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/ppg/ - pokemon go general

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Thread replies: 345
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getting bored of shit moves and hatches edition


>Server down?

>Is it worth evolving X?

>Some questions answered:

>Pokemon strengths and earning XP:

>Pokemon moves DPS:

>Website scanner maps (no login required just don't use ur exact address)
https://pokeeye.com (may work)
http://pokesear.ch (anon made and maintained)
http://fastpokemap.se (actually working)
https://pokestumble.com (lets you check on gyms as well)

>IV checker:
https://pokemongo.gamepress.gg/pokemongo-iv-calculator (easy and more accurate)

>best mon per type

>best movesets

>best attackers for specific mon
Messed everything up edition

Previous thread: >>29021646
Events when?
First for scanners back when
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damn phone
Out of curiosity, is this from a Barnes and Noble store?
Why do Jolteons get comparatively worst evolution gain than Vaporeon and Flareon?

It gets 500+ less CP than the other two, is it for balancing or...?
Just thinking now, as I see one of my pokemon still in a gym, how nice it would be to see the status of that gym. I'm team Instinct, took down the gym like 8 hours ago, left a mon and it's still there. I'm too far away to see it and how likely is it that no one contested it and instead fellow instinct players backed it up.
No it was at sears in the fox valley mall in Aurora, IL

Jesus Christ I didn't even take the photo properly, it's all blurry
>for balancing
>25 eevee candies and you can get a top tier Vaporeon
they used to do this with Portal Keys in Ingress.
Im actually surprised they took a lot of neat things from Ingress away.
It doesn't make any sense why they made almost every pokemon complete shit
Because Niantic a shit.
They literally took HP, attack and defense of every pokemon, applied some retarded formula, and ended up fucking half the dex in the process.

That's why bulky slow pokemon like Exeggutor are awesome, but frail sweepers like Gengar or Alakazam suck balls.
Ah, makes sense. I worked for a B&N in IL and I kept telling them to promote this shit on their college campus store. Didn't get into it untill a few weeks into the craze. Missed out on a lot of possible impulse buys.
Yeah that would have been a good idea. I took the photo in the OP yesterday, they're a bit late to the game.
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posting my progress. I had only just starting catching Seels when they moved the nests. Talk about blue balls. Currently walking my Drowzee, and Bellsprout are slightly common of the ones I have left to evolve to Victreebell sometime soon.
they should've been faithful to the classic gameplay.
normal have little to no effect against ghost, water does very little damage to water etc
with this, gyms will have a plethora of pokemon species
Should've come up with a better formula for calculating stats and such.Simplifying a pokemon's stats in such an obscene way is what led to such a low diversity of usable creatures.
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It always amazes me when people have dexes this complete and don't have vileplume or victreebel, unless you're the same guy I'm remembering from last week. I just noticed you don't have hypno either, all of which are some of the most common pokemon here. Meanwhile you have alakazam, machamp and golem

Im always conflicted about shit like this. It does kinda suck that a lot of old standbys got screwed.Yet a surprising number of Pokemon people never used get a moment in the sun. Seriously some Pokemon like Hypno Poliwrath Electabuzx or Flareon have never gotten much attention and this is probably the only time they will be considered upper tier
Not to mention the lack of immunities.
I stopped playing gyms once I discovered that shit.
I'm from Los Angeles and I work across from LACMA. LACMA is a nest of the ground type Pokemon, like Geodude, Rhyhorn, Cubone, Sandshrew, and Diglett, as well as Pokemon like Machop, Mankey, and the usual common Pokemon.

The first three months after the release of the game, it was a Charmander nest, then a Kabuto nest, and it is now a Shellder nest. Oddish are very uncommon in LA, and so I have yet to find a nest if any. Bellsprout are slightly more common but still very few Victreebells in gyms. Drowzee is also rare in the region.

Koffing, Porygon, and Lickitung are those random spawns, so I haven't had too much luck finding them or few and far in between. Bulbasaur is pretty much hard to find, but there was a nest in the middle of the ghetto in the East LA area, that was not recommended to visit.

For Alakazam, I only just evolved it about a week and a half ago. There are a lot of Abra spawning in LA but many run away.
Precisely, can't mention how bothered I was when figured this out. Pokemon is supposed to be a, glorified, rock-paper-scissors game but still really fun to play. It's exactly these interactions between the mons that's supposed to be amusing. Can't express how pissed I got with the damage my Victreebel received from a Vaporeon's hydropump with equal cp.
I thought they'd eventually fix it after they sort of nerfed vaporeon's water gun in the first few weeks of the game, but nothing's happened since.
let's ddos niantic

different guy, but I live in San Jose - never seen a wild Drowzee, have caught maybe 15 oddish total. over 100 geodudes and tons of machops/abras too.

not a lot of grass things out here, lvl 29 and only just got a victreebell after walking a bellsprout for ages. no ivysaur or venusaur either.
Typing means fuckall in this game. It certainly helps, as I'd be far more confident taking out a 1600Cp flareon with my 1140CP Vap than my 1207CP Victreebel even if they had the same DPS, but then Aerodactyl gets totally shit on by earthquake.

Speaking of, is Aerodactyl one of those >>29032506
>frail sweepers like Gengar or Alakazam suck balls.
It seems to have a shit moveset but thats because mine has Steel Wing. Hyper Beam is always good?
Sounds like the opposite from here. Oddish, bellsprout and drowzee are some of the most common pokemon here (northern IL). All of the ground/rock type pokemon I have are from eggs.
I get at least 3 or 4 bellsprout a day... no Drowzee.
Very few ground types. Seen 3 Cubones, zero Geodude.

you fucked up, buddy
>zero Geodude

That's actually my buddy. I was able to hatch one
wow, I even fucked that up

I've never made a general, it clearly wasn't meant to be
it's okay. I copy/paste every little bit when I make a thread and I still fuck it up somehow.

It's a dead game anyway
>pokemon poo general
its alright
what scanners are currently working right now? i know at least 1 is still working but no idea which.
i say this because i was in another area and a lapras spawned from a lure (< 3minutes and cant be seen in nearby/sightings) but people came running still

I'm >>29032827 >>29032596

I have only caught 2 Drowzee and hatched 2 more, which is why I have 41 candies at the moment. I have only evolved my Poliwrath today, and have now switched to Drowzee.

I have evolved to Golem 5 times and Marowak 4 times. Ground type are the most common type in SoCal. Water Pokemon are also common along the coast, but my laziness gets the better of me because of the crowds, traffic, and finding parking in Santa Monica or Long Beach.

I shouldn't even have a Blastoise, but it spawned randomly at LACMA (which happens everyonce in a while), and got it. It was only a 650 CP one, but it's better than nothing. When I caught the Blastoise, I was only at 18 Squirtle candies, so I wasn't even close at getting a Wartortle.
For people who actively take gyms, have you noticed a decrease in the potions drop rate? After I started taking 5-8 gyms per day I started getting around 20 potions every 100 pokestops.
Yes, also a big drop in revives, which I used to actually dump since I had so many
can gengar be good in gyms?

evolving one is the only reason i'm still playing desu
Ded gum
no, because no elemental immunities and such
That's another huge beef I have.
Shit movesets add to even shittier gimped mons.

For example, the only fucking STAB Aerodactyl gets is so abysmally awful, you don't want it.
Instead it gets crap ass Dark, Steel and motherfucking Normal moves to pick.
Level 28 with 100k exp, should I buy lucky eggs with my gym money or should I just keep buying bag upgrades? I already have 600 bag space and 300 pokemon space, currently have 400 coins.
I keep meaning to buy more space, but I always end up caving in and getting incubators.

What I mean is, should I try to rush the level 30 or should I just keep catching random stuff and sitting on lures?
only use incubators for 10k
i'd maximize my bag if i were you, then pokemons maybe 100 slots free than you're usual requirement.
eggs can wait.
Buy the eggs
what i did was I keep evolving ratatta, caterpie and weedle (12 candies) just to get the 500exp bonus (even without egg). I reserve my pidgey candies in case i want to egg rush.
>Nidoqueen on radar
>all out of pokeballs
It would have had shit IVs anyway, r-right?
>caring about IVs
>not caring about IVs
Caught a Pedoqueen 2 weeks ago. 700 CP and totally shit moves.
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that sucks
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Damn. Shit happens
If you didn't have one already consider yourself lucky, they are worse than vapes and usually take dozens of ultraballs to catch at high cp.
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Missing vileplume,gengar and ninetails.
Ausfag life is hard.

Also using modded app only for poke stops since I live in bumfuck nowhere.
But go into the city often to catch the pogeymans
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>evolve 15/15/14 pidgey into pidgeot
>air cutter

life hurts
What cp was pidgey?
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>Also using modded app only for poke stops
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Ok /pgg/ post pics of recent pokemon you caught without using scanner, I'll start.
>pic related
>at 70+ candies now.

he is an iphone fag, he is spoofing "only for items", kek
shh.... just don't fight it and let the thread die...
>Scanners still fucked. Nothing new in days
>Finally give up and go to a known nest in a park Sunday afternoon
>68 degrees, slight breeze, cloudy, beautiful, flat park for walking or having a picnic
>Walk over to the gym
>Bump it up 600+ a time
>Morbidly obese woman and equally obese 10 year old daughter "take a breather" on the chair next to me
>Notice out of the corner of my eye that they are both sitting their with their games open looking at the gym
>Stop at 28700, put the phone in my pocket and walk ten feet away
>"well I guess it's time to go home, help me up honey"

Holy shit fuck them and fuck Niantic for leaving it this god damn game so broken. I've never experienced getting a gym sniped from me before. That made my blood boil in under a second and completely ruined my experience in the park.
It was a shitty gym. I wouldnr have bothered fending off two people unless I was making 900+ fast.
yeah well I've only got shitmons
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Welcome to my world. I get sniped pretty regularly by valor and mysic scum both. I've been in situations quite a lot of time when I could've sniped too. I never did it.
Once this valor slut was giggling in my face while she sniped my gym standing right next to me 2 times. Her boyfriend was standing behind her saying stuff like "whatchugonnaddo bro?" I defeated both of her shitmons. Stupid bitch was using Kinglers as gym defenders, guess that was her strongest. I was like 10 level above her so it really wasn't a competition, but still I'd have loved to punch her in her stupid giggling face. Sniping is not okay people.
fat people should be gassed
>"whatchugonnaddo bro?"

Just report them silently.

Tell them no one else was standing anywhere near the gym and someone spoofed it with shitmons.
>kill mystic gym
>retaken as soon as I turn the corner
>rush back
>already level 3
Kill yourselves mystic
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So /ppg/, I found a lvl 9 gym and I want to put my pokemon there too to so I can enjoy daily coins but the weakest mon there is a 1718CP snorlax. What can I use to train that gym and power it up?
I find the most surprising thing about sniping is how you potentially waste some revives. Unless you put in some shitmon that you're not planning to use anyway.
Recently I helped out some kids taking down a gym. One or two from them were from another team so when it was down one immediately put a mon in there, laughing at me for "pulling a joke" on me. Then he ran off laughing while another kid standing next to me shrugged while I shrugged back, because he basically wasted a revive while I only waste an extra potion.
>reinforcing a gym
>want to put my own pokemon in
>some douchebag put his 100CP Kakuna in

Why do people do this? If he'd at least put a good Pokémon in, the gym might've lasted until I was able to exchange my coins.

Normally I only do gyms when I can exchange my coins immediately, but this time I figured I'd just get it done before work. 10min before the timer ran out the gym was taken over.
When the game first came out I sniped what turned out to be a little kid. I felt horrible. There was a group of annoying normies playing in the same area and I thought I was sniping them. I haven't sniped anyone since.

I've been sniped by a bot on two occasions after taking down high level gyms
git gud valorfag
1500s vaporeon with hydropump
I fucking hate mystic
The one at fault here is Niantic for making sniping gyms even possible.

WTF Niantic! At least for 5 minutes only people who contributed to take a gym down should be allowed to put pokemons there! What where you fucking thinking?
There's not that much that can take on a Snorlax with higher CP than itself. If it's got Earthquake you might go for Dragonite since it resists. Otherwise you'll have to choose between reinforcing at 50prestige per battle with a 2000CP Vape or something, or maybe luck out if you've got something like a 1500+ Rhydon/Golem. I'm not even sure if they can consistently take Snorlax, but maybe.

Gyms would really be more fun if you could choose which Pokémon to train against. I understand that for gyms of another colour you need to beat them all, but for gyms of your own colour there should be a choice, since it's forced 1v1 (or 1vseveral).
Agreed. At least where I play, most of the time people are polite and allow you to take a gym you beat/reinforce. Just yesterday I was reinforcing a gym, and some guy and his girlfriend passed by and were like 'Oh, there's a gym here', but when they noticed I was fighting it they just left. This is proper goddamn etiquette.
It's easier to beat if it has hyper beam, it's probably the easiest move to consistently dodge imo
>oh look decent sized gym to put my decent shit in
>lowest mon is a fucking 450 Pidgeot
>next is a 1800 Flareon

I was ready to make a spoofed instinct account just to kick him out for that shit. There's no fucking way to use a low level mon to quickly boost it up when it's fully evolved like that.
I will try it tomorrow and see how it goes. I hope someone take it down so it will make things easier.
>There's no fucking way to use a low level mon to quickly boost it up when it's fully evolved like that.

>instinct player doesn't understand how CP works
>instinct player ready to cheat

not surprising I suppose
>mystic moron can't into reading comprehension
Also not surprising
I'm not instinct. The spoof account would be instinct because I could always use it to knock out any gym I want since instinct never own gyms
Got a 100% IV Jolteon, special move is discharge, though. Should I power it up or save the Stardust?
that would depend how much times you need to power it up...
what reading comprehension?
it doesn't whether it was a 450 cp pidgeot or a 450 cp pidgey, the stat distributions are really similar
being fully evolved doesn't matter in this case except that he might have different moves
the difference between discharge and his other moves is so big that a 0/15/15 jolteon with the other moves would easily outperform your 100% one at the same level

not worth powering
Shit, I had no idea discharge was that bad. I guess I'll delete my jolteons that have it, after using them as fodder in some gyms
its probably the best defending move out of the three (either that or thunderbolt, not really sure which), but jolteon is a pretty useless defender so thats not worth factoring
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>charmander 717
he boosted a charmander, man
what IVs though
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That.. that actually makes a lot of sense...
knock a level 10 down to 49k, bump it back and insert your mon as the 6th highest and you're set
>tfw did this with friends
It's a dog eat dog world
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>tfw you find out the 'rainer' trick can only be used once and you already used it on a CP 19 Eevee
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Actual weedle with good IVs end up with worst moveset

God damn you to hell NIANTIC
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>tfw used on a 807cp eevee
>good IVs
>840 CP
>almost at the max available level
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>decide to go to lighthouse after uni
>used to be the prime place for pokemon go
>never took advantage of it before because I never liked lure camping
>with scanning dead, lure camping sounds like the way to go
>lighthouse used to be completely packed (easily 30+ people at all times throughout the day including til midnight, probably more but I was only there a few times really)
>get there at 7 pm
>a few people around but nobody playing pokemon go
>use two of my lures from levelling up
>after a bit a guy walking his dog comes past, looks like he's playing but he leaves shortly after
>a mother and her some stop past and catch the things at the lures but then leave too
>someone lures the third stop but can't see anyone else playing anywhere
>a bit later a group of a few girls and a guy come over the hill and one of the girls says something like "oh theres someone here!"
>eventually decide to leave
>a couple of people playing from their cars where you can reach one pokestop but thats it

why is mr niantic trying so hard to kill this game
I wish another company would buy it off them or something
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caught this while on the train

>dat anti grass moveset
>evolving a Beedrill
but why tho?
I know, right. I got tired of Go for a while because my phone couldn't handle it, but when I got a new one I could actually run both a map and the Go app at the same time - it was probably the most fun I've ever had with this game. I'd check my map, and take detours if I saw anything interesting. Now I might see something interesting pop up in my nearby list, but looking around for it hardly ever gets me any results unless I specifically know the spawn location, and it's more frustrating than fun.

An official, subscription-based map app that works consisently would literally be the only thing I'd ever spend real money on.
I got tons of candy, why not
Because you could've evolved 4 Weedles instead for dat sweet 2000XP versus the measly 500 you got now.
I haven't had a 80% weedle ever and a beedrill with good moveset would have been fun for me
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>really want an 82+ ninetales, rapidash and dewgong with optimal movesets
>all three evo to be somewhat difficult for me to find in everyday play, have to go out of my way to get to where they spawn
>hatch an egg today
>blessed with an 82+ ponyta
>evolve and cursed with low kick/drill run
>hatch another egg
>blessed with an 82.2 seel
>evolve and blessed with frost breath/blizzard

It shouldn't feel this satisfying when you get the right moves on a pokemon but it does
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Gz on getting a low-tier Lapras!
I have two lapras, but one has ice beam and one has dragon pulse

dewgong is something I can actually work on, a new lapras I cant
and dewgong is cuter anyway
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Tfw it's shit although 90+ IV
Welp I just caught my first wild Lapras without a scanner 20 minutes ago. Good moves but shit CP and IV's, however it was a nice surprise it showed up in my neighborhood like that
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>looking at my dex
>notice silouettes of Dragonite and Charizard
>I'm pretty sure I never encountered any wild Dragonites or Charizards
sorry kermit but you're retarded
think hard, have you ever seen them before anywhere?
>only used once
Wait, I thought it was only that you couldn't do the name trick twice in a row, it's THIS strict? Fuck
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No. The silouettes only appear when you encounter one wild and try to catch it but it flees, right? I never ever seen any of those wild. We only ever get the occasional charmanders here, and even those are really rare, never seen the evolved form. Same with Dragonite.
You haven't heard of the new update that adds pokemon you've seen in gyms to your pokedex?
yes you have
you've seen them in gyms, so its added to the dex
it always should have worked like that but it was only fixed recently
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Best pidgey coming though
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Oh, I didn't know that. Okay then, yes, I've seen them in gyms. Just like I did see Raichu, Machamp or Grimer and they are not in my dex as silouettes. Or does this only add mons that I've seen since the update?
>Or does this only add mons that I've seen since the update?
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>tfw have had 2 Nidoqueen and 3 Nidoking, none of which had Jab+EQ
I have a fourth almost ready to evolve, please have mercy on me RNGod
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Post teams.

Mine is 3/5 (lvl 29)
>don't play for a few days
>suddenly changes in mood and energy
was pokemon go a good thing in the end?
a necessary evil?
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>Mine is 3/5
level 28 here
still need a proper poliwrath to use as a real defender
and a good conf/psychic exeggutor would be nice too
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>mfw claiming my daily 10 coins
how can one team be so based? Soon in 8 days I will have enough for an incubator, thanks instinct!
3/5 as an indicator for average..
I got a Bubble/Hydro Pump Poliwrath on the first try, but I can't help feeling it's just a poor man's Vaporeon. Is that true?
Is there a spoofing app that will just let me walk around my block for a bit? I get no GPS drift and I've got a broken leg from a minor car accident and I want to hatch my fucking eggs that are sitting with 1km to go.
it is, I use it on gyms and he really feels lame.
poliwrath is a great defender who is average at staying in a gym because of the stupid cp ordering system
vaporeon is an average defender who is good at stayign in a gym because of the stupid cp ordering system
vaporeon is a good attacker, poliwrath isn't
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>fight the same battle every day at work for 2 gyms
>opponent is always mysitc scum
>2 other instinctbros (never met them) help me out
>we defeat mystic scum every day
>seems like scum is giving up
>today was the first day our gyms remained un-challenged
mfw hope
I have one like this, it's pretty neat
whoa high street baller
>evolved 3 poliwraths
>mud shot/ice punch
>bubble/ice punch
>mud shot/submission

>Small town, approx 10 gyms.
>2 gyms and 2 stops in one place
>de facto hub for all the people still playing
>constant battling, very rarely a gym gets past lvl.5
>gym always changes, balanced valor/mystic/instinct playerbase

>constant battles, thus a few exp. points, constant challenge, easy to get daily coins.

It's still relatively enjoyable. Except when I travel or am out of town.
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neh snake.png
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post yfw mystic fags
Programmers required to help Reddit bypass great Niantic Wall.

Head over to Discord #Re.
I started using a gps joystick today, that's how much Niantic has bored me to tears.

>never get anything useful from eggs
>no good spawns on the entire island, we're surrounded in water and you're lucky to see a dratini yet faggots in cities can find dratini at their local piss lakes
>shat on scanners, one of the few ways to locate good shit on in my town
>evolutions are pointless because they all come out with shit like fury cutter and ancient power
>no trading,updates or gen 2
>san francisco is allowed to have a tracker but no one else is
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>so tired that you don't even have pogo on for gps drifting
ded game
I have every single pokemon except the legendaries, Tauros and Golem (which I'm working on with the buddy system). All legit. I currently don't really have much to do anymore, and I'm wondering if is there any more reason to play? Has there been any more info about when gen 2 is coming out?
It's always nice to meet a fellow Mysticbro
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Nothing like taking down all the piss yellow gyms with another Mystic m8.
>Has there been any more info about when gen 2 is coming out?
Most likely in the middle of next year. You can stop playing this game, no one will miss you since no one is still playing.
>in the middle of next year
Wow, seriously that late? They might as well not bother, even the most hardcore fans won't be playing until then. There is nothing else to do for me now that I have basically finished the game.
>Most likely in the middle of next year
I really doubt it will be anywhere near that soon unless there are some huge changes to how things work in the niantic lunch room
they cant even release a release date for the tracker
It's called prestige mining. Go at it with baby Pidgeots
10km eggs when?
>can't even update a game with stuff people want like trading/pvp etc.
>"hurr lets kill these scanners and pokemon locators instead"
I'm not even surprised anymore. Niantic has shown they're nothing but fucking retards.
I wish they released anything at all
when you hatch the other eggs you have
>20 days without update
>every other "update" is just activating something already inside the game
>scanners still kill
>everyone and their mothers GPS spoofing
>botted accounts with 10+ 100% IV's Dragonites left and right

this is fun

>captcha related
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wut, this was the captcha
>fw haven't used a single ultraball since the scanners went down
Throwing them at pidgeys and shit will feel awkward.
I havent had a text captcha in so long
I hate the picture ones
Open [Settings] -> Quotes & Replying -> Use Legacy reCAPTCHA

You're welcome.
It doesn't work for me.
>level 29
>no 3k Pokemon
I don't think you'll be able to get that dragonite to break 3k next level m8

You mysticfags need to git gud
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Lvl 30
Fucking twister gyarados
did you power em up?
Only the dragonite and the 2.5k snorlax
The gyarados are from 170+ cp karps
No i waited till level 28/29 until i could find level 30 magikarp in the wild. Settled with 5 190-200cp magikarp. Evolving 5 at once, first 3 got twister
>yfw level 29 and no 3k pokemon
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>battle a gym nearby my house when I get home from uni everyday
>it's always run by the same mystic girl
>pop in my poke and go for a walk
>as soon as I turn the corner of the street the gym is under attack
>every fucking day
I know that bitch is fucking watching me from her window as I sit on the wall outside, one day I'm gonna catch her and have some harsh words
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Humble beginnings actually. It's from a 600cp dratini
Evolved to this, then powered up to max
Come on and jam.
And welcome to Zen Slam
It's the little kids that are the most annoying. They snipe all the time. And since they have been playing all summer because school is out, they have autism level mons.
>Take a detour to quickly take down a gym
>Spot Porygon on my sightings list
>Triangulate that shit and track it down

Fuck yeah

Also I don't actually have a Lapras but for some reason simply having "seen" it at a gym makes it look like I have.
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>some bitch sniped a gym I'd spent ten minutes taking down
>left in a 2000+ Gyrados
>killed it with an 800 Electrabuzz
Get dunked on
>leave 2000 Vaporeon in a gym
>bunch of other Instinct bros leave their pokes too
>ranging between 1000-1500
>check it ten minutes later
>taken over by a lone level 14 1000 CP Vaporeon from Valor
What's even the point caring about IVs
It's too easy to win battles in this game lmao
Perhaps they should make it
>2 pokes in a gym
>you get to pick 2 of your own instead of fucking six
It's far too easy rn desu, it takes away the point in leveling up past 20 because you can take on pretty much anything except super stacked lvl 10 gyms
Trading and PvP when?
if only they kept the classic weakness chart, we'll at least have a variety of pokemons in gyms
The other day I was taking down a gym when 2 Valor players pulled up in their car and sniped my gym as soon as I got it down. They drove off to the next gym which is 1 block down in order to take it. So I took down the one they snipped me at and put my own mon. I saw them drive back to take me down so they can claim it again. So I said fuck it and biked to the one 1 block down to take it from them since they really wanted the one I was at. I was just about to put my mon when suddenly I hear a car speeding by and drifting to get to the parking lot. Turns out it was the Valor fucks again following me and snipping the gym again. So I stayed there grinding exp by killing their shitmons with my army while they had to waste revives each time. At the end I biked next to their car and said byebye as I left.

Not only was it useless for them to waste gas by following me the entire time but Valor dominates my area so they could have claimed a spot in literally any other gym that was already high level around us. Fucking idiots lmao
I guess they got rid of it because of the shit new battle system we have
Would be kinda shit if your regular attack couldn't affect the Pokemon you're battling, because then you couldn't build up your special attack, so you couldn't even attack, yeah.

I was disappointed they did that actually, I wanted a Thunderbolt/Surf/Psychic/Ice Beam Starmie to sweep the normies, but no, I have to resort to slamming on my screen like a fucking retard
even if it was exactly gen 1 moves and effects with a turn based system it would be so much more fun than the current boring tappy tappy tap nonsense that we have
Yeah, you can just outslam the opponent too since it's vs AI
I don't even bother dodging unless it's like a Hyper Beam or something, Vaporeon with Water Gun can attack 5 times before the AI can get back one, then fire a Hydro Pump because you got it so fast

It's just awful
>kinda shit if your regular attack couldn't affect the Pokemon you're battling
then fucking learn the chart and dont bring useless pokemon to a gym with lots of ghosts
>>a couple of people playing from their cars where you can reach one pokestop but thats it
I have trouble believing people are this fat. Why camp out at one pokestop?
It was pretty dark, cold and windy at that stage
>as I get home I see that the gym on the train station just got taken over for my team
>only some mid cp flareon in there
>drop my lapras
>as I'm walking away I see it's being attacked
>clearly by some low level player because after knocking out flareon my lapras has a counter of won battles already
>backtrack a little
>two minutes later when I see the gym turning grey immediately place my exeggcutor in there
>wait a moment
>no attempts at attacking anymore
I'm glad nobody was around to see me giggling like a madman.
>see gym being attacked
>1 pokemon left
>click, still there, close
>rinse repeat
>now empty
>immediately put my snorlax
>my lapras has a counter of won battles already
I dream of getting this on my pokemon but it relies on the opponent being dumb enough to throw all their pokemon into yours instead of running or just beating all of them
neck yourself mate :)
if the official pokemon go app allows me to do it, it's not cheating ;)
not saying it's cheating, just an absolute twat move
if someone asked, i'll say, hey i defeated the 3rd level pokemon. just got the gps drift error ;)
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>mfw a 62 cp rattata instantly broke out of an excellent throw and fled

PPG REEE, is root still kill?
This shit is unacceptable and they need to fix this.
>(actually working)

pic related

Actually it's arguable the best moveset.

Fury cutter powers up the special bar faster than any other move and a stab EQ from Nidoking does ridiculous damage
man the number of things they removed from the main games, and fleeing had to be one of the few things they keep in
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to fix it either
throwing an excellent ball or a normal ball had any influence in the catch rate?


the smaller the ring, the higher the capture rate. You don't actually have to get a Great/Excellent bonus.
Excellent-sized circle doubles your chance apparently.
i'm fairly certain that almost this entire post is wrong
this happen three more times
why people are so shitty
once i lost 30 mins of my life because some fucking faggot stole my place in a gym. never gonna happen again... i wish u.u

I just don't get it. It's like removing root on a linux machine, or disallowing administrator privileges on windows all together, or you can't play. How can this fly?
it's like releasing games on PC later than console to reduce piracy, it makes no sense
how do we make pogo great again?????
I remembered wrong, a small circle increases catch rate by 50%, not 100%.
But other than that, I'm pretty sure I'm right
>in a lecture and in range of a gym
>take down the gym, put in a 96CP Weedle so people can defeat is so I can defeat them again and get some more XP
>Someone dropped off a 2000CP Arcanine and started training the gym up
I bet they though I was retarded for leaving a 100CP worm at lvl27 too
>hatch a 10km egg
>get electabuzz for the 3rd time
>it's shit
>hatch my 4 5km eggs
>best thing I get is an oddish

I'm never finishing this pokedex, fucking Niantic can piss off with their city bias.
are you sure it doesnt have to land in the c rcle? i thought that it did
overhaul the gym system
overhaul the combat system
overhaul combat power and stat calculations
let Niantic play their own game for a while
I bet they dont even play their own game, especially the gym feature
I can easily replicate bugs in like an instant
I'm pretty sure, yeah. Landing it in the circle only gives the XP bonus
let's put an end to Metropolis priviledge
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Nice m8, good job.
mfw mysticfag myself
>nine 9km eggs
>it's fine I will get a 10km after I incubate those
>buy two incubators with my last remaining coins
>go to 0 eggs after hatching all with gps errors over the whole day
>take a bus ride to refill
>nine 9km eggs again
genuinely triggered
>9km eggs
what did he mean by this?
>9km eggs
what did he mean by this?
yeah how did you fuck that up twice in a row. I assume you meant 5k?
yes, I'm sleepy
>9km eggs
I wonder if they will introduce new eggs some day or maybe make the jogger and egg hatching medals do something cool.
>download tinder
>get match
>don't feel like going out
I blame it on pogo
Tinder should get a pogo-like interface.

>Sightings: a match is nearby!
>A wild slut appeared!
>Wild slut escaped!
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>sightings system for tinder developed by niantic
and the anon never ever got laid
Do you know that feel when you spot a cute guy in your local permalure area who is also one of the very few players your age around, you strike a nice conversation and then a few minutes in he makes an offhand comment about his wife.

Was I pushing too hard?
She's just tsundere m8.
>A match is nearby, wandering to try to find it
>reconnect, match is gone
>tinder-dex "seen" has another shadow outline of girl
>tfw mysticfags are sitting on 100 coins a day
Before some updates ago I used it multiple times in a row as long as I cleaned all other eevee and eevolutions names, reseted the game, and wait some time before evolving it. Now it doesn't work anymore.
>see level 8 mystic gym, everyone is over level 29, one of their strongholds
>guarded by 2600 lapras
>remember lure bot hatched lapras from 10km while I was using it
Knock the gym down to 1500 prestige. Train it up using an arcanine my lure bot caught. Get gym to 2051, throw 1480 lapras in.

Go back to normal account, beat gym till it's down to 2051/4000 with a 1480 lapras and a 2700 lapras.

Good luck with that mystic.
No. But I know the feel on how the only girls I see playing it are underaged.
tfw Pokemon Go gps wouldn't work until I downloaded Tinder

Still no idea how that worked.
There should be a counter for who gave more prestige, allowing some seconds of advantage to put a mon in after the gym leveled up.
Alanis Morissette, you play PoGo and post on /vp/?

Im sorry youre such a cuckette
>gym comes out tomorrow
>nothing of value was lost and it's back to level 8 within an hour

Bye bye piss yellow players.
>team group
>never shuts the fuck up about her bf
>always invades the chat with her personal life or some other stuff
I rather have the meme spammer on chat tbqh at least he talks about the game.
She's baiting for something else from you, anon.
Give her what she wants and she'll leave it.
>Alanis Morissette
no, I guess he did it so you didn't think he was leading you on
a Cucknadian singer that had songs about being an overbearing bitch
I've never collected more than 60 coins and I only make 30/day on average
some areas are mystic dominated, some a valor, I'm lucky to be in a place where it's pretty balanced and gyms change hands often
You with the nice trips. At what level will you find 600 cp Dratini's?
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my first batch of 10k eggs. Looking forward to the new Jynx, Onix and 40% IV Eevee
congrats anon, I'm yet to find or hatch one
Not him, but I hatched a 510 cp Dratini the other day. First one, never seen them in the wild. Level 21.
Dratini, _Pinsir ___Onix_
Kabuto, Dratini, Onix
>gym comes out tomorrow
What did you mean by that?

I'm valor. In my city mystic has 3 gyms on the otherside which are usually level 10. They make a couple more further away so they can collect more coins. This was one of their stash aways which they have to venture to

In hindsight, i could have killed gym, logged into my other lure bot, chose mystic, and put it's 2000 dragonite in. Power trained it level 8 34k/40k with 7 slots. Put 1000cp lapses in. That way gym would be level 9 (48k/50k) and no room for the mystic fucks as children would have filled it up with shitmon
>Isn't it ironic? Meeting the man of your dreams...
>and then meeting his beautiful wife
Guys I have a 2400 CP Dragonite (DB/DP) with no Dratini candies left and I have a 643 CP Exeggcute with 26 candies. Exeggcute are really rare here

Would you guys take Exeggcute or Dragonite as your buddy?
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I got fucking jinxed. Thanks guy from yesterday's thread.
twitch tv/hasherechan

I will just leave this here.

I can't wait for Steelix to come out so you guys will finally stop complaining over Onix
shove it up your ass and fuck off
>tard doesn't know what that is
go with the dratini
>max CP: 1700
we all know it will happen
>nearest gym has been worn down to level 1
>owned by my team, but the one remaining mon is a 3100cp dragonite

There's no way to train this back up, is there? Just wait and hope that another team will one day finish it off?
What would possibly be the best movesets for Steelix with the current movesets we have in the game?
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>being this n00b
That's exactly the reason why I burn down Level 7+ Mystic gyms to the final one which is a 2500+ snorlax, lapras or VAP most of the time
I got, out of luck, 4 10k in a row from stops doing no tricks or anything. I hatched today the last one.

I'm starting to suspect that everytime a 10k hatches PoGo activates my frontal camera to take a picture of my face of disappointment and sends it to Niantic. Fucking kill me I walked over 300km and I hatched about 12 10k eggs and it never was one of the big three.
A 5k hatched and it was porygon though, I already have it but I guess I will be able to trade someday.
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>onix, scyther and magmar all sub 1.3k cp
well, at least I got that 6k experience
>Big three
What else is big besides Snorlax and Lapras?
Training that up to level 2 would be faster for me than doing it against random ~500cp shitmons that often get placed on the bottom spot in lvl3 gyms by some tards here.
He would get cucked by the fast move because I don't see Niantic giving it anything good but for charge movd it would get either Iron Tail or Earthquake.
Anybody else have issues running into Slowpokes with good IVs?

I caught a 684 CP Slowpoke but the IVs are TRASH, and literally every Slowpoke I've caught so far is below 60%, I have no clue why this is happening.
Mud slap/earthquake
Deep down I hope for Hyper Beam.
is someone coding a scanner?
I have a 763 slowpoke that's 78% but I can't remember if I hatched it or caught it. I don't live near water so they spawn really infrequently. It'll be awhile before I get a slowbro.
Not everyone is level 30 with maxed out top tier mons.
fucking this

Last Slowpoke I evolved had 751 CP, I still evolved it even with bad IVs
>Water Gun / Psychic
Just fuck it
Got one with 100% ivs and another one with >80% and two 15s.
Level 25 here.
>300 slowpoke candy
I feel your pain senpai
Hatched a 100% Bellsprout
Evolved it
>Sludge Bomb
>mfw winter is coming
>mfw can't camp at rivers to catch water pokemon anymore

I guess my crappy Bubble / Submission Poliwrath is enough....
I haven't even seen a slowpoke in over a month.

Usually I'd hatch one or two of them a week and see them on water spawns infrequently, been sitting on 40 candies for a while now.
Got a vileplume with acid today, feels bad.
But with Solar Beam?
First attack doesn't matter anyway
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>level 10 instinct gym hideout
All the way at the end of a dock, not exactly sure how to get there but I could figure it out. Should I just let them be?

Id rather waste good potions on mystic hide aways.
Leaf blade.
2 months later I'm close to evolving a second one though, hoping for the best
Let it be, that's a waste of potions with all the Lapras'
>so bored that I just made a throaway account and spoof it around the city to see if I can find a dragonite or a snorlax

Uh I got an acid and solar beam vileplume, is it gud?
Anything is good with Solarbeam

it's good for defending


>88% slowpoke
>confusion / psychic

awwww yeahhhh
Since the PoGo CPs are based on the Poke stats that were already there before the game, couldn't one find out what the MAX CP of Steelix will be?
iirc gen II won't change current meta too much with that formula according to some plebbit guy.
Can you get banned doing that? I wouldn't mind spoofing to actually play this shit from home
Acid is a decent attack, the bad thing about it is that you probably prefer razor leaf and solar beam to have 2 attacks of the same type and use Vileplume to exclusively kill things weak to grass.
Having acid is better as defender since you will probably will get attacked by a fire mon and acid at least is neutral to it.

I think Acid has better raw dps and also builds faster charge attacks so, the only bad Vileplume is the one with Moonblast.
I can't wait for Rayquaza to take over everything
It's decent for attacking. Obvi u wanted double grass but acid powers up solar beam fast

>good for defending
Debatable. Solar beam is easy to dodge
>evolve all my high IV mons
>Bulldoze on Arcanine
>Moonblast on Vileplume
>Twister on Gyarados
>Confusion on Alakazam
>Icy Wind on Dewgong
>Psychic on Exeggutor
>Megahorn on Nidoking

This game is rigged. Meanwhile my shit IV Arcanine has Fang/Fire Blast.
mega fug when
In 2022
>Psychic on Exeggutor
Not the worst in the world

>Bulldoze on rk9
>Twister on Gyarados
I have a Zen/Psychic Hypno with higher CP I may as well use. 4 of them, in fact.
Implying it would be better than Dragonite

confusion / psychic is best exeggutor
Ttar will be
No, Zen Headbutt / Solarbeam is

Bug: Volcarona - 2589
Dark: Honchcrow - 2777
Dragon: Haxorus - 2500
Electric: Eelektross - 2908
Fairy: Sylveon - 2609
Fighting: Lucario - 2649
Fire: Emboar - 3074
Flying: Noivern - 2397
Ghost: Drifblim - 2576
Grass: Gogoat - 3039
Ground: Hippowdown - 2812
Ice: Walrein - 2851
Normal: Slaking - 4372
Poison: Muk - 2603
Psychic: Reuniclus - 2696
Rock: Archeops - 2958
Steel: Bronzong - 2393
Water: Lapras - 2981

lmao half of those names sound so retarded

not for defending and that's what matters the most when you can kill anything with vaporeons and you can dodge solar/hyper beam with your eyes closed
What is this list?
best cp for each type from all games
Dragon: Haxorus 2500

>Dragonite 3500

This list is more than wrong
By Generation:

Gen 1

Legendary: Mewtwo - 4145
Non-Legendary: Dragonite - 3500

Gen 2

Legendary: Ho-Oh - 4213
Non-Legendary: Tyranitar - 3654

Gen 3

Legendary: Rayquaza - 4602
Non-Legendary: Slaking - 4372

Gen 4

Legendary: Gitarina (Origin Forme) - 4619
Non-Legendary: Garchomp - 3327

Gen 5

Legendary: TIE, Kyurem Black and White - 4896
Non-Legendary: Hydreigon - 3398

Gen 6

Legendary: TIE, Xerneas and Yvelta - 4567
Non-Legendary: Goodra - 3263

By Primary Type (Excluding Legendaries and Pseudo-Legendaries)
Is this just random?
Ho-Oh better than Lugia?
By almost 1k cp from what I remember.
>Bronzong better than Steelix
>know this
>leave mystic gym with two 2k snorlaxes
>4 hours later it's level 10 again
Fuck mystic
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git gud fag
>new thread
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>Evolved my 5th Arcanine, the first one in 2 months after the Growlithe nest disappeared
it's my third absolute shit Arcanine and the other two are Bite/Flamethrower
why am I still playing this shit rigged game
I hate it how broken the walk tracker is for me. I just walked to the gym nearest my home about 200m away and back. ZERO distance registered. What am I doing wrong?
Had the same problem with my old Galaxy s5. don't have the problem with my new s7

>4372cp Slaking

Wew lad
so after my first serious 20+ level lucky egg session I got
>karate chop/fireblast magmar
>confusion/psyshock hypno
>confusion/psychic venomoth
>steel wing/x-scissor scyther
>fury cutter/x-scissor parasect
fucking hell. The only non-trash thing that I got is a 1.2k cp 93% IV Pound/Play Rough Wigglytuff.
Hyper beam is so much better
It's only about 10% better, I plan on using the guy to fight dragonites anyway so it's no biggie

>Most powerful move = the best move

Team Mystic I presume?
Team Rocket*
>and back
One, it calculates from point to point every now and then, so going back and forth can be counted against you.
And two, the game often 'stealth disconnects', and until it regains connection it won't track your progress. You'll notice the white pokeball at the top left corner when it happens, which is fairly often actually. Opening the journal would force the game to attempt a reconnect.
If you go in a straight line and keep verifying the game isn't disconnected from the server, the tracker will be quite accurate.
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Never used a scanner, best mon was a Vaporeon I caught
Lugia has piss Attack stats whereas Ho-oh has 130 Attack and they both have 154 Sp. Defense, so thats probably why

0 SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Abomasnow: 228-270 (71 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Seriously weak as fuck
0 Atk Lugia Dragon Ascent vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Abomasnow: 302-356 (94 - 110.9%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
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