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MFW I just realized Guzma is crying in that scene right before

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MFW I just realized Guzma is crying in that scene right before the final Lusamine fight

That bitch made our boy cry. Officially worse than Ghetsis and Lysandre combined.
He just wanted to be the most powerful bug type trainer and thought that Lusamine was a Pheromosa so he was trying to catch her.

I hope Guzma comes back in Stars with a Buzzwole to go with his Golisopod, it fits him.
Well she seem to be evasive/deflective when Lillie asked if she didn't care for Guzma at all, while she shat on both her children openly. Seem to be something there though.
Source of any gameplay of it? I haven't played it yet
It does but I dunno if he could handle an Ultra Beast without traumatic flashbacks But if he can, maybe he can expand his types and have a Xurkitree too.
>he briefly merged with nihilego
fanart when?
Wait, really? I didn't notice it. I had that fight spoiled to me so I was only hyped for the battle
It's hard to see but if you know to look for it he's definitely crying. There's visible tears going down his face.

I was listening to this while breeding popplios and the guy playing the game pointed it out
Yeah I saw it too.

I hate lusamine.
Seconding so hard
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>Guzma cries hearing about Lillie getting abused because the same thing happened to him
Well it is kind of traumatic to get stranded in an alien dimension with creatures that like to possess people.
>guzma was sexually abused
Stop this meme
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Not sexually
But those golf clubs have some explaining to do
His dad beat him until ya boi beat him back. With a golf club.
Physically abused actually.

But where the fuck did you hear that?
>It’s good for kids to experience their own journeys, but running away without even word to your parents is another thing entirely. I tried to set that boy of mine straight, but when I did, I was the one who got beat.
>I was the one who got beat.
Not really sure how I feel about it. On one hand Lusamine only had a brief second of screen time when she wasn't a complete bitch. On the other her attitude was supposed to have been changed by the Nihilego. Am I supposed to feel sorry for her? Because I don't really.

I feel bad for Guzma either way. But he has his grunts and his parents and Plumeria so he's gonna be okay.
You're missing the context. He's saying he was trying to deliver a beating to Guzma, but Guzma fought back.
When was she exposed to Nihilego's neurotoxins though? According to Lillie she turned into a turbo bitch years ago, and the toxins thing can be read as she was exposed when she merged with Nihilego. Though that would mean our boy got exposed too. Shit.
Besides that, the nigga's now an Ultra Beast magnet after having stayed in the other dimension for so long
Damn. Hope he learns to like getting possessed.
>I tried to set that boy of mine straight, but when I did, I was the one who got beat.
>But when I did, I was the one who got beat.

He tried to beat Guzma first. Japanese lines also state that his dad would beat him black and blue. Physical abuse has been implied in the French version as well.

The whole reason that house is on route 2 is to give you some insight into one of the bad guys in the game, it helps or figure out why he behaves the way he does, makes you sympathise with him and paves his way for a redemption story. Dyou really think Guzma would be redeemed if he'd started beating his dad for no reason?
Jesus Christ learn to read implications. It's not fucking hard.
I just thought he got beat at a Pokémon battle.

Wait, what the fuck is this. Guzma legit got beat? I'm just starting the UB story with the Anabel battle. Is it later?
It's more like context clues hidden around. There's a house on route 2, Melemele island that's right by the berry field and has a yellow swing out front. That's Guzma's parents' house.
No joke. They censored it in the German version and put it down as a Pokemon battle instead.
Those poor, confused Germans.
The most bro pokeboy with the most bro pokemon. I don't think we're ready for that.
Good job germans, you made a character with the start of a redemption arc look like a sociopath,
That's where it gets fuzzy for me. Was she first exposed when we first see it or was it earlier? Or was it her husband disappearing that drove that change? That's no excuse though. Or was she always like that but in little and less intense bursts? She said some pretty godawful things to her kids.

Lillie only wears clothes her mother picked for her. Lillie said she's selfish and forces her affection on people even if they don't want it. Lusamine herself said she didn't love things that weren't obedient and that she loved Lillie when she'd do whatever Lusamine wanted. But then they throw in that little bit at the end before she passes out as if to show she wasn't a horrible person all along. I wasn't sure if there was information I had overlooked or if GF was pulling some bullshit.

I was whispering to myself during that whole cut scene though.
>pls be dead
>pls be dead
>fuck she's breathing
Okay, I accept this now. At first, I just talked to the dad and assumed that maybe he got beat in a different sense. Then checking out the clubs that were bent sealed the deal. I would have just accepted that they were bent from misuse or something but seeing as how S/M are much darker and realistic with Dex entries and Storyline, I'll definitely just take this as canon
>But then they throw in that little bit at the end before she passes out as if to show she wasn't a horrible person all along.

Where she asks when Lillie had started to become beautiful? I dunno, given what that word means to Lusamine and Lillie's expression when she said it that was a pretty backhanded compliment.

I think GF wanted to keep the details of Lusamine's insanity vague enough that players could come up with whatever answer they like best. Or at least, that's their fig leaf for doing less work.
They also call him fucking Bromley, so that's two strikes.
Did you also check out the pictures and Guzma's room? Apparently the dude thought a kid who was winning armfuls of trophies needed to be "straightened out."
Maybe he wasn't performing to his dad's standards? They were all bronze and one silver.
>I only love beautiful things
>Gurl, yo gut beauty
Lusamine is telling Lillie she love her, retard
Not him but I can't see what's backhanded about the compliment, Lusamine only loves what's beautiful to her, and Lillie became beautiful in her eyes after she fought back, and Nebby smacked a little sense in her
Beating a kid because they got the wrong colored trophy (out of who knows how many contenders) are ridiculous standards, though.
Yeah. I noticed that too. Also, Plumeria mentions that Lusamine saw Guzma as strong, and Lusamine seemed to like Guzma enough that he was the only person she allowed to follow her into the UB Dimension.
Beaten for not living up to his dad's expectations.
Guzma was a prodigy child who came in 3rd and 2nd place. His dad didn't think he was good enough and beat him for it.

Plumeria states that Guzma likes lusamine because she saw how strong he was and have him the approval he never got from his father.
When he loses to you he shouts at himself in 3rd person, take note that these are the only times he speaks in 3rd person. It's more than likely he got that from his dad in childhood, for losing a match.
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Dude what the fuck man. Guzma is now a 10/10 character for me. Also I just talked to him and he wants me to meet him at Hau'Oli, so time to do that.

Also, tried sleeping in his bed and the description made me sadder.

But he still was a good kid trying his best
>making ya boy Guzma cry
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Reminder that Guzma will never be the strongest Bug Trainer with pic related around
I need to finish the game to see this. Was he sacrificing himself or what?
Imagine Gladion finding him like that begging for death.
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>Literal nobody
>Our Boy Guzma
Which is both meaningless and an insult from Lusamine because she's a crazy bitch that doesn't understand what "love" actually is, you bigger retard.

It's backhanded in the sense that Lusamine hasn't absorbed anything Lillie's been trying to tell her. She hasn't learned her lesson - Lillie even says later that Lusamine still doesn't understand what she did wrong. Lusamine doesn't really love Lillie in the sense that most people understand love - Lillie's basically just a favored object in her mother's collection again. Lusamine may have been sincere when she said it, but it was still kind of a fucked up thing to say.
>Bug """"specialist""""
>Uses a Dark/Poison
Next you'll tell me Giovanni is a Ground specialist.
Man it makes it more upsetting listening to him shit on Gladion before then. Is there an actual screenshot of him crying? I couldn't see shit.
Nah, he tried to catch one and it fucked his brain for a while
He was trying to catch it but it went after him
Have you ever met an asian
You don't ever see it, but he pretty much states that it happened and that it fucked him up.
Giovanni does use Ground only at least in his gym battles except Yellow and in PWT
This sorta paralles with Lillie when you think about is

>beautiful girl
>abused by her mother for not being beautiful enough and looking like a UB

>talented boy
>abused by his father for not being talented enough and getting first place.
Except she fucking understand, did you fucking play the game? biggest retard
Me too, but damn that's clever. It was hiding in plain sight.
A screenshot would just look like his face. It's really hard to see.
Now I get what you mean, I have to say I actually rather liked that despite everything Lusamine's still fucked in the head, sure she seems to care (in her own deranged way) about her kids again, and seems to have warmed up to you too considering she wanted to join the party, but she's still gonna need a lot more work done if she's ever not gonna be fucked up in the head
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>escalating retard war
>beat his kid with GOLF CLUBS
Jesus fucking Christ, no wonder he went criminal. No way was he in the physical condition to take on the trials like that.
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>Decide to go meet Guzma
>Decide to take him on with my team of 55's
>Sends out 63 Golisopod

>Weakest E4 member in the region.
Guzma would fucking kill that stooge, and then knock Lucian, Flint, and Bertha all down a peg.
>Guzma's glasses aren't stylish and asimetric, they are broken
He is fucking killing me right now, and my team isn't even underleveled. He took out half my party, and I only got his Pinsir.
To be fair, what bent the golf clubs is pretty ambiguous. We know Guzma's dad beat him and Guzma eventually fought back before running away from home, but Guz could've been the one to use the clubs, or Guzdad could've bent them on entirely separate occasion.
Don't do this to me, anon.
Yes and Lillie says word for fucking word that her mother still doesn't understand what she did wrong. That is an actual line from the actual damn game.
Honestly ive found myself hilariously underleveled this entire game, even with the fuck XP.All turned on. IDK i must be incredibly lazy by now. Fucking shit.
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I want to protect our boi.

Lusamine should be jailed for this.
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>Never thought of that
>Dancing in the rain
>UB-01 venom
Lillie is being retard, just like (You)
Goddamn, Guzma's life is awful. At least plumeria is still around for him postgame right?
Team Skull gets disbanded, don't they? I hope those two stay in touch, I love them as bffs.
>guzma is hunched over because of healed over poorly set broken bones
Here's a thing Guzma actually says to you in the game btw.

>"You're one messed up kid!"
>"You wanna know what I do when some machine messes up? The first thing I do is give it a nice hard smack!"
>"I mean, most of the time I smash it to pieces, but hey, what can you do? Now let's see if I can't fix you!"

Sounds like our boy's caught in the cycle.
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Wait, does he really not stand up straight the whole game? I just realized that I've never seen him stand straight. He'll do his battle stance or laugh and throw his head back but never stand straight
I know that much but I was wondering if he was still in the area/hanging around his boys, just in a more benevolent fashion.
>yfw Guzma says "your boy" as a way of spitting his father who called him "that boy"
Plumeria leave the Skulls to become an honest trainer and never sees YA BOI!!! again. Sorry anons.
>Silver and Giovanni
>Ruby and Norman
>N and Ghetsis
>Lillie and Lusamine
Yesh. And then Cyrus having genuine autism. Some of these characters have it pretty rough.
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Awful people are capable of moments of non-awfulness, and it's not clear when the neurotoxins messed with Lusamine. Either way, it doesn't have anything to do with my original point. Here's one last (you) for your illiterate ass.
>Ruby and Norman
How is this at all comparable with the others?
On the bright side he channels it through Pokemon battles. He never threatens to physically harm them, just KO their Pokemon (and given their strength they could easily have killed them if ordered). He may not be perfect but he accepts when he's lost.
Cyrus was fucking awful. In every single fucking way. His entire motivation for his actions was

Literally fucking garbage.
I'd completely forgotten about this line. Fuck.
Norman did nothing wrong in the games
And even in the manga it was also kind of Ruby's fault for fucking running away without a word
In Pokespe Norman basically tries to kill Ruby because he prefers contests over battles.
God fucking dammit. Does she leave the region?
He's literally r9k
>young guzma has to pretend to be alright so his pokemon don't worry
>even as he's covered in bruises

I never asked for this, /vp/.
One of the grunts called him a bully but he really did never take his anger out on the characters. He certainly does seem to have an anger problem though.
He accepts it via clawing at his own head while shouting "Guzma! What is wrong with you?!" Not the most gracious loser there, and on a side note he likely picked up that line from his Dad.
No. She actually challenges you for the title of champ in one of the E4 refights.
She also gets rid of her delicious belly tattoo. It made my dick VERY sad when i saw that.
I think she shows up in the battle tree, and Guzma does too.

Guzma also starts training with Hala so he's got someone keeping an eye on him, at least
>young Guzma having explain to his Pokemon that they can only wander round his bedroom for today because he's in too much pain to get up
Why must she break my heart like this?
This entire fucking thread makes me wanna go give this guy a fucking hug and some sweet. Fucking Jesus.
>yfw he ends up turning fat from sumo training

>bug Pokemon were his only friends
Beause anon you are not good enough for her.
It's a little more complicated than that. He was emotionally abused by his parents which contributed to his desire to wipe out emotions.

But yeah he's also autistic.
>moments of non-awfulness
Not an argument
>it's not clear
But it is
Pre Ultra Wormhole Lusamine was fine, stop being retard, retard
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>"Wimpod, I wish I could run away like you do...."
Hau will teach him chill.
>bug Pokemon were his only friends
At least he has good taste

I normally don't request stuff from fan writers but I need this to be written right now. A sort of diary where Guzma chronicles his life up until the point where he snaps,beats his dad and leaves.

He trains with him? Do I learn that after I battle him in Hau'oli?

>Mfw this is the happiest you ever see him
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>tfw all my fave pokemon characters got shit parents
they deserve better
I wanna help team skull out of poverty and eat weed brownies with Guzma and tell him it's gonna be okay.
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>tiny spinarak trying to protect young guzma from getting hurt again

>he raises wimpod patiently because he knows what it's like to be considered a disappointment


Give me a day or two, anon. The next time there's a Guzma thread you'll see something like this.
Imagine seeing guzma and buzzwole doing his Clancy Ross pose together in the middle of a battle?
Chances are she did care about him, because he was strong, dressed like an UB for her, and completely devoted to her and her goals and thus useful to her plans, but in what way isn't clear. She may have also, somewhere under the crazy, sympathized with him because of his own personal issues with failure.
The whole theme of Pokemon Sun and Moon is family. Lillie and Guzma are from very similar backgrounds with very different outcomes. Lillie was lucky enough to come into contact with Kukui and his wife, who basically became like her adoptive parents.

Guzma, for whatever reason, wasn't so lucky. Real life kids turn to shit like gangs because they typically come from broken homes, and a gang offers them a strong sense of brotherhood, and family. So that's what Guzma did. Remade his own family.

I like to headcanon that he's sworn to himself to never treat his new family the way his old family treated him.
Jesus. I just did my first battle against him, and this legit caught me off guard. I was expecting some generic "You're not that bad/ Next time, you won't be so lucky".
>He catches a Spinarak because it reminds him of his father.
>They both make scary faces
>Not an argument
You brought it up though?
>Pre Ultra Wormhole Lusamine was fine, stop being retard, retard

The only wormholes we hear about are the ones that appear in the game. Lillie said she changed years previous to that.
Anon most of them are too tough to just accept that. ESPECIALLY fucking Guzma. Guy had to fight like a psychopath for EVERYTHING he has. Guys like that don't give up on their old ways easy mang.
>you will never double fight against Guzma and plumeria while they flirt at each other thinly disguised as shit-flinging
>you will never engage in banter with them
Why live?
Nah, he'll become a hunk. Look what the did to Red, he went from a 5/10 to a 10. Guzma's gonna be 100.
>Implying he's not already a hunk
That's what the weed is for.
He'll evolve into mega Guzma.
Weed dont magic fix fucking everything retard.
The event on Exeggutor Island also implies a time when Lusamine was a good mother to Lillie.
Least of all your english, unfortunately
Yeah. The game implies that the neurotoxins just amplify certain traits, so really what we can infer is that she was a good, if sort of strict, mother. And, unfortunately, everything she did were things she was already capable of.
I wonder if Lusamine and Lillie's story in Kanto will be at least referenced in future gens.
Doesn't the game imply he did go on the trial, and that he was refused a z-ring because he was already too strong to be a fair match for any of the trials, but he took it as an insult and an implication that he wasn't good enough?
Look im not gonna get into that fucking argument with you. Ive known enough people in my life that tried to escape their problems with fucking drugs. THE SHIT DOES NOT WORK. EVER! Honestly it turned many people i know into idiots and/or monsters. You wanna smoke a joint before bed, fine whatever, trying to escape you fucking problems OTOH only makes your problems worse asshole. FUCK OFF!
Rather, she was already abusive, but she went into genocide mode due to the neurotoxins.
I think I remember one of the Grunts saying that, but I thought it was a lie he told them to make himself seem tougher.
The story from him that the grunts know is that he was too strong, but he could be covering his ass.
I think it was more borderline. As in, she was already controlling and somewhat demeaning if her children didn't live up to her expectations and then she went into genocide mode.
You talk like an after school special.
Perhaps you should smoke a bowl, it'll help you feel better.
Dude, stop proyecting, you're mom didn't love you but Lusamine loves Lillie.
Is there a way to make yourself overlevelled ala Blissey bases or Kalos restaurants?

Don't want this to be another Emerald or Platinum where it takes a million years to reach level 100
I've heard something about Guzma being denied stuff because he focused on crushing opponents instead of teaching or learning through battles, but I'm going on vaguely remembered second hand knowledge here.
Tapu would be the only one strong enough to handle him when he flies into a psychotic rage.
>Lusamine loves Lillie

And given how Lusamine defines "love" that's not a good thing.
When medical finally passes in this shithole of a state i just might.

>You talk like an after school special.
Deal with your best friends grandad killing himself with his .38 special because the alcohol didn't manage to get him drunk enough one night to suppress the sheer disappointment/fear/shame (honestly none of us whom were involved will ever fucking know) in his kids crack riddled, money sucking, jail-hopping state. Then you can say im a fucking PSA.
Stop moving the goalpost
i want to buy guzma tapu cocoa and rub his shoulders ;_;
>Always wins 2nd/3rd place growing up
>They dont let him become a captain
>He beats his dad with golf clubs then fucks off to start a pathetic gang whos living conditions are homeless tier in Po Town
>Helps Lusamine because she's the only person who acknowledges his strength
>She goes absolute batshit insane
>He goes with her to the UB world thinking its to catch some UBs so he can become stronger
>She ends up fucking the jellyfish while Guzma literally tries to catch one with his bare hands
>Lusamine ends up completely disregarding him, pretty much brought him there just to die as she fuses with jellyfish
>Even when he miraculously manages to get out thanks to the player he becomes a Faller and will be targeted by UBs for the rest of his life
>All he wanted to do was be strong and get the Bug Z move so he could be the best bugbro in the world
Except that was literally the point I was making this whole time. Lusamine's understanding of "love" is one-sided. It's all take and no give for her. That's not what real love is.
>yfw guzma is uncomfortable with physical contact because of his past physical abuse
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At least his ace is a Ground type in every battle except the first.
He always has at least two of them too.

In-depth list of his general teams. A * represents the ace:

>Hideout: Onix, Rhyhorn, Kangaskhan*
>Silph: Nidorino, Kangaskhan, Rhyhorn, Nidoqueen*
>Gym: Rhyhorn, Dugtrio, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Rhydon*
>Tohjo: Honchkrow, Kangaskhan, Nidoking, Nidoqueen*

In Yellow his ace is Persian for the first two battles before switching to an equally high Nidoking and Rhydon for the gym battle.

Oh, and there's also PWT.
Do not sully the jellyfish's purity. Her tentacles got nowhere near that blonde harpy's rancid holes.
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So wait, was this part supposed to be him crying?
For what reason?
Though I thinki it was little strange for thw camera angle to move on to gim but not showing his face fully. I just thought it was to create while waiting what Lusamine was going to say about having any concern for Guzma.
think, the, him, to create tense*
I can't into English.
Is ok man, most people who speak it cant either.
Yeah, right...
>years of fighting off UBs make him one of the world's strongest trainers
>he really does become the best bugbro in the world
Plumeria said Lusamine was the only adult to really acknowledge him. After his father beating him for not being good enough despite being really talented and scaring everyone else off, the dude was desperate for affection. He literally followed this lady to hell and she couldn't drop him fast enough. He's crying because she broke his heart. Being Guzma is suffering.
He laid my ass flat twice in the postgame even while I was using my endgame team. He'll be fine.
Just did the sidequest with Guzma's house and fighting him after he disbanded team skull. Hala shows up and says this. Guzma is too focused on defeating opponents rather than learning from his battles. If he doesn't win, he doesn't learn. Hala used to be his mentor, as well.
Is this the "Y'all are stupid!" scene or later?
Those clubs weren't used on his dad, Anon.

They were used on him.

Look at his crooked back and broken glasses.
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I hope if Guzma shows up in a third version or later generations, he's the strongest fucker ever fought in-game. Six bug types above level 90.
Just after the ya'll are stupid scene, the one where you confront Lusamine right before her final battle.
The Y'all are stupid scene.
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What is with Game Freak to make Guzma a literal "kick the dog" trope? Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I bump to this thread and hear that Lusamine is making ya boi cry.
He'll be the 8th gym leader in SM2
>Not elite 4

Holy shit dude
Trust me, that was not a fun night, or week for that matter. Things were only made fucking worse because his Grandma decided that All of the kids needed to be there for this, i dont even wanna know how much she spent on bail that night. Course when the two druggies show up you get the standard 10 mins of crocodile tears then all of his kids (except my friend, we were both 15 when this shit happened) start fighting over his fucking money. Got the shit beat out of me for trying to break up the fight, had to get the police officers that showed up with the paramedics to take the body away, almost got the two jail-birds arrested AGAIN.
does anybody know where guzma goes after you beat him postgame on the beach?
Off to train with the Kahuna. You can fight him more in the tree.
I think he shows up in the battle tree. Dunno if he shows up anywhere else.
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Or bro-op with him if that's more your speed.
I've yet to encounter Guzma in-game, but based on all the spoilers I've read, the impression I'm getting is that Guzma is almost the opposite of what people thought he would be. He's an intimidating and somewhat jarringly played straight depiction of a youth turned gangster, complete with mental instability and a past involving a broken home life, and overall a surprisingly three dimensional character instead of the joke that old trailer suggested he was.

If that's the case, then he's definitely a far cry from what I expected or wanted, but I don't think I have any complaints about what we got either.
Honestly all of the characters in S/M are surprisingly deep. At least compared to garbage like Lysandre or Cyrus or the R/S/E pair of idiots.
I think he actually cares a lot about his Pokemon.
Wimped is the perfect allegory for our boy, a small, weak and fearful creature that grows into a larger, stronger, and yet fearful creature.
Whenever he has kids, I'd like to think he supports them at tournaments and takes them out for Tapu Cocoa no matter if they win or not.
I was planning on going with a champion, but fuck that, Guzma needs some love.
I had UBs on my team and thought I'd use normal Pokemon so the battle would be more fair and he fucking tore my level 55s up 3 times in a row.
it felt like i was playing black and white for the first time just yesterday
what the fuck happened
He just fucked my team sideways in the post-game. That was the last thing I'd expected.

I won't lie, I was absolutely shocked at how blatantly malicious he was; I was expecting him to be a total joke character.
>only Winpod sees his tears but is too afraid to fight against Guzma's dad on Guzma's behalf
>golisopod being extra defensive of guzma now that he can actually defend his trainer
Don't worry thread, he goes home to get beat with golf clubs by his dad... you know, because its a happy ending.
I hope GF keeps producing likable abuse victims
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Thank god Hala takes him under his wing.
>after his postgame battle he says 'beating people down is all I know!'
I didn't ask for these feels.
>beating people down is all i know

Jessus Christ, he's fucked up.
No fucking shit. He's a good villain, he has reason for doing what he does without being a fucking dindu nuffin. Much like Giovanni. Most of the rest of pokevillains have been one note idiots or dindus FFS.
>ywn help Guzma get therapy
>all those joke posts and art with Guzma upset about other people using/making fun of his "YA BOI" way of talking are now actually depressing rather than silly
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> making ya boi cry
Fuck that bimbo
Also FUCK her, amirite?
More like she should fuck off. Hurting ya boi like that...
>Guzma catches an UB
>puts it in the storage container and never lets it out
>even 70 years later after he's long gone it's still in there
>his will says that they should never let it out
makes you wonder what happens to all those Pokemon in storage once a trainer dies
There are a LOT of loose ends in the pokeworld that probably never should be mentioned. that my friend is one of them.
Well the PC Storage system is still fairly new. Bill made it at some point before RGBY, so there probably hasn't been as much of a need to address it since it's only been 10+ years. I imagine Pokemon go to the family, especially if a will was drafted, and otherwise the Pokemon are sorted out by the league.

The real question is, what happens if a Pokeball washes away or a trainer dies in a hard to reach place?
Pokeballs teleport yknow. Thats how they get to the PC. All the League would have to do is hit the recall button once death was confirmed.
I like to imagine the guys who run the box system like Bill go through periodically and poke around accounts that haven't been active in a long time. Maybe they verify if the user is still alive, or there's some kind of Pokemon Welfare organization that makes sure to take deceased trainers boxes are cleared out.
But even then you know some fall through the cracks
>all those pokemon in the PC
>just waiting for their trainer to come pick them up
There's probably just some "auto-release after a decade" feature in the programming or something like that.
That just creates more problems, like what if that trainer still needs that mon, to like give to his kids or something cuz that seems to be a big thing in the pokeworld.
Guzma was barely a character
In the PC, not the Pokeball. If they left a Pokemon in the PC for over a decade they probably didn't need them that badly.
It's faggots like you that made him fall so hard for Lusamine. He deserves some credit, his gang managed to simultaneously be a laughing stock throughout the entire region and also successfully took over an entire town.
I just beat that part and didn't get that vibe at all.

Also visit his house on route two. They mostly censor this stuff in English and German but the Jap and French dialogue HEAVILY imply child abuse.
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I very much hope SM gets sequels/a third version just so I get to see more of this guy. I beat the game last night and I already miss him. ;n;
>>They dont let him become a captain
How come that lazy Fairy chick got to become a Captain but not him?
She is a fucking druggie sure but apparently the Tapu's see something in her that YA BOI!!! ain't got.
Giovanni is more than just a generic Mafia boss who wanted to be on top of it all?
The Tapus choose the Kahunas, not the Trial Captains. And Tapu Bulu thinks that NANU is worthy.
No he isn't and that is what makes him a good villain, he has believable goals and motives, unlike HURR DURR FLOOD/DRAIN DA WURLD, or HURRR DURR MUH AUSTISM TELLS ME TO OBLITERATE ALL FEELZ, or HURR DURR GENOCIDE, or even the Basic HURR DURR DA WURLD IZ MINE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL XD! garbage the rest of the idiots spout.
Nanu is more than worthy, he just doesn't give a shit.

What would Guzma's trial have been? I like to imagine him in a field catching butterflies in a net, maybe he would have got the trial-goer kids to do that.

don't wimpod approach you when you stand still? i'm not patient enough to test it, but what if he was recovering on the beach when they met, and the wimpod went over because he was so still, or maybe just to calm him down?
Guzma is all about crushing his opponents and kicking them when they're down
he doesn't want to teach shit
in the regular gym-world he might have become a great gym-leader
but on Alola there are no gym's and what matters is not if you beta them but what they can learn from it
This is the same Tapu that fucked up a whole village and I think the supermarket, so I think its judgement might be a little skewed.

Anger issues. Ya boi obviously had some serious anger management problems. I doubt that chick has any problems with all the paint fumes she's inhaled.

Does anyone have translations of those versions? I'm curious.
>tfw he becomes a protagonist in the sequel
>Totem battle against Golisopod
>You bring it to half health
>Emergency exit
>Totem Golisopod ran away!
>Trial complete
Don't worry, he shows up in the Battle Tree, just like Maxie and Archie in ORAS.
>tch. Take the Buginium Z.
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>Another Totem Golispod takes its place
>You have to survive the sheer damage of it and its help while trying to beat it in one hit.
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>mfw Tapu Koko and old man Hala didn't save a young Guzma from child abuse
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>Everytime you get it beneath half health, a new Golispod appears.
>You're fully expected to lose this trial the first time and get a cutscene if you do.
>After you somehow beat the trial Guzma tells you its lesson is that brute force isn't the solution to every problem.
>Sometimes you need to look at being a better trainer instead of a stronger one to overcome obstacles.
I theorized that Lusamine was afflicted with some sort of Saya-no-Uta syndrome, where she saw normal people as ugly and otherworldly things like nihilego a cute little baby. When she was separated from the neurotoxin she began to see thing as normal again and saw Lillie as her normal appearance, hence beautiful.
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"Hey buddy, whatchu doin' here? You want to comfort a loser like me?"
Honestly Lusamine went fucking insane. Her husband flying off into the hellscape dimension drove her fucking mad. Her obsession with "Perfection" was just a symptom of said madness. You didn't cure her of it btw, just loosened its grip enough for her children to get to her somewhat.
This. Even fucking Hau is deep.
>Cheerful to hide his own inner issues, and later on proves he's honestly pretty smart and can get tired of other peoples bullshit.
>He's like that because he's forever in his grandfather's shadow of success, while his own farther is never home or around to take care of him. Even then we learn that him and his Grandfather have some sort of troubled past.

I really also like the angle that in all of these cases, they don't paint the parent's as 'good guys' in these situations, outside of perhaps Hala ( though he's not Hau's direct dad ether ). It really went into child abuse and the stress of being a kid in different situations, and it's nice to see each one of them getting over it in their own ways by the end.
>Tiny Spinarak doesn't make it, he raises her offspring
Isn't it implied that the Team Skull grunts are kids who failed their own island challenge or cracked under the pressure?
This game is sneaking in some hard-hitting themes beneath the usual power of friendship
I really wonder what the anime is going to do with this
Not even implied, quite a few state how they hate seeing you with the trial amulet as they failed it, and a few others comment on them being unable to amount towards much of anything.
The final grunt battle alone was pretty moving as up till then every grunt's only had a single mon, and fighting them 'all at once' at last let you fight vs a team of 5. Irony is they are chances are the most diverse team yet as far as pokemon used goes.
Not include any of it of course. The cartoon is basically Family Guy/The Simpsons level at this point. They threw away all deep themes fucking years ago.
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Anyone else got destroyed by him in the first battle? First time I lost in Pokemon in ages (minus battle maison)
>Have my Charjabug use thunder wave
>Golisopod avoids and swords dance
>autism.jpg activates
>use X scissor
>tiny sliver of health removed
>swords dance
>swords dance again
>absolutely sweeps my team with +6 attacks.

I ain't even mad that I forgot I had spark. His music is awesome.
>MFW my Charjabug getting progressively scared while Guzma gets more smug and Golisopod getting stronger.
You thought that's bad, in my language the dad just says that he tried to make him a good trainer, but Guzma quickly became better than him. The golf clubs are simply rusty and full of dust.
Shit that is STILL motivation, Like whats been said upthread man.
>Dad expects WAYYYYY to much of son
>Son cannot deliver
>Dad, enraged, beats son with golf clubs to make him better
>Doesn't work of course.

They dont even say that much in the English or German versions, hell the English version tries to play it off as Guzma is a dick whom beat his dad with the GOlf Clubs and his dad just left them, bent and busted, in the fucking corner...for some fucking retarded ass reason.
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>Wimpod evolved seeing Guzma getting beat by his father
>Strikes back by grabbing a golf club and beating him unconscious.
>flees while clutching injured Guzma in its arms
>The only friends Guzma truly had were his Bug type.
>Golisopod is his closest partner because they both went through hell together.
Still a character.
>my language
which language is it, anon
Guzma redeeming himself, and then sweeping Ash with a Mega Golisopod and Buzzwole in this year's league
Did anybody notice that post game guzma (battle tree) got rid of the gold chains and got new sunglasses?

Guess he did improve.
Well yeah Team Skull got shit on so he doesn't need them anymore.
He also apparently took some red paint and x'd out the skull emblem on his jacket. Made me laugh a little when I saw it.
I had a hard time against him the first time, and only won because my pallosand got to +6 def.

But if you think you were getting destroyed in the first fight, wait until the post-game match. He almost killed me while my team was lvl ~70 (only had a low-life golisopod left and beat two of his pokemons with decisive crits)
>Gym Battles
Well, his chair does have dents after hitting it, but that could mean multiple anger instances or just one strong instance.
>Tfw your autism will never be strong enough to invoke the wrath of PokèSatan
I wanna hug Guzma!
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>Fusion Lusamine raping Guzma
>latter crying and losing sanity while being used as mouth pussy to Lusamine's fusion dick, double penetrated and posessed by a Nihiligo he tried to catch earlier

It's like the whole Ultra Space scene was made for doujins.
>Crying over a married 40-something crazy woman
What a loser. He dodged a bullet, if you ask me.
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That's perfect actually.
So can anyone post proof of this?
Start watching from 9:55, the guy talking points it out.
You can see small tears running down his face, it's brief and you might not notice it at first. Try full screening the video and slowing it down if you didn't catch it the first time.
You're welcome :)
>ywn watch as guzma breaks down when he realizes you what's happened to him
>ywn comfort guzma, holding close to him and telling him it's going to be ok
>ywn help guzma get on the path to recovery
>guzma will always be a broken man
>all the abuse victims in pokemon will always be broken in one form or another and you can't do anything about it
why even live
Anon stop you're making me Niagara Falls over here. It's too early for that.
fanfiction or doujins WHEN
who would win in a pokemon battle, guzma or kukui? With in game teams obviously.
That's actually pretty good.
Yeah. She was never gonna be the best mom but shit went downhill.
That sounds suspiciously pornographic.
Anon, stop. I can only get so erect
The game just came out, give it a month or two before doujinshis come out. There might be fan fictions earlier.
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>What about Mr. Guzma? Don't you care what happens to him?
>No response
>He sheds a tear

I didn't ask for this feeling
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It's not like his HEART broke or anything.
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Gamefreak pls give us the opportunity to comfort our boi in Star
I'll fucking buy a switch and 12 copies of the game, just please
I'm really not seeing the crying.
Check his left cheek here >>30138387
on full screen, it's very hard to notice.
Make the video full screen. The tears are there.
This. Dude better be the kahuna at least. Make it impossible for you to get bugium Z unless you beat him.
I wonder if the crying part was more clear to detect with Citra.
Based. Too bad you can't do it with Gladion too.
They really picked up the slack from xy. I hope the anime does it too.
I dunno I can't see it, looks more like the edges of his model if that's what I think people are seeing
Tapu Koko don't care.
Try playing it at 0.25
I can agree with his right cheek looks more like something about the model, but the border of the left one clearly has something that goes down as a tear
Yeah it looks like pixelation to me too.
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I just want him to be happy.
>save somebody from something you don't know is happening
>Pokemon stars
>Guzma is the hardest fucking opponent in the entire series, rekking the most experienced players
>have to beat him to proceed
>almost there
>he pulls out golisopodium Z
>uses it
>dance is the old team skull salute
How would you feel?
I wonder why they didn't show his full face when asked if Lusamine cared about Guzma.
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Happy and proud.
Maybe some difficulty in making his eyes tear up without it looking like garbage
Look closely and you can see the exact moment his heart breaks.
Also subtlety.
Am I being memed?
I put it at 1080p, played on 0.25 speed, put my screen brightness up and still it's literally nothing
Dramatic effect? Adds a little mystery too
Yeah. I liked the way they did it with Snake Eater when BB visits and salutes the grave of B. I didn't notice the tear at first, so I had to rewatch the scene to notice the tear falling down.
Is that why he's got the big chest full of stolen bugium Zs in his room

I forget what was said about that
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>Guzma gets beat by his father
>has a Golisopod that likely evolved through furious rage from the damage inflicted to him so it could protect him
>possibly permanently damaged; both physically and mentally
>tfw you need to take his "Guzma! What is wrong with you!?" quotes in an entirely new light
these feelings, i never wanted them
I can't be the only person who appreciated the fact that Guzma subtly congratulates you when you beat him the first two times right? I know everyone is harping on the abuse thing, even when he's upset, he still recognizes your worth and strength as a trainer enough to tell you you did a good job, and only takes his frustration out on himself so that he can try harder.

Definitely the coolest aspect of his character.
I saw the house before but I never realized it was abuse, I thought it was a Pokemon battle. Goddamn.
That and he channels his rage into Pokemon battles. He's now saint but he's far better than dad.
It looks like it could be either. I can appreciate a little ambiguity; he doesn't seem to have a direct reaction to Lusamine rejecting him other than that shot, so it's a theory that makes sense.
Yeah, he does congratulate you for beating him. Only to go hard himself on the next second.
>my fucking fetish

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>Guzma's past reflects how bug types were horribly done in the past Pokemon gens before gen 5 came around

I'm reaching but I'm still livid that pokemon like Ledian and Ariados are still shite despite looking fantastic
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Japanese fan on Twitter pointing out that Guzma is accustomed to violence but not accustomed to being touched gently, hence the pic related.
That's my headcanon, too, that's he's skittish about being touched because he's always expected to get hit. Only his pokemon can sidle up next to him because he knows they'll never turn on him.
He also breaks shit though. There's a grunt in the manson tha says the place is going to get wrecked again because we'll piss off Guzma, and the grunt in the room with him basically runs for his life after you beat Guzma.
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>Guzma literally can't be sad
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>You can never pet Guzma's fluffy hair
Why live
the tapus kinda seem like huge assholes

the way i interpreted is that they really only help out when they feel like it, or when the island as a whole is in significant danger
I wish I could manipulate Guzma into doing horrible things and then break him down so horribly that he lays down comatose while I beat him with a plastic bat.
>Game Freak doesn't allow him to be sad
I wonder what the faceless pic is for.
He looks so distressed in the bottom right though I want to hug the feels away ;_;
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Some people like to watch and see the world burn, eh?
That's what happens when he gets possessed by Nihilego. He has no mouth and he must scream.
>mfw i have no face
most gods are like that
>or are there nice gods?
That's why they're part fairy types; they're forces of nature, not moral beings. Fairies aren't concerned with things like good or bad.
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it's his
>mfw I have no face
Thank god you're not in the games
If I were in the games I would catch strong pokemon and rape dumb kids who think I care about being fair.
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We actually reached bump limit on a sad Guzma thread.
>that pic
I don't want to watch the world burn, I just want to destroy something beautiful.
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Sorry here's a better one
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I tried
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Spoiler that shit
Stop making me feel for a game character
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>those thumbnails
W-why, do you think this is funny? His Pokemon are probably the closest thing he considers as his family.
actually I just typed a bunch of random letters and added "part1" at the end
thought it was funny and sad
Well ok, I guess my heart's just permanently broken now Seriously though, A+
If you drew these, you did good job and crushed my heart/
Team Skull is filled with the kids the Tapus did NOT bless with their magic stone bullshit. They took it out on a town and fucked it up so bad they have to actually charge money to let you use their broken down pokecenter.
>posting these after the bump limit was reached

that's just unfortunate, maybe the next guzma thread can start with your stuff, artbro
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