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How many old pokemon are in Alola?

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I don't give a crap about new pokemon,i just want to play with my old bros.
It's going to be awesome like XY or shit like previous games that focus on new pokemon'?
Too many.
BTFO genwunner
Only 218? Shit game,also there's too many new pokemon.

XY is still the best game.

Trying too hard, buddy. Old Rod is useless for baiting.
So wanting to use my old bros instead of these crappy new pokemon is baiting?

Why are you even buying this game? for using tumblrina and pyukushitu instead of zubat and your old bros? shit taste
Reddit-tier formatting
>I want to use new pokemon because it's "fun" meme.

>Go to a chinese restaurant
>Ask for a hamburger

This is you right now, OP. Enjoy not being willing to try new things.
I hate trying new things.
Why i should catch or use any new pokemon when i have my pidgey or rattata?
Play red on your semen encrusted game boy brick then
Wormlight optional
But i want to se my old bros in 3d.

Stupid new pokemon fan,

Nice bait OP, almost got me
>But i want to se my old bros in 3d.
Just play XY or ORAS. Why bother with Arora.
Explain me how is this bait?
ITT: New genners are salty because i want to usse my old bros instead of their new crappy ppokemon.

I was on your side, OP, but
>too many new pokemon
You're the reason why Pokemon is getting worse at some points.
That comparison made no sense.
It would be more like going to a chinese restaurant and ordering the same thing over and over again.
Every person with a brain would hate the idea of new pomeon.
Is this your topic too?
Huh? no
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Alright. I believe you anon.
No gays in my thread
Then (You) may need to leave.
Do you jerk off to males anon?
You seem pretty gay.
I swear you're the same faggot everytime who posts shitty bait simply because you always use the same shitty grammar mistakes.
Or he could just play stadium
I don't know what on Earth pomeon is, but you're probably right.
See? people hate new pokemon.

Fuck off,unovabortions.
Anon, he wasn't talking about pokemon. He was talking about pomeon.
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Are these they only Pokemon in the game or is there a national dex so we can transfer all our X/Y stuff over?
Of course you can, what kind of question is that?
Any president of the whole nat dex unlocking for VCG after this first limted dex only one passes?
In coherent English please?
In past formats did they use the regional dex for the early format and the full national dex in the later formats of a game?
Every pokemon game except gen 1 has a regional dex and a national dex. You'll be able to transfer your bros in the post game like always
Thanks, my brother was worried.
keep in mind you gotta pay for 'pokemon bank' service to transfer which costs $5 for a year or some shit
Fuck off Richard, stop baiting.
I thought Richard was the pokedex autist?
I don't know, but this same faggot posts at least once a week complaining (with very poor grammar and spelling skills) about how the new games sucks because there's too many new Pokémon and not enough of his "old bros/dudes". It's not even bait at this point, it's just fucking irritating.
I will always do threads until i get what i want.
Gen 2 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 1 = 6
kys for liking new pokemon
Just a fact, Gen 1 was the least creative.
Stop wanting new pokemon now.
You'd be better off yelling at Game Freak.

How's that petition working out for you?
New ones are best fuck you
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>grampa fun browses /vp/
>grampa fun is a genwunner
do you really want to see a new pokemon instead of ralts,combee and burmy
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You aren't gonna get shit except what I hope is a knife in your asshole for clogging up the board with your incessant whining, you fucking autist.

Hang yourself.
Not the same anon, but I certainly do. My favorites have always been given the shaft and never find their way into the dexs but I get over it and try out new Pokemon. I've found quite a few Pokemon I never liked previously to be a lot of fun now.

New Pokemon aren't a bad thing, and you can avoid using new Pokemon by trading around or just catching old ones specifically.
Weren't those all considered "new Pokémon" in their respective Gens? Can't even get your shit straight.
Who is grampa fun? i bet he uses new pokemon since onky grampas do that
New pokemon are a mistake and BW was the worst game ever.
Okay,tell me anything postiive about adding new pokemon.
>A core premise of the series is a mistake
I don't know why you continue to play if that's the case.

>BW was the worst
Agree to disagree.
99% of the fanbase don't care about these stupid new pokemon.
I'm gonna need a source for that statistic. And I won't accept "my ass" as an answer.
And you're 200% wrong about that. I can do bullshit statistics too.

I like variety. I certainly would've been bored of the series by now if they stopped at the first 151. Besides, where do you draw the line at "old" and "new"?
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Is this you op?
Anything past GEN 6 is a mistake.
I just find autistic wanting new pokemon.

The games would be bettrer withou new pokemon at all.
How do you figure? And why is that the line?
>do you figure? And why is that the line?
Because i don't fucking want more pokemon we have enough,idiot.
>a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.

If you mean "stupid" or "pointless" or any of the countless words in the English vocabulary, then please use a more fitting one. Autism does not mean what you think it means.

Again, where do you draw the line for "new" and "old"? We're still in Gen 6 so should they be hated for being the newest ones? Once Gen 7 rolls around are you going to be hating Gen 8 purely by being the new games? I'm genuinely curious as to why you think this.

That's fine that you don't want more, but I do. You are not the single most important customer in the world, and neither am I. They're going to do what they want to do and complaining on 4chan isn't going to do anything for you.
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18 or more.
I hate you all,what a bunch of fake fans
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>Wanting the same group of monsters each game

Just replay the older ones.
How do you figure any of us are fake? Just when did you actually start playing the series?

I started with Red in the '90s when the game first came out, so a new batch of Pokemon every few years is just normal to me now.
>Wanting new monster in every game

The series isn't for you
You're fake for wanting new pokemon.

Also if the alola dex had 120 new pokemon and a regional dex of 210 you will hare the game
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>Every single gen introduces new Pokemon

The fuck are you on about? Every single gen has new Pokemon.
Yeah you must be new to the games if that is your mindset.

I still love all the old Pokemon I loved before, but that doesn't mean I can't love new ones too. So which game did you start out with?

Nah man, the more new Pokemon the more fun it is for me. I like the old ones but starting fresh with Pokemon I've never seen or used before is exciting too. Dex size doesn't really matter to me a whole lot.
I started with RB and i hated the series since GSC for introducing new pokemon
Why the fuck are you still playing?
because in every new gen i have the hope that there isn't new pokmon.
Then you can't be this anon >>29637202

That's fine. I mean, it doesn't make any sense to me, but whatever. You enjoy them, but don't expect them to cater to you. Maybe if you're lucky they'll make a 3d version of the original games, but you'd still hate it because the new pokemon will be somewhere in there waiting for you.
A generation is a grouping of the Pokémon games that separates them based on the Pokémon they include. In each generation, a new set of Pokémon, moves, and Abilities that did not exist in the previous generation are released.

Generational lines are typically ignored in other parts of the franchise, which continue from where the last generation left off and keep the story going (this is especially true of the anime), and may ignore older parts of the canon that explicitly declare to be true something that is later changed.

To date, there are six generations, each introducing their own quirks into the franchise. The Generation I and II games are compatible with one another via the Time Capsule but not with later games; the four most recent generations are also compatible with each other (forward only) via dual-slot mode, Pal Park, Poké Transfer, and Poké Transporter, but not with the Generation I and II games.
Because that's the pull of the series, friend. An ever-expanding roster of critters. If you haven't adjusted to this by now then you never will, and you really will be better off sticking to RBY and Stadium.
If i was the pokemon director,GEN 3 would have been the last gen ever,

dude for those of us that have been playing the games since Gen I...the original 151 are boring as fuck. There's only a handful of usable pokemon so almost everyone had the same team, there are only so many ways to raise gengar alakazam snorlax and charizard. I play each subsequent generation almost to the ground so I welcome a new batch of pokemon every gen. There is no way in hell the pokemon franchise would have survived as long as is has even with the first 251 pokemon. The regions have gotten much larger the mechanics are more complex.

You sound just like my brother. He claims he "likes" pokemon games but as soon as he gets it he raised all of the "Over used" mons skips every trainer that can be dodged passes up all the side quests, beats the E4 and then stops playing because he thinks he's "beaten" the game
Fair enough, but if you're the anon who said they hated everything past RB then that's very contradicting.

If you're not that anon, then why did you draw the line there? Why is 3 the stopping point for you?
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My brother is the same fucking way
>goes through single player only
>uses the EXP share
>uses pokemon he likes
>doesn't even pick a waifu mon
>doesn't breed for natures or IVs before fighting the E4
>doesn't hack the Pokeamie camera angle so he can rub his waifu mon's feet
>doesn't marry and go on a honeymoon with his waifu mon
>calls ME the fucking weirdo for playing the games the right way
It's not fucking fair
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Yes, i'm sure that as the owner of a company you would stop making a product that is insanely profitable....

do you even read what you say before you post? Lets ignore the fact that we're talking about pokemon for a second. What if gamefreak was in the business of selling shoes that were equally as profitable...yet all they do with each new model is add an extra stripe on the side or offer a newer variety of colors, yet despite the minor changes they still made an insane profit. Why the fuck would they stop making those shoes if they continue to sell? They're making money off of them, which is their sole purpose of existing as a company (no pun intended) and there's clearly a fanbase for it. If you happen to be the guy that thinks Gamefreaks line of shoes are ugly or uncomfortable then go out and buy shoes from a different brand. You don't hope for the downfall of a company because you don't like their product


Pokémon would be boring without new Pokémon.
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