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DLC Soon Edition

Old thread: >>26938477
>VS Code: vgptg


>How do I play online? What is a VS code?
After completing the initial menu tutorial and picking a partner pokemon, pick Online Battle from the main menu / world map.
VS codes are basically passwords. Set the preferences to Anyone > Use Vs Code > vgptg

>What are some resources I can check out?
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Best Pokkén.
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Where the fuck were you last the real last one with no posts thread, you lovable shitposter
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Must've missed it due to my irregular sleeping schedule. Maybe it got buried under the S/M hype.
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so the new character is gonna be darkrai right
Seems like either Darkrai, Scizor, or Empoleon.
That's not Gardevoir.
Since we're eventually getting empoleon he's probably getting a mega, it would be weird for him to be the only fully evolved starter without a mega in pokken.
If empoleon gets a mega then surely torterra and infernape will get one as well.
But since I don't think they would reveal mega empoleon in pokken before revealing it in sun/moon I don't think it's going to be empoleon this time.
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I really hope for scizor
Only reason i have to believe its in is the mega
Otherwise i got nothing
They never said they were only announcing one. Japanese don't work like that, anon.
Don't get my hopes up about stuff that may not exist, anon. I'd love a Mega Empoleon.

I wouldn't be surprised if they announced them simultaneously at some point. But yeah, I expect it to be Scizor or Darkrai first over Empoleon. Leaning towards Darkrai as much as I'd prefer Scizor. Though could very well be both.

Also one from a set of starters getting a Mega isn't unheard of. Mega Blaziken was on its own before Sceptile and Swampert got theirs in ORAS. I could see Mega Empoleon as a standalone as well. Which obviously leaves the other two starters free to get megas in the likely event that DP get a remake in the future.
It's going to be Ditto. Ditto will replace the random selection for characters and will be selectable as random supports. It'll be a pink skin.

The supports don't choose from a set so you can possibly combine Reshiram and Dragonite.
How do I get good with Garchomp?
watch coachsteve tournament footage
dig approach, reads, running cancels and wallpressure are key to Garchomp's gameplan

also learn the Dragon Claw cancel combo

end the combo with 6YY instead of 8X like the video
I'm pretty sure it's going to be Scizor first, if they're only releasing one at a time.
That looks like it's going to be a pain to get the timing down for at first. But man does it look stylish.

But yeah basically what this anon said. I main Chomp and I've gotta work at getting better at all of these too.
8Y in general works well against Blaziken's blaze kick, Brave bird and even his 5Y, which is a high
loses against Blaziken 2Y though

if you are skilled enough, you can even antiair Blaziken's flare blitz with a well timed 8Y

Zard's j. 6YY can be antiaired between the hits

SM2 counter attack can be antiaired for some weird reasons
Weavile's 2X is invincible against jumping attacks for some weird reason
Any Gengar players here? It seems like he just does no damage at all. He only does around 150-160 max outside of walls.
His gimmick is temporarily becoming a new, and by far the best, character in the game during his burst mode
Anyone on the code?
I can get into the code if you want
searching for 10 minutes
I'll be getting on in 5 - 10 minutes
ggs, henry, your gengar is scary
my chomp is work in progress as you probably could tell as I'm still working out the gengar chomp matchup
GGs Scarlet. I need a lot more matchup experience against Blaziken. I kinda had to force myself to start zoning harder to make up for it.

Your Chomp is pretty good! I'd say maybe use his divekick more. Not sure, but I think it's safe on block and the hitbox on it blows me up every time I try to challenge it.
blaze kick and brave bird are weak against antiairs, so use your 8Y against it in duel, if you predict a blaze kick
not sure if it works, but gengar should be able to antiair the 2nd kick of blaziken's blaze kick and even the flare blitz after the first kick on block

keep in mind antiair > Kungfu chicken
I'm actually pretty scared to anti-air him, because one of those moves has a shitload of armor on it and 8Y loses to it.
flare blitz can be antiaired with a welltimed 8Y, but it takes practice
you might duck the 2nd kick and try and see the flare blitz
flare blitz only can come out after the first kick of blaze kick
also EX Blaze Kick is 0 on block and i13. it's usually my to go close range field phase move

once you got the matchup down, it won't be difficult to play against blaziken anymore
Blaziken's counter is a high, which you can either lowstance, 8Y, 2XX or 2YY on reaction once you see the blue flash in duel phase
burst Blaziken counter is a mid
blaziken's jabs are also high

probably I'm giving you too much to work with, but yeah, weak against antiairs, unless blaziken uses 2Y as a starter
Am I the only one who doesn't want Empoleon? I actually would want Darkrai and Scizor, but would rather not have Empoleon in at all. Not sure what people see in it, it's design looks stupid and like it wouldn't fit in a fast-paced 3D fighter.

Hoping the current theory that Scizor and Empoleon having one attack means they are support instead of just very unfinished is true.
that combo is unoptimized because of the second 5Y, it gives you a little more time to fully charge the ]X[ but you lose out on damage potential
5X5A j]X[ 666X 5X is better in that it does more damage and gives you just enough time to chase them down after the shift and pressure with 2[X]
yeah, this video was made like months ago
and the most optimised combo is 5Y5[A] j.]X[ 666X, 6YY for 230 damage
I need to test the option after the 5X ender though
You know what the game really needs? Some more fire/fighting pokemon.
Son Wukong?
Empoleon is the only one of the three I actually want. I don't mind Scizor, but I feel there are more interesting bug choices and Darkrai is a waste.
>in ranked against a high level Mewtwo
>lose first round hard
>clutch out second round
>as soon as the third round starts, it gets insanely laggy to the point where grabs are unbreakable
Why is this allowed
I just block laggy players and ragequitters
How do you block rage quitters when they don't show up in match history?
friendlist, players met
Pokken needs a report feature, holy shit
Playing Ranked again was a mistake. I hate myself now I and hate this fucking game holy shit.
funnily enough the pokkenarena discord group and ironicly the pokken twitch community are fairly active
I don't know why I decided to play ranked again. All that happened was me getting matched up with a bunch of laggy assholes, disconnects, then eventually me getting a rank down. Now I gotta fucking fight back up to that rank or I'll hate this game forever.
Fuck Braixen. I hate fighting that shit more than Mewtwo, and I fucking hate Mewtwo.
My personal hatred is Charizards.
Finally I've managed to rank back up. Fuck this shitty ranked mode, it shouldn't take this fucking long.
nice blog!
How come? Braixen is awful.
Anything to keep the thread alive, shitposter-kun~
>he thinks golf is fun
Apparently, you can't punish Braixen's swinging broom attack with a Counter Attack because there's a way for them to fly forward then immediately back into you. It's annoying.
I know your torment, Anon. I'm still struggling to get back to C2, but I've made no progress cause I'm afraid of making it worse and retreat to friendlies after a few losses. Taking a break after the first month didn't do me any favours either.

Honestly it's a problem with most games that have a rank down feature. Had similar issues with Splatoon and SFV ranked as well. The former of which is especially painful because it's partially dependent on how competent the teammates you got paired up with are.

I keep forgetting this is an option. I'll have to keep it in mind the next time I face someone with unbearable lag.
Just play S.Mewtwo and spam that cyclone.
I don't know the inputs for Braixen, but I did run into a Braixen that'd throw out the attack where she flails the stick forward, and if you counter attacked, she'd fly backwards instead of into you, which, would be fine, but somehow after that, manages to dash RIGHT back into you for the attack. So it stuffed counter attacks every time because the CA would whiff and I'd get get during the recovery of the attack portion of it.
it can easily be punished by counters, either you're timing your attacks wrong or you have a counter with no range

t. braixen main
>you have a counter with no range
Garchomp's range on his normal counter is huge though
Blaziken and Gengar comes in mind with no range counters
It only hits low though, so it might be missing Braixen's flight movements.
The last patch raised his hitbox so now he can
So this is being streamed at EVO, right?
should be streamed at EVO
I don't want it to be streamed at pokkentournament twitch though, no streamchat...
People like to talk shit about Chandelure but the true cancer of this game is actually Machamp
The optimal way to play against Machamp is to camp him, even if you don't play a zoner
Machamp turns everyone into Chandelure
EVO doesn't have their own stream?

Fuck, no chat is a good way to kill interest for the series, what the hell are they thinking?
I'm not sure about Pokken, I only suspect it because TPCi streamed CEO Pokken on the pokkentournament twitch page
Nah, 'champ is a fucking pain, but he's not as big of a pain as Chandelure, Suicune, or Pikachu in burst.
Is blaziken viable? I've never seen him in tournament
Everyone is viable, apparently. Machamp, Blaziken, and Gengar are considered the worst characters in the game, but Machamp just won a tournament so it's possible for them to win.
I thought Gangar was the cream of the crop, but I haven't played since launch
>Machamp just won a tournament
Milan/Italy? Or another tourney?
Gengar becomes one of the best characters (if not the best) in burst, but otherwise he's kinda slow and does very little damage, even with loops.

Yeah, that one. With Goreson.
>tfw you don't have a cap card to record your setups
Thought he won another. Still pretty good for a "bottom tier" character
We can all agree Scizor>Empoleon>Darkrai for likelihood and Empoleon>Scizor>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Darkrai for best overall, right
i love lucario
I'd put Darkrai above Empoleon for likelhood, unfortunately, but I agree with the rest.
>Still no Hitmon's
I'm not angry but I'm upset.
tfw ghetto
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That kind of wall bullshittery should be illegal
you can take comfort in the fact that the entire thing only works if you manage to scare your opponent so hard they spaghetti into losing the RPS
y u use my girl as a sandbag tho?
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>tfw you want Lopunny in Pokken, but she won't get in

>tfw you want Bisharp in Pokken, but he won't get in
>they only need to make one mistake
Nanaca, stop simplifying things.
because golf
man fuck golf
two actually, there's a chance to get out on landing after the burst and another chance after the 6Y reset kick
of course either time it's 50/50 as to whether I'll commit to the grab or cancel into the BA
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Is it just me, or is Machamp too disgustingly easy to main? I mean, you only need, like, 2 good Close Combats to practically win.

Speaking of which, I need help getting past spammy Gardevoirs and Chandelures as Machamp. Suggestions?
The hard part of using Machamp isn't his combos, it's learning to use his air grab, scary face, and CADC properly.

CADC just might be the hardest part for me, it's just one of those things I don't even think about using.
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>tfw I fought someone who knew how to do that really well all night on ranked
>Got paired with her 12 times in a row

>tfw all they do is wall combo
>Find out about DLC
>Can't find my Pokken Tournament disk

god damn it.
I think I use it too much, honestly. Gengar's ground movement is pretty awful, so I find myself CADCing to move around, which is good for punishing attacks, but I get fucked up by grabs really badly, especially since Gengar has no HP.

I think I never CADC bc the button layout feels awkward to me
Counter Attack Dash Cancel

Basically just countering, then canceling the animation before the attack comes out.
>Gengar's ground movement is pretty awful

But he can move with high stance and low stance!
Don't move around in high stance unless you want to get hit. Low stance is good for backing away, but it's not much better for approaching than just moving forwards.
Keep faith lopbro, best rabbit has a good chance going for her.

But is it good for trolling?

How are bushido bishop bug's chances looking? He's the one out of the two I'm most interested in joining.
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Looks fine to me chief.

This pleases me.

As long as they're both introduced as fighters and not support, I'll be pleased.
also buff kungfu chicken

>Buffing Bruce Lee chicken

I don't think he needs buffing, other than giving his field phase projectiles just a little more distance
>.@SmashStudios1 to the rescue!

>this is will be our backup plan in case tpci continues to tpci us
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>tfw none of your bros are gonna be in Pokken, not even as assists
>tfw one of the mons you hate most is gonna make DLC
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markman said it's gonna be streamed at EVO channels

>tfw one of the mons you hate most is gonna make DLC

Is it Greninja? I bet it's Greninja.
Its Empoleon

Now how in the flying fuck did Empoleon beat Greninja in making the cut? Not that I hate Empoleon, he was one of the Pokemon I actually wanted in Pokken; I thought Greninja was gonna make it with him recently being voted most popular in Japan.
Supposedly, "they didn't want to copy Smash".
How do I Braixen
play touhou until they die
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You give her a thigh massage so she loses all the tension before battle.
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Should I also give her the Accio bum?
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I'm reading this thread and wait, so is there actual news about future dlc? I though nintendo/gf already forgot about this game so I kinda lost interest

July 14th I believe, can't remember who's showcasing it though.
dead thread, dead game
Not if I do it first.
>they aren't part of the discord group

which one?
>didn't want to copy Smash
>2 Pikachus
>2 Mewtwos
They already copied it too much. Shit, none of these Pokes should've been in Pokken, except maybe Libre.
>Lucario, one of the most iconic, non-legendary pokemon to date (that also happens to be fighting type) should not have been in pokken
I hate furries too but come on now.
Is Libre sexy to anyone else?
Other furries I assume.
Ayy, now is not the year to discriminate with distinctions. I just don't feel guilt from attraction to a smaller thing like I normally would, but she is a fierce fighter
Pretty much all Pokemon are furry bait
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>Charizard and Mewtwo shouldn't have been in Pokkén
They shouldn't have. Especially Charizard.
They are more deserving of their spots than anyone else save Pikachu.
They really don't deserve shit, especially since they are already in Smash.

Guys, come on, is now really the time to circlejerk about which of our favorite Pokehusbandos should have been in a Fisher Price fighting game?
I can't believe they managed to fuck up Pokken. All they had to do was use the SCV engine and make every character Algol.

If you feel so disappointed, there's always Pokemon Type Wild
this. Charizard is too popular
>no Jigglypuff

Pretty much everyone you listed is an extremely iconic character.
>get this game on release
>play everyday thinking about going to EVO with a friend for Pokken
>can't consistently fight the same strong player in eiter Casual or Ranked
>rarely are the strong players playing on the /ptg/ code
>can't find a decent Pokken forum or message board to play with others
>even r/pokken is inactive
>/ptg/ is the most alive of all the dead forums
>unable to get that matchup knowledge because of this
>lose interest in the game
>decide not to go to EVO because the only other game I would be entering in is XrdR which I don't even like
>Marvel is still clogging a mainstage spot which could go to BB
>two Smash games
>anime fighters always get pushed to the AnimEVO side tournament

I just wanted to be the first EVO pokken champ.

Or at least top 8.

thanks for reading by blog
I can go online, if you want
most strong players I know frequent the pokkenarena discord
or just lurk on twitch
Thanks, but you don't have to. I was about to rest for the night.

Oh, I wish I knew about that earlier. EVO is two weeks away, but maybe there'll be another one eventually. Thanks anyway.
Ten days till the reveal.
No. Update hits arcades on the 20th, reveal is on the 14th.
>tfw you lose a match, but you get a rematch and you adapt and win

I've never understood what the fuck people hate about pokkens roster outside of shadow mewtwo and libre; it's litterally the best balance of types possible while covering all demographics

Pikachu, Lucario, Charizard, and Mewtwo as obligatory marketing icons

Garchomp, Gardevoir, Blaziken and Gengar, for casual fans of the series

Sceptile, Chandelure, Weavile, and Machamp for hardcore fans; and non biped factor for suicuine (who is also fairly popular due to crystral) and chandelure, and machamp being the poster child for the fighting type.

Braixen for furfags and weebs

That's pretty much every demographic covered, and 15 of the 18 types.

Doesn't shadow mewtwo have algol's sword arm shit?
>it's litterally the best balance of types

Except elemental types.
>casual fan
>implying casual fans know anything about any pokemon past chikorita
It doesn't market to Karenfags.
Goddammit, I wish I would stop getting pokegold before all the other amiibo unlocks.
>I need help getting past spammy Gardevoirs and Chandelures
You just posted the reason why Machamp isn't easy to main. You probably have 1/20 chances to win good matches with those two.
Just happened to me. Were they named Adrian?
You are confusing normies with casuals

Normies only know pikachu, lucario, charizard, and mewtwo.
Casual pokemon fans will still know about and be familar with gengar, garchomp, gardevior, and blaziken

I was speffically talking about the elemental types. What they picked covers all but 3 types while covering every possible demographic That's a pretty good spread. I'd like to see you do better with the same number of pokemon
what the fuck is a casual then
God dammit, people can even grab you out of the falling half of Blaziken's faceplant kick. What good is this thing?

you're supposed to use it when they're stunned on a wall.
it has arial attack invincibility on frame 4 or something and can act as an antiair
also useable antiair in field phase

otherwise pretty much situational and useless
at a guess, people who played as a kid and kinda kept up to date a little but stopped buying new games

something along those lines
Normie: People who don't play pokemon at all/since gen 1/don't play vidya

Casual: people who play pokemon but aren't deeply interested in the series, and may have only played a few games, without understanding the deeper mechanics (EVs, IV's, breeding, the way damage calc works, etc) or know all the pokemon

Hardcore: People who have played nearly all the games, understands the deeper mechanics even if they don't take advantage of them, and know pretty much every pokemon
>casual players know what a blaziken is but not what a sceptile is
I'm not saying they won't know who sceptile is, in that case. But blaziken is a very popular pokemon, way more then sceptile and is advertised a good bit in stuff.

Sceptile by contrast has a very devoted hardcore fan following.
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>be C3 weavile with a 67% winrate
>playing in friendlies
get matched with an E5 lucario with no games played
>screw around at the start of the first round
>realize i'm starting to get my shit pushed in and he's actually doing real lucario combos that other lucario players I face around my rank use, is doing the same sort of mixups
>lose, only start to win against him after 3 matches when I figure out his play style, then I win 3 matches in a row (but they were close)

I know it was probably an experienced player using a new account but it still kinda caught me off guard and made me wonder if I was just losing it for a bit
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How do you guys remember your combos? I have a bad memory, so most of the time I don't remember initiating them when I need to. How do you guys keep track of them?

Do you write them in a notebook, so you'd have a convenient way to rehearse them? Or do you learn them off of pure muscle memory?
muscle memory

So practice 3 hrs for each combo a day? Or is that a little too excessive?
you learn a language by using it
you learn a combo by using it
spending 3 hours a day saying "hot dog" to a wall isn't going to make you any better at english
I'm pretty fucking awful at combos, but even I was able to learn fairly difficult Voldo combos in SCV and manage to perfectly nail Gengar's strict Astonish Loops in Pokken. I practice them repeatedly for a while in training, generally between and hour and two hours while browsing 4chan/porn. Afterwards, I just try to use them online. It's partially muscle memory and partially knowing when to use them. If you try to start up your combo every time the exact same way, you get predictable.
Oh, I should mention, the practice sessions were a one time thing, not daily, but don't be discouraged if you need to practice them for a while.
I just don't. Not that it matters that much with the scaling.
Mid-level damage character spotted.
code anyone
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feels gud meng
I think I met that Pikachu in a rank up match a couple days ago.

I'm C2.
I'll second this. Didn't realize we had one going.
Is Pika Libre considered bad? I'm not interested in playing her but she is by far the least common character I see online. Three nights of playing and I haven't come across any.
I've never seen anyone call her bad. Libre has some pretty strong mixups.
when's the nico nico reveal? 16th?
I think someone said the 14th?


time shift this if you guys have a nico account

Nico Nico reveals a new fighter July 14. Japanese arcades updates with 4 fighters July20

>timeshifting a livestream that happens in the middle of the day at 8pm
>he thinks I'm in american timezone
Arcades didn't have Braixen/S.Mewtwo/Grachomp yet?

Thought they got them back with Mewtwo or something.
they will join the new character in 20th
>being irrelevant
look at him
look at him and laugh
Mewtwo is not announced for Arcade, which is quite weird
unless namco bandai trolls us and the secret chara is Mewtwo
Mewtwo came out on arcades a while back, actually.
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