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Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 482
Thread images: 102

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Welcome to the Pokémon Anime Discussion Thread. Talk about new episodes, old episodes, upcoming episodes, anime Pokégirls, sub releases, discuss, speculate, bitch and moan, etc., etc.


>Citronic Gear On's music rips:

>New trailer for upcoming events, now in HD:

>Movie 19: Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna [Jul 16th]
NEW Trailer:


Next episode:
>XY&Z032: The Kalos League Begins! Mega Charizard Showdown: X VS Y!! [Jun 30th]

Upcoming episodes:
>XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! [Jul 7th]
>Pokémon the movie XY&Z Premiere Commemorative "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa"/"Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians" Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special [Jul 14th]
>XY&Z034: Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Shota!! [Jul 21st]
>XY&Z035: Fierce Rival Battle! Ash Greninja VS Mega Sceptile [Jul 28th]

Shit people will ask:
>Is this season good? I haven't watched the anime in [x] years and-
Yes, it's fucking good, just start watching it already.

>Will Serena win da Ash?
It sure looks that way.

>Muh subs when?
[PM] is subbing XY&Z. Their releases can happen any time of the week.

Old thread:





>The Kalos League finally begins! Even Satoshi is as excited as can be when faced with all these tough Trainers! And then the first match of the Kalos League begins! Those picked to go up against each other are Alan and Trova!!

>The Kalos League has finally arrived! Everyone participating in the league are strong Trainers that have gathered 8 badges! And among them are Trainers Satoshi has met before, like Shota, Tierno and Trova. Satoshi is as excited as can be right from the get-go. But then a Trainer challenges him to a battle immediately after spotting him!?

>Voice Cast:
>Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
>Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
>Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
>Yuki Kaji: Citron
>Mariya Ise: Eureka
>Megumi Sato: Dedenne
>Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
>Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
>Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
>Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
>Kensho Ono: Alan
>Anri Katsu: Tierno
>Minami Fujii: Trova
>Fumiko Orikasa: Carne
>Akeno Watanabe: Pachira
>Tasuku Hatanaka: Takeru
>Kiyotaka Furushima: Tomo
>Kensuke Sato: Announcer
>Tsuguo Mogami: Referee
>Kenta Miyake: Ptera
>Unsho Ishizuka: Narration


XY&Z033: Mega Sceptile VS Raichu! I Received Some EXP!! (Jul 7th)
>Fierce fights happen one after another in the Kalos League. Shota and Tierno go up against each other over a place in the semifinals. Shota has also made a personal analysis of Tierno, who specializes in a rhythm strategy that uses dancing to stay in sync with his Pokémon, and makes full use of it as he goes up against him. Both of them fight furiously with neither giving an inch, and the battle eventually comes down to the last Pokémon on each side. But then Ash and his friends spot something... but what?

Pokémon the movie XY&Z Premiere Commemorative "The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa"/"Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians" Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special (Jul 14th)
>The grand "Legend VS Legend" battle airs for the first time anywhere!
>The 2015 blockbuster The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa & Pikachu and the Pokémon Musicians
>Also features a SMASHING world premiere showcase of footage from this year's Pokémon movie, Volcanion and the Ingenious Magearna!
>The Fierce! Startling!! 2 Hour Pokémon Movie Special airs Thursday July 14th at 6pm

XY&Z034: Semifinal Full Battle! Ash VS Shota!! (Jul 21st)
>Having won his way through the Kalos League thus fur, Shota goes up against Ash, the person he admires!

XY&Z035: Fierce Rival Battle! Ash Greninja VS Mega Sceptile (Jul 28th)
>This high level battle between two Trainers that know each other like the back of their own hand finally approaches its conclusion!!



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>Mizuki wants to kiss her aniki!
Corrupted Zygarde when?
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if it ends up being just an artificial Zygarde, what would we call it?
Punished Zygarde
Ash catches a dunsparce how do you feel about that.
Well he was going to but he forgot his monsterballs
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Serena in this position please/
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Flying to the new thread.

But it should be Ash instead of May.
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Heh, I could see it happening since he already tried twice and failed for different reasons.

>yfw he catches a Dunsparce and it turns out it has always been the same Dunsparce
1- Bow down and beg mercy to Master Ash.
2- Battle and regardless of the result attempt to steal his bitch and likely face the consequences. Punishment to be effective and immediate, likely death.
3- Forfeit and attempt the Unova league instead.
4- Hand your own bitch to Master Ash as tribute.
Don't bully Tomo-chan.
Hand my "bitch" to ash as I prefer having sexual relations with anime traps.
4. I'd give him my Omastar.
Too bad for him, he had the misfortune to step on Ash's road to victory.
Ash could have a decent mono type team at this point. Flying types seem to be his specialty.
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"Folklore has it that on moonless nights, this Pokémon will make people see horrific nightmares." As many of you know, Ash lost the Sinnoh League to Tobias, a trainer who owns a Darkrai. Since Ash was the first person to actually defeat his Darkrai in battle, Tobias sought out a way to discourage Ash in the future. The night after the League ended, Tobias sent out his Darkrai to lock both Ash and Pikachu within a nightmare. This nightmare involved Ash and Pikachu heading to Unova to win the league there, however, Ash appears to be inexperienced and his companions were constantly putting Ash down for being different. In the real world, Brock takes both Ash and Pikachu to Pallet Town believing both of them are in a coma. Delia looks after the two of them and gets several visits from Dawn and Cynthia, hence the reason they appear in the meloetta portion of Ash's nightmare. Some time later, Alexa arrives in Pallet Town to write a document about the effects of the nightmares caused by Darkrai. Alexa gives Ash and Pikachu a lunar wing from when she was documenting Cresselia and the two of them wake up from their long slumber. Alexa then convinces Ash that if he wants to continue his dream of becoming a pokemon master, she would recommend for them to go to Kalos next. Best Wishes never actually happened, and XY is the direct sequel to Diamond and Pearl.
I'd buy that
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What is episode 31 about, again?
Do you think she let's her slurpuff eat out her sweet honey?
As long as it knocks Best Wishes out of canon
>letting a single one eat her out
Are you for real?

Ash's progression taken at face value makes absolutely no sense, but if one pretends Best Wishes really didn't happen, then Ash's badassness and confidence as a direct continuation of DP Ash becomes a lot more believable.
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At this point it'd appear that the writers pretend that's what more or less happened.
So what's the difference between Sushi's translation and subanon's translation of the Dawn of Evolution episode?
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>Sees shadescroc and other fags at oak's

Is ogre
Can't remember much of the subanon's now, but for what I recall there wasn't much of a difference.
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We already know it ain't happening.
Should've colored that nigga black and red to contrast X and make it more edgy
trevor was a fucking mistake
Unova happened otherwise Ash wouldn't break so much.
You mean Tierno, not Trevor.
anyone else do subs aside from Adamant? getting tired of waiting
No. I meant Trevor, you sperg.
shauna trevor and tierno were all mistakes
But you're wrong!
Did BW do so bad that Cilan or Iris won't return for a mini arc?
Trevor is fine, he's a pretty chill dude even if he's a little obsessive.

are you truly that masochistic that you want to be reminded of anything about BW?
Cilan was more liked than Iris, Iris was shit and BW was shit all around.

Cilan's special was aired after BW while Iris's was moved around until they finally settled it after Serena's PokeVision episode on the same day it aired.
Cilan was good, shut up.
>yfw Iris "returns" but everything about her is retconned, and is meeting him for the first time as Dragon Master with her dragon princess outfit
>Ash's journey in Unova still happened but not the same way as it did in BW.
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>Dragon Master with her dragon princess outfit
>Ash already commandeered Mega Fug and the Mega Eon duo
>Bonnie is running around with a Dragonzord
Why is her lips shiny?
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>M-m-my Dragonite obeys me now I swear
Just comes to show how shitty Iris really was.
>Iris shows up
>Calls Ash a child
>Ash takes it in stride then proceeds to totally be Alpha male in front of her
>Iris suddenly starts blushing and stammering in his presence
>Ash shows off his dragons
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Who is this
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She's Ash and Serena only
>implying instead of Ash taking it in stride Serena doesn't call Iris out on her bullshit
Who is she winking at
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>Being a dragon shitter

How come every other pokegirl made more progress than Misty? Was Togepi a mistake?
The girl that should have replaced Iris after Iris and Ash's falling out.
>How come every girl made more progress than misty
What did he mean by this?
>togepi was a mistake
No it wasn't it got to togekiss that's a correction.
Three if I'm not mistaken, xy, bw and johto/sinnoh, I can't remember well
He didn't try until BW and XY.
The Dunsparce filler in Johto was terrible. Ash had no interest in Dunsparce back then.

Same with Aipom, the Johto filler that introduced it he didn't care, than all of a sudden at the end of AG he wanted one.
>implying Serena would share Ash with anybody else
>implying Serena wants anybody but Ash
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I could see it more like Serena reacting badly to it in a very tense situation with Iris telling her to chill and ending with nothing short of a cat fight.
The guy who caught the Dunsparce used a Caterpie, think of that for a second.
Thanks for clearing it up
Ash will win da league screencap this
Progress means nothing, all she has to be is a cute Pokegirl. But she got a bit too occupied with Togepi so she became less interesting.
t. 77 who got laughed out of a bus
Misty's design was OK for her time, but even as a kid I wondered why so many of the female COTD's and filler characters were better looking than Misty. Its like back then the writers didn't want Misty to look "too good" or to outshine random female characters.

I'm glad they changed that idea. There's no reason the main girl that we have to watch for 200 episodes at a time can't be eye candy.
Does the dub use never give up till the end as well?
>caring about the dub
Don't bully.
I'm glad I stoped watching the dub. The intro for the show made me feel less hatred.
I haven't followed the anime since mid DP. I thought people liked BW since it was mature and shit.
Best Leagues: Johto>Sinnoh>Hoenn>Unova>Kanto
They tried an edgy approach with TR, but was quickly rewritten after the genies arc was completed.
Jesus fucking Christ.
If you mean the games then sure. The anime, hoh boy, you need to stop reading tumblr.

shit taste
Probably when he breaks it's because he has blurry memories of it.
>I thought people liked BW since it was mature and shit.

It's like saying "whoa sorry /vp/, thought you guys liked Goodra"
Unova League made Ash an embarrassment, and him losing in such a manner was abject cruelty. It did not advance Ash's character nor it taught Ash any lesson.
Did he refer to Serena here, because in the next episode, he is just talking through his eyes to her....
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Anon pls. That experience was fresh in his mind from three days ago.

What's wrong with your mind?
I hope Diantha or someone else mentions that the League isn't usually held in Lumiose and that one of the "benefactors" insisted in it being held there.
No you lost to a frog, a fucking frog. Go away Serena.
Wasn't Clermont surprised it's taking place there?
Shut up Pikachu.
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Clemont please go.

That scene was about Greninja but Serena's been destroying you.
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What went right?

Best EDs of the whole series.
Shadescroc, Georgia and, to a lesser extent, Cilan.
>Clemont and Bonnie didn't even give a shit until Serena forced them to. I mean, they didn't even take action even after Greninja went missing. They were not even worried after Nurse Joy specifically warned them to go inside because the snowfall will get heavier
>Bonnie even pretends to be mad, though cute, at Ash for making them worry
>Clemont thinks he knows what Serena is talking about when she said she admires Ash

So much for Clemont's admiration.
And best EDs as >>26893189 pointed out, I keep forgetting BW produced good music. Be an Arrow! is also one of my favs.
the dub intro of pokemon xy season 2 isn't that bad desu.
God i hate serena so much, just look at that face
I don't think they realized how troubled Ash was. That or they just shaked it off and thought "nah it's Ash, he'll get out of that soon". Serena was the only one who saw that he really needed some help.
bonnie isn't even that bad desu
It happened in Santalune as well.
Makes me wonder if that was why they didn't worry too much, since Serena was all fine the following day.

Still, when a friend and his ace go missing and it's starting to snow, you'd think they would at least try to worry a bit.

>yfw Ash could have died if it wasn't Serena taking the reins of the situation
Since Serena unconditionally loves Ash it's bound to happen, when it comes to Ash she doesn't need motivation or reason, she'll just try to aid him even when he wants to be left alone, and if it fails or it appear she made things worse she'll blame herself for it(even when, as seen in XY&Z028, she ended up helping).
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Don't forget.

And she was right about that too.
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They pretty much left Ash alone after the first Viola gym battle. Bonnie just really didn't give a shit then.
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>wake up
>see this
>what do
Maybe if he was still in his state of mind when the snow hit.
Someone please rename this thread the Serena thread already
Kindly off yourself.
Shed tear of happiness, for finally I've got to heaven
me too
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Call it the Amour bunker.
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No, most people are seasonal waifufags so once she is gone they move on to the new main girl and be hyped about her.
So, Pokémon Amour Discussion Thread?
At least drop the pretense and own up to your autism. You won't even have to deal with the newfags who come here thinking they'll get to discuss the anime anymore.
What's with Ash getting these generic, boring characters as his rivals, like Shota? Kills the excitement when Ash battles them, there's no tension
Nice falseflag m8. Everyone was talking about all the characters actions during an episode, not just Serena.

Again, off yourself.
Take the rat of da Bonnie.
if you ignored them and just talked about the anime, we wouldn't be in this mess
Maybe if you also didn't bite the usual shit poster's bait we wouldn't be in this mess either.
Nice try, dumbass. What everyone was talking about was how Clemont and Bonnie don't give a shit about Ash and how
>Ash could have died if it wasn't Serena taking the reins of the situation
Talking shit about anyone but Serena still calls for this being renamed the Serena thread

Yes we would. I did. Many times. Every single discussion here gets derailed into retarded shipping.
Somehow I really doubt your statement.
>Thinking /vp/ people can be fanatic waifufags.
Look at how much Selene/Luna posted there was when she was revealed. People just want to be hyped about new things instead of staying with their waifu.
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>implying Irisfags existed
>Talking shit about anyone but Serena still calls for this being renamed the Serena thread
That's not how it works you little shit. Especially since you have
and them referencing situations and actions without actually talking shit.
It was, but it was also used to bait and shitpost, at least in /padt/.
But if the girl is equally good and of the same race of their previous waifu they easily move on to the new girl.
You know a good chunk of it posted here was done for shitposting purposes, right?

There's been more posting about Lillie in general than there was of the new female PC.
You're a special autistic case dutchman.
A lot of it in these threads have been for shit posting. Outside these threads people posted her because she got brought up with customization.
People expecting her to be the new main girl, it had little to do with customization.
>a lot
Literally all
People got excited about her because of customization and how she had different skin tones. It had everything to do with it.
Would you rather see Pidgeot come back for mega treatment. Or would you rather see satoshi just switch brains with greninja.
The excitement came from the customization. The majority of the other posting was about her hat. Then in anime threads she was used for shitposting.
>giving a shit about a regional bird with literally no personality and little screentime

Nostalgiafags are cancer
Do you think noivern and charizard would get along.
Did anything happen recently? Why has there been so much shitposting here yesterday and today?
Let's just hope Selene/Luna doesn't become the main girl, her outdoor aura and Hawaiian inspired fan art pisses me off so much. It feels like she is a female Mowgli from Jungle Book. It's not canon of course but it wont be far off.

We really have nothing to talk about until the episode Thursday, so a lot of people just shitpost because they can.
I still give a shit about heracross. It never got to be a mega with Satoshi ether.
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So, I'm the one that thinks this guy could be a TF agent, based on his hair and the Furfrou trim, in addition that how convinient the time and place to challenge Ash to a battle, what for? Probably because the other guy is battling has a mega and TF could be interested in those trainers moving further into the league, in addition to Malva being part of the cast for the next episode.

What do you think anons?

I would have liked to see a proper mega arc where Ash goes next level.

>Flare Arc + Limone gets him a Charizardite Y
>Receives Sceptilite from Shota as a present
>Trains with Gurkinn, acquires Heracronite
>Adventure with Wulfric gets him Glalite
>Returns to Kanto, gets Pidgeotite from Gary (Pidgeot is considered his signature mon in the games)


Ironic when Hawlucha is his only Kalos mon with personality.
>Then in anime threads she was used for shitposting

Among other things. Believe it or not, there are people who do like her and hope she'll be the next companion.
Maybe if the writers actually allowed him to focus on pokemon other than his current party this would be possible.
He looks like Jimmy's evil twin.
Then those people should be the first to be annoyed at how the shitposters latched on to her and turned her into a shitpost pasta symbol.
what makes you think we're not?

Not everyone is a perpetually triggered faggot like you. Maybe tumblr would be more your speed.
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Salt desu
Hopefully the anime wont be inspired by people with bad taste, but chances of that happening are small because they already gave Serena short hair. It's one of the worst sins in an anime to change a character like that just to force some tropes.
No one's talking about you.

kek, i'm not the one crying about le shitposting bogeyman ;((((
Rather than TF I think he's more Malva's paid lackey.
They already do a good job not catering to you.
>Those shades and color scheme
black people
But what's his purpose?
No one said anything about one shitposter my chum dispensing machine. A little quick on the trigger there.
Diantha might have started talking about Ash to Malva just to make small talk and Malva being Malva decides to fuck around.
He could be part of Altaria lads band.
Ash will lose vs Mega charizard he has nothing to beat it. Except deus ex machina pikachu.
They should cater to what real men want, not some effeminate boys or letting women express their free will.
>literally my mom's synchronized frog
>"he has nothing to beat it"
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He passed out when he used Greninja synchro it will put his endurance to the test.

who said you were? you're just whining about harmless lunaposting in general. i'm sorry you replaced your sense of humor with a sense of perpetual butthurt.
Pick one.
Something like this. If the pain sharing aspect wasn't going to play a part before the end of XYZ they would have gotten rid of it when Ash and Greninja mastered synchro.
In the Greninja special it isn't shown, so it might be there but it might not be the obstacle.
Because he did not. He can control it, doesn't mean he knows all its tricks.
It uses "Don’t give up til it's over".
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Cute girl gives you this stare, wat do?
Hide post
look away awkardly like a true alpha
Ask if she wants to give head.

You don't give me that look for nothing.
Amour will be the next GS ball.
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Ash is fucked
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Hell be fine.
cry for reminding me of better times
did they kiss yet

wake up and go back to shitposting on 4chan
Shota's Sceptile moveset?

Dragon Claw
Frenzy Plant
Leaf Storm (Greninja's "nemesis") ?
Leaf Blade ?
You're confusing XY for OS Shudo.
>Sceptile too fast for Charizard
>Greninja is even faster than that
>Charizard is just a sitting duck to Greninja
That last attack with his tail is fucking weird. What would happen if the projectile goes missing and he returns to his normal form? Sceptile without tail?
thats some naruto tier shit.
A fair number of lizards split their tails and regrow them. Geckos also do the same except a few.
>not knowing it's been Naruto since the start
In this case...

I've never seen any of the previous series to completion, but does Ash and any other female protagonist share what he and Serena have in XY?

Not shitposting just curious
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>Ash and any other female protagonist share what he and Serena have in XY
They share nothing, everything its just Serena delusions that are onesided. Oh and yes
ash and the other female protagonists have little hints sometimes but nothing like with serena and ash
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Alan and Ash like Pic Related when?
Maybe when perfect Zygarde shows up.
Nothing comparable at all, because Serena really loves Ash.
>tfw Perfect Zygarde is the Kaguya of Pokemon.
It's just a crush.
No. Tiny stuff here and there but what they've pulled with Ash and Serena, not even close.
t. Tierno raging
What we see now is several rows of magnitude over the one and only "ship" we ever saw before in Pokemon, back in AG
It was a crush at the beginning, blushing and shit
Now its love.
which one? May and the rose kid dontrememberthename?

Does some faggot have the autism collage? That thing's been compressed like five times already just to fit shots.
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May and Drew, yes.
Same thing to a 10 year old girl.
Currently it's Leaf Storm, Leaf Blade, Bullet Seed and Dragon Pulse but I'm thinking Bullet Seed gets replaced by Frenzy Plant.
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This is from almost a year ago
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I think it's just this simple: Furfrou guy just won his battle and is on his way out, Ash is in a hurry on his way to the battlefield and bumps into Furfrou guy. Furfrou guy gets mad because he's a douchebag and attacks Ash.
>"i wont say "we will meet again someday" "
>ash looking at serena
Yeah, endgame or serena goes to alola.
>I won't say, "We'll meet again someday"
What does he mean by that?
Pokegirl ass thread up.

Have you fapped to your favorite Pokegirl today?
Noibat a cute

I've got the biggest case of blueballs
>tfw noticed that line right now
shiieeeet, famalams, please tell me it's more than a coincidence
There're some scenes that COULD suggest that(like the infamous stare + fistbump), now if for any reason Candy Girl becomes an ED in the series then yeah...
>implying it even needs to an ED now
I'm just tired of "Serena is so in love with Ash" scenes and want some "Ash is in love with Serena scenes." We are sorely lacking those.
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>it becomes an OP instead

One could think that the whole Snowbelle incident is the beginning of Ash seeing Serena differently(if he doesn't already), as he stared at her directly when she walked in, while Ash has changed for XY he's still somewhat reserved to reveal his feelings for others(human and pokémon alike).
We are not in amour time, ITS LEAGUE TIME BABY
Im sure after the league we will see some amour, i would love to see serena getting kidnapped by TF and ash goes 200% synchro in a burst of anger and love
>implying League time won't be Flare time and Amour time
Step the fuck up Korosensei.
You get scenes of Serena tickling his pickle and other shit like XY59.
I was about to say that Leaf Storm gets replaced instead of Frenzy Plant but then I remembered the OP.
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Its my idea or that scene or caps in the beginning have better animation
Like, they look brigther and more detailes in their eyes and shit.
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So Dragon Pulse gets replaced by Dragon Claw I guess?
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>tfw a girl never game me stares
how do you game someone stares
like, you play or what
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what do you know, a popular TV show pushing a brown boy with a blonde haired blue eyed girl.
That or it replaces Leaf Blade.
>brown boy

>>>/Tumblr? is that way.
Rammstein - Amour
>no personality
>le japanese honor samurai Greninja
>le crybaby that grows balls Goodra/Noivern
And Bravest Birb is just the bravest
She's a suicide diver with the grace of a ballerina.

I still remember that Brave Bird into the ground in Olympia's gym.
what if serena and millefeiu meet at the league, mille asks her "so hows the progress going" and serena says "i realized i dont really love him" or something
Shame Ash isn't using reserves, would've loved some cute interactions between Eureka and his older Pokemon.
t. Tierno being bitter again
Ash has always used reserves before right? even in BW
why is now special? why isnt he using reserves?
No, he only used reserves in johto and dp
BW was all Unova Pokemon even though he had around 9-10 of them.
What, did you miss the last gym battle or something?
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everyone will be happy
ash is white
I swear to god im not stale, im just worried that Serena started looking at ash like "a person who she really admires" instead of "a person i love"
please prove me wrong
i wanna get rid of this feeling
rewatch the episode where Ash is sick and Serena dreases as him
Subs today?

Greninja is just a battle robot ever since he evolved.
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Reminder that Serena lost to a frog.
Nope, he used them during the Johto League, Battle Frontier and the Sinnoh League.

No clue why he isn't using them this time round considering he's got decent coverage with the Pokemon he's amassed through years. Though it could be do with the fact two of his most powerful reserves are also the signature Pokemon of his rivals so maybe it's a promotion thing?
Sure you're not, stale.
Pikachu pls

>you can't love someone and admire them at the same time
What are you, a retard?
All of Satoshi's poses:
>Serena, I heard Satoshi was going to alola. But don't worry ill take BOOD CARE of him. Just suck citron's dick every other day so he won't complain about me not being there. K bye.
34 hours and 40 minutes of this shit...
So I've been thinking about endings for this series and how the Sun and Moon series will play out. At first I thought that when Ash moves on Serena stays behind because she wants to become Kalos Queen, so when Ash leaves she calls that old bitch (forgot her name)

What are the chances that a little bit in to the Sun and Moon series Serena joins in (after becoming Kalos Queen but then leaving her tittle behind) to join Ash, this being the first Pokemon series with 2 Female Protagonists rather then Ash + Female + Random dude

Also is Ash wins the league hes definitely leaving the tittle behind to move on the the next region yeah?

>inb4 Brock
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Let's hope.
More like five months of the ol' fish n' chips.
>Bonnie having another girl do what she wants to do with Clemont
>Serena and Bonnie not going with Ash and Clemont respectively
Call me when Diantha shows up.
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>implying Clermont would be able to handle Serena
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that photo
All these people commenting not knowing anything about the anime these days... i dont know what to feel
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Realistically speaking Serena going with Ash has a really low chance of happening. She will stay behind to train with Yashio.

It's Eureka or leaving muh Satoshi with some random horny islander.
>implying Serena would even want to handle Clemont
>Serena and Citron won't be impressed at all the cool shit he's caught
>Eureka won't jump on Snorlaxs belly
>Greninja and Monferno won't bro it up
>Citron won't shit his pants at the sight of Glalie/Shadescroc/Gliscor while Eureka finds them absolutely adorable
>Chespin and Dedenne won't join the other jokemons and fuck about and cause mischief
>Unovamons will never be redeemed

Just feel my shit up familia
yeah I had that feeling, which was why I suggested she stays behind, becomes Kalos queens, then burns the motherfucker to the ground and show up later to join Ash a la Brock
Glad someone went to the trouble of doing this.
Realistically speaking Serena has to make the phone call but she already decided to continue travelling. At the moment the door's just open and no one knows what'll be of Serena.
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>She will stay behind to train with Yashio.
That's still uncertain, in addition to Yashio looking shady, Serena could stay in Kalos but without going to Yashio.

That's true.

Then again I think Ash could not even be the protagonist for SM so whatever happens with that might be irrelevant.
Ash-ninja will catch the tail and use it as a sword or some shit. Calling that shit now.

Also, Greninja would be more likely to pick a fight with Sceptile than bro it up with Infernape, at least initially.
That front...
He'd have said it was great if it was a Bonnie video.
>use the tail as a sword
>not using it as the Exterminating Last Bullet
Well he said not tomorrow and said "soon" on sunday so odds are they'll be out sometime thursday.
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>To watch videos, you need to login.
He who? Ash or Clemont?
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I said it at the start of XYZ and I'll say it again now. This shot is definitely is hall of fame picture.
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>not having an account at Niconico
Final Water Shuriken.
That's what the set up was for so it wasn't an asspull like with Dawn and what not.
What did she mean by this?
Contestshipping was a saga long shipping subplot done in a similar manner, only difference is since Drew was a recurring rival the hints were much rarer since he wasn't in every episode obviously. Ash and Serena get every ep together.
Pretty badass if he does it with only those 5, come to think of it... He doesnt have a sixth mon, maybe he'll get one afer the league
There're still some loose ends about it. And Serena declining doesn't mean she's staying in the series either.
It says Eureka you dumbo
I don't know, man, those letters look outwordly to me.
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Thanks for pointing it out. I actually never noticed.
Hopefully he does enter into the hall of fame.
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Your head canons are leaking la
The magazine scans imply that he will get his sixth mon before the 6v6 battles start.

My money is on Vietnam Slug.
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It's now or never.
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That isn't really new.
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what is this pic showing?
i mean, besides the ash and serena's daugther thing
The fact that all the scans/summaries are purposely hiding Goodra's return rather than spoiling it is rather strange. I mean they literally just gave it an episode 2 eps before the league.
They used admire quite a bit in the recent arc. All this blushing from Serena could mean she just wants all of her senpai's attention, and not love related at all.
360 and walk away
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>Ash's Charizard can beat Gary's Scizor, Golem and Blastoise
>Can't beat one Blaziken
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I don't think so

>the foot tap in the beginning is pretty much like Serena's
>Snowbelle City then happened
Yup she admires Ash, she could have said "loves" but didn't.
Volt when?
Weeks old shitpost anon.
You are desperate to amourfan
It says "Hair color" next to ash and "Skin color" next to serena
The text above translates to: The possiblity is, none perhaps. #Asherena (#satosere)

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Another case of Ash and Serena samefagging.
>he doesn't watch to OP
You've been pretty desperate since what happened at the last gym with the bait.
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Why didn't she just say loves anon?
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Guess he actually does couples other than Clemont and Bonnie fucking.
Update this, this has been outdated since the Snowbelle arc.
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Because she doesn't want Ash to find out even though she isn't very subtle about it most of the time.
I wish she would just let him find out, why doesn't she want that?
That's sick. DELETE THIS
Too beta. Amour will be kil by Serena's beta.

A brother and his little sister falling in love is disgusting, it isn't normal. I think it's something antinatural.
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She's too embrassed to confess.
see >>26895446
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post yfw ash loses to shota
this scene is way cuter in the dub
>watching the dub
Someone didn't pay attention to his history class.
>implying Ash isn't comparatively beta
>implying curve ball won't happen
So how many times have you guys rewatched the Diantha battle?

By now I must have watched it 30-40 times because I enjoy it so much.
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It's already insulting to have him in the league already, he is an insecure fag that should only have a Grovile by now. This is some BW tier writing.
what was with all the screaming and black and white shit before Ash passed out? Was that supposed to be like what was happening to Lucario when he first Mega'd?
No way Shota is one of those shit tier rivals like Cameron, or Trip, or Virgil.
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Well Serena already has practice with curveballs it seems, heh.
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I'm still waiting for my /m/echa moment.

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>finally 100% Zygarde emerged into the battlefield
>the internal struggle between the cores seem to favor the one that doesn't trust humanity as Zygarde is surrounded by a dark aura
>this aura too has contaminated Greninja and by default Ash as his personality twists while the relentless battle continues
>yet Zygarde has the upper hand and Ash's mind suddenly goes blank
One scenario:
>Serena steps forward avoiding the flying debris provocated by the devastating battle against 100% Zygarde
>Ash sees a water drop and hear's Serena's cry "SATOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"
>Serena grabs Ash's hand
>Greninja is now surrounded by a golden aura, he's now 200% synchro
>Ash and Serena look at each other and then towards Zygarde as they both say "MIZU SHURIKEN"
Alternate scenario:
>Serena steps forward with Braixen avoiding the flying debris provocated by the devastating battle against 100% Zygarde
>Ash sees a water drop and hear's Serena's cry "SATOSHIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"
>right there Serena grabs Ash's hand
>Greninja is now surrounded by a golden aura, he's now 200% synchro
>then Ash and Serena say:
>Ash: MIZU...
>Serena: HONOO...
>Ash & Serena: NO CHIKAI!
>the 200% synchro Ash-Greninja's water pledge is powered up by Braixen's fire pledge
>the rainbow can be seen all over Kalos and neighbouring regions
>the Zygarde cores split

Of course there're several other possible scenarios for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvq0Jw6J9Ao
Only Alan seems to be a believable rival, Shota does not have the character or passion to level his Sceptile and the rest of his team like this.
I feel like that was Ash getting consumed by the syncro/the prelude to 200% syncro, his adrenaline/heartbeat was going rapidly as shown by Clemonts monitor. That battle is also the first and only time so far where we've had the colored syncro transition so I think there's a pretty strong chance we'll see that during the League.

Maybe VS Shota or Alan.
Shota is supposed to be a prodigy.
>Valerie frogposting out of rage
His whole shtick is admiring and catching up to Ash. He has extensive notes on getting gud. Why would you say he doesn't have passion or the character for it when that's his whole thing?
strong chance of seeing what during the league? Ash passing out? He can apparently do the 200% now on will after the Last gym debacle
He might've not used it yet and probably will be seen once Perfect Zygarde shows up, I think we won't see it against Alan either.
Because he is a weak fag that only collects data, he doesn't understand hardship and can only admire idols and people better than him.
That's 100% Ash Greninja. Giant Red Shuriken is probably going beyond that.
the synchro ur talking about is the one that shows up during his fight with the Champion right? If so i'm pretty sure Ash is going to spam that shit
That might not be 200% either.
aaah nevermind then, I was a bit confused, thanks anons
Nah, we're going Bleach.

>doesn't understand hardship
I'm pretty sure the multiple losses and humiliations count as hardship. And the fact that he's joining the league means he's not just admiring, he's actively working on surpassing the people stronger than him.
Battle lust.
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Nah, we're going /m/.
You got your Touma, Minaki, and DaiRaiOh in Ash, Serena, and Greninja.
No, we're going Ashita no Joe.

>XY&Z29 RAW:
I had a dream about amourshipping last night. Am I past the point of no return?

I blame the Luluco marathon I took before bed. It really made me want to see more Serena/Ash team ups.
Good dream or bad dream?
Have Lysandre's image song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pI7Jc-fSQQ8
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Ash getting cucked by Tierno AND Clemont?
Fucking whores I swear, she doesn't deserve someone as pure as Ash
It seems we took old character cameos/references for granted in previous sagas. XY not bringing back anyone from the past at all really is a first for the series. BW still had Dawn, Cynthia, and Giovanni making sort of a comeback to the show.

I guess Oak/Delia and Giovanni will be the only older characters seen again at this point
>Ash getting cucked by Tierno AND Clemont?
Tierno fucks off the instant Ash moves up and Clemont's the butt of the landings. He tried getting Ash dick when they fell in the power plant.
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So, something interesting of note. The transformations of Gekkouga have been fairly inconsistent.

Certain moments have the red marker on his head glowing similar to the moment where it uses the orange giant water shuriken but the rest are dull and not shining.

Diantha's battle was the last time this phenomenon occurred.

I-is that a Mega Evolution symbol on his dick??? Wtttttfffffff
Isn't the inconsistency because of how all over the place the transformation triggering was?
Live ratings for last week:

1. Sazae - 11.2%
2. Crayon Shin - 9.5%
3. One Piece - 9.5%
4. Doraemon - 8.1%
5. Dragon Ball Super - 6.8%
6. Chibi Maruko - 6.8%
7. Detective Conan - 6.5%
8. Animation Curious George - 3.5%
9. Maho Pretty Cure - 3.5%
10. Ace Attorney - 3.4%
Red markers gonna light up again.
I respect the dub
>implying your dick wouldn't mega evolve upon seeing Manon naked
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>One Piece - 9.5%
the fuck
>Ace Attorney getting lower each week
They are not making Trials and Tribulations are they
Is he going to win?
Why not
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They're both pure for because they reserve their lust to each other.
You belong to /trash/.
It was...good.

Ash finally showed interest after realizing how much Serena cared. There was lots of blushing. Shipping has ruined me.
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>Ash finally showed interest
>showed interest
Are you from XY01 or something? >>26897449
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I would like to understand Nihongo.. :(
Holy fuck I cringe every time someone draws Ashninja's frills as tufts of hair
What transformation do you guys like better? The one where their souls synchronize or the mega evolution esque one
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There are people who, right now, unironically believe that Ash will win the pokemon league
Ash is Serena's Pokemon.
Should I just wait until I'm caught up on the show to actually talk about it?
And they think Ash will get it with Serena. /vp/ clearly doesnt watch pomemon
>Shotafag mad about Shota losing
And every time it glows red it's in a battle where their synchronization has been the strongest

It's most likely an indicator of how strong the bond is
>Kalos League Final: Alan vs. Ash
>Ash loses
Just no.
So which part of /v/ did you come from after hearing that Ash made the finals?
Just like Serena would have nothing to do with the last badge, right?
>yfw flare has snipers surrounding the league staium
Shota just got rekt'd by chiton
Not necessarily, though it's a good idea to mention how far in you are.
It is true, nice setup for him to win vs. Alan in the TF arc.
How do we make Alain edgier?
What anime are you watching?
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Nah more likely they have guys like the guy with the Furfrou and other agents spread through Lumiose ready for the signal.
He's not losing to Alan again. X could barely keep up with 50% frog last time. Alans other mons are probably severely neglected if he even has more than 2. I'm betting on him having a chestnaught though.
Call him by his alter ego AlanX
Ashs whole team can be decimated by rock ice and electric. Also dragon if the fat dragon returns. Ash aint winning shit
where is Shota x Serena?
Nah, the set up is Ash winning, Ash having a loss plus the Manon thing sets up the final clash to finish off that called off match.

Not to mention it's a terrible set-up for TF compared to one win, one loss, a called off match and ideals running on the line.
What the fuck has Sycamore been doing with Puni's DNA?
>game logic

Get your manchildren vidya out of here.
Got to 65 of xy
C'mon shitpost-kun. If he had a grass type you'd have a point.
Noivern is part flying. It's weak to electric.
Pokemon XY. What are you watching, Kanto?
It's simple, we kill the Manon.
Game logic? are you retarded? So youre saying there is no such thing as type advantage in the anime? Stfu
>weak to Electric
Noivern isn't weak to electric.
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Imagine posting in a pokemon board but not knowing the type chart.
Is this bait?
Sence when is dragon resistant to electric?... oh I fought a tyrantium eariler and hit it with an electric attack. I should've known this.
That sounds ridiculous Tsubasa.
>thinking theres a difference in the overall formula
Nice try
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>Sence when is dragon resistant to electric?... oh I fought a tyrantium eariler and hit it with an electric attack. I should've known this.
Pls be bait.
Pls be bait.
Type advantage doesn't matter if you can't hit it
>being buttblasted about Ash saying fuck Kanto
Nice try
Pls be bait
Pls be bait
I dont give a shit about Kanto. Want to keep talking?
Why would it be bait when that scene actually happened?
Sure. Why are you so bootyblasted about Ash making it to the finals? Why are you so mad that Alan got written in a magazine in a way that says he'd lose to Ash during said league?
Make him believe he is not strong enough to protect Manon, special mention to making him think that it is Manon who "says" this as well, like she says that he had failed her and that it was all his fault that is what is happening to Hari-san.
why watch the anime even though we know how it ends?

ash loses, the travelling companions go away, shipping bait, ash resets and his "good" mons get oaked.
Nice implications buddy.
>Introduction to region
>years of filler
>first gym
>villainous team subplot introduced
>rest of the gym
>fillers for days
>evil team arc
>pokemon league
>ash LOSES
>ash leaves for new region leaving friends behind
Lather, rinse and repeat
Pls be bait
How's Kanto treating you?
That's Johto gramps.
The same as Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos has...
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You're describing Kanto and Johto.
He'll be putty in Lysandre's properly trimmed and manicured hands.
Why is tierno so fat
what if lysandre is the putty?
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I got you.
I still don't get why Pikachu was so excited of seeing pokéballs.
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>Ice Beams Florges into submission
>gets out of retirement to enter the battle field once more
>will have to face a giant dragon snake later
You'd be excited too if all you see being used are the standard red and white.
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>yfw it's Sycamore who creates corrupted Zygarde
>Ace Attorney

>tfw no Godot
>not being excited about seeing Pokeballs with your trainer's waifu
>most knowledgeable in Mega Evolution energy
>coerced or fooled by Lysandre to believing that it could solve stuff like fixing Hari-san or bringing peace.
>it's mega evolution energy that forcibly combines Blue Core to Zygarde Cells, but corrupts it in the process/it is not natural therefore creating Corrupted Zygarde
I could see it.
Ash isnt going to win until Ho-oh makes another appearance
New bred:
Probably never
I get him being excited for doing things with Serena, but that in particular, not sure.
They both pick out a ball to catch Ash in.
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