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/vp/, you have to cut three types from the game. What are

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/vp/, you have to cut three types from the game. What are they, and why?

Don't mind me I'm just taking out the trash.
Bug, Steel and Fire because I love them and without their presence I would stop playing pokemon.
inb4 butthurt anti-fairy fags
Ground cuz rock
Fairy cuz normal and psychic
Dark cuz ghost and poison
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No one would even notice them missing. Just replace all normals with fairy type, and all rocks with ground or steel.
OP here, gonna say

Being able to throw a good punch and do judo flips doesn't really fit with the rest of the more elemental, nature-based types.

Would at least force more interesting designs.

Rock already fills a similar enough role.
>not loving grass
Literally go die

Same reason cat and dog aren't types
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Fire, Water, and Electric.

Literally nothing of value lost.

just takin out the trash
So do you guys like bad types ironically or do you just not know better?

Pokemon is over. No more starters.
How could you not have plant-based Pokemon in the games, that's be lame as heg
merge normal with fighting/fairy
-moves that involve aggressive attacking can be moved to fighting (mega kick/punch)
-sound based and more "whimsical" moves can be moved to fairy
merge ice with water
merge ground with rock
>butthurt anti-fairy fags
this whole thing

These types are too crippled to fix, also in the case of Ice all it does is make Water types shit on Grass types with Ice Beam
Merge Ice with Water.
Merge Ground, Rock, and Steel as the Mineral type.
None. Why the fuck would I want to make the game more bland and less varied? Are you brain damaged?
ice too powerless
steel too powerful
ground we have already rock
Dragon, Fairy, and Bug

Other anon >>25948028 hit the nail on the head. There's no cat and dog type, why should these be types?
Rock (could be merged with ground desu)
Ice (merge with water)
Fighting (honestly just make all fighting types normal)
Combine Normal, Psychic, Fighting, and Fairy as the Non-Elemental Type.
Combine Grass, Ground, Rock, Poison, Bug, and Steel as the Earth Type.
Combine Water and Ice as the Water Type.
Combine Fire and Dragon as the Fire Type.
Combine Electric and Flying as the Wind Type.
Combine Ghost and Dark as the Evil Type.
But Ghost type is ok?
You idiots do realize that cats and dogs are just animals, correct? That has to be the most retarded analogy you could up with.
Being a non-corporeal entity vs being corporeal is a pretty big distinction that would naturally imply different physical properties. It's also much more consistently applied than those types.

Competitively, these types have the most annoying Pokemon to deal with. Giving steel a buff is a bad idea, admittedly, but fuck Mega Sableye, Clefable, and Conkleduuuuuuurrrr.
It was tempting to say Normal but I'd rather see the competitive scene flourish than most anything else.
Yes. So is fighting. Those give elemental properties necessary. Ghost moves should operate on another plane of existence. Fighting technique grants unique ability. Dragon is just a species. So is bug. Fairy is new and want necessary. It's characteristics could be covered by psychic or normal. It's not even the fairy trickster mythos type people claimed, it literally is the cute girly type which is dumb.
Bug is just an animal. Dragon is just a mythological animal. Fairies are also mythological creatures. Should there be a goblin type? A troll type? A Cerberus type? A Greek god type?
Fighting flying and ghost
No, there is no /should/. If you can find enough pokemon to fit in all of those types you conjured from your ass to somehow prove a point, and the existence of the type adds more variety to the game then yeah it should and it might happen.

I don't understand why people in this thread act like there's any god damn rule for what is to be considered a type and what isn't. Types literally exist to categorize pokemon and add variety to the combat and the lore. If enough pokemon for a type exist that don't already fit very well in other types and that type improves the game somehow either gameplaywise or lorewise then that's enough of a reason to exist.

You're all being extremely autistic to be honest.
Fairy-types aren't really actually Fairies most of the time. The closest is probably Flabebe. Fairy represents mysticism more than anything else.
There was an unused bird type, I'd propose a wind type if it wasn't so similar to sound type
This thread is asking what types you would cut. "Should" is valid here. You're being autistic. Enough pokemon could fit into the category dog, and that would add variety to combat, I guess it's warranted as a type
Ice, Dragon, Fire.
You mean like legendary pokemon, psychic type, or pokemon in general?

If you look at what pokemon are fairy, it's literally the feminine, pink, cutesy, girly type.
New type: Kids on 4chan who use the word "autistic" in every post.

Replaces Ice-type
New type: Autists who use the word "kid" in every post.

Replaces Fairy-type
New type: Heyyyy fuck you kid...
You can't say something would add variety to the combat without listing how. So how? What would it be super effective against? What would it be weak against? What moves would fall under it? Do these pokemon that fall under the type "dog" not already have types that fit them much more?

Does the type "dog" even fit the lore? Does it limit design? I think it very much limits future design. You have to create dog-like pokemon all the time, while Dragon, Fairy and Bug can all have a shit ton of variety within them since dogs are just one canidae. You don't have beetle or mantis type either for similar reasons. You can't say something improves gameplay without answering all that shit and probably a lot more.
There's a regional dog every generation and usual more than that.

Type effectiveness is often arbitrary. As long as you can think if an advantage, it can be a type. Because according to you, there is no should. Should did be SE against bug, fairy, cat, and dark? Should it be Weak against Dragon, Steel, and Fire?

>you don't have beetle or mantis type
OK then using that logic...let's keep going down thus rabbit hole. It should be fun. Insect (bug) is analogous to mammal, reptile, fish, etc. Those can be types. I guess you're right, that would be simpler than having a type for cat, dog, rodent, and so on.
To elaborate I'd make all fighting types normal and make normal SE against rock steel and dark
>Dragon-type attacks
Not a fucking thing chief
>Bug-type attacks
Not a fucking thing, chief
>Fighting-type attacks
Diffrent from normal-type attacks how, again?
>Dark-type attacks
Not a fucking thing, chief.
>Ground-type attacks
What the actual fuck save dig and earthquake
>Steel and rock special attacks
Not a fucking thing chief
>Steel and rock physical attacks
Different from each other and normal-type attacks how?

It's too hard OP, I give up.
Anon: Would Fairy type pokemon not already have types they would fit under?

Wait, most already did.

Would dragon types not fall under Fire, Flying, Electric, Ground, Dark, Psychic, Water, or whatever? Most already have secondary types.
>but then a lot of them would be flying types
And yet all of them are dragon types.................maybe gf should be creative and stop making so many dragons/ stop typing every legendary creature a dragon. Just a thought.
Except you didn't get my initial /should/ at all, you fucking idiot. Yes, potentially you can make all those types. But should they be types because similar types exist? No. Because there is no should in game design. There are no rules detailing that if an element is a type, every element should be a type.

>Type effectiveness is often arbitrary. As long as you can think if an advantage, it can be a type.
No, what is arbitrary as fuck is literally every one of your arguments. There are 2 reasons for super-effectiveness, immunities and resistances. One is lore and logic, like fire burning grass, electricity conducting through water etc. The second is balance. And yes, balancing reasons actually exist in pokemon despite what smogonturds would lead you to believe just because competitive balance isn't a priority.

What you wrote in your previous post
>This thread is asking what types you would cut. "Should" is valid here. You're being autistic.
No, "would" is valid here. No should whatsoever. And you're being actually autistic because you're trying to shoehorn your headcanon rules about "if X is a type, then Y that is similar to X should also be one." despite your only actual reason for it is that it triggers your OCD.

If you can come up with an actually good type concept for your "dog" asspull argument then feel free to make a thread about it. Or you could just admit that the lack of symmetry is the only thing that you are upset about and that's why you would cut those types. It's not bad.
rock or ground
Fairy, Dragon, Normal

Fairy shouldn't have existed, without dragon we can have more variety in reptilian flying types, and dark well since ghost isn't shit anymore we don't need it and ghost being only weak to itself isn't too bad considering how many things get shadow ball. An evil type is kinda silly. Overall these types are the easiest to remove without changing much unless we are combining the two earth types.
>maybe gf should be creative and stop making so many dragons/ stop typing every legendary creature a dragon. Just a thought.
But they did? The only legendary dragon Gen 6 had was Zygarde. The majority of legendaries aren't even dragons. Are you just annoyed by Gen 4 and 5 main legendaries or something?
Yes. Gen 4 and 5 just shat out dragon type legendaries that were dragon because they could.

Back to basics boys
There's a lot of Psychic-type legendaries too.

Why's Lugia Psychic, again?
How is that different from any other legendary or pokemon in the game? You're just treating dragons with a bias because they're popular? Every pokemon in the game is X type because it can. What the fuck does that even mean?

Dragons are a cool concept and great for marketing especially against kids. Also lorewise dragons are considered very strong and mythical creatures. It would make sense for a lot of legendaries to be dragons. Legendary dragons and legends about dragons exist in every piece of fantasy fiction ever. We have many more Psychic legendaries pokemon for fuck's sake. Are they psychic for any other reason other that "because they could"?
Fighting and Dark.

So many people misconstrue what Dark actually is and it wouldn't affect Pokemon who have it if its removed.

Fighting just needs to disappear, period. Less chances of getting retarded humanoid shit like the muppets. It is redundant since Pokemon already "fight", why narrow it down even more with some kung fu bullshit? Not to mention literally all Fighting types are cancer to competitive. So many overpowered fucking moves and allowed movepool coverage.

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I strongly feel Fighting is the number one type to be axed. It seriously needs to go.
Fairy, Steel, Dragon

You can thank me later.
I agree. Why is palkia water/dragon, why is dialga steel/dragon, why are the tao trio dragons?

>wanting Psychic types to be that overpowered again

i shggy dggy
Physcic is the magic/ mystical type but I agree. It gets redundant. Part of the problem is too many legendaries in general.

>dragons are popular
Yeah and if you make designs on what will appeal to children, you're gonna get redundancy because kids have a short memory. These same kids will forget about our precious dragon pokemon the second a new game comes out. Kids are easy to please. Many of the dragon legendaries are hardly dragons in what a kid expects and loves about dragons. Theyre just chimera clusterfuck creatures
>why are the tao trio dragons
Because they were literally created from the original dragon? Because they look like dragons? Because everything about them says dragon?

>Why is palkia water/dragon, why is dialga steel/dragon
Probably because they're inspired by Eldritch abominations and Dragon was the closest to supernatural or mythical they had. So they made them look more like dragons. They could easily just be Ghosts instead if they were designed differently. Hell Giratina is part ghost already.
fairy, dragon, and...


I can't really come up with a good third one, but fairy and dragon NEED to go
anytype cuz i luv POKEMON and i think every type is necessary for life cause every type has necessety and useful on battles dont mean if status are bad atack and etc means if you love ur POKEMON and thats why i think ash is the better trainer in the world
Dialga gets Steel jsut because of the steel plating on it, which doesn't really have anything to do with Time afaik, but w/e. The only thing I can think of for Palkia is that it's got Pearls on it, which you find in water, but that's really lame.

The Tao trio are morphologically dragons. They don't need to be, but they are.
Aaaand you just made Pokemon into a generic RPG.
But they stopped or toned down the dragon legendaries so why the fuck is everything bitching about them when Psychic legendaries are still coming out by the dozen? My intuition just tells me because /vp/ is a hipster shithole and they hate Dragons, Lucario(although that's partly because the board is infested with furries, despite letting people on the internet affect your opinions on pokemon being retarded in the first place) and Charizard because they're popular and no other reason. They're the people that would make shitty looking legendaries just to be contrarians.
Strawpolling this bitch

My point. They wanted to make more dragons. Dragons have nothing to so with taoism.

You can't justify the creation trios typing. It was arbitrary. They only look like dragons if your definition of draconic is stretched to mean anything.
>is everything bitching
steel, dark and fairy

guess my favorite gen :^)
Normal (replace mostly with fighting/psychic/etc.)' Bug (replace with grass/poison), and fairy
>My point. They wanted to make more dragons. Dragons have nothing to so with taoism.
...So? Why is that bad?
>they wanted to make X so they made X
They shouldn't have? They needed to make what exactly with Taoism and why would they have to limit their creativity to what would fit with taoism? Wouldn't that be boring if applied throughout the entire franchise? Wouldn't it be extremely predictable?
What's wrong with making dragons based on taoism?
You're free to not like them obviously, but I don't think there's anything wrong with the Tao trio being dragons. They're some of the coolest dragon designs in the game.
eyyyyyyy my boy
Because this argument started with me wanting to get rid of dragon type. If I had an issue with psychic type wed probably be talking about the over abundance of psychic legendaries. I think there's too many legendaries in general. I think gen 6 was a step in the right direction though I don't know why hoopas fae form or volcanion are legendaries or why they exist for that matter
>extremely predictable
Why is it bad if dragon type legendaries representing abstract concepts is predictable
>Because this argument started with me wanting to get rid of dragon type.
Understandable then. I guess I just wondered off from my annoyance over the endless hipster garbage being posted all over the place and "hurr you can't like dragons, or charizard or lucario or make a playthrough with good mons and you must use an Unknown, no starters and no pseudos while playing the game because they're popular and I'm a special snowflake" mentality.

My bad.
Reshiram maybe but how do Zekrom and Kyurem not look like dragons?
I have no problem with dragons, I just think dragon type is unnecessary and silly
Honestly, Fairy. I don't hate fairy, but If I had to pick one, Psychic already seemed to cover mystical pokemon in that nature. Look at all those legendaries that are psychic, as that was the go to at the time.

Make pokemon great again
Sorry I should have specified. The creation trio doesn't look like dragons.
Dialga is more like a dinosaur, I think Palkia and Giratina are close enough, though.
Come on man, you know that's a stretch. They look nothing like the typical idea of dragon. They just look like strange chimera creatures.
They look like Eldritch abominations. As I said in the other post(not the anon you now replied), they could easily just be Ghosts.
OK. But they aren't. Except giratina of course
The only type I'd remove is Flying.
Replace it with Wind type for Pokémon that are really air and wind based and mainly attack with that (Pidgeot, Drifblim...) and not everything that is able to fly needs to have the type.

They should add another classification that would be Flying / Floating / Terrestrial / Aquatic, etc. Also get rid of Levitate.
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>he thinks Fighting is the only type with humanoid Pokemon
>he still thinks Fighting is too strong when it got nerfed hard this gen
>he thinks all Pokemon attack the same way Fighting-types do

Boy, you are retarded.
Nah, just one: Fairy.

Psychic's already here, moron.
You initial should has shifted with your argument. Would is a hypothetical question begged of me so our original use of should was valid. Pointing out what is and what Game Freak does wasn't a legit argument against what I was saying. Honestly, bringing up what simply is doesn't add any thing to the conversation.

>but should they be types because similar types exist
>there is no should
Contradictory. Heres why:
>there are no rules detailing that if an element is a type, every element should be a type
There are no rules detailing that if an element is a type, every element shouldn't be a type.

Dog isn't an element anyway. Neither is Dragon, Bug, or Fairy...which is my point and why I would cut those types. I think they are unnecessary.

There are 2 reasons for super-effectiveness, immunities and resistances. One is lore and logic, like fire burning grass, electricity conducting through water etc. The second is balance. And yes, balancing reasons actually exist in pokemon despite what smogonturds would lead you to believe just because competitive balance isn't a priority.
Balance is arbitrary. Which types get the shoe horned super effectivenesses, immunities, and resistances after lore and logic is exhausted becomes an exercise in the arbitrary.

>And you're being actually autistic because you're trying to shoehorn your headcanon rules about "if X is a type, then Y that is similar to X should also be one."
Actually my argument is the opposite of this. Because cat and dog aren't and SHOULDN'T (don't trigger your autism) be types, it stands to reason that Bug, Dragon, and Fairy follow similar logic. Maybe you think it would make sense and therefore should be ok that dog and cat becomes types. I think most sensible people understand why that would be dumb. The argument for why the same criticism doesn't apply to Dragon, Bug, and Fairy reduces ultimately down to familiarity. They already are and we're used to it.
>Not to mention literally all Fighting types are cancer to competitive. So many overpowered fucking moves and allowed movepool coverage.

git gud
...they're not the same at all. The aesthetic and flavour is different. Fairy has a holy / light / girly / cute / playful / silly aspect to it. Psychic doesn't convey all of that, at most some of them are kinda holy / light, but not the type as a whole.

The only type with no flavor/aesthetic/feel of it'`s own is Flying. It needs to go and be replaced by Wind type, and then all pokémon could receive a classification as: Terrestrial / Aquatic / Flying / Levitating, etc.
Dragon fairy and rock
>Dog isn't an element anyway. Neither is Dragon, Bug, or Fairy...which is my point and why I would cut those types. I think they are unnecessary.

But Pokémon treats them as elements with an "energy" of their own, even though the names don't sound like it. Fighting too.

Houndour is a Fire dog, just as Granbul is a Fairy dog. What is Moonblast? Hidden Power Bug? Dragon Pulse? Aura Sphere? In the Pokémon world, they are elements.
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>mfw Normal and Rock are my favourite types
came here to post this

Rock types can become ground types
Dragon types can become flying, or a type pertinent to their design
Fairies can become whatever they were before Gen VI, or have Psychic type
Fighting for being the most boring one
Rock OR Ground because they're basically the same thing, if I had to choose I would keep Ground because it's more general
I'm not sure about the third one but fairy would be the easiest to eliminate since most of its pokes already had another typing before it
Fairy, Bug, Dragon

Was tempted to take out Fighting or Dark.
fyi, I don't hate any of these types. Its just that they seem the most superfluous; the pokemon of these type can easily be retyped into any of the others.

>"dog" asspull
It's not an asspull because you disagree with it. It's a completely valid comparison which is a completely valid way to illustrate a point. It's a point btw that has yet to be legitimately argued against any time the topic is brought up.

And that brings me back to your argument about what YOU think should justify a type or at least what YOU think game freak thinks SHOULD justify a type:

>first you claim these things would need to be addressed:
>what would it be se against
>weak against
>what moves would fall under
Whatever moves they made up for it. Same shit with Fairy. Dog has "woof", "pack hunt", "canine fang" or anything else you can literally just come up with on the fly.
>do pokemon not already have types they fit under much more
Fairy types had already fit under normal or psychic. How could canine pokemon not fit more under a theoretical dog type than any other type? They are literally dogs.
>does it fit the lore
How does dragon, bug, and fairy fit the lore? By having pokemon that are dragons, bugs, and girly? By that logic, dog fits.
>does it limit design
So dragon, bug, and fairy type neccessitates them having to create dragon-like, bug-like, and fairy-like pokemon every gen. Ok so you say those types are more general. Ok...mammal type. What now?

>types and their attributes exist to balance the game
This doesn't necessitate 18 types. You can balance out the game by moving stats around and changing type effectivenesses (a la your own reasoning why super-effectivenesses, immunities, and resistances are what they are). Add in some of those arbitrary type match-ups that don't align with logic or lore for the sake of balance. Wasn't fairy made to nerf dragon? If I had my way dragon wouldn't even exist.
Even more precedent to justify Dog type.
Ice (Merge it with Water)
Bug (Merge it with Grass and make "Life")
Psychic (Merge it with Fairy and make "Magic")
Psychic is not Magic. What about Metagross? Deoxys?
How is it not? It fits all the characteristics of non elemental magic.
Telekinesis, teleportation, mind control, etc.
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>removing any type
>wanting less unique looking Pokemon
To further illustrate that:

>Cosmic power
>absorbs a mystical power from space

>heal pulse
>healing wish
>hyperspace hole

>magic room

Psychic is the magic, mystical, and brain power type.

Similar to how Dark type is both the evil and dirty fighting type and if you don't believe me I'll go ahead and fetch moves detailing that.

Types often encompass more than one specific narrow attribute.
stopped reading there
>types giving pokemon their unique look
I'm just saying that there are a lot Psychic Pokémon that don't have the "magic"or magician flavor. They do telekinesis and mind control but it's with a "science-y" flavor, they are highly inteligent, or robots, or hypnotists, etc,

uh, yes? Types represent a theme to be design Pokemon around.
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>If I had my way dragon wouldn't even exist.
Thank fuck you don't have your way. Holy fucking shit.
I agree. It's both though imo. Some pokemon don't seem to have the particularly smart theme going on but have mystical or magic abilities.
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Steel and Poison.

t. fairy type user

I do think there should be a "neutral" type, but it's the least necessary of all the necessary types. Rock and Fairy can get the fuck out, though. Both unecessary and shitty in their own way.

>plenty of great mon, but it only serves to gimp whatever Pokemon has it by giving it a fuckload of common weaknesses

>almost every mon's design is borderline cancer and the type itself is too strong

And I will say that if ice doesn't get a buff, remove it instead of Normal.
Lol no. It's more oftne then not the other way around. They take some real life animal or mythical creature and the type is inspired by that.
To be fair, we went five whole gens without Fairy. It's only natural people wouldn't see the type as a necessity.

Assuming the Pokemon remain with simply changed typing: Fairy, Normal, Dragon.

repurpose dragon to be weak to steel and fighting
>To be fair, we went five whole gens without Fairy. It's only natural people wouldn't see the type as a necessity.
>we went on for 15 years with the same shit
>please don't make any changes to muh formula!
Poison, Bug, Rock.

Useless types that provide absolutely nothing to the game. Bland, boring, forgettable.
>we've spent 1 years without these unnecessary types
>we have to change the formula!

>we need more types!
Is basically what you're saying. What other types do we need anon-sama?

Bug is one of my favorite types and features some of my favorite pokemon, but all of them should be something else. "Bug" makes as much sense as a type as "cat" would. Keep the bugs, but don't keep it a type.

Basically the same thing as bug. Especially since now that we are out of gen I dragon isn't a special mythic type anymore and is getting slapped onto more and more dubious things. Altaria? Mega Ampharos? The type doesn't even mean anything anymore.

Having a hard time choosing between flying and ground, but I think I'll go with ground.
Ground and rock have no reason to be distinct types. At least water and ice have precedent as separate elements in elemental systems, and behave differently. Lots of ground pokemon are characterized by sand, which is just a bunch of tiny rocks. It's a silly distinction, and it's no wonder all the non-fossil rock types in gen I were also part ground.
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>ctrl + f fairy
>63 results

So many tears.
>he cant distinguish between earth and rock
Good thing you aren't a Geo major
>Being able to throw a good punch and do judo flips doesn't really fit with the rest of the more elemental, nature-based types.

This is incredibly flawed as long as psychic is a type, which you hypocritically didn't remove for the same reason. Both psychic and fighting work as heavy representations of a pokemon's ability, just like dark types being skilled with underhanded tactics or fire types being skilled at shooting fire out of their mouth.
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Psychic and Ghost are combined into some kind of Supernatural Type
Ground and Rock are combined into an Earth type, mostly taking after Rock but retaining Ground's ineffectiveness against Flying
And Dark, because it plays very little role in Type matchups (especially with the above change), and Pokémon who have it honestly could just be Normal and/or their secondary Type with a black/gray/purple/blue recolor.
Merging bug and grass is retarded. Axe bug if you want, but instead of some sweeping rule retype them on a case by case basis that actually makes sense.

I can, I just don't think it's a meaningful distinction for the game. They even correctly have sandstorm as a rock type move, but then every other mention of sand is under ground. So they don't even bother with making them correctly distinct.
Normal ice and rock

Normal is dumb and just a placeholder till they think of another type 20 years down the line.
Ice IS water and its literally a useless type all of its moves get used by water types since its a shitty typing. Just consolidate it into water
Rock and ground being two different types is silly as well should just be ground
Grass and replace it with plant
Flying and replace it with wind
Steel and replace it with metal
Good choices.
Muh nigga.
Normal because it's not worth a shit offensively and only good defensively for one type.
Ice purely because it's been ignored since it was fucking introduced and it's obvious GF doesn't care about buffing it. Not to mention how fragile it is.
Ghost because it's pretty much the Dark prototype, and Psychic is better offensively. Sad because I like Ghost but the truth hurts.
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Though what type would things like Porygon become? Electric?
Designs are shit, type is too strong. All Fairy can be Psychic or Grass. Make Dragon weak to Steel.

Type is absolute dogshit. Any mon with this type is gimped by being Rock. Just make Rock mon Ground or even change the whole thing to Earth-type.

Like Rock, a mon with this type is gimped just by having it. Ice-types can just be Water and/or Earth if we're talkin something like Mamoswine.

I think a plain attribute is good to have in this type of RPG, but if by some higher power Ice was buffed and turned into an actually decent type, I'd say get rid of Normal instead of ice.
nigga give it another generation
steel and dark shot the fuck up in the following generation for it
Butt hurt? What do you mean by this? I don't like Fairy for the same reason I don't like Stealth Rocks inflicting SE damage or Ice type for being so shit. Fairy as a type is too strong, and it's opened a flood gate of pink waifushit that's equal in cancer status as furshit. Fairy has brought nothing good.

If you wanted to need Dragon and buff Steel, instead of adding a new type, just make Steel SE against fucking Dragon. Problem solved.

And I should add, Dragon as a typing w as never OP, Outrage was. Should have just neutered that one attack and called it a day.
I have nothing against the type inherently. If it adds some cool mons and gets a little nerf it would be perfectly fine imo. Just as is it's fucking cancer.
Steel: overpowered shit
Dragon: we don't need a big lizard type
Electric: lightning is just fire
It is shit so far, I agree. And I do say wait another generation, but at the same time why the fuck did they not fix it? Been doing this shit for 20 years now. You think they'd be competent.
I'm not optimistic about the future of this franchise. Arceus be with us.






Dark, Fairy, and Ice.
>Dragon or Steel

Basically, the two least cute types. The last is a toss-up, but I'd probably lean more toward getting rid of Steel since the only cute one it has is Magearna.
Rock, Normal, Ghost.
most normals can be categorized into either "fairy" or "fighting" without it being too weird, Ghost can very easily be categorized under Dark, and Rock can be categorized under Ground
This. And it will continue until a new type is introduced.
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>everything in Pokemon has to be cute
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This guy knows what's up

And this guy was molested as a child
Ground or Rock
Bug or Grass

They're redundant
Dragon, Steel, and Dark.
They are for faggots.
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The fuck would weavile and skuntank's types be?

No more starters
Fuck Fairy, just a Pandora's box of waifus and furshit, all mon can be Psychic or perhaps Grass in the case of Florges

Fuck Rock. The type sucks and what's worse is having both Rock and Ground is redundant as fuck.

Type is great in theory, but it's really awful for any mon to be cursed with nothing gained from it but weaknesses. All Ice can be Water-type or in the case of Swinub or Jynx, can just drop the Ice and be pure Ground and Psychic respectively.

You could maybe even drop Dark and Ghost and make a "Shadow" type or something.

Remove water I don't care what else

God I love this guy
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>Remove water
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>mfw there are people that think Water is overpowered
well it's definitely not underpowered
and Fairy
Fairy - This doesn't make any sense as a type. What is a fairy lore-wise that psychic doesn't also qualify under?

Dragon - They should just be bulky fliers.

Dark - Are they evil pokemon?
Dark and Fairy honestly. There are better ways to balance Dragon and Psychic.
Kill yourself.
newfag, out

no one talks shit to ROCK MAN.
While I think the balance would become severely fucked up and completely changed if 3 types were removed, the best way to do it is probably:

Merge Bug and Grass into Nature, they share a lot of similarities in what resists it and what is super effective to it, and both types of Pokemon can be found in forest environments.

Merge Normal and Fighting, I don't know what to call it. From a design standpoint, the best way to do it would be that Normal moves such as Quick Attack, Return, Body Slam etc. become Fighting. Have all the extremely "feral" Normal-types like Persian etc. become Dark-types, since moves such as Bite and Crunch are of that type, and create some new Dark-type moves that fit them better.

While I would like to merge Rock and Ground into Earth, in order to preserve type interactions better, the other logical merging, Ice and Water makes more sense since at least that way you won't have an entire type of moves become super effective when it did nothing or vice-versa, whereas with Ice and Water you can just disregard Ice entirely and make all Ice-type things become Water.
go back to watching your leafyishere newfriend
>Le funny reddiy joke
Im not a fuxking newfag i hace been here since the fuckong accident
You dont remember that dont you fuxking. Newfag
Fairy since it's the most expendable and can easily be retconned with little fuss.

Dark, because ghost covers nearly the exact same things and most could be retyped to either that or normal.

Bug, since even though I love bug types most could replace their type to grass with no problem. Parasect would even get better infact.
>reason for wanting fairy out is that people might fap to them outside of your safespace
>when pokemon has always been a pandoras box of waifu and furshit, and fans will even make art of Scolipede
Fuck off with your stupid humour.
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Fairy and Dark are very weakly defined.
Rock and ground should be one type, so remove one.
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Fairy type was literally only put in to circumvent the otherwise OP Dragons, but they also started beating the shit out of fighting types and Dark types for no reason other than to have more than 1 type to be SE against.

Dragon is pointless. The 'mons that they are on could be better off as different types or single-typed. Dragons being the only counter to other Dragons is pointless and trivial, and only really served to counter the starter pokemon types (Grass, Fire, Water) by being partially immune to them.

Normal should be self-explanatory.
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