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Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 38

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So it's pretty much canon that this is the second evolution, right?
It was a completely different owl, idiots.
Seriously, it may be the wrong owl, but I don't think it's a coincidence.
still a fucking owl though anon
>got BTFO
i dont get you

Yeah, but it was the wrong owl. The only victory today was for the Hawaiifags.
post yfw roothoot is rowlet's second stage!!!
Maybe those leaks were beta art with them trying to decide what they would make their starters?
>same collor pattern
>same animal

Seriously? Is anyone doubting that it will be the secondary evolution? It's not a coincidence.
And Gen 7 fags
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No owlfag actaully thought that rough draft Roothoot would actually be the starter. We knew it would vary a little.

Look at them. They have the same fucking color pallet among other things (they're both owls).

Plus owlfags can still exist. Denialfags can't. Checkmate
And the Gen 7 fags.
Yeah! And Cubble was right too! And also the ball seal!

Oh wait.

Well yeah, but that was never a serious debate.
>same animal
>same color pattern

go ahead, you draw up an owl you think would look good, appeal to the masses, makes sense, and isn't a combination of white, brown and green
Are you fucking retarded? It's a completely different owl, also fire abortion and water dolphin are nowhere to be seen.
>inb4 C-CONCEPT ART!!!!!!!!!
They're the Stage Two evolutions, denialfags.
Literally all the same animals

Owl, cat, and seal.

You got BTFO. Get over it.
Well, got the sea lion part right. I just think those leaks were beta art, kind of like how there's beta art of Torchic and Blaziken/Latias.
>denialfags can't
no, anon. you ARE the denialfag now.
I don't think it'll be the second stage, I think our owl friend was an early sketch.
That looks nothing like a cat. It looks like a rabbit. They might have had that in mind, but then scrapped the idea.
It's pretty clear that they were drawn based on the leaked names.
Everybody fucking knew that from the names anon. Nobody denied it was going to be an owl, just not the bullshit leaks
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Mhm. Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.
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>Rowlet learns Sing at level 16

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haha, you're denying what i just said
Yeah, from the official names which nobody ever denied. Your fake leaks got btfo, give up.
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Same fucking colors.

Owlfags go to Valhalla.

Denialfags and everyone else get BTFO
>stage 2
and they you will say its the final evo

just accept it, its over
kill yourself
just give up, child. your fakemon isn't real
Calling it Orson.
So the leaks were fake as fuck, but the trademarks were always legit.

So were people making threads saying the leaks were real, or the trademarks? Hmm.
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>Roothootfags won't admit they were fucking wrong
We all knew they were a seal cat and an owl but they weren't those fucking trash heaps you faggots clung to.
>[aggressive goalpost moving intensifies]

They were saying the leaks were real BECAUSE of the trademarks
Knew you delusional faggots would do this.
So, when do we make a collage of the buttmad owlfags?
Well they were wrong either way. Someone made shitty fakemon based on speculation and somehow fooled a lot of /vp/
Yeah because that was fucking leaked.
You guys fell for one of the SEVERAL owl interpretations.
>A lot
It was about 10 to 20 users anon everyone else thought they were fake.
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Please, guys...
Weren't the images leaked before the trademarks were found??
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Pretty much this.

It's Shaymin Sky Forme all over again. Person who made that shit had an extremely lucky guess and the rest were way off.
It's not happening. Fuck off.
>basic evolves into basic
Yeah no. Stay in denial.
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Where's the other two, then? Why does the owl look absolutely nothing like "Roothoot"?
Dude, it's most likely beta art from when they were still deciding on what they would do for starters, not a fucking second stage evo. By your logic, the cat evolves into the rabbit and the sea lion evolves into that weird dolphin/seal thing.
>owlfags get bought out

Backpedalling at its finest. Enjoy being BTFO you dumb faggots
Please enlightne me how a rock lava glem thing evolved into a black fire tiger or how a dolphin with a horn became a sea lion oh great delusional owlfag
I doubt it's beta art as much as it was a lucky guess.
>it's most likely beta art

Maybe. An even simpler explanation is just that it was fake.
>there are people who unironically think Cubble would have been good
I'm gonna have nightmares thinking about the sheer stupidity.
Um, did you even bother reading what I wrote? It's like you read the second half of the last sentence and ignored the first part of my post. Do you even know what beta art is?
Well, only reason I think that is because of Torchic and Blaziken's beta art.

The rabbit looked to me like it came out of someone's ass.
Your entire point rests on fake owl and real owl having the same color scheme and being owls, but considering that both Cubble and Ashimari look NOTHING like the real ones, we can conclude everything is fake

I know it hurts, I know you shitposted a lot, but it's time to let go. Fake owl is not stage two, it's not beta art, it's just fake. A lucky guess, but fake nonetheless
It's not that we didn't want an owl we didn't want your owl and the rest of the shitty forced fakes. Stay btfo

gg no re
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We are living in the darkest timeline

Cubble is the pseudo legendarie.

I said it once and say it again. The ruse cruise is not over yet.
..... dude. What in the hell. You seriously don't understand a fucking thing I said and you're assuming I'm that desperate faggot who's now claiming the beta owl is going to be the second evo.

What I'm saying is they are most likely beta art, meaning they were still deciding on what the starters would be like. They might have decided to stick with grass owl, but change its design. For the fire one, they scrapped the rabbit and went with a cat. As for the water one, they probably had a dolphin/seal thing in mind, but scrapped it and decided to stick with seal.

There's one group still insisting that that owl in the leaks is a design that's going to be used for the evo, and then there's the other group who's calling the images completely fake. I just think that maybe they were BETA leaks. Not fake, but not permanent designs. Just them trying to decide what the starters would be like.
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Explain how Litten is supposed to evolve into cubble then
But the other two leaked Pokemon don't match at all what we got (color palette doesn't count. Of course a fire type will be red and a water type will be blue). You can't pick and choose which parts of the leak were legit or not; either all of it is or none of it is.
I understand your frustration
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how about you stop being a back peddling piece of shit and accept that you were wrong. The only one in denial is you.
Level up.
Reach level 16
Please stop. Stop. Stop it right this instant

They are fakes. They were always fake. They will always be fake

>b-but the owl has some similarities with the real one

DO you have any idea, ANY IDEA, ff how many fucking legendary fire lions were created from the moment Sun was revealed? Several of them. A shitload of them. Some kind of looked like the real deal. But they were just lucky guesses. Like the owl. And they are completely fake. Like the owl

Let it go
What an ironic statement
>What I'm saying is they are most likely beta art
OR, the more rational response is that they were fake all along. Really, which is more believable: somebody inside Game Freak got their hands on some beta art then released it, or some kid with photoshop threw together some quick fakes based on the known trademarks for some internet lulz?
>No owlfag actaully thought that rough draft Roothoot would actually be the starter.
That's what you lot were thinking the entire time you retard.
>Being this autistic
Owlfags need to learn when it's time to give up, you're embarrassing yourself and everybody reading your posts.
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>This is what owlfags actually believed
You're just as bad as the guy trying to desperately claim they're evolutions now. Sure, they might be fake, but it's also highly likely that they were BETA ART LEAKS. What part of BETA ART do you not get? And they were leaked BEFORE the trademarks happened. Seriously, you're acting as if I'm claiming the designs are still going to be used. You're not even reading anything I write. You're just assuming I'm this dumbass >>26234193 who also doesn't understand what the fuck is beta art.
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It's not the first time they've shown beta art.

How about you bother to read instead of acting like a holier-than-thou faggot?
>Beta art leaks
It's called concept art.
And what useless fucking leaker would leak concepts. You owlfags need to learn when it's time to shut the fuck up.
So what? Several people predicted a sun lion legendary before the leak. Are all of them Gamefreak interns too?

There is no "high chance" of them being beta leaks. There is no chance of them being real at all. Just because the original artist never came up (like Mothmon, mind you), doesn't mean they are real. It's fake forever, just like that one fake Shaymin leak that ended up being kinda similar to Shaymin sky forme but fake nonetheless.

Let it go Owlfag. Let it all go.
All I'm reading is that you're clinging to a shitty photoshop design for no reason other than you don't want to admit you're a retarded owlfag.
>It's called concept art.
Alright. Wasn't sure if that would have been the correct word at first, but thanks.

>And what useless fucking leaker would leak concepts.
Someone who enjoys getting people hyped up.

>You owlfags need to learn when it's time to shut the fuck up.
And you are still assuming I'm claiming that design is going to be used for the evolution.
see >>26234731
What fucking pottery, I can't tell if you're being ironic or not but im loving every moment of it
>Owlfags thought it was roothoot
>"denial"fags said there was an owl but it won't be roothoot
>it wasn't roothoot

I'm claiming that you think the "leaked" owl was ever, at any stage something Gamefreak created. If a leaker was able to leak starters he would leak the real fucking things, end of. Not to mention concept art all bear similarities to their final designs which can only be said for the owl and not the other 2 abominations.
No one is assuming that from you, but we're assuming you're still clinging to some autistic chance that fake owl is somehow officially related to real owl. But it's not. This is not concept art. It's a lucky guess

Let it go owlfag. Your shitposting will be remembered. You fought. You lost. And now you rest
And, in theory it's not the first time a legitimate leak has happened (Hawlucha), which was an argument people used to justify these "leaks" in the first place, but that ended up being wrong. Just because something's happened before doesn't mean it's happening now. Right now there is no more any evidence to show that these are beta art, it's POSSIBLE they are, but you cannot back up any claim that it's LIKELY they are. It's far more likely that it's simply fake, given the fact that more people have more ready access to faking materials/resources as opposed to the number of people who would be willing to risk their job for absolutely no gain over something as trivial as what some cartoon characters will look like. If you want to keep believing that it's beta art, go right ahead, but if you're going to tell other people that it is or likely is beta art, then you'll actually need something to back that up.

>Owl confirmed.
>Same coloration.
>Calls others idiots.

Annon why u do this to yourself?
I have never seen the "lion leaks" because when people wouldn't shut up about the starter leaks, I decided to take a break from this board until today. You guys weren't that obsessed with the mothman, though, since it was too obvious.

What part of "MAY HAVE been" don't you get either? I already said they might have been fake or they may have been real concept art leaks. Since you guys believe so strongly they're fakes, then go find the original artist. Seriously, I won't mind at all if it turns out they were fake. At least it would be confirmed and everyone can finally move on.

I never stated the leaked owl was an evolution. Stop putting words in my mouth. If you look at the image, it's a basic form, and any person who thinks it's an evolution is a complete desperate dumbass. That design isn't going to get used. We already have our basic grass owl, and it wouldn't make sense for it to turn into something that already looks basic. Also, want to see concept art? Look up Torchic and Blaziken.

I only mentioned a possibility, since there's still no confirmation of them being fake either, since no artist has been found. A lot of the starter fakes that were shown had their original artists already found, but for some reason these ones haven't had the supposed artist found. Not to mention these were leaked before the trademark thing was shown. But seriously, I wouldn't mind at all if it turns out they were fake.
>implying there weren't grass owl fakemon leaks in the past
Cactowl was a thing. Nice selective memory.
What catowl?? No, seriously. What catowl? I'm not always here to know about every leak.
>So the leaks were fake as fuck
Yeah, there's nothing more fake than a leak saying there's a grass owl, water sea lion and fire cat.
>Rowlet has a leaf necktie
>Roothoot has leaves as wings
>Trying to claim that Rowlet evolves into Roothoot

>Failed argument to ignorance, just because it hasn't been proven false doesn't mean that it's true
>Illegal proof reversal, attempting to shift burden of proof onto the doubter
>False dichotomy, refusing to acknowledge the existence of alternate viewpoints
>Appeal to the possibility, just because it's possible doesn't mean it's guaranteed
>Anon caught in an echo chamber
>Cherry picking out any evidence contrary to Roothoot
>Goalpost moving

In summation, B T F O
Did I miss anything? :^)
>make a vaguely Sugimori-looking pokémon design
>upload it on an imageboard on the internet
>never come clean ever
>can't be disproven because of that

>some dumbass in an imageboard defend your shitty pic tooth an nail and being concept art

I only got on today and I'm the only one who believes they may have been concept art, but if it turns out they were fake, don't really mind. Just hope the person doesn't design another pokemon that looks like a turd. The rabbit looked ridiculous.
>grass owl
>fire rock golem lava thing
>water dolphin

I can totally see why you think they're real

I don't know if this is bait but im gonna bite anyway.

The owl photo leaked before the trademarks. Months before.

If someone did draw them he had no idea of the trademarks.

Also the coloration is pretty damn close.
Like too close to be just a lucky guess.
>implying the origins of leaks are never found out

>assuming the trademarks literally didn't already tell us it was gonna be an owl

We already knew anon. All we knew was that it wasn't gonna be that abomination you fools call roothoot
And this is why I think they may be concept art pics.

Oh, you mean from the trademarks which we ALL knew about? Thanks anon
They can be never found out if you want it that way

If I make a fake design and upload it on 4chan (hell I can remove the EXIF data for extra security), how are you gonna prove they're fake if I never come clean? Reverse image search gives you nothing.

There was a fake Sky forme Shaymin leak that was a lot like the real one, but fake nonetheless. The artist got one starter right, and the two others completely wrong. Let it go owlfag. Let it go
Oh come on.

>extremely lucky

Just say it was spot on. Admit it. I won't laugh at you. I promise!
>predicted a white owl
>looks nothing like the real thing anyway
>spot on

Well time to congratulate all those Deviantart autists that have been doing tiger/cat fire starters since 2003!
Wasn't there already leaked information about a sky forme, and GlitchedPuppet decided to take advantage of it for attention like the attention whore she is? Some people were even designing sky formes for Regigigas.
Where's the dA autist who supposedly drew the leaks?
>Just say it was spot on.
That would imply Roothoot was real.
Does Rowlet look like Roothoot to you?
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CacTowl you fucking newfag.
Rowlet is not the owl that owlfags were touting. Owlfags were wrong. No one believes anything you say. The end.
Oh, now I remember. It was that thing that was first leaked as a sprite. I think it was during the whole XY thing? I forget. Also, "newfag"? More like "lazy as fuck fag".
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>Failed argument to ignorance, just because it hasn't been proven false doesn't mean that it's true
>Illegal proof reversal, attempting to shift burden of proof onto the doubter
>False dichotomy, refusing to acknowledge the existence of alternate viewpoints
>Appeal to the possibility, just because it's possible doesn't mean it's guaranteed
>Anon caught in an echo chamber
>Cherry picking out any evidence contrary to Roothoot
>Goalpost moving
>I think it was during the whole XY thing?
Oh you fucking newfag
Roothoot is dead brother. At least we got his Hawaiian cousin. Anyone got that BTFO poster?
I spend more time on a different board than /vp/. Don't expect me to remember every single thing that happens here in perfect detail, especially if it's leaks that have been confirmed as fake ages ago. Too lazy to bother keeping that stored in my memory.
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aren't you supposed to be at high school dude
>literally denying it
I mean, what else should we call you?
I graduated in 2007. Anymore questions?
The owl and the other starters leaked were just early designs, for god's sake.
the starters being a owl, cat/tiger and seel were leaked before the copyrights. Roothoot&co were leaked before copyrights
>"th-the owl is fake!"
>it's an owl
>"it's a different owl!"
Neither side is going to budge. Lets just focus on the fact that we finally know what they look like, along with the legends. I'm wondering right now what type will be given to the Sun and Moon legends. Lion one most likely fire, but would it have another type? And what about the bat?
is that Chris-chan?
For it to be Chris-chan, it needs to have long hair, balding issues and a dress.
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Not even an owlfag, but imagine the shit storm if Rowlett evolves into something that looks like Roothoot.

Strange how the 2 fors you said are about the pokemon but all the againsts are not about the pokmon but about the people that support it.

Guess why is that. Because you have no solid ground on denying the owl but to straight attack the people that support it.

Welcome to the grown-up world were crying and hitting your feet on the floor means shit.
It doesn't matter. Even if Roothoot was a prototype design we'll never see it again anyway.
We knew it was an owl from the name way before that fake appeared.
>Cat evolves into rock clusterfuck and seal evolves into round dolphin
The name appeared AFTER the image.
She's trying to be a female Brendan
>wool hats in a tropical region again
Not even close
I want it to be an evolution so bad. This board would explode with shit shit flinging to fuel my needs for weeks.
>So many Hurr thats not the same owl
>So many Hurr we... we knew all along...
No you didn't denialists. Just admit it, you were wrong. You were always wrong.
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>It's exactly enough to keep the shitstorm going

>"Owlfags BTFO!"
>"Denialfags BTFO!"

That's plausible, I agree.
But we are talking about the same mon nevertheless.
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>owlfags are just bandwagoners

wew we all know everyone is gonna love the starter with the best build
Eh, it'll die down once the Owlfags accept the reality.
Connect as many completely different incidents you want man.

We had an owl with said colors we got an owl with the same colors. Even if it is beta or 2nd stage, the facts are facts.

All I see is owlfags talking with reason and facts ON THE POKEMON, and deniers just hatin and all their 'facts' being for random people. Well haters are always gonna hate.
Give up. There's no shame in accepting facts when new facts come to light. Speculation and hype is one thing, but this is another.
Well yeah, if the got that close to litten as the person you ASSUME that did the owl, then yeah they should be congratulated.

But first show me who made the owl plz.
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>We had an owl with said colors we got an owl with the same colors.
Remember this anon?
Do you?

Go fuck yourself. It was a coincidence.
Pure coincidence, the fire and water starters didn't look anything like the ones paired with roothoot
really? source?
>really? source?
Roothoot was before the names
Cubble and Finpip came after.
No shit, that is as accurate as saying "There will be a grass, fire, and water" starters, we already knew this, you fell for the bs one.

worst pokegirl design ever


Pretty damn close to be a lucky guess.

The green coloration is in the best location to be expanded for a 2nd stage.

If 'he' guessed it, he got even this, cause the coloration could have ended anywhere. From the face to the feet. But no. It's in the best place it could be. Is that a lucky guess too?

I mean how many lucky guesses do you need before you accept it?
>Grass starter is green
>not Rowlet fucking Roothoot
alright, but where's the source that the animals the pokes were based on was leaked?
i never heard about it, when did that happen?
>Pretty damn close to be a lucky guess.
Yes and this was pretty close too and the only information we had was that there was a new forme for something >>26239488
Don't underestimate how much junk can be churned out that's close to the real thing.
I'm getting really strong Gematsu Guess vibes from all of this.
That's Melanie hopping on the sky forme bandwagon and making one for Shaymin so she could attention whore while the official sky forme wasn't revealed yet. People already knew there was going to be a sky forme. They just didn't know if it was for Shaymin or Regigigas.
It's Rowlet, not Roothoot. And Rowlet doesn't look half as retarded as Roothoot did, either. Seriously, what is up with that fleshy clit hood that was supposed to be a beak on Roothoot?
And the chances are extremely low that they would land on something that close to the actual design no?
It's the same case here, we knew there would be new starters and out of the thousands of fakes churned out one got close.
>it's an owlfags win episode
>close to the actual design
How in the hell is Melanie's fake even close to the official sky forme Shaymin?
There was a new form of something. Something we already had.
The owl came from nowhere. Literally.
If it is how you say and someone made it. Then he took the nothing and made something too close to the official.
And that is without considering the chance it has to be the 2nd stage.

I'm not unmovable, but so far I don't have enough evidence to disprove the owl.
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Roothoot was probably the concept version, still though, the owlfags/bros have won this round.
>this incredible goalpost moving
Owlfags confirmed for biggest retards in /vp/ history.
>Roothoot was probably the concept version
It was a pure coincidence just like the other fakes you retard.
lol no they were completely wrong and now they're moving goalposts


Some owls are birds, but some owls aren't necessary owls
>Roothoot was probably the concept version
You are aware that the designs for the starters were probably finalized sometime last year right?
I believe the original leaks to be real, however, the pics that have been floating around were deeeef fake as fuck

so no, owl fags have not wont this round, as you guys weer still rused like fuck over some fake leaks
no argument left huh? time to crawl back to le red.dit owlfag
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I ain't arguing, i'm just acknowledging your post so you don't flip your shit when no-one responds.
>The owl photo leaked before the trademarks. Months before.
No it was a week before the trademarks were registered.

Maybe someone managed to see the trademark application before it was approved or something (just playing devil's advocate here).
LOL. The denial continue. Doesn't matter dude, the whole point is that it was an owl. God you morons can't admit when you're wrong.
Everyone knew it would be an owl the difference between us and Denowlfags were claiming Roothoot was that owl.

And look how that turned out, it was fake all along.
Okay, here are the opinionfacts. Roothoot is an ugly piece of shit. Instead of Roothoot, we got a cute ball of owl. This is probably the best possible outcome.
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We are not moving goalposts, we've always said Roothoot and co were concept and that their design might change. Rowlet proves this by being 80% similar to Roothoot (same fucking colors and same fucking pattern).
>We never said that specific picture we were spamming by the minute was real! Never ever ever not even once!
it's not the same fucking owl retard
the other starters look nothing like cubble or finpip either
No its not.
There have been at least 3 grass owls and we got the worst designed one. The fake one is a different owl
It's not an owl, it's a little penguin which is why it has a bow tie
>we've always said Roothoot and co were concept

I've literally never heard any owlfag say that
>Rowlet proves this by being 80% similar to Roothoot

It's not a penguin you moron, it's a moist towelette. It's almost the exact name, even.
>we've always said Roothoot and co were concept
No you didn't, you always said that Roothoot and friends were real as is and even used that stupid Dragon cat angle for Cubble.

>Rowlet proves this by being 80% similar to Roothoot
Literally the only thing that's similar is the color of the head and that's it the rest of the design bears no resemblance to Roothoot.
Explain the other two then.
>same colours
>tan/brown and green
>grass type

Wowzers, u really nailed that one, guys!
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>yfw owlfags became the denialfags

>trying this hard
Roothoot will fade into obscurity.
Rowlet will live on forever as the better official owl.
Stay btfo owlfags
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You mean the color palette (of which there were multiple) that some random person added after the fact?
We're finally done with these fakes getting shoved down our throats. You'll probably try to keep it going for a while, but eventually people will stop responding now that we have the real starters

Roothoot is 100% legit and its gen 6.5
When the evolutions for the starters are revealed
What for?
Roothoot and friends won't be making an appearance.
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>we've always said Roothoot and co were concept and that their design might change
Might be concept art
Not the guy, but they may be discarded concept art, just like Honoguma.



I hate owl fags, but don't get me wrong, cause I love that little shitter that nintendo acnounced. It is just that owl fags worshipped a mental retarded version of the owl we got.

Both sides wins, old design owl fags btfo and owl deniers btfo. Win win situation

Only those who convert over to new owl, and forget old design owl fags can still be saved.

Dont be a furry diaper fetishist and remove yourself from the old owl design.
I will admit I kind of like the old design too because it reminds me of Orson Owl, but I like the new design too. I'm mostly eager now to see the evolutions of all three starters and their shiny colorations.

Let's start off by burning zach theshitposter that made this root hoot denied shit happen.
You're just as cancerous as the people you bitch about...
Why are you celebrating? You guys lost, the starters are completely different. Rock Monster BTFO, Ball thing BTFO, different Owl means Finn is BTFO.
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So, what do you guys expect the owl to look like in its final stage?
>not people who thought sylveon was flying type
never forget anon
Hopefully not shit.
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OP here.

It's a victory because oldowl and newold are so similar that they are basically the same thing.

Fucking obviously Roothoot's rough design wasn't going to be the actual Pokemon. Everybody agreed on that. The best thing that could have happened for the owlfag master race was for a design that was similar but polished. And that's exactly what we got.

We literally fucking won.
>So similar
>The only similarity is they are owls and they have a grass starter design
fucking stop now
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Nice goalpost moving underage retard.
It's time to stop posting.
>it's beta art
>it's the second form
please just stop
I love to sing-a
About the moon-a and the June-a and the spring-a,
I love to sing-a,
About a sky of blue-a, or a tea for two-a,
Anything-a with a swing-a to an "I love you-a,"
I love to, I love to sing!
You speak like a Tumblrfag. Go away.
Look at the fucking color palette you autist. It's the exact same. Rowlet even has green wings underneath.
and you're a mentally deficient 13 year old that believes in every single fucking "leak" just because it's happened once or twice
And just like a tumblrfag, you assume a lot of shit.

We knew it would be an owl. Just like we knew water would be a seal, and fire would be a cat.

Half the fakes were designed around those facts.
Are you referring to the names or the images?
Except the original was colorless. A drawfag had to fill them in. Are you for real?
Grass starter is green! Owl is basic owl colors!
Ignoring that the rest of the design doesn't fit at all
>Wings don't match
>Face doesn't match
>Body shape doesn't match
>Key feature doesn't match
>Feet don't even match

The only similarity is has to Owlbortion is that it was designed to be a Grass Owl. You've lost, can't wait for you fags to disappear.
Honestly think the leak was concept art with them still trying to decide what to do. So, they went from horned owl to barn owl. Still like both looks, though.
>goalpost moving
stop this meme
I'm glad we got a better owl and not this turd.
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Why do denialfags keep claiming that we knew it was going to be an owl based off the trademark names?

No we fucking did not.

There was literally only 1 other notable post-trademark leak besides Roothoot and friends that even had an owl. If for some reason the official mon had been a parrot or a tucan or even some non flying starter I guarantee not one denialfag would have said "well it was supposed to be an owl, just not Roothoot". Not one of you. You fucking know it.

If owlfags can't claim that both owls are related then denialfags can't say that everyone knew it was going to be an owl. It was speculated equally along with several other possibilities.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Literally nobody will miss or remember you.
They don't look remotely the same except for the fact that they are Grass Owls, remove your Confirmation Bias Anon, look and see how not a single aspect of the Owlboriton is on Rowlet except for Grass and Owl aspects. Not only that but the other starters blow the leaks out of the water anyhow
this would mean that cubble is litten's stage two and finpip is popplio's stage two which is highly unlikely, especially for litten
unless of course roothoot is real and the other two are fakemon, which is also unlikely since they were all part of the same leak
i used to be neutral but come on
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I hate that denialfags are right, if they had been wrong we could've all shared a friendly laugh and talk about how it's natural to doubt leaks. But now their shitposting has gotten completely out of hand. This is truly the darkest timeline.
First off, you're assuming I'm some other anon screaming "CONFIRMED!!". I'm only saying they could be concept arts, and the owl one could be the idea they had for the grass starter, with Rowlet being the final result, kind of like Torchic and Blaziken had different looks back then. As for water and fire, they could be completely discarded concept arts, like Honoguma, and if so... I'm glad those were discarded. The fire thing look like a turd in the shape of a rabbit. So yeah, they could be fakes or they could be concept art. But the anons claiming that the owl leak is an evo and that the rabbit is a "cat" are fucking morons.
>Why do denialfags keep claiming that we knew it was going to be an owl based off the trademark names?
Because one of the names literally said tree owl on Japanese you retard
>literally making a new version of roothoot after the reveal btfo'd owlfags
The denial is real isn't it
Haven't been here for awhile, jesus christ is this what happens to /vp/ without new games
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Nope it's the same one that's been on this board for months.

Nice try though.
Rowlet's design is still too different to even be an Evo or concept art, at best, it was scrapped like the others, but since we never got a source for these leaks and because the Starters are very clearly different, the only rational conclusion we can come up with is that those leaks were fake and they got lucky with one of the designs
It wasn't that specific dumbass.
Owl was a potential name but I know crow and just bird were at least 2 of the others.
really? you think it would be friendly?
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Barn Owl.jpg
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It has normal owl colors + green to fit grass type. Not very original.

You're retarded if you think between the leaks and today GF completely changed the designs.
>being this mad
Well, not the first time it happens that they do drastic changes to their concept art. But either way, least finally got them. Only problem is that even though we already got them, /vp/ is gonna be full of people insulting each other over it.

It's not the first time they do that. Also, no reason to get snippy.
I just don't like people who do selective reading.
>It's not the first time they do that. Also, no reason to get snippy.
It would be the first time a design has been changed completely in a month or so.
Especially a design that's most likely been finalized and put in game for the best part of a year.
>implying GF discarded a finished model and quickly sketched a design and made a model with animations for it in a month
Are you honestly retarded?
At the start of Gen 6, Gamefreak was already planning Gen 7. Do you think that a game is made in 4 months? The starters must have been decided in the moment Sun/Moon were announced.

This is ridiculous.
We don't know when the thing was even drawn, though. Just when it was spread on the internet. Either way, I hope the source of the image itself gets confirmed soon, or else a grand majority of threads will only be about the leaked images instead of the confirmed Sun and Moon starters.

You're acting as if what they discarded was a 3D model. Do you even know what concept art is? Look up the concept art of Torchic and Blaziken. Compare them to their current looks, and look up Honoguma. They had the design completely in mind, but they discarded the idea. That's why I say it wouldn't be the first time it happened.
"There is no possible way Roothoot can't be real. Right?"
"oh my god, you are so fucking stupid for thinking Roothoot isn't real. It's so obvious"
"Maybe he'll be the 2nd evo. That's got to be it."
"I am so sad that Roothoot isn't real, I promised /vp/ I would livestream sticking a corndog up my butt if he was fake"
"He's not real, and that's OK. I have changed my views based on new evidence that has come to light."
We know when the images were posted, not when they were drawn. And not the first time we have gotten images of old concept art of theirs before.
Looks like. Pretty cool we got to see dev art.

Grass and water got reiterated, fire just went totally with another design... still wanted to see where that boxy fire rock cat was gonna go evolution wise.
If they're concept art, I wouldn't exactly blame them for discarding the fire rock thing, but I'll be honest. It doesn't look like a cat to me. It looks more like a rabbit.
Do we ever had any beta art leaks since Gen 3? Let's be realist, we don't have any spies in fucking Game Freak, so we'll never have so early info.
So, Owlfags are only holding on to the concept art thing now.
I can't wait until we get some beta art that shuts down that angle too.
The people there themselves can leak if they're that bored. I just sometimes feel they like leaking a bit of info, regardless of it being used or not, just to cause hype.
Anon, we don't have any people here who are connected to GF in the slightest.
I wouldn't mind if it gets debunked. Also
I'd say it's pretty much canon that it was an info leak, not a picture leak.
This owl seems like an interpretation of a picture of the lil round owl
>not releasing info in 4 months since games were announced
>trying to cause hype with beta art

Just... no.
Nah, it's too far off to be an interpretation. Even the guy that made the crude megados drawing was closer than Roothoot.

It was just a regular fake.
>trademark names give away the species
>omg leak confirmed
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>"Roothoot's rough design wasn't going to be the actual pokemon."
>Owlfags literally claiming they never once believed it would be final concept
most of the denialfags stated that the leaks weren't going to be the starters because they were fucking ugly, while owlfags were 'nuh uh, leaks are always real!!1'

new owl is cute, fake leak owl is not
That and there was no evidence behind them and they originated from here.

Owlfags, everybody
Most denialfags stated there was zero proof, how the rock monster doesn't fit the name, and the fact that most of the Owlfags proof were debunked a long time ago
You are the probably the guy who played Pearl when he was six years old
Cubble and Flipip are real, they're not starters though.
nice denial
It's a good day to be a Hawaii/gen 7/ non owlfag. I am glad i finally got to see the video after work and can sleep well.
>"I was a denialfag from the start! Haha, dumb owlfags!"
>b-but we nu it would be an owl u guise!!

How do you all forget that the owl came out before the names were leaked.
Because the names came out not too long after leaving the possibility that the anon that made the design found them before they went public.
Honestly, I'd be willing to believe that Roothoot is somehow the second stage if it wasn't for the two other atrocities it was leaked with.
Eh, it doesn't really seem like an adolescent tier stage.
That and the design doesn't have any resemblance to Rowlet beyond the head color.
I said the guys at Gamefreak themselves.

It got /vp/ into a mad hype mode, didn't it?

The concept art thing makes more sense than claiming it's some evolution now.

You love making assumptions, huh?
Keep hammering the circle in a square hole
War never changes...
It's more like you making a vain attempt to change the shape of the hole while there's something in it.

I love the taste of your salty tears, owlfags.
>all these retards getting triggered by owlfags
>they can't tell the difference between legitimate retardation and bait
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