&Y feel like a joke, lets just hope they don't go down from the current spot they are currently in.
>feels like you're wading through molasses
About as comfy as SM's double battle framerate. Everything about Sinnoh was a mistake and only underage children think it was any good at all.
next 3 weeks is christmas shopping. so numbers will still build. 23 million sold with a 65 million user base on 3ds would be insanity. 35% attach rate

This. See >>30385712. If they had done anything at all to get GO players interested in SM, these sales figures would have been even crazier.

All they had to do was put maybe 20 SM Pokémon, including a few Alola forms, into GO in September or October. The casual fans or Gen 1-playing adults see the cute seal or the Dugtrio with the awesome hair, and there you go, another sale. I'm sure that conversion rates from GO to SM were quite high as it is, but with a little in-game promotion they could have sold even more. It's a huge misstep that they didn't bother with this.
Content is not mechanics anon, how Sun and Moon are a step backward on that deparment.
I didnt have any problems with Totem Pokemon

In facat i had more issues with catching some wild pokes avaible via SOS battles

Totems are easy
>Anyone who has a different opinion than me is underage!

Found the real underage.
RIP those few autists on /v/ that shilled Yokai Watch for 3 years straight and insisted it would kill pokemon
>Wanting caves this bad
are you retarded? next you tell me you miss using HM's on the world map.

Yokai Watch was dead on arrival in the West. To put it simply, it was too Japanese. Everybody understands the appeal of catching "monsters," but Japanese spirits so culturally specific that there isn't even a translation besides "Yokai?" It was never going to be more than a niche thing here.
in 2 weeks pokemon sun and moon out sold any first party ps4 and x box one games. imagine if pokemon was 3rd party. 30 million would be possible
This, the game is good, but is more of a cultural game, the fun of the game is understanding its cultural jokes and references.
No, im glad HMs are gone but caves full of trainers to fight were good.
Thank god for Pokemon Go, even if I never got into it.
Now we're guaranteed gen 8.
Definitely no gen 9 though, for obvious reasons.
> Definitely no gen 9 though, for obvious reasons.
And what would those be? The only way I could see Pokemon not going on is if Nintendo stops making their own consoles, and even then I doubt the franchise would just stop.
I really expected them to do some kind of game transfer promotion to take advantage of the GO audience
Imagine what the numbers would be like if every copy of SM came with a code to get the legendary birds/Mewtwo/Mew in GO earlier than normal.

That's another really good idea. Seriously, if us amateurs can come up with these obvious ways to cross-sell at literally no cost to the developers, then what the hell was stopping Gamefreak/Nintendo? They should teach about this in business schools as a case study of an absurd missed opportunity to massively increase a brand's reach.
internal reddit affairs, please sort your shit out somewhere else
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>Everything about Sinnoh was a mistake

Especially the physical/special move split, right? The inclusion of snowy terrain? Platinum with it's excellent post-game content? One of the best and most challenging Champion fights of the entire series?

Keep your worthless opinion to yourself m8.
Pretty crazy, especially considering it's late in the 3DS's life. Didn't think Pokemon Go would have THAT much of an effect.
>The only positive thing is there's more characterization for Alola people and the region but even that isnt as charming as Unova or interesting as Sinnoh

Now I do love myself some Sinnoh, but holy crap are you wrong about Alola. I am completely in love with this region. It feels so fresh and new. I like the environments, the nature feel, and then the stark contrast with the Aether Foundation HQ with its pure white.

Alola is amazing Anon.

Unova and Sinnoh certainly had a lot more character as regions than Alola did. Which is strange considering the opportunity for badass landscapes in a tropical environment... which Alola profoundly failed to capitalize on.

Alola's true strength was it's characters, whom were quite fleshed out and had more characters with more depth than maybe any other game in the series, (previous games would average 1-3 characters with interesting backstories.)
Shit, is it too late to become a so called poketuber? These guys will swim in easy money.
I am still ultra mad about Pokemon GO.


It literally is almost a fucking foolproof concept. Almost. Because somehow fucking Niantic managed to drop the ball so hard the game is basically dead now. I really don't get it.

>for obvious reasons
>doesn't state what any of these reasons are since they are so obvious

I cannot think of a single reason why there wouldn't be a ninth generation in particular. As far as I understand, the only thing holding back Game Freak from milking Pokemon until the end of time is the amount of money they're making. As long as the cash is flowing they're gonna be grinding.

Maybe back in gen 4/5 it might have looked like gen 6/7 could be the end but Pokemon has been looking up as it's audience has been expanding.
Or the option to transfer your mons from Go to Sun/Moon.

> "Transfer your Pokemon from Pokemon GO to Alola and go on an exciting adventure with them!"

This shit writes itself.
>Definitely no gen 9 though, for obvious reasons.
Even if GF got tired of making Pokemon, there are too many people whose jobs depend on this series for them to just stop making it. We'll stop getting Gens when the games stop selling, and if this announcement is any indication, that isn't happening anytime soon
Yes you clearly know better, it was such a failure wasn't it?
Honestly there are dozens of ways they could have done it that wouldn't even require changing either game. I do remember them saying GO would be able to connect to the main game series in someway, way back when GO was announced, but I've haven't heard a peep since
maybe game freak just doesn't want anything to do with that shitty mobile game yet
Yeah. Since we are going to be able to send mons from R/B/Y to Sun/Moon it's clear that they are probably going to make it so that Bank creates a new mon with the info it gets from wich Pokemon you send up.

So it's already possible to transfer mons with wildly different coding and such to the newest games.

It would have been a fantastic concept. Kids would be happy as hell to use their precious Vaporeons or whatever in their playtrough team.
say hello to the go fags
You faggots are reaching so hard you'll throw out your backs. The game is successful and the game is fun. Point and point
And what are those obvious reasons?
You'll need a schtick to attract people

Yes, it was a failure, in the sense that it could have been a much greater success.
Actually I remember an announcement regarding compatibility between sm and go
this is nice
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