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Yet another assumptions thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 261
Thread images: 151

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Make a team using this site: http://www.dragonflycave.com/favorite.html

Then post it here so we can make assumptions about you. Don't lie!
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no bully
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doesn't like to be bullied
>3 starters, two of which are the same line
what the hell man.
has deep seeded anger at either the world, his family, or existence.
pretty cool fellows
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I dunno, i like starters
Is into luxury items and likes to watch movies. Is probably thin, too.
inb4 furry

I just like all these the best and I've used them all at one point or another.

Emolga and Krookodile should be up there too
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eek, a ghost
oh no, I didnt mean to upset the anime. Chespin is cool.
>luxury items
Like apple watch or gucci shit, nah
>likes movies
only good ones

confident, laid back with healthy relationships


hearty, loud laugher, a bit of flare
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You're cool!
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One of these is not like the others.
one is on the second row and the rest are on the first.
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Found Favourites.png
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Judge me
I don't know if its good or bad that Swampert and Crobat always end up being the first two in these things
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you like to be judged
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literally the toppest tier of good taste my friend
You suck at competitive battiling but you think you're amazing at it and at judging stats and movesets etc.
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I'll just use the one from last time.
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to be honest, this could make a nice rain team...
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You like cute things and things that could use a hug.

Bad tempered but not a complete dick

Loves mythology

You like hot weather

You play OU
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I do in fact like hot weather, nice guess
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You like gimmicky stuff

You own at least one plushy

You're pretty easy going and relaxed in real life

You're 12
hm, im not really into competitive because i suck, i just like these guys a lot because they're all my fave bros hh
i do like OU a lot though so, i guess that makes sense?
Nope, I have no plushies
Well, maybe you should get one!
I was actually going to get one of the 20th anniversary ones
I felt the need to redo so this is i redone, I didn't redo it bc of the assumptions
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a list.png
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best type is ghost type

1/3 are good enough for me
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top 6 pokemon.png
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I couldnt decide on pichu or steelix so i cheated
tries to be a kool kid

A 3 year old

wants to get bullied

started playing at gen 6

likes comedy

is a little kid or loves lolis

A MLP fan

already established, that they like hot weather

wants to be edgy but can't be

likes niches

is 12 and started at gen 5



me from the past

is good at guessing

is twelve

Wants to get pkm sun and is secretly the really optimistic guy in dark souls
I got bored so here's the extended list
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>Wants to get pkm sun and is secretly the really optimistic guy in dark souls

Alarmingly accurate
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This was fun!
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I like kaiju and big guys
You don't really care about what other people think of you and instead do what makes you happy.
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A person with good taste
Lots of cuddlepokés compensating for the fact that you never cuddled a partner before
Growing up to be a pedophile as evident by Mr. Mime
Three starters and two unevolved mons suggest you blaze through the games with only your starter
another /x/-phile but also a weeb
fellow smogonfag
a misanthrope with good taste
cant judge desu
doesn't know wether to be edgy or cute
another /x/-phile
Actually a psychology student
wants to be special
another /x/-phile
anyone who puts Pichu on the same Level as Steelix is dead to me
Anger issues. Like me

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1found favorites.png
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likes mecha anime
gen 2 is his favorite
tch in real life but is a very chill guy
the kind of guy that looks intimidating but it actually a softie and loves cats/small dogs
likes to watch too bad that is funny horror movies
likes /ss/
entry level furry
level headed guy
likes blue
doesn't take anything seriously and the funniest guy in his group of friends
likes gen 5
wants to be hardcore but also like pastel colors
plays fighting games 24/7
probably a very smart guy but also super lazy
i have to agree with everyone else you seem chill
no idea sorry
you're the kind of guy that uses memes in real life and is a fan of jojo/ttgl/opm/su or something similar
knows how to play acoustic guitar
likes magical girl animes
likes yellow and black
likes kaiju and big guys
optimistic and unorganized
wants to be a witch
You always take the evil/violent/renegade path in games where you have the chance

You have a college level degree
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cunts fucked
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You're a prankster

You have a tendency to self insert a little too readily

You can handle your drinks
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had to include poliwhirl because he's that cool
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I would personally replace Fug with Weavile, but it got eliminated by a magikarp
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>3 fucking legendaries
kill yourself
half crap, half okay
but the rest good
ruined by barney faggotery
good for the rest
>you must be 18 or older to post
legit one of the better ones so fucking far, jesus christ
Zekrom is digimon tier but it's the best legendary so pass
i'll also let this one slide too. good stuff besides one obvious one
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A chill guy. You play the TCG.

You're really big into watching the anime.

Picking between Dragonite/Darmanitan/Noivern at the end was the worst. I love them all evenly.
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favorite pokemon i guess.png
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This didn't turn out as i'd thought. Kangaskhan is there at least.

Best 5 so far.
Sorry got too much into it before I realized we only need 6
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garden critters.png
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I'm going to try to make a team out of these guys. Maybe I can utilize, silverwind, power-up punch, and powders?

Apparently I have thing for the cuter bugs.




You're into fantasy (the sword and sorcery kind)

You need to post more cause all I got is "You like loud music"

You have ADD

Also I'm not sure you're old enough to be posting here

You like scotch and cigars

You're right about the scotch, m8
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what yall niggas think?

You're a little on the hyperactive side, and you have an interest in eastern martial arts...
Desperately hoping for Sun/Moon to be Gen 6.5, and you want the Fairy-Type nerfed
You've used at least one NFE in a recent playthrough
Usually prefers Starter + Cutemon combos
Gets annoyed when Gengarfags act like complete show-offs
Hate the very concept of Event Legendaries
Has nostalgia for DPPt
Played Ruby as a kid
Used most of your team in your first Hoenn run as a kid
You just like battling with mons that piss people off
The kind of person who goes into every worst fully evolved thread and posts Dragonite because muh barney
Closet waifufag
Gen 5 brought you back into the series
Pretty laidback
You like getting comfy
You started with Emerald, yet have DP nostalgia and you're probably underage
Likes shitmons
Like bulkymons, but not the ones that are OU
You were really happy when they revealed the typings of Reshiram and Zekrom
Hold your first Pokemon team close to heart
You sure do
You also like pissing people off
Mad about Mega Steelix being shit competitively
Gen 5 is your favorite gen
You like small comfymons
You are ebin memer
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Kadabra almost made it.

People who like cute stuff tend to either be total bros or massive spergs.
Since you like the bugs, I'll lean more toward the bro side, and I'll guess you also like outdoors stuff, gardening and things like that.
But that's me assuming you like RL bugs too.
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crystal onyx.gif
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you appreciate designs that convey a lot of personality, you probably appreciate the addition of evolite.

You're a light-hearted, and pleasant fellow
I think Durant is pretty cool. Its also not a team
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Favemon team.png
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Reuniclus and Volcarona fought for that last spot, but Volc won. Close tie though.
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You are secure with your masculinity and appreciate females.

You also enjoy the prospect of tropical locations?
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shit, saved pic wrong, heres a screencap

I'm a genetics major who breeds insects for research, so yeah you're onto something.

I can't stand centipedes though.
Centipedes are some vicious fuckers, but that's part of the reason why I like them.
Are you making genetically enhanced bugpeople?
You appreciate form over function, but the latter is nice too.

You like triple A movies and games

You're physically active compared to most of /vp/ also good taste

You're a wishy washy motherfucker
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You're generally well liked, but every now and then you just burn your bridges like no tomorrow

Here's your (You)

Possibly a trap
not a trap, just gay as fuck
>You're generally well liked, but every now and then you just burn your bridges like no tomorrow

What gives you that impression?
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>you're physicalally compared to most of /vp/

played seven years of football (handegg) throughout my school years, I do meditation and light cardio now
Half right!
>implying I'm going on anything deeper than a gut feeling from the pokemon you choose and how I feel about them personally

You have a bunch of pokemon I quite like and then one I hate a lot for reasons, that's about as deep as it goes
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you more than occasionaly enjoy furry porn
Fairly accurate result for me!
You're spending too much time on the internet and its hurting you as a person

You don't actually play but you watch the anime religiously
>You're spending too much time on the internet and its hurting you as a person

You sure hit that nail on the head...
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I chose 10 instead
>You don't actually play but you watch the anime religiously

Quite the opposite, actually. Must've been all the pre-evos...
You're a pretty cool guy. You're also into mind break hentai.

Your favourite season is winter
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I'm a girl but the second part is VERY accurate. Good job anon.
>you more than occasionaly enjoy furry porn

Well, I wouldn't classify poképhilia as furry porn per se, but I guess those genres are pretty similar.
>You're into fantasy (the sword and sorcery kind)
Yep. Good guess.
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You are bi-curious and have fapped to pokemon many times.
They are all female and never
Always gratifying to hear

You're confident, even when you shouldn't be. Its mostly a good quality though

I was going to say something but >>25744310
seems pretty on the money
No need to be defensive anon, there's no judgement here
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shit you guys are gonna hate me
I have never seen female Lucario fanart, anon.
You look at too much gay furry shit. They're just my favourite pokemon.
I am just a simple femanon so take my judgement on your sexuality with a grain of salt.
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I'll probably be called edgy but I think it's pretty good taste tbqh
You started with gen 3.
No, but it is the Gen I played the most and the one where I finally started to "get" the game. Technically Red was my first but the first one I heavily played was Crystal.
Eh, as far as legendaries go they don't bother me as much as some, and the rest of your choices are pretty nice

Also, you like cute stuff and have pets

You're a smogonfag but not insufferable about it
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pretty good right
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I like to think of Pokémon more as friends and partners, rather than someone to battle with.
I have borderline personality disorder and no, 23 :D
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god taste 2bh
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r8 comment and subscribe
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Faves team.png
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You have a deep and enduring passion for history, and/or you wish Jurassic Park was real.
Last batch of rampant speculation before I go to bed

You always wait for the other person to make the first move in relationships

You're into gadgets and tech and have a pretty sweet computer

You have a penis fixation but you're in denial

You're fishing.

You're like >>25745028 but with testicles and you're way more comfortable about it
BPD is nothing to be happy about.
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best mons.jpg
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Not sure about the order as it went on but this seems pretty accurate.
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didnt have puush installed on this computer so i had to take a shitty picture using paint. pls rate
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same here senpai
also great taste

r8 me pls
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Well, I like about half of them. You seem like the kind of guy that I wouldn't mind battling and would have a fun time playing a co-op game with.

You also have an interest in the fossil pokemon.

Overall, I give you a 7/10 maybe a 7.5 with the addition of Volcarona :^)
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I'm ok with this????
you like your men furry
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>tfw ho-oh will never get a movie
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i just enter college
>Gen 5 is your favorite gen
no is its gen 4 but gen 5 have the best designed protags and pokes
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First got into Pokemon during gen 3, and you were 12 years old
You were bullied in high school
You like hardcore punk and sports
competitive nostalgiafag
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top 4 are all incredibly close, this was hard
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I like all the cute ones
Someone who likes all the cute Pokémon
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You want to cum inside lopunny
>I am literally the only one in the thread with no guesses

You wouldn't call yourself a delinquent, and other people wouldn't either. Instead, you're probably the type to want to try and break from the routine a bit but can't bring yourself to. You probably play Yakuza

You're the type of person who wants a snake or a rat as pet, something really unconventional that you find really cute. Your phone's wallpaper is probably a landscape from somewhere

You were a camp counsellor at some point in your life. You tend to appreciate the outdoors but don't actually spend much time outside because of work and other obligations.

You like women that keep their distance a little and play hard to get. But more than anything, you want to meet someone that is generally pretty bitchy and cold to everyone except you (or you, yourself are like that towards most people except people you like)

The guy who chose Blastoise back in grade school, you didn't really care about the trends as much as just picking the ones that looked like a bro to you. You're the type of person that people would go to for advice, but you don't have much to offer except comfort

You own a plush of Slowpoke, or want to own one. You're also probably the type to read fanfiction about the protags just hanging out together even though you have your own headcanons about them
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I'm glad other people share Flygon as one of their favourites
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Top 6.png
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You don't leave the house much, but aren't socially inept enough to be a true Hikikomori
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poker mans.png
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it me
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Eagerly awaiting assumptions
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Judge me pls
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>Inb4 edgy and gen 5 fag
6 is way to little for me, I had to leave my bros machamp and gengar for this
you're alright anon
Great taste!
Ugh I love that flying white one she's be number 7I forgot her name ;_;
Forgot image
>raging faggot, kill yourself.
Oh wow, I didn't think taste could get this poor
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Sir, your homosexuality seems to be leaking at a rapid rate.
wow this thread got mean
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>scrafty and toxicroak
You are both men of impeccable fucking taste and you refuse to separate the only true brotherhood.

Bonus points to >>25754278
for the Krookodial. I personally gave my Scrafty Krookodial combo matching names.
Right, time to make broad assumptions about more faggots

You're actually pretty good in bed

You ride a motorbike, or would like to

Bara gay

You like an element of romance in your games

You're /fit/

You've masturbated to something you're ashamed of more than once

You're way too well adjusted and socially acceptable to be on this board

You have terrible taste in fashion

You wanted to be a paleontologist when you were a kid

Chubby chaser

You should by all rights be considered edgy but you carry it well and with a certain amount of self deprecation that makes it acceptable
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You lack self discipline
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2016-03-29 08.47.06.jpg
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A nice balance of favorites, spread throughout generations, body types, and actual types. You're a moderate person, and a fan of most Pokemon games.

>slight feminine lean to your favorites

You have a waifu.
You've never quite grown out of that slightly edgy streak from your teen years, but you're not unbearable about it. Just, occasionally, you like a little edge in your fiction. Probably remarkably well-behaved
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Be honest.
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Come on, judge me and my horrible tastes.
No waifu, slight feminine lean probably because I'm a femanon.

Very good though!
Young, Maybe lacking in some area of life. Short tempered

Easy going, low maintenance, dont forget to treat/improve your life every once in a while

You are more worried about having a good experience than reaching the top. You have a confidence that needs to be protected; dont let others tell you youre wrong

A traditionalist. You sought after a relatively normal life, but still want to accomplish something great

A big personality. You may come off as mean as first, but you're just joking right?

A romantic with a taste for dark drama. You want the guy to chase you, but maybe also keep you on your toes
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Also, here's my B team. #7-12
You like your pokemon cute and your flavor spooky.
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I have a crippling weakness to Covert Cobbles, it seems.
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Rate my horrible taste
Even if I have "horrible taste" I'll still love 'em
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Not bad, pretty close
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A-anons, I...
Has a hard time making critical decisions and flunked out of college for it.
Reads a lot of manga.
The kind of guy you'd want to make a bro out of but you're too much of a beta to say hi to him when he's playing Pokemon in the back of class.
Has a boner for Gen 1. Never lived to experience it, but appreciates it now.
People thinks he waifus Gardevoir, but sees her as a best friend.
Can be a bit edgy. Masturbates to Omegle videos.
Uses Reddit pretty frequently, but only for news on 3ds hacks.
A great childhood friend, until he turned 13, where he was sure he had a personality disorder and the doctors were wrong.
Faps to every one of his team members. Only in Gijinka form
Watched a lot of cartoons as a kid.
Secretly suicidal, but not depressed enough to kill himself.
Omegle videos? Dang. That's actually one of the things I haven't jerked it too.
File: top 10 fav pokemon aparently.png (58KB, 473x389px) Image search: [Google]
top 10 fav pokemon aparently.png
58KB, 473x389px
I couldn't stop at just 6, so I made a "Top 10"
Judging by the final results, I honestly feel like some sort of fan trash...
A tryhard through and through, and sometimes you like to be contrary to be a bit trollish but you can never quite stray too far from what's acceptable when you're doing that.

You liked Pokemon a lot growing up, but fell out of it around 3rd and 4th gen. You've come back to it again but it's not quite the same as when you enjoyed it as a child, but you're not entirely certain that's a bad thing either.
You're 100% right. I did fall out around then. Completely missed Gen 5, but came back for Gen 6.
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24KB, 726x126px
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37KB, 681x125px
this thing is horribly inaccurate when trying to make a team though, it just started throwing random fucking mons at me
You aren't quite sure whether you prefer big, nasty monsters or tiny, cute ones and you have friends that would mock you for each preference
File: fav.png (26KB, 573x202px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 573x202px
Always try to carry these around.
File: 2016-03-29 16.08.37.png (103KB, 1011x309px) Image search: [Google]
2016-03-29 16.08.37.png
103KB, 1011x309px
Huge furry.

You're pretty laid back, but like to have fantasies about going apeshit on people over minor grievances.
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hi everybody.png
36KB, 704x176px
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6KB, 120x120px
Rate me yo
you're a contrarian faggot
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32KB, 707x131px
Well this was interesting.
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ss (2016-03-29 at 07.29.01).jpg
31KB, 720x118px
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Favorite Digimon.png
189KB, 1339x663px
Not redoing this until the next batch of pokes roll in
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30KB, 698x130px
i like grass types ;w;
Like the Cradilly and the OG Venusaur. But Dodrio though????
Shedinja FTW
Legendaries? Really? What are you fucking six years old?
File: image.jpg (72KB, 1136x640px)
72KB, 1136x640px
You visit /x/ a lot, and get mad when people troll about SPOOPY SKELLINGTONS. You believe in lots of gay make believe shit, like tarot cards, tulpas, and other faggish /x/ related nonsense.

You are just about the one and only person who
File: Faves Party.png (23KB, 682x162px) Image search: [Google]
Faves Party.png
23KB, 682x162px
I tend to like the able-bodied humanoid Pokemon who look like they could actually function.Turns out a lot of those ones are fighting type. Not sure how I never noticed that before.
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357KB, 2560x461px
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ss (2016-03-29 at 11.44.50).jpg
30KB, 669x127px
Regice would replace Aggron if it appeared more than once
>Seven years old
>Loves fighting imaginary characters in his front yard
>Uses his "outdoor voice" 100% of the time
>Early to mid twenties aged female
>Loves reading books
>Feels "in touch with nature," even though she's never outside the suburbs/city
>Loves Japanese weeby shit, and is constantly saying "Kawaii" but pronounces it terribly wrong
>Mid twenties
>Likes anime and vidya
>Not a lot of experience with the ladies
>Possibly rocking a neckbeard
>Listens to metal
>Says things like "gnarly" and "sick"
>Severe furfag
>Has a well thought out "fursona"
>Masturbates to furry Hentai garbage
>Wears a fox tail and dog collar
>Draws shitty pictures of humanoid animals
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140KB, 1801x1124px
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43KB, 720x132px
rate and assume
8 years old, with shit taste
>gallade and crobat
thats some good shit
>gardevoir and metagross
pretty nice
>gengar and slowking
meh at best

overall 7/10
More baseless accusations

You trade in cars regularly

You're a tactile person and quite physically affectionate

You go for the jugular

I don't care

You enjoy writing and/or reading fanfiction, even though you know a lot of it is pretty silly

You take all your ideas from the internet

You have cosplayed at least once, and it was pretty good

You're quiet, but actually well respected in your social circle
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25KB, 757x138px
nice GET btw

Here's me.
File: Untitled.png (34KB, 353x273px) Image search: [Google]
34KB, 353x273px
I'll bite
File: favorites.jpg (21KB, 675x131px) Image search: [Google]
21KB, 675x131px
please don't kill me
You probably larp

You seem like someone who appreciates the simple things in life


You have a lot of good friends

Everyone always liked you, but you conform to society too much

You're an outdoorsy kind of person

You were the fastest runner in elementary school

You manage your finances well

You were chubby at one point in your life

You're a victim of peer pressure

You were the fucker that used "gun" in rock paper scissors

Still trying to discover your own identity

You brag a lot

You don't get out of your room enough

You like collecting knives

You enjoy taking pictures/photographer

You never brush your teeth

You tell everyone that you have a big dick

You eat at restaurants a lot

You read a lot

You're here from /fit/

You have a lot of money but are too afraid to spend it

You have crippling depression

Everyone wants you to cook for them

You shot a gun once but couldn't handle it

You expect everything of everyone

You have a split personality

Your room is a fucking mess

You don't like sharing

You wish people respected you more
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83KB, 1024x1024px
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>Your room is a fucking mess
Spot on
You like futanari
Your last game was Gen 3
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44KB, 605x222px
the miss spelling in the file name is intentional
You like TDKR despite bane posters that is not a good thing
Your first gen was gen 4, but you are still a pretty chill guy
You are, at least not currently having an identity crisis
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28KB, 665x125px
r8 me pls
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Correct. Fire red to be exact.

Not correct. That movie was shit. Dragged on like catching a gen 4 feebas.
Holy kek I do
Gen 3 but thanks bro
Your first game was silver/gold or crystal
obviously a furry
It was the first that I was old enough to read and understand, so yeah close enough. Played it the most by far.
You're horrible with computers.
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27KB, 610x235px
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rate me vee pee.png
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This makes me look like more of a Genwunner than I am.
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24KB, 670x126px
be gentle
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343KB, 1166x472px
yup, these are about right
I guess. I did this based on which ones I like based on typing, or that I think just look super rad.
There's way more than this, but I decided I had to stop at at least 10.


Actually, no. I try to anticipate what's coming next, but it's just RPS, so it's really no big deal.
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only 6 this time JFC.png
29KB, 349x275px
Okay, I'm >>25757931 and this time I only picked 6, omitted formes, omitted legendaries;
Here's what I got!
still a tryhard
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29KB, 753x122px
Alright, well.
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found favs.png
28KB, 682x127px
I wanna fuck you so hard in your pussy
File: Red.png (122KB, 1080x297px) Image search: [Google]
122KB, 1080x297px
Goat team
>red is my favourite colour
Your favorite movie is happy feet
Youre into fat chicks
great taste desu
post feet
r8 m8s
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32KB, 679x134px
Haven't really played much after BW2, but I gave it a shot. Be gentle
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35KB, 357x270px
Only final evolutions, otherwise I would've picked Joltik and Ivysaur.
you might be a pedophile bro
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33KB, 672x128px
>why can't I hold all these weaknesses?
But seriously, Ice can just fuck off.
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134KB, 1080x354px
Judge me, you can't. Objective best mons coming through.
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Found Favorites.png
314KB, 608x1144px
I know what you're thinking.
you're right.
You're horribly indecisive?
Thread posts: 261
Thread images: 151

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