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Pokemon GO General - /pgg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 381
Thread images: 83

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Britbong edition

What country has this game been released in?
Officially: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, UK and the USA

>Oficial guide and help

>Is anyone else having trouble with x?
Yes. Servers have been fucking up forever. If you have an issue, it's likely a server issue or a bug not unique to you.

>When will the game be released in my country?
What are we, from the future? We don't know.

>It says that the app is incompatible with my devices! What gives?
This is a region lock and it is very probable that your device IS in fact compatible with Pokemon GO. Install the app to find out! Directions are below.

>If I live outside of Australia, Germany,UK and the USA, can I download this game for Android?
Sure! Keep reading for directions.

>How do I download the game?
Go to http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go/pokemon-go-0-29-2-release/pokemon-go-0-29-2-android-apk-download/
You will need a file manager on your phone. Get a file manager in the Google Play store.

OLD THREAD: >>27158006
First for refund failure
First for qt rape lures.
nth for Pidgey evolve train.
what do you get for putting a pokemon on a gym? what determines if a pokemon gets kicked out?
nth for zubats are the only mon on my radar from 3pm to 7am
Has anyone caught a farfetchd?
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Post your egg progress
>lure hotspot is filled with gangbangers
First for spoofer masterrace
in the uk where to find dratini hordes anon kun?. Manchester/lancaster is in my reach of getting to.
Just go make some friends.

What are you, afraid?
No pokemon go in mexico yet?
Ok americans I'm not cleaning your houses until I can catch pokes
I'll bet they all team valor, except that one nigga jamal into the weeaboo shit, he picked instinct
Is there anyway to hatch eggs without having the game open and on the screen? I don't want to walk 10km while literally staring at my goddamn phone the whole time
Just turn on battery saver. Or just like... turn your brightness to low and put it in your pocket.
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>gps has been shitty since I started a week ago
>go to a church nearby w some friends so they can take the gym while my avatar is on the other side of the street
>go home
>chilling at home and turn pokemon go on
>back at the church
>pic related on my screen
I apologize for how many times I have cursed you, shitty gps. Its 411cp but still amazing.
it takes a while to redo all the sprites without heads
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So, what do you guys wanna see in the update?

I want to see Pokemon centers similar to pokestops where you can heal 1 or 2 Pokemon at a team because potions and revives are always low and you can't buy them.

PvP with other players, and if you beat a gym your CP goes up. You should get CP boost if you win PvP too, but if you battle the same guy more than once, no more CP so people can't take advantage of that.

Also, pleaseeeee fix the battling back to it's traditional form of turn based.
I want it to be released worldwide
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h-how am I doing?
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AR never works. I have a LG Tribute 1. What gives?
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What type of area do you have to live in where Drowzee are considered a normal species
battling for capture
pretty much all the shit you mentioned
>normies complaining about catching Zubat and Rattata

Anyways, they're not gonna just change the battling mechanics. Nobody's really complaining about it and they're not just gonna copy the mainline games.

I just want more than anything else for them to fix the god damn bugs.
Better than me
CDMX is pretty active and has interesting mons.
Wanted to post something that happened to me today to maybe warn anyone else who this could affect.

Today I was walking and noticed I had a 1.5/2.0 km egg and a 4.5/5.0 km egg, both incubating. I didn't realize I started incubating them to hatch around the same time but I started walking in hopes to hatch them. Eventually I got the "Oh?" egg screen saying an egg hatched, and the game froze, which has happened before. I tapped it a few times and waited 2-3 minutes, hoping it would start working because I didn't want to mess it up, but that didn't fix it. I was forced to end the process and re-open the game. When I re-opened the game, both my eggs were gone and I got no new Pokemon. I know this because I'm near OCD in organization, so I can assure you I didn't receive any of the hatched Pokemon. Because I wasn't expecting this to happen, I wasn't able to take any pictures to document this. When viewing egg details, I can see egg progress is as precise as a meter. It's very unlikely I had both eggs at the same progress right down to the meter, but again, because I wasn't expecting this, I didn't check to see how close they were together.

I'm not sure if this is because my phone is a piece or because I had bad connection or because they did by chance hatch at the same time and mess something up, but I wanted to share this story to hopefully prevent it from maybe happening to someone else. I wish I had more documentation but all I can really give is my word and current screenshots, if anyone wants to see anything. I hope this hasn't happened to anyone else.
good thing you have that lapras to keep it in check
I would also like to see turn based combat.
>Hit pokemon over and over until they're at 1 HP
>They continue hitting you for 5 seconds before falling over
Shit needs to stop
why do they hate windows ;_; cant get it on my stupid phone
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Why don't you have the unofficial chat app yet /vp/?

just hatched that lapras like an hour ago. I squealed a bit in public, but everyone around me was playing too, so they understood
SoCal, inland empire in the valley.. its suburbia, but still technically desert
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does it have a good moveset?
Does the grass flying outwards on the map indicate something?
a pokemon literally begging to be caught
anyone else have this issue at all?
That there ~should~ be pokemon in that direction.
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nigga, ive been getting fire types up the ASS, and everyone and their mother has a fucking arkanine by now, so when I finally get a 90% CP Lapras that wasnt XS weight, I was pretty excited and jumped up and down cheering. maybe not squeal, but you get the idea
pic related
i've walked over these flying grass spots over and over before and nothing happens
Pacific northwest here. Maybe forest/water
It's a higher likelihood but not a guarantee.
That's some shitty move coverage.
Fuck you filthy westerners, why hasnt this game been released in my glorious nippon.
Doesn't work on my phone as well, probably because it doesn't have a gyroscope.
Lapras only have ice attacks and dragon pulse, which is worthless because you already have ice.
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All I want is the Onyx. Do I really need to go in to the mountain towns to get these?
I have two Onix's, I hatched them. They're crap, dude.
Sucks to be Lapras.
Why does this trigger me so fucking much.
That said, there's also a chance to get them out of 10km eggs. So get to walking.
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I can't have the game running in my pocket without the touch screen getting rubbed up against and closing
I just keep the phone on my hand and walk like normal.
I live in a valley (the willamette) and the local park is brimming over with onix.
The UK is known for pedos so it's not surprising
Lapras would be nice here considering people in the county found a dratini nest and now there's 2k dragonites running around.
Mine's stuck with steel wing and hyper beam and it's stuck at 1.5k.
I've fought against a couple Lapras and I can't really see it. They just kinda get rolled.
As much as I'd like to see turn based battling implemented it's probably too late at this point
Go to bed Thomas
Holy fuck

probably the best evenly leveled team I've seen so far
>I just want more than anything else for them to fix the god damn bugs.
this, i literally can't play right now because of shit.
Looked up my problem, tried the fixes and it doesn't work.
But Onix is just another rock shitmon.
Bruh do you really think I can compete with the nerds who have probably already dropped 50 bucks on this?

I just want my favorite
Post your teams no matter how shitty they are
Money doesn't put you ahead by much, it just gets you to the point where the XP curve is too high to reasonably continue faster.
As long as you keep going, you can catch up.
Besides how much does being able to dodge factor in to fighting? What's the lowest level that can take out the highest?
how the fuck do I find a ghost
I'm level 10 and I'm still only catching ~300 CP pokemon.

At what point do I get strong enough pokemon to stand a single fucking chance at fighting anything? Everyone around me is at 1300+ and I'm getting tired of throwing out every pokemon I catch.
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Even Pokémon go to IHOP at 4 am...
Kill someone
jelly of your porygon/10
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>Hit level 20
>Get a 1500cp vaporeon and gyms are piss easy to capture
>In two days collected 140 coins
>Already finished half of the dex
>Realize I accomplished all my goals and I'm in the endgame
Guess I'll just drop my remaining lures in the morning
It's not over till the legendaries
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I am most definitely the worst player here.
Is there anyway for Niantic to know if you GPS spoof?
i'm not a GPS spoofer, I just use a hand-me-down iphone 4 to play the game at home and sometimes my grandma will let me use her phone at the park and lake. I use a keyboard phone for communication.
what's your level?
Thanks, got it by stupid luck. It's the only reason my team isn't meh/10
Just got it today lads, gonna go and fail at playing this game
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>At the local park with three friends taking over a gazebo gym
>Three others show up
>Ask what team they are
>Buddy says "Oh, haven't seen Valor here yet."
>One of them says "We shall arrive."

Holy fuck that was so cringey. You already arrived otherwise you wouldn't be saying that in front of us.
when I used to play ingress I got an email basically saying
>we know, pls stop, that's not cool
after I used an emulator to "walk" up and down my street hacking portals
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>Fucking this
drowzee'd out the ass.

>tfw your house spawns all three starter pokemon
bulbasaur was my first catch, i assumed it was a game mechanic for all three to pop up first time just missing charmander.
just keep at it anon
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>catching pokemon like normal
>fail a pokeball
>haven't looked up how many I had left and that was my last one
>pokemon won't flee
>can't run away from it
>can't do nothing except restart the app

This is the most embarrassing thing ever.
I feel like I'm not "getting" the game. I'm level 6, got a bunch of Pokemon, and hatched an egg. But there's pretty much nothing around where I live, and it's kinda boring.

Am I supposed to go to the city and play the game there?
You can't expect valorfags to behave normally
I wonder what winter will be like for Pokemon Go.

Parks will probably still be filled with people in huge coats.
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Post your collection
Template in next post
really bored of catching shitmons

walked almost 50k but i'm only lv12
i want to evolve shit but i know it's just a waste of candies until you grind to lv 20 and can find higher base cp pokemon
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Is there a limit to how many Egg Incubators you can find from Pokestops? I found one from one of the first Stops I went to and haven't gound any since. I have lots of Eggs to hatch.
Best team?
6 Vaporeons
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Haven't give it a proper go yet
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Use a lucky egg and evolve everything so you'll get 1k xp each evolution.
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>tfw no mons even near 1500 yet
Rate my shit team

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Why don't you get extra exp for catching high level pokemon? It's bullshit that I used 60+ pokeballs catching a 800CP aerodactyl and only got 100xp for it
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I guess that pidgeys, zubats, ekans and growlithes are "urban pokemon" since those are the most common around my town.
I live near a mountain and a river and no rock or water pokemon ever spawns without using lures.
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>Wasting 60+ Pokeballs
Did you even Razz his shit?
what a rebel
nice collection
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Hatched this behemoth this morning, dubs names him. No cursing or roodypoos, subtle offense is ok.
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There's nothing special where I live and since I only go out to ride the bike to the university and back, I don't get many different Pokémon.
is nigger subtle enough?
if not then Zapdos
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I've caught some weird stuff and avoided/missed stuff I should have had a long time ago.
Why won't it let me buy pokecoins? There's no option for me to do so. I downloaded the game on my computer then loaded it on my phone because my phone (Android) said it was incompatible. Could it be that? Everything else seems to work fine.
>Holy fuck that was so cringey.
Not nearly as "cringey" as normalfags who come here with a sense of self awareness, like you.
Fuck off back to facebook.
good variety
it has to be properly installed to integrate google playstore I guess
Where would be the best place to farm gastlys near me? I tried the cemetery, but I caught a bunch of sparrows and rattatas instead. (Did find a Rhyhorn there, though)
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>Caught: 41
>Seen: 42
The Shocker
I want Gastlys so badly.
I've wandered the neighborhood at night, hung around parking lots, and the only Gastly I've got is the one I hatched from an egg.

I'm starting to believe they don't spawn.
Yeah but I only had around 10 left so I ran out
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OK, which one of you is this?
Almost nothing but weedles near me.

Supposedly the game is out officially in the UK but the play store still tells me it's not available in my country.
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45km walked
When I try to download it via phone it still says "this app is incompatible with your device". I guess I could just drive around to a million pokestops for the pokeballs I need.

Ran into Gastly twice, seems you have to venture off at night and he'll appear.

Both instances I can say for sure were at night time. One was in front of my house and the other was maybe 2 miles away from my start point at night.
my city is filled with gastlys, drowzees, bugs, rattatas and pidgeys, I have rarely seen anything else
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They do spawn, I've catch one.
>yfw pic related is the only haunter I've ever seen
I'm convinced Victreebels don't exist.
haunter spawned for me at 3:30, so it doesn't have to be night
Who knows how much data the app uses? Has it effected anyone's phone bills?
They do. I found 2. They usually come out at night. Mine both spawned on the same backroad behind my apartment complex.

Been playing since release and have only racked up 96 mb so far.
i went over my monthly data limit, which causes an auto purchase of an extra gb for 10bucks
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All three nights I've been out playing have been after 10:00PM. I've stayed out past 3AM every time.

Am I just un lucky, or is it because I'm low level? (I'm only level 9. Pic related.)
scratch that
i went over my limit because of other stuff
PoGo has only used 160mb
your top 2 are the 2 I want to be my top 2
i've got gastlys constantly spawning near my house.

but for the life of me i cannot find a fucking eevee. jolteon is my favorite electric type pokemon and i just fucking can't.
thinking of spoofing my location to where an eevee is, is it hard? anyone know where eevee's spawn often?

Im only lvl 9 as well anon, might just be your luck. Don't feel bad tho, I let a Magmatar get away earlier and Im still butthurt about it.
Ditto isn't real, neither is Dratini.
Any tips for the poor fags ...I walk a lot and have a car but not many stops or gyms along my day to day routes and no not GPS spoofing... One gym I pass a lot is a state police post so want to own it... About 600 cp will get it any ideas bros
23/24 here

what was the one that got away?

mine was a cp:??? starmie
Just drive to a major town/city.
Charlottesville VA they do.
How many Pokestops are in the Village/Town/City you live in?

>tfw only 2 and can't even get 3G sometimes in the area.
>It's another "where can I get a GASTYLY???" meme
65/66 here.
It was an Omanyte.
I looked it in its cold dead eyes and pelted it with balls for a good minute.
Then it walked away.
My heart has been fossilized.
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>seen; 53
>caught; 53

an abra had fled from me in the past but i caught one tonight
there is one within a km of me

haven't gone into town to see how many we have in total
I swear to God I saw a Dratini while I was driving but I was driving too fast and there was traffic so I couldn't try to catch it.
Indianapolis is not small but just sucks as far as city's go
truly heartbreaking
sup faggots. I'm pretty late to joining this game.

I just turned level 5 and i want to join the meme team.
Thank god my regular biking area has a pokestop. It helps that almost no cars are there either. Bought a phone mount for max immersion.
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What's the bell curve of knowing your evolution is going to have decent CP? Would he have potential of being a good Kingler or should I wait to hatch/catch a higher one? Currently Level 13 and this is the last one I caught.

There's two down the road then there's three groups of 3-4 stacked together near my city hall, old downtown and a nearby park.
they're all meme teams

join instinct for the least cringe
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Me too let's rage

That sounds fucking tight.
I'm hoping one of y'all will be able to help.
I don't seem to be able to get gps/location position when I use mobile data, not even on google maps. I've got it set to high accuracy but it doesn't make any difference
bonbons. kill yourself frenchy
mystic a best, instinct is fine too
valorfags are the true cancer
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Should I evolve this fucker? I'm level 14, and it knows tackle and dig.
Check out a golf field, supposedly Dragon types have a higher spawn rate there.
Post your awkward moments when going to places and trying to be subtle about playing Pokemon GO as to not raise suspicions.

Update - Y/N?
There's no time for subtlety.
There're rats to catch.
I have none

I stand in the middle of the street and hold up traffic

I have no shame
That's not a terrible number for Eevee. Go for it.
dude, i literally caught a sandshrew while ordering subway

pokemon is more important
Should I turn mobile data roaming on or not? I only have a 20GB month usage.
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Holy shit my sides
>less cringe
I'm looking for pure meme cancer

Sounds good to me

So, Valor it is then right? Red?
The app uses next to nothing.
So how does the whole leveling thing work now? Should I powe up my Mons before or after they evolve?
OK state police post at 5 am and a cop is like wtf are u doing... No good reply I say pokemon go ... He face palms and let's me do my thing
It doesn't have a gyroscope. You can either buy a phone with one or just continue playing without AR mode.
>pure meme cancer

valor's your team
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>That's not a terrible number for Eevee.
If you're looking for cancer in purest form then yeah, Valor is for you
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>Yesterday 5 pm
>About the time when most normies get off work
>Find a gym next to a kindergarten
>It's about 2k Prestige shy off a level up so I can place my own Poke in there
>Decide to go for it
>Parents picking up their kids look at me suspiciously for the whole time
I-I'm just playing a game, I swear! I don't even user AR.
Caught a Chansey earlier with two Psychic moves. It's about 230 CP and can take a 780 CP Arcanine down to 1/4 health before it dies.

Why does a Chansey with that CP have such an absurd HP stat, yet such a low CP cap?

Also does STAB exist? Arcanine was doing nothing with Bite but Flamethrower took like 40% of my Chaney's health
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>account creation is locked
is this a common occurrence, how long does it last, and should i be afraid
Valor and rage
Yes, it is. You can't be on two teams.
I pulled out my phone and noticed a pokemon appear, I saw there were other people around so I started pretending to talk to someone and subtlety swipe to catch.
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That sound cute as fuck
AR just makes it harder to catch pokemon and drains more battery.
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Daily reminder that Zapdos is the only bird that is actually competitive and viable in the REAL pokemon games, thus Instinct is only for the REAL pokemon trainers.
It's german.
I like that Glaceon pic, btw
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A good night, r8.
OK cringe ftw
i only just started playing yesterday, are the 200cp pokemon i have useless? when i upgrade them i only get like 30cp more. Should i just toss them until i start to catch 800-100+ cp mons?
Because in the real games Chansey has lots of HP and low attack. Do you even fucking play Pokemon?

we don't want a bunch of spergs besmirching our good name
How do you delete your character?
In the real games it doesn't equal the damage it takes, retard
>high lvl snorlax

you won the game
Daily reminder that nobody became a Pokemon Master by grinding Pidgeys in the real games either.

Adapt or perish Instinctfag.
The fucking nearby list is funky as shit

>see pokemon I want with 2 foot steps
>walk in some direction
>instead of going up to 3 foot steps, like it should, it's just instantly gone completely

>walk back somewhere
>has 3 steps now

it feels so wonky
Can't wait for Gen IV so I can cry for days as I try and find a good Eevee to evolve and grind enough candies, then be subjected to the RNG and get another Flareon.
>mfw this is the straw that breaks the back with regards to me getting rid of my windows phone
When are they going to make pokemon more common and add more stuff in rural areas?
dude, we are in vp, not in vg. It is okay to tell the truth here.
The pokemon "Walk" around just like you. They don't stay in the same spot.

It's simulating them quite well, honestly.
Google store is offering g an update now it's out in the UK.

Should I take it or will it wipe my illegal progress so far?
my bad

I've got both threads open
>They don't stay in the same spot.
Yes they do.

check leddit for posts by level 24-25 people who already spent 300+ dollars on this game

they have 24/7 incense on them and 24/7 lucky eggs
it helps
Windows GTFO
>implying I dont take my 3ds with me when I play pokemon go

I bought a DROID Turbo and donated my Windows Phone because of this game. You're not alone.
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>Catch it on my first throw
>Knows Zen Headbutt and Earthquake

>CP 132
Is it atleast on the beginning part of the CP curve?
Is there a reason Flareon is so trash?
Vaporean attacks faster, does as much damage, and has more hp.

Am I missing something?
Today I'll take the bike to the opposite direction of where I usually go.

Usually I go west into the city center cause of all the stops and many pokemon

But I need new ones, so many I have never seen before. So I'm gonna explore a bit by driving east and hopefully it'll count as a new "region" or some shit in Niantic's eyes.

Maybe they also look at it from a residential / business / industrial district kind of way
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My best catch yesterday
Kinda, the line is over the middle of his right arm.
chicago uptown for me
Where did you find it? Detroit?
Electric is niche and the game is biased to fire Pokemon
>the game is biased to fire Pokemon
The higher your level the more likely something will appear in those areas. Sometimes I literally wait in those areas and start messing with the gryo function instead of actually walking and the Pokémon in question just pops up.
jynx lives matter
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OK too win the game some one needs to catch a jynx next to a strip club screen shot for proof ?
what are you smoking.
have you even played this game?
electric pokemon are one of the strongest.
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I pass out for only two nights and I fall this far behind the other crazies. A bad feeling.
North Bergen, New Jersey
Got a 1235 Nidoqueen today.

It has Poison Jab (15) and Sludge Wave (60),

Is it worth powering up to be a main team member?

Is poison still shit? Counters fairy I guess.
I saw a shadow on the 'nearby' thing yesterday, followed it around for ages thinking it was a Nidoking. Ended up being a 200CP Nidoqueen.

I was so mad.
>Counters fairy
When do you start finding rarer, stronger stuff, level 13?

I can use a lucky egg right now and go from 11 to 13.
Where the fuck do you live? The highest level Pokemon I find are always growlithe and ponyta. The highest leveled Pokemon in my area are most commonly Arcanine, and everyone I know has at least one very high level Arcanine.
My phone is too shitty for this but i managed to get it on my tablet, but its wifi only. Shit sucks, only managed to get a bulbasaur
Fairy type exists in this game tho
Germany, never seen a Ponyta, only got a single Growlithe. You don't understand that different regions get different types, do you?
Fairy type exists homie.
don't talk shit about fairy mr mime will curbstomp your shit
I live in the midlands, in England. All I get is Drowzee. EVERY gym has a Hypno in it. Most of them 2 or 3.

I have seen a grand total of one Growlithe.
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Would I be autistic if I bought this hat?

But do you really need a counter for Jigglypuffs and Clefairy?
where am i supposed to get any rock type pokemon, i have a strong pinsir but he keeps getting fucked by all the flying types in the gyms
Where do you think you are?

You're already autistic.
I caught a Rhyhorn at a cemetery last night at around 8:00PM.
lvl8 pleb here, how the fuck do i level up quicker?

i have no idea how people are running into wild cp 400+ pokemon when i get like 10-80cp
Yellow is for Hipsters, blue is Beta.

Am I wrong?
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>At work
>Check nearby
>Oh shit it's a Wigglytuff
>Sneak out to catch the fucker
>Find it from the parking lot, catch it
>Get back
>Check list again
>See pic
Is that the same goddamn Wigglytuff I just caught? Should I go back and find out? My workplace is pretty lax, but I don't want to get into trouble.
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I'm in Toledo Ohio and I see Drowzee all day every day. Usually what shows up on my radar is Pidgey, Weedle, Eevee and Drowzee. Spearow have started showing up more after I caught enough to evolve one whereas before they hardly ever popped up so thats kind of annoying. I still hardly ever see Caterpie though.

I haven't seen a single Sandshrew, Vulpix, Growlithe, Diglett, etc. Encountered a single Electabuzz and it ran after the first Pokeball, haven't seen another one since. And my radar told me not too long ago that there was a Psyduck nearby so I went looking for it but the app glitched and when I brought it back up it was gone. So in short, I'm surrounded by shit.

>tfw I still somehow managed to catch 60 different Pokemon
You don't get different types, you just see them more commonly.

Arcanine has a massive CP cap though. To compare I have a maxed out Golem at like 1030 right now and an Arcanine at about 70% way at only 850.

It seems to be one of the highest capped Pokemon in the game so far. I've seen a lot of high leveled Gyarados, Snorlax and a few Dragonite in my Facebook group for my state, but that's only because Arcanines are insanely common.
Can I play this on an iphone 5?

i'm getting a phone and the recommended specs say "iphone 5+" but I dunno what that is
Stop evolving anything right now, gather a hundred Pidgeys, Weedles and Caterpies, pop a lucky egg and evolve everything at once for 1k exp each. Transfer the Pidgeottos, Kakunas and Metapods to evolve even more basic Pokemon. For additional exp, save up some other Pokemon to evolve into something you don't have in the Pokedex yet for even more exp.
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even more so than your average /vp/ user

at least it's not a tattoo, like several of your teammates
I think rarer pokemon spawn rates increase with level and cell phone data usage.
I live in the suburbs with the nearest pokestop being 2 miles away, and I didnt start seeing rare shit until level 8.
"iPhone 5 and up", so yes.
And Mr Mime?

It's not as bad as you think.
Lmao is this nigga playing pokemon in a mosque?
Valor here. My whole town is covered in blue. There's one Yellow guy, and I've ran around with him a bit. Don't even know his name, honestly.

Blue team seems to be pretty friendly. My girlfriend and I stood around in a park and kept double teaming this one blue gym. The blue guy had a 1,000+ Jolteon and would wipe us out every time we took the damn thing. We just kept it up since we each had like 40 revives and potions.

After like the fifth time the gym switched to red because of us, the blue guy finally looked around for us and called out "Oi, ya bastards! Quit ch'a shit!

We had a good laugh.

Blue's friendly, yellow just seems non-existent. I'm red, so I don't feel like I have the right to comment on myself.

yellow is indisputably the true pokemon enthusiast's choice

sorry you fucked up and chose the normie option
buy an ash hat so youll be less cringy
Things I've noticed:
The more people playing in an area, the more likely the game freezes/crashes/lags
People do not know what the word "Go" means as they stand around for 40 minutes in a single spot
People my age are having conversations from 20 years ago in public
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>see Alakazam when I boot up
>go down the street
>this is what I get

Hey somethings better than nothing, right?
I'm not saying it's bad, but it's so rare, I'd rather have something electric to counter all the Pidgeots, Fearows, Golbats and watershitmons. I've never seen a Mr. Mime anywhere, let alone fight one in an arena.
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>65 million users in the USA

pokestops and lures are a thing retard.
Literally the Mighty No 9 of alakazams.
I feel like the Valor hat would be less cringy than the Ash hat because at least the Valor hat is relevant today. I'd be buying a Season 1 ash hat.
>20% CP
Are you level 5 or something?

I was just asking if a Nidoqueen with all poison moves would be a worthy member of my team(currently don't have any permanent members, she would be the first).
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Just finished my evolution haul for the night or day I guess. Anyone over lvl 20 have any tips for leveling now or is it all literally just lucky eggs and egg coordination/cheap evo batches?

I have 150k stardust, these are just raw evolutions and I haven't spent dust for anything in days.
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Is this a decent collection? I've only been to three different places thus far but the game came out a week ago for me.

I haven't went to any areas people have specifically stated have certain Pokemon, just come across all of these when I had to go places.
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>Doing the "spam throwing motions as Pokemon spawns in" trick
>Pokeball freaks out and flies off screen
>Massive shadow emerges from the bottom of the screen and keep moving over everything, making pic related

I couldn't do a damn thing and had to restart the app. Game didn't let me back in for almost 20 minutes after that. No idea if it's Niantic's servers or the bug on that one. Anyone else run into this?
13. Don't know if it's the area or if the game is just being biased towards me, but the same thing happened last night with a Golduck.
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I was level 15 at the time of this.
The person I was hunting with got a 753 from the same spawn.
I don't get any fucking 10km eggs and it's pissing me off.
Doing lots of 2km right now to make more space, but nothing.
Pokemon change in mood. If they're angry they're harder to catch but if they look upbeat or spunky, they're easier.
Friend, you've simply angered a Weedle. There is no hope for you left.
>Massive shadow emerges from the bottom of the screen and keep moving over everything, making pic related
You made it sound so spooky
gengar took your soul anon
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Britbong here. Managed to play a little earlier. Been trying to play again for the last couple of hours and this is all I get.
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Nah, it's just completely random.
Mother of all shit. HOW???!!!
Revealing myself a bit here. I'm a Niantic dev. I can actually answer this one.

When a pokeball hits a pokemon before the game expects it to, it can cause a bunch of shit to fuck up. We're basiclly having to fix each thing that can go wrong one-by-one.

For example, if you toss the ball before the pokemon fully zooms out, the camera "Zoom-in" that happens normally when watching the ball twitch will freak the fuck out. It's being a real headache to fix.

What you've just posted is a known bug and will be fixed in the next patch. Until then, try and not spam the fuck out of your balls like a teenage boy with internet access.
>yuropeens tell me fire doesn't have some kind of bias
>they say electric is the most well off type
>see this picture

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>I'm a Niantic dev.
>Until then, try and not spam the fuck out of your balls like a teenage boy with internet access.
Speaking of porn, Pokemon Go has surpassed google hits over the term "porn" according to /vp/.
it won't wipe it.
He's obviously from the part of the world where Growlithes are more common than Pidgeys. Meanwhile my Electabuzz rapes every gym because everything is a Pidgey or water type.
Newfag question, just installed the game and made my trainer. How the fuck do I catch one of the Starters? My trainer's just standing there.
enable gps + click on them
Your game data is tied to your google account
Touch one with your finger. Or your can walk away to encounter a Pikachu
I'm legitimately not looking for (You)s, pls help,
the commonness of it has no impact on the strength of the breed whatsoever
Couple of things.
Great balls always seem to veer left and right way more the pokeballs when you swipe up. Is it me?
I can't figure out the "nice" throws they always seem to happen when the circle is the largest.
I'm about to unlock ultra balls what is the best item ratio?
Before you catch them, keep in mind that you can skip those starter that pops up. If you walk for like 5 to 10 minutes, a Pikachu will pop up and he can be your starter instead.
Don't catch them, walk away from them 4 times and catch pikachu instead.
Nice, I wish I could be doing the same but Eevee spawns are two hours from where I am.
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>3 days till my phone payment clears
It's gonna blow over by then, isn't it?
Make your phone a hotspot and link the two. Walk around with both. The game eats very little data. Congrats, you can now be mobile with your tablet.
Thanks Anon, caught a Bulbsaur.

I'm pretty sure you crack out the great balls for rarer pokemon that are further away and are harder to hit, try releasing your finger lower on the screen
what are the strongest pokemon of their respective types? i'm gonna guess here

Normal: Snorlax
Fighting: Machamp
Flying: Dragonite/Gyarados
Poison: Gengar
Ground: Golem
Rock: Golem
Bug: Venemoth?
Ghost: Gengar
Steel: Magneton
Fire: Arcanine
Water: Gyarados
Grass: ???
Electric: Magneton?
Psychic: Alakazam
Ice: Lapras
Dragon: Dragonite
Dark: N/A
Fairy: Clefable
Check, it would be good to know if certain rares spawn at the same location
Hell no. This thing is more popular than fucking porn right now. It'll at least have vanilla WoW-levels of players for years.
Not as effective as walking. Especially walking between several stops while waiting for the cooldown

Especially if there are a bunch of people lagging the area.
The whole point of the game is to keep moving. Hatching eggs, finding stops, new spawn locations.
Does it run like shit on the iphone 5 though? It says the iphone 6/SE runs much faster than the 5s.
dude i play it on galaxy s2 with literally no lag
Weird. I found a Pokemon in my house, threw a ball, it went inside and now the ball just sits there still on the floor. No catch notification, no pause and zoom-in. Server issue or random glitch?
>Water: Gyarados
No, Vaporeon, hands down.
I'm stuck with a 4S right now and it works fine even on that.
Use wifi to play the game, you can at least play a little at home and get started.
lagged out

happens more than it should

exit and re-enter the game

it'll either be caught or where it was
>tfw your 900 cp vaporeon solos a 700 flareon, 800 rhydon and 1100 arcanine
His attack speed is pants on head retarded.
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>tfw all the trainer nicknames i want are taken
>play a little at home
>get started
Like how, make a character and catch a starter?
I can choose to evolve one of the following:

450CP growlithe with a 25 dmg super attack
550CP growlithe with a 40 dmg super attack

Is the moveset guaranteed to reroll or is there a chance to retain previous movesets on evolve?
It is the second hardest Pokemon I've gone against when considering CP but I haven't fought a Gyarados, which I believe has a higher CP cap than the Eeveelutions?
>I haven't fought a Gyarados
There we have it...
fuck i mixed it up, i meant 450CP with 40 dmg and 550CP with 35 dmg.
How the literal shit fuck do you have 54k stardust
Yes. I caught a starter and a pidgey at my house without moving around my room at all.

I've been stuck at work all night, and I've been checking the game every so often and wild pokemon pop up. Just walk around your house, walk around your wifi range. As long as you have internet and location services you should be able to play.

Dunno if location works with just wifi though, I'm not poor.
What is: playing the game a lot

Oh, rhetorical question. Stop posting start the grind you scrublord
I don't need to have battled one to see it has the highest CP which inherently puts it in the running for the best.

Then again not actually owning the Pokemon makes it weaker because the AI is buggy and slow sometimes.
>blister fucks up my foot
>cant walk around for a few days
>falling behind unless i pay real money for incense
this is what i get for leaving my house
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nice try, tricker man
That's a meme, anon.
Is it worth spending stardust on a pokemon with <50 damage special attack and/or <15 damage normal attack?
>it has the highest CP
>[citation needed]
It gets blown the fuck apart by basic electro types, it can't be the best.
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Oh no, last time a saw a Kabuto it flee away.
what do what do
First you catch that Rhyhorn. Then you go for the Kabuto and catch that too.
Except any time I get enough dust, I boost my characters, I don't get how people are catching 600+ wild mons, everything I find is like 3-400 and I'm level 13
Get in the car, chase that fucker.
>Got a Flareon from bodyslam
>A Vaporeon from dig

Nice try
i had this happen, except i did get the pokemon.
check sorting the pokemon list by time. if not then RIP eggs i spose.
>fix the battling back to it's traditional form of turn based.

Why? So you can just one shot with a type advantage? I like the combat system we have now, it's more engaging and exciting imo
AFAIK it does have the highest CP of all water types in the game, I'm willing to be corrected if I am wrong but from what I've seen that is true.

Also the game doesn't have 4x weaknesses so it gets about as fucked up as a vaporeon with less health.
Please report back.

I can't even get past the fucking loading screen.
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>74 seen/74 caught
>no fighting or rock types anywhere in my part of Houston

Whereeeeee areeee youuuu

Also my current highest mons
i have never gotten one from a stop so you are super lucky i spose.
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friend list
near by players
better radar
credit to lure
gift coins
friend battle
better user experience
transfer all/ select multiple
disable animations seriously DISABLE ANIMATIONS
app optimisation its fucking shit, tanks battery and is supposed to be played outside lamo
run with screen off
global online map
online player stats / ranking
official forums
non femboy characters
remove female acheivenments
exit app button from server congestion screen
pokie flute
2d low fps render battery saver
item timer save when not logged in

a whole lot of missed potential with this beta client release as expected of PTCi

the hype will soon burn off and the wave of opportunity will be lost
serebii says you cant, you must have gotten it from leveling up, you get them at leveling milestones 5,10,15,20 etc
Went to a triple lure spot in the park late last night. It was full of 20 somethings drinking, smoking weed and catching pikachus.There was a gym on a local bridge. At some point during the night a pool of blood appeared. I think bluefags and redfags got in a turf war.

>2K eggs can get you starters, if at a rare chance
I suddenly have a lot more reason to use 2Ks
gunna get a charzard someday
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Picture of the blood. Pokemon gangs, man. You don't fuck with pokemon masters.
I fear that there will be riots over this shit before it's done

not the games fault, people are fucking nuts these days
>as fucked up as a vaporeon with less health
lost a pokemon like this it happens
the client is a buggy piece of shit
according to serebii they have no data on ditto.
so either noone credible has seen it or it hasnt been released like the legendaries.
Caught: 83
Seen: 84

Damn Wartortle, everyone around me got it but mine ran after the first throw.
Shit guys, my bad. I didn't know it was a meme. Seemed believable.
Are we sure the legendaries haven't been released? In the beta you could catch them in the wild, they were just super rare.
I've caught 3 thus far. Meanwhile I'm like the Pied Piper of Hamelin in 1350 with all these rats squirming around.
English cities in general, apparently. I've seen loads of Drowsee here in Nottingham and heard reports of them in Birmingham and London.
Same thing happened to me, he was pretty chill and amused about the whole thing
>niantic dev
Will I get in trouble for running the game from my galaxy s3 via installing the apk?

Also holy shit make it so it doesn't leak memory like ingress did and actually run it on older phones (some day) I literally can't do gyms.
Tried it, The app looks nice, but there's only one people on my region and 14 km away from me.
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Suburban Texas.

Wake me up.
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3 days into playing

only got the factory im working at near.
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