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You can only post in this thread if you haven't played pokemon sun or moon
Hi I beat Moon last Thursday, how are you?
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Despite all the negativity I've been seeing around the board I'm still excited to explore Alola!
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I am patiently waiting for the game to come out. It was a mistake to stay on /vp/ because of the sheer amount of spoilers.

But hey, guess who won't be complaining about finishing the game too early.
Not planning on doing it. I'm only looking forward to giving champ various wacky UBs on his team.
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Haven't played anything past bw here, but still lurk.
We're almost there.
only played the intro hope that counts
I'm playing X. Doing a monotype (psychic) run. What were your favorite monotype runs and for what games?
muh nigga
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Just a couple more days and this hell will finally be over...
Only 4 more days, pls someone hug me...
Waiting until the 18th-20th to buy it, really hyped
Would have played it sooner but my computer can't take Citra
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So, fellow buyfags:

What's your reason for waiting until Friday for the game? Other than "morals" or whatever
I wish I hadn't been on vp the last couple of days. I KNEW I should not come, and I still did, and now I had everything spoiled.
Why did I choose to come even though I knew this would happen ?
Am I just weak ?
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Just two weeks...Just two weeks....
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Emerald fighting-type nuzlocke is best. Interestingly enough, you can't get medicham in Emerald.

Eurofag here. My boyfriend doesn't have a computer able to run Citra, and he would HATE me if I started playing before him. So I have to wait.

I'm gonna check all the stores in my town everyday starting from the 17th, because there usually is at least one that releases a few days early.
I've got a job so I can buy the game and friends to enjoy it with on release day.
I wish Europe wasnt so behind. Its honestly nothing less than unfair. I hope shopto delivers early
Gays get off of my board
I beat it. Sorry for posting.

I don't know how you guys can wait. I'm still buying both versions but there was no way that I wasn't going to play it after it leaked.
Mono Flying has an outstanding number of options in X/Y
You can pre download Sun and Moon from the Eshop to not have to wait or search on release. Unless you really prefer a physical cartridge
4 more days anon
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I have friends in my university who play Pokemon. A lot of them are normies. I'd rather play it with them then be the asshole who plays it before everyone else
I'm excited for Friday
Can't wait.

Three more days
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I enjoy supporting the official release
Honeslty spoiling myself on everything here has just gotten me even more hype for the games, it sounds like I'll love it. I would like a iittle more in the Battle tree, but I can hope they'll finally start doing the DLC/free update thing other NIntendo games do.

Still, can't wait to play this. Then afterwards I'm tempted to play through all the regions in monotype. Wish they made another Gen1 update though so I could play through versions of all the regiions on 3DS of at least Gen4-quality at worst, instead of having to play the original R/B/Y on 3DS, or having to go to an emulator for FR/LG for the Gen1 story.
does abybody knowb if a european 3ds will be able to download the game from the nintendo store on the 18th?
Haven't played the demo and haven't watched any videos of people playing it don't know why desu the games going to get spoiled
Because I already preordered the game and if I play it now I'll get burnt out when the actual physical game comes out and have wasted $40
Honestly I just don't care enough to fuck around trying to pirate it and I'm not poor enough that I need to worry about £30.
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Moonfag here, pretty hyped. I don't plan to do a midnight release but I'll get it Friday.
I want to be able to play it when away from my computer. Like when I go out for meals.
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I haven't played a single mon game since diamond.
I just watch let's plays and read shit here for the story
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Because I'm a tard and have no way to pirate right now.
Buying it is just easier.
And if I do eventually hack my 3ds I'll probably just make a custom theme for it and that will be it. I already buy games anyways so pirating is just redundant.
I haven't, and based on what I've seen I won't unless they release a patch to increase the difficulty.

The only appeal is the removal of HMs, but it takes more than that to get me back to buying and playing the games after the disaster that X and Y were.
I updated so I need to wait before hacking it. I just want to get the pokemon editor tool honestly since my AR doesn't fit in my new3ds
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Haven't even played XY. I've emulated every Pokemon game. I've never played them handheld.

I wanna try Citra but it seems to be half-finished laggy shit.
I'm hearing a lot saying that these are harder than XY, though that's no feat to be fair.
Oh oh me!
I'm being a good lad and waiting until Friday to play with my gf.
Well then you better just leave because the only real difficulty you're ever going to get is in competitive.
Pokémon has never really been hard and I'd honestly take an easy game where everything is convenient than a hard game where everything takes five years to do.
It could be a girl.
Don't be a retard, anon.
Alola, anon!
Actually, I prefer that I know how the game is in general because I kinda expected more. Now, that my expectations are not as high, I might enjoy playing it a little bit more.
>your favorite monotype runs and for what games?
Poison for FRLG. So many bros.
Me and my bf are getting it this friday. We will be each other rival and have fights every 2 gyms.

The winner is getting a bj we like to keep it interesting.
I just want the major fights to be somewhat adjusted to be challenging relative to what options the player has at that point of the game, not autistic romhacks where you have to grind for hours to stand a chance against full teams of smogon move sets. I want challenge relative to at least what you have with little to no grinding.

Some simple examples would be giving the first Kahuna's team Brick Break like the player has available as TM at that point instead of those shit 40-50 BP moves, and to give them some coverage against all the flying types, bugs and poison types available at that point or how Wishiwashi totem has an awful move set where it only attacks with Water Gun even though it normally would learn Brine and Feint Attack and useless status moves and not Aqua Ring, all of which it should learn by that level, and even though even that is still easily manageable as the areas before it are full of faster Pokémon that resist it and/or are super effective against it The major fights in general should have less gimped move sets and maybe just 1 more pokemon added, though one that is weaker than their current ace.

SM is still designed to lose against a player who just spams A.
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muh niggas
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Seriously, is just that. I don´t even pirate movies.
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>tfw having to wait until the 23th to play.
Did a mono-psychic in platinum a few years back. Haven't really done any mono-type runs recently, might try it again.
Because I already pre-ordered the Steelbook edition from Amazon, and I'm going to play the physical copy on my 3DS.

Also, my friend and I are gonna battle each other after each trial and story event.
Too busy, or rather, lazy to pirate.
Yikes, pics when that happen please.
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Was a dumbass and updated to 11.1. What's worse is I had menuhax with pchex, why I updated I don't know. Honestly I just want the downgrade so I can get pkhex/pchex, that's all I care abput in terms of 3ds hacking.
>Still haven't hacked my 3DS

Why can't I find the motivation.
updated before i learned about homebrew
can you hack a new 3DS?

kind of spaghetti at that stuff and will fuck it up anyway, might buy a used old 3ds on ebay
No morals, just like to have a physical cart. Also don't want to play on my hacked old 3DS.
Money can be exchanged for goods and services
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Mfw all the other competitive fags are getting the upper hand
I need to borrow $20 off my parents before I can afford both of them.

God I wish they'd just let me get a job already.
Haven't touched the game yet.
Morals aside, I want to play it with my little brother on the same day that he gets the game. We always got Pokemon games together. It would be unfair for me to play the game before he has the chance to.
anyone got a link to the leak ?
Nigga "your" board is gay as fuck
gb2 /pol/ or leddit or something
I'm not in the house long enough to play it on the compy and I can't be assed to dl that shit
Im gonna play it ultil mid december cuz no money and no 3ds
I'm really confused on what to think going into the games

Fingers crossed
too dumb and unmotivated to hack
plus the rest of my group of friends are even less savvy than I am when it comes to hacking 3DSs so we'll all be starting at relatively the same time
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Right here

If I played the pirated leaked version, then I won't feel like playing the official release from the beginning again.
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Too lazy to pirate.
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I dont know what europe ever did to japan to diserve this...
I get more milage out of games more I have no temptation to inject, hack, or otherwise fuck around with the original product.
Too fucking lazy to try to hack my 3DS and i don't like playing DS/3DS games on my laptop.
I don't want to buy a new SD card.
also I never hacked my 3DS
No morals, I just trust the cart a bit more, it also lines up perfectly with my vacation, don't have time to play it now anyway.
Morals, mostly. Also my 3DS isn't hacked and I don't want to play it for the first time on a buggy as shit emulator.
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>all of my friends played pokemon go
>a handful have 3ds's
>none of them are getting SM
>just my gf and i are getting them
>she never even finished xy or oras

This, basically.

Too bad I'm a Brit so I have to wait forever.
This new CIA file is something I've never heard of. Might be easy to set up, might not. I just don't know nor can I be bothered to look it up.

Plus I just want to hold my physical copy in my hands and enjoy it with the rest of the World.
sad s/m didn't get a kalos revisit but buzzwole redeems these games instantly
normies man
I'm getting the game for $20 because of amazon credits and prime discount.
too lazy to set it up

>necrozma refresh gif
fucking finally, saved.
my pc couldn't run it
reason 1: i'm too lazy to hack my ds
reason 2: i enjoy physical copies
reason 3: the release day is the day i get to go home from school so playing it on the car ride home will be dope

haven't been spoiled about the story or anything because the mods and anons have been doing a good job spoiling
Not if your NNID is set to European. The only way would be to wipe your 3DS and set up a new NNID for Australia/Japan.
>3hours ago
Come here anon, at least you're going to have it 5 days before me
Still unexcited.
Still pessimistic.
I love how everyone's excuse for not hacking their 3ds is laziness when it takes literally 15 - 30 minutes tops to get full access to your console
Have a good enough computer but I'm too stupid to be able to pirate it. The only one I got to work without an error was a Cia containing the fucking lazy town theme. Fml.
Don't underestimate how lazy we can be, friend.
Stores in Europe releasing X/Y early.
4 more days, everyone! I'm very excited to go to my best friend's house and carry out the tradition of always starting our new Pokemon games together.
I never pirate games, and I can afford it. If I'm part of the reason why there will be games in the future than that's cool.
You can pirate the game now and buy it later, dumbasses.
I've only played a cci on Citra, so I technically haven't played Moon.
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The post was on the frontpage when I arrived. Only played the original blue one. Going to /b/ now. Bye.
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>accident caused my top LCD to crack months ago
>had to keep putting it off because bills and other more important shit
>just got new screen and tools in mail today
>saved up my PTO so I have all next week off paid

I'm ready, OP.
I can wait, my hype peaked a while back so I don't feel any rush to play the games
90% of 3ds aren't even hacked anyway
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