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Fake UB thread

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Thread replies: 119
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A thread dedicated to fake Ultra beast, ultra beast must have a specific design in mind, two key important things are representation of a character and being outlandish but not too complex

I'll start off with UB Greed, it's Ghetsis Ultra Beast
>representation of a character

But we still don't know for sure if there's any true connection between UBs and NPC characters, right? The only one that seems painfully obvious is UB-01, but the others are debatable, even UB-02 Beauty/Lusamine.

I'd love to let my mind go free and draw some fucked up Evangelion shit, but I don't want it to have to adhere to similarities with existing characters.
Agreed, I wouldn't worry about trying to force connections between characters. Just have fun.
EdiT: It doesn't have to represent a character
The Lusamine one is obvious though. It's even in the same pose.
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Pretty sick, does it represent Lysandre
Hey it's you again, I'm so glad to see what you did with my Colress design
I like this one.
I guess if I had to make up a description for it, it would be something along the lines of it despising humans and Pokémon or something
UB Abhorence
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I tried.
It looks to much like a Pokémon but at least you tried
>I'm a flower, the fuck are you gonna do about it, faggot?
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reminds me of this fool, and coincidentally, the hair and shade's colors are reversed.
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UB Tricks.jpg
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Guess who it is.
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Dunno, looks a lot more like Pride to me.
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UB Obvious Identity.png
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I see, what about this one? I threw it together pretty quickly, hence the lack of limbs on the right side. I hope it's not too edgy.
It's a bit better but it's not alien enough
>eyeballs everywhere
Who the fuck is that even supposed to be based off of?
Not him, and I also haven't gotten to drawing anything for this thread yet (but I intend to), but I just wanna give some advice.

I think it looks alien, sure, but what's really important is that it looks utterly non-human. There's an important difference there. You want to draw something that looks completely foreign to our human sensibilities, that really makes you go "what the fuck?" when you first see it. Something that, by all laws of logic and physics, doesn't make any sense at all, and probably shouldn't even exist. Not just something that looks like an odd creature of some kind. You really want to go all out with the feeling of coming from an entirely different dimension, instead of just being strange. Hell, even making it look a little artificial in some way is a good idea.

I think not giving it a face is a good place to start. It's not something that's always the case (see Beauty and a couple of the other UBs), but considering how humans' brains are wired to recognize and look for other faces, the absence of a face is instinctively strange and terrifying to us. That can really separate the feeling of an ordinary alien from the feeling of a UB.
Something else I'd like to add is that you don't necessarily have to stick to a human-shaped body, either. Look at that green UB that looks like a circus tent and two pillars, or the orange origami fucker that I don't even know how to make sense of. I really like those two because their body structures are so nonsensical and unlike anything that we as humans are familiar with.

Just have fun with it, and get super creative and think outside your comfort zone as an artist. Don't even think like you're drawing something organic. Hell, it might even be a good idea to just not think at all and see what comes out. Draw something that may very well come from another plane of existence. The point is to just do it completely differently from how you'd design a Pokemon or any other creature, because I feel like that's kind of the embodiment of the UBs themselves.

I'm not trying to shoot off like I'm some kind of big authority here, I'm just putting forth my two cents as someone who really loves UBs and this specific new flavor of design philosophy they bring to the table. In the end, you guys are free to do whatever you please, but I feel like it's worth bringing these ideas up. If they can help out people who want to participate, but don't know what to do or where to start, or who have brain block, that will be enough for me. Sorry for taking up so much space in the thread, and have fun drawing.
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Thanks, but that's not me posting though.

Still, as someone who wants to be an artist, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing people like what I did.


I tried playing around with a few concepts, to see what exactly makes a UB. So don't expect the same quality as ABSOLUTION and PARASITE.

UB-(Undefined): UN-WORLD
Based on the "crack in reality" concept. This UB's existence can cease anything around him to non-existence.
Also, he's meant to be UB-Infinitum, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
It's a cool concept but how would it work as a In game model
I like what you've got, but I think it needs some more details to be more than just a crack.
"UB Trick is scarily good at changing form, by rotating, compressing, and inflating any part of its body, it can even look like humans!"
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I have absolutely no idea.
I imagine the cracks to be facing forward to the player regardless of camera angle, but that's it.

True, but I'm not sure what else to give a crack details without being too gaudy.

Based on a human's silhouette/skeleton system. This UB can extend the strips that makes up its body endlessly.
it's me. i AM the UB
So if the UBs really are extra dimensional aliens, does that mean every one of these you make is canon?
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Warm up for another one. This one should be kinda obvious. Time to make some more wild designs!
I wish. Let's face it, we have no idea what the UBs are in the first place. Any design theme that people have are headcanon at best.
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UB-Withdraw, based on bivalves. The yellow tentacles with the floating bits at the end are capable of retracting inside the "shells", and the floating bit rests like a pearl while inside.
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made a few but without characters in mind
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This actually looks like a UB, good job. Most of these threads are just filled with edgymons
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thanks lol. like this one the least and thats all ive made fer now
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Best part is, the demo makes this one retroactively work.
1. How so?
2. What's this thing's deal?
Not that anon, but:
>2. What's this thing's deal?
He's an SCP. 096 to be specific. You can check him here: www.scp-wiki.net/scp-096




Someone has to start making a series of UB's based on SCP's.
Not all of them could be considered "alien" or "otherworldly" though. Hell, most of them are more conceptual than an actual, physical being; like that one thing that's neither round, nor safe.
Anyone have an image of that one weird boat-looking thing in Pokemon Amie? That kinda looks UB-ish.
I think it was a test Pokemon.

Mysterious Old Man
the pink boat?
i think it's a fake made from some anon's sketch i'm not sure
I really love this one
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It reminds me of Dark Matter from Kirby.Dark Mind/Nightmare too.
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Cresselia looks like an UB to me
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Reminds me of these guys, something you might encounter in a powerful shroom trip
Any of those listed could be a UB
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Attack on Titan
>a horde of faceless men!
Very nice.
UB-79 AI
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As the name implies, it's based on regalia; specifically the crown, cape, sword and gloves.
It attacks by unsheathing the sword from its body.

Admittedly, this looks a bit too similar to BAMBOO, what with the looking thin and disembodied hand(?).
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It's Providence.
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>Few seconds of Google
Huh. Never heard of it before. Maybe I should check that out someday.

Based on a tree and a hand. It attacks by using the "planet" on top of the palm.

Not too fond of this one, since it's more monstrous than alien.
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Just drew this
It turned sideways :(
Isn't Xerneas already Yggdrasil?
True, but as far as thing goes, I don't think it has ever been referred to as "Yggdrasil", has it?

Besides, if we're talking redundancy, BEAUTY is a worse offender, considering we have a few 'mon described as being "beautiful".
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Came up with this. Thoughts?
Well, beauty is just a general adjective. I more mean because Xerneas has the actual tree form that looks kind of similar to >>29402242
I think getting rid of most lines would help it look more organic and not just my mom's haunted experimental suit.
aight i'll move some things around and see what happens
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So I have a idea for a ultra beast for Lysandere but I can't get the drawing right, it's for Lysandere, my idea is that he's a flower because he uses the ultimate weapon a device based off a flower, his vines could be the like the machines in his back and his hair the petals

Here is an example of what I'm going for
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ub thing.png
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It's kinda stupid but I tried. Not really based off of anything, I just kinda started drawing.
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Two rough sketch of spooky ayy lmaos, will redraw when I feel compelled.

>or the orange origami fucker that I don't even know how to make sense of.

What's confusing about it? It's got two arms, two legs, a head, and then those golden wing things.
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Took away lines and added colors. Made it look like they were markings on the body instead. Kinda tired from today so I may come up with other things later so here's my garbage of the day,
reminded me of Regigigas in the thumbnail for some reason
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tentacle thingie.png
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Tentacle UB. Based on Man-O-Wars and octopus, maybe hammerhead shark too?
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Not an Angel.png
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Looks like a Ben 10 lmao
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Actually, a couple of the Ben 10 aliens could work as UBs.
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UB-X: Moon Man
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I knew the UBs reminded me of something other than pic related.
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That's pretty great
I like the concept
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While abstract, I feel like all revealed UBs have at least SOME features resembling organic life. Visible separation of limbs, a top and a bottom. Those look more like Angels.
I really have to wonder...
I mean the the UB have anything to do with genetic splicing of DNA, there would already be a connection with Deoxys.
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Right now, there are people in this thread who are just too new to remeber Bzzzooozzz.
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UB-XX Boiling Point.jpg
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All these years of doodling stupid shit in my notebook finally pays off.

Since I would imagine there are some drawfags here, whats a good average-priced tablet? Scanning is fine for now but I've been meaning to invest into a tablet.
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It's a bunch of worms in a suit
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i just remembered about those and thought : they are perfect for this!
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Most people use Wacom tablets, which can range in price anywhere from $50-700 depending upon which type you get. If you want a basic tablet to just start off with, I'd recommend anything from the Bamboo line. Bamboo Splash (what I use) is the cheapest at $50, and you could probably find one for even cheaper if you look. If you want one with more features but is more expensive, look into the Intuos line.
The best thing you can do is search around for any tablets that fit you. There's many more out there, these are just basic suggestions.
>representation of a character
When will this meme end
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UB Constellation.png
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Gave this a try.

UB-Constellation is made up of various segments held together by some sort of psychic or magnetic energy. While the bright green segments seem to glow from within, the black segments seem to suck in light, becoming more pitch black at their centers. It can rearrange its segments into various formations, depending on the situation.
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Lysandre UB
>representation of a character is a meme
So you're telling me that the fact that UB-01 and Lillie looking eerily similar is nothing more than just pure coincidence?
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really these are just some monsters, but whatever.
No, you're right, those two look eerily similar and might have an actual connection in the plot.
However, this doesn't mean that every single UB is supposed to be connected to a character in the game.
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By ignoring "back" faces. From the front you'd see the cracks and stuff, from the back you'd maybe see blurriness but otherwise nothing. The modeled cracks could move and give the illusion of having depth but the other sides of the walls wouldn't get drawn, similar to pic related.

For example, what you're seeing here is a full cube with a sphere inside it.
The UBS are certainly connected in some way with other characters, the appearance they take is based off of them, they mimic, as they stated with Lilly's ultra beast
Anyone done a Steven Stone UB?
>Lilly's ultra beast
And that's it. Neither BEAUTY nor ABSORPTION was stated to be able to transform.
I understand that people extrapolate from UB-01's entry to BEAUTY looking like Lusamine, but that does not necessarily mean every UBs are like that.
What I like about UBS is that they represent people in a very subtle way, guy can tell they have qualities of a character and if you want to deny that they don't all fit you
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I tried.
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Ah, I guess that's understandable.

Still, YGGDRASIL was based on a tree, so I suppose the similarity would be apparent.

Decided to pick this one up, if you don't mind. Tweaked it a bit to make it workable.
>if you want to deny that they don't all fit you
What? What are you trying to say?
Come on man, it's not like Candle Jack cap this screen. You people should know better.
Fine for you, my auto correct really sucks
Alright, I'll look into those and do a bit of research>

Thank you!
Cool, reminds me of the Shadow Queen from Paper Mario.
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I can't believe nobody posted this yet.

>UB-05 uses Hyperbeam!
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Thread images: 61

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