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All they had to fucking do was NOT make its head a sphere.

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All they had to fucking do was NOT make its head a sphere.
Knowing we could have gotten something like pic related if gamefreak wasnt complete shit makes me sad
>hating on garfeil
Shut up it's perfect
If you wanted a realistic cat go to Kanto
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So... it's just a blue Persian drawn realistically?
According to the concept art, it wasn't supposed to be a sphere. Blame the 3D modellers.
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fuck gamefreak. why the hell do they continue to fail us?????? all they all had to do was a make a dopey fat cat... what is this shit? what is this shit guys???
maybe they'll patch in the extra pounds to balance the head out if we all complain really, really hard
Either this, or have its body be more round. I only dislike it for being so inconsistent
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Why are most of the Alolan forms so shit? Every time I put my faith in gamefreak every fucking time they drop the ball.
Garfield fags need to fuck off or kill themselves. Nothing redeemable about that shit design stop forcing that shit meme. It looks nothing like the garf man.
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Are you trolling? Those look exactly the same.
It is a shit design, but it's a really funny looking shit design that's for sure
Are you blind or something? No they don't.
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Fuck that looks gorgeous. Game Freak really dropped the ball with Nermal.
I don't find it amusing. all i see is wasted potential and my tears
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>he thinks people here actually matter
You simply can't be that dumb, anon.
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you do realize royalty love fat cats and they breed cats to be like this?
Dugtrio is funny. This is just an abomination.
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This Persian isn't even fat though. It just has a "big head". I get the concept, but that doesn't make the design any less fucking dumb looking. It's not even dumb in a funny way, it's just awful.
all you did was mesh the face a little bit
and yes, i say "you" because i refuse to believe that Ken Sugimori can draw something that looks exactly like a 3D model
>Ken Sugimori
Because it's not, dummy. Ohmura took over.
>Defend Bewear unconditionally and love it so much it's my 3rd favorite mon now
>see this shit
>i just can't

I'm sorry, but this looks stupid. That head on that kind of body is awful. They should have made its shape completely different, it just looks very, very awkward now.
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What exactly is the problem?
It... was supposed to be a sphere. The difference is that a drawing is a drawing, and a 3d model is a drawing pasted over a 3d figure. Things pictured in 2d dont always look the same in 3d. It's the cause of a lot of the things people percieve as problems with the models in general, especially the perception of things looking more "fat".
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this appears to be the main complaint
THIS. I don't mind a fat cat, but the body is literally just as skinny as regular Persian
The problem is that it looks nothing like that dipshit...
No, the concept art showed the face smooshed closer to the front of the head, while the head itself should be more of a bottom-heavy ovoid with wide cheeks. The way the 3d model looks, the face is sticking out on the pointy end of an egg shape. i.e. the 3D model doesn't match the concept art.

Pokemon concept art still follows rules of form and structure. Saying "2D can't look like 3D, so your wrong " isn't a very good argument.
being inspired by something does not automatically make it a good design
Fucking thank you.

This is exactly the problem >>29320823
keking hard as fuck
Y'all are taking this shit too seriously, I love the goofy fat headed cat. I am going to get one and pamper and cherish him.
fuck it. i'll just keep my Alolan Meowth from evolving.
I kind like it. It's shit, yeah, but it's the good kind of shit - the kind that makes me laugh at how fucking stupid the graphic designer for Sun and Moon is.
And all your parents had to do was NOT have unprotected sex. Just import and use regular Persian if you hate this that much.
An edgy hipster. Wow. Take your shit taste and kill yourself.

The in game model looks better so I am not sure what you are getting at.
Ignoring that you're totally undermining my argument by chalking it up "2d can't look like 3d so you're wrong" even though I explicitly explained the cause of that even gave the example of how things are often said to look fatter in the models, I wasn't speakign in terms of you saying it was LITERALLY a perfect sphere, because you are wrong on that count as well. The thing with a 2d drawing is, for example, in this instance, the face is drawn straight on, so you see the face's shape from the front. The problem is it's a drawing and if it weren't, its face wouldn't be directly forward, it would have more angle to it. You can see that in the 3d model, where its head is the same ovoid shape except because it's made in a modelling program, its made to look perfectly straight aligned with the body, so the head looks more spherical, but in actuality you can clearly tell the shape is basically the same kind of oval shape and not a LITERAL sphere, just perspective is making it appear smaller because as a model it's forced to work in a 3d space whereas a 2d drawing can be drawn to look however they want it to come across. It's the same principle as if you flip an image of something looking sideways perfectly perpendicular to the opposite side so that it looks like it directly facing you. It looks wider.
when are we gonna get a persian version of this
If I were an edgy hipster I would be telling people to kill themselves because they're not as mad as I am about a video game. I'm sure you have a lot going on in your life if you're still crying over Persian not living up to your expectations.
>Stop being so dramatic and just use something else like the original Persian
you know what? just fuck both you. how about that? am i not fucking allowed to be a little disappointed? there's hundreds of threads to jerk the designers off in.
fuck bewear
>hating on based Garfield
You can be disappointed but don't tell people to kill themselves just because they won't jerk you off when you're going to cry about it every day like this. That's some 12 year old shit. Use the old Persian and move on.
Don't backpedal and try to play the victim. What a frail faggot. You basically told all these people that they shouldn't have been born because they don't agree with you. You're no better than him.
Honestly if it had a body more like Purugly it would be fine, but with a large ass head like that on a tiny body it just looks out of place.
And you're no better than Alolan Persian with that big head of yours.
I'm gonna bet GF gonna pull some bullshit nonsense like A-Raichu and go:
>Overtime it seems it's snobbery and vanity went "right to it's head"!
Except the attached image shows how the model could have been made to preserve the original concept from multiple angles. It's ridiculous to accept that the in-game asset looks so off model from anything other than a straight on view just because "that's the way 3D models work."

I said myself that the model's head isn't perfectly spherical. That's not the point. There are ways to model the design so it looks good from every angle. The face is supposed to be flat, so why was it modeled onto such a prominently round surface, bowing out the texture and making the face stick out of the head like that. These are problems that can be fixed. The model doesn't match the concept art. Plain and simple.
Your attached image did no such thing. The face is supposed to be centered on its head. A 3d model is made by overlaying a matching texture over the model. On the texture, the face would be centered so that when fixed over the model it would be dead center. That's where a face would be on the head and that's he intention of the art. But that's the difference between a drawing and a model. The face can be drawn (or an image edited in your example) to look however you want. However, a model works in a 3d space where it adheres to our dimensions. To have the face as it sin on your edit, the texture (which is basically a drawing) would have to have the face off center. But then the face wouldn't be in the center like a face should be. A drawing doesn't have to worry about this because you can draw it however it looks good.
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>now it becomes a dog
It is centered. The point is the part of the mesh with the face on it needs to be flattened and the sides of the head need to stick out more, with more weight on the bottom of the head. It's not about the texture at all.
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At least Alolan Meowth looks like Meowth.
Are you even looking at your own sketch...? It's totoally not. Its not facing the same direction. What I mean be centered is, the whole bost is facing one direction with the face pointing that same direction, straight forward, in the center of its face. The texture is what determines where it's face is so it is everything to do with the texture. In yours, if you were to view he model from directly above, yours' face would be crooked on its head, if it's was vertical it'd be slightly to the left. It's perfectly straight forward on the official model.
Dude, I know exactly what you mean by centered. I'm not confused; I think your interpretation is wrong. It's not crooked. The modified image changes the shape of the head mesh. I didn't just shove the face to the side, like you seem to think I did.

I'm not going to continue discussing this with you if you're just going to assume I don't understand my own argument. Have a nice night.
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there's also the fact that a mon did that concept much better
A) nobody gave a shit about purugly until now so don't even act like it was some s sort of gold standard and B) they're focusing on different aspects of persians. Purugly is a spoiled fat cat, which ia stereotypically a persian or a tabby which it actually is an amalgam of, Alolan Persian is focusing on the genetic abnormality aspect
Can somebody put a fat head on a person. This is my new favorite thing
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>he doesn't like garfileld
To be fair I would take a mountain lion body and put the British blue head onto it.
He's never played big head mode
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