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jangmo-o is 782 according to video read top and bottom of pic

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jangmo-o is 782 according to video
read top and bottom of pic
70 mons again confirmed
Yup. This is the case joe confirmed it
knew it was too good to be true. ah well
It has 300 BST, the same as all other first stage pseudos. Jangmo-o is the pseudo
Wait, hold on. The fuck? What was the 140 new pokemon shit about then ._. Seriously that's gonna piss off a LOT of people.
i'll confirm on your mom's top and bottom
looks like im stuck with this manlet :/
>Not pseudo
But as they said in the video, Gible was like half way through sinnoh
What even is this?
This so fucking stupid. What the hell is gamefreak doing? Fucking atrocious.
the people who said that in the first place seemed... questionable anyway, gotta be careful during leaks
It was literally just some rando that people believed because stupidity.
what's the channel name
Gible and Goomy weren't at the end.
Might of been lies, and if not the rest may have all been new forms
Bummer. Can't they reach at least 120 or 110? Gosh.
If that over 130 new Pokemon had any basis in reality, it probably that this number also included Alola forms and UBs
Yeah seems all but confirmed at this point. Jangmo-o BST is 300 which is the same as every first stage pseudo and its middle evolution matches up with Dragonair, Shelgon, and Metang.

Those people who thought we were going to get 100+ pokemon are going to be disappointed
Probably the number including Alola forms.

107 Gen VII Pokemon
30+ Alola forms.
I'd like it 2fam
they said 143 new entries.
They didn`t realize formes and megas are counted among these entries.
you dumb bitch
might have*
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>What the hell is gamefreak doing?
The same thing they do every fucking time.
>b-but this time will be different
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Both Goodra and Hydreigon were 15 before the end.
You're a special mind of idiot, aren't you ? It's confirmed Jangmo-o has the same BST as all base form Pseudos.
>Muh patterns
Is he actually 782, or like, 61 in the Pokedex? Maybe it's #61 on one of the islands, but #104 nationally.
Well, counting normal and shiny forms.
Didn't they delete everything in the dex after the Jangmo-o line? I thought that was part of what they scrubbed out
Formes are not going to be new dex entries, they never have been.
For all we know, Jangmo'o will be earlier in the game, if it's found at the cave in Melemele like in the demo then that would be why it's so high in the dex, use your head.
So? Gible wasn't at the end of the Sinnoh Dex.
so thats... they showed about all of the new pokemon in trailers huh?

They scrubbed everything except for the still images used for shinies.
Kill yourself retard
New Pokemon are generally ordered in the Pokedex according to their order of appearance in the game. Jangmo-o seems to be found fairly early on. Could easily be halfway through the list rather than near the end.
I hate when he opens his stupid mouth.
How do i join these chat channels
It's just people being retarded. We're getting more than 70
... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its corpus. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
It isn't going to be 70 Pokemon:
>They officially revealed 53, with a month to go still
>They allowed 5 to leak (final starters, Marshadow, thing on the TCG box)
>That's only 12 Pokemon left, 9 if Ultra Beasts are in that 70.
So what does "end of the dex" mean with this context?
This is what I'm hoping for. There were 50 pokemon between Gible and Arceus after all
[02:43] <~Kaphotics> there are less than 100 new mons
It's over guys, pack your things.
Then couldn't we literally just count the pokemon that isn't an alolan form and figure out that way?
Kaphotics flat out says it's at the end.
:P I was reading the idiots who said pokemon not entries then. That makes sense then though, cause if there's 49 alolan forms like the earlier leak had and there's 143 new entries, given Megas don't get entries just a notice in change of form that's like what 94 possibly new Pokemon? Although we have to keep in mind Jangmo'o is 61 from Volcanion who is 722, which is weird cause that's like only two-third through the Dex. It also doesn't make sense then cause that would confirm that there's only 70 if Kaphronics it's saying it's near the end. Until we see the shiny sprites and thus all the new mons and legit count them, it's all in the air.
Gible are found at like level 17-20. We still have a little hope, I guess?
Give me your e-mail anon I'll add you
Are you new to Pokémon games or what?

They are definitely capable of revealing EVERYTHING early: See ORAS
Fuck off retard
Will be REALLY disappointed if so.
i mean...
he said its 782 and "at the end"..
As long as there's at least 80 I'll be fine.
I was expecting 80-100 for exactly this reason.
Confirmed, another Gen 6 incoming.
>>29223149the underage is real
No, but they take a slot in whatever they text file they are stored just like any other pokemon. They probably replaced every new pokemon plus the alolan forms and other form changes and that accounts for 140 entries.
Less than 100 means what?

70 is pretty bad, but I can live with 90 + alola forms
With 43 Forms,UB etc
Hopefully they scrubbed some Pokémon out too
... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its corpus. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
Post screens or fuck off faggot.

Anyone can post this shit
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wtf i hate ohmori now
>9 if Ultra Beasts are in that 70
That would be literally impossible considering we still have Pikipek2, Pikipek3, Tapu2, Tapu3, Tapu4, Toucan, Salandit2, UB-03, Snowman, Snowman2, Dolphin and Aristotle
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fucking god damn it
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>odd gens always have a lot of pokemon g-guys!
Kaphotics confirmed less than 100 new mons but didn't say anything new about Jangmo-o's number.
You mean, fucking remakes? Something that's not a new gen introducing new pokemon??

You're fucking retarded
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INCLUDING Alola Forms?
And is he including UB? Joe said we were getting quite a few and if they are somehow actually Pokemon, even if I don't think they are, they'd go towards the count right?
screenshot or didn't happen you fag
It's because the regional dex isn't made only by Alola Pokémon, but some old ones. Kalos Dex have 200+ entries, but only 70 new Pokémon.
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Confirmed retarded. Fuck off riddlefag
I highly doubt that.
Unlike the retards saying 143, it looks like they only counted the new pokemon rather than entries, which include formes such as megas as a different entry.
Its number is in the video he uploaded. Its #782 and its evolution is 783.
that was a fake tweet
>implying that everyone completely expected all of the new Megas ti have been revealed before release, with absolutely none kept hidden
Gible was near the second gym.
Caps though? Anyone can type this.

But if this is true, then meh. Packing my stuff up. Plot is the only saving grace then.
what about the evolutions of other pokemon? pikipeck has atleast 2. Then theres the legendaries which is going to be more than 4. PLUS the Tapus. It may be less than 100, but its more than 70.
see >>29223319 and >>29223276
They were revealed before the release regardless of the datamine. Gamefreak had no interest in keeping them a secret.
Anyways immature tiny-cocked men who still live in the 80's aside. It makes sense but doesn't. Why say at the end if it's more towards the middle or 2/3 through (being 61) like what's been brought up. Maybe you get him early and the rest are like special case or legendary pokemon before Magearna and whoever else. Still also makes sense given they are trying so hard to reboot the series with neo-RB and now neo-GS
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>gen 5 had more new pokemon than gen 6 and 7 combined

...really makes you think...
Yeah but he didn't SAY anything after people caught on. As if he's hiding something.
Do it pussy
Fuck, going to bed now that my ultimate dissapointment has been confirmed. Don't care whatever the fuck happens now, I'll just check everything in the morning or whatever.
g'night everyone, and good night, dashed dreams.
Yeah exactly
gen 7.5 confirmed
He said it's near the end of the dex. He's not hiding anything.
me too. peace
and the one that was leaked today on the tcg box.
And it was the worst gen. Coincidence?
Welp, I'm still hyped as fuck for the game, because it's not like I'll be using every new pokemon. Just would've been nice to have more options and surprises. Ah well. Less than 100, no trainable zygarde core, and the way battle bond works are my only disappointments this gen. Everything else is perfect, Zygarde forms, Ash Greninja, I'm hype. This wont kill it
yeah no thats gen 6, even GF dropped it
Maybe...and I can't believe I'm suggesting it but it's game freak, what if Ultra Beasts count towards the Pokedex? I mean does that even make sense? would they be "new pokemon" to have dex entries on? Megas didn't even get them in XY they just got blurb on the official website and elsewhere.

The dream is dead.

I knew not to trust that faggot Ohmori. I'd knew he'd find a way to screw things up.
>server: #projectpokemon
>irc: #smdemo
this is yveltal being 717 all over again
Time to pirate I guess. Maybe when Gamefreak starts making actual Pokemon games is when I'll give them my money.

Sorry cucks, try again next time.
Kill yourself shill.
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>Ash Greninja
I don't care for you or anyone elses garbage taste.
Nice autism, by the way.
... I just fuckin' hate this world. And the human worms feasting on its corpus. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred. And I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill. And it's time for me to die. My genocide crusade begins here.
Can someone post the source?
Chinese leaker said there would only be slightly more new mons than Kalos, this isn't surprising.
>He dislikes Ash Greninja
>One of the best designed Pokemon in a long ass time
Lemme guess. You're one of those autists that spam "MUH ASHNIME HEHE ITS TRASHNIME MORE LIKE XDD ANIME IS SHIT REE"

k. y. s.

Not as long as Gen 6 exists at the very least.
>70 mons again confirmed
Sorry, but that's wrong, so far there are 75 new pokémon confirmed to exist, and that's not even including UBs.
not that guy but my problem with ash greninja is that including it in the game shows a blatant disregard for the lore set up by the anime
You're such a shill. Holy shit.
Gen 6 is better than every single gen before it. This is an objective fact.

Go back to r/pokemon with your "gen6 is bad" meme
This is inexcusable. I could understand Gen 6 having few new Pokémon since all the 3D models had to be made from scratch, but they literally reused all the old ones for Sun and Moon. There should have been at least 100 new Pokémon this time around.
Oh well, there's always Gen 8. Which is 3-4 years away.

The QoL additions were nice, but at the decrease of quality in nearly everything else makes it the worst gen

I still like Gen 6, but I gotta tell it like it is.
And when you include things like Alola forms and the four Oricorios being technically one Pokemon, they definitely made at least 100 new models (not counting shinies).
>Oh well, there's always Gen 8. Which is 3-4 years away.
>expecting game freak to improve

im thinking less than 100 new pokemon is gonna be the norm from now on
Gen 2 exists. It was just a shameless cash-in on Gen 1's popularity.
>liking ash greninja unironically
Don't forget the urchin pokemon revealed earlier today.
I'll believe this 70 pokemon shit as soon as they actually show fucking anything.
You have to shitting me. They go through the effort of scrubbing shit out but leave that in? What kind of retard thought th.at through
From my experience, Garchomp was only at the middle of the dex in gen 4. (Even though most of the pokemon after it are evolutions to older pokemon.) So I believe there's still hope for more new pokemon in gen VII.
Let me guess: foxfag?
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>this is the new standard for pokemon

It won't get any better will it?
It won't.
Its clear now when they said they wanted to introduce less pokemon, they meant it.
If its a problem for you, and its understandable if it is, best to jump off now rather than getting your hopes up.
>decrease of quality in nearly everything
Maybe for the series as a whole but certainly not compared to the generation preceding it.
They aren't going to release a gen with 100+ new pokémon ever again. Things like megas, region forms, Wishiwashi and Lycanroc sharing the same dex number only exist because GF wants to give people new things to play with, but without increasing the dex count too much.
I honestly don't expect them to improve. They're getting noticeably lazy with designing new Pokemon. Which fucking sucks. I just hope they don't spoil it all before the release next time.

It's stupid they tried scrubbing the demo when they themselves basically spoiled almost everything
But why? It's not like the world will end if we get to 1000 in the Dex.
this did not work
hey recoloring gen 1 mons takes a lot of work y'know
>and the four Oricorios being technically one Pokemon

It is pretty funny when you think about it.
Four very unique looking Oricorios are considered the same Pokemon.
And then you have shit like Latios/Latias and the Kami Trio being considered different Pokemon.
Im fine with more things like school forms. Wishiwashi looks great.
It's disappointing but this doesn't sting as much as it did with gen 6. I like a majority of the revealed mons and I like Alola forms infinitely more than megas, I can live with this.
Because of new players. They want people who are only know being introduced to the franchise (ie kids) not to feel overwhelmed by having to learn about a thousand different creatures right off the bat. At least that's more or less what GF has said in interviews regarding this topic.

They will inevitably reach #1000 one day, but they want to stall as much as possible.
>overwhelmed by having to learn about a thousand different creatures
whats the difference if there are over 700 pokemon to learn or 1000. at this point that seems like a dumb thing to care about
I guess its because Lati@s and the Kami Trio are legendary?
i mean, they really need new people at the helm imo, but i like pokemon, and for me, the best part of the game is ALL THESE NEW POKEMON!!!!!
i wanna be able to play through all the versions in a generation and have no need to reuse pokemon.
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