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How are these pokemon supposed to exist in the same universe?

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Thread replies: 235
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How are these pokemon supposed to exist in the same universe? Im not saying one is better than the other but the art style has changed so drastically between when it started and now that they dont even look like they belong together anymore
Literally for all of those, give them the same eyes as their counterpart and they fit perfectly fine next to each other.
Stop cherrypicking.
Pokémon is changing, OP. Just like everything else in this world. The best we can do is accept it. For better or for worse (although at this point it certainly seems to be for better)
left are nips, right are murricans

The only comparison that you've made here that is reasonable is Krabby Vs. Crabrawler, every other comparison is random as fuck.
I doubt the Pokemon care.

People are going to shit on you for making "false comparisons", by the way. They'll be missing the point but it happens in every thread that even mentions the art style change.
Well for one, it seems like everyone but you notices that when animated or rendered they are all done in a similar style.

There's no water color stylized models in the games you know.
>implying I can read kimchi-runes
Because they can. I claim that it's normal for all those Pokemon to coexist in the same universe.
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You're right. People will keep denying it though. Regardless of which one you prefer the series HAS had an art shift. This is a fact.
none of OPs pictures are in the original watercolor style though. theyre all the updated redrawing of them
Case in point.
He's not comparing the two designs against each other you fucking idiot, he's showing the diference in how they're RENDERED. He's not "le missing the point of the design xD" or "le comparing two totally different concepts xDD", he's showing that there is a drastic difference in how Pokemon designs were rendered now versus the nineties and he's questioning how they can exist in the same universe.

Yes. The art style needed to, and was bound to, change. Pokemon appeals to the masses and the masses don't like 90's monster design now.
There was already a problem with kaiju sameface among similar Pokemon in gen 1 as well. If you prefer the old art style that's perfectly fine, don't let the faggots on /vp/ tell you what to think.

I will toss in that new Pikachu is so much better than fat Pikachu. That thing can't even move.
The only thing that actually annoys me is new Pikachu compared to old
You know, outside of Charizard and Drampa, these really dont look all that odd against eachotehr OP. I think you made some poor choices of side by side comparisons if you were trying to make a point
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>he can't keep getting away with it!
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That chart makes no sense, because Pokemon has always had more detailed designs as well as less detailed designs, sometimes even within the same evolution line.
raikou is a cat
I never said they're all in water color. I said there's no watercolor styled models meaning they're all done in a similar style.

Even when the games still used sprites gen 1~3 Pokemon never looked the same as they did in their artwork.
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Primapes hands are still complex shapes even if they dont have individual digits. If he was drawn in the current gen his hands would be circles just like pic related
The new 2D art is garbage. The biggest problem is the shading. They'll look fine in game when they're all in the 3D models with the sane lighting engine.
If you think that the pokemon sprites look different than their artwork then you might actually be retarded
>he's questioning how they can exist in the same universe.

Which is stupid and obnoxious. It's something that happened and that's it. No point in trying to make sense of it "in-universe".

These threads are fucking tiring, it's always the same "they kawaii ugu now! Pidgey detailed Pikipek simple! hurrdurr art shift" bullshit.

Anyone with eyes can see that the style changed and anyone with a brain can see that it was inevitable and that one style isn't better than the other.
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I miss 80s to 2009 (with a few gems up to 2011) anime. Most anime now are too shiny and their features are too simplified for my liking,
I get what you're saying but Primeape's hands aren't featureless blobs, they're shaped like boxing gloves
I have to agree with this. Ohmura does a good job with human characters but his Pokémon art is very... stiff. Prime examples of this are Crabrawler, Bruxish and Bewear.
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in b4 "the problem with gen 1"
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>questioning something is stupid and obnoxious
jesus you must be a troubled individual
this doesnt help your arguement they look the same
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>Which is stupid and obnoxious. It's something that happened and that's it.
Yes, but people deny the art style shift.

>No point in trying to make sense of it "in-universe".
And why not?

>These threads are fucking tiring, it's always the same "they kawaii ugu now! Pidgey detailed Pikipek simple! hurrdurr art shift" bullshit.
Adding "hurrdurr" before an argument you don't like doesn't invalidate the argument.

>Anyone with eyes can see that the style changed and anyone with a brain can see that it was inevitable and that one style isn't better than the other.
The OP is literally saying he doesn't think one isn't better than the other, you mong.

He is only asking how they can coexist. Your response to this is "Why bother asking if they can coexist? There's no point!"
If you were going to make this useless contribution, why even bother posting? You only wanted to tell everyone that they're wrong if they think the gen 1 art style was better, like the rest of /vp/ feels fucking obligated to do.
I accepted that the art style has been progressively shittier and just moved on anon.
Did you miss the entire fucking 90's to mid 2000's catalog of anime because they were ugly, bright and shiny as sin my guy, especially after they switched to digital. Digital coloring in anime didn't start looking good on a regular basis until 2007.
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How are these pokemon supposed to exist in the same universe? Im not saying one is better than the other but the art style has changed so drastically between when it started and now that they dont even look like they belong together anymore

It is a stupid questioning. They exist in the same universe because they do and because GF says so. There have always been different aesthetics in Pokémon since Gen 1. Psyduck is stylized and simplified to hell and back, while Ninetales is very realistic. Magmar is a mix of different creatures with a graphic fire pattern in its body while Arcanine has natural looking stripes. They had angry anime eyes (Charizard), beady little eyes (Clefairy) as well as kawaii huge eyes (Jigglypuff). This complaint is stupid.

This shit is bound to happen when you make a franchise based on pumping out 100 new monsters every 4 years. You really think they could, would, or should adhere to tradition that strictly?
It may look like one, but it's considered a dog.
OP is pointing out the art style not the design dumbass
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Why do these images always use the unevolved forms? I agree that most newer unevolved pokemon look "cutesy" but you can't look at talonflame and pigeot and say they look like completely different art styles.
>>No point in trying to make sense of it "in-universe".
>And why not?

Because they're fictional creatures designed by tons of different people. They never ever followed a single same "design philosophy".

Even in the same generation you have things like Meowth vs Persian. If Meowth was a new gen Pokémon separate from Persian everyone would use it as an example of "CAT POKEMON BEFORE" (realistic legs, claws, proportions, etc) vs "CAT POKEMON NOW" (huge head for kawaii factor, unnatural looking coin, simplified whiskers). It's dumb.
The answer to OP's question is that they simply do. There's literally no justification or reasoning behind it and I don't think anyones obligated to come up with an answer for him.

There's no known rules on what can constitute as a Pokemon. They all use similar shading and colors in the games and anime anyway and there's no point in arguing about designs because for every faux pas a newer design can commit that you'd attribute to the decline of the series it's incredibly likely there's already an existing design that has already done it.

Sentient garbageIMuk) vs sentient garbage(Garbodor) is always a popular debate
If you dont want to talk about pokemon then you should probably leave /vp/ or at least get out of this thread so the people who actually want to have a discussion can do so

I fucking hate the real world's new art style
animals used to be simple and pleasing to the eye
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>How are these pokemon supposed to exist in the same universe?
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?
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That's something I've noticed too. The general trend seems to mostly only be the stylization of first-stage Pokemon, while final evolutions are, for the most part, as detailed as ever.

Pic related as to why the images always use the unevolved forms.
omg someone please do an edit where all the eyes get switched
I want to talk about Pokémon. I enjoy discussing deep details in this franchise and have done so countless times before in this board.

What I don't want is pointless discussion that can be answered by simple logic. There is literally no point in asking "how can they be in the same universe", because that's a fact of life, art styles change. They won't update older designs to look like the new ones and they won't make new designs look dated and 90s like. And there's no need to, like >>27984612
said, there have always been different styles of Pokemon and no one cared.
This image is so good except for the Pikipek. I think the original artist just did the first three and someone else shooped the Pikipek.
I fucking hate it when people call Vulpix's plush doll eyes realistic.

I had a stuffed snow leopard when I was a toddler, Vulpix's eyes literally remind me of it because they look like marbles.
>comparing a cocktail shrimp to a mantis shrimp
I bet a chicken leg and a rooster would look pretty different too
then im sure theres a better thread that you could be posting on buddy. clearly youre not having a good time on this one
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tried to fix it up a bit
pikipek's head was way to large
>furry artist detected
joking aside that's surreal and creepy. the vulpix swap unnerves me to my core
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Are you saying that Vulpix's eyes are less realistic than Zorua's?
Marbles look very similar to irises, anon.

Still really bad. I appreciate the eye change but I think you're missing the point.
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>wanting le Rebbit echo chamber

once again artstyle,
NOT design
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The Pokémon Universe is Expanding.
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>m-m-m-m-m-muh cherrypicking
I'm saying Vulpix's eyes look like featureless marbles with a lightsource passing off as pupils.

I do not care about Zorua or whatever genwar wank you faggots bitch about. They look like stickers if you really need me to have an opinion on it.
>while final evolutions are, for the most part, as detailed as ever.
I agree with this 100%
Can someone with access to photoshop or something make a pic with all the regional bird final evos to btfo pics like this >>27984276
Dude, it's pointless.
Weepinbel has plastic looking leaves.
Bounsweet has tiny dot eyes.

You are still cherrypicking.
real talk here.
i agree with you on everything else but i SINCERELY like vulpix's new design over it's old one. it looks so much better it hurts.
Some animals are just simpler Anon.

Keep spouting the same shit though.
The fact that you're almost completely unaware of how fugged Gen I (and to a lesser extent, Gen II) were, I'm gonna go ahead and presume you're underaged or retarded. Or both.

We only knew exactly how the pokémon were meant to look because of the anime and promotional material. The game left a lot to the imagination.
>still using unevolved pokemon
Still cherypicking as >>27984676 said
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>plastic looking leaves
>trying to talk reason with the "every decision the pokemon company makes is genius and gold" defense force

a lost cause, why try?

I just enjoy the series as it comes out and bottle up all my criticisms.
I agree that there has been an undeniable change in art style over the years, but Bewear isn't the best example. It's meant to look like a mascot outfit, that's why it has those abrupt color changes.
It's not cherrypicking if both sides are unevolved retard. There's a difference between cherrypicking and just supporting your argument.
>Its tufts of hair on its head are also blobs rather than drawn more detailed, and the tails look like one huge fluffy mass rather than distinctly separated tails
Anon I think- I think th-that might
I don't know
I think that might be the FUCKING POINT
how is that pikipek missing the point
Somebody post the dragonite and tyrantrum pic, I'm tired.
The point is to make it look simplified and cartoonier? Well duh.

You're literally just pointing out every single minute way the Alolan form is different, and assuming all those differences to be bad.

Imagine the alternative. If instead of changing up the body a little bit, they just recolored it. People like you would still complain.

>It's literally a recolor!
>They're running out of ideas!

They just can't win.
>assuming all those differences to be bad.

not the point. The point is that they're different. Because retards apparently can't get that a series can change style over 2 decades and it isn't "cherrypicking" or "nostalgia"
They changed the tails and hair tuft so that people wouldn't say it's a straight recolour.

This is literally a catch-22, what would you rather? A white 1:1 Vulpix or a slightly altered design? Think about it for one second. It's now Ice type. The hair/tails now looks like ice fog/mist. It's not "simpler" for the sake of being cute, it's physically changed into a misty variation of the previous form in order to evoke its theme.

Kingler and Crabrawler are both clearly crabs yet one is a significantly different style. Its not just a simpler pokemon because there were simply designed pokemon in genwun. Its a different art style.
all the nuclear testing in the Pacific Ocean caused the local fauna to mutate and be ugly looking
They're not going to be literal eyeballs. They're a stylization of what the real eyes would look like. But they are still realistic.
I would be so much happier with them if they were mainly recolors. Thats why my favorite one is alolan meowth
Where to capture Federation Force Vulpix?
>How are dogs supposed to exist in the same universe? They look nothing like cats!
The wording used in the image is very clearly in criticism of the newer designs, though. I don't think you can claim neutrality in this case.
gonna need that plush favorite irl animal i hope they make a SNOW leopard pkmn not LIEpard

It's not about realism.

It's about the general style shift.

I can't look at the gen I-III Pokemon side by side with the gen VII mons. Less so with gen IV-VI. The style was different there but it generally meshed okay with the first three gens and it's not as off putting as with gen VII.

The style is just too different. It's not about the designs themselves being good or bad, it's about the artistic styles meshing together awkwardly.

I like a lot of the gen VII mons on their own but I can't look at Kingler and Crabrawler next to one another. Like OP said they don't mesh at all next to one another.
The main thing with gen 1 and to some extent gen 2 is that all pokemon had the same 2 or 3 eye types. In later gens everyone got unique eyes.
Kingler vs Crabrawler mash as well as Farfetch'd vs Psyduck, Ratatta vs Pikachu, Butterfree vs Venomoth, Charizard vs Dragonite, etc.

You are literally creating an imaginary problem.
You're comparing what are supposed to be hands with claws that are supposed to look like boxing gloves.
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Ken draws the finished pokemon for the site

his art style just took on a new life from his old style: his new style more easily appeals to younger children. His old stuff is still good but with the times he has to change, also since he doesn't design all the pokemon anymore and instead has a large team helping him, he may play favorites and approve designs like Bewear and try his best to draw them and capture them on paper with charm

It's still Ken doing the finished drawings though, so all you're seeing is a different designer, same artist
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>Realistic looking leaves
Oh boy is it time for shitposting again?
Fucking this
The most glaring example is Meowth vs Persian
I should also note, you're missing the transition from a traditional medium to a digital one, as that drastically changes peoples art styles a lot of the time
That unicorn is so hideous i can't
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How are these animals supposed to exist in the same universe?
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Vulpix eyes are big for kawaii cuteness, but they look like an animal's.
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Different regions, climates, ecosystems and evolutionary lines. Real life have creates vastly different from each other, I mean if you saw a Stickbug lined up with a beetle, wouldn't you wonder how something so drastically different in appearance exist in the same world?
As a Pokemon fan you would want the Pokemon world to be more fleshed out and detailed right? Then why do you have a problem with there being multiple crab, caterpillar, quadrupeds, color schemes, etc? Those are all things that exist in our world. Why not theirs?
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They look pretty fucking similar in aesthetic anon.


I fail to see anything glaring about this at all.
Ohmura draws the Pokémon for the site, except for Magearna, which was drawn by Sugimori. The difference is obvious.

Also Sugimori was never the sole designer lol, how can you say he "doesnt design all the Pokémon anymore" when he never did?
>Google pink salamander
>Get nothing but axolotls
That webm gives me the willies.
Fucking insects, man.
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Insects are great, anon.
Yes I know they are arachnids
OP is right it's really stupid but Japan always had shitty taste. Literally everyone I know hates new designs. 90% of new pokemon are overdesigned shits, it will probably be impossible to make a team of 6 with only new pokemon that isn't edgy kawaii bs.
One is just a big cat with a jewel.
The other one is a bipedal feline who jumps around and has a coin glued to its face.
Jaded people hang out with other jaded people.
Who would have thought.
>bottom right

What the FUCK is that?
How is that species called Anon? That's a rad fucking turtle.
That's a Mata Mata I think, it's what the new Fire/Dragon poke is based on.
Gamefreak can do no wrong! Gamefreak can do no wrong! Let's repeat it 100 more times so I start believing it.
Mata Mata Turle, it's the animal Turtonator is based on
You do realize there is a middle ground, right?
I'm not saying Gamefreak can do no wrong, but if you think 90% of the new Pokemon look bad then I don't understand why you would still play the games, let alone frequent an image board entirely dedicated to the series.

Neat, thanks for the info m80s
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english version of your pic
Sun & Moon isnt out yet so I'm obviously not playing it yet. And this board is about pokrmon not Sun & Moon. Then there is also the whole transfer pokemon thing and it looks like new game will have old pokemon. Shitty designs are awful but that doesn't mean game won't be playable, just less enjoyable.
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No problem brah
It swallows things alive while smiling.
Volcarona is one of my favorite Gen V Pokemon and I always love to see people defend it.
Puny crab
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Gotta eat
What's there to defend anon? It's a great design for a great pokemon.
Gen 5 had GOAT bugs IMO
Gen V was based for bug and grass bros.
It's a video game.
It has many different artists.
It's been 20 years.
It's not real.
Let it go anon.
I still don't believe in those retarded fake starters though, the art style looks nothing like all the official releases so far. I believed all the other ones that were leaked that have been confirmed so far, so I don't see how I'd be wrong this time.
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How are these animals supposed to exist on the same planet?

You can still enjoy the game while not liking aspects of it.

Personally I hate the style the official art is using, but I think most of the new Pokemon have looked good in-game.

Digital art in general is a mistake though.

That's because the art for the starters is in Sugimori's style, but the official art for most of the mons so far has been Ohmura.

I really do not like Ohmura's art personally. It's trash.
>You can still enjoy the game while not liking aspects of it.

I agree with that.
I just think saying 90% of pokemon designs in this gen, or any gen for that matter are bad is just a big exaggeration.

I'd say that even the worst gens have at least a 50/50 ratio of good and bad designs.

Art =/= real life.

Go take five random fictional animated characters from different franchises by varying artists and throw them in an image together and see how weird it looks.

Realistic contrast and artistic contrast are too different things entirely.
I don't ming Ohmura's style. It's not the artist style as such, so much as the features of the mons. In gen 5 I might have believed it, but with everything else they just don't fit. If they are confirmed I'm definitely assuming they were either designed first and by a different artist.
Hell, maybe they'll look considerably different. Kind of like those pictures of Marill before it was released or the weird latios/blaziken hybrid.
If it's about the shift in art style, it's still not as bad as the early days of 3rd gen where they mixed the old watercolor mon art with the updated look with solid colors.

that shit hurt my soul.
It's concept art, of course it looks different. It's flat colors with no shading. The designs still look perfectly like modern Pokémon designs. They are real. Mallow is in them. The chinese leaks which got nothing wrong so far and multiple things right confirmed them too. There's no point in being a denialfag anymore.
I literally think 90% of sun & moon (not counting alola forms) suck from what we have seen so far. I hope that they become with evolutions.
As someone who group up with gen 1, I actually find the majority of the designs from gen 1 to be pretty dog shit. Funnily, I really disliked gen 5 - and not for meme reasons like le epic icecream and trash pokemon - but they just weren't for me. And yet I like these designs for the most part.
But especially odd - I actually prefer most of the alola form pokemon so far.
So figure that out.
>sucks in its victim faster than the blink of a human eye

No wonder that fucker is so smug all the time.
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>these exist in the same universe
What were the thinking?
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Mind my ignorance, but why does the dissonance in official art style even matter at this point? Everyone knows the art has been pretty shitty this generation.

But it's really just one instance of interpretation of a design that happens to also be represented by various sprites, models, manga illustrations and animated art; all typically tending towards a more homogenized appearance between Pokemon of different generations as a result.
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Look at this over designed cunt

Again, realistic contrast =/= artistic contrast

Art is all about design and style. Every artist has their own style and signature. A mixing of styles is awkward. Real life doesn't work like art. Realism takes away from that contrast because it's real.
I'm not sure what you're arguing. OP suggests that the difference between the two means they couldn't exist in the same universe. If those fish were paintings you could say the same. Sure art style might look different, but that's inevitable after twenty years. In terms of the anatomy and colouration etc - no reason why they can't theoretically exist in a world of monsters.
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When you have a franchise that has run for as long as Pokemon, you'll have different artists bringing in their own styles and takes on designs, even Sugimori's artstyle has changed over the years. The art team clearly tries to keep a similar aesthetic all around for all Pokemon, but if you're angry and expect them to keep the same consistent art style and design for all pokemon across every generation, every year, then you are being picky.
So much better, fuck. I'd actually train that instead of just catching one for the dex and then banking it so I never need to look at it again.
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Look I fixed it
>every artist has their own style and signature
which can be changed at will
You're really proud of being unable to understand the difference between concept and art style, aren't you?
No it doesn't. It looks like a smug cunt with a weird hairdo rather than a punched up crab with stylized feelers

OP is arguing that difference BECAUSE of the art style shift. He outright mentions the art style shift.

Art does not work the same way realism works.

Kimba and Simba are both lions, and yet when you put them together side by side in their different art styles they look awkward together.

And I disagree with some in OPs post, but others are valid. He's also not making any direct comparisons like some seem to thing, just general examples.

Kingler and Crabrawler for example have two entirely different styles to them. They don't look right next to one another. It's a contrast that doesn't exist when you compare Kingler and Corphish. It's an art thing. You can post animals til your blue in the face but art and the real world run by separate rules.
>people keep posting real life examples of different animals the whole thread
How much does it take for you to understand that OP is talking about the shift in art style, not about design.
Holy shit you're dense.
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It changes through practice, but you still retain some of the same beats.

A good artist though never outright changes their style at will. They might be able to mimic, but even mimics aren't perfect.

It's what makes their work their own.
Sure, art and nature run by separate rules, but you know that a company doesn't care right? Art changes, it evolves, like real life, and a franchise 20 years old will alter it's art not just to make designs simpler, but also to match a different vision for their products. They could go back and redesign all pokemon to fit this art style, but that would waste money and effort, so they keep the old and keep the new. Another fact is, these are fictional creatures that exist in a fictional land and are meant to be living breathing animals. So yes, to you they look like they don't look right together, but in universe, they do, because they are natural creatures to that universe, that exist in various regions and ecosystems. Point is, stop nit picking.
IMO the promotional art has become too round and too "flat" colorwise. The older artwork had subtle shifts of color here and there but now they stay a consistent coloration all the way, like they used the ms paint fill bucket. The outlines are too round as well, they seem almost too perfectly round to be an animal. Its all just an artifact of moving to digital artwork
I jus want them to update old pokemon so they all look similar in artstyle. Having old style mons with new style mons feels like they are lazy bitches and just throwing shit together without working on it.
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Those are closed pincers.
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You just present them in a more flexible style than the original design implies. You're always free to take certain liberties with designs, the idea is certainly nothing new to Pokemon.
Simply the shape of the more complex one or add minute details the simpler one, alter the harshness/softness of the coloration of one or both, etc.

Dragonite's original art is just so cute. I don't know why everyone here hates the poor thing so much.

I would go on an adventure with it any day.
People dislike it because it takes a complete 180 from it's prevos designs. And it looks like barney.
they look like toilet bowls
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Well I disagree. I agree with your Simba and Kimba comparison, but I'd argue that Kingler and Crabbrawler work just fine.
This is especially apparent when you have a bridge like pic related.
I never liked Dratini and Dragonair, nor did I grow up with Barney.
It was always one of my favourite gen one pokemon.
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Nothing wrong with an artist taking an existing IP in a new direction.
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too lazy to continue sorry
Boober magneton and turtonator look pretty good actually.
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>How are these animals supposed to exist in the same universe? Im not saying one is better than the other but the art style has changed so drastically between when it started and now that they dont even look like they belong together anymore
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gen 1 pikachu.jpg
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Fuck off retard.
>t's a contrast that doesn't exist when you compare Kingler and Corphish.
Uh, no? If it wasn't for the color i would think Corphish was a Crabrawler pre-evo.
>shitting in puppy
>hating creepy lanturn
It's a sabertooth tiger.
>wow i guess people don't want detailed mons
>gen 6/7

you brought this upon yourselves
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Did someone say creepy lantern?
it looks like any early gen 1 pokemon (the ones that got designed first like kanghaskan, nidoran male, etc.)
Turtonator actually looks a little better imo

i like him more looking goofy than looking dangerous
I want to keelhaul whoever started the right one as a trend. Even stuff like Haruhi looked somewhat human. Now every other anime is blobfaces.

I mean it's a legitimate artstyle. I just hate it. It makes all the characters look ten years old. K-On is the only anime that's been able to pull it off without making the characters look overly infantile or make me lose instant interest in the show.
I want Pokémon with simple designes drawn with a lot of detail, rather than overdesigned Pokémon drawn simple.
Magmar looks more like its evo that way.
He's neither a cat nor a dog, he's a beast
I agree with you but in that specific pic the right looks much better than the left.
>mfw I realized Mew is a sperm
How much is it going to take to understand that art styles will fucking change after 20 fucking years.

Do you WANT Pokemon to be stagnant?
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>shitting on pokemon designs
A reminder to get a load of this and be grateful for what you have
There is nothing wrong with stagnation on a high level (especially not in art), it's better than change for the worse.
I'd switch all the Pokemon on the right for gen 2 Pokemon to completely shit on your picture, but i'm too lazy to do that now.
Good thing Pokemon started with a godawful art style (fucking Dragonball eyes) and has only gotten better and more distinctive then.

If you care so much about Crabrawler having every single joint and ligament drawn in 4D omnidimensional resolution so that you can see every cell splitting down to the molecule than you have fanart for that.
half those animals aren't even closely related
I see no difference
shit tons of replies but
Pokemon has never been about accuracy, pokemon is about variety. From concept to art style, from proportions to colours, from small to big, from ugly to pretty, from the stupid to the intelligent.

They exist in the same universe BECAUSE of that variety, and it is in fact you who is too narrow minded to see that. Pokemon =/= IRL so stop thinking that anything you see in Pokemon has to be thematic or synonymous the whole way through, or even on any kind of stable trend of development AT ALL.

Besides, when they're all turned into models you literally cannot tell what came from where. You need to stop breaking the pokemon down into gens and start seeing them as a whole. If you threw them into a shaker and randomized how the list looked as a whole you wouldn't be able to tell AT ALL. Because guess what you've done? Instead of trying to show progression, you get to see that the whole point of pokemon is to have variety in total.

Why should it stay the same for you to feel better about the game? It's NOT your game, if you want to make a game with a constant boring trend with less variety then go ahead and fucking make it. Nobody is stopping you.
Magmar and the turtle thing have zero issues living together
Yes, the sprite makes his foot look like it's supposed to be a mouth.

How can GF be so shit at designs if you guys can produce better ones in like two seconds
I do!

Dewgong doesn't look like it belongs in the >>>>/trash/
I hate how "ebin concept" (muh plug cocoon, muh boxing crab, muh bear that's actually a mascot, muh pedophile old dragon) has taken over the old simplicity
Like half the pokemon of this gen are related to human items or activities because it's necessary to the "ebin creative concept"

It's perfectly fine to have some pokemon that are just stylized animals, no need for epic concept all the time
Looks like you hate all gens starting with 2.

Also "muh" isn't an argument. And you should check what "half" means.

And generally have that shit taste checked out.
You are a saint
Magmar and Turtonator fit because they both look like shit
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Fuck off
Update the new ones instead so that they don't look like shit
But Kingler looks like shit.

>dragonball z eyes pasted on a crab are good
Did the person who made this not know what coconut crabs are?
And still, the blue crab is better
I can't tell if this is a troll post.
Thanks Lanced Jack.
Oh my god those are legs? I don't hate him any more.
Moths don't have a carapace, and Volcarona doesn't have a visible proboscis. It's a cool design, but the guy who made that image has no idea what he's talking about.
>I want it hot and cold, but I don't want it cold and hot.

That's what you sound like.
>Legendary Beasts
>Entei is a dog
>Raikou is a cat
>Suicune is a whatthefuckevenisthis.jpg

Please be quite, now.
Don't compare Arcanine and Solgaleo. Think of Solgaleo as not having fur, but rather a metal plated mane and metal coated body.
When will this meme die
You might say that the artstyle Evolved
I love this.
when the genwunners die out
This. I couldn't make heads or tails of a lot of Pokemon before the anime. Bellsprout and gardevoir are the biggest offenders.
so does that spider fight with it's hind-legs?
Do you have the proper equipment for that?
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Are you like, licensed to be this retarded? Seriously?
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if you look at a pokemon like magmar, he's actually pretty garish; he actually has flame print on his torso, which is objectively terrible. also the metal rings on his limbs are pointless and unexplained. i prefer the magma turtle, turtles have been neglected.

overall the original watercolor styling of the gen 1 pokemon illustrations are perfect
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i like this version more its looks realistic and
rough, not like before all round and cartooney
>Proper type association

Fuck off. Just because you don't want any creativity doesn't mean others don't
apologetic cunt.

Designs since gen 3 began to drift a lot.

And this probably is because Ken Sugimori is the art director now and ISNt DESIGNING every single pokemon now.
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Ken doesn't draw Pokemon anymore (except for Magearna and Perfect Zygarde I believe) which is why the the new artworks are all brightly colored shit so far
It's a reference sheet for anime, they always look like this

I'm normally fine with Gen 6/7's rounded style, but I really wish this was the real Crabrawler. A beat-up boxing Pokemon should have a rough-looking design.
Holy fuck I am absolutely retarded, as soon as I read
>nonsense lines all over the place
was when I realized that the top line on its torso is not its mouth.

Things improve over time.
when you stop replying to it
improvement isnt always good
Excellent counter to his argument.
You really provided him with some convincing points.
>improvement isn't always good.

Yes, it is.
This however is not an improvement.
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