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All of you fags celebrating the "confirmation" of the

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All of you fags celebrating the "confirmation" of the shit evos, yet you didn't stop to consider the following:

These may leaks are real, but scrapped. This new trailer and the connection to the girl in the Litten evo art are uncanny, I get it. But the one thing you all should know is that this doesn't confirm they are real(anymore that is) things change development, the reason megs flygon didn't happen was because they couldn't create a design they were happy with. What if it's the same case with these ones? The girl connection only proves that Gamefreak most likely made these.(unless someone else somehow got a picture of the girl and incorporated her into the fake leaks but that's highly unlikely) Either way that doesn't confirm 100% that these are what the final starter evos will be. Until an official trailer or real corocoro scan comes out with these are still not confirmed.
>this much autism
That art is anime art. Meaning they're the final decision. Meaning they are real. They decide what the starters evolutions will be THEN do the anime artwork.

Stay BTFO retard
It's "Roothoot is Rowlet beta/scrapped design" all over again.
>Denial fag
Give up already
That's not how concept art works anon, no "prototype" designs would get so far.
Pretty sure ita not anime art. It closely resembles the game concept art we've seen, especially the ones with lots of images like Olympia's. I'm pretty sure it's more likely Ash was a plaxeholder because they hadn't designed the player characters yet. It makes sense for them to come late in design. A Pokemon who is so confirmed that it's having anime concepts of it done wouldn't have no name yet.
the thing about anime arts which sounds fishy to me is:
>Litten is final evo, none of the MC´s has evolved starters
>Who does it belong to? Ash?
>If it is Ash´s then we wouldn´t see this scene at least until the later part of the series or season 2, so do they plan until that long?

So probably they are scrapped, or they are real, or we really will get two evolutions!
They don't make multiple polished colored poses of unfinished designs. It looks more like reference art than concept art.

Watching you denialfags is just hilarious at this point.
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It's fucking real !!

Deal with it haters !!

at best you might be getting some minor revision like litten3 getting better hands or owl getting a hood with different details, but there's not way they are going to be completely different designs, especially considering the whole disarming voice debacle

the Teapot Belt Scandal will forever be reminisced as the day you and a thousand other anons were officially blown the fuck out
Its not reference art at all. Reference art is defined by size comparisons and crows sections, like in the image you posted. It looks like concept art, but in a style previously used for characters and not Pokemon.
Proof that it's anime art? I've seen some people explain how it Resembles the Noivern art but notice how Sun and Moon is still in development phase and XYZ anime is still finishing up and being worked on. Why the fuck would they be making anime concept art at this time, in fact not even at this time considering this leak first surfaced around Mid May. Send me a link to the official starter evolutions trailer, oh wait they were'nt announced or officially confirmed yet. You're the retard here
getting non hairband popplio3 would save his whole evolution for me.
It's not that i hate poppmaid/entermaid/whatever you guys call it,i actually like it but not as a starter evo,i would like it better if it was something like milotic or shit like that heh
You say multiple polished color poses, yet when I take a look at Tiger3 here, it doesn't look very "polished" or "colored" to me, even if the scans aren't the best of quality
Why would they be unhappy with them?
They're the best starters in years.
All I can see in the concept art is Gadget from Chip'n'Dale.
There seems to be a very split Bias on opinions, but frankly it's more negative over positive. Either way our opinion doesn't matter, they said they didn't give us a mega flygon bc they couldn't make a design they could really be proud of. Same goes for these, they could have easily decided that these weren't good and scrapped them to work on better concepts
>it doesn't look very "polished" or "colored" to me

What the fuck are you talking about?

Tiger3 has size comparisons. Owl3 shows various directions and how its arrow gimmick is supposed to work. It's reference for people who work on the anime. It's no different from the Delphox/Greninja reference art except they used more shading.
Even if they were, these are way more likely, that anything else on the internet.
It's definitely not anime art. The anime art doesn't look like that, while the game art does.
>It's too early for Sun and Moon concept art because Sun and Moon are in developmental phase

Jesus fucking Christ
You denialfags are pathetic
>t. someone who actively works with and produces anime and not at all an armchair analyst making assumptions based on the 3 concept arts he has seen in his whole life
This makes sense, think about it. FINAL EVOLUTIONS DO NOT LEAK 5 MONTHS BEFORE RELEASE. Scrapped final evolutions on the other hand, would be easier to get a hold of let alone leak.
These leaks don't match up at all with the leaks on the official pokemon website about the types. Why do they have fighting flying and ground there when these are flying dark and fairy???
They published shit tons of game concept art for XY in the official XY guidebooks, you moron.
It doesn't need to belong to anybody. Delphox appeared in one of the first episodes of the XY anime. Blaziken appeared before they even went to Hoenn. There were a couple trainers with Greninjas before Ash got one.
I made a thread before with the same explanation, but noone answered.
Also I just want Litten to be scrapped. I want Popmaid and Robinhoot sooo badly.

Those five words are your entire language, retards.
So are you confirmedfags, this argument as just as much credibility as your "confirmed" argument being how they are based on the same information and the fact that nothing is officially confirmed yet
Yfw popplio becomes water/flying
Yfw rowlet becomes grass/groung
Yfw litten becomes fire/fighting but quadruped

>Proof that it's anime art?

It has fucking Ash in it. Last I checked, he didn't exist in the games.
Yes, but ALL THREE final starter evos never appeared super early like that. This is art for all three of them.
Greninja was finalized way before we even got the XY announcement, it was chosen to be in smash for the reason that it looked like it had the most potential
They've been working on these for ages, why wouldnt they have a final design by now? Stop being retarded and pick your starter.
So having ash in it all of sudden confirms it's anime art? Pft hell no. That could mean anything, I mean that sketch is suppost be showing off sizes of Tiger 3 with trainers right next to it, the put the girl in there, why not an ash siloute? Then again it could mean anything but that's not a valid reason that it's anime art especially when the game is still in development and the current anime is still being produced so fuck off and wait for your official reveal trailer, then you can call me a retard all you'd like anon
OP isn't a denialfag. Hes just taking this with a grain of salt. Fuck off faggots
oh you mean the folder of assorted leftover assets that never had any significance whatsoever apart from showing how sloppy and incomptentent Japanese web devs are?
You know animation takes a long time right? Like, ridiculously long, they're definitely working on it now and the art in OP is one of the first things you do before starting, its most likely anime art.
Imagine, just imagine those being fake.
/vp/ would explode. This would become a legend and everybody would remind about it every day.
You see Ash tho
nice samefag OP
They don't make character concept art for the anime for the actual Pokemon, since the Pokemon already have concept art made for the games. The Pokemon's designs are already fully finalized before any work on the anime starts
That time frame idea means nothing. Who's to say that those leaks were scrapped months before the may 10th reveal? Exactly we don't know. Just because today's trailer showcased a girl that appears in the Litten evo concept art, doesn't mean it's the official and finalized version. Game details are never quote on quotes "final" and will change over time.
I also see a kettle on Tiger3s crotch, your point?
Just because they haven't leaked doesn't mean the weren't final denialfag. Greninja was designed a year before XY release because he was designed to be in Super Smash Bros. 4.
That was gen 6, this is gen 7. Unless super smash bros 5 is announced and one of these 3 fuckers gets made and announced for it that statement doesn't mean shit
It shows that Pokémon are designed before release retard. Do you seriously think Gamefreak only design the Pokémon 5 months before release? What the fuck do you think they've been doing since 2012-2013? The starters would be designed earlier than others is anything. I bet this art was draw back in September.

I want to strangle the mother fucker who decided to leak the starters as early as they did

Why ruin the surprise

Fuck you
God damn the denialfags are all the same every single generation. Deny deny deny and when rock solid evidence shows up say it was scrapped or fake or whatever.
Last time I checked these weren't confirmed by the pokemon company. Also if they're so "real" now why not them just reveal them already? The cats already out of the bag already(if they're real already)
because they already have an info release schedule all planned out
For your own well-being, stop. They are real. No amount of twisting and twirling knobs will change that fact.
Why wouldnt anime concept not show Ash.
They are reference artwork for the anime, not concept artwork. The designs are finished and were given to the Anime Team for production. Believing that they're "scrapped" is grasping at straws. That's not how reference artwork works.
Rock solid evidence? There's only one thing pointing to these being real and that's the girl. That's it nothing more, there could be tons of other explanations for what these are, but confirmed evolutions is not one of them. If you think they're real, patiently wait for your official reveal trailer. The other 80% of pokemon fans are going to speculate and disregard as to why and how these could be "real"
Don't be like those people saying "Maybe Unova is New York and China"
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>being this deep in denial
I'm screencapping this for future BTFO threads.
>being THIS hard in denial
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>Actually thinking /vp/ is mentally capable of having a coherent and mature discussion
Firstly they aren't officially confirmed by Gamefreak, secondly, I don't care, if they are real and my denial faggotness winds up disappointing me in the end, oh well, I'm still keeping my mindset
Where did these leak originate from?
Could believerfags not be fucking assholes about their shitty fakes?
>inb4 oh oh BTFO muh collage!
Put me in your faggy colage I don't fucking care. Save yourselves the embaressment and just name it "People who will end up being right in 4 months! These people belong in an oven!
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Kill yourself
Anime reference artwork doesn't look like that
Actually, May's Torchic evolved all the way to Blaziken.
Kill yourself denialfaggot, but first face the truth. They are
Where's everyone's source on the confirmation?
The latest reveal didn't show anything about the starters, and I can't find anything but people posting yet more confirmations without any source or proof.

Are people just that desperate?
>These may leaks are real, but scrapped.
stopped reading there
It's not considered real until Gamefreak confirms it. But everyone is hollering and attacking each other over something that'll be revealed anyways by the time November rolls around.

You figured out what the starters looked like? Great. Does that really make a difference a few months down the road? I don't understand why people put so much emphasis on the 7 iteration of a starter lineup. It's not like they'll be the new mascot of Pokemon.
>Where's everyone's source on the confirmation?
The girl in the Litten Evo art looks almost identical to Mallow.
That's all.
Nigga that concept art is for the anime. That means shit was finalized and given the green light ages ago. Get the fuck outta here.
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It's definitely a model sheet for Gamefreak and not the anime. It probably was one of the anime staff who leaked it though, as I imagine they need Gamefreak to provide their own model sheets for the characters in order for the anime staff to make their cleaner versions for the animators to go by. Pic related, left is Gamefreak's, right is the anime's.

These one
Greninja's design was created AND FINALIZED at the BEGINNING of XY development. This has been confirmed in interviews with Masahiro Sakurai, who put Greninja in Smash before Greninja even was fully implemented into XY.

You DO NOT SCRAP a character that you FINALIZE at least a year ahead of the release!

Interviews with Gamefreak have revealed that they finalize legendaries and starters at the very begining of development!

Get BTFO denialfags.
Ya know why I fucking hate your kind? It's because this is all you ever discuss. You use denial more often than most people fart, you act like assholes to people who don't like the starters and you flood the board! This is all you people EVER talk about because that's all you are. You don't have anything to contribute. This is your only horse in the race and It's got a busted leg.
This is all you have! This is the central basis for all of your shitposting! This minute detail that doesn't confirm anything it doesn't change anything! But that's all you have to your name so you stick to it.
The words BTFO denial and denialfag(s) should be a banible offense. Please fuck off to reddit! Nobody fucking cares retard!
>Does not confirm anything
Shows the exact same person that was revealed today despite being leaked months ago
>Rock solid evidence? There's only one thing pointing to these being real and that's the girl.
That's all it takes. One rock-solid confirmation.

Blaziken? Sceptile? Charizard? Infernape? Greninja?
Or am I mistaking your first point for something else entirely?
Explain how a fakemon maker conveniently guessed Mallow and the fact that she likes cooking denial fag. Accept it, they're real and you are going into the BTFO compilation.
The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost.

C'est la vie, anon. That is life.
You know the next season is already being made while one is still going right...? Like many shows do? Same goes for the merch, the games and everything
You cant be this delusional anon?
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>I don't understand why people put so much emphasis on the 7th iteration of a starter lineup. It's not like they'll be the new mascot of Pokemon.
Does it confirm the evolutions are real? No. Shut the fuck up until they're shown officially!
The girl proves nothing! It doesn't prove that they're real. only an official reveal can prove it.
Damn Ash's new waifu is cute. Out with Serena
Anon, try not to get too angry and pass out at your keyboard.
How about Blastoise, Venusaur, Meganium, Torterra, Sceptile, Serperior, Typhlosion, Swampert, Chesnaught, Emboar, Delphox, Samurott, Feraligatr, etc etc?

Greninja has the anime, its design, Smash, and the competitive viability due to Protean.

But more than likely, the gen 7 starters will be as dispensable as the rest.
These denialfag tears are delicious. Leak season truly is the best time to be alive
If we're really going through the 5 stages than being an asshole about it isn't helping things.
But we're not. We are pissed at you're shitposting..
Address the fucking argument you faggot!
You fucking cunts ALWAYS do this.
Have the evolutions been confirmed real by Gamefreak or any official pokemon channel/account at all.
Not indirectly confirmed but actually confirmed?
This is all you fucking people are! It's all you do is shitpost!
HAHAHAHA, I am not even joking, I am physically laughing at your level of denial.

You don't magically guess an anime-style human NPC character's look and hobby in a fake leak 3 months or more ahead of time unless you have access to Gamefreak's confidential information yourself AND you're a stellar artist who's fluent in Japanese. If these starters were fake, the only ones who could put them out would be GF themselves! And they would never troll millions of people so deliberately, so cruelly. There would be a visceral blow to sales if people caught wind that GF trolled the entire world in an unfunny, unironic way.

The starters are real. Take a nap, eat some food, and choose your starter.
Answer my fucking question were the evos officially confirmed yes or no?
>You don't magically guess an anime-style human NPC character's look and hobby in a fake leak 3 months or more ahead of time unless you have access to Gamefreak's confidential information yourself AND you're a stellar artist who's fluent in Japanese. If these starters were fake, the only ones who could put them out would be GF themselves!

And this is a positive assertion. Sir, you have the burden of proof. Provide evidence that makes that statement above true. Just because you mention a possibility doesn't make it a fact. You'll need to back it up.
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This board has such a great relationship with denial, I love seeing it every time.
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I hope you're saving the posts above yours right now.
They're real? Fuck me they butchered all of them
Kill yourself but first look up the definition of denial.
Nothing's been confirmed.
>It's not going to happen = skepticism
Jesus christ, a spider with a spidersilk net and vines of the recluse isn't tryhard reaching as much as you.
Dude, they're leaks from months ago showing an NPC who was just officially revealed today. That is confirmation.
Denial =/= Skepticism

It's like arguing over the definition of what an Atheist is.
What an Atheist says: "I don't believe God exists."

What a Christian thinks an Atheist says: "God doesn't exist."

It's two different things.
I'm saying just wait 'till it's revealed and stop shitposting! I'm a middlefag.
Wow BTFO butthurtfags here. Hold on let me make a collage of all the butthurt here.
So did they outright confirm the evos or not!
You've turned into a joke for the masses to enjoy.

Wew, enjoy the headache.
Your kind acting like assholes to us that believed. We said we liked them and believe them while you all called up retards, baras, and waifu fags. Guess what? You were wrong, you were all wrong and we were right.
No they didn't confirm any evos. But they are assumed to be real.
No, there's actually evidence to support the leak, you're just plugging your ears, closing your eyes, and yelling fake
Obviously they're not outright confirmed, that's the nature of a leak.
That isn't healthy in the slightest. Seek help.
>This minute detail that doesn't confirm anything it doesn't change anything! But that's all you have to your name so you stick to it.
Well that and the leak that supported those starters, predicted no gym leaders, boss pokemon, and alt formes for old pokemon among other things
It's a leak, obviously GameFreak didn't confirm them just like with the Unova and Kalos starter leaks dumbass. They are real, stop trying to bullshit and understand this. Accept it and cry it out today so by the time the game releases you can enjoy it.
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>denialfags still trying desperately to ignore the truth

Not sure if I should find this hilarious or pathetic.
I don't wanna make a new thread so I'll just post this here:

Is there ANY source for the new leak Pokéjungle has been posting? The one that claims Growlithe, Arcanine, Alakazam and other mons are getting Alola forms, and says that the starters are getting 2 final evos?
>Pokejungle ever not full of shit
Stop being so new
>grasping at straws: the post
You've been flooding the board with your shit tier snark all damn day. You kinda deserve it!
Aha! Assumed.
Exactly. But these people are so sure that it's real they shitpost constantly about it.
Until they're confirmed they are not real.
They don't do this kind of art at that stage you dingus! We've had threads on exactly this kind of art. Somewhere there is a pastebin of anime concepts for most of the existing Pokemon
You will admit then, that the only way they are not the final evos is if they were scrapped, right?
This kind of art? The only thing relating to the anime is the tiny ash sketch and even that isn't of highest quality, it's a fucking doodle.
I mean character sheets. There are tons of them and they all look like this. Ever wonder why there aren't any character sheets of scrapped Pokemon?
I won't say anything until I see them confirmed/deconfirmed.
You do realize that they don't magically pop into existence when they're confirmed, right? Desperately clinging to the tiniest shred of plausible deniability because you don't like something is juvenile. There is only one possible scenario in which these do not end up being our starter evos, and even still they're official I.e. Gamefreak made them
>Until they're confirmed they are not real.
Yeah totally, that's why Fairy type doesn't exist, that's why the Ottergate starters were all fake, it's why Hawlucha and Greninja don't exist
Fucking this. OP was probably an anti-fairy fag. The rhetoric was exactly the same
>inb4 he threatens suicide if they're real
They were confirmed so they're real. Cry harder faggot.
Link to official trailer showing off the final evolutions? No? That's what I thought faggot
Guys, maybe the faker was walking by Game Freaks' office one day and then a concept of Mallow fell out the window while they were walking by and then they decided to make some fakes with that design on one sketch and then it's all just fake. It's possible, and you can't prove me wrong so it has to be the way that it happened? Byeee
regardless if this is fake or not, only time will tell the truth. We get another reveal when, the 12th? We may get some info around that time, but i wont accept this a completely true until i see 3d models
>these people
Anon, no. I am someone who believes the leaks are real, and are really the final starters, telling you that obviously the leaks haven't been confirmed at this point in time by GF because they are leaks. That is what a leak is. Official info that is released before GF intended it to be released.
>inb4 we get gematsu leaks 2.0
The leaker who posted those posted in multiple threads here with the caption "real leaks" but was usually ignored. He got a lot of stuff right but he also got Ninetails type half wrong (Fire/Fairy instead of Ice/Fairy)
>damage control
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>this much denial

At least the way the Greninja screenshots were like way back when, I could see why people wouldn't accept it right away. This is just grasping for straws.

It's true they aren't "officially" confirmed, but the evidence is now hear that they're more than likely going to be the final designs. Don't be upset when these do become the designs.
Giving up is part of life, OP.

As far as I'm concerned that's good enough to assume it to be true.
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I am upset because they're confirmed.
I hate them all so much.
>Why don't you comply with me acting like a retard
come the fuck on
>no "prototype" designs would get this far
You don't understand what a prototype is do you.

The whole selection process for the fucking starter evolutions would be far more involved than just a single picture of a cat wrestler. It wouldn't surprise me if there were a dozen different desigs at this level of planning for each starter.
It's not. Deal with it furfag.
Pokemon is for pedos!!
It's real, just accept it.
It's another generation of Box Starters.
the red fire guy looks just like the final evo of litten
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>the typing of the final evos will be Grass/Ground, Fire and Water/Fighting! Denialfags BTFO!
>these leaks are true! Denialfags BTFO!

Kind of contradictory aren't we? Stop believing every "leak" that occurs
>TFW you think the starters are most likely a real leak, but the people who believe the leak are all giant assholes.
>tfw you've been with these leaks since day 1 and denialfags have been literally hating on them and the believers since the day these leaks showed up.
And you call us assholes for rejoicing when they're proven to be real
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