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>Leaks 100% confirmed How does it feel?

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>Leaks 100% confirmed
How does it feel?
>le lemur is monke meme
Why are leakfags are so retarded
The leaker was Chinese
They probably can't tell the difference
i keep seeing so many """""leaks"""" on this shithole of a board so it is hard for me to keep track on which ones are real and which ones are fake
can you post the "real" one
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Feels good man! lol
>theres going to be a rugby monkey
and behold, a fucking rugby monkey
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Great. These games look flawless.
The chinese leak in this case, use google, Ash-Greninja and Beltigre are now canon
It's japanese name literally contains the word "monkey".
>le not a rugby monke meme
Why are denialfags (are) so retarded?
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I hope the snowman Pokemon lives up to expectations.
>A monkey

are you one of those zodiacfags who say that Fennekin is a dog?
>Beltigre is canon.


>Ash-Greninja is canon.

Not so nice.
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Lemurs aren't monkeys. Monkeys, apes and humans are anthropoids. Lemurs are prosimians.

And which leaks are confirmed? There's been so many different leaked starter final evos that I can't keep track nor believe any of them until OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED BY A LEGIT SOURCE.

Call it "little boy who cried wolf" syndrome.
>le avoiding the key point meme
Why are denial fags so dense?
>why are leakfags are
Nice job retart
>le I'll pretend to be a retard on the internet meme
it's not funny and it never was
post leaks

See >>28670338
Harambe confirmed
Denialfags actually believe this
So if 100% of leaks are confirmed as you claim, that means we have like five different final starter evolutions.

...just saying.
If the Japanese name has monkey in it, I'd assume that it's similar in Chinese. So yeah, leaks confirmed
...and your point is?

Look, I don't believe leaks until they're officially confirmed. End of story.

>leaker got the sports theme right
>it's wrong because it's not the right kind of primate
This + Japanese/Chinese don't have different words for ape/primate/simian/etc. They're all called monkeys.
I don't care for the startes, but I'm hyped for the ice/ghost snowman mon
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>rugby monkey
It's obviously an American Football Lemur.

Leakfags BTFO.

That's what I would be saying if I was a complete retard or in utter denial.
These will probably be the second worst starters assuming no day/night forms
Robinhoot=good 7.5/10
Poppmaid=4/10 bad
Luchalitten=2/10 trash
the original Chinese leaks are confirmed
they say starters are a wrestler, siren and archer
that's it

do yourself a favour and stop posting
I'm honestly surprised they showed it off. I figured with all the proven leaks going around they wouldn't put the "rugby monkey" or the other well known leaks in the trailers.
Being this much of an absolutist is fucking retarded mate.
So wait...
no new Eeveelution?
>sports theme simian leaked
>not thinking its confirmed now
Blame the idiots making so many fake leaks.
So what else is left from the leaker?
many of the reveals have confirmed the chinese leaks at least, the majority of them have had at least one thing predicted by that leak. so its fair to assume the rest of it that hasnt happened yet, like a snowman pokemon, will.
I've been a "denialfag" since Roothoot but it's getting kinda hard to ignore the evidence at this point.
I hope the leaks aren't real since I hate Poppmaid and Luchalitten but hey at least Rowlarcher looks alright.
Well, I mean if I had actual leaks, I would sneak a fake Pokemon description in alongside all the real information. Just to fuck with people. So he's got a point.
How stupid can you be?
The leak said there is a rugby monkey (lemur), a sea cucumber, a poison/fire pokay and that the starters would be archer, wrestler and siren.
How much in denial can someone be.

>Hurr maybe the starters are faked to disguise the real leaks in there.
Denialfags are in so much denial they think rugby monkey was just a lucky guess/coincidence because "hurr lemurs aren't monkeys"

You leakfags are so incredibly vague.
obviously, they didnt show any next to eevee in the dex image, its an odd numbered gen, no new evo in the z move animation.
What else did these leaks say that hasn't been revealed yet?
The Chinese leak and Riddler, faggot. The only leaks that have been so correct
Not denial. Just not trusting you idiots.

And if the starter evos are real? They look awful and I'm boxing mine.

its been stated multiple times in this thread
If it said a new monkey mon that would be a lucky guess but the leaks specified a rugby monkey; and we got a rugby monkey. why are denialfags so autistic.
Shut up. Stop trying to punch holes in my guard.
Give me a fucking link, you dense motherfucker.
Nobody claims every leak is confirmed you dumbass. They are saying the Chinese leaks are due to the fact of this fucking pokemon being shown. How the fuck would somebody just randomly think of a rugby based """"""monkey""""""" as a coincidence? We most likely have siren, wrestler, and archer starters, and POSSIBLY another form for the finals but I wouldn't count on that.
the final starter evos everyone argues about every day, luchalitten etc

a snowman pokemon

greninjash being in the games
Seriously. It's a primate playing a type of football. That's a pretty fucking specific thing to "guess"
How did the Chinaman get the leak?
anyone have the image? i dont have it saved and cant be arsed to dig it up.
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Snowman pokemon.

Slightly outdated leak compilation. Leak 3 is already debunked entirely.
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The Chinese Leak.

>Got Totem Pokemon right, albeit poorly translated as "Overlord".
>Got no gyms right.
>Got Archer, Wrestler, and Siren final evolutions for starters right.
>Got Rockruff evolving into a werewolf right.
>Got salandit, the sea cucumber, rugby monkey, and mushroom right.

Assuming the rest is true, or at worst a misinterpretation/mistranslation, we are very likely to be getting both a Dolphin and Snowman Pokemon.
The snowman Pokemon will be Water/Ghost because it's melting in the Alolan sun
Don't forget Morellul the mushroom mon it also mentioned
>Ash Greninja
>starter final evos are an archer, wreslter and siren (water/fairy?)
>you make an e4 and challenge them
>toucan pokemon

From what i can remember.
Theres snow in Alola tho.
>Implying leaker gives a fuck about the specific genus of the leaked pokemon.
>Implying GF gives a fuck about specific genus of animals they base pokemon of.

>Starts off as a pure Ice-type snowball.
>If it evolves on Alola's winter peaks, it becomes an Ice/Fighting snowman.
>If it evolves on Alola's beaches, it becomes a Water/Ghost haunted puddle.
Does this leaks say something about Megas? Like if they're are going to return or whatever
The average dumb chink would look at this picture and think it's a lemur
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>"the royal three" is what we call "starters" in Chinese. It's archer, wrestler and siren."

Fuck. Some part of me was hoping Litten evo wouldn't be real.
I like this concept.
>captcha: Allwetterbad
japanese isn't canon
>Fire starter can't breathe fire. Must use belt.
>Water starter is feminine, despite starters having higher ratio of being male.
>Owl starter looks like falcon.

Japanese: Nagetsukesaru (saru means monkey)
French: Quartermac (mac comes from macaque)
German: Quartermak (mak comes from makake)
Mandarin: Tóuzhíhóu (hóu means monkey)

But no, it's not a monkey at all!
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>people getting baited by the 'lemur isn't a monkey so the leaks are fake' trolling
Yes, the leak says that megas are gone, unfortunately
I mean a monkey.

Don't get sciencey on me. Don't care if they are related or not. lemurs look like monkeys.
No one gives a fuck what your autistic ass believes
I'm pretty sure the real leaks say nothing about them. But I feel like they'd only mention them if they were gone
What's the vjiln ;rsl sgson&
It's still a lemur. Even outside of talking about leaks, people call it a monkey. IT'S A FUCKING LEMUR! IT'S A RUFFLED LEMUR! NOT A MONKEY!
Oh hey look it's that language they speak in China. Like the FUCKING CHINESE LEAKS
>doesn't understand lemurs and monkeys are both species of primates.
Did you have a stroke?
>Says the guy who replied to me. =)
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>Mega of my bro possibly not coming back
>don't even know how to green text
Fuck off reddit
Who I can trust?

All its names literally refer to monkeys and not lemurs. Get over it.
Why you always lying!?
Which leak?
>denial fags would be this dumb to call it american football
I don't even play sports and am not even american (I'm Japanese, currently living abroad in Scotland) and I know that that ball is not a Football.
Both, mega stones are available through microtransactions
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It feels the BEST, anon.
>Water starter is feminine
That didn't stop them from having Braixen as a starter Pokemon evo. In fact it is probably the most popular Fire starter after Shillizard, and I'm pretty sure it looking rather feminine has something to do with that.
Reading that in south park voice. very nice job anon
I'm warming up to the final stage of Rowlet. The other two look stupid.
Shitty because despite this, there will still be denialfags and the shitposting will not end.
> Simian in name

> Lemurs are not simians

Is GF retarded?
Of course they are, why has it taken you this long to realise Pokemon was made by a fucking autist!?
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if it looks like this i will be hype as fuck.
Lemurs are prosimians, or the OG simian as we call them in the streets.


Seems like they're still going for a RPG class theme this time as well.

>Monk (More like Sabin in FFVI)
>Bard I guess, could be healer or something
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There is, though.
I don't think they care very much about leaks, especially when the leaks are just descriptions and not images
Mmm...you mad? =D
This is the same country that calls dinosaur fossils "dragon bones" and a steam train an "iron rooster"

How does that change that GF considers it to be a monkey and that the leaker isn't wrong by calling it a monkey?
>The Demon Litten is real
I've known this would be true for months now but now I can sleep easy.
This'll be my first gen with a fire starter.
Refresh my memory, was this the same leaker that said the PWT was coming back or was it the same leaker that said it wasn't coming back?

People need to also assume that this is specifically for Pokemon Moon

Since he only seems to know the werewolf and not regular

We still don't know the "secret" rockruff shares with the starters

It's possible the leak of Siren archer wrestler are Moon specific
Spiders aren't bugs yet galvantula and sipnarak are bug type WHAT THE FUCK pokemon doesn't adhere to zoology i am so mad
Simian doesn't just refer to monkeys. You said it did, dumbass.

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theres a lot of wiggle room on details and styles even with the same design, for example, it looks like shit here
I mean, Game Freak considers Blastoise to be a shellfish, so the difference between different kinds of primates is pretty minimal already in comparison anyway.
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Why do people keep saying it's a lemur? Lemurs aren't simians and all its names reference monkeys. You know that monkeys can have black and white fur right?

This is almost as bad as people saying Pyukumuku is a sea bunny or whatever the fuck people were making up
Simian isn't monkey specific

Also Lemur's are a type of primate

It's still valid
I keep seeing "so this means alt forms for starters confirmed" but that did not originate with the Chinese leaks correct?
>says Lemurs aren't simians
>Lemurs are classified as "ProSIMIANS"
...are you retarded?

Pyukumuku is a mix of a sea cucumber and a sea bunny

Lemur's are a type of primate

Simian is different but still in a similar classification

This isn't the first time

Infernape line switches between apes and chimps
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Yeah the leak is real

But we have to also assume that the Starter evo's are Moon specific since he only got the Werewolf form of Rockruff's evo which is confirmed Moon specific

We had a theory abou day and night time

But it's fully confirmed that specific versions get specific evolutions

So it's not crazy to think the starter's will get it too
Spiders are bugs, anon. They're just not insects. Bugs are just land-dwelling, multi-legged arthropods.

Blastoise is only called a shellfish in the English translation. It's the Shell Pokemon in Japanese.
Bug isn't a taxonomical term, it's an informal one generally referring to all terrestrial arthropods including both insects and arachnids.

Monkey, in the standard parlance, is also an informal classification which typically includes all simians except for humans. But monkey is very seldom used in reference to prosimians, who are generally less well known as a taxonomical classification and as such are usually referred to on a species by species basis.

You're also forgetting the fact that the rugby monkey (Sun version was mentioned but the sage monkey (Moon version) was made no mention at all.

what gives
That doesn't make them simians retard.

>hurr cars are a type of carpet because carpet has CAR in it

That's nice. It's still not a lemur though.

>People need to also assume that this is specifically for Pokemon Moon

Except the rugby monkey is exclusive to Pokemon Sun.
Lemurs are prosimians.
>lycanroc has two completely different forms
>not two seperate pokemon
>two seperate forms for the same pokemon
why? every other day/night evolution just split off into two different pokes
>But it's fully confirmed that specific versions get specific evolutions

No it's not. NONE of the reliable leaks say or even imply starters have split evos and nothing ever stated they have the same gimmick as Rockruff.
Simians aren't prosimians.
Did the leak confirm Ash Greninja?

I forgot.
>meowstic has two completely different forms
>not two separate pokemon
>two separate forms for the same pokemon

because GF decided thats how this pokemon works
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Ok. Not simian. Prosimian. Its a lemur.
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Are we posting random images of animals now? Ok
Are you just trolling or actually this brain-damaged?
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Don't really care. They're most like 75-80% confirmed.
No shit, its a fucking lemur. Passimian is a lemur(prosimian), not a simian. That's what we're trying to tell you.
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Most up to date leaks
No. It's not. Its Japanese name literally has "saru" in it. "Saru" = monkey.

Are you going to start arguing lemurs are monkeys now?
Gamefreak is out of ideas so they are taking them from the fake leaks
...no yellow eyes, desu.

The pokemon's a lemur. Deal with it.
He mentioned the rugby monkey, though. That's a Sun exclusive.
Riddler actually did hint to Oranguru. He had a picture of an Onmyoji which is what Oranguru is based off of

But mister masuda this is not your game.
Fuck that sucks. I hate Ash Greninja. I wish it never existed. Now synchros will become a big thing in the next games.

Pretty hype for the Snowman and Marshadow though. Dolphin might be cool too.
But that's gender differences and it's available in both X and Y. A split Evo based on version is stupid beyond belief
>not realizing Japan doesn't has a word for an animal native to Africa, so they use the closest descriptive word they have.
Are you? Apparently you didn't read my entire post.

But it's not a prosimian. It's just a simian. Read my first post again.

No where does it say that Lusamine is Lillie's Mother
It's name is PASSIMIAN.
and an evo based on trading for a specific counterpart wasnt? let the damn games that were designed to force you to interact with other players do whatever dumbfuck thing they want to force you to interact with other players.
>gender ratio autism

Reminder that it's for starter rarity, and Eevee has a higher chance of being male for the same reason (and it also has feminine looking evolutions yet no seems to bat an eye). The Pokemon where masculinity/femininity matter have a 25/75 ratio or have a 100% chance of being one gender.

The "real leaks" leak has it's own duds

Ash Greninja's dead at this point and should've been shown while the popularity was still there

also the amount of Pokemon I subjective

It's already near gen 6 levels
Yeah? And what's your excuse for the French and German names? Fuck, they even reference a specific species of monkey that has white fur. You're an idiot.

Google "makak." They have yellow eyes.
It works either way, so that doesn't really help prove your point.

Pass + simian = passimian

You're pulling the "pro" part out of your ass.
There's a lot of dumb evolutions. Just because there's a lot doesn't make them more tolerable
i think you're missing the point, it isnt a dumb evo, its a trade incentive.
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>leaker said there'd be a sea cucumber pokemon
it was confirmed
>leaker said there'd be a mushroom pokemon
>leaker said there'd be a rugby monkey type thing pokemon
>name has simian in it
>clearly based off of rugby
its was confirmed

So you do believe in the leaks then. Gotcha.

It's likely the leakers are all going by future promotional material.

It's why both the Chinese leak and the riddler have basically only had prerelease reveals so far.
Makaks looking nothing like the lemur pokemon, desu. x3
So what will Marshadow be?

Obviously ghost or dark in there cause of shadow

marsh sounds swampy.

what would the unique combination be?
No shit sherlock.

You leakfags are too easy to bait.

Even easier is the retard who thinks Passimian isn't a lemur.
>Chinese for Lemur is Hú hóu
>Chinese for Monkey is Hóu

It seems pretty easy to confuse them if you're not fluent in Chinese. Pretty weak bait, I might add.

Leaker said no gyms and specifically named trial captains as the replacement.

Leaker said Overlord Pokemon (Jap term for Totems) and whatever the Japanese term for Kahuna's was.

Leaker confirmed Salandit.

The only thing left is snow ghost.
But I already googled makak today.

Then why does its name in 2 different languages refer to macaques?
Because you touch yourself at night, desu. =3
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>Japanese name - ナゲツケサル/Nagetsukesaru
saru = monkey
kitsunezaru = lemur

>French name - Quartermac
mac -> macaque = a type of monkey

>German name - Quartermak
same as above

>English, Spanish, Italian, Russian name - Passimian

>Chinese name - 投擲猴/投掷猴
猴 = monkey
狐猴 = lemur
Yeah. Someone should change it to "has a lot of resemblance with Lillie" or something like that.
A dolphin is coming too, I think /vp/ will be happy since that has been a wish for years.

So are both sides right?
So lemurs are calle "fox monkeys"? That's awesome.
Charmeleon isn't a chameleon.

Don't be so literal, desu.

Look at its yellow eyes, poofy fur and tail, and tiny hands and feet. It's a lemur.
Guys, its probably a lemur, a ruffed lemur to be somewhat precise. The colorations are pretty spot on. This however, does nothing to disprove chinese leak, and actuall confirms 100% The leaker wasnt a gamefreak official, it looks like a monkey, he said it was a monkey.
Its also still playing rugby
This guy gets it.
You guys need to look at the actual text.

Now of course it's still a translation but they wrote "Logo diamonds cause Pokemon to transform shape, **like** Ash-Greninja" That does not say that Ash-Greninja is in the game. It's drawing a parallel.
I literally don't care anymore.
I gave up on the starters from the beginning, and even moreso when the leak started to seem more real. I always knew they would end up awful.

I do fucking hate leakers, though. Ruining the fun and surprise for everyone is a dick fucking move.
All you denialfags need to hang your heads and admit defeat on this one.

I'll be honest in that I've been a denier for awhile, not because I didn't believe the leaks, but mainly because I was frankly dissatisfied with the final starter evos and hoped they weren't real.

I've loved some of the things from this generation, and ive hated some. Salandit and Oranguru are some of the best designs i've seen. Bewear and Dragon Palm Tree are some of the worst. Alolan forms are a cool idea, if they're pulled off well. The no gyms idea doesn't sit well with me, and I don't like the Ultra beasts at all.

The point is, none of the games are perfect. They all have some good aspects, and some terrible ones. This game is trying things differently, and it may be a really bad idea in the end, so some people won't like that. I understand being a denier, and I understand being a healthy skeptic.

But if you unironically think that this motherfucker isn't a rugby monkey, and that it doesn't confirm the leaks, you're a literal fucking retard.
Ok, but that doesn't change the fact that it's still called a monkey and the leaker is still correct.
for some of us this IS the fun. if you want to go in blind then dont hang out in the places that spoil shit. i gave up after BW though, knowing the broad strokes isnt going to ruin the experience of seeing the story firsthand
>>Leaks 100% confirmed
They aren't, there's still things in the leaks that are unconfirmed.
you dont HAVE to be here, also what is the difference between knowing the same amount of shit 4 months ahead compared to now? i mean first off, you dont know if its real until they start giving you information anyway

so you just end up knowing just as much as they give you in the first place, leaks outside of actual gameplay footage end up just being speculative until the source proves it
>literally "I was only PRETENDING to act stupid."

Okay then.
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The Chinese leaker probably said it was a monkey because the Chinese name for Passimian has monkey in it.
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>4 relevant leaks
>3: The "split evos" leak
>Things it got right: Nothing so far
>Things it got wrong: Mentioned gyms when there's none

Why is this a 'relevant leak' exactly?
Well that would be cool,
No no, the leaks that were confirmed today were 100 percent confirmed.
because it was posted everywhere when all the leaks started in earnest, it's 'relevant' to the conversation about leaks because people still talk about split evos for the starters being possible due to 'sharing a secret' with rockruff
so its confirmed a FOOTBALL LEMUR
rugby doesn't have a quarterback
That one is outdated, the most recent one is in that post, where the split evo leak is just covered up. These don't seem to get spread around or updated much, so its gonna be a while before that one takes off I figure.
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Pretty much on the same boat as you, man. Although I'm trying my best on giving a chance to Popplio, but I legitimately do not care for its final evo and I really tried to give all of the final evolutions a chance, I really did.

Chink leakers a shit and this whole tribal fight shit between leak fags and denial fags only made me even less hype. Shit flinging left and right, this long strenuous waiting on confirming shit and only ending up disappointed as fuck. Man, my opinion probably wouldn't change much, but I'd much have preferred to learn about the final evolutions and other shit not long before the release, at least there wouldn't be any of this shit.

People keep giving me shit on not wanting the final evos to be real, but quite frankly, it's not so much the fact that I don't like them, but rather, that I wish that we weren't spoiled this fucking early only because I know how asinine this board can be over the littlest shit. I guess I liked to think that, maybe Game Freak had something completely different to give to us.

It's weird, because with shit like the 5th gen trio and Hawlucha and Greninja and the Fairy type stuff, I was pretty much "alrighty then" and thought of them as real and didn't really mind them that much, but then these starters came and I just feel completely underwhelmed by them and all this war and shit didn't help at all either, along with the waiting and the leak fags wanting to prove a point and the denial fags trying their best probably to think this wasn't just all that Game Freak had planned for the starters' final evos.

Well, at least the middle stages are still a surprise, although I shudder to think how they look like, but maybe I won't be so apathetic towards them. I always tend to like middle stages most of the times.
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Good version
Well, you can't fix shit taste.
The Chinese leaker probably said it was a monkey because he isn't an autistic faggot who nitpicks taxonomy.
holy fuck the amount of denial is unreal
That's a lemur as fuck face, satan.
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>>Got Archer, Wrestler, and Siren final evolutions for starters right.

This is not confirmed, don't try to use another leak as confirmation of your leak when the other leak is not confirmed.

I agree with you design wise

But the leak that states Rugby monkey also said

>Archer, Wrestler, Siren
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but he's not talking about riddler. he's talking about the "chinese leaks" that were translated by a couple of people.
>Implying I want surprises
Fuck you, nigger.

I literally want to know EVERYTHING right fucking NOW.

Not everyone is le ebin blind experience faggots

Looks like I'm ditching Poppmaid for Lucha Litten

No hard feelings though, I like Poppmaid

But this is the first time I ever liked a fire starter since Typhlosion
>Dark rattata
>Rugby ape
What else are we getting?
I know, sad to be you, isn't it? =P

>doesn't understand trolling
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>leaks said rugby monkey
>so fucking specific
>we now have rugby monkey
stop being a retard

You don't have to browse during leak season you troglodyte. You could even hide threads if you are so desperate to avoid leaks.
The chinks also said there'd be a snowman. Still waiting for that, but I definitely don't doubt there is one.

It might not be considered important enough for a trailer, but given pretty much every pokemon so far has been shown off in one, it might too.
Actually bug is a term that describes a very specific type of insect, Hemiptera, which would include things like shield bugs and stink bugs.
It will be the first Poison-type legendary.
>damage control
Dark/Fairy obviously.
I think it'd be more Poison/Fairy.

After all, that'd make it the first Poison legendary.
How the fuck is it not confirmed when Mallow is right there on El Tigre's concept sheet?
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This needs to be updated with a "things yet to be revealed", so we can see how much of the leaks are left

The remaining Chinese leak info left to be officially revealed is the starter evos, the dolphin, and the snowman, correct?
A snowman
A dolphin pokemon

Marshadow is a unique type combination
Honestly, even the japanese name for Lemurs have Saru in their name (Kitsunezaru, literally, Fox-Monkeys).

It wouldn't been different of calling an Orca Pokémon "Whale". It is not a Whale, but is called a Whale in many languages.
Of course it is.
It's the only lifeline the denialfags have, after all.
They're so fucking stupid I wouldn't be surprised if some of them went into catatonic denial and go full autistic retard when it becomes impossible to deny once they get revealed. Shit like 'Well he's not actually a heel' or 'Its not a siren, its a mermaid' while crying.
>People always shit monkeys, whether it be a gorilla, chimp, or even a lemur.
>rugby/football primate is shown

A new flavor of denial.
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I just want sure confirmation of Ash-Greninja being ingame. The Chinese leaks sure mention it, but it's still not 100% confirmed.

I just want this shit so much.
Fuck the image. Have this

Really? Please show me the dolphin pokemon, please show me the snowball pokemon.

Unless you mean the parts of the leaks that were confirmed are confirmed in which case, your argument is a tautology.
>the leaks that were confirmed today
not him, but he's obviously not talking about the dolphin/snowball pokemon.
>But the leak that states Rugby monkey also said
>>Archer, Wrestler, Siren
Yes, and? Just because a leak that has been right has said something, that doesn't mean it's confirmed.

Because there's still the possibility that it's fake, not final or otherwise not in the game for one reason or another.
There are still people in denial.
>A leak that has been right

This leak has been constantly and terrifyingly right. Salandit,Morelull Pyukumuku, Lycanroc Passimian, Totem Pokemon, Z Crystals, No gyms...
>still thinking the starters could be possibly wrong after all of this

wew lad
denialfags, everyone
>Mushroom - Morellul
>Sea Cucumber - Pyukumuku
>Rugby Monkey - Passimian

I've stayed pretty neutral up to this point because I didn't want to get my hopes up for either side to be true, but it's looking pretty clear that the Chinese leaks are true. I mean, all of the above examples are way too specific to deny, but a Pokemon that LOOKS like a monkey and has qualities that LOOK like a rugby player is incredibly specific to get right, pedantry notwithstanding. Are people not going to accept the snowman because "HURRR SNOWMEN HAVE CARROTS IN THEIR NOSES!"?

The starters are a little unorthodox and very polarizing, sure, but they certainly aren't my least favorite, and people expecting GF to use fan ideas are just setting themselves up for disappointment.
Particularly about gyms and totems
Nobody in their right mind would invent about no gyms or recurrent wild pokemon bosses in a Pokemon main game, is crazy, nobody would have predicted or invent this
>Thinks Delphox is the most popular fire starter after Charizard

Just don't engage them, they're either trolls or people who hate the starters so much that they're attempting to substitute this reality with their own because they can't stand the idea of accepting that their worst fear is actually going to happen.

He didn't say Delphox, he said BRAIXEN.
Those are part of the same leak as the Rugby Monkey.
And their worst fear isn't that they don't like the starters. Deep down that's just a secondary fear - the primary is that they're wrong on the internet. If they'd shut the fuck up, no one would know.

As it is though they're just spreading that ass wider and wider for the inevitable insertion.
When the snowman Pokemon got inevitably revealed, I'm expecting an argument like this:
>It doesn't have a carrot nose, so it's not a snowman!

>there's still the possibility that it's fake
Are you honestly saying (or implying) that there's an equal chance that the leaks might be fake or real?

That's delusional.
>neutral that goes to the winning side

Good. You have chosen wisely, anon, I promise you. Enjoy building your Pokemon league.
Why do people believe the leaks from a person whos too dumb to know what a lemur is?
I'm already laughing at this prediction
Yes, but that in no way precludes the leak from containing false information.

>>still thinking the starters could be possibly wrong after all of this
Please explain to me how you know for certain that the leaks are absolutely 100% real and the final designs used in the game.
I'm gonna take the bait and counter with

If the only thing you can say makes it false is
>They don't know what a lemur is
I think you might want to just leave. Not out of anger, but concern, before you hurt yourself.
because everybody calls any primate a monkey, you don't fucking see people going around saying "it's not a monkey, it's a chimp/gorilla"

yes everyone is too dumb including you for overestimating people on LEMURS
Because not everyone is a zoologist? Or that not everyone care that a lemur is different from a monkey?

Fun fact: Do you know people still mistook spider as an insect?
>Are you honestly saying (or implying) that there's an equal chance that the leaks might be fake or real?
No, learn to read what people actually say and not what you want them to say.
>why do people believe the leaks from a "dumb" who actually have real info?
The JP name for Totems is Overlord if I recall
>what is the "Things it got wrong:" column
I wouldn't mind if the trio was confirmed, but holy fuck just wait until GF announces it already.
Speaking of which, don't jump the gun and say that they're confirmed you dumb cunt.
Sol - Sun
Luna - Moon
Mars - Fucking Mars. The theme with the legendaries is celestial bodies.
Why the hell would a leak that has been accurate up until now in regard to so many different things suddenly have false information?
Dark for the Eclipse aspect
Fire for the 'Mars'
it's not a lemur though

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, buddy.
>Imperfect information from source
>shits and gigles
Use your imagination anon.
I just fucking hate the starter evos, so much so that I was a denialfag for a while, but I gave up after Mallow.

Looks like this is the 2nd gen that I'm dumping my starter, sorry Rowlet, but it just won't work out between us.
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Denialfags certainly do have imagination.
Stop trying to make your meme happen, bro.

Who fucking cares?
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I did, in fact, read what you (or that anon) wrote.
The only thing I can get is that the post seems to lean too much on the (small) possibility that it might be fake.
I can understand being skeptical, but at this point in time it's rather foolish to bring that up.
What meme? It isn't a lemur.

>a species of monkey

>a species of monkey

>literally monkey in chinese

>literally monkey in chinese

all monkeys. No lemur.
Literally who fucking cares, people still argue about what Typhlosion is.
Wuv u too, shmoopise-doo.
The Chinese leaks have yet to be wrong, but they DO lack some details you'd think would be there; namely, Lycanroc's day form. I've accepted that the shitmons and Rowlett3 are probably real. But I'm hoping with every fiber of my being that Chinaman's info was incomplete on the starters too.
>Being this autistic.
Wew, lad.
>Being open to the possibility that you are wrong is bad.

This is why we have these bullshit threads so goddamn often. Because anyone who has even a shred of doubt or even the clarity to know the difference between something confirmed and something that is likely to be true is a "denialfag" that you must "BTFO".

>The only thing I can get is that the post seems to lean too much on the (small) possibility that it might be fake.
>I can understand being skeptical, but at this point in time it's rather foolish to bring that up.
Really? It's foolish to distinguish between something confirmed and something that has strong evidence when that thing is being used as evidence? I'd say trying to rely on something unproven to prove something is exactly the time to make that distinction.
>Jew bank robbed me of money today
>Jew Japs robbed me of a good starter
Lovin' live mates.
"Werewolf" applies to both forms actually. "Lycan" specifically refers to werewolves and the chinese name explicitly has "werewolf" in it
>officially confirmed
So you only "believe" leaks when they are no longer relevant?
I just read some of the chinese leaks and I dunno, seems pretty on point.
>people still care of Marshadow
Is confirmed to be a mythical. The third legendary is just Zygarde, the Earth between sun and moon
I think he means ones that get confirmed in a trailer put out by the Pokemon Company, desu.


do you have any supporting evidence that there was a mistranslation, it was done for laughs, or any of these made up scenarios? No. Meanwhile, there's actualy evidence supporting these leaks.

so yeah, no shit you're going to get ridiculed. It's not rocket science.
>Meanwhile, there's actualy evidence supporting these leaks.
>so yeah, no shit you're going to get ridiculed. It's not rocket science.
See, this is why I keep calling you faggots retarded, you don't actually read what people type, just what you want them to. I never denied that they were real you drooling moron, I just said that we cannot know for sure that they are 100% accurate, and that we shouldn't treat the things contained within them as a certainty. And if you think that is unreasonable or worthy of ridicule then you are literally so dumb that I am unsure how you manage to operate your computer well enough to post on 4chan.
Yes exactly. So when the information is confirmed its irrelevant that there was a leak in the first place.
>Really? [...]
Ah, so that's what you meant. Sorry for mistaking you with the people who goes "hurr durr it's fake no btfo" then.

That being the case, I'd still say it's foolish to bring up skepticism now, especially after the trailer.
Everyone - both leakfags and denialfags - are at full throttle to the point where, to quote what you said:
>anyone who has even a shred of doubt [...] is a "denialfag"
We don't know if LuchaLitten can't breathe fire. Hell, every fire starter besides Charizard typically doesn't breathe fire in the first place.

We've had feminine starters before. The entire Chikorita line, Servine, Braixen, Delphox, Blaizken
First tri-typed Pokemon? Dark/Ghost/Pyschic
>complains about no one reading posts but completely ignores the question pointing out why his possibilities of these being fake don't make sense
>throws a hissy fit like a child

Someone needs to take a break.
corocoro said they "share a secret"
I'm neither a denialfag or leakfag; I'm just happy to get a lemur pokemon.
>houndour line
*squee* Cute lemur!
Anyone else naming their Passimian Zoboomafoo?
The particular chain you were responding to started when an anon was using the evo leaks as evidence for the chinese leaks. There's just a complete dearth of skepticism from huge parts of /vp/.
It's pissed me off that there's been people seemingly 100% convinced since the leaks were first announced. Now, sure, the chinese leaks and the evo leaks are most likely true, but there's been people attacking others for being "denialfags" longer than there's been any evidence for any of them and it just boils my piss to see them attack any form of skepticism.

>ignores the question pointing out why his possibilities of these being fake don't make sense
You're just saying "You can't prove they are wrong so they must be right". You're saying they are absolutely 100% true with no room for doubt because... why? They got other things right? That's no reason to completely suspend any doubt, anon.
Get out.
>there's been people attacking others for being "denialfags" longer than there's been any evidence for any of them
Nice revisionism
Fantastic rebuttal.
But the leaks can't be 100% confirmed. They all have incorrect info mixed in with real info. At best the good ones are 89% confirmed cause that's how much is actually right or hasn't been shown yet.
>feigning innocence
>ignoring the constant board spam of "HURR HURR! BTFO denialfags!"
Typical leakfaggotry.
Not attacking skepticism, attacking retardation. It's fine to be skeptical. Cautious optimism is also good. Autistically twisting reality though, tends to be the name of their game.
wow a lot of people took this bait
Eh, I really don't think this fartknocker deserves the effort, y'know?
*nuzzles your rawr* xD!!

That's you.

That's how you sound.
No it didn't. It said the starters "also have a secret".
Oh please, do you really not remember all of the "I CAN'T WAIT FOR DENIALFAGS TO BE BTFO" in the evoleaks threads before Mallow was revealed. Hell, people were saying the same thing in Ballio threads. /vp/ just latches onto leaks hard after Wottergate Hawlucha and Greninja.

>Not attacking skepticism, attacking retardation. It's fine to be skeptical. Cautious optimism is also good. Autistically twisting reality though, tends to be the name of their game.
Not saying there aren't instances of that, see: the lemur shit in this thread, but there's also plenty of attacking skeptecism as well. Some people just pick a side and fight to the death for it. Hell, I believe the leaks are real and get dogpiled on the regular for bringing up alternative explanations.
Nope. Try again. I don't like your pizzas.
>I don't like your pizzas.
What did he mean by this?
We're too deep into these leaks. Anyone denying them at this point is either retard or trying too hard to bait.

In any case, this is just bringing me back to the days when denialfags thought Unova was Shanghai or some shit and not New York
Fuck me for misremembering, just trying to clear things up
Anything it gets wrong is ignored or thrown in the things it got kinda right category.

It does seem pretty concrete at this point, although there are some things that could have just been guessed.
Your Seaweasle is going to be a dude. It's a fucking Seaweaslewatertranny. That instantly makes it worse then wrestlecat, who is also suck.

I'm fine with this. I'll run the owl, and then box my starter on playthroughs after that.
And then Game Freak said it was New York and people were saying "Maybe they just meant Castelia City!"
I hope we get a Ghost/Fighting type this gen. Marshadow, please be my saviour.
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