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>No tits >No ass >Normal clothing (ie. not dressed like

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>No tits
>No ass
>Normal clothing (ie. not dressed like a slut)
This is the first time they've done a 10 years old kid that actually looks her age.
I doubt we will be able to make her look older in the game. Customization is a given, but probably all the clothing options will be just childish shit.
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>not dressed like a slut

What do you call those tiny shorts and her showing off her legs?
>This is the first time they've done a 10 years old kid that actually looks her age
But they literally never did that before. No MC is 10.
>visible bra
>not a slut
The correct way of dressing in a tropical climate.
She wears a baggy shirt because everything else is too small for her massive knockers
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Those are just normal shorts anon. Here's what a slut actually looks like.
It's a tank top
She's flat as a table. Accept that.
>Chipmunk facial feature

Can anime just move away from this design?
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Good, I prefer them that way
>visible bra
Is this the new meme?
Cutest girl yet.
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It's spreading anon.
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This time it really bugs me, that there isn't even room anymore for lower teeth. Next gen they will just have one hug thooth instead of a mouth
Well it is Alola, meaning it's a hot tropical setting anon
>tfw attracted to the chipmunk face
Feels good
>We want the KyoAni audience
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>not wanting the KyoAni audience

When is my Kumiko clone pokegirl Gamefreak?
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I want her with big thighs, something like on the right
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>Customization is a given
>wearing a loose shirt
>not a slut
pick one
she's more of a slut than misty and her sisters combined
She's got another shirt underneath.
explain this
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>neckbeards arguing about a 10 year old girl's fashion
>Customization is a given

I need proofs
Make her tits bigger
Also, thicc
>implying i dont identify as a 10 year old girl trapped in a 60 year old mans body
>Dressed for beach weather
>Xbawks hueg shoes instead of sandals

What the fuck?
I can't because I don't make this
That´s a pink pantie anon.
Shauna was the worst
To be fair, me and my friends prefer shoes as well.

Can't be assed to bother with sandals. Especially since I live in San Diego.
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>erased her bra
>try walking various kilometers through wild paths on sandals. Just try it
I think its kind of a cool dichotomy how she has litten colored hiking boots, while the dude has popplio looking water shoes
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>Chicken Skully
>Tied off balloon shirt
>Daisy Dukes
>Watermelon Bag
>Thot watch
>No socks
>Not dressed like a slut
Red was fauwtdy
Too much for me. Ew
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>that shitty anatomy
Better settle down with Dawn and her wonderful canon thighs.
Inshallah, brother.
Pretty sure Red was 11 making him 14 in GSC
Oh my god yes
how did they get away with this
Dawn is a funny faced slut
I never said she wasn't a slut :^)
This. Only the anime uses the "must be 10 to train Pokemon" rule. We see plenty of kindergarten-aged children train Pokemon. Red was 11, and no other protag has a confirmed age.
>10 years old
Do people actually still think this?

For the past few games they've been near the age of adults.

Stop being dumb. C'mon.
Not to mention none of the playable characters have even been 10.
Fuck, even Red was 11.
>no imagination
you're a simpleton, OP
>For the last few games.
Exactly, they've been looking like they're in their late teens.
But these games are new and these two kids look like they belong in 5th grade.
how is that shitty anatomy? big thighs are a real thing, the anatomy isn't shitty just because you're not attracted to it. i'd say its more accurate to real women, even. MORE accurate to anatomy
It looks kind of like she has the Team Magma symbol on her shoes

For Shauna it kind of works


It was kind of weird watching season 2 and slowly notice Haruhi and Mikuru beginning to look like K-on characters.
their shoes pretty clearly are based on popplio and litten lines, but i dont blame people for seeing team aqua and magma first.
Because May's breasts got them into trouble with several countries

That's a nice catch. Looks like her bag could be Pokemon themed as well, maybe Vileplume.


I saw Aqua on the male's shirt.
I'd still bang
>no tits
she's clearly wearing a bra of some sort
and her loose shirt doesn't show off her figure

anyway my third favorite femal protag, right after May and Rosa
Red was listed in the instruction manual as being 11. We've never actually had a 10 year old protagonist.
This. I have a semblance of hope for customization, but so far all I've seen are slight recolours of the clothing you start with. I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment if they think X/Y levels of customization (as paltry as they were for the male) are returning.

If anyone has solid evidence otherwise, please do share.
Were't the protags supposed to be aged up since XY? Why does she look prepubescent?
>not lewd
I'm ok with this
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She's a qt
Not quite as qt as best girl though
I just realized Dawn's outfit is based on Darkrai. And her hair has Piplup qualities obviosuly
What is this spicy autism?
>probably all the clothing options will be just childish shit.

You are a filthy pedophile. Go kill yourself.
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>"all the clothing options will be childish"
>mc is a child
I fail to see the disconnect
>Shauna is your mother
>Bianca is your grandmother
deepest lore
Widen those hips, muh dick
it all comes together
>Shauna is your mother
>Bianca is your grandmother
>Shauna is your grandfather
>Bianca is your father

I like this family.
>cartoon artists are more dangerous than hollywood pedophilia rings and lecherous senators

I just want SJWs to go away, because all they want is to look more activist than each other than actually help.

The people who hoard loli art get incarcerated, but never the artists. Prove to a court that a fan art of a copyright character that's been drawn to look explicitly like an 18+ year old is underage.
This is a 9 trillion percent improvement! I just fucking nutted, JEEZE! Why are you going to do this to me again?!?!
I hope we can at least have some cute customization options. I don't want her to look like a slut, but i'd like her to not look fucking ridiculous.
See >>26580013
It's a tank top.
That the MCs from the previous generations either had vague ages (what's with May and Leaf's huge tits and Dawn's skirt?) or were definitely in their late teens: Hilbert and Hilda were said to be "old enough to drive"; Calem and Serena are older than Emma, who is 16.
Then these two fucks come in with their plain and kiddy looks, because for the first time since Red, these are practically confirmed children. The boy couldn't be a manlet if he wanted, and the girl has no boobs.
Calem and Serena had clothing options that made them look like kids, but by default they looked 17.
People everywhere always bitch about lusting over 10 yo girls on this board, but people defend themselves saying:
>she doesn't look 10/it's not confirmed that she's 10.
But this time, the girl DOES look like she's 10.
Instant boner.
>10 year old kid
The main characters have never been 10. Youngest they've ever been is 11. XY protags were 17-18. I'd guess SM is about the same maybe a year or two younger. Bitch is just flat, fag.
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>I've seen some 10 year olds in my time
There are ladies who are over 18 and have A/B cup titties. Baggy shirts makes it harder to tell breast size too. She could just be a flat teen.
>no ass
Bullshit. I'd gladly let her take a seat on my face when she gets tired of walking.
We should make a poll.
People who say they're kids, like >>26582808
vs. people who argue they don't have to be kids like >>26584217
It just seems like a mechanic that they wouldnt take out of the games going forward. Its a key character mechanic now imo. If we can change our skin color again Im willing to bet good money we will be able to change our clothes.
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They're kids, like Arthur is 8 but does things that third graders don't normally do.
And inb4 someone brings up ORAS. There was no way they were going to do that shit for a remake.
>>Dressed for beach weather

She's dressed for tropical spelunking, not just going to the beach.

I'd go further and get some long pants, when you get into forests mosquitoes are a godammed fucking shit, and the smaller the potential entry points for centipedes, the better.

Then again it's not like any of these matter in an ideal world so carry on, chickenhat girl, carry on.
I'd rub soothing cream on Luna's legs if she got bit by mosquitos.
Cropping Chickenhat's face like that caught me off guard...

She looks like a mom
>she looks like a mom
pregnancy art when?
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>someone took my edits and made a comparison
based anon
>The KyoAni Audience
So basically Japanese millennials?
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Fixed version
I hope not.

Fantastic taste.
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>calling a ten year old in shorts on the beach a slut
I'm so glad none of you go outside..
>bad taste: the thread

the new mc girl looks pretty good, maybe bot as ORAS May, but looks better than Serena.
>not wearing a burka
wew what a slut
Her arms need to be a little more thicker to become convincing.
>shitting on daisy dukes

I can't even muster a proper adjective to describe your lack of taste. I'm ashamed we share a planet.
Hilbert and hilda being from unova though, the earliest you can get a learner's permit in stars and stripes land is 16.

Not that that changes much, ive seen 14 year olds dress trashier than hilda.
>le 10 yo ashnime meme
Fucking idiot.
>Bad taste: the post
Luna has nothing on Serena or May. She looks bland and her wide shirt makes her looks like a classless pauper.
People are making fun of us again :(
>herp derp how does supply and demand work
i bet you think throwing a bone to poor widdle oppressed pedophiles and letting them have loli porn and fuck dolls actually works
i'd call it your pedophilic tendencies
Why is her shirt tied at the front?
For easy, fast access.
Such a slutty chicken.
It absolutely seems like a mechanic they would remove from the games.

>We want Kalos to feel unique!

Changing your clothing was introduced because Kalos was based of France and its fashion. Each region has its own gimmick, and until XY remakes I'm not optimistic that we'll see it again. Instead we will have watered down choices like we've already seen.

I suppose we will see, but I'm braced for disappointment in that area.
Kekked hard.
Bad edit bro
Sandals are great until you have to walk more than 10 feet on anything but a beach
Shoes are for Action Waifu running and jumping.
>Caring about what nobodies thinks about threads of your favorite taiwanese imageboard
Luna is cute but May is god-tier and Serena is sexy as fuck.
More thighs and perfect
May will always be my favorite. Dawn's my second fav, with Crystal in third. Luna is mid-tier, but mid-tier Pokegirl MCs are better designed than 90% of other anime women. Can't wait to see her in the anime!
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Here's your proofs.
where's the mom
/vp/'s obsession with thighs and feet is getting tiresome.
Would you date Luna?
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TFW you see the band of her bra peeking
Yeah, wheres her fucking headscarf and veil? Men other than her father and husband should not be seeing her like this, and she might have to be honor killed by her family.
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meh, this could be chalked up to beta vs. confirmed design. I'm not holding my breath until I see something other then a recolor.
Go back to Tumblr, for fuck's sake
The only characters dressed as sluts are Hilda, Rosa and Serena really.

We couldn't keep the fap trend going.
that's my kid
god hell this new eye style looks so much better. They look so unfocused and dead in old pictures

especially lyra
Dawn was totally dressed like a slut
I think I'm in love with Chicken-chan. No other Pokegirl made me feel this way besides May.
I fucking loved that skirt. I hope we get one just as short in the future.
I think she's cute. It's an island region, so maybe in the show we'll see her in swimwear.

At that point we can determine the ass/tits situation or lack thereof.

Minus points for the dumb hat, plus for the baggy shirt that shows off her quality armpits
But ORAS May was shit, scrawny ass ho
Original May was so much better. Dem hips and legs.
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ITT: Underageban who are too young to remember when a little girl wearing anything shorter than her knees was considered inappropriate attire and a sign of bad parenting.
She looks boring and unremarkable, does this mean that Serena will still be with Ash in Alola or will the assistant take her place as Ash's new waifu?
I wonder what Luna smells like.
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I wish the best to ChickenAlolaLuna-chan!
come on and zoom-a zoom-a zoom-a zoom (zoom!)
OG May is GOAT
A bit upset that her new figure is of ORAS and not the original. Hopefully the anime line of figures they've been making recently adds may down the road.
7/10 design

Bonus points for shorts and armpit. Points taken off for the dumb hat.

She's decent. Mid-tier pokegrill
Her new design is ok, but nowhere close to the original
Is it a hat, or hair?
If she doesn't replace Serena in the ashnime, I feel like even as a female protag, she'll get lost in the shuffle. Her design is kind of meh. Chicken hat and undershirt/bra showing make her somewhat unique
I want to hug her
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>get chicken hat
>find qt asian gril
>ask her to wear it for free prize
>tell her the prize is a hug
Maybe when I hug her, I can slip my hand in her massive sleeve openings and tickle her armpits.

No homo
Holy good goddamn, do you ever shut up about armpits?
Her arms are so thin, it looks like her bracelet can slide up past her elbow
>No tits
She's wearing a big shirt, how do you know she doesn't have breasts?
The blonde hair MC looks a lot like anime Serena. I wouldn't be surprised if Serena stays, but dresses similarly to Chickenhat.
Something tells me new girl replaces Serena. Call it a hunch. Or par for the course
We may never know
Maybe she'll get a swimsuit episode or alternate costume in the anime.
all u stfu now
Too developed. Luna occupies the middle of the cute/sexy scale. Pushing her too far towards the either side of the scale ruins the appeal of her design.
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>yfw anon is actually right
>he doesn't like her with hips and tits
go jerk off to sailor moon then u wrinkly fuck
Hey Caroline watcha doin?
>using unofficial art
none of you virgins have ever seen a skank irl

I think she'd be much better without the chicken hat and a better shirt.

The shorts, bag and shoes look fine and she's qt overall.
wonder if Serena is gonna go with Ash to Alola in the animu

would make for an awesome harem
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Pokemon Sun and Moon Lillie.png
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Here's some Lillie in the same vein.
Would make more sense if her arms were slightly thicker and if she, you know, had developed breasts in the first place. But well, she's a 10 yo like the protagonist after all.
I wish one of these times they'd let ash stay in pallet and take a break for a region. Serena and new girl on their own adventure could be fun.

May and Dawn would have been GOAT
/u/ would have a fucking field day with that
>being a c/u/ck
Glad to know that you're an expert on teenage female anatomy.

I had thighs and an ass before my tits came in. Just saying.

inb4 no girls on the internet durrhurrhurr
unless you want to prove it, we'll just asume your an autist pretending to be a girl
I could get behind that idea. Or have Ash tag along and be the third wheel.

I mean, it will never happen, but it's fun to imagine
The reason 2D thick is superior is because it's only in the right places.

Fat arms are disgusting.
Nah. I see what you're doing.

Allow me to redirect you

>I see what you're doing
all I want is a pic with your tits at least partially visible with a timestamp
or your face
kill yourself
>kill yourself

no u my man, and take your shit taste with you
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Not sure why I did it but I gave it a shot
Not my best work, but my tablet isn't working so whatever
Brendan and May are 12 in ORAS. Buzznav confirms.
The arms look a little skinny compared to the rest.
World's neckbeard-iest thing...
Too much. Now she looks fat.
Only Calem and Serena can be considered that and that's really stretching it.

Hilbert and Hilda were 14, Nate and Rosa were 12.
Confirmed how?
These were both in the same goddamn trailer you nignog.
>A Roxanne/Flannery pic is coming soon.

Maybe there is actually a god

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and all of those points are good things
Hawaii is an american state, she should be fatter
Stop corrupting this pure loli with your sexual perversions
Hilda/Hilbert were 16 and Nate/Rose were 14. I distinctly remember them being called 16 and the BW2 just a little younger.
She's like 10-12, this is unnecessary.

May was the exception, not the rule
Not trying to say she should actually look like this, just giving the people what they want. And myself, of course.
I mean, I get it, but the beauty of pokemon is that there are plenty of quality older grills to choose from
but it actually looks decent this time
>can't use footage from an old beta in the trailer
If there's no customization, I'm going to have a hard time wanting to play this game at all.
The male trainer design is so fucking boring
There has to be some kind of customization
my faith in gamefreak to keep basic mechanics that make the game better is practically nonexistent
While it seems like something that would be a huge oversight to exclude, I would not be surprised even a little bit if we don't have customization in S/M.
Anybody else notice that their mouths are getting gradually more open? (if you move Bianca from the first games over of course)
Really? He looks fine to me. Actually he looks just like me so i can 100% self insert
>Grasping this hard
If you look like a 5th grader, then I guess you're right.
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