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>"Hurrr why come this poke looks like a girl"?

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>"Hurrr why come this poke looks like a girl"?

The answer is because GameFreak specifically designed it to look feminine so little girls would choose it because little girls and boys are this games target audience. You see; some little girls dont care if a pokemons gender is male or female they just like it because its cute.

I promise you GameFreak developers dont come here to see what you disgusting trapfags or you deluded waifu fags want in the next Pokemon game. They may throw in a few in-jokes to keep you guys hooked but thats the extent of their interaction.

tl;dr - This Pokemon is designed to be a female.
>tl;dr - This Pokemon is designed to be a female.

FTFY: This Pokemon is designed to be 12.5% of the times a female.
There's one major flaw though.

Popplio doesn't look feminine in the slightest, whereas Fennekin and (arguably) Snivy did.
someone edit this to say 'am I a pretty boy?'
Well, it doesn't look masculine either.
That's true too
Growing up I knew a girl with a male Sceptile who'd ask me if I knew any way to change it into a girl
Do we actually know the gender ratio

S/M's changing plenty of other shit I don't see why "starter pokemon gender ratios" can't be changed.
Snivy is pretty consistent with the real life basis in combination with modern dinosaur reconstructions
And the anime initially depicted that line as masculine
Despite the intention, reptiles are usually pretty neutral looking
I think it's also for thematic contrast to have very feminine and masculine starters, and a dandy owl between them. There's apparently a bigger focus on the versions feeling different this time, plus Skull and Aether are like opposites. AZ, the beginning and end...

This. I bet Popplio will be predominantly born female.
That wasn't the case for Fennekin and Chikorita
Im just saying, stop making overtly feminine starters if you don't adjust the gender ratio to 50/50.
There's really no reason to do have it as 87.5/12.5 nor was there ever.
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I sure love my 12.5% male Meganium.
Uh, I think you entirely disregarded the fact that 100% of female players will pick Litten

And I can imagine a little girl being super appalled by its final evo
And little kids, towards whom Brionne is aimed at, according to the OP, care how much about the little or next to their Pokemons name?
the little gender signs next to the name. I though they'd work
I have no issue with Brionne looking like a girl. My issue is it looking like a girl and being BALD.
Oh god. I never considered that.
Got a problem with bald chicks Anonymous?
Sure, let's give those 10 year olds the ability to breed themselves a whole starter team not even halfway through the game. You should know by now that their skewed gender ratio is nothing more than an artificial way to crank up their rareness. Just like the obeying mechanism is supposed to stop you from just steamrolling the game with an old team.
If it eases up the pain for you all, it's supposed to be a Fairy type and Fairy types are generally more feminine and cutesy than your average pokemon.

Yeah, no, fuck this, even Sylveon isn't this forcefully designed as a female and it's literally a pink pokemon. The Popplio line begins with Popplio looking fairly neutral and all of a sudden, it gains EYELASHES AND FRILLS with a freaking PINK PUPIL?
>forcefully designed
Well, that's a new one. Did you have the same autistic reaction with Braixen or did you make yourself believe that Fennekin looks undeniable female after it happened?
Why shouldn't people be able to use the teams they want to?
*With obvious exception for rules or other metrics of legality. Before you go building up that strawman.

No, at least Braixen was still somewhat believable to see as a male even if its design is lending itself for a more cutesy/girlier approach.
Even disregarding the female thing it looks like complete garbage. Now what?
Because they don't want to give autists another reason to cry about how easy the game is.
>Waah why isn't this game challenging if I use my hexaperfect lvl 100 pseudo, such shit game design

Why would I bring up hacking anyway? I could do without the retarded restrictions too. It's annoying that bank won't work before January but I can understand their stand on the matter. It's better to make little shits jump through a few hoops if they want to use their game breaking dream team, otherwise they are finished with the game in record time and throw it in a corner to let it collect dust and that's definitely not what any game company would want to happen.

Autists will cry regardless. Game Freak should be thinking about its actual target audiences, not some 20-30-year-olds bitching about the difficulty of a children's handheld monster-catching RPG. I see no reason why they couldn't or shouldn't have a "girly starter" with a predominantly female gender ratio for kids to pick if they're into that kind of thing.
>Why would I bring up hacking anyway?
>Waah why isn't this game challenging if I use my hexaperfect lvl 100 pseudo
Did you just gloss over the part where I said that little shits would do it too? They don't have to be autistic neckbeards for that. Kids would love to use retarded shit like all legendary, their old mons, or all starter teams and curb stomb everyone in the game. If you give them an easy way to do so they will use it and then they will speed through this game and the lesser time they spend with this thing the worse it ends up for GF. Lesser time you play=lesser time to get attached to mons/characters/story=lesser sold merchandise.
Their moms also won't be happy to have spent 40 bucks on something their little devil plows through in a week and then never touches again. No rational company would want to make a game that's too easy to exploit. They can't stop hacking but they can at least make it difficult to get game breaking teams too early.

You can get those without hacking you know? I know because I'm a bike simulator autist myself. Now if I had said shiny or legendary then you could shit on me. Although shiny is debatable, there are some really autistic people out there after all.

Popplio for the guys.
Litten for the boys.
Rowlet for the cucks.
>believable to see as male
Delphox, maybe. Braixen? Definitely not. Its fur is obviously supposed to resemble a skirt and stockings. Or are you that insane autist that argues it's just a cowlick that isn't supposed to resemble anything because totally only degenerate furfags can see any resemblance to thematically fitting clothes?
You forgot one very important thing, OP.

Little girls don't play video games.

>Implying little kids would even have the fucking patience to sit around and breed six fucking eggs of the same god damn starter Pokemon during the main game for their first time through instead of getting excited about finding and using the dozens of other new Pokemon.

You are literally inventing a problem that does not exist. I bet there are maybe a dozen kids period that would do what you're saying, and they are statistically insignificant enough to not matter to Game Freak in the slightest.
Sure, I can only talk about anecdotal evidence from when I was a child myself, and trust me most kids were huge ass legendary and starter spammers back then, but if GF really didn't care about the game breaking potential of giving kids and easy way to get a full team of powerful mons then tell my why does obedience exist at all? It's there so that kids won't just use their old mons, speed through the game and never get attached to the new ones. Even if only a small percentage will do it, potential game breaking is still on their minds or they would have never come up with this in the first place.
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Lol xD well meme'd

nice blog
It's true tho

You don't see girls walking around with handhelds like you still see boys, and you never saw them either back in the day.

Girls only start to like video games when they like some boy and want to fit in with his group, or because they see their brothers play and copy them. They might gain a taste for it afterwards, but that mostly happens once they hit their early teens.

Little girls don't play video games.
>You don't see girls walking around with handhelds like you still see boys

I don't see anyone ever walking around with handhelds.
But I know so many families, and usually, it's the girls who have a DS and Pokemon, and almost never the boys.
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But that's wrong, at the very least in the sphere that GF cares about: Japan. About a third of the JP playerbase are females according to statistics that are two generations old.

If you move even further away into other handheld games, stuff like Animal Crossing have more female players than male.
We must live in very different places then.
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wow i can't believe GF made a starter pokemon look gendered, it really came out of left field after happening numerous times in prior generations
It doesn't matter, anyway. They will always pander to the Japanese audience, much more as opposed to NA/EU,like this anon said >>28961155
7:1 gender ratios are a game mechanic, not a statement. Fennekin line, Sylveon etc. have always consistenly been shown as female in the anime and every other piece of official media they have appeared in.

Gameplay mechanics take precedence over designs. If these girly pokemon weren't starters and therefore didn't have to have the whole "forced scarcity" thing, you can bet your ass that they would be 1:1 or 1:3.
will bara/twink/girl be the new norm for starters?
Autists only throw a fit if it's female looking, either because their autism can't stand a simple game mechanic not conforming to the looks, or because they fear girl cooties.
They must have heaved a collective sigh of relief when Delphox's fur looked innocuous enough for the wizard robe excuse.
No, I just don't like them.
My gf likes Litten tho
Now nothing. Your opinion is subjective.
Kek. I love it.
Actually as a kid i was super triggered by genders.
Not anymore, if i get a female charizard, i nickname her, and move on. But as a kid. Oh no. I wouldnt check till midgame. And it would slowly eat at me and ruin the game to where i had to restart.

I did, at least

I thought males were stronger

I didn't want females
>not having a 'bearded lady' fetish

What are you, gay?
>I wouldn't check till midgame
It's literally beside the name/level how can you even ignore it for so long?
I dont think you realize how easy breeding is right now and Sun/Moon is making even easier

Well, it came from your mouth, not mine, so...
>Arguing with whiskers, which Oshawott already had them merely as little dots

Naw, let's just remove them entirely.
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My reaction
>being so afraid of getting called furfag that you willingly turn a blind eye to the visual representation of a theme
Every fucking time.
>not posting the Popplio version
You had one job, anon.
That's BS though.
Back in my day, the school would BAN handheld games and if the school didn't catch you, little shitters would try and steal your game. You just couldn't have fun in school. Also I had no friends. Fuck trading evolutions.

I won't deny the fur looks slightly like a skirt, but it's not a blatant skirt. It's fur, which then grows to the robe-like effect (witch skirt to wizard robe).

Popplio's line are quite literally wearing skirts and dresses though and not in a subtle way.
>it's a skirt but kinda also not
Christ, you must really be afraid of that furfag name-calling. It either looks like one or it doesn't, stop with the wishy-washy shit. It's still fur but it's so obviously styled to invoke the look of one that denying the intended female appearance is retarded.

>quite literally wearing skirts and dresses
They're still not actual clothes just some weird ass flesh ribbon shit like Sylveon or Glaceon sport. Rowlet and Dartrix quite literally wear leaf bowties too, and no one seems to give a shit. Pokémon wearing pseudo clothes has happened all the time, sure it's lazy and kinda ugly in a lot of designs, but in the end you're just mad that it's female clothes this time. Popplio's ruff looks just as tacked on and stupid but as long as it was neutral and clownish you probably loved it immensely.
Well at least Litten3 is good.
>using your starter
>when you get 5 free pokeballs and captures almost never fail on the first route
Did you ever think you'd be knocking on 30 and be on threads arguing over the gender of pokemon? I sure didn't.
>But as long as it was neutral and clownish you probably loved it immensely

Nah, I'm sure I'd still find it tacky, it goes in line with what I usually see in some fan made evolutions, with layers of clothes in dA, often repeated details (which I kind of find boring about Poppmaid's design as well, but to each, their own).

I'll just pretend it's actually water or something i that vein, because the thought of it being something flesh-like creeps my noodles off.

I'm not against pokemon looking like they have "clothes" of some sort, as long they make sense and don't actually ruin the pokemon's design mobility/practibility. Strangely, I'd be fine with the frill skirt, if it just so happened to have less of it, because it looks kind of awkward for the 3D model to move around with. The thought of the frills rubbing against the floor/ground in-game and eventually in the anime is odd too.

I also wonder if the "pigtails" are permanent or if, much like in Poppmaid's case, they actually vanish or disparse as Brionne attacks and all it's left are the tiny ears.
Nah, it could go either way you fucking retard because it isn't a full on dress and eyeliner.
>inb4 SYLVEON checkmate :^)
See above.
>t-this skirt styled fur is least not a real d-dress and it doesn't wear e-eyeliner either so it could totally be male. I-I swear.
How can you even function with so much repressed homosexuality?
Yeah but where's the skirt frills and eyeliner you dumb, mouth-breathing, double nigger. Tip top meme XD.
This basically XD
>Thinks all girls are sexist and won't choose Luchalitten because it looks like a boy, forgetingnwhat it would do for the team and its personality
Wow. OP is really sexist.
Meganium Literally has a flowers male sex organ on its forehead. Masculine as fuck.
I'd say that neither Fennekin or Snivy look feminine...
They look like a fucking fox and a snake.
This. Unless Poppmaid has a visible pussy, you can't argue that it's female.
....Did she ever figure out?

Looks like you're gay. Sucks to be you.
You don't understand the joke you fucking retard
None of Snivy's line look particularly feminine. Maybe they've got a weird air of poshness from the noble theme, but they work equally well as either gender.

Braixen is pretty heavily female, but Delphox brings it back by having the wizard jutsification.

I do agree with your general point though that Fennekin was probably the most cutesy and girly of the three, if only due to being a fluffy fox rather than a rat or frog.
To be fair, with pokemon bank, you can already just start the game, get your starter, bank it, and start over. That'll give you a team of 6 and probably net you a female as well.

It's a sort of defunct issue.
At least for SM that won't be an issue for the first 2+ months. Also it means that you paid money for a service that mostly people use who are already attached well enough to the franchise. They probably don't worry about those people much.
You are objectively wrong.
>Delphox brings it back with the wizard justification
OK, that true to an extent, but you forget that delphox literally has a outward chest, fucking hips, and rather thick eye outlines which all normally suggest female qualities so even if it looks like a wizard, it's most likely a wizard with a vagina or a post op tranny wizard
>outward chest

This is mostly due to the weirdness of posing in the official art, as well as the fact that it's figure is rather obscured by thick fur.

>thick eyeliner

Literally what

Delphox hardly looks feminine at all if you know the inspiration, wheras Poppmaid has a literal feminine inspiration.
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