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ITT we post fakemon Good art, terrible art, neat concept or

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ITT we post fakemon

Good art, terrible art, neat concept or just something you really like
Has a mega too
Literally my moms werewolf.

But I've seen this guys art though most are bland I enjoy some.
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Kek yeah

Theres only a handful of people on deviantart with actual talent but hes deffenetly one of them
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Inb4 le ebin I posted it again mom
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Here's an idea of mine
I feel like this would be a better design if it didn't look so much like Simisear

would team/10

whats the context for it?
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the best water fakemon starter ive seen in my life
>it just gets bigger
>aping Sharpedo

It literally just gets bigger
Well, takes all kinds I guess.
Its supposed to be based on spoiled pets
Thats why it has all the jewels and gold. Its appearance draws inspiration from the Sphinx Cat.
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This one looks pretty good.
This gets posted in every one of these threads despite how dumb and horribly illustrated it is
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Don't even have time to dump, so I'll just post the two I really like.
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And done.
This guys Fakemon are always either retarded or god tier.
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I'd love to see zygarde have pokemon forms.
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Grass starter line shitscribbles.png
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Is it douchey to post our own stuff?

Either way, here's my attempt at a grass starter. Forgive the shitscribbles, i wanted to throw some character in without actually putting in the effort.

Every single thread and i still never get tired of it.
Meh, out of the few bunch of good DA fakemon artists, Zerudez is the worst in terms of design. Sure, his artwork is well done, but his mons are bland as fuck. Not a single risk on any design ever. It's all furbait, generic fairies or "badass" mons
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Sorry for the shit quality, i had to shoop them together

>mega shartrocious
I Like em, especially the final one, what type would it be?
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damn that's pretty cool. The last stage doesn't have a very pokemon-y feel to it, but I like it
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ugh. these are so perfect. If they every do a fighting Eevee it better have wraps around its legs
Forgot to mention these are the same Pokémon, like Jellicent, but obviously have gender differences. Thinking of giving them a Chinese firecracker pre-vo.

>wanting Eevee Boom
Cool, thanks. Grass/Dark except for the starter, which is just grass.
Yeah i'm trying to get better at emulating styles. I noticed most fakemon tend to be based on this "animal + element" formula, so i tried to get away from that and make one not really based on anything, but it kind of takes away from the pokemon...ness. And even trying not to base it on anything i ended up gravitating to the abandoned lovechild of a Deku scrub and the horrifying puppet monsters from kakurenbo.
screw the pokemoness, that final evolution is fantastic, i would definitely train it
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i took the bet of two different sets of eeveelutions, here's the full sets
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Couldn't find an actual picture of the fakemon but I redrew it from memory. It was Mant-something.
I want a gorilla pokemon that isn't Slaking, but now the chances of that are ruined with the whole Harambe thing.

Mantraco is just what I assumed its name to be.
Praying we get something like this in Sun/Moon. It'd make sense with the whole tropical theme.
>japanese game devs
>Giving even the slightest theoretical microshit about faggot memes
This would've been infinitely cooler than the shitty anime forms we got.

Why the fuck can't snake-Zygarde be the 100% form? It's a great design, and it's intimidating as fuck, rather than just being a giant generic anime robot.
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It's like the Seedot line but not lame, 10/10
Not douchy at all. Looks pretty awesole imo. Is there any story/context behind it or just somethi g you doodled?
back when they revealed the B/W starters they only showed the silhouttes. People ofc tried to fill them in.
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Here's two I drew like 12 years ago. Quality isnt great, but I still feel like the idea is there.
>the poison eeveelution isnt called Scorpeon
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literally just zekrom + volcanion

garchomp line ripoff

>ghost isn't called obliveon

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>that tepig silhouette
>not evolution lime
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Too lazy to draw atm, so I'll just list some of my favorite fakemon concepts I made:
>Coyote pup → Mexican bandit Coyote → John Wayne-esque Cowboy Coyote
>Baby chick suffering from anxiety and low esteem → haughty Frigatebird that literally swells with pride (Pic related)
>Infantry Tortoise → Lieutenant -> General
>Combination of Three Greek Fates and Dere types
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I wish we had a majestic owl Pokémon. Noctowl and Robinhoot don't do it for me, unfortunately.
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It looks good dude, like an eagle owl or something.
Here's mega noctowl
Outside making my own region for fun and needing the starters, not really. Unless you mean for the actual pokemon, then yeah i have some story behind them. Here's a short dex style summary.

>First stage (none of these have names)
Frequently found playing in abandoned jungle temples. They particularly enjoy hiding in dark or obscured areas and pelting explorers with bullet seeds. Their eerie giggles ofter scare away trespassers, so they become very excited whenever they spot a new person to play with.

A skittish and shy pokemon, it hides it's body in a pile of grass and leaves it gathers on the forest floor. When frightened, it uses it's special ability "Hide and Seek" to vanish into a cloud of leaves, and mysteriously reappear elsewhere.

This pokemon is an expert climber, and hides out of sight high in the forest canopy. From there it dangles sticky strings it produces from it's fingertips, in hope of catching it's prey. When a person or pokemon becomes ensnared, this pokemon has the ability to completely control their body movements. It enjoys making it's victims perform for it for it's own entertainment, before disappearing them into a pocket dimension said to exist into it's second head. Though it often amuses itself so much with it's little plays that it laughs itself to sleep.
Fuck this thing looks dumb as shit but it has potential
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Here's my idea fot an ''evil'' counterpart to the Gardevoir line. Based on elves, vampires and the Succubus.
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Here's the evolution.


I want to see it naked
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Does anyone have a higher res version of this?
It's already naked, dummy.
like we needed more furbait
I always love seeing fakemon based on other games
Emboar alternate form confurrmed
I think you meant to say Sharpedomon.
Dunno who posted them but here are the Gen 7 starters.
>fighting is Champeon
Beg to differ
I like it
Fuck yeah street sharks
now this i want
How's this? Water/rock
What the fuck even is that shit oh my god wtf
>the poison eeveelution isnt called Corroseon
whats wrong with the designer
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Honestly it would be a cool boss design for a different RPG but this is like having a vibrant Silent Hill monster as a Pokemon.
Better than Moon Lugarugan
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As much most of this guys fakemon are horrible I think this is one of the coolest Electrosnakes ever
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Love the concept
Not the same anon but maybe instead of ring earrings maybe studded ones?
take out the second stage and then the mon is okay.
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This guy never
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the only 2 fakemon that really stand out to me

Also i wanted Spritzee to be a falmingo
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We will never get such badass legendary
I feel like a lot of their 2nd stages in 3 stage lines are pointless.
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>this is like having a vibrant Silent Hill monster as a Pokemon.
you say that like it's a bad thing
looks like it could be a cool ultra beast
woah, bogleech made fakemon?
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Yup a lot of them actualy.
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i've only seen those ones of his before. and love them, too. sableye deserved so much more than just a mega
>tfw flatwoods monster pokemon never
the Frisbee reference got me to chuckle
Oh god what the fuck Raptor. Is that supposed to be a Lovecraftian horror?
I'll admit, it looks rad but not as a pokemon. I guess it could be an ultra beast now, tho
they look pretty cool, especiall the ground and fighting type. the names suck ass though.
fuck me, i love it!
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I guess I'll dump some I found recently.
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Pokemon Garnet dex:

Heres my favorites while I list their concepts:
-Bombardier beetle line
-Pirate bird line(final evo is a frigate bird)
-Tooth fairies(they need to be official so badly)
-Madarine Duck with ugly duckling motif(buff tough platypus reflects the sleek beautiful vibe from swan)
-Mole Cricket line
-Banshee(needs to be official and part Fairy)
-Radioactive fish
-Rag doll and Teddy bear line(They give me beauty and the beast vibes)
-Zombie line
-Pepper line
-Paper craft line
-Firefish line
-Spider Monkey line
-Chimera line
-Shellfish pun
-Junkyard Robot line
-Amber Sauropod line
-Haunted Skullbug line
-Knight legendary

Lots of good stuff.
This and Cloakroach are still my favorite fakemons of all time.
>50% isn't generic because it has crests
Yeah ok.
>Why the fuck can't snake-Zygarde be the 100% form? It's a great design, and it's intimidating as fuck, rather than just being a giant generic anime robot.
Because Giant robots are better representations of environmental protectors than flimsy ass snakes.
I'm not gonna play S/M unless this is in it now.
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>not including the best one
This electric snake on the other hand is shit
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stalagmite help.jpg
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I can't figure out a final evolution for this line. Fuck. Wat do? What can come after stalagmite and stalactite?
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Best fakemon hands down
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Sure, if you don't consider any other fakemon ever made
Fire/Fairy Chinese Lanterns
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I am retarded, forgot image
It definetly still is one of the better ones made from the sea of meh designs.
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Can I get your honest opinions on these?
The best thing to come out of PokeAus.
They're all equally badass
my sides
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pokeaus stuff.png
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Nah, but THIS though. Everything this dude drew was fucking amazing. I wonder if he's still around.
>That Pairot is great
is that a steel wool fucking ram
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Still hoping this will be completed one day
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>fake, eyeless head
>looks like it's walking on a pair of human hands
Nicely spooky.
>the little clasped feet
would team
That's such a cool idea, but it looks more like an enemy from some other RPG than a pokemon.
Highway Star?
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>Fairy Pterosaur that also looks like a hummingbird
Utter genius. A shame these aren't official. They blow the Eevee line out of the water.

"The rocks surrounding this pokemon's body is a special material that generates electricity when pressure is applied. This pokemon stores the generated electricity in its tail."
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"These rabbit-like pokemon use electromagnetic pulses to heal other pokemon."
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"These pokemon have learned to augment their bodies using human technology. A horde of these pokemon once took over an abandoned Pokemon Center, using the trade machine to evolve."
Stalactites and stalagmites eventually fuse into a rock column, if that's what you're asking.
looks like something outta Naruto

Overdesigned gen 4 pokemon
>Based on poisonous snakes
>not poison/electric

Too bad Bogleech is a Tumblr-tier feminist.
jesus that's terrifying. It's not very "pokemon", but it's great all the same.

would team


this is fresh. Who is the artist?
Rest in peace Rock/electric
the last stage ruins completelly.
Ghost/steel Machamp
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>Le epic harambe kek
Literally Carvanha and Sharpedo Copypaste.
>Lack of fairy type
>Too many pokemon rip-offs
>Only 4 designs are good
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Oh yeah, that's true. Not sure how to make that into a decent-looking Pokemon though... A Pokemon that's a column with a face would look super goofy.
>Killed by pokemon cancer
this is what a fighting/steel type should look like, not whatever lucario is supposed to be.
How the fuck is the pic this big and only 1.19MB.

Stalactite is upper body, stalagmite is lower body. Centaur-like body type
I wanna fuck that griffon
Gonna be honest, I've never been interested much in the whole Eevee line.
But I'd totally train Gryfeon
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You know these aren't good right?
I bet you're happy now, Anon.
Nice designs, horrible names
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I just want an urchin mon
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I know I am. Football monkey confirmed the Chinese leaks.
I want to fug PAWGeon
This one is really creative, I like it.
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Light Pollution.png
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(Muffled Roundabout in the distance)
Eh, Gothitelle looks kinda similar, if you take of the things sticking out of it's head.
Not a bad concept for a rugby monkey, I thought.

inb4 it just gets bigger.
Daybreakm's joltik
city version.
>Literally my Metzen's Mogu
Fucking loses it after the first three.
wtf is this shit? cartoon network?
Literally Stufful and Bewear Monkey edition.
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I keep forgetting about this thread.
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I drew this a few days ago
Steel/electric type
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The evolution, still steel/electric type
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fucking gross.
Literally my mum's dugdozer
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>flatwoods monster
I've been looking at it for years and I still can't deal with it.
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I like it! We could always use more cryptid based Pokemon. I do think the first stage looks better than the second and could work as a single-stager.
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10/10, would add to my team
>gastly eyes
HHHHHHNGH. I miss them so much.
this is meant to be a mega right?
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Okay, gave it another try. I think I actually kinda like this. Thanks for the idea anon!
Anyone else have any pointers?
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Sorry I've been slacking.
Looks like a cock
>atrocious shart
Look, a Rock/Dragon type

7.5/10 nice design anon
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I like the variety in its evolution, good idea to have different urchins as the basis of the different stages.

It doesn't look like an actual evolution line to me though. That is, they don't seem connected and ironically, it looks like it doesn't even get bigger at all. (though the art may not be to scale)

One thing's for certain, the last stage doesn't look like a 3rd stage of anything.
should really just stop at the second stage.

I feel this one's not quite "there" yet, but I like the idea/name.
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walking clock.png
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Daybreakm's joltik
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what you have drawn here is not a pokemon design. you're just drawing monsters for an unrelated series that looks nothing like pokemon.
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I know this is 4chan and it's just the "culture" but why do people on here have to be dickheads for no reason? It's a good design and frankly it's sort of discordant from Pokemon's general style but it could definitely work. I'd probably put it on my team.
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lacks an understanding of angles and perspective. everything is badly aligned.
middle evolution is stupid. just have the first and last one be a 2 stage.

This isn't even a Fakemon, according to the artist.
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this has more to do with a gryphon, phoenix, or harpy than it does a basilisk, and there is already a basilisk based pokemon. it doesn't just mean snake or serpent. adding the bird features makes it not a basilisk anymore. stupid name. you dont understand your own attempts at references.

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From what I remember, this Pokemon is made from a shard of a mirror that witnessed a murder, or something like that. I thought that was cool.
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Gen 4 has the only good pokemon in the franchise you retarded jimmy neutron sjw
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>Gen 4 has the only good pokemon in the franchise you retarded jimmy neutron sjw
Can't tell if you're an actual person or a /vp/ predictive text generator.
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This one should really be normal/ghost.
I fucking love this. Don't care that its hippowdon, it's great
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Haunted rock pokemon, based on the sessho seki
Rock/ghost type
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The evolution, still rock/ghost type
His ability is literally destiny bond incorporated
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>tfw i go around fakemon threads stealing designs for my own pokemon without crediting the true authors

if you can rip GF off so can i do the same to you
pirates know no honor
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actually its more like "literally rubgy monkey Bear edition" since this design has been around before Stufful and Bewear were revealed. Plus the typing isn't the same you grossly autistic fuckwad. If you're going to make the "literally X" argument you could at least make sure all the bases are covered first.
>if you can rip GF off

Please point out any GF ripoffs and why they rip them off
Holy shit.

I had a dream about an electric mammoth pokemon and it looked EXACTLY LIKE THIS.
It's actually a cockatrice
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Thanks for that pointer, anon

Rock/Dragon why exactly? It's supposed to be Rock or Rock/Ground. Pretty much the Geodude line of my region
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I love this thing
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>Rock/Dragon why exactly?

Pssst he's making an Alolan Exeggutor joke cause of the long neck
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It's a joke about Exeggutor probably. I've never cared for "literally rock" Pokemon and the dirt kinda looks like poop but otherwise I like the concept. >>28663116 >>28663175 I do like these though due to incorporating an animal.

Picture is evo of this >>28665316
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Us memers amirite ;)
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really good imo
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if this was real it would almost certainly get my pick as a starter
who is responsible for these? im really liking them
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Who are you quoting?
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>implying oranges are limes
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literally my edgy brother's garchomp
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Yeah that's fair.
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I REALLY like this and whoevers art this is in general. Although the end stage feels a bit like a middle stage and I feel it should have a third stage that's even more draconic, to justify the typing a bit more. Probably quadrupedal.

Image limit reached, I'll make a new thread.
10/10 name
This one on the other hand I have 0 criticisms for. Hedorah is one of my favorite Godzilla monsters and I'd love to have this thing on my team. Do you or this artist have a deviantart or something? I've seen your stuff on here before.

New thread is here guys. >>28668456
Okay I thought I linked the new thread. It's >>28668456 here guys.
Never mind I guess I did. Wasn't showing up for some reason.
>type: deluxe
what does this even mean?
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