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Pokemon Wifi General /wfg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 288
Thread images: 21

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Trade - Battle - Breed - Circlejerk - Friend Safari - Mystery Eggs - Multis - Balltism

This thread isn't for Hacks, Clones or Injections. There are other threads for those. Use them if that is how you like to play.

>Injectors please stay in the injection-specific thread

Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists and Safari requests reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin or Google Docs if you've got a long list to share.

A more in-depth explanation of how the thread works: http://pastebin.com/8ZKVZfFf

Previous Thread: >>26825934
No /soc/ pls.



First for Masuda and Kia lend me your power!
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Taking requests in search of new ballmons.


If the Pokemon has a :( in the egg move column, I'm looking for those mons with 4 egg moves.
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This must have been before they removed liligants mouth for sucking too many dicks.
It was the only solution.
>Actually third
more selfies xd
Looks like I'm not getting shit. ;-;
I believe in you!
my little caterpillar can't be this cute!
Oops, Kia, I have your Duskull and Togepi ready
I also have a spare DBHA Magby with 4 egg moves that I can give you! I'll get online
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Damn, we are just burning through threads today.
this desu senpai
at least the fighting is at a minimum

Fuck off, Sarah.

Seroously, The Tailsposter already has your doxx and he's calling some of his prison contacts.
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nice buge

I'm still trying to get you a penta Snubbull, so it'll have to wait just a bit. It's in the next batch. I can feel it!

Soon, my friend.

it's the shitposting
Nth for Rose's hairy puss
Don't worry about it! Although I might have to leave soon but you can always just catch me on Skype
fuckkkkkk pls no. Don't start being mean now. Everyone is getting along.
seriously. fuck off, Sarah
And I just caught a shiny voltorb. Pretty sure the ivs are garbage though
They're fat, cute and squishy
I hope so, and I wish you the best of luck with your Snubbull MM!
I might be able to work on an EM Love Ball Aipom
Alright, no big deal. I don't really need the stuff immediately. I just got a hexa, so I'll get online.

You can just add me on Skype. I'm torrid.phoenix

It's still a shiny nonetheless
Dude, if you want to destroy /wfg/ just hand out hacks and pass them as legit mons. No need to be flashy.
Been doing it for a couple years now and no one suspects their virgin cats are tainted.
>implying injectorfag is smart enough to do this
>implying injectorfag doesn't want to stroke their own ego by loudly handing out hacks
That would be nice. Thanks, Rose. Let me know what you'd like in return.

>implying this destroys /wfg/ if no one even knows about it
its 0/31/x/x/x/x
oh well, its still a shiny

She's already tried that, you mong. It didn't work because her ego is bigger than Ron Jeremy's dong post-expansion.
I can do it but I need to work something out with the mother... Don't worry about giving me anything except your friendship :3
>implying this destroys /wfg/ if no one even knows about it
Wups, i guess now you know.
Time to activate the system brick kill switch injected into everything i handed out.
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RIP /wfg/
/wfg/ is for all.

The only way it is for all if all are welcome.

We will not hide in the shadows.

We are a part of /wfg/.

Besides, I do that also. No one has noticed the flood of dream ball HA mons...
Anyone want my hacks?
>Rose trying to seduce Kia
Yes please.

Fuck off, Sarah.
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>implying you don't want it
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lol no I'm not
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just stop being mean for one fucking day, god damn. That stuff really wears on people you know
you've seen kia's pictures right?
fuck off, you stupid cunt
no why
s-she's pretty cute
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But please don't post them here.
Geez. Is everyone here cute? I wish I was :(
y-yes master
>Whole thread is just kids meeting their first female that plays the same game as them
This shit is cringy as fuck
attention whoring, ahoy!
>implying you aren't
then post a pic

Already did. Never again
maybe you should take better care of yourself and drink more water
I want Zinnia to feed me her dick.
Do you have a DBHA-F penta 4EM Sentret?
Mine only has 4IVs sorry :(
I was gonna give you one in case you needed one.
Nope. But thank you :)
>cute nigress
I finally have something proper to breed with. I'll have an Aipom for you soon :)
Tfw still trying to get you to join the skype group. Let's be friends. Pls.
Could I get one of those ditto's please?

I put a lvl 37 Golbat in the gts with the message /wfg/
tfw Veronica is kill
Sweet, thanks.
Not with my anxiety I can't. I've tried before with another group I got to know.
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>2 more shit threads in a row
At least i slept through the last one
give me the correct pasta to use, senpai. I just copy/paste whatever is in the OP from the previous thread.
You'll be safe and between friends I promise. You already talk to us in the thread anyway.
>implying Rose is even allowed in chat
which group lol
I can't. I'm sorry. Honestly just thinking about it makes me shaky. But talking on here is perfectly fine with me
trip on, kirzi
The fuck are you on about?
I'm playing CKII
Trip on Ben
It's ready. Send a trade request when you are too
Trip on, Nate
Trip on, Ravi
Trip on, Lima

Trip on, Griffin.
Trip on, Valk
Trip on, J Sal
>J Sal
Trip on, Zack
Who up for a battle?
Trip on Comet, Trip on Cupid!
Trip on, Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch!
To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away!
Dash away all!
Thanks for ruining it H.P.
Trip on, btw
hopefully something lethal
>ruining it
How about you choke on my chode you anti-fun prick?
chill out HP
He's still on Skype sometimes.
I am NOT Hewlett Packard, fuck off.
I found Rose's Gaia
I think we can all agree that HG/SS shitposter is the worst poster in these threads.
Oh god what? Please don't post it!!!
I'll consider it.
What's Gaia? I definitely don't have one so have fun I guess
yeah right.
>who's Andrew?
Ayy lmao!
How does a Monotype run sound for my first Black/White run?
Also Black or White?
who fucking cares
Sure. Don't have those either
Pepperidge farm does.
I don't get it. It's hundreds of pics of girls

no one cares, they weren't even memorable games.
Shouldn't I play the originals before the sequels?
is atlus back yet? i have his growlithe
Because it's a guy. He posts to /r/gentlemanboners too.
Wanna fight again?
This is the exact reason I have at throwaway account for every device I've logged in on.

One for work, phone, home, actual goal like pokemon trading, etc.

And I burn them once a month. Just log out with the subscriptions page open, make a new account in a new tab> reopen all subscriptions and add them

I don't get the complacent
Sounds fun. Good luck. Either is fine. And yes play the sequels after since they improve so much.
Of course Rose is a guy. I had my suspicions weeks ago.

>tfw all the guys calling her cute are going to have to start questioning their sexuality
>playing DiaPer
too sleepy ;_;
You have to be a guy to subscribe there? Nope. Try again
No, i'm still at work, working on these Chespins more while on my break. I should be home some time after 9pm pst
>not being gay
Care to explain yourself?
Awww, alright.
ok guess i'll keep breeding more
It's fine Rose, no one cares. We had a dude named Garfield a while back that spammed drag gifs every time he posted and he was aight.

You should post more feet pics though, haha
Garfield was a faggot in every sense of the word. I'm glad he's gone.

dude, please. we know you have a dick.
Cute. Your Twitter pic is cute too. Lots of trans potential. ;)
Alright just beat Norman. Debating on what to do regarding team;

Cash, 32 Pangoro
June, 28 Sneasel
Blues, 28 Murkrow
Three, 25 Zorua.

What level should I evolve the middle two do you think lads?
who cares
fuck off
post caps

I don't have a Twitter but ok
Thanks for the tip about the Twitter, anon.
Just like that, I found his Skype and his Facebook. It's also really cool that you're Filipino, Rose.
just_ice_cream reddit account made in Nov 2011

just_ice_cream twitter made in Dec 2011

Small world, Rose.
I don't know who you found but I really don't care because you're wrong lol
the ironing
End of bullying line

No more discussion on pretending to be a girl on the internet
It's okay Justice (cool name btw), no need to be ashamed just because you pretend to be a grill on the internet.
I was doubting but that's actually pretty damning.
You can be trans on GTA?
No Justice is his actual name, I found his Facebook. I can also make an educated guess about what town he lives in based on the school he went to. Maybe I won't post it and a bunch of pictures if he gives up the charade and stops asking dumb ass questions. Every time he asks a dumb ass question instead of using Google, I will probably post a pic, depending on my mood.
>guy tells me I'm young and fit and that I should swim instead of riding my pokemon
He has a point, why can't I just swim instead of needing surf?
jesus christ Kia, calm down
Berry question....

I read somewhere that if you water them every 4 hours, you get a big harvest.
Are those 4 hours counted strictly, depending on how long ago you planted the berry? Or does it depend of the last time you watered them?
Again not me so I don't care what you say lol
post it you doxxer
>don't care what you say
>replies anyway

>not making your city something epic
Anyone that's on my friends list can tell you I'm not in IL so keep trying
Ohio is only two states away.
m8 its already done >>26828578
>tfw the autists devour another of their own

I told you all.

Don't post your FC here if you have used it elsewhere. You will get doxed and bullied. Even if you are nice. The people here are pure cancer. The only solution is to force them to accept EVERYONE otherwise they end up like this.

Rose was kind and look what you did to her.


Every one of you should google your FC now, and if it leads back to you, you need to factory reset your 3DS to get a new FC if you want to post it on here. Don't use the same one. They will not be your friends.
I cannot. I believe that to be a false location.

>this deep into denial
wew lad

As much as I can't stand Rose, he doesn't deserve to have his personal information posted to 4chan where people will do god knows what with it. This is just a fun activity for me tbqh familia. He has a cute cat, as well.
>Rose was kind and look what you did to her.

Also Rose has been cancer from the moment he posted to this board. It would be a blessing if he left.
why lie about being a girl?
and who was the girl he posted earlier claiming it was him
It's ok because the person they found isn't me. But let them have their "victory"
nice backing down now, Kia

post a picture of yourself to prove it :3
Oh yeah I won't deny the reddit is mine
all that connects her to is the reddit
The rest of the connections are based on the tenuous assumption that only one person in the word would come up with the name "just_ice_cream"
If that's true, I would still take this opportunity to make sure your personal information is separate from what can be found via posting here.

The tripfriends always insist on direct trades with FCs but the truth is that trading over GTS is the safest way for all of us to interact. This kind of bullying you are receiving is not new. They have done it to so many people. They will post their 5-10 year old accounts and mock their preteen gaia posts
>If that's true, I would still take this opportunity to make sure your personal information is separate from what can be found via posting here.
I have. That's why they're grasping at straws lol
Hey, are FC available if we trade over the gts, and then via acquaintances?
>Level 18 Female Mantine
>something like 3 fucking health, tiny red sliver
>throw a Great Ball at it
>it breaks out without even rocking once
what the fuck, is this thing a pseudo-legendary or something?
His reddit and twitter are only made a month apart with the same name

That's not a coincidence

If it were years apart, then there's more room for doubt
Seeing all this shit storm got me worried for a bit. Ü
>That's not a coincidence
you're ASSUMING its not.
I'm not straight up denying it. I'm just pointing out that you don't have PROOF, just assumptions
if you add them as a friend after trading with them twice, you can see their friend code by clicking on their profile, or also in the 3ds fc list

You can not see anything about them other than their name, their avatar, and what state their 3ds is registered to otherwise.
haha ebin /b/ro
Looking for a new MM project. Any suggestions?
do you ever dabble in the injection thread?
You'll also notice that ALL of the bullying is done by tripfriends with their trip off. If you added by acquaintances, it's less likely you'll get bullied. They value their /wfg/ reputation so they don't want to be linked to being the harasser.
No. It's a bait thread. It was made by someone here that didn't like injections and insisted I go make my own thread. When I told him to do it, he did and has been harassing people to go post in. But there are no injectors in it because it's not an organic general. It's a trap general made by a butthurt autist
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This could have all been avoided if someone made a /tsc/ thread.
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oh my god
the autism
>taht one guy who keeps acting like this would be a good idea
Fuck off and make it then
It's true kiddo, the same applies to all of the internet.
>You'll also notice that ALL of the bullying is done by tripfriends with their trip off. If you added by acquaintances, it's less likely you'll get bullied. They value their /wfg/ reputation so they don't want to be linked to being the harasser.
This is true.
On another note, does the 3DS of anyone here constantly crashes and displays "An error has occurred please save your data and restart"? Mine has done this since forever but since it doesn't affect me when I'm in a game I mostly ignore it.
>You'll also notice that ALL of the bullying is done by tripfriends with their trip off
how can you notice that if their trip is off?
So how isn't Night Shade superior to Dragon Rage?
N-no. Our bullying is kept to skype.
It's much better when you bully them into lewds ;).
Mine does when I open the browser. It opens some github link and I get free pokemon somehow

Literally no one else gives a fuck
Of course it is superior. Anyone telling you otherwise is a fool.
>finishes harassing rose
>puts trip back on
I did some investigating. It's not like I'm posting their Facebook or pictures, nor do I plan to.
wow it was you doxxing? fuck you
I don't mean injecting Pokemon, my 3DS have been like that since I bought it but I was too busy playing SMT IV and XY at the time to go change it. And because I thought that my saves were stored in the console.
Do you have any downloaded games with saves?

If you don't just do a reset and see if that clears the problem.
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I believe you
doxxing: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.

I did search, but only to satisfy my own personal curiosities. I have no intent to make public what I found, except for that Rose is a guy (which we all knew anyways).

If you think I was the only person trying to get information, then you're wrong. I didn't post a single one of those screen shots.
any feet pics?
its too l8
you are the cancer of this thread
no, and if there were, I wouldn't publish them. I honestly don't mean Rose any harm, I just let my curiosity get the better of me, is all. It intrigues me when someone is obviously pretending to be something that they aren't.
I bet you meant to leave your trip off with this post, didn't you?
Post away. It's not me. Have fun harassing some guy that happened to have the same username as my reddit.

By the way, that Aipom is ready for you
Nope, I don't my digital, I'll reset it later and tell you how it goes. PS: I love how most /wfg/ purists faggots talk shit about injectors and all of them I've met are chill.
Well this got interesting

Nice quads bro
No, I intentionally left my trip code on.

No one's getting harassed here. Finding someone's account=/=harassment, but okay. Agree to disagree. Let me get something neat for you out of Bank.
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not posting them *here
yeah, bicycle simulating for days can really make you cranky. I would recommend the reset. If you do reset, you will lose your FC and anyone added as a friend. There's no way to preserve that, so keep it in mind.
Who fucking cares that you're playing a game 7 years late
>I don't my digital,
*I don't buy digital,
welp I guess with blood in the water you tripfriends aren't satisfied with just one tonight, are you?
What's your FC? I wouldn't mind if you got fucking doxxed so I could fuck your shit up because I'm getting real sick of your shitposting.
>I'm getting real sick of your shitposting.
after 1 post?
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I don't really think that posting them here and posting them in the privacy of Skype is the same thing, but okay.
The biggest problem is that those of us who value non-hacked stuff have to worry about people like InjectorBro who want to diseminate their hacks and try to force us to play with hacked stuff. We dont want to. We dont like that they do that and instead of forcing them to play legit (which we can't), we suggest they do so elsewhere. Then they ignore our suggestions and continue to try and mess our experiences up for their intertainment. They may seem chill but thats just because thay dont care about anyone or anything.
You have been shitposting for WEEKS on end. Any time someone posts something that isn't circlejerking or drama, you immediately slam your sperg fingers onto the keyboard to type, as fast as you humanly can, "NOBODY CARES!!!!!111oneon1!!"
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I just came here to drop this image
you must be thinking of someone else
Thanks Rose. I hope you don't already have that ballmon.

literally what
>inb4 it's sarah playing both sides of the field to cause strife in /wfg/ because doing so increases sarah's odds of getting more injectors to play with
nah, not true matey. We get along with everyone just fine. We don't tell anyone to leave. If you don't want hacks, that's fine.

Kia politely declines my help and we get along just fine. You find it funny to piss in a beehive and get upset when you get stung.

I'd rather MULTI but no one ever does so I answer requests
I don't. Thanks
took you that long to figure out?
>pissing in the beehive
>says sarah while posting in the /wfg/ that expressly doesnt want her here
what are you talking about, haha. I got better things to do and I am adamantly ANTI BULLYING
love you sarah
No problem.
Sorry man, I can't be at work and post with perfect responsiveness simultaneously
>trying to exclude active injectors from /wfg/ which is FOR ALL
>upset when they no longer announce whether they are injecting or not
But what's so bad about people who don't enjoy breeding skipping it and just injecting their Pokemons and going straight to battling? I understand that some of them trade injected Pokemon to legit breeders but at this point there is now way to evade injected Pokemon unless you don't trade online at all. IMO as long as they have legit stats and moves they're fine.
>Inb4 Fuck off hacker
All of my mons were bred in XY before I started a new save file, and I started breeding again in ORAS but stopped because I got really in to online battles, and I enjoy breeding for the most part.
<3 Would you like a free pokemon?
>for all
Not what the OP says. But you already know that and want to be contrarion for the hell of it.
Since i was here for the founding of /wfg/, i can confidently say you are in the wrong.
nah i'm good just want to tell you that i love you
The OP says injectors shouldnt post in this thread because most of us like our untainted games to remain that way.
Also showdown exists.
Nigga dat shit spelt "Sara"!
There aren't any good Ground/Fighting coverage Pokemon, are there?
So whatever the OP says is a rule now? Well I will be making the next thread then.
>Also showdown exists.
It isn't the same as playing the ACTUAL game with your 3DS.
We don't have a clean archive of the board but it has traditionally been for all. I don't bother with correcting the OP because you select tripfriends seriously lose your fucking shit if the OP allows everyone to play in peace. We end up with rival /wfg/ threads, shitposting, and that guy that spams the same furry shit porn until he's banned. The whole day disappears and everyone is scared off.

You and I both know /wfg/ is for all. If you want a NON HACK thread, then make one. Purity General /pg/ would be perfect for that.

The default meeting place for all wi-fi related activities of 3ds users interacting through /vp/ called /wfg/ is not that place.

If we open it up to debate, things get even shittier than they already are. I don't bother. It won't remain when S&M comes out anyway. I don't think the 3000% increase in traffic is going to give a fuck what a few oldfriends whine about.
Make it then. We'll just make another proper one.
I agree with that as well.
Just let me enjoy my bike simulator on my own, I don't care what others do.
Bump for help me please.
You might want to check bulbapedia or something. I don't know anything about berries.
>for all
Repeating an untruth doesnt make it any more true.

Wfg IS purity general and has always been purity general. I mean, it used to be called "trading general" and then the injectors and genners wanted a slice of the action and it had to be changed. We're not doing it again just to satisfy you.
Honestly, the people getting hackmon are probably just put their teams together with smogon anyway and don't know what the fuck they are doing, so hackmon won't make a difference.
Though, it is annoying playing against people who put zero effort into the game, yet have perfect teams and have no idea how much work actually goes into building something like that.
Not surprising really, considered how entitled and lazy this generation is.

Having said that, holy shit, finally back from the weekend of horror that was a family get together and no internet.
Does anyone want to have a quick 6v6 singles battle?
look at Atlas, acting like he's not a newfag
I dropped identifying myself because it would result in 50+ post derailments and then the furry porn guy would show up.

>Wfg IS purity general and has always been purity general

/wfg/ is /pg/? Do you even read what you type? Just be at peace and accept all. Stop forcing everyone out of your secret club

I'm up for multis when I get off work
>Make it then. We'll just make another proper one.
Thanks for proving me right you worthless mongrel. Nice non-existence counter arguments for anything. What a fucking waste of space.
top fucking kek
>Repeating an untruth doesn't make it any more true
Donald Trump and Hitler would disagree. Keep repeating the same lie and eventually people will believe it.

Jesus, what did I miss?

I just want to have a quick 6v6 singles with someone before I head off to play some ff type-0.
What's wrong with Sarah? He's a bro
In all seriousness Sarah, what is it you want? Do you want to be part of the sekrit skype clubs? Because we can add you, it's no big deal. Do you want to just have a one on one chat instead? What can I do to help?
They think I'm some filipino guy because his twitter is the same as my reddit name
you're not in the skype group, shut up
Talking to yourself is an indicator of pschyzophrenia
>sekrit skype club
from anonymous
I want us to all get along.

And the hackers in the skype chat will steal my IP and I don't trust skype.
there are so many skype chats, anon might be in a newer one.
I would still fuck your boipucci if that makes you feel better, flip guys make good traps if you really want to become a girl
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point that at Rose, haha
Why are you ashamed? I'm serious.

Why do you feel the need to play this charade with anonymous people on the internet?
What do you think Goodra's eggs smell like, haha?
We can talk it out and make peace. Find a compromise. It's been long overdue. And again, we can do one-on-one or group or whatever you're more comfortable with. Nobody will doxx or hack you, that's just silly. I just want us all to get along as well and for this nonsense to be over and done with. So, what do you say? Talk it out?
It's not me. Like I said post what you want
that's totally not Rose!! they just happen to have the same name and writing style throughout different forms of social media! it's all a big coincidence!!
>Pokeball Krabby
He's so cute. I hope we get more crabs in alola.
but being anonymous is not helping
The reddit account is mine but I don't use twitter or facebook
fuck off
It made me laugh when some autist tried to make me feel embarrased when he googled my FC and found a reddit account with literally three posts about trying to find more friend safaris
I'll send you a TR in a minute.
come on m8, you think we will keep believing that? I mean you're cool, but until you don't prove it, meeh,
it's easy to come up with muh anxiety to avoid it isn't it
>we can talk
Anyone trading HA Krabby? Regular Pokeball, EMs if he has any good ones.
Believe what you want
Shut the fuck up Kia
Okay, my demands are we all get along. Confer with your secret club to see if you we can all get along.

They do try. You can expect it to be searched within 15 minutes of posting a FC on here. I've tried warning, but they just issue counter warning about some bullshit like I'm going to steal their pokemon soul if I get one of their pokemon or some shit.
I can see why he doesn't want to join the skype group now, kek
Whenever you're ready, send me an email.

[email protected]
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I don't see you online. Send a TR when ready.

It's not me. Don't you know by now that if I have something to say, I use my trip? Jeeze.

What do you want for him? I prefer Pokeball aesthetics on Krabby/Kingler but if it's a male that's not a big deal.
hey what's up?
we are shitposting in the new thread now. Other than that not much
hey why are there three threads now
Thread posts: 288
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