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Why are you guys so upset with Pokémon being over taken by normies?

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Why are you guys so upset with Pokémon being over taken by normies? Pokémon is, and always has been, normie. Everyone born 1990 and onward loves Pokémon. Pokémon is on the same level as Harry Potter in terms of defining the last generation. The only people who are coming into the fanbase after Pokemon Go are cute girls who didn't play "boy stuff" when they were kids. Pokemon Go isn't popular because everyone loves fitness apps, it's because everyone loves Pokémon. Jesus Christ, how long has Pikachu been a balloon in the Macy's Day parade?
>inb4 genwunners
Most no one other than autistic mememakers on 4chan and Reddit care about what generation Pokemon come from, they just like Pokémon. Now peave your room and go play Pokémon with some cute girls.
Don't worry anon, you speak the truth.

It's just that the people here who complain about the normie boogeyman are hipster autists who don't want to accept the fact that they like something popular.
I agree with you OP

PLUS: Nice work posting Slowpoke line
>3D girls
>Most no one other than autistic mememakers on 4chan and Reddit care about what generation Pokemon come from, they just like Pokémon.

It kinda sucks though when you want to talk about anything Pokemon from Gen 4 and up and, at best the reply is:
>Sorry, I stopped playing Pokemon around Gen 1, 2, and/or 3

And at worst:
>Dude the new Pokemon suck, Gen 1, 2 and/or 3 are the only ones that matter.
>Most no one other than autistic mememakers on 4chan and Reddit care about what generation Pokemon come from, they just like Pokémon.

Except thats false, because most of them either reject or are completely ignorant of anything past Gen I.
>3D Girls
I'd like you to see this >>27107365
I'm more than ok with people liking pokemon more and more, but I'd just like it if they didn't become such an annoyance lately.
pretty much this. normies are usually worse genwunners than anyone on this board
Also, I didn't post that, just thought it summed up how I feel over this whole GO flood (except I don't hate normies, just their attitude)
Look at slowking just taunting with her sexy gaze over the shoulder knowing that tail be thick
OP wins. GO is fun and I'm meeting lots of new people. There is literally no reason to be upset about this game.
>not slowqueen
you're into trap I assume? or trans?
Honestly you guys grossly overestimate how many genwunners there are in real life.

Most people at my college who like Pokemon like and play the newer games.

Yes, it's true that if you ask a lot of people which is their favorite pokemon they'll come up with a response along the lines of "Pikachu" or "Charizard". It's not because they're genwunners, it's because they've been out of the loop for quite a while. If you show them a roster of all the pokemon, chances are most will start picking favorites from later gens.
I don't like having normalfags on this board because they are boring as all living fuck. The only reason this website is mildly entertaining and isn't another reddit or facebook is because it isn't filled with normal boring people.
>tfw Gentwoerr

I'm so lonely
That's just the species name bro, I think it's cute
And here's the reality: A lot of people playing Go don't even know the Gen 1 Pokemon. I was talking with a guy earlier today who didn't know what a Tangela was and was calling it "Tang-gel-o" and a woman in her early thirties who didn't know that Pokemon evolved. These people will not care when newer Pokemon are introduced.
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This is on par with 2012 Tumblr
The argument for their favourites is a lot simpler than that, its because those are made to be everyone's favourites. They are the most exposed pokemon out there, and because of that they, like greninja, lucario and some others, end up representing pokemon to many people, and easily become their favourites due to a semi-forced attachement
Yeah, we need more Gardevoir generals and Pokefeet threads.
>Most no one other than autistic mememakers on 4chan and Reddit care about what generation Pokemon come from

That's wrong, plenty of normalfags disregard newer Pokémon as a whole because they see a couple bad designs like Vanilluxe and lump the entire generation with those designs. They go in with the mindset that it's shit and they come to the conclusion that it's shit because of that bias, and they have that mindset because it's not what they grew up with.
Me too bro

Cyndaquil was my first Pokemon starter selection ever and I'm attached to that lil fire nigga for that reason.

I almost always pick grass type in other games though
Some special snowflake you are then. In fact, most of you are. Get over it and stop acting like you deserve some kind of special treatment.
> because it isn't filled with normal boring people.

Yeah , its worse because majority of /vp/ is full of non-functional autists who cry at the smallest and most trivial changes

Maybe its YOU who is boring
>Everyone born 1990 and onward loves Pokémon. Pokémon is on the same level as Harry Potter in terms of defining the last generation
Knowing what Pokemon is doesn't mean they love it, you retard. "normies" either haven't played the series at all or haven't played it in 10+ years.
I was just messing with you. It's just funny to see people say she on mostly masculine mons like machamp, slowking and tyranitar and yes, I do mean design wise not in their gender ratio
Better than thirty threads about 'go memes' taken off a facebook page or people talking about their painfully average girlfriends and the painfully average things they do together.

I prefer Richard to the current scenario.
You do have a good point. Sometimes when I show someone who fell out of Pokemon the current roster, they instantly skim through the list and pick off the new ones they like.

It seems that the true "new Pokemon sucks" whiners are mostly on the internet.
No, you're wrong. Most of the age range that grew up playing gen 1 did not take the plunge into gen 4 because it was a new console and at that point were older and less likely to play a "kids game." /vp/ excluded of course.

If I tried to talk about the new games with any of my Facebook friends who now play Go I'd get weird looks. I know because I've posted info about SM and no one has bothered to discuss it but if I post anything with older mons they're all over it.

That's not really loving Pokémon, that's loving nostalgia.

Tyrannitar is still my favorite. I'm kinda sad, I can't find a working cartridge anywhere.
Yes this is true. Before Gen 5 I knew jack-shit about pokemon, and my fave was something shoehorned like Pikachu.

But you know what? It's a good thing the game is capturing players by appealing to shilled mons.

Like >>27108267 said, most people don't really know all the Gen 1 pokemon. They're just playing along because it's fun and because they are discovering pokemon they didn't know existed. When later gens are added, I bet you most won't bat an eye and continue playing because the experience the game gives is immersive and fun.
I can buy Tyranitar being called a female more easily than the other two just because the main Tyranitar in the Ashnime was a mother.
It's not even that. It's this whole fake 'nerd' culture these people have built up. They pretend to be nerds to build up some kind of social cred, but at the same time only like mass produced, mass appeal schlock like super hero movies and harry potter.
stop this shit argument, you make everyone else looks autistic by proximity, leave this board and go to tumblr you special snoflake.

I hope more people get into pokemon. I just don't want most of them to come to /vp/ and cause a disaster like the first day was.
If /vp/ survived friend safaris and gen 6, it can survive this garbage. Normalfags are not known for their attention span.
You can't blame GO for that though, its just another vessel this people can take. These are the same people who appear in those infamous images of facebook posts saying how much of a hardcore gamer they are because they play candy crush, angry birds and senpai ville
No. Fuck off.
I love how the franchise is coming along now. Since Gen 5/6 everything's fell more global. Pokemon stopped feeling like something imported from Japan and instead felt like global pop culture icon like it always should have been.

You have shit like Pokemon Bank which is meant to last long enough for you to give your mons to your children. And now you have Pokemon GO which is luring in new and old fans.

/vp/ has always been shit though, but it's OK
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>Why are you guys so upset with "insert any fanbase" being over taken by normies?
Normalfags tend to completely destroy some of the best fanbases due to their obsession of fighting ostracization and feel "accepted" even in things that they aren't actually that interested or invested in to begin with, and when they become numerous enough they're usually able to affect the quality of the developer's product as these begin to apply the rule of "until the most idiot of the room understands it" to sell more.
Also, a good amount of them tend to be assholes to people that know more about the subject (which is part of how they can soil fanbases).
I am generalizing, of course, but this has been observed in the industry too many times to deny that there's some truth to it.

I'm not saying I disagree with what you said though, in fact I agree with most and I do think people on /vp/ are overreacting (but 20 GO threads are unnecessary).
I'm just answering you what I think it's the main reason normalfags are so hated among those who feel they've been rejected by them in the past.

Could write a lot more about this but I'm going through a really bad time and I don't have the mood to argue tonight. It's ok if people disagree and call me an autist tho, after all my post is just the subjective opinion of a depressed loser, and not a fact.
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I don't think you're a loser, anon
Hehe implying there is even a "takeover" of any sort gotta hand it to the autists in /vp/ for overreacting. Most of you dont know thsse """"normies""""" you despise so much will shoo away in a few weeks or month so you can frolic in your furry safe space
As long as we don't have 50 threads of the same topic that could be filtered into a one thread general, its not too shitty
>implying this place is a furry safe spac without normies
>implying this place is safe for anybody at any time
You do understand this is a containment board for a reason, right?
I disagree. Pokemon has always been a "normie" franchise, and since it's mainly aimed at kids I doubt any Pokemon product would get spoiled since they're already trying to appeal to a "dumb" demographic. Pokemon is no longer just a videogame franchise, it's literally too big to fail in that regard.

However I agree that the mainstream community sometimes ruins things for long-time fans. An example I've experienced first-hand is the Sonic fandom. You have all these fuckers complaining about the games daring to have gimmicks or more complex stories than just "hurr durr get all the Chaos Emeralds" and SEGA actually payed attention to them in the past, which frustrates me to no end.

HOWEVER, another thing I've noticed is that this shit only happens in online communities. If you go outside and ask someone most of the time they'll be pretty mellow about it.
Anonymity brings negativity.
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Here's the problem: What if Pokemon Go proves to be more successful than Sun and Moon, as in, it makes way more money? What if GF decides "You know what? Fuck it. Let's "Go" fully mobile with Pokemon" and Pokemon now becomes this super casualized shit? Go is a serious threat to mainline Pokemon games. Do you think GF and Nintendo, especially, care about hardcore fans? Fuck no. This is part of their blue ocean strategy. They'll cut us the fuck off if it means they get that sweet sweet normie money.
Gamefreak have nothing to do with GO

And no this isn't a problem as long as Nintendo controls part of Pokemon.
That is the problem anon. These are the same guys that raped Paper Mario, Metroid, F-Zero and Fire Emblem. You think Pokemon is safe?
Nintendo is moving Fire Emblem to mobile. It might be for just one game, it might be permanent, but they're doing it.
Absolutely this.
GO is the biggest threat to the mainline games ever.
shut up lol
>GO is the biggest threat to the mainline games ever.

The TCG has made just as shit-tons more money as the games for gamefreak for almost 20 years but you never see them dropping the Main games after red/blue

Stop this baseless fearmongering, you dolt
>these niche series' are dead, that means one of the most popular franchises of all time is doomed!
stop posting
what? As long as Nintendo consoles exist there will be traditional Pokemon games. They still make a shitload of money and mobile games don't allow the full potential of the series

No they've said many times their move into mobile is not going to effect their games.
>they've said many times their move into mobile is not going to effect their games.

They also said the DS wouldn't replace the GBA, then it did after it sold amazingly.

If more people buy the mobile FE than the 3DS FE you can bet your ass FE will be mobile-only, just like FE became handheld-only when the handhelds outsold the console FE games.
You really don't have a clue how this works, consoles and mobile are separate platforms with different markets and purposes, there's nothing to be replaced
This. We should also stop acting like these idiots have some sort of power to corrupt a fanbase and run us all out. They're losers who hide behind internet anonymity and circlejerks. Making them feel good is the last thing you guys want, right? Then stop acting like they were almighty boogeymen.

Also >>27109483 see >>27109037
Oops, I meant to link >>27109329
I don't give a shit about normies taking over pokemon. I give a shit about normies coming here who can barely name the original 151 and being spoonfed by you retards. If someone asks a stupid question, tell them to fuck off.
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As much as i hate fake people, a lot of whiners in /vp/ aren't better for implying you have be an anti-social no lifer to deserve to play pokemon.
Get the fuck out off this site and never come back again fucking normiefag.
I wouldn't mind normies, heck, some might consider me one.
What I mind, is that the relatively constant and peaceful fanbase is now full of facebook level shit-flinging in a desperate attempt to convince everyone about their own superiority.
Also, I'm reasonable worried that based on GO's success, the franchise might shift over to the more casual/normie audience.
(Which was already the case in the very beginning, but since then the world, the people and their needs have changed.)
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normie is just a scapegoat here.

Its just the usual /vp/ posters fucking over /vp/ posters
>consoles and mobile are separate platforms with different markets and purposes

And if the mobile market gives Ninty more money, they're going to change their games to accomodate that market, just like GF has already been doing with how much XY has been casualized and how much more SM seems to be casualized from prerelease information like the type effectiveness shit. The only difference is they're changing their games to appeal to the mobile generation without actually putting said games on mobile phones, I'm sure GF would love to "fix" that though.
I've been a severely depressed/anxious shut-in for the past 4 years wondering every day if I should kill myself because I'm doing absolutely nothing for the world. Pokemon has been literally the only thing keeping me alive, don't even care if you call me a gigantic autist for that, it's true. Since Pokemon Go was released, I've been out regularly for the first time in years and already I'm starting to feel better, getting exercise and fresh air and walking to take my mind off the horrible things I'm usually thinking about and just enjoying Pokemon again.

Honestly this game being an incentive to go outside into the world has done a lot for me. I've met a few people who play the game, it's improving my social skills, I've even gotten to know a couple of Pokemon fans in my area that I didn't even know existed, now we're planning on meeting up regularly and even battling/trading on the 3DS games.

It makes me sad that a vocal minority here would rather just remain shut-ins with no friends other than anonymous text boxes on the internet, rather than go out and enjoy a Pokemon game and make friends. Maybe they're scared of meeting new people like I was for the longest time. Well, now we actually have something to talk about with other, don't we? Just forget about the internet mentality, 'mobile' boogeyman and 'normies'. Try socialize face to face, it's so much different. Who the fuck cares that you're convinced these people are not 'true' Pokemon fans, if you can make some new friends using Pokemon as an ice breaker then ultimately it will only help you. Even if eventually they lost interest by then you might have a lot of other things to talk about.

If you can go outside, get fresh air, wander around killing time with your favorite hobby instead of being shut indoors gaining weight because of no exercise and getting depressed and agoraphobic, then why the hell not.

I don't even know what normies are anymore.

Years ago, the identity people either pretended to portray or legitimately identified as was a basement-dwelling neckbeard, either overweight or grossly skinny, who sat in the dark and refused to talk to people. Everyone either was a NEET or pretended to be a NEET.

Nowadays, the image of 4channers has grown much softer. I regularly discuss my career, my girlfriend, etc. and no one calls me a normie. I don't think normie would even accurately describe me--I've been here for 8 years.

The overlap between 4chan users and normies has dwindled to almost nothing--I regularly mention 4chan in casual conversations with regular people. Hell, I mentioned 4chan to a hardcore #sjw #blm #killallmen type and she laughed and said she loved it.
>being this paranoid and ignorant about how business works
>I don't even know what normies are anymore.

I never took the term seriously fampai
I'm trying to look at it neutrally so I won't be affected as much by future releases.
Two weeks ago I was still hyped about GO.
Now, seeing all these flamewars and the popularity, I'm more interested about what will happen to GO and the whole franchise 1 and 6 months from now.
Can you not read dipshit? That anon said he likes all the Pokemon but says it sucks how real normies dont.
This guy gets it. Good on ya mate.
i'm just glad they kept modern typings. if they had put clefairy in as normal type i would have lost all faith in their integrity.
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