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/wfg/ - WiFi General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 332
Thread images: 25

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Breedin' Tradin' Battlin'

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones, or Injections. There are other threads for those.

Old: >>30193935
That would be really swell of you. I don't have much to offer since I am still doing ingame stuff, but I'll get you something half decent at least for your troubles.
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Can you spot whats new in my list??
Do status conditions make SOS impossible?
Anyone? >>30198491

I can't find you

Paralyze does.

You're asking for Bottle Caps now?


put an alolan rattata on GTS for a level 100 ditto and reply to this post for your FREE 6IV DITTO!

From what I've read it varys but pretty much majority of the time if they are paralyzed they won't call for help.
Where are you? I can't find you in the guest list

I'm online. Name is Andrew my plaza rank is like 42 or something like that

Would like to trade litten for a regular meowth
Is there a guide to getting bottle caps? I haven't gotten 1 yet
Looking for HA Rockruff. Offering 5V Adamant Wimpod.

Let me sign off and sign back on. I saw your name but couldn't click on it for some odd reason.
I don't understand what's happening. Everything is in grey in my guest list, and I don't find your name
Click on the Wi-Fi button on the far right
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Ding ding!
They are hard to get. There's one on the route leading to battle tree if you defeat all the trainers, and you can get them at the festival plaza if you are lucky.

Anyway, what's this worth??
It didn't work before, but it worked again when I disconnected/reconnected

you turned down the request
Can you soft reset the ghost den and lottery for bottle caps?
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Don't mind me, just giving >>30198965 and >>30198989 a fair warning.
Nevermind on the Adamant synchronizer. I just got one after 2 hours of trying. I'll still be online if you have a modest one to offer though.
hey, fuck off
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And there.
How did you get IVs like that so quickly? Did you farm for a Destiny Knot?
Oh snap, it's the post-game you've been looking for! I've finally amassed enough prizes in reserve, and figured out how to publish battles, enabling me to introduce a Wi-Fi General Kahuna Challenge.

With 2 ways to win, and a prize just for playing, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so give it a try if fame and fortune are what you seek.

And for a limited time, the first person to make it into the winners' circle gets this shiny Mimikyu I got while chaining, holding my one and only Master Ball, since I'm never going to use it anyway.

tl,dr: Have battle, get poke. Literally can't lose.
Its a hacker
Not him but I already farmed a Destiny Knot, all Power items, and a bunch of competitive items.

Battle Tree is "fun"
Thanks for all the help man! let me know if you ever need anything
that was a typo. These are legit 6iv dittos given to me by Griffin. He spends all his time soft reseting just to humblebrag to other trips, so he gave me a few of his extra dittos
fuck, this was meant for >>30198752
Try it, see if your prize changes. I imagine not though
Yes, it was a bit of a grind. There is some pokemon that holds it though, can't remember which
lol. still trying to hack those bottle caps ey?
Impressive. What streak/team?
No problem. Thanks for helping me with Gengar too!
no problem ;)
Thank you for the help, want to trade something else?
Bumping this.

It's a SHINY PICHU with +SpAtk nature. Anyone interested?
will suck dick for an anchor, can offer pokerus and sun exclusives, random HA pokes
he put up an alolan rattata for a level 100 ditto on GTS and someone sent him a japanese modest 6iv ditto with a destiny knot attached
Not him, but the tree is extremely easy if you're competent quickly catch a Pelipper with drizzle, decent Tapu Koko, and breed a decent muddy water Horsea.
I currently have a streak of 50 going with that team and a Toxapex from my playthrough, and I've yet to struggle.

Sure lol just interested in Chansey lol
Got an HA Rockruff? I can offer an anchor.

You're a terrible liar, Sarah. You never back up your claims with proof.
Here you go. Thank you a lot for your help, I'll get the shiny charm with your help.

Thank you!! :D
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>Chain 53
>HA Sandshrew
>accidentally kill it
i do have HA rockruff, added you

Selkit 0275-8317-0001
Interested, but the team isn't ready yet.
not Sara, but put up a rattata and I'll prove it
im just lookin for pokerus
Watcha looking for?
I put one up, waiting
OKay, one sec....

Nope, I'm not giving you shit. YOU post a pic of the dittos with a timestamp and then I might believe you.
Other shinies/Good IV mons/Bottle Caps
im in the plaza, just send me a request when ready
Online. IGN is Cyneric.
i don't want to get doxed anymore than I already have

There's no rush. It'll be open for a while.
sorry stranger, but I'm heading to bed. Maybe one day we'll cross paths again.
Can't find you on the list. Can you find me and send the request?

Then fuck off, you bring nothing to this thread that other people aren't providing elsewhere for less.


>Spoonfeeding retards.
Can confirm that Sarah is lying, no ditto received, ban is imminent
Please don't bring that kind of negativity to this general. /wfg/ is for all.

Not Sara, but I haven't logged on yet. getting online is a pain in SM
thx m8
Anybody got a mimikyu in a cool ball? I'll give you some breedjects (Mareanie and stuffel)
Does anybody have a HA Sandshrew breedject they're willing to trade? I can get a HA Vulpix ready.
anyone able to help evolve my machoke on sun/moon?

Uh huh, and you bring enough passive-aggressiveness that would make a brony blush out of embarrassment.

>Impressive. What streak/team?

I've been failing a lot, but got to fight 30 on Super Singles twice now, most of the time I make it to the 20s and I get brave birded to death or outstalled by some double team bullshit.
Team is

Mimikyu @ Normalium Z
252 Atk/252 Spe
-Shadow Claw
-Shadow Sneak
-Play Rough

Mudsdale @ Leftovers
252 HP/252 Atk
-Rock Slide

Araquanid @ Choice Band
252 HP/252 Atk
-Leech Life
-Poison Jab
Reconfriming that sarah is a bad liar and a bad hacker, mods just end him now
Anyone have a Mareanie they're okay with just throwing away? I don't care much for hidden abilities, EV's, or natures. I just really don't want to blow all my money on adrenaline orbs while I'm still early in.
Yep! Add me.
I'm down.

I got two gold bottle caps.
I got you senpai, put something on gts for one.

Sweet, adding you now. I'll send the battle request.
>I got two gold bottle caps.
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>tfw togedemaru doesn't learn any steel moves except gyro ball
Hello /wfg/
I'm looking for


synchro abras. I have those that aren't here, Sun exclusives (besides UB's) and a couple of Beast Bell Jolly Beldums (random IV's). Fossilmons would be cool too.
From wondertrade.
People tend to attach them to random breedjects or shinies they throw away.
I tend to throw away the shinies because theyre trash more than 3/4th of the time

Also, what's your IGN?
done n in plaza now
ty senpai, i'll put up an Abra
I'm online now. I have you added and everything.
I'm Shiro
>Hackers tend to attach them to their hacks.
I have a few of those!
Got a spare Timid one?
Don't see you online. Did you connect to the internet (WiFi bottom on bottom right of the screen?)
I have an Impish Synchro Abra with max IV's in HP, Def and Speed. Do you have an HA Vulpix?
Well, do you want them or not? A bit of a heads up, you can only use bottle caps on level 100 pokes to my knowledge from the hypertraining guy.
>That feel when I just solo'd my friend with Muk
The teams were set to lvl50 too
No thanks, and I'd suggest you throw those away since they are hacked. Or at least not offer them here without a disclaimer
How many bottlecaps do you want per 5IV mon?
Not seeing it, must have gotten sniped.
Guess you got one anyway lol.
Can anybody help me evolve my Graveler into Golem?
Anyone wanna trade a hondew berry for a tamato berry?
What's the best way to level shit up to 100? Got the Tapus with the natures I wanted
Catching it now, I'd prefer a Bold abra if you have one.

Sorry I don't
this is on gts right? he still there. characters name is junpei if that helps
sure, I need to evolve mine anyway.
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>Too tired to go after Xurkitree due to it having an immunity to Thunder Wave.

Should I go after the Tapus (barring Koko because fuck beating the League again) make my way to the Battle Tree, or farm more Beast Balls?
>How many bottlecaps
2 is Ok, please post FC. Also, where did you get them from anon?
Is it possible to chat during trade yet in sun/moon or is gamefreak still 100 years behind
and is festival plaza any good?
What is the best nature for Minior?
I saw on smogon people were talking about both physical and mixed sets and I don't know which is better.
Try taking it down and putting it back up
Nice, add me.
I got an Adamant Synchro earlier and I'm looking for a breeding project while I let my Pichu soak in the sauna for a bit longer. What should I go hunting for?
I feel the need to share a story and you guys are the only ones I know who are even close enough to giving a shit about it. So here goes.

I was trying my damnedest to catch a minior but those fuckers kept self-destructing. So I had to change tactics. I needed a pokemon with damp. Only problem is the psyduck I caught had cloud nine.

So I went back to the first island to find a psyduck. The Pokedex was slightly helpful but it wasn't too helpful with this. The locations were inside caves and shit and there was no indication as to what part of the caves. And even the areas near or in water wasn't producing results.

It was during my trip through the caves, I stumbled across my first shiny. A rockruff in a normal non-SOS battle that I named Blue Moon.

It doesn't have the hidden ability and instead has Inner Focus or some shit. But hey, it's a shiny.

Oh for those who care, I finally did catch a minior, it is red. And from what I can tell, it is not a great pokemon to have in a battle.
What's the best nature for Celesteela?
Does anyone have an extra Ice Stone whatsoever?
What's the best way to chain a Mimikyu? Really want that shiny.
Would anyone in the know be kind enough to give me a tl;dr on the best/good natures for all Tapus and UBs?

I'm finishing setting up my synchronizers, going to start postgame "legend" catching now.
alrighty, done
Sorry my IGN is Henrietta
I'll post my FC and trade when I get home from work, should be 30ish minutes.

>Also, where did you get them from anon?
One from from plazza the other was from fishing.
>Is it possible to chat during trade yet in sun/moon or is gamefreak still 100 years behind
200 years behind
>and is festival plaza any good?
It's a nice idea, but really fucking unreliable when trying to trade with someone
>What should I go hunting for?
>Does anyone have an extra Ice Stone whatsoever?
For what, Anon.
Soak + False swipe (smeargle)
Ok anon, let me know what you want and I'll get it ready
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So what's the rate on passing balls down for mom and dad? It looks like if you breed members of the same species, babies can inherit either ball.

I just want to know since if I can breed a female contrary snivy and a female sheer force totodile in regular balls in Gen 6 and then catch the males in Friend/Nest and Lure/Dive Balls in Gen 7, respectively, then I could feasibly have babies in special balls with their HAs, correct?

Does it work if one parent is in a basic Pokeball though? Thus far I've only tested it with a Male Jangmo-o in a Heavy Ball and a Female Jangmo-o in a Luxury Ball.

Well that was quick; definitely not my shining moment.

Shiro is the first to enter the Winners' Circle and claim the prize.

Go ahead and tell me which of the pokes you want, and trade me 2 duds for your Mimikyu and other.
WTT Modest 252 spa 252 speed 4 hp Moonball Lunala. I really want a tailglow set UB 03 Lightning
Gg, i'm down for another battle if you wanna go.
So I finally finished my breeding pair of pentaperfect Jolly mimikyu's and now I'm gonna hatch some eggs.

Anyone interested in these bad boys?
ive got timid if you got impish?
Same ball as the mother every time unless it's a Ditto, then it's a regular Pokeball.
Thanks a lot man.
Show me some lists nerds I've got a handful of Level Ball Sassy Rain Dish MoreLull and Lure Dhelmise to trade
I bred a HA Vulpix and gave it Freeze-Dry/Moonblast via Smeargle, but I already used my Ice Stone from Po Town; while I wait for Pelago, I was wondering if anyone could help me out with an Ice Stone if they had one off handedly

Sure. And what pokemon do you want from the Prize Pool and do you want Lazorgator back?
>breeding for 5IV Mareanie
>get a 6IV one straight up

Holy shit. 2 hours well spent.
Want: level balls. Have: every other hgss ball.
No, keep lazorgator.
Hes alright

Ill just take Sableye.
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b-but I already used my level ball enid
still can't find it?
Is it HA?
Yes. Bold.

Now that I think about it the set I'll be running is better off having low IVs on attack due to Foul Play, but oh well it still feels amazing to get a 6IV one.
Tempting but I wanna breed some level ball tepigs.
No problem
Still not seeing it.
huh. Is there something like you can't trade a too high-leveled pokemon to someone early in the game?
Will give you a 6 IV Mimikin Jolly for the water jet wimpod
It's a level 1 mareanie, all the abras I'm seeing are asking for UBs.
Hey man, I just noticed I already have Timid.

Add me and I'll trade you the Bold one for nothing, sorry for wasting your time.

I actually have Timid lol, I got myself mixed up. Add me and I'll trade you an Impish one, don't worry about giving me anything worthwhile.
odd, but thanks anyway. i see some ching chongs asking for kadabra and offerring lv.1 mareanie so i'll just evolve an do that. but again, thanks for the effort lol
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Hey mang you got any of them new pokemans?
How are you <3
Lol I've been hunting Abras and only caught 1 Inner focus since then. Thanks I'll add you now
Have Jolly 6 IV Mimis and 5-6 IV wimpods for trades.
Looking for anchor or berry waifu. Also looking for offers.
What ball is your Mimikyu in?
Nah I'll pass on Mimikyu. But I'll still send a Dhelmise your way if you want it. Shit IVs but Brave in Lure ball if you're interested in it for a shitmon. If you are just put something on the GTS and let me know.

GG. It's not as fair once I've seen your team in battle and I got all the luck.

I'll update the infograph with your win right now.
Sure. I dont care if its bad. gonna put up a primape
How do you get guests to recommend specific festival shops?
>6 IV Mimikin Jolly
Wow, how did you get 6IV??
I nearly Have a batch of the Wimpod EV trained (HP,Atk) if you wanna wait
Either way, I've had plenty of fun. The team catches people offguard because the multiweather gimmick. I enjoy it though. Nice Marowak though, it was really an mvp that match
>go to use Adrenaline Orb on Bruxish
>overstep mark and use Poke Doll
kill me
nope, I been working towards getting the destiny knot before breeding stuff, and then I'll be breeding Magikarp so I can have it father any physical Water 2/Dragon projects, because it's quick. I'll keep you posted tho bb
Thanks for the Beldum, I needed the data for that!
I been farming since my family left. Just got lucky with a 6 IV ditto from WT
>6 IV ditto from WT
You know that's hacked, right?
Does the event Munchlax come in a Cherish Ball? If so, can you pass it down?
I know that sadly.
I almost did that too. Threw the pokemon doll away the minute I realized what had almost happened. Have you tried pick up for DK? That's how I got mine. I kinda want to hunt for dittos but at the same time I'd rather just breed all the new stuff ready to IV breed when bank comes out.

Hey didn't you want something yesterday iirc?

Don't see it did it get sniped?
>Does the event Munchlax come in a Cherish Ball?

The main site says it's in one.

>If so, can you pass it down?

Nope, Cherish and Master Balls are still the only Balls to not be transferred via breeding.
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>Can't catch things in cherish
>no good purple ball
>no good yellow ball

I have a modest one, you goy Naughty?
Fame, Fortune, and a bevy of well-bred, egg move Pokemon are yours for the taking at the Wi-Fi General Kahuna Challenge.
Yeah got sniped. I get sniped so much lol
Ill put a ratatta then
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Any interest in one of these in exchange for one of your 3+ IV HA spikyfucks ?
>Hey didn't you want something yesterday iirc?
I just remember greeting you back.
How is your twitch celebrity going?
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Best nature for nihilego?
This is really really really amazing. I don't have anything to battle with but I'll keep an eye on you those consolation prizes look pretty gud but nothing I need at the moment.


Damn. I thought it was you wanting a Beast Ball Beldum. <3 I've been good though. Decided to go back to school to finish my degree so that's been hectic with work and everything else. I made a special time off request so I could just play pokemon.

I'm going to murder these captchas. Like trace a sign? literally wtf

I went with Timid for mine, but are you going to catch it in a Beast Ball?
I hear Timid...
These adds and this phone have destroyed posting on this site for me

with hp ice/fire/ground

i had amazing luck and managed to get a timid hp ice nihilego on my third try
Legacy CAPTCHA, friendos. It's in the settings (Idk if it will work for phones)
Thanks dude, you're a real hero
>These adds and this phone have destroyed posting on this site for me

It certainly made mobile browsing harder, my phone actually froze up the last time I used it to browse 4chan.


It doesn't, but it does makes posting on my laptop easier.
Meh. I'll just renew my 4chan pass

Hey no problemo man~ Enjoy!
Does anybody have a jolly mimikyu I could have? I would greatly appreciate it.
Anyone mind moving a treasure hunt shop to slot 1 so I can buy it with FC
Talking about them beasts, I have been catching Beauties. I got a Naive and a Rash one. I'm thinking Naughty would be another good one and the last would be Naive. What do you guys think?

If my 'mons were well-bred didn't consist of playthough 'mons I'd certainly consider taking this on.

>He bought a pass.

That's actually something I've been considering, but money's tight for me right now.
It's for a whole year. Not as cheap as pokebank, but fuck I've never been so enraged by a captcha before.

Okay famalamadingdongs. I'm going to finish these egg moves on Sandygast I decided to do Moon Ball
Why not level?
anyone willing to trade a type:null ? I'm trying to get one for my shiny charm before I continue sring mine :/
I always go for shiny balltism before regular balltism if I want to MM for it and I really like it. I felt that moon fit it's shiny best.
Isn't there only 1 per game and it can't be bred with ditto?
Ayyy the dude who sniped me sent a pokerus dhelism
Stats go in the order HP/Atk/Def/Speed/SpecAtk/SpecDef right?
yeah, thats why i'm soft resetting it...


Speed is last.
Best ev training spots?
To me shinies are nice to get when breeding
But I don't ever seek them out, I think they're more special that way
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Please respond. I need level balls like I need to breathe.

Brave, Careful or Sassy for mixed sets, otherwise Modest or Adamant.
Very cool! If you end up spreading it keep me posted

I definitely agree the best come when you aren't looking for them. But it's pretty much the only thing I like to do in Pokemon. Breeding that is, not shiny hunting

Did you want my Level Ball Morelull bbq?
I'd appreciate one if you have a spare, but otherwise I'm fine. It's low on my list of priorities.
Trying to spread right now. Will give you one of them asap
can you not make threads with your name/trip on?
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>Battle roayal
I may have just found my favorite mode holy shit
this is fucking fun online
Looking for:
Hondew Berry

For Trade:
Tamato Berry
Metal Coat
Prism Scale
Does anyone have an Overcoat Jangmo-o?
>level balls
you can have mine
Nah I got you, just put a shit mon on the gts.

That would be real neato thanks!~
Nice, thanks. Do you want anything for it?

Y-you deleted me again?
I don't think I did. You're still 0275-7479-9528 right? I just can't be assed with this new system they call """"""trading"""""" for single mons. But if you'd prefer traditional trade just let me know when you head into the plaza!
Can i have your love ball?
If not, just a shitmon is fine
Aside from Icicle Crash, what're some good egg moves for Sandshrew?
Still there? I'd like the Drampa for 2 caps.
Oh, yeah, I understand. The new system is garbage. I prefer traditional trades, so I'll head on now, You should initiate the trade so we don't both do it at the same time.

That works out well. I don't plan on using any non luxury non level balls. Do we still have eachother added?
Icicle Crash isn't an egg move, it's a relearner move for Sandslash

All he has for egg moves are memes like Endure and Flail
OKay sounds good.
>Dont' do it at the same time
That's the other thing that pisses me off.
Please GF. Please bring back PSS without taking away Poke Pelago. pls. Heading in now
Thanks senpai. That went surprisingly smoothly.
I definitely don't have you on the ds i'm currently using. FC is 2079 9341 5520
It sure did go smoothly. Thanks for the Scyther. I have a friend working on Level Ball Mudbray so I'll keep you posted~
Added, and I'll head on in just a second. You should initiate the trade.
Hi, you'll have to give me a bit to breed it.. trying to find another suitable parent
-5IV Modest A-Vulpix w/ HA, Egg moves: Moonblast and Freeze Dry

-5IV Adament Technician Scyther, Egg moves: Vacuum Wave and Night Slash

Looking for BP items, 5IV competitive pokes (specifically a lapras would be nice) but i'll take whatever
the request is going to be from Alice
Oops. As you posted that I declined it thinking it was a random.
Thanks bud ~
Much appreciated. I'm going to have some penta level ball timid Wingull to give out at some point tomorrow, in case you're interested.
Can anyone help me with trade evolutions? Need to get this shiny charm.
If you're still there add me. Just got a trash poke to get pokerus
sounds neat, i'll keep my eyes open
Beast Ball on Araquanid? Y/N?

ok cool I"ll add you and head in. You send the TR
>going for Heavy ball Beldum

I'm not going to enjoy this ride.
I can send you a beast ball one if you want senpai
Egg has Beast Ball Beldum~ Enjoy and thank you so much for PKRS I really apprecaite it :3c
You have any extra BB Beldums?
I'd love one. Anything that you want in return?

Recently bred some pink and orange Miniors in Love and Fast balls.
You're such a bro. Thanks a ton
i've got a hondew if you're willing to get rid of a metal coat.
I have a couple more before I breed another box of them. Just put a shitmon on the GTS

Ooooo. I would love both of those things. Is there anything I can offer you for the other one? I have some Lure Ball Dhelmise and Level MoreLull onhand right now

Np man~
Does anybody have a HA Cubone? I want to start breeding adamant ones for fun but haven't had any luck grabbing the HA yet.
Can you check your breejects for any Vulpix with HP Ground (imperfect Sp.Atk and Sp.Def) and preferably 31 in HP, Spe, and Def.
Many thanks
if anyone's got a Mareanie left over from breeding they don't mind throwing away, I have a Kadabra up on GTS

Cool, I'll put up a Growlithe
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If you hatch an egg you receive from someone, does it have their Trainer ID or yours?
Doesn't HA as cubone turn into Rock Head as Alola Marowak though? Do you really want that versus Cursed Body?
I have a Lampent and a Duoblade, but only one dusk stone. What would be better to evolve?
>put up a shitmon
fuck you
it has the person who hatched it's OT I checked yesterday due to me mistakenly saying to a friend it would be their ID
I'm sorry I love Arcanine too, it was the first thing I caught...
you have no hp and flare blitz is your best attack, you need rock head to stop yourself from dying
Hope you are Albedo~
you can get more duskstones from the pokepelago cave.
I want to Flare Blitz, anon.
Gyup, and thanks, you need Rufflet?
pls respond
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I have caps ready to trade whenever.
can i get a bb geldum too?

i put an abra on the gts.
its fine if not.
IGN: Tyler
Then quick? And what for shiny? I"m leaning towards luxury. I just thought Beast Ball would be cute since his bubble looks like a little space helmet

Maybee. what ball is it in? HA?
True, but I don't have enough pokemon in my box for that second upgrade.
Sure~ this is my last one for tonight since I'm going to work on breedin muh sandygast
Sure, you can have both! I'd like the Lure ball Dhelmise then.
Sheer force(Not HA), and a Nest Ball.
Adding you and then I'll head in. I'll send a request when I see ya ~

Probably should specify that a friend gave me the one I have, and I'm right before the elite four
>Cursed Body and Rock Head
Lightningrod you puffins.
I'm at peace /wfg/

After talking to over 100+ guests, I managed to get 5 different Treasure Shops in my plaza
I've gotten 3 bottle caps so far, the best part is the lottery doesn't charge FC for a drawing
Don't see it I think you got snipped
Nah I think I'll pass. But thank you for the offer~
lvl 8 abra
IGN tyler

ill try reuploading.
Ok ready, jumping on FP in a min
Firstly, what ability/nickname?
no one uses electric
especially after the t-wave nerf
Okay thanks for the BB Beldum, those suckas always kill themselves....
Ability doesn't matter, no nickname.
Nope. try something other than abra maybe?

Sending TR now~
Except for the fact that Tapu Koko is in every team, regardless of format?
Looking to trade Phermosa for Buzzwole
and Celesteela for Kartana.

Last two entries for my dex and then I can get the shiny charm, thx to whoever decides to help me!
well worked once,
growlithe lvl 10
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>no one uses electric
mfw tapu+raichu
Ok, jumping on now
unfortunetly none had hp ground :(
Looking for a Shiny female Saladit low lvl and no Nickname. Willing to drop my Xircutree for it.
I'm still around if you want the metal coat

shall we do a GTS trade?
>Tapu Koko
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No problemo~ Enjoy

I fucking love your taste. Also why Adamant? Just curious I see most people doing Jolly. Is there a calc I'm not seeing?
Also if you are doing Ultra, Friend, Dive, Lure, and Love for Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet respectively keep me posted. My autism enjoys this. I also have Luxury minior I need to breed up and some point for that shiny

Found it! Sent
Damn, thanks for looking anyway
Thanks anon, that Dratini is 5IV Adamant, but without HA. Perfect for breeding dragons!
Anyone have a Ditto with 31 spdef they want to trade? I've chained four 4IV Ditto, none of which had it.
I can trade a french 31/31/31/xx/xx/31 Ditto for it, or get you a cheapish BP item.
Thanks buddy.
looking to trade my adamant buzzwole for a modest celesteela
I'll probably end up going for Jolly instead. Adamant works, but I see Jolly more often too.

I really want the other colors as well, but trying to justify with the balls I have left.
ill do it
modest? sounds good. let me delete some space in my friends list and i'll add you.
Anyone with Liechi Berry or PokéRus?
Can give another in-a-pinch Berry or breed some baltism Pokémon.
i looked into it and decided to use adamant(for better or worse),
i caught a modest and adamant...
tbqh we have 7 different colors to play with so who says we can't have different natures on them too? I'd like to see it have some special natures too even though it's special movepool isn't optimal. I wouldn't be suprirsed if it went down the same road that aegislash did, everyone expects it to be physical and then BAM special
I have one. Send me an ev reducing one if you have any.
you wouldn't happen to have a spare hondew berry, would you?
Are you still in gen 6?
Is Tamato, Hondew or Qualot fine for you?
Either Hondew or Qualot is fine.
Added and plazing
Yes, I have anon-kun
No went with dive ball
cool, adding
I have a Jolly Kartana for trade for Celesteela. What nature is the Celesteela?
sorry for the delay. i'm ready to trade.
Naive and Naughty, dear anon
Give me a minute, Junior-Kun
do you have a kartana to trade too?

just realized i might not be able to get one without celesteela.
i still haven't done the kartana quest
Who do you think feels more afraid? The first Ditto stuck in a loop waiting for death or each new Ditto running to their demise?
im so sorry, i have some good phermosas i will trade you for it. and i will trade you the modest celesteela for a jolly or adamant kartana when you get one.
Shit I just realized the ones you sent me had good IVs and the ones I sent you were shit. I've been working on just getting balls/egg moves ready but come bank I'll owe you ~
If you have a naive pheromosa, i can trade you my buzzwole. i'll let you know when i get to kartana.
Do you have PokéRus, Junior kun?
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Fuck this shit right here.
The one watching it's friends and family die until one is captured to be breeding stock.
Damn, that's fucking dark
nah i don't m8, just a shitload of tamatos, metal coats, prism scales, and leftovers
i have a hasty 1 in a premier ball

i feel really bad
im so sorry
Leftovers sounds nice
Cool, heading into plaza now
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Did they upped synchronize chances?

This shit hasn't failed ONCE
it's failed for me a few times
Guess I'm really lucky then, not even the ultra beasts or legendaries failed and I made sure to get them in balltism, always first try.
Feels like 75% now.
it's always been 50% chance, not surprising if it hasn't failed most of the time
What have y'all been getting from your Island scans? I just got the game 2 days ago, and so far I've gotten Litwick and Gothita.
Don't worry about it!

I'm just working on different combinations and projects until the Bank comes too. I'm sure we'll trade again anyway.
I'm a shitter and got moon today without realising vulpix was a version exclusive. I just want one of my in game team; Ivs, ability, nature and gender doesn't matter (although moonblast would be good).

Anyone help me out?
Thanks Ichigo!
I've been breeding Fast ball Cyndaquils and Friend ball Snivy.
Looking to trade Phermosa for Buzzwole
and Celesteela for Kartana.

Last two entries for my dex and then I can get the shiny charm, thx to whoever decides to help me!
A Ditto I caught from a 40< chain had slightly better IVs than a Ditto I caught in a 30< chain. Now is this luck or do the IVs gradually increase?
Do you care what nature the Kartana is?
If you give me a while I'll breed one for you
Got one with moonblast from a trade some days ago, if for whatever reason you have a wimpod with a premier ball I'll love that.
I just finished some Moon Ball Sandygast want me to send a male your way?
Sorry man I just started I only have route one shitmons.
>friend ball snivy

unfortunately caught a serperior with my own friend ball earlier. wish i could've known that you already had friend ball snivy but oh well.
Sorry friend I was hoping I could trade for another too so I could get Chikorita in one too.
What's a good name for a shiny snorunt that I'm going to turn into a froslass soon?

baby's first shiny
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