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Pokemon TCG/O General: Waifus Edition

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Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 57

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OLD THREAD: >>25003953

New? Check the pastebin for advice on starting the game, client information, a guide on the various theme decks/products you can redeem in-game and more.

News/Legal List/Set scans/etc

How to progress in PTCGO, tl;dr edition:
>complete all Trainer Challenges (Cheat Engine's speedhack strongly recommended to speed up AI games)
>unlock all locked cards in the three theme decks you're given at the start
>farm Versus Mode theme ladder for Tokens and Tournament Tickets
>Enter Theme format tournaments with basic green and get both hitters prized
>enter standard/expanded ticket tournaments and accept that you'll lose
>you'll get tradable tournament chests and sometimes a tradable pack
>use the Trade section to trade the packs and chests for the shit you need
>if you don't know what deck you want to build yet, see http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/forum/tcg-competitive-play.156/ for a list of viable decks or ask here

Your old cards are probably worthless.

To see what your PTCGO stuff is worth, look on the PTCGO forums in the trading section. For example, Top Cut Trading inc

To get a general idea about what is strong in the Meta go there

Pack codes are worth about 15-30 cents while other codes are worth around a dollar or two.

Tips for Code Giveaways:
>Never post them as text, even if they're missing a letter/number
>Post them as an image with the QR code covered

If you're interested in working on /vp/'s custom TCG, find their general in the catalog and post there.

TotT: Are you excited about any of the new cards coming out in Generations?
Flareon and MCharizard are the only things not reprints to remotely write home about so far.
It bugs me immensely that there's still no photo of Flareon EX
I'm more interested in seeing if MAudino manages to be worse than Blastoise, Mawile and Aerodactyl.
I can't wait for that M-Waifu

also, continuing from the last thread, is there a pastebin or guide to card buying? If not, I definitely think we should write one up for people since we're bound to get a lot of new people buying cards with the 20th anniversary
Will the online breakthrough packs have any value when the new expansion comes out?
No because there's nothing in it worth 20+ packs.
So what's the anniversary expansion?

News sites were saying that Base was getting reprinted. Is that what this is?
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My Waifumon Expansion are on pre-order.

Now I can focus my efforts on finding a Mega Charizard X
No, go read Pokebeach
Does there really need to be a guide to tell people to go to TCGPlayer.com and order the cards they want?

>It was a fake story made up by Polygon, and then regurgitated by everyone else, nobody fact checking or looking for the source

It's more useful outside of the main Pokemon games, so...
Why to the fatpacks come with dice?

A ton of dice too
Because dice are essential for competitive play these days. They double as both damage counters and coins.
They act as damage counters and you need at least 6, 1 for each Pokemon that could be played in a standard match.
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TotT: this one
Hey, looks like I Can upgrade m,y Entei list so I don`t always lose to Pyroar
Dice are the best solution to damage counters.
Theoretically, if Shaymin didn't exist, would discard-centric decks still work?

What would be the strongest decks?
Why did they kill Ancient Traits?
Probably added too much complexity to cards
Shaymin-EX was introduced into a meta where most people used one copy of Lysandre's Trump Card in their decks, that card alone fucked up Night March decks badly and Flareon wasn't much popular at the time. Shaymin enabled LTC to do even more crazy things for the player; given how it can recycle so many cards and could prolong a game to go for fucking ages with VS Seeker, I think it just sped up an inevitable ban.

If it weren't around, slightly slower decks might be more viable but Battle Compressor is still a thing.

Temporary gimmick unfortunately. Though to be fair it's something of a crutch in Pokemon card design
What are those things on the Garde card?
we yugioh now
Japanese cards have the name of the attack in english and English cards have the name of the attack in Japanese
I mean the symbols on the left.
Hi faggots, I got tired of MTG and Hearthstone. Recommend me a viable deck that has stall and control. I want to cause fucklong games and pain to the opponent as much as possible.
Play Night March. It's the cool edgy deck of the game and plays like eggs from mtg. You waste a lot of time every turn and you either win from bullshit or lose to your own deck
why is there a single empoleon on the deck?
Don't do Night March, it's a gimmicky T2 deck that only dunks scrubs and loses to any competent build.

If you want control, try Seismitoad/Garbodor or Trevenant/Wally. Both of those actually win tournaments, unlike Night March.
Don't listen to this retard, he's just an autist who hates night march and doesn't even know how it works. It's the definition of an aggro deck, it just takes a long time to set up on turn 1.

Play Sableye/Garbodor in expanded, think fatigue Druid from Hearthstone. You shit out energy removal/stall and mill just enough to win. It's arguably a tier 1 deck, and the heaviest control deck in the game. If you want something slightly less cancerous there's also any Seismitoad EX deck, again in expanded.

In standard format control is a bit weaker in general but there's stuff like Houndoom mill, Gengar/Trevenant, Toad, etc.
>want to see new decks
>go to pokegym
>Threads 0 to 0 of 0
wat, do I have to pay or what. This community sucks.
Go to Pokebeach or Youtube
Or just look over the card list for each pack. It's not like there that many viable cards in general, it takes like two seconds to look over everything and see what's viable or not.
Finding descent decklists is a pain. How come pokemon has no site like tappedout? Pokebeach has a few descent lists but other than that I'm lost
Any of the ones relevant to go to have paywalls. There used to be someone here that had a membership to sixprizes that would post decklist articles. idk what ever happened to them.
Wow, Didn't expect this many actually helpful replies. Im grinding the AI at the moment with basic blue, lol gyarados doing 280dmg, any advice how to use my 500 currency?
Where should I go if I want to pay? I don't mind paying 5 bucks to make my decks better
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Promos. There's a new bundle in the shop every Wednesday which sometimes includes cards you literally can't otherwise get. Missing out on those are a pain, especially when it means you'll never ever get an AT Regirock or Stardust Jirachi.

Other than that, tournaments. Packs/Chests are currency in this game, and you can ONLY get tradable packs from tournaments or from redeeming codes. Everything you buy with tokens is non-tradable. And unlike in Hearthstone or MtGO, this game is stupidly cheap and easy thanks to the trade system. Use your tokens or grind the ladder to get tournament tickets, enter tournaments, and trade your rewards for staples and cards you need. Even if you lose, tournament chests are still tradable and worth only a bit less than a shitty pack.

Other than that, you can buy a theme deck to help you win theme battles/tournaments better. I haven't played theme in months, but last I remember, Dark Hammer and Mental Might were the two best decks. Just don't buy theme decks for staples.

Check out tournament results, since they have tournament-winning builds. Or post here.
>tfw just traded a Breakthrough pack for two float stones

A-At least it's the old art
That's kind of a problem. No one is going to post their tournament winning deck until after the season is over with. Or at least until Nationals is over with. Any decklists that get posted before Nats are just theorydecks that don't actually work top tier. The only reason you would want to read up on decklists is to get a sense of how the TCG works. Ultimately it comes down to your own ingenuity to come up with a top tier deck.

In some metas, this is more obvious than others. Such as the early BW meta when everyone and their mother ran Darkrai-EX and Mewtwo-EX. But like last season, a surprise Keldeo/Blastoise deck won, and those two cards are from the BW era. I kinda feel like this season is dull since BREAK was a huge, massive letdown but idk. At any rate, if I were you, I would look up past World's winnings and if you have a decklist you want judge, post it here. But take the opinions you get with little weight. The only way to be sure a deck is good is to test with a group of friends using T1 decks.
What about this, bros?
I got mental might when I started, so I dont need dark hammer right?

So should I save for the 1150 pyroar bundle or whatever bundle it will be when I get enough, or is grinding ladder and tournaments with mental might better option?
> I kinda feel like this season is dull since BREAK was a huge, massive letdown but idk
Most mechanics are shit on launch. EX is an exception since it launched with Mewtwo. Just wait two or three packs.
The bundle right now is just a normal weekly bundle that has cards you can trade for later if you want. The next time a promo bundle comes out will be early February with the release of the new set. Save up until then, but if you get really bored of Mental Might (and you probably will), go ahead and get Dark Hammer. You don't necessarily need a playset of promos and theme decks aren't insanely expensive anyway.

The important thing is just grinding for tradeable packs in tournaments, so keep at it.

Thank you so much~
BREAK is a lot harder to fix though. I will agree all mechanics are mostly shit at launch. If BREAK cards could be played the same turn as the evo card it would be a bit better. But essentially having Stage 4 cards is just ridiculous and a really slow start-up compared to even the beefiest of Megas.
People don't know the value of packs, or how worthless cards actually are. Probably because of trading company obfuscation.

All uncommons and a vast majority of rares are worthless and you can get several, sometimes dozens for a pack.
are the servers actually down or is my client just being a shit?
>If BREAK cards could be played the same turn as the evo card it would be a bit better
I wouldn't be surprised if they added items like spirit links for BREAK cards. I agree that BREAK cards for 3-stage evolutions are fucking stupid but I guess you could run Rare Candy if they ever released a good BREAK for a 3-stager.
You mean Stage 3, and while you're right, it's not inherently bad. The problem isn't the mechanic itself, but that we haven't gotten any GOOD Stage 2 Pokemon in years. The only good ones that haven't relied on Archie's/Maxie's are Blastoise, Garchomp, and arguably Delphox/Emboar.

What's important about Breaks is that they're not necessarily the win condition, they just add to it. All current Break decks can function just fine without the Break itself, like Raichu or Zoroark. It's actually a really smart way of dealing with the biggest problems Stage 1/2s have over EXs and Basics, which is that their pre-evolved forms are usually useless.
Dark Hammer is the best theme deck
I've won 2/4 tournaments with it, winning gets you 3 packs each so I've just been trading them for EX's
Also play the lightning ladder thingy, you get good bonuses for the checkpoints
There's a pre release tournament event coming up close to where I live, but I don't play the TCG. Would they let me come in and buy packs or would I be turned away for being a worthless collector?
Is it a good deal to trade a Vileplume for a Nidoqueen?
There is no reason not to give Breaks ancient traits. Most of them even seem to have perfect synergy with some and yet still don't have them.
>Beheeyem moves energies around but doesn't have Alpha Growth
>Chesnaught is slow and bulky but doesn't have Omega Barrier
>Marowak is based around revenge killing but doesn't have Delta Plus
>Golduck sits on the bench but doesn't have Delta Evolution
>Trevenant can item lock but doesn't have Theta Stop for Garbodor bullshit
>Florges heals but doesn't have Alpha Recovery
No room on the card for it.
Pre release tournaments are draft tournaments. You play one round and then you can get your two extra packs and leave.
There's plenty of room m8.
They are just decorative. They do have meanings, but they don't influence game play. Gardevoir has two for Beautiful Battle and two for Close Bond.
I thought you just go there and get some packs, now I'm sad ;__;
Just show up and have fun. You don't need to bring your own cards or anything extra, you just spend an hour or two playing the TCG and then you can go home.
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Any thoughts? First draft of this deck
I legitimately can't play the game, I just collect the cards. Would they kick me out for basically letting the other guy win?
>no shadow circle

Enjoy losing to Flash energy Manectric

Same here, I am a TCG collector not a player
Flash Energy doesn't change anything. Gallade is a courtesy, not a sole out.
No, they wouldn't, and you wouldn't have to tell anybody but your opponent.

>sign up (you'll need your Pokemon ID number)
>pay $30
>get 6 packs and promo
>open packs, build a 40 card deck
>tournament starts, find opponent
>"hey I'm just here for the packs, I'll scoop when the tournament starts"
>tell tournament official you lost and would like to leave
>get two packs
It either covers the BREAK info or the card info. Just accept the fact that AT's were a time-sensitive gimmick to promote ORAS and giving random Pokemon a special amazing ability is stupid.
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That doesn't work anymore, you now have to scoop all three rounds when they start.
Not that it matters, but PTCGO Staff on Reddit announced that the next Versus Ladder is going to have Rare Chests on it. Rare Chests are just like Tournament/Uncommon Chests, but they can only include a holo rare or higher from XY on, including FAs and SRs.

ATs were that little bit extra to make evolutions good and if they seriously couldn't think of three ancient traits every set they need new R+D

I could think of 3 on the spot
>Gamma Insight - If this is your Active Pokemon and shares a type with your opponent's Active Pokemon, this Pokemon's attacks cost [C] less.
>Gamma Breaker - Whenever this Pokemon takes or recieves damage from an attack, discard the top card of your opponent's deck.
>Gamma Pierce - Damage from this Pokemon's attacks isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokemon.

I'll take my paycheck now PCL.
You know how I know why you don't design cards for a living?
Wrong, they scrapped it because a Break over an AT card didn't look right. Any card that has an AT will never have a Break.

>takes or recieves
Ahem, worded that badly. Should be "deals damage with an attack, or takes damage from an attack" Maybe I -am- cut out to work for PCL after all...
With how little effort they put into card design, and with how often they recycle concepts that aren't even a pack old, you could fill an entire thread with brand new card and mechanic ideas. The Pokemon TCG is basic and simple only because TPCi wants it that way, for whatever reason.
Does crobat + muscle bland deal 30 or 50 damage?
Depends to who
50 active 30 bench?
>The attacks of the Pokémon this card is attached to do 20 more damage to your opponent's Active Pokémon (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
Can you guess? Read it carefully if you can't.
Even if the attacks deal no damage? Like bunnelby's discard attack.
When and where can I get such a beautiful card?
>20 more damage
Probably in Generations.
What do with Houndoom ex? I like to bash face with his mega nut it's not the most competitive deck
Best partner to M-Manectric? I can't think which partner is best right now.
I play it with Regice and AT Articuno. Zero retreat cost is neat with Rough Sea to heal you
Different anon, I kind of understand how that's a little ambiguous. Like, I understand the rules just because "pluspower doesn't affect non-damage moves" has been a rule since the very first set, but if you're reading the card literally, 20 more than 0 is 20.

Kind of just makes me glad that I play online and not in person so that I don't have to argue rules with people.
If there's no number, the attack doesn't inflict any damage and there's no damage step to the attack.
Not inflicting any damage != 0
Drop M Houndoom, pair it with Bunnelby and mill out your opponent.
Other than that, it's not a good card. If it did 20 more damage it might be worth it, but you can't afford to drop Spirit Link and Giovanni isn't a good card, especially in a Blacksmith-centric deck.
All solid arguments. I wish they were more playable megas. M Manectric is so much fun to use

PCL just needs to stop thinking that mega evolutions should only be +40HP and have absolutely no use outside of direct damage to the opposing Active

Out of the last ten in-set Mega Evolutions (XY7-9) only two have had any sort of utility (Sceptile and Scizor)
>Current daily quest is win a match with a fire theme deck
>don't have one
>can't change the quest

Do I just get stuck with that quest until I have enough to waste on a fire theme deck?
Play theme

Yes but I don't have a fire theme deck, that's my point, do I get stuck with this quest until I buy one? I wish quests worked like hearthstone
you should have basic red. also if you go to your challenges there should be an X in the top right corner that lets you get rid of the challenge (though you still don't get a new one until you normally would get your new one)
>you should have basic red

Where do I find it?
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See this is what I mean, what basic red?
Go in trainer challenge and you can select XY Basic Red. Beat 7 different AI players with it to unlock if for multiplayer.
how do you guys justify buying physical cards? a barrel of oil is now cheaper than a shaymin ex.
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Sounds boring as fuck, I'd rather just get rid of the challenge and get a new one later, but I don't see any X
Because there's no other way to play in physical events

Doesn't the star mean you can do it in Trainer Challenge as well?~ :3

Never mind, yes you can do it in trainer challenge, it was easy as hell.
>buy Greninja tin
>finally pull an EX and Full Art that wasn't a promo
pulled Reshiram FA and Plasma Lugia EX

now I can finally leave behind buying packs and just buy the singles I want
>Reshiram FA

You might want to specify if it's the SR. print of the Radiant Collection version.

Because the Radiant Collection print is only worth 2-3 bucks if you're lucky.
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>go to local TCG shop
> $1.00/common, $1.25/uncommon, $1.50/non-holo rare and $2 holo rares
>ebay tier prices for EX and full art
codes coming soon

Fucking touchpad keyboards.

At least they're not selling 'em at TnT prices.
There are filter options for Standard and Expanded.
There are only two banned cards: Lysandre's Trump Card and Lost Town, and the latter's only because of a bug.
it's from RC, not really worried about value since its for my personal collection

You forgot Shiftry NXD.
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Yeah, deleted my post cause I found a button that gets rid of non-standard cards.
And I guess you mean "Faded Town"? That probably explains the giant red mark on it, but I thought that was just part of the card design.
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Hey guys, looking for some feedback on a Zoroark Break deck.

-Are there any other pokemon I should add? I'm considering some non-ex Yveltal since I have a few
-Dangerous Energy - not sure of the extra 20 damage is worth the risk of Enhanced Hammer and Aegislash-EX
-Is there a better Stadium to use besides Shadow Circle? I was considering Silent Lab, or possibly Faded Town once they fix the glitch.

Any other advice besides those, please let me know as well.
What are the best decks to buy?

I already have iron tide and night stalker
>Zoroark Break deck
run Octillery.
Zoroark Break unfortunately isn't good. It's obviously way too reliant on your opponent's setup, and against most targets you'll be two/three-shotting EXs whereas they can one-shot Zoroark's shapely body with the same move.

That being said, nothing says you need to run it in a Dark deck. Zoroark takes DCE, and Break only takes a single energy meaning you can fit in Rainbow Energy or a couple of Darks and call it a day.

p-please respond
Dark Hammer, and a couple notches below that, possibly Storm Rider. There are some other theme decks that are never going to win matches, but have some cool cards in them for building your own deck, such as Resilient Life
XY basic blue, XY basic green, and dark hammer are the only other decks you would possibly need. you already have two of them.
once you have those save your coins for bundles/tournaments and start entering theme tournaments so you can get out of theme play and start playing standard/expanded
Might try that, although I like doing the float stone/stand in combo with Zoroark so that I can use the Slupuffs to draw 2 cards.

Yeah, I know Zoroark Break isn't great but I really want to try to make it work. Any ideas for some other pokemon/archetype I could pair it with?
>so you can get out of theme play and start playing standard/expanded

But I don't really wanna play against autistic min maxing faggots
video games might not be a good hobby for you
That thing is going to rape

Doesn't pokemon TCGO has like 3 viable competitive decks? If I wanted to tryhard I'd play hearthstone

actually there's a lot more than that

Night march, Manectric-EX, YZG, Manectric-EX, Night march, night march, YZG, night march, YZG, night march and Manectric-EX with PHF crobat. Oh and night march.
If you lose consistently to Night March you need a better deck.
>playing standard
Standard night march is tier 1
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If you want to deal with this try: -1 Fighting Stadium, -1 Skyfield, +1 Parallel City +1 Xerosic/Enhanced Hammer

Here is another list
>Doesn't pokemon TCGO has like 3 viable competitive decks?
theme has 3 viable competitive decks
How so? It loses to Vespiquen, Bats, Yveltal, Giratina, and Aegislash and can get fucked by Vileplume, Toad and Noivern.

It's never been consistent.
It wasn't in its prime and it isn't now, unfortunately.

It's a great budget deck that lets poverty players compete at locals, but it's not something people realistically take to regionals.
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NM is faster than Vespiquen, but they are essentially the same deck. It's 50/50.
Lucario/Bats and Manectric/Bats are admittedly mediocre match ups but these decks aren't that prevalent.
Most NM decks run Bronzong and the ones that don't run Jirachi. Easy matchup.
Same as above except Aegislash is way less relevant than Giratina.
Most decks get fucked over by turn 1 item lock, fortunately Vileplume isn't very consistent and doesn't have a lot of offensive partnes.
All it needs is one turn of items to start knocking Toads around. Also Toad is trash in Standard.

>It's never been consistent.
Literally wrong.
In its prime (expanded without LTC) it got to two tops at Worlds, and while it didn't top regionals, it still had a fairly decent presence. I played against 2 NM players at Fort Wayne. Also NM is a solid choice for Cities and League Challenges.

Calling something "tier x" in Pokemon, especially in standard, is extremely sketchy, but to downplay NM's power and presence is stupid.

Then show me the tournament results, hoss.
Top 8 lists don't usually make it out of Cities. At the Cities I played at in Indiana back in November, NM/Vespiquen variants were everywhere. But there was also a lot of Lucario/Bats and Raichu/Bats players.
>Literally wrong.
Well, pre-rotation it literally didn't top in regionals ever. As in, it actually didn't win a single time, even when the deck was at its absolute best, even after the LTC ban.
And since the rotation, it was literally never played. The ONLY time it came anywhere near topping was at Worlds, but it still lost out hard at what should have been its best chance, when it had the full power of Expanded behind it.

I'm not saying Night March is bad. I have the deck and I play it. It just absolutely isn't Tier 1 at all because it loses out in a competitive environment, as the results have consistently shown over the course of a year.
>Well, pre-rotation it literally didn't top in regionals ever.
Spring Regionals was Toad: The Format: LTC Boogaloo, of course it didn't top.

>As in, it actually didn't win a single time, even when the deck was at its absolute best, even after the LTC ban. And since the rotation, it was literally never played. The ONLY time it came anywhere near topping was at Worlds, but it still lost out hard at what should have been its best chance, when it had the full power of Expanded behind it.
Item lock was also still very much the format after LTC's ban. And it did top at worlds, twice, alongside Toad, Trevenant, AND Bats.
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I surprisingly managed to get the Greninja, thank you
And the NM decks didn't win. Because they're inconsistent and not versatile, and predictable.
>Also Toad is trash in Standard.
With Garbodor getting reprinted, I'm not too sure. All it's really missing is HTL.

Somedays I still don't understand why they didn't just ban Seismitoad-EX back in PHF when it was basically unstoppable

It's like back in XY when they acknowledged they fucked up when they printed Yveltal-EX and had to hardlock Dark for several sets to try and help the meta recover except Toad doesn't really care about what happens to the rest of its type
When everyone in a tournament is playing a deck that specifically counters yours, yeah, you're going to have a hard time doing well dingus.

Probably won't do much. HTL was it's offensive power. Swinging for 40-50 probably won't cut it. Garbador has better partners.

I feel like PHF was kind of banking on the rotation of HTL to kill the deck instead of coming in and just outright banning it. And as a final insult to injury, it didn't even win worlds. They were right too; rotation killed Seismitoad. And it's not even that good in Expanded anymore because so many new threats have been printed since rotation.
>I feel like PHF
>Garbador has better partners.
Anything specifically?
Manectric and Yveltal come to mind.
First of all, to be honest this deck is a mess and the best advice I can give you is to find a proper Yveltal list online that plays Zoroark BREAK in it. 60cards has a ton of them if you look through the archives a bit, and if I recall one of them played a rather heavy 3-3-2 line of Zoroark that would suit your taste.

For the sake of it, though, I'll share some feedback.
Remember that Zoroark is a perfectly good attacker on its own; I would consider the BREAK to be more of a luxury than anything, only needed at 1 or 2. But I can understand if you'd rather keep it at 3 seeing as it's the centerpiece of the deck. The synergy with Stand In and Slurpuff is very cute, but I'm not sure if you need a full 3-3 line. Maybe drop 1 of each. Shaymin EX is a good card, so play it (if only just 1 since you already have a draw engine). Baby Yveltal is extremely strong and you should indeed be playing it at 2-3. Energy acceleration is obviously really strong and it trades super well with Night March.

2 enhanced seems like overkill, but it's fine as a meta call. 2 super rod is also probably overkill; especially when you only have 4 basic dark energy to recycle anyway. If you just wanted to recover Pokemon you'd prefer Sacred Ash. 4 Ultra Ball to be able to hit your thick evo lines more consistently. 4 VS Seeker because it's the best card in the game, so not playing 4 is simply retarded. Shadow Circle is questionable; your suggestion of Silent Lab would probably be better.

Frankly your supporter line is garbage. Brigette is bad, Giovanni is unnecessary, and 3 Lysandre is too many. You should play 4 Sycamore long before you ever consider those other terrible draw supporters. You can keep Birch but Tierno is unplayable.

You're right about dangerous energy. It's weak to removal and Aegislash, it can't be recycled by baby Yveltal or Super Rod, it can't be searched by Prof's Letter, and it does basically nothing. Just use basic dark.
>list a fuckton of decks that counter or can beat NM
>doesn't count
>then post results
>results don't matter because everyone runs decks that beat NM

Just because you beat people with it on PTCGO and see people not good enough to build a true winning deck run it doesn't make it good enough to be tier 1.
>exactly 2000 characters
>Set list for Breakthrough is out
>Only 7 holo rares in the set (Greninja got demoted because reasons), which beats out Flashfire and Anicent Origins for having the least amount of holo rares for a regular set
>Reprints Sycamore (which is good), but doesn't reprint VS Seeker as it is in the Palkia + Golduck deck thing while gives us useless things like Great Ball, Pokemon Catcher, and Tierno


Don't forget Lucario now that Hawlucha with 2 in any combination of Muscle band/strong energy/fighting stadium can now instagib Manectric-EX or XY9 Darkrai-EX.

Although imo Standard is really fucking boring right now and outside of them printing some cards that generate actual interaction in XY10 there's not much to do about that.
>umm i don't know why nm didn't top its beyond me hurrrrrr
>If these half-dozen other, better decks didn't top, NM would top
Yeah, if I conveniently ignored every better deck, my shitter M Kyogre deck would be Tier 1 too.

You placed at Worlds. Good job. Just accept that that's the only time your past-prime rogue deck had ever topped and move on.
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Daily reminder that the nips at Battle Fiesta wanted a break evolution for a evolution that is already top tier (Crobat) instead of boosting something that could have actually used it.

Looking forward to Vespiquen Break, Bronzong Break, Gallade Break and Garbodor Break before they completely discontinue the mechanic...
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>if a deck can't beat a deck that's specifically tailored to beating it then it's inconsistent trash
I don't mind having BREAK cards that are actually good.
You literally posted six decks that beat it out in our current Standard rotation. Unless you're implying there are six different decks that hard counter Night March, or if by "tailored to beat" you mean "is just a better deck overall because NM isn't T1".
>instead of boosting something that could have actually used it
Like what? Almost every Stage 1/2 card in Standard is shit. What would you want? Typhlosion Break? Magnezone Break?
My original post was commenting on the fact that NM was very popular at my Cities. You followed up by saying "hurr durr bet it didn't win cuz it sux lel" and I said no, it didn't top, because everyone was playing decks that hard counter NM. Now you're just posting to post.
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>Being an undertale poster
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>Being a tomoko poster
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>Being an old guy poster

Uhh, yes. Literally no point in giving Break evolutions to cards that couldn't give a shit if they got one or not. If Typhlosion Break did something like sticking 2 cards from discard to top of deck and Magnezone got back energies from discard to hand every turn people might actually start playing them.

honestly I'm waiting for them to make delphox break utterly useless because they have a 99% chance of having no clue what to do with it
good shit, thanks for the reply. i really want to find a way to make these Break cards work
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>people arguing for SEVERAL THREADS now over how good night march is
You are all retarded. I'm not sure how this is even an argument when ALL the data on every deck's performance is available for everyone to see.
It's not subjective. You can plainly see how any deck did over the course of the season and how it's performance CHANGED as a result of the shifting meta (because guess what, no deck is "tier 1" or "tier 2" forever in every meta). Please just refer to this link and be done with it.
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>being a Chen poster
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>Being a stuffed monkey poster
Because of Pokemon's shitty overall card design, some Pokemon are simply unusable. I don't think anyone would be satisfied if they released Bellossom Break or Leavanny Break or Ludicolo Break because those cards are unusable shit, meaning unless the Break card is so absolutely powerful, it would be a wasted slot in a pack.

So TPC's only choices are to print good Stage 2 Pokemon in future packs (which they've proven requires too much competency on their part to do), or for the community to just tell them to make Breaks of Stage 2s that are actually good. Magnezone or Typhlosion would be fun which is why I listed them, but that's all of two cards that are particularly viable in their tier. Packs look like they'll have five Breaks each, and I bet you'd struggle to name ten Stage 2s that would become viable via a Break.
>being an image poster
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>Packs look like they'll have five Breaks each, and I bet you'd struggle to name ten Stage 2s that would become viable via a Break.

To go off existing lines and assuming they print attributes that have synergy or improve upon the base form


Uhh...yeah. You got me. I could only think of nine evolution lines from PHF to BKP that aren't utter trashcans and are improvable to actual viability outside of a miracle. Even then some are pushing it.
Don't forget Vileplume.
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>being a shitposter
how would you expand on vileplume? give it giratina's attack?

I deliberately omitted Vileplume because it was perhaps the most completely unnecessary lockshit to give a near-reprint of since Garbodor.

>yeah let's reprint garbodor when all the best decks don't even use abilities outside of shaymin-EX and hex maniac exists
Great, now compare how viable those Pokemon are with the current Break lineup. I'd argue that Noivern, Greninja, Chesnaught, Raichu, and Zoroark are all just as viable as everything you listed, if not moreso. And how did a Break affect those cards and decks? Did Greninja suddenly become playable? Do you see people bringing Noivern to regionals? Are people even running Raichu and Zoroark Break in their respective decks?

You listed a bunch of fun rogue cards that are great for casual play, but nowhere near anything competitive. I bet most people don't even know what either PC Sceptile or RS Metagross even do. Do you think adding a Stage 3 to those will magically push them into competitive viability? Swampert's the only big name there, but he's a one-of in Archie decks.

Don't get me wrong, it would be fun to play with each of those decks again, but even with a Break they wouldn't stand up to the meta. Even the two Break cards you proposed in >>25034031 wouldn't change that, and I'd be willing to play several proxy matches with you to prove so.

And the worst part is you're assuming TPC could actually analyze those cards and competently come up with a viable improvement via a Break. Even if you were right, TPC could never pull it off.

Raichu and Zoroark are waaaaay better than anything else there, yet their Break was utterly unused because they didn't need it given their base form. Noivern's issue is that it doesn't do anything apart from attack, that's with the dodgy dragon-exclusive energy requirement so it's not even good at that. Greninja no one really knows yet but probably won't go anywhere. Chesnaught is genuine trash because TPCi keeps printing quad retreat mons with slow attacks and no utility.

>You listed a bunch of fun rogue cards that are great for casual play, but nowhere near anything competitive.
>Do you think adding a Stage 3 to those will magically push them into competitive viability?

If they were good enough, yes. Doesn't need to be some absurdly overclocked cheap attack either. Of course, me designing nine different attributes is never going to happen in a reasonable time frame (see also until the thread 404s in a few days) but ey.

>Even the two Break cards you proposed in >>25034031 (You) wouldn't change that, and I'd be willing to play several proxy matches with you to prove so.
You probably would, both on the grounds that they're probably still too weak and that I'm not very good at Standard.

>And the worst part is you're assuming TPC could actually analyze those cards and competently come up with a viable improvement via a Break. Even if you were right, TPC could never pull it off.

This is true. Just look at Luxray Break.
>About to put my parallel city
>it skips my turn
>he now has a ninetail
>I can't put my stadium
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Don't hate the poster, hate the game.
>People still blame the wrong entity for specific PTCG woes

Remember, any thing that is wrong with the game design and mechanics resides with the people from Pokemon Card Lab in Japan. For everything else related to international releases and PTCGO, you have TPCi to lay your blame on
Are you obliged to get primal clash as your daily bonus booster? It's been primal clash since I started (Almost 2 months playing)
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>>25030184 Here, Did I do good?
Fantastic. I'm guessing you did the 4-ticket tournament, meaning you got 2 Breakthrough and 1 Random, right? What was the pack?

Regardless, remember not to open them and start thinking about what deck you want to make first so you can trade for it.
Nah, there are no 4-ticket theme tournaments on demand right now, I won 3 tickets

Im thinking of sableye/garbodor right now. sableye is my favorite poke.
beginner here
what happens if you run out of cards in your deck?
Hint: You don't win
If you go to draw at the start of your next turn and there's nothing there, you lose

But, that only happens at the start of the turn. So, if you have 6 cards left and you play Sycamore, you won't lose until your next turn.
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>make new deck last night
>win one battle, think maybe I have something going on
>immediately lose to a guy with a Pyroar deck and another with an EX Sceptile
I just can't get good.
Losing two times is no reason to get discouraged dude. Even losing two hundred times isn't a reason to get discouraged. That's how you figure out how to improve your strategy + what cards you use.
So, Im grinding tickets with Dark Hammer and I am winning tournaments left and right, but I still have no idea when to go first and when to go last.

Any advice?
With theme decks you should pretty much always be going first when you win the flip. You get more time to set up your slow ass theme deck's energy and evolutions.

Generally, the only real decks that ever want to go second are very aggressive decks such as Night March that want to set-up/attack/OHKO immediately and get ahead on the prize trade.
Yeah, basically what this anon said. If you think you will be able to attack with one energy attachment, you want to go second, attack first. If not, you want to go first, attack second.
>losing to pyroar

i play pyroar pretty regularly. rethink your deck, because pyroar depends heavily on donking and setting up a conditional wall. both are pretty easy to get around. pyroar has tons of counters and you can easily play around donk decks just by being smart about what you attach energies to.
Suddendly I'm on a losing streak

Is there a hidden elo system in TCGO? I started a few days ago and it was fairly smooth sail but lately I can barely win anything, as if I'm secretly being ranked
Should I attend a BREAKPoint pre-release? I own no physical cards, is the tournament like a draft game?
Yeah , they gave you 6-7 packs. You have to build a deck of 40 cards with those packs.
Sometimes they provide energy cards
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>about to lose a pretty one sided game
>Your opponent was unable to draw a card at the beginning of the turn.
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>guy is trying to stall me out with a Wailord-EX when I only need one more prize
>only a few cards left
>draw Gengar
>kill something on his bench
>he gets mad as fuck
Every time. Video related. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQsivruSEEE
So which XY sets are going to be removed from Standard this year?
Ticket-reward tournaments are a waste of time. You will rarely if ever find good players on them; you're better off using the time to play ladder to grind for packs.

Yes, there's Elo. It's not hidden. It's based on your progression through the Ladder challenges.

The current guess is XY-Furious Fists.
RIP rollerskate waifu
Lame, Lucario/Bats is my go-to deck. Guess I better start playing Manectric/Bats
Probably not going to happen though. I don't see TPCi shrugging their collective shoulders and completely ruining Standard.
They did last year.
just leave, what the fuck can they do about it.

If you want more packs sign up twice and just leave with the packs.

they literally can't stop you
Anyone have a competitive Plasma deck list I can snag, please?
Yes, they rotated out the entirety of BW (11 sets). Before that they rotated out just three sets each year. So the assumption that they're going to rotate out three sets again, in this case XY, Flash Fire, and Furious Fists, would be consistent. They've also reprinted some important cards (DCE, Sycamore, Lysandre, etc).

But if they did rotate out XY-FuF, by September, we'd only have 8 sets in Standard (PHF-XY11), one more than we had at the end of the last rotation. At the end of this theoretical rotation, we would have 11 main sets in Standard. That would make XY's TCG block as big as BW's TCG block.

So they could gimp Standard come September, but if they're focusing on making it "the" format of the TCG, I don't know why they would take so much wind out of its sails after only one year of XY-on.
How many packs should I ask for my SR Energy Switch?
FA Stadium cards when?

check top cut trading
I really fucking hate how the client punishes you with bad luck for winning a lot. I haven't won a coin toss in about 30 matches.
It's obvious it's a thing with how the game matches your decks up against things that counter it and how frequently my opponents lose their coin toss.
the world doesn't revolve around you retard
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What is that card, and where can I buy it?
special collection thing coming out soon in japan
You obviously don't win enough to get fucked by consistently poor RNG. The client is nothing at all like playing IRL because of it.
card we're getting in the Generations set
so you are telling me the game is setting up some algorythms to calculate what deck perfectly counters you, then it searches for people with a deck like that and gives you a longer delay while heading into the next game just to match you against them so it can fuck you over?
you are so self focused are you perhaps a virgin?
Can't find any for the current format, but they were good a year or more ago.
>win like 3 in a row
>start getting, say, grass decks versus your water

Shit's not complicated. Everyone knows the game secretly tracks stats and ladders everyone. The RNG is a mess as well. You will never go to a tournament and get something like a Shaymin start plus no draws 5 games in a row, but in PTCGO it is quite common. But hey, I shouldn't expect a guy with your posting style to understand things like that, or how shitty a representation of the game this client is.
> how the game matches your decks up against things that counter it

haha wow. i can understand the coin flip thing but that's just a lame excuse.
so the mechanic just designed to put good players at a disadvantage works only based on the typing advantage? how come I don't primarily play against fighting-with grass weakness + dark-with purple resistance decks with nightmarch then?
that doesn't explain how the client figures out if you want to go first or second
that doesn't explain how the game figures out that shaymin start is a bad start for this individual matchup and how it knows what cards are a bad draw for the ever changing gamefield.
But keep believing that the ptcgo dev team has some extra branch dedicated to figuring out how to fuck over their sucessful players if that makes you happy, just try not to talk about it because people will laugh at you.
>against some shit lucario/medicham deck
>opponent taking forever
>eventually attacks and its my turn
>immediately "DEFEAT: you were inactive too long"
>in a tournament
nice game tpci
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I can't wait for the spirit links to come out.
The value of these sleeves should hit at least pack 60 each.
Where do you get these things?
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What playmat does everyone use? This is my current one.
I don't play irl pokemon but I have like 20 playmats from the DBZ/Naruto bandai tcgs. They make great mouse pads
Back in late 2014 if you bought any Pokemon stuff from Gamestop, even a single pack, you would get a code that would randomly give you one of 4 card sleeves with matching deck boxes.
Currently these sleeves can go for 40+ packs.
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I like to cycle between my nats, states and regionals mats.
That's awesome. I just got into playing but I know my collection is pretty good. I already got 4 shaymin and 4 toads.
I don't even like that physic pokemon but id use that mat every time because I know it would make nerds mad jelly.

I have this one and people would come up to me all day offering money and when I turned them down their face would just fill up with anger, it made me feel so good.
>not liking Gardevoir
fucks wrong with you
I have a real girlfriend, who I fuck.

I'm more of a Cinccino man anyways. Cute, baller, a natural born killer, and he can chill on my shoulder.
It can be a girl, I don't care. I just like its style and skill link is my favorite ability. I've lived Mega-Khan low kicks and power up punches with Cinccino.
>ready for turn 3 shiftry
>use ultra ball
>its prized
>Enter Theme format tournaments with basic green and get both hitters prized

you're doing it right
Just to add on: Vespiquen/Vileplume has seen a surge at cities, as have seismitoad/manectric/bats decks because they are hard counter. Night March is tier 1 because it can stand up to everything else, is extremely consistent, has large damage output, and tech options in Bronzong and Milotic. I like both variants quite a bit.
That Gardevoir mat is fucking sweet.
Man PTCGO really makes it obvious when a deck of yours is inconsistent with its shit shuffling.

Vileplume/Vespi is trash. I just tried it and 3/4 of my matches required me discarding 2 DCE at once because the shuffling draws 3 in a row. You need to get lucky and get Vileplume with a float stone and two Vespi with a DCE on one and a DCE in hand without wasting any of the others. Bunnelby only goes so far to help as he's Lysandre bait, and if he dies all it takes is a timely Xerosic or a couple dead Vespis and you're boned. It's easily the most luck-based Vespi variant I've tried.
Even if the packs are not tradeable?
>Yes, they rotated out the entirety of BW (11 sets)

They rotated out 5 sets - looking at the old rotations, this is pretty much average. Everything before Boundaries Crossed was already out and everything before Next Destinies had been out the previous year. The actual largest rotation was in 2011 when they rotated out 7 sets.
Don't they mainly base the rotation off blocks/sets? The last rotation cut off everything pre-Plasma, and this rotation cut off everything pre-Gen 6. Wouldn't it make sense for them to cut out the Gen 6 sets (everything pre-PC to separate XY and ORAS) or everything pre-Break come next rotation?
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Man I fucking love these cheap Korean booster boxes on Amazon. 17-22 bucks for 30 packs. Opening them is a blast, nothing beats that new card smell.

Not much of a player but as someone who likes to collect and look at the pretty pictures it's great.
Got none at the moment. Any decent third-party or fan-made ones about?
I still rock out my mtg one. I should definitely invest in a pokemon one though. I'll try looking for a Regi trio theme one
Looked through my old cards and found a SR Crystal Lugia, which was sadly damaged. RIP
Any other relics from that bygone era?
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Got these today, are these any good?
Well I have a couple of piles from the first few sets, but not really anyting noteworthy except for that Lugia, a holo JIrachi and a few others. I'll take a closer look at them tomorrow.
Venusaur is unusable and that M Mewtwo is a meme. If a Spirit Link comes out in the upcoming collection, M Venusaur might be as playable as fucking M Ampharos, and some people run that Mewtwo as a tech in the good M Mewtwo deck to deal with Regice, but they're both ultimately garbage.
Not really

Venusaur-EX is useless, Mega Mewtwo X in particular is not great in a competitive sense.
>dat Greninja Break

I can't wait to KO a bench full of Joltiks and Pumpkaboos in one turn
Oh fuck, I was so focused on getting to snipe Bats and Shaymin that I completely forgot about NM. The numbers are so absolutely perfect, too.

Night March confirmed for unplayable in competitive standard. Not that it was holding on by much.
Deck will get steamrolled by every other deck in the format including, ironically, Night March.
I'm pretty interested in seeing how night march will fare against Greninja anti-night-march. It will definitely take some time to get the Greninjas/Greninja Breaks set up, and night march is famous for taking one long turn to set up. But once you have your Greninjas, you can easily take 2-3 prizes per turn, and traditional Night March decks don't have any way of taking more than one prize per turn.
Greninja BREAK decks will take multiple turns to set up. NM will take one. NM's Pokemon are much less valuable than your Greninja's; they lose a Pumpkaboo or Joltik, they just Teammates for a Revive and a DCE and knock out your Greninja, which you need to win and cannot recur nearly as easily.
Greninja-Break would be a good card if not for the fact it's a fucking stage 3 and hur-dur-big-basics can just blow through it at any time

if you ask me they're being way too fucking jewish with the HP buffs on a stage 2's break evolution, I can understand a stage 1 break being +30/40HP but stage 2 breaks need to be AT LEAST +70HP to be worth it

Florges break having 10 more HP than XY xearneas is just sad
>Turn 2 you can knock out Joltiks
>Turn 3 you can knock out Pumpkins
>This is PER Greninja
Don't forget Frogadier's attack. Or Archie's.
Can Archie's be used to play a Break evolution by itself?
Nope, but you can get Greninja with it.
Unlike with Megas, no. This is because they don't have a printed weakness, resistance, or retreat.
First off, no one is going to rely on Frogadier when Rare Candy is faster. And Archie's is far from a reliable comeback card. So while you're right, you can take multiple prizes per turn, you effectively only have 4, a prize for each Greninja lost. Once you're out of Greninja's, you're fucked, so you have to get multiple Greninjas out early as possible to keep pressure on your NM opponent.

Also Greninja BREAK will not be competitive anyway, so playing the deck to spite NM, when the matchup isn't even auto-win, is counterproductive. Play something that's actually good like Raichu/Bats or Lucario/Bats.


better yet, go for the T1 BKP Greninja with archies, use its shadow slip attack and watch as they flounder from being unable to use shaymin, bronzong or milotic
Is it true that if you win Regionals in the UK it's an instant invite to World's?
...or just play Hex Maniac?
Ive heard you can get invited to worlds by winning a ton of little tournys because of points so I guess winning a regional could give you that many points.
Yeah, I read something like that last year, just wondering if it's still the case. I think the required points for Brits is significantly lower due to how few events we have available to us.
>no one is going to rely on Frogadier when Rare Candy
That's good, because no one implied you were going to "rely" on it. But you're retarded if you don't think instantly getting out FOUR Frogadiers in a Stage 2 deck is unusable.

>And Archie's is far from a reliable comeback card.
No one says it's a comeback card. Just like with Frogadier, you're acting like this is the deck's singular play, instead of one of several options the deck has access to.

>you effectively only have 4, a prize for each Greninja lost
That's like saying Night March only has four prizes because you only have 4 DCE. Not only can you recycle Greninjas (like with Archie's, the card you were JUST talking about), but the deck's whole gimmick is sniping for prizes and riding threats. Not to mention you can swing for 50 if you have to, which is more than enough against NM.

>playing the deck to spite NM
That's like saying I'm running the deck to spite M Glalie or Dragonite EX. NM's going to lose against a LOT of matchups, Greninja just happens to be a hard counter.
Found it
We were right, its a points system
That's good, because no one implied you were going to "rely" on it. But you're retarded if you don't think instantly getting out FOUR Frogadiers in a Stage 2 deck is unusable.
Rare Candy and Frogadier are contradictory, you'd run one or the other. And Rare Candy means Turn 2 Greninja. Unless you go second, Wally and attack, Frogadier takes three turns.
>No one says it's a comeback card. Just like with Frogadier, you're acting like this is the deck's singular play, instead of one of several options the deck has access to.
This deck does not have access to Archie just because it uses Water. Entire decks have to be built around Archie.
>That's like saying Night March only has four prizes because you only have 4 DCE.
Except NM can run Revive and Milotic to recycle Pokemon and DCE's, not to mention Bronzongs for Metal recycling. Greninja has no such recycling mechanisms.
>NM's going to lose against a LOT of matchups, Greninja just happens to be a hard counter.
And that's why it's a tier 1 deck while Greninja will be rogue despite that fact.
>buy some codes on ebay
>he uploads fucking thumbnails
>still no bundle.
It's coming.
I'm sure I just need to wait a little longer.
Is there a Mega Slowbro card?
No, there's no Slowbro-EX.
There are only 2-3 Megas released per pack and a small amount of promo ones, so a majority of Megas probably won't ever get printed.
Damn, that's sad. Thanks anons.
Which Mewtwo-EX should I run?
Damage Change + Shrine of Memories is actually pretty great, but the only viable M Mewtwo build runs only Bronzong + Steel energies, meaning you have to pick between a good deck or a good Mewtwo.
Or play Expanded and have the best Mewtwo.
I think Mewtwo/Shrine is a viable deck. And ironically Mewtwo EX NXD is the reason M Mewtwo is sketchy in expanded.
1) What the hell trainers and energy do I use for Manectric/Bats
2) Flash Energy worth it, or just stick to basic Lightning?
I play 2 flash. They can be useful
>Psychic's Mind Reading in BP
Fucking why? Why buff Night March?
Thanks. Mind posting your decklist, that might answer my other question

>M-Salamence hasn't been printed yet
>M-Garchomp hasn't been printed yet
>M-Sharpedo hasn't been printed yet
>M-Metagross was deliberately made shit
>M-Blaziken was deliberately made shit
>M-Swampert was deliberately made shit

>M-Audino is being printed

They've not quite got their priorities sorted, have they?
Not really a buff.

>only edgy bro-mons get Megas
How's being 12?
>Caitlin Discarder
>not a buff to Night March

ultra ball accomplishes the same thing without being a supporter
4 copies of BC and Ultra Ball get the job done without being a supporter.
Not him, but half the time I go against Night March, my opponent struggles to actually get shit in the grave. I mean, a single BC only nets you 80 damage.

Having another means of dumping from the hand that also boosts consistency and scouts is nice. Not that this is going to make Night March relevant, it's just a neat new tech.
Bundle is FINALLY in, fuck

>650 tokens
>1x Meganium Prime
>3x Undaunted 10-card packs

Not sure if it's worth it. Should have been CoL.
That's extended shit right?
>Not that this is going to make Night March relevant
It didn't top until Worlds, didn't win Worlds, then hasn't topped since.
I'm still trying to figure out how two of the same rogue deck topped at Worlds. I'm guessing no one was building for it.
Based on its cities performance it's tier 1 in standard
Post results. Everything I've seen has said the opposite, so I'm interested.
It's worth it.
Why? Doesn't look like there's anything valuable in it.
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>HGSS Undaunted bundle with Meganium prime promo
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>bundles with nothing playable in either format
What's the best bronzong deck?
M Mewtwo EX.
>either format
>implying only 2 formats
unlimited, m8.
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you can't be serious
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Yeah, but they are nice for the collection.
Too bad it wasn't a HGSS pack that had usable reprints, but I'm still happy with what I pulled.
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>go to trade chat to try to see if I can save a pack or two
>faggots trying to offer me worse trades than public offers
every time
Yes. Improving your deck means more Tournament wins, which means better tradeable cards.

More tickets don't matter if you can't turn them into packs.
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new and improved senpai

>not using tomorrow
>not making it transparent
what the fuck are you doing

creating ORIGINAL content unlike you
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So I got a bunch of codes for theme decks in a random lot recently. I noticed you can mark the decks "for trade" but can't select them in public trades. do I have to set up private trades to move these things? How many packs does a theme deck usually trade for?
I'll give you 0.5 AO for it.
Mind Wipe is worth 1 pack. Use the Trade chat if you want a better deal than that.
I'll pay 2 packs and an undisclosed EX
>meloetta ex :^)
>I'll even throw in a Reshiram-EX ;)

you are aware they literally couldn't think of anything to make mega audino useful or interesting yet chose it above absolutely every other gen 5 mon right? even the intro video for it pre-ORAS release couldn't make it seem good
>play Shiftry
>opponent starts with Baltoy
>starts spamming the whole game about how I should give up and how he's won
>gets mad I don't give up
>I put out Mewtwo and kill it

Every time. No greater satisfaction, especially when the game does nothing but throw those decks at my Shiftry deck for some reason.
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>he didn't have support to take down mewtwo

Aslo you are cancer for donking.
>implying the unlimited Shiftry meta isn't fun as fuck, while quickly giving coins/points
>I don't like it
>so no one can like it

I guess it's hard being 12 after all
>implying anti-donk decks aren't even more fun.
Send a ticket and tell support. This happened to me with Basic Yellow (My tutorial was broken and wouldn't let me advance, so no yellow deck). They'll give you one no problem if it is missing.
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I did it again guys.
This is suffering.
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I just saw one of these at my local Walmart the other day for $12.99 and decided to snag it. I thought it was a steal for a beginner like myself due to having two landorous-ex, a lucario-ex, and a shaymin-ex in it, amongst other things.

However, the back's of all the cards aren't traditional, and all of the cards have a silver edge around them, unlike the normal gold. Are these cards official/legal to play? Did I make a mistake buying it?
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Are you literally me?
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Pic also related

None of them are legal to play but if you're among friends and are using sleeves then who the fuck cares?

The answer to that question is my friends, who were massive faggots about the whole thing.

But seriously they are good for testing in case you want to try a deck archtype out without buying all the cards.
Yes, the cards are 100% illegal.

>thinking you could just buy a complete competitive deck for $12
You deserve to waste your money.

On the flip side, you said you were a beginner, so this deck will help teach you how to play competitively.
Well, yes and no.
Yes this was a mistake IRL.
But as far as the online game goes that code is useful.
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That's what I figured after I opened them. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Stuck 'em in sleeves so my friends won't know the difference. Thanks for the info!

I thought it was too good to be true. We lives and we learns. Noobs gonna noob. I didn't even want the full competitive deck, I just bought it for EX's, bats, ssu's, and strong energies.

Yeah, it was a mistake. And that code was only good for a deck box and sleeves online.
>el sapo negro
kek, who built this deck?
>And that code was only good for a deck box and sleeves online.
Which you can trade for some packs. Don't remember the going rate for them, though.

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