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Jesus fucking christ
Yeah, and denialfags got btfo so hard they're delusionally thinking that it's the other way around. Owl is real, so we didn't get btfo.
I'm fine with it as long as it's not this abomination.
You're retarded. Rowlet looks nothing like Roothoot.
nice projection, m8

The owl you kept claiming was real is in fact not real.

They aren't even close to being the same owl.

The sad thing is, I KNEW this would happen. Everyone who kept saying the fake owl was real are changing their story to 'we knew it was just a beta design'. You literally can't play that card though because I had arguments with people defending every single detail of the fake owl when I tried to explain exactly why that design was never going to happen. Everything from 'the shitty beak is actually a visor' to 'its a grass beak'.

You people did not win, you're merely moving the goal post so that it looks like you won.
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Not real at all
Rowlet looks nothing like that Fake Owl Pokemon from 2Chan
Thank the lord Arceus
Wrong owl, also, nice abandoning the other two who had to be real too for that leak to be real
No, this owl is cute. The one Owlfags were spamming was ugly as shit.
>They aren't even close to being the same owl.

They look pretty fucking similar for a lucky guess.

What was the source of this leak.
Literally only the color is the same, which can easily be guessed ahead of time by using common owl colors and adding green. They are different in every other way conceivable.
>which can easily be guessed ahead of time by using common owl colors and adding green
Then why didn't the other owl fakes guess it right? And why weren't any of the other owl fakes a barn owl?
Are you kidding? There were plenty of Owl fakes with the same colors.
Post them

I've told you people this before and I'll say it again - Roothoot was NOT designed after a barn owl. It was a generic owl that literally anyone could conceive.

Rowlet's design appears to be mixed between a barn owl and an apple. The color scheme AND the beady eyes back up that fact whereas Roothoot had giant anime eyes that do not match a barn owls at all.

The only thing thats even close is the color scheme but thats not exactly a magical feat in and of itself. Out of the 50 or so fake owl designs we've gotten over the years, one is actually close to the mark. Its a statistical coincidence. Period.
what? I dont see roothoot anywhere...
I don't save fake leaks, are you kidding? I just remember a lot of fake owls having beige, white and green as their primary colors
I think you might just be autistic, anon
J K Rowlett is the best starter!
>I've told you people this before and I'll say it again - Roothoot was NOT designed after a barn owl
Barn owl's have the distinct heart shaped face. it has large anime eyes because it's an anime owl. I literally saw nobody arguing Roothoot wasn't a barn owl before this. This is owlfag-level backpedaling which to be honest could have been said because of the horns which actully barn owls don't have but it could have just been a random owl related detail they added, but it's otherwise clearly inspired by a barn owl.
Nobody else remembers

Nope, there is a reason why the owl was posted everywhere and the others weren't.
>The starter isn't going to be a grass owl

It's a grass owl

>Well it's not the RIGHT grass owl

Fucking hell.

(Also what if Roothoot's Rowlet's evo?)
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What's going on?

/vp/ is blowing up and I can't figure out why.
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It's real, and you can draw it.
owlfags moving goalposts. nothing new
Choose your starter anon, your adventure awaits!

Well obviously you weren't around for every single thread because I argued on multiple occasions that Roothoot wasn't based on a barn owl. And every time I'd say that, people would come out of the woodwork with 'the heart shaped face pattern', 'the beak looks like that on real barn owls' and 'look at the colors'.

And if it had anime eyes because its an anime owl then why doesn't Rowlet have anime eyes? Stop defending that fake, piece of shit owl. Roothoot was in no way a barn owl. End of story.
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>push a SPECIFIC owl design for 3 months
>get a completely different owl that's only slightly similar in its color scheme
>hurr it's still a grass/flying owl so we were right xD
Why are owlfags so retarded?

Also, since Cubble and Finpip were confirmed fake, Roothoot is fake too as they were all leaked in the same thread.
ALso barn owls have that unique beak shape to which both designs had, just done in different ways. Rowlet's beak works like Piplup's but is colored to make it look like the beak is angled, and Roothoot had the V shaped both and opted to not detail the beak.

Literally no one said that it wasn't going to be an owl you fucking retard.

Owlfags said Roothoot was THE owl, no questions asked

Denialfags said no, the starter WILL more than likely be an owl based on the trademarked name but not THAT owl

And like I've said before, there is 0% chance of Roothoot being official in any way, shape or form based entirely on its design. It looks like absolute shit and the lengths you go to defend it is astounding. How could anyone want such an ugly thing to be real? Thats like someone HOPING that Trubbish was real before it was confirmed.
denialfag live reaction
>And if it had anime eyes because its an anime owl then why doesn't Rowlet have anime eyes?
Because not everyone who designs the same kind of animal will design it in the same way?What the fuck do you think I am arguing? Add quotation marks around valid details to poitn doesn't make them not valid. What I'm saying is that the coincidence is huge and that people are hugely downplaying it, not that it's not in the end just that. You are arguing against an imagined owlfag boogeyman and not, you know, an actual human being.
>prove your point

Denialfags are literally carl the cuck sjw trash tier
>people actually want the other owl to be real
what kind of owl is rowlet?
>Being this angry about a product designed for children

Also I remained completely impartial throughout all the Roothoot bullshit lmao
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Barn owl
Whatever kind lives on Hawaii I guess.
Coconut owl.
this looks like it the most
couldn't find anything on it

If Roothoot was a concept design, it would be drawn by the same person who ultimately drew Rowlet.

If Roothoot is an evo, it would be drawn by the same person.

You can't say that the eyes are different because they're drawn by different people but yet still insist Roothoot is an evo or a concept design. It literally does not work that way.
>If Roothoot was a concept design, it would be drawn by the same person who ultimately drew Rowlet.
Not true, I hate to parade that Gogoat thing because it's clearly like the drawing someone made as soon as the idea popped into their head which the art we've seen was not but yeah. For all we know, it could have been drawn by the same person and the eyes were changed specifically to make it look more like a barn owl. You seem think I have this firm stance in the ground, but what I'm actually doing is criticizing your immovable position. I don't actually think this was concept art. I literally said in my post that while it's a massive coincidence, it's only a coincidence, just that people are trying to play it off like it was nothing, I guess as a gut reaction in response to owlposters trying to do the same in the opposite direction.
Popplio is starting to grow on me now, I just don't like how they went for that same darkish blue color from oshawatt which was the main issue I had with him in the first place. But I like him, though these starters can't touch kalos starters.
Stop you fucking faggot. How are you destroy the dreams of retarded children?
I wonder where zachipster is :)
Committed suicide
Reminder that not every owlfag was a roothootfag. Owlfags won.
>roothootfags didn't exactly get what they pushing
>it's the 2nd evolution
>it was the concept art or first versions
>it's still an owl tho
>it's the same color i guess
denowl fags can't accept it
>Both Roothoot and Rowlet are Barn owls
>They both share the same color palette
>Rowlet's tie expands in Roothoot covering his lower body like a jacket

Let's not forget Roothoot was leaked before the trademarks gor registered.

Either Roothoot was reworked into Rowlet, or Roothoot's Rowled evolution. But denying the leak was legit, at this point, is retarded.
Piplup and Prinplup. Similar eye progression.
Nice meme, are you implying Litten will evolve into an emotionless red rock and that Popplio will evolve into a dolphin?
No. Cubble and that water shit aren't starters. They're different pokemon, or discarded designs.
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I'm okay with Rowlet's design as long as it's used for memes
Nice goalpost moving.
We knew it was an owl, the copyright
poved it. "Dark wood" makes no sense.

Owlfags are goalpost moving pretty hard though.
Not moving any goalposts here.

Admit it: guessing a grass type barn owl pokemon with that same color pattern BEFORE any trademarks gor registered would take a fuckton of luck.
Cubble is the pseudo. Screencap this.
How can you forget how they were all leaked in the same thread and in the same style, clearly intended to be starters?
that's the second stage evolution, they're all abominations
I agree it's not a barn owl, if anything it's this bad ass motherfucker
How was it real, it's a different pokemon
Who said the starter wasn't gonna be an owl? Everyone knew it was an owl off the trademark. Owlfags were roothootfags from the very start.
But it wasn't real? Is this some kind of meta trolling or what? It clearly isn't roothoot, the other two are clearly different mons as well.

These guys know what's up.

Calling it now: The final form will look full-on pueo, not Roothoot.
This shit has happened many times you moron fuck there's been grass owl fanarts done years ago. YES the creator got fucking lucky exactly as you said, stop adding more bullshit to it. It was coincidental shitty fanart from the start, there's a shitload of pokemon that look like fakemon made years before.
AN owl was real
Not THE owl
Fuck off
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>owlfags yesterday
Just a friendly reminder that THESE are the starters going to be revealed tomorrow and that denialfags will get BTFO.

>owlfags today
Told you it was...um...an owl.
RootHoot is the second evolution of Rowlet, it's pretty obvious.
Who's the denialfag now?
It's pretty obvious it's not, the trio were leaked as a set, they get debunked as a set
Well that's your opinion.

Yes and no, it's an grass owl starter so that something.
clearly missing the point
Well if "RootHoot" will be fake, it wouldn't matter to me that much, I'm just still surprise for a near coincidence of the owl.
>that Roothoot final form
Hmmmm wow oh my I wish that were real
>Fact is now opinion if it's against what you believe
Yeah no, Roothoot is fake, get over it
I'm glad roothoot is fake.
Rowlet is adorable.
>Proven fact
>Still opinion and your/anyone choice to believe anything they want, even if it fake or not.
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a hybrid of the two owls looks nice
No, you actually somehow made Roothoot worst
>>implying owls are grass
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