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Its Phox Phriday. We post the Phox line here.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 299
Thread images: 151

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Its Phox Phriday.
We post the Phox line here.
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You're enjoying the breeze and Fennekin brings you a flower. What do?
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[X] Pet
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You are not prepared.jpg
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Anyone else maining a Demon Hunter?
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wut gam is dat
She looks like she has a smell I could curl up in bed with and squeeze.
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First for /unova/
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Path of Exile
stick it in its tail
Good taste in ARPGs. Here's an old screenshot of mine from nemesis league.

>tfw ambush league will never happen again
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Just zana it
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Fennekin reply up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" plush photo, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a pokeshit game. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic diaperfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "Oooh!! Fennekin's fox pee pee! Squeak squeak tinkle pretty pee pee ooh warm pisss fox feet and splish and smell of his pee pee while he spurts and warm golden tinkle flows down and smells up his paws OH and his fox anus puckers while his little balls twitch as his pee pee churns and bursts between his legs and the very tip of his urethra splishes a"You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.

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You have been waiting a week to post that haven't you.

He doesn't even post it every week, its someone else/a collection of anons
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If I can make a selfish request of the thread, I'd like to see some Phox wearing cute outfits
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Over the past week I realized that braixen/delphox's legs really turn me on
welcome to the club
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I wish i was a braixen and could cuddle with my trainer
>There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

There's something weird about posting a stale, seen-it-a-dozen-times-before copypasta with this line.

Or is that the joke?
pink madoka a shit
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maid braixen.png
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What doed phox smll like
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braixen in pokken is so lovely
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i love how delphox looks so thin and creep sometimes
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We speak english here, anon.
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dont do that.png
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delet this
>poofs up her cheeks

How dare you insult my choice of clothing!
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This is true

Oh boy.
These threads are bad.
You guys are bad.
>furfags get to have threads whenever they want
>honest gardevoir fans cant even have a single thread because of mod bias
/vp/ is shit
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But anon, you didn't even give a reason
That's pretty rude
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>Decide to stay up all night because I don't want to oversleep for thing I have to do tomrrow morning.
This was a bad idea, but I've passed the point of no return.
Didn't know Friday was every day.
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wew lad
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Yikes. Hope you can stay awake for the morning.
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Delphox is best phox
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Would you stare at phox?
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Hello /vp/
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ded thred, R.I.P.
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Dont let best thread die
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Fuck off, useless tripfag.
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Is not dead. Is just asleeping.
wh-why so rude a-anon?
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I want to become a phox so I can melt marshmallows
>male braixen should have the puffy hip fur around the shoulders instead
True or false?
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but braixens already have puffy fur around the shoulders?

actually, almost every part of phox is very fluffy.
fluffy fur around hip, shoulders and face, ear fluff, an extremely fluffy tail, etc.
poor eevee:o
>tfw will never be small enough to get lost in phox tail
so warm and comfy… as soon as I'd be in there, surrounded by fluff, I would instantly fall asleep
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>you will never wake up to see your Fennekin snuggling with you
>ywn go camping and share marshmallows that you roasted on yoyr magic stick with your trainer
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How intelligent is Phox exactly? Is it sapient like a human?
Weekly reminder that although you guys are still degenerate tryhards I at least hold you in higher esteem than gardefags.

Thank you and have a good Friday.
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What are you doing, phox

Why are you jabbing that violin into your neck
Cheers, Anon. Have a nice weekend.
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What's the comfiest part about phox phriday for you, anons?
Personally, I check the thread before I head to work in the morning, then when I'm off I catch up in the evening, my favorite time of day.
I just weirdly find it nice, especially with the amount of kind anons here that I feel I have seen and conversed with throughout the years.
Expect for bait fag its friendly here and a nice way to spend a friday.
You guys are weird and a disgrace to the human race but at least you're not gardefags.

Thank you for that and happy phox posting.
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Degeneracy in moderation goes a long way.
>bait fag
kinda new in here, explain pls

How is liking the Fennekin line disgracious exactly?
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I'm just dropping by to say how impressed I am, you guys keep it to this one thread a week and don't force it onto everything.
Have a nice friday you fags bonus pic included
Shhh, just accept the compliment.
Its obviously one guy but he comes in here most threads and says the same things like we should all kill ourselves.
Thank you i can add this to my collection.
You know, I went into gen VI mostly blind and I thought that somehow Braixen was the last evo or just not a starter, since everyone only seemed to care about her and not the third evo, which is pretty uncommon.
I decided to start up Y again and I'd forgotten how good the early game was before everything feels rushed. Also picked Fennekin as my starter to mix things up. Braixen is pretty cute.
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>not carrying your child in your gigantic mane
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The gardevoir autists are making fun of us
>tfw damage scaling in pokken will never be good
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they don't have the right to
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Phox dreamers where are you?
I want to hear some stories
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> tfw someone posts your unfinished doodle
Feels good man

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who /k/ommando phox here
that shop looks bad dood.
Coming home from camping soon, no worries anon.
My only wish is that Delphox had a different cry.
I can't take that REEEEEEE shit.

All Gen VI cries are abominations unto mankind.
They ruined my boy Arcanine.
Those bastards.

They ruined EVERYTHING. It's just another reason why Gen VI is trash.
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This doujinn didn't have enough sex in it.
It was all kinds of adorable though.
I want a little Braixen shota that I can /ss/ to death ((´д`))
Yes, definitely was very cute.
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How's your day going, anons?
Funny you ask, today might be the shittiest day of my life. I won't go into detail since this isn't my blog, but I look forward to drowning my sorrows with cute Phox pictures
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Awww, what's wrong, master? Cm'ere, let us share a hug~
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>I won't go into detail
You did already.
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i hope you feel better, anon <3
sounds to me like "feh-neh-kiiiiiiiiiin"

I like it
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Sorry to hear hope phox makes it better.

>not liking fortune cookies
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too much.gif
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Th-those are some nice legs
>tfw I wasn't into legs before the phox line
I have the feeling I may end up a footfag
Stop don't taint this with silly gen wars.
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Legs = feet

That doesn't necessarily make you a footfag.
All the brand new cries are great

The like 10% of old ones they completely changed are trash

The rest of the old ones are the same shit
>implying real fennec foxes don't sound like that

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This thread is my favourite part of fridays.

Posting best phox!
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A sleepy phox appears! What do you do?
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Post more fox.
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I like your style of thinking, anon.

Here is a rare tropical fruit-punch fokko.
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Pretty good so far. Just got back from camping.
>ywn go camping with anons and use your tail-stick to have an easy, warm fire
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why does phox make me so happy
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>sudden explosion of fokko
holy crackers
Let it keep sleeping, or sleep with it.
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Last post from me. Gotta leave space for other phox.
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Maybe I shouldn't fill entire image limit. Sweet dream phox.
People can easily wipe more than half of your entire health off with just one combo, what are you talking about.
My male Braixen has a bashful nature.

What a pussy
Are you gonna bash that bussy?
Anon, I...
create and balance out a house of cards on their sleeping body
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phucking phone company cut my cable line while working somewhere else and I had no net all day
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Just about to post that. Are you a mind reader?!
Pretty chill, went car shopping. Showed the guy my Level 80-something Delphox and my Level 92 Blaziken in X. Also showed him some earrape I made
Also, I found out I could fit in the back of one of the cars and still be able to fit another me in there.
Legs are a classic mid 1900s kink
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I've seen that speech bubble on a million fucking images.
What's the source of this meme?
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Sorry for a late phox dreampost. I was out yesterday and today, and had to find my notes on my last phox dream in my messy abode.
Fortunately for me and my curiosity on what would happen after the dream I had on phriday, my dream continued on Saturday from where it had left off, with me waking up in the trunk of a vehicle. There was a slight inconsistency that I noticed between the dreams though, with me being unbound rather than tied up in this dream and the shape of the car being slightly longer than before. While the rest of this dream was quite pleasant, with anons leading me into a shower and cleaning me off before allowing me to go rest, I am a little disappointed and found it a little bit boring, and was expecting more to happen.
I don't understand what this feeling of disappointment is here for
Hopefully my phox dreams this week yield better results though.
You're probably disappointed at the lack of fugging
stop shilling your writing by disguising it as a dream and just become a writefag for phox threads already.
I still haven't had any phox dreams, but I'm getting better at remembering my dreams in general
I did have a dream about fugging Zoroark tho
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She looks like a comfy fug.
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Are you a phox only type of person, or would you sleep in a bed full of variety?
I could try becoming a writefag though, I guess.
Other foxes are kinda cute, but not as good.
Happy fagging guys. Hope you have a swell weekend.

Thanks for not being cancerous like gardefags.

Bonus phox
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Vulpix is really cute with its hair down.
I want to fall in love with a Ninetales and treat her Culpix like my own child.
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Ok so I might have a slight paw_ fetish, but only if it's obviously sexual
This hill I'm standing on is awfully slick
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cuter than phox tee bee aych
supers are shit unless you use them early in a combo because they have no minimum damage scaling
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Gotchu senpai
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comfiest fox
>tfw will never get bullied into buying all sorts of expensive, extravagant gifts for my Braixen to keep her extra happy
Thanks m8
God I'm so fucking tired of "le epic maymay phox"

This is getting old mike
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Post memes?
nice /trash/ filename
OwO what's this?
Nice /trash/ meme*

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While I do browse /trash/, I saved it here.
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memes to survive.png
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Memes, you say?
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Did someone say memes?
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memes to survive.png
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Did somebody say memes? Because I thought I heard somebody say memes.
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I think I found it. Or at least a version of it with text added.
I don't hug boys.
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requires extreme compression.jpg
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fucking racist
Unless it was the one female among eight in its litter...
good thing that artist draw f e m a l e
if it's a girl, hug
if it's a boy, nah
Shiny Braixen as Deep Specter when?
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He draws female everything else but 99% of the Braixen he draws is male. He even uses his own special tag for it, テル
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Weird, the male symbol didn't show up
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You're posting dudes, dude
>draw a female
>call it a guy
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but why.gif
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>draw something that can't be determined as male/female without genitals
>say it's male for no specific reason
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>tfw when you tab out of merciless lab to open thread for just 5 seconds only to tab back in and
watch your last drop of hp become 0 and see other anons talking about poe
2 monitors dude
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He does it to play off the fact that nobody would want a girly-ass Pokemon like Braixen if it were male. A lot of the art of it is the Braixen being rejected by trainers or being bred with Ditto to produce females.
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But that's not the original text to that image.
That's a sad phox
I really need to get back to that game. I stopped playing around Christmas but I hear there's so much better stuff added since. Looks like new classes (Transcendant/Elementalist), too? Or are those just like Super-Scion and Super-Witch?
supers but yeah they basic you spec into one of three except scion really build defining stuff in them
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I can't help but think about the fate of nipton whenever I see vulpix
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Ascendancy classes. Pretty heavy play-style augmentation.
>be born as a guy
>start wanting to be a phox
That seems like a complicated game
Meanwhile this is the most complicated game I play unless KSP is complicated
Imagine sex with Delphox. On top of a big fluffy cloud zooming through the sky.. Her furry breasts exploding with warm milk as my huge cick goes in and out of her sloppy vagina. Finally, I release my sticky white cum into her, and we grow wings and start flying while still ferociously having sex. Finally, she drowns in my semen and she falls to earth. I fly down, take her corpse home, and have it swallow gallons and gallons of semen. Mmmm...
Yeesh the skill city got even more compex. I'm scared to go back now
>transport simulator
ye son
The rest of that pic is p hot t b h
Link it
I couldn't find it on e621
I suppose it's time for me to hit the hay. Have a good week, everyone!

This one is OpenTTD. Extremely comfy.
Would you let phox go near your children?
>This one is OpenTTD. Extremely comfy.
yeah I played it with /v/ a few years back
well they would be hers too
The better question is if you'd let an anon go near your children if you were a phox
In no universe would I ever have kids, but phox could do any non harmful thing she wanted with them.
I want to be the phox cumdump~
Do you want an army of evil Braixen wandering about thanks to the Lucarioizers?
Me too anon, me too. Especially if it'd help make non-whale anons feel good and happy.
Would you let phox bear your children?
Would you bear children as phox?
Would you bear phox as children?
Fennekin loves babies just a little too much.
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why why why.jpg
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I have a very special gift for you all

Good point. I need it regardless.
ye I'm into mpreg
Would you phox children as bear?
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I meant as a female phox
well I'd be down for that too
Good, me too
it'd probably suck to go through, but being pampered and cared for 24/7 would be great
>ywn raise a child with a loving anon-father after having your phox body impregnated
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Hit the image limit you nerds
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Fuck these threads they made me a furry
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See you next Friday.
You're not going to stay till the end of the thread, anon?
>There will never be a Dewott x Braixen doujin in your or your grandchildren life time while Lucario x Braixen gets 3 every few months.

Why even live
Not if you faggots are going to roleplay about getting each other pregnant all the way to the bump limit, no
If given the option but only allowed to do one of the following, would you hug or kiss a phox?
As much as I hate Lucario why the hell would you want Dewott in Porn
Kiss because I'm a kissless virgin
>play X for the first time finally
>pick Fennekin
It was meant to be.
Oh right forgot special characters no longer work here. Fine. Don't show it then. I'm still glad I didn't wind up with a trap.
Don't mind me, don't mind me. I'm just here to inspect the containment unit. Ok, everything is clear, no autism breaches. K, bye.
The irony here is that you are the autistic one.

That or just underage.
Most autistic post in this thread so far
shouldnt let her go to tacobell before the steamderp con
Phox pussy
Phox Knot
You should realize it's time for a thread to die when this is what you resort to to keep it alive.
fuck off faggot
Good night phox phriday, have a nice week.
For those of you who are trying to achieve phox dreams and good fitness, good luck!
This was a good Phriday. Thank you all for making it so wonderful.

See you guys next week!
Thanks fellow /phox/ anons. Today was an awesome phriday. See you all next week! Sweet dreams!
See you guys next Friday.
Oh. Rip
Image limit already =(
I had some new phoxes to post

Almost feel like making a new thread but that would make us like the gardefags who made yet ANOTHER thread
Usually there is some activity after image limit but it seems bleak this time around
You'll have to wait until next week unfortunately.
this made me smile so much oh my god <3
Thread posts: 299
Thread images: 151

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