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/ekx/ Homebrew and Injection General - We need more injectors edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 409
Thread images: 151

File: bustyswole.jpg (127KB, 750x750px) Image search: [Google]
127KB, 750x750px
PKHeX has been officially updated to support Sun and Moon.
projectpokemon.org was hacked. Change your passwords on other websites if you care.

>How to run homebrew

>How to use injectors
The most straightforward way is to use a homebrew save dumping tool like JKSM, and use PKHeX to edit the file itself.

>How to install a CFW

>About SM bans
People were banned for playing online before the official release. Playing online is fine now. Nintendo has stated that bans for playing online early were permanent, though your mileage may vary.

The .cia files uploaded by Lurantis are effectively the same as the new ones and the files on Nintendo's servers (legally bought digital copies/FreeShop downloads).
Downloading the game from the FreeShop is completely fine.

>In-game injects and no-outlines mod
Pre-patched codebins: https://mega.nz/#!nQUDwZQJ!LYEszSk-7_Fx7srnSU9PGQjoSjZT2SflRhMyAEsxj4k
Just copy and paste one of the patched code.bins into SD:/luma/code_sections
Hold select when booting Luma to open up the config menu, turn on "Enable region/language emu. and ext. .code" and press start
>HBL (New 3DS only, otherwise use Luma)
Extract the patched code.bins and rename them to 00175E00.code for Moon and 00164800.code for Sun.
Place it in SD:/hans/
Start up the homebrew menu and open HANS, open Pokemon through it.
Finally, use the in-game QR scanner and you're golden.

>OLD guide on injection (DON'T BE A LAZY FAGGOT, READ THIS)


>For ROM-hacking stuff


>If you want an injection, follow this guide for how to request or don't post at all. Only ask for Sun and Moon.
File: sharpedo.png (34KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 405x455px
IGN: Johnathon
Depositing: Lv. 3 Male Yungoos in a Great Ball
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

a please and thank you to anyone that can fulfill this. i need it to breed egg moves onto Bruxish so i can sit down in these coming winter weeks and hatch hundreds of eggs whilst watching movies. it's the best time of the year and shiny breeding relaxes me greatly.
File: lele.png (35KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 405x455px
Deposited: Bayleef Male Level 26
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Cirno

Thank you in advance
File: Honedge.png (35KB, 405x461px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 405x461px
Grimer level 24
Sex: Female
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Cracon
File: Primarina.png (14KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 405x455px
Komala Female Level 24
Message: I want to trade
for pokemon that will
help me with my adventure.
File: Ninetales.png (7KB, 391x393px) Image search: [Google]
7KB, 391x393px
Deposited: Mimikyu (Fakechu) level 1
Sex: Female
Ball: Luxury Ball
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Arkreuz
File: Ditto PLZ.png (35KB, 405x455px)
Ditto PLZ.png
35KB, 405x455px
Deposited: Minior
Level 26
in a great ball
Name: It's a rock
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
IGN: Matt
File: wishiwashi.png (13KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 405x455px
IGN: Jaye
Depositing: Wingul, Female, Lvl 7
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
Thank you based inject bros!
File: Yuki.jpg (94KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
94KB, 405x455px
Deposited Ledyba lvl 3 (m)
IGN Helena
Message please trade pokemon with me
File: u_r_the_oceans_glay_waves.png (36KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 405x455px
deposited lv 12 female mudbray
ign: dormire

please and thank youuu
File: tapukoko.png (14KB, 411x461px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 411x461px
repostan from dead

Ghastly lvl 7
I want to fill my pokedex
thanks bros
File: Windows_10_x64.png (94KB, 481x542px) Image search: [Google]
94KB, 481x542px
Lv7 Male slowpoke
Message: Please trade pokemon with me, thanks in advance.
File: IMG_4558.jpg (139KB, 390x433px)
139KB, 390x433px
Deposited Zubat level 11, female. Message "i want to fill my pokedex"
Injecting is for fags and losers.
Where's your collar?
Anyone have the QR for Shiny Hunting Smeargle?
File: spotme.png (35KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 405x455px
IGN: Malzy
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
Deposited: LV 16 male Luvdisc

Thanks a bunch injector friends <3
File: QR.png (12KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
12KB, 405x455px
pls bestow ur kindness upon my twisted sol anons

Pokemon - Crabrawler
Gender - Female
Level - 47
IGN - Zave
Message - I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me in my adventure.
File: serperior.png (34KB, 388x449px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 388x449px
Deposited: Level 56 female mandibuzz, nickname BONEHEAD
IGN: Bug Maniac

thanks injector!
File: hax.png (36KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 405x455px
requesting this:

deposited a lvl1 M Salandit IGN Shane
"Want to fill the dex"
Thank you based anons, for everything you do for us nubs.
dropping a Wingull
Ign Tyrell
Would appreciate it a lot (don't know if I put it in a dive ball or not but if I didn't and you don't mind could you fix it?)
File: Xurkitree.png (28KB, 402x451px)
28KB, 402x451px
Golbat lvl.42
Gender: Female
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Oscar

Thank you in advance. Never did this stuff before.
File: file.png (20KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
20KB, 405x455px
Gigalith lvl 42
Gender: Female
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Josh

Thanks in advance, you beautiful human beings.
File: Not_A_Stand.jpg (100KB, 407x523px)
100KB, 407x523px
Requesting, please and thank you.

IGN: iPass Butter
Level 1 Female Stufful
Level 71 to 80
"I want to trade for a treasured Pokemon that has been raised from an Egg."
>Catch a pokemon
>Save, export, open up in PKHX
>PKHX says the pokemon is illegal

You fucking what
I've had that happen with pokemon I've bred with egg moves. It doesn't seem like it's fully updated yet.
File: PKHeX_2016-11-26_00-28-04.png (79KB, 486x548px) Image search: [Google]
79KB, 486x548px
kept getting sniped last thread
Ribombee level 33
I want to fill my pokedex
IGN: Yuna
thank you injectbros
Has anyone here gotten the Pokémon they wanted from this yet? Or are people wasting time?
File: Ditto.png (13KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 405x455px
Skarmory lvl 44
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
IGN: Chicken
thanks in advance based anons
I just occasionally visit the thread and fulfill requests without posting.
My 3DS is having trouble connecting to the internet right now, though.
I've gotten 1-2 every day from these threads
Oh wow nice
>and fulfill requests without posting.
I wish you'd actually post. No one wants to do double work.
File: IMG_3851.jpg (116KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
116KB, 405x455px
Please and thankyou very much if anyone get this done.
Deposited a Japanese male sableye level 44 to the gts.
IGN is kemi
Gam Message:please trade with me. Thanks in advance
How long does it take usually?
File: jellyfish.png (26KB, 395x450px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 395x450px
IGN: Jeff
Deposited: Lv. 10 Female Cutiefly (Pokeball)
Message: "I want to fill my Pokedex."

I really appreciate it.
It really depends on the time of day and how many injectors are in a thread
File: ditto pls.png (26KB, 401x454px)
ditto pls.png
26KB, 401x454px
IGN: Wes
Deposited: Lv. 28 Ditto in Dusk Ball
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Thanks in advance for this.
Sniped, depositing LV 40 female Wailmer (nicknamed Nami)
What's the incentive to help out a bunch of needy greedy anons? It's very much appreciated, but just curious.
I used the editor and JKSM to backup and edit my original file, but every time I try to import+load said backup/altered data, the game's data is corrupted.

Is there a fix for this or am I missing something?
Just being a good person... until the entitlement becomes too much and spam from people desperate for their injected mons makes it far too annoying to go through the list of people asking for something?
File: dittopkhex.png (21KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 405x455px
Deposited: Skarmory lvl 21 Male
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
IGN: Jeich

Thank you!
Makes sense. You're appreciated, anon.
There really isn't incentive. I just do it because I've already made all of the pokemon I want and I just feel like still putting t he hack to some use since I spent the time doing it.
Can any of the injectors in the thread please let us know which one's you've done. My DS is on the charger at home so I'm in the dark as to if I got the mon I wanted or not.
can anyone post what we need to be ble to make a request to make a QR? Don't wanna make one and end up looking more like a potato than I already am by asking for someone else to make a QR for me
I got sniped.

I put up a female lv 8 Smeargle instead. Thank you in advance again.
But i'm not an injector.
If you post cute serena pics I will send your shit

Deposited: trumbeak 18 female
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
IGN: Jeich
File: Capture.png (25KB, 407x463px) Image search: [Google]
25KB, 407x463px
Will you do this for me senpai <3
In GTS: Metang lvl 41
IGN: Ren
Msg: Thanks in advance
Perhaps you're appreciated for having a decent opinion?
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430KB, 1000x1250px
File: Serena Santa.png (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Serena Santa.png
1MB, 1280x720px
Is this cute?
File: serena.jpg (436KB, 600x800px) Image search: [Google]
436KB, 600x800px

pls senpai
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502KB, 1204x900px
Send it here please~!
File: serenastockings.jpg (285KB, 700x1004px)
285KB, 700x1004px

this one please >>30238774
Trying to understand how to get custom firmware (even with guides) has proven to be too confusing for me. I've got a request you technologically literate people:

Deposited: Bonsly, Male, level 20
Message: "I want to fill my Pokedex."
IGN: Knight

Thanks a lot injectors!
File: Dittoqr.png (35KB, 405x455px)
35KB, 405x455px
IGN is Chalmers, deposited a lv 12 Carbink. TY hexbros for all you do
File: IMG_4664.png (135KB, 250x250px) Image search: [Google]
135KB, 250x250px
Is httpwn down? Trying to get a nnid on a new 3ds.
File: 1e9.jpg (386KB, 880x1100px) Image search: [Google]
386KB, 880x1100px
File: Bold Ditto.png (30KB, 403x450px) Image search: [Google]
Bold Ditto.png
30KB, 403x450px
Deposited a level 3 male Rowlet. IGN: Sephi. Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.

Would appreciate any help! Thanks in advance.
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391KB, 437x600px
File: smeeegle.png (20KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
20KB, 405x455px
Deposited Lvl 28 Male Snorunt named Nut.

IGN: Loob

Thank you! I really need a Smergle to shiny chain efficiently, and this will help a lot!
Thank you again!
File: sere.jpg (20KB, 236x314px) Image search: [Google]
20KB, 236x314px
Serena love.
File: serena.png (423KB, 600x971px)
423KB, 600x971px
And plz anon I'm desperate
File: Serena Claus.gif (953KB, 384x216px) Image search: [Google]
Serena Claus.gif
953KB, 384x216px

the cutest serena i could find
I'm here
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305KB, 600x600px
File: thunderbolt_pokemon_x_and_y2.jpg (241KB, 2048x1483px) Image search: [Google]
241KB, 2048x1483px
okay just wait
File: large.jpg (75KB, 500x500px)
75KB, 500x500px
File: vwHkFNv.png (20KB, 405x455px)
20KB, 405x455px
Deposited: A-Rattata Lv.3 Male
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex
IGN: Frawy
Thanks in advance.
File: timiditto.png (34KB, 389x442px)
34KB, 389x442px
Lv 54 female grunbull up, "looking to fill up my pokedex".

TY in advance.
File: images (1).jpg (11KB, 217x232px) Image search: [Google]
images (1).jpg
11KB, 217x232px
New in gts: Kommo-o lvl 56
Sniped again!!
New in GTS: Aerodactyl lvl 40
post a shitmon if you get sniped again
File: gabite.png (19KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 405x455px
IGN jesse
level 8 pikipek on gts
File: oranguru.png (13KB, 398x449px)
13KB, 398x449px
Deposited a level 16 male cubone in a quick ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex with other languages
IGN: Keith
set to 91 and up now
Deposited: Fomantis 18 female
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex.
IGN: Jeich
File: Toucan.png (26KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 405x455px
IGN is Matchbox
Deposited a level 21 female Fletchling
Message is I want to fill my Pokedex
File: IMG_3855.jpg (78KB, 1024x731px) Image search: [Google]
78KB, 1024x731px
Pls Gary
File: Sere112.jpg (976KB, 768x1024px) Image search: [Google]
976KB, 768x1024px
Got my lele thank you very much!
File: IMG_3856.jpg (124KB, 800x450px) Image search: [Google]
124KB, 800x450px
Got sniped deposited a level 44 female incenroar to the gts
everyone else wait pls
I'm in no hurry lol take your time
Got sniped, changing deposited to lv 9 oricorio
I got sniped

I put in a Lv 1 Male Abra
Komala lvl 25
Gender: male
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Josh
Because RIP Gigalith and I'm stupid and didn't update the level/gender on the pokemon I just put updated with. Thanks again, injectors.
File: porygonzzz.jpg (73KB, 404x451px) Image search: [Google]
73KB, 404x451px
Level 12 Mudbray
IGN: Virre
Please trade pokemon with me. Thank you in advance.
Posting from phone, can some kind anon make a qr code for this?
Tapu Koko named Top Kek
Holding a gold bottle cap
Hasty nature hp ice ivs level 100
Evs: 252 spatk 4 attack 252 speed
Volt switch
Brave bird
Grass knot
Thanks in advance
File: Capture.png (26KB, 400x454px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 400x454px
plz thanks so much
In GTS: Smeargle lvl 7
IGN: Seth
Msg: Fill dex
File: litto.png (34KB, 393x433px)
34KB, 393x433px
One last try. put up a lv 2 Yungoos, female.
Message is "Please trade pokemon with me, thanks in advance."
File: 6IV.png (13KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
13KB, 405x455px
IGN: chicken
Deposited a level 45 male absol.
Message: I want to fill my dex
Thank you for Silvally
fucking sniped again
Why are people handing out Xerkitrees like it's candy? Why do they want my shitmons?

Oh well. I put up a Female Lv 17 Tentacool
if a bro could do this real fast before i pass out i'd be super thankful. if not ill just try again when i wake up
There's a bot set up to trade ditto for ledyba on the gts. Put up a ledyba and you should get a ditto pretty quickly. Should still be running. If you care about nature I think you can nickname the ledge whatever nature you want
Also ask for ditto level 91 and up and set message to I want to full my pokedex. Not sure if the last part matters but that's what I do.
File: wishiwashiy.png (12KB, 410x453px)
12KB, 410x453px
Deposited a level 16 female poliwag in a quick ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex with other languages
IGN: Keith
thank you so much injector for the oranguru
Different guy, but it seems like the bot is either backed up or dead. I had one up for a while and didn't have any luck.
finally fucking found you m8, done.
up again, it crashed over night while I was sleeping... I added a twitter account for it so you can see if it is still sending: https://twitter.com/Ledyba_Bot

Does twitter ban you for sending a tweet every minute?
File: IMG_4680.png (617KB, 750x1334px)
617KB, 750x1334px
Deposited popplio Japanese level 1
Thanks for the Exeggutor based Gary!
File: IMG_3862.png (143KB, 640x1136px) Image search: [Google]
143KB, 640x1136px
Please and thank you for your time anon thanks for incenroar if you have the time i have one more request
Deposited a male level 10 cutiefly named Barry to the gts ign is kemi

Would really appreciate it if you could name it Mojo
You're a beautiful human being. And if I remember correctly, there's a limit to how many tweets you can make; I want to say it's either 100 per hour or 1,000 per day.
IGN: Nick
done, cant trade with the z crystal tho.
you got sniped

thanks for the serperior!
File: 3c9.jpg (183KB, 939x952px)
183KB, 939x952px

Please and thank you.

Deposited: Carbink level 10
Sex: Genderless
Ball: Ultra Ball
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Arkreuz
its like you are asking to get sniped
Thank you very much, Gary. I really appreciate it.
File: Azumarill.png (31KB, 397x447px) Image search: [Google]
31KB, 397x447px
Deposited: Level 18 female salandit
IGN: Bug Maniac

thanks a lot for the help
okay done
File: serenabellybutton.jpg (29KB, 480x480px) Image search: [Google]
29KB, 480x480px

and here's cute serena
much appreciated
Thank you pal, have a good day.
Hey can someone friend me and give me a 6IV, foreign ditto? No one at /wfg/ gives a fuck anymore so whatever.
Fuck, forgot name.
File: MAROWAK.png (24KB, 408x457px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 408x457px
Deposited: Lv. 1 Mimikyu female
IGN: Teanna
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure

Pls based anons, help me replace the shit marowak I shiny chained
File: valid.png (36KB, 613x387px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 613x387px
any reason this isnt showing up as a valid encounter?
File: 1466267757946.gif (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
done and done, pal
File: Dits.png (34KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 405x455px
Deposited: Litten level 1 Male
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: CIrno
if you click the triangle itll tell you
File: BETTER MAROWAK.png (24KB, 408x453px) Image search: [Google]
24KB, 408x453px
I fucked up with the IVs, this is updated in case anyone sees this

Deposited: Lv. 1 Mimikyu female
IGN: Teanna
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure
All it says is "not a valid encounter" and i figure nothing on that is wrong
Haven't gotten sniped yet luckily. I just have a few Rowlets to spare.
Much appreciated
File: Serena.(Pokémon).full.1842785.jpg (298KB, 900x900px) Image search: [Google]
298KB, 900x900px

Thanks again!
File: serenacute.jpg (10KB, 300x168px) Image search: [Google]
10KB, 300x168px
what a cute
File: phox.png (523KB, 764x1045px)
523KB, 764x1045px

This cute enough based Gary?
Guys pls dont
File: Charlie_the_metagross.png (14KB, 393x441px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 393x441px
Deposited: Lv.20 Yungoos named Trump
IGN: Gojiran
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles

Ol Charlie boy has been missed around here...
The Yungoos is level 23, actually. My bad.
I could change it to something else, like Wingull or something. I just thought Rowlet would be less annoying to find?

youre too good :)
File: based gary.png (658KB, 845x678px)
based gary.png
658KB, 845x678px
ty based gary

IGN: Anthony
Pokemon: Level 3 Female Yungoos
Message: Please trade pokemon with me
File: IMG_3863.png (551KB, 900x659px)
551KB, 900x659px
Bumping with love
I made it 91 and up so it's unlikely to be sniped(probably)
File: Nihilego.png (35KB, 405x455px)
35KB, 405x455px
Deposited a level 45 female Tsareena (Stena is the nickname) for this nihilego.

Thanks in advance
Thanks a million, you're doing holy work over here ;)
Okey, thats it.
im doing this
File: REENA.jpg (161KB, 370x600px) Image search: [Google]
161KB, 370x600px
bumping with some serena
File: Serena.jpg (32KB, 600x338px)
32KB, 600x338px
this is a mudkip my dude
A question, is the emulator working decently with any of the 3ds pokemon games?
wtf, pkhex said it was fine

fix it
File: serveimage.jpg (109KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
109KB, 1280x720px
bumping for the homie Charlie
Not sure how, or what I'm doing wrong
File: ArcanineQR.png (36KB, 390x450px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 390x450px
Deposited: Level 31 female Ariados nicknaked VENOM
IGN: Bug Maniac

thanks so much
File: magnezone.png (31KB, 401x455px) Image search: [Google]
31KB, 401x455px
Deposited a level 42 male snorunt
message: I want to fill my pokedex with other languages
IGN: keith
File: serenastockings2.jpg (376KB, 1073x1280px) Image search: [Google]
376KB, 1073x1280px

here's a serena
"Theres a problem with this Pokemon"
File: 1471650289371.jpg (33KB, 478x402px) Image search: [Google]
33KB, 478x402px
>there is a problem with this pokemon

you didn't set up the qr code correctly, i believe
No, you just copy pasted your Metagross form ORAS.
i'm not that anon, i'm also trying to send him his pokemon
File: Mareanie.png (34KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 405x455px
Pikipek lv 3
Sex: Male
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Mege
the thing is, SM pokebank isnt even out yet.
Make it seem it hatched in alola.
File: Untitled.jpg (145KB, 400x449px) Image search: [Google]
145KB, 400x449px
Deposit: Metapod male level 12 with Great Ball
I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Gener

Got tired of trying to chain Abras.
File: second try.png (36KB, 405x455px)
second try.png
36KB, 405x455px
maybe this will work
Thank you!
Guys if i do this guide, am i going to get banned?
File: shrew.png (19KB, 405x455px)
19KB, 405x455px
IGN Jesse
level one meowth (F) on gts
message is "i want to fill my pokedex"
Yes, dont do it.
File: Windows_10_x64.png (93KB, 485x537px)
93KB, 485x537px
IGN: Steven
Lv11 Carbink
Msg: Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance.
i love u
File: ribombee.png (14KB, 365x415px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 365x415px
Its >>30241064 I think this QR should work.

Im putting up a level 3 yungoos IGN: Anthony

Pleast trade pokemon with me.
Someone send me the Ditto but not the same as the one in the QR but still 6 IVs so thank you random stranger!
File: this will work.png (36KB, 405x455px)
this will work.png
36KB, 405x455px
Bless your souls, my dudes.
Now its a maractus
File: whimsicott.png (12KB, 399x452px) Image search: [Google]
12KB, 399x452px
Deposited a level 21 male fomantis in a quick ball
Message: I want to fill my pokedex with other languages
IGN: keith
?????????????????????????????????????? im gonna kill myself rip
Can u help me fulfill this request? >>30240970
File: Marowak.png (36KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 405x455px
Komala Female Level 29
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will
help me with my adventure.
Im sorry anon anthony.
Anon, your PKHex is outdated.
Your QR codes are smaller than the others.
Got sniped, put in level 10 female Cottonee with Great Ball, everything else is the same.
File: serveimage.jpg (412KB, 1024x1338px) Image search: [Google]
412KB, 1024x1338px
heres another Serena too
Wut. I just tried using CTR-HTTPWN to go online, it still gave me a firmware update message. I'm on 11.0.0-33E (old3DS). Does anyone know how to bypass this?
File: ribombee.png (14KB, 405x481px) Image search: [Google]
14KB, 405x481px
try this one for him?
Can I hack in clothes with PkHex? This version locked clothing is retarded
What did you uploaded?

Bumping with love <3
IGN: Meep
Deposited Pokemon: Crabrawler, Male, level 12.
Message: "I want to fill my Pokedex"
Can someone give me a copy of this pokemon?
Deposited : Mudbray lvl13 female
IGN: Luca
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that is strong in battles
File: CxOfOYgUkAEVInT.jpg (52KB, 768x768px) Image search: [Google]
52KB, 768x768px
>tfw can't get striped over-knee socks
the yungoose is level 23 specifically, just to reiterate <3

can either of you MVPs hook me up B)

my contribution
File: sandshrew-alolan.jpg (42KB, 360x327px)
42KB, 360x327px
Sniped for some reason
now put up a lvl12 magikarp in quick ball
File: ribombee.png (20KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
20KB, 405x455px
Ty, im retarded
I want to try this one more time.

IGN: Anthony
Pokemon: Female level 3 yungoos
File: 6cc.jpg (33KB, 680x680px) Image search: [Google]
33KB, 680x680px
Yes! Thank you so much!
File: ninetales.png (21KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 405x455px
Diglett Male level 11
I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Scrub

It's been days since I tried hatching for my shiny Ninetales, shit's annoying, even gave some vulpixes away earlier just for box space
File: serenaxy3.png (164KB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
164KB, 1024x576px

File: cd7.png.jpg (78KB, 894x894px) Image search: [Google]
78KB, 894x894px
It cant be traded.
I think this is the reason
Egg Received :11/26/2016
Egg Hatched: Apparently 11/1/2016
Thank you kind anon!
File: needs more serena.jpg (178KB, 1024x578px) Image search: [Google]
needs more serena.jpg
178KB, 1024x578px
could I borrow someone's save so I can use basehax?
File: Charlie.png (36KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
36KB, 405x455px
fixed :)
Thanks a lot! for the mon and the Braixen pic ;)
File: IMG_9367.gif (2MB, 540x278px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 540x278px
File: Sandshrew.png (30KB, 390x390px) Image search: [Google]
30KB, 390x390px
Machop lvl 9
"i want to fill out my pokedex"
IGN: Stev

thanks to anyone who can do this
File: download.jpg (8KB, 198x254px)
8KB, 198x254px
I want the same pokemon as that guy
File: serena fen.jpg (609KB, 653x850px)
serena fen.jpg
609KB, 653x850px
one moar bump before i hit the hay
File: IMG_2483.png (35KB, 403x456px)
35KB, 403x456px
Deposit F mandibuzz lvl 57
Ign Elias
File: 1472845431777.jpg (667KB, 1181x1147px) Image search: [Google]
667KB, 1181x1147px
File: serenx.jpg (100KB, 1024x576px) Image search: [Google]
100KB, 1024x576px
File: sereNO.png (573KB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
573KB, 1280x720px
this thread is lacking in serena
File: IMG_4701.png (841KB, 750x1334px) Image search: [Google]
841KB, 750x1334px
Deposited popplio level 1 Japanese
IGN: Nick
Message "please trade this Pokémon with me"
Thanks man, my sweet baby lives again.
File: a381de0c.jpg (185KB, 500x700px) Image search: [Google]
185KB, 500x700px
I'll take one of these please. If you can change it to it's default name that'd be cool, otherwise don't worry about it

IGN: Gener
Depositing level 6 male Grimer
Message is "I want to fill my Pokédex."
File: wh-what.jpg (27KB, 736x413px) Image search: [Google]
27KB, 736x413px
File: 1466510587796.png (39KB, 420x420px)
39KB, 420x420px
injecting all your sets for my personal use
File: Tsareena.png (7KB, 388x395px) Image search: [Google]
7KB, 388x395px
Deposited: Magnemite level 54
Sex: Genderless
Ball:Poké Ball
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Arkreuz
File: serebra.png (588KB, 1024x711px) Image search: [Google]
588KB, 1024x711px
Thanks in advance!
File: serena.jpg (153KB, 736x978px) Image search: [Google]
153KB, 736x978px
Forgot my picture
File: 58143584_p4_master1200.jpg (118KB, 777x787px) Image search: [Google]
118KB, 777x787px
May I have some help?
I am trying to put the codebins into Luma/code-section, but I can't find ANYTHING in my SD with such a name.

Should I put the SMPatcher.exe into the Luma folder, or what should I do?
File: IMG_4707.jpg (49KB, 480x591px)
49KB, 480x591px
Pls do mine? Thanks
File: Wimpod.png (35KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 405x455px
Ayo hol up any injectors online?

Shitmon: lvl 17 Chinchou Male in a Fast Ball
"I want to fill my pokedex with other languages."
IGN: Butt
SMPatcher isn't for your 3DS.
You make the luma/code_section folder, then throw in one of the [numbers].bin files from the prepatched codebin compilation in the OP.
File: Tapu_lele.png (21KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 405x455px
Please, make this one : ^)
IGN: Misery
Pokemon: Spearow
Sex: Female
Level: 8
Thanks alot in advance!
Thank you.
Quick question: can I use these little arrows (<<<) in a nickname or no?

Bumping with love once again
Thank you, mate, I really appreciate it!
I just got sniped, you sure?
I'll re up

lvl 17 fletchling male
same message
IGN: Butt
Appreciate you doing this btw, thanks
I was sending others. Im doing yours now
says there is a problem with your mon. Make sure its legit
got sniped, put up a level 1 female sandshrew "i want to fill my dex" in its place
File: bess fren.png (36KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
bess fren.png
36KB, 405x455px
This sweet jelly please <3

IGN: Malzy
Message: I want to fill my pokedex
Depositing: LV 40 female Gastrodon (nicknamed Chaac)

Thank you so much in advance, injector friend
File: SerperiorQR.png (35KB, 395x447px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 395x447px
deposited: level 32 male ariados nicknamed carnage
IGN: bug maniac
thanks a ton
File: 1231243123.png (34KB, 616x360px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 616x360px
Should be fine
Maybe its the relic gold? I'll change it 1 sec
File: Wimpod1.png (35KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
35KB, 405x455px
Here you go, let me know if theres still an issue
Thanks a bunch. <3
Alright on it now
Thanks man
Sorry to give you a run around
Got snipped
I deposit male Boldore
Lvl 44
File: 1480051594112.jpg (83KB, 690x1156px) Image search: [Google]
83KB, 690x1156px
Thanks again lel
Sending soon
Retrying this with a different Pokemon
Deposited a Paras
Sending soon
Thank you, kind anon!
File: ditto31qr.png (34KB, 405x455px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 405x455px
deposited: female level 9 petlil
Ign: ale
message: This is a Pokemon with great potential. Please raise it if you'd like.
File: hqdefault.jpg (23KB, 480x360px) Image search: [Google]
23KB, 480x360px
bumping again, id really appreciate it, fellas
You fucked up. It says you want haunter nigga

thank you =]
Can anyone go online in s/m using ctr-httpwn?
I can go online in oras just fine, but s/m still gives me firmware update messages.
Wait what I didn't put hunter
Well i put up fearow lvl 24 in great ball
For lvl 1 mimikyu
Massage: i want to fill my pokedex
Awww. Already 150 pics in thread...
You're amazing, thank you so much!
Think you got sniped
Please help get this BEAUTY:3
Cantfind you
Can I get the same as >>30238518 ?

Deposit lvl 42 Raticate (f)
IGN: Mike
Thanks, bro <3
Been using injected mons for rated battle spot. Now when I try to game sync. I get error 006 0112. Am I banned?

I am pretty sure all my mons had legal check on pkhex
Sorted famalam
Deposit: Level 54 Male Unnamed Hariyama
Trainer Name: Luna
Message: This is a pokemon with great potential
I got that error today in WT. But it appears only once. Thats didn't ban.
Sending my nigga from another nigga
Your connection a shit
Sent my sister from another species
Got sniped again make the mimikyu lvl 100 i put up female torkoal lvl 27
You're a cool guy injectdude, now I'm going to go be cancer on the meta
I sent it to a japnig. I'll scan another one for ya
Hoping I can get this done
I put up a level 3 female caterpie nicknamed "Thanks /vp/"

IGN WolfDawg
Make it lvl 1 please.
Sending my dude
It will get quick scoped
Notice me, injector-kun
Give me the new qr then. Im on my phone
Thanks so much my good man.
I got you nigga, I got you
You are a boss
I cant post more images because thread at 150 which is it limt. I will make it lvl 1
Based anon <3
new bread when?
Okay homie
It up 27 torkoal
Deposit: Fearow (Male, unnamed, level 24)
Trainer Name: Luna
Message: This is a pokemon with great potential
tfw image limit reached
Sending my nnnnnnigooh
Marill Level 1
I want to fill my Pokedex.
IGN: Chris
Mfw i cant see ur face
Taking a break after this. Also waiting for new thread homeboys. Will holler in a likkle bit
I got you Chris
Thanks for the ultra beasts mate
thank you man appreciate it
IGN : Alan
Lv3 Male Ledyba
Message: Please trade pokemon with me, thanks in advance.

Thx guys you're doing a hell of a job

Please notice me senpai <3
IGN: Taytay
Lvl 33 Male Crabrawler
Please trade pokemon with me. Thanks in advance

ty m8
Sent my nigga enjoy that nasty shiny
Thank you for mimikyu
I'm taking a break homeboy. Been sending lots for a while now. Going to catch a samurott which just appeared from scanning. Got 30 mins to find it
scizor with light metal lmao

Godspeed then injector-senpai.
Pls some one.
New thread?
Just caught that samurott, the little nigga didn't know what was coming. Gonna keep injecting for some homies if y'all need it
Rattata named Cheeky level 2
Sex: Male
Message: I want to trade for a pokemon that will help me with my adventure
IGN: Kuya
Dunno if we're gunna wait for a new thread or not but I'll try
Can you help me find my SID?
I do!
Got yall hold up

The fuck is that?
Your assistence would be greatly appreciated

Deposited: Level 1 male sandshrew.
IGN: Maya.
Message: This a Pokémon that just hatched. Please raise it carefully.
If injector-san is still around I'd really appreciate this

Shitmon: lvl 21 Trumbeak Male
"I want to fill my pokedex"
IGN: Butt
Where you at
Marill Level 1
I want to fill my Pokedex
IGN: Chris
Right here man. Do i need to re deposit my rattata?
Yeah I can't see your ass or Faye's

deposited a lv. 27 female trubbish

thx famiry
Alright man just re deposited it
I appreciate it
I tried not to beg for it but here goes...
Can someone hook me up with a 6IV jap ditto?
I sadly don't have much to offer except for a 5IV baton pass rowlet.

IGN: Schnist
I'm doing up to

Will take 20 mins or so so won't be taking anymore request my niggas
Thanks for your hard work bro
And don't put snipable mons other your asses will get clapped
If anyone is still doing these I have a level 37 Poliwag named PRAISE KEK deposited for the following:

Should I put up a different mon?
Sorry if my shitmon is giving you trouble
speaking of this some nip sniped my crabrawler for a machamp, my fault for thinking it was useless

I re-deposited
Female level 10 diglett
IGN Taytay
Please trade pokemon with me, Thanks in advance

you da real mvp nigjector
Yeah kuya needs to redeposit
I'll try later
I'll deposit again.
Alright man just did it
Thanks again man
Thanks for the Minior bro, appreciate it!
I sent the wingul back in
Nigga what did you deposit? Rattata? I still can't see you
Yeah man let me deposit something else for you
I put up a Ledian female instead
Hopefully this works better, sorry for this man
You're still not there. Who wanted the wishiwashi again? It's just you and kuya that's left
Is it normal that Luma hardly works?
It says that "an error occured, making it crash"
How do I fix it?
Shit man I dunno what I'm doing wrong.
I have to type out the name Gallade but I've done this before so I don't think that's the issue
I wanted the wishiwashi. I have a female wingul in there lvl 7 name is Jaye.
Anyone still injecting?
Got up my nigga
sorry for fucking up here's a better request


Aerodactyl level 40
Sex: Female
Message: I want to fill my Pokédex!
IGN: Schnist
Got you and 6iv ditto homeboy up next then I'll have to call it a day. Still waiting on you kuya
Is it safe for injectbros to hack in pokemon that's not yet obtainable in SM?
Ledian Female
Please trade pokemon with me thanks in advanced.
IGN: Kuya pokemon wanted Gallade.
I mean I dunno what else to do, unless I can't get him because I can't choose a gender? I typed his name out and that's about all I can do man
That's a pity, but thank you man, you're taking a lot of time out of your day to do this. Hope I get mine fulfilled next thread.
based nigjector does it again thanks man
nigjector fuck my girl

N-no Porygon-Z?

Hol up
Thank you so much!
Sorry man. Still nothing
I can do yours and >>30244009
While I try get kuya sorted. Yo kuya you're gonna have to give ya boi a friend code if you want that little nigga of yours
Last try, I'll put up a Pinsir named Crusha
I really hate to be giving you the run around like this man
Still nuthin, you got a nigga still watin and nuttin
Shit man I dunno what to say, unless you wanna just link trade it I feel like I just wasted your time sorry
Redeposit yo shit
I found you but it says there's something wrong with your little nigga
Try with someone else in the next thread. You and the porygon boi weren't able to get yo stuff sent. I'm out niggas. All the best. Bless
>IGN : Alan
>Lv3 Male Ledyba
>Message: Please trade pokemon with me, thanks in advance.

Thx man mine was the Ladyba
Sure thing man, thanks for the effort and sorry for fuckin you with that Gallade
Thread posts: 409
Thread images: 151

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