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Celesteela thread continued post all your celesteela art here

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Thread replies: 205
Thread images: 45

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Celesteela thread continued post all your celesteela art here
VGC made me hate Celesteela
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Wife tower
Why? Why happened?
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It's not her fault she's great at battling
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>>30280738 here's the previous thread if anyone needs it
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>look on GTS for celesteela because I'm a sunfag
>no one asking for buzzwole or kartana
I don't have a level 100 Solgaleo! Why is everyone asking!
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offer a starter for it.
Any good punny names?
Sometimes I wish the jesuits were right and eternal damnation amongst the fires of hell existed for degenerates.
Best UB
Put up your own buzzwole or kartana for it then

People will snatch up reasonable offers fast, which is why all you're seeing are the shit offers that no one in their right mind takes
I hope, the latest one was the best one. I wonder if he has a tumblr?
I'll gen a Celesteela for you if you make one in pkhex or give me the stats/IDs you want.
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This. I bred a ton of 1% encounters early on and completed my entire pokedex in under a day.
>His living 'Dex isn't 100% his own OT and ID No. minus version exclusives
I just nicknamed mine Sloth, cuz I'm unoriginal like that,
Is that because the 7 UB are based on the 7 deadly sins?
Because they fucking aren't you retard
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Aww thats adorable is there more?
whether they are or arent theres enough similarities to justify someone naming theirs after a sin.
You fucking retard
Put up a Kartana. I did that and got one within a day.
Death by snu snu
>tfw suncuck
>tfw can't nickname my celesteela
Want me to gen you one?

Also, offer is open to every fellow suncuck in this thread.
>tfw in bed
Maybe I'll join in on this shit tomorrow
have sweet dreams of celesteela anon
for the drawing, what does 1 million poke beans look like?
If you're being legit, then sure.
Post proof pls.
>Man that's a neat design
>Holy fuck it's 30 feet tall
Give me a QR code and I'll post a picture of my DS with the mon you made.
Imagine how surprise i am when I found out that kartana is one feet tall
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>One kind of Ultra Beast. Witnesses have seen it burn down a forest by expelling gas from its two arms.
wtf she's evil
the gas is just the fuel
So are all the UB

Was kind of surprised Nihilego wasn't being tortured and used by Lusamine but kind of the other way around
The UB's don't seem as evil as they do mindless and instinctual.

Also, Lusamine was just a crazy bitch who was obsessed with Nihilego/things that she saw as beautiful, and in the end it got her fucked up by Nihilego's toxins

Although it seems like they pulled the "possession" bit out of their asses. There was no point to it besides poisoning Lusamine, and that could have been done without the possession thing
the fuck is this thing supposed to represent? Some kind of Rocket God?
what's the best way to play this big fucker

bulky defensive, or offensive?
>There was no point to it besides poisoning Lusamine, and that could have been done without the possession thing
It was the best thing about her, like 3 of my biggest fetishes in one.
Probably supposed to reference the Bamboo Cutter, and also rockets because it looks cool
Just read the story, I am touched and now want a celesteela in my team.
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Gee, I wonder who is behind this post...
Someone didn't play Okami I am shook
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>Running subseed Bulu to bore this fucker to death
The old Jap tale of the moon princess Kaguya and the Kaguya II lunar orbiter
Would you prefer forcefed or willing pokebean stuffing?

This is the alchemy themed gen.

The only retards are those who deny the UBs being sins.

Guzzlord's codename is LITERALLY Gluttony.
Buzzwole's main activity is showing off its gains.
Pheromosa's fluff is being able to make anything horny.
Those are just the most obvious ones.

How fucking dense can you be.
She's the best UB there more or less, it's the love child of skarmory and ferrothorn.
I should have worded that better, what I mean is for the celesteela drawing that I am doing which situation would you rather have her be in regarding the million pokebeans, forced or willing stuffing?
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delet this before I delet you
>love child of skarmory and ferrothorn
holy shit your right
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>hfw she hears you call her fat
damn anon, thats some good shit. sauce?
His right what?
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>2 days ago
>put a passimian
>receive a pheromosa
>put pheromosa
>receive a celesteela today
Pretty hot. Also could you include tummy rumbling?
>traded for solgaleo, buzzwole, and kartana
>people gave me them for level 1 jangmo-os
Seems they don't want to give me Type:Nulls though.
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Bamboiselle, surprisingly
Tall and Heavy Waifu's really fun to use. She can do a little of everything reasonably well without being as overt or OP as the others.

Ive been using her in BT as an Automize Special Attacker and it just works so well. Ive kept Alola Marowak with it to deal with Electric types and for Sneaky Pebbles, and Bulu with Marowak to soften shit with CB Woodhammers and Superpower.

Almost anything that gets by Bulu gets fucked by the other two so well.
I want to kiss the giant rocket broom-lady.
Just wait until the third game or next gen remakes if they are really gonna have those
Then only thing stopping her from being amazing is her overall limited movepool, once she gets some other moves she'll be ultra annoying.
The biggest wife
>Picked version blind
>Picked Sun
>Finish main game and only then discover Celesteela
>Become favorite UB
>No one wants to trade a Celesteela with my nickname of choice with a good nature for any of my UBs with a good nature even when I offer

I'll gen it for you, if you make one in PKhex and post the QR code.
Anyway, here's a thing.
Super exciting! I look forward to it.
I don't see the appeal
i like celesteela but not in a waifu way
someone post more spooky art like >>30377512
It has long hanging strands of steel that sort of resemble a woman's hair

Never, ever underestimate the desperation of 30+ virgins
>Not recognizing Pixiv's filename format
I don't like it in a waifu sense.
Personally, I consider it the most "out-there" Ultra Beast design (tied with Xurkitree), the fact that "she's" 30 goddamn feet tall helps with the otherworldly factor. I also appreciate using the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter as inspiration.

The fact that it's fairly good competitively is also a big bonus.
For ubers
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What is most cancerous build for that cute thing? I want able to do something like this and run matches for hours
Normally I wouldn't even give it a second glance but I'm a degenerate tummyfag so here I am.
>game freak finally made a pokemon that I want to fuck
wtf it's not even....
just damn it
/vp/ I blame you
How would you even fuck it? The mind reels. Cute kisses wouldn't be bad tho
Well my trips getting friend, the bamboo tree ship "her"self is 30 feet
The average male human is around 5'5
All you have to do is not go cowgirl and you should fuck it with sort of ease
>Cute kisses wouldn't be bad tho
this desu is what lead me to wanting to...

man why did gf nerf burns? there was nothing wrong with them.
Because they couldn't nerf their precious scald even though it was the issue in the first place
lol nothings wrong with scald either

fuck this gens metagame
What was nerfed exactly? Does it just do less damage or did they nerf the attack cut too?
It does much less damage per turn.
That's not so bad then. The attack halving was always the main attraction.
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Putting those beans to good use
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and gurgleless version
She's 30 feet tall.
What's a good nature for Her?
>tfw you caught two with shit natures
>and haven't saved in hours

It's my own fault,I admit it.
what is the bottom right supposed to be
It's supposed to be that patterned dress part of celesteela
you need a xerneas too
the panel that says tickle?
dumb moco poster
Great work! Super cute.
Personally I like the ominous aspect of it.
>all this new celesteela art of a sudden
thank god for this
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People are asking for level 91+ Pokemon because they're too lazy to grind.

Not to mention the people offering Celesteela usually ask for obnoxious shit like another Celesteela or a Kingdra or whatever.
If they're trading one, why would they ask for another in return?
Maybe hoping to scam a better-natured one or higher-leveled one off some kid.
Or maybe they want one of a different region. Be it for the name or dex entry.
Came to these threads to find these

Nice work
I'm about to catch it. What's a good nature for that thing?
Fuck xerneas
Celesteela are all male you faggot losers go outside and read a book and get a job

Waifufaggots are a drain on society, the worst kind because they know what they're doing
Adamant is what I've been running, since it increases the power of Heavy Slam. It works pretty well, in my opinion.
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>All male
>Literally based on Kaguya-hime
t. tumblr
Not an argument.

It's not a fucking rabbit you uneducated turd
Do what I said
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>Literally wants to complain on a Taiwanese Post-It Notes Blogging Forum
She doesn't know better
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A quick doodle I did while waiting for my shift
Nothing too groundbreaking
That's really cute
Aww, precious!
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Copy that
I-I don't get it
Why hello there, beautiful.
ok now I get it
thanks anon
How would you guys recommend building her for vgc?
Sassy/Relaxed with protect, leech seed, heavy slam and the last move up to you.
great drawing
Forced is always better!
It already happened, anon.
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That one is my favourite.
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Then here you go friend.
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Bigger resolution
>tfw you will never get to rub celesteela's fat belly
why even live anymore
wait a decade or two for tactile VR
Then why does it sound like a girl when sleeping?
you could get a bean bag chair and pretend
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Can't wait to overfeed my celesteelabot and rub her fat, grugling paunch
Where are her arms?
she hid them trying to fit in as a student, although i dont think she can keep her neck squashed like that for very long so shell have to run to the bathroom to rest her neck for a bit before someone notices
She's 30 fucking feet tall! I doubt she'd fit in as a student that well.
what if everyone knows about celesteela being a pokemon but decide to not notice because shes the best player on the basketball team
Dammit, that's the most hilarious and cute scenario I've ever heard. Someone needs to draw Celesteela making SICK DUNKS
>The Kalos team wondering why they keep getting rekt while the Kanto and Hoenn teams facepalm at their ineptitude
maybe i should make a fat celesteela picture with guides to place your hands on
That'd be cute and funny. And very lewd. Go for it.
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That's cool as fuck

I need a guide for Pokemon Refresh and you're my only hope
now considering the last request in the thread that ive saved was just large titted celesteela, should i combine the two or just make two seperate pictures
dubs say yes
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[booming belches rumble in the distance]
Genderless is usually saved for the strongest pokemon and basically means male
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>Basically means male
>Lunala is the female evolution to Cosmoem
Simply ebin
>it is said to be
What the shit is that?
Since when has a legend been wrong in fiction?
excuse me whispered in the distance
Holds more water than your argument, kiddo.
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for starters, here is the hand template so that those with larger or smaller hands can adjust the size
you have small hands
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You some kind of girl? Your hands are fucking tiny.
>see first post
>see this post

What the fuck is going on here?
ayyy lmao
I want to snap her thin neck like a kit kat bar
>97/103/101 defenses
>steel type
>30 feet tall
>2204.4 pounds
>neck thiccer than your body.
>implying you could even try.
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forgot about hand shading so here's. a shaded template if you are so inclined
>Unown, Phione, and Carbink are the strongest Pokemon
>People still think celesteela is female
The only reason is because you're waifufaggot weebs
No one else has this delusion
Fucking freaks sexualizing literal monsters

In the 80s nerds were superheroes and shit what happened to that
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and here's your very own celesteela paunch ready to be kneaded
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heres where I sutuated the hands
You gotta try harder than that if you actually want to bait anyone
Why are you so good with stomach shading??
thank you drawanon
bless you with your heavenly stomach shading skills
it's trump
Give me the heavy slam
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>based on a literal princess
>feminine looks
>feminine name
>he's male because I say so lol xD
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that bait.png
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>Males are genderless
>Everyone is a lesbian
Works for me.
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way Celesteela should be able to fly. Its jets are too small to get its big fat body off the ground. Celesteela, of course, flies anyway because Celesteela doesn't care what humans think is impossible.
It basically looks like a surfer dude alien anon. And plenty of male names, especially outside of english speaking countries, end with an A sound.

It's based on a fucking rocket you horny faggot
>has a himecut
>japanese name literally spells out she's based on Kaguya
Last (You).
not him but I'll bite

The names should say it regardless
Tekkaguya (Gunfire Princess Kaguya)
Bamboiselle (Bamboo Mademoiselle)
Kaguron (Kaguya Iron)
Considering that its likely the same faggot who made >>30413640, its just more low effort bait.
I'm starting to wish I had gotten Moon. Buzzwole is neat and all and I love Kartana, but goddamn Celesteela is neat.
>people show him that he's an idiot
>makes a new thread to stealth bitch
the worst kind of person

Speaking of cancer, is sassy a good nature for CeleSTALLa?
Put one of your Kartana's up on GTS asking for one. That's how I got it.
thank you all for your support
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Thread images: 45

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